diff --git a/arch/build_arch-auto.sh b/arch/build_arch-auto.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee00cfd92b56fa65f770dcde04e1ac7ee034dba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/build_arch-auto.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+set -u
+#- Choice of the options ---
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+    case $( echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ) in
+	-h|--help) cat <<'EOF'
+build_arch-auto.sh should automatically find all necessary information by itself...
+However the following environment variables or their corresponding optional arguments can be used
+to force the default and automatic definition of the variables used by build_arch-auto.sh
+Environment variables that can be defined
+  NETCDF_C_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-C library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_C_PREFIX/include)
+	     - set it to "no" if you don't want to use NetCDF library
+	     - if not defined : we look for the path of the command "nc-config"
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_C_prefix
+  NETCDF_F_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-Fortran library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/include)
+	     - if not defined : we use "nc-config  --flibs" to find it
+	     - not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no"
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_F_prefix
+  HDF5_prefix : prefix of the HFD5 library ($HDF5_PREFIX/lib)
+	     - if not defined : we use "nc-config  --cflags" and "h5pcc -showconfig" to find it
+	     - not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no"
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --HDF5_prefix
+  XIOS_prefix : prefix of the XIOS library ($XIOS_PREFIX/lib) and include ($XIOS_PREFIX/inc)
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --XIOS_prefix
+  OASIS_prefix : prefix of the OASIS library ($OASIS_PREFIX/lib) and
+	     include ($OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct and $OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1)
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --OASIS_prefix
+  LIBMpath : path of the m library (standard C library of basic mathematical functions)
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --LIBMpath
+  CURLpath : path of the curl library
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --CURLpath
+  ZLIBpath : path of the z library
+  	     Can also be specified with the optional argument --ZLIBpath
+  FCnemo : fortran compiler
+  	   Can also be specified with the optional argument --FCnemo
+  CCnemo : C compiler (used only for AGRIF conv)
+  	   Can also be specified with the optional argument --CCnemo
+  CPPnemo : cpp compiler
+  	    Can also be specified with the optional argument --CPPnemo
+  MKnemo : make 
+  	   Can also be specified with the optional argument --MKnemo
+  ARnemo : archiver
+           Can also be specified with the optional argument --ARnemo
+	   exit 0 ;;
+	--netcdf_c_prefix) NETCDF_C_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
+	--netcdf_f_prefix) NETCDF_F_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
+	--hdf5_prefix)     HDF5_prefix=${2}     ; shift ;;
+	--xios_prefix)     XIOS_prefix=${2}     ; shift ;;
+	--oasis_prefix)    OASIS_prefix=${2}    ; shift ;;
+	--libmpath)        LIBMpath=${2}        ; shift ;;
+	--curlpath)        CURLpath=${2}        ; shift ;;
+	--zlibpath)        ZLIBpath=${2}        ; shift ;;
+	--fcnemo)          FCnemo=${2}          ; shift ;;
+	--ccnemo)          CCnemo=${2}          ; shift ;;
+	--cppnemo)         CPPnemo=${2}         ; shift ;;
+	--mknemo)          MKnemo=${2}          ; shift ;;
+	--arnemo)          ARnemo=${2}          ; shift ;;
+	*) echo -e "\033[0;31m\nERROR: \"$1\" BAD OPTION\033[0m\n"
+	   exit 2 ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+echo_red () {
+    echo
+    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;31m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
+echo_green () {
+    echo
+    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
+echo_orange () {
+    echo
+    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;33m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
+# check the exit status of which 
+err_which () { which ${1} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? ; }
+# call err_which and print and error message
+chk_which () {
+    if [ $( err_which ${!1} ) -ne 0 ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: ${2^} ${!1} not found." \
+		 "       please define your ${2,} path with 'export $1=...'"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+# find fortran wrapper
+find_fortran_wrapper () {
+    if   [ $( err_which mpiifort ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpiifort
+    elif [ $( err_which mpif90   ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpif90
+    elif [ $( err_which ftn      ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=ftn
+    else
+	echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"mpiifort\" nor \"mpif90\" nor \"ftn\"." \
+		 "       please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+# find the fortran compiler associated with the fortran wrapper $FCnemo
+find_fortran_compiler () {
+    if   [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci            gcc ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="gnu"
+    elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci          ifort ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="intel"
+    elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci "Cray Fortran" ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="cray"
+    else
+	echo_red "ERROR: the fortran wrapper $FCnemo does not correspond to the gnu, the intel or the cray compiler" \
+		 "       please use one of these compilers or add your compiler in $0"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+# NetCDF
+if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ]
+    echo_orange "WARNING: You chose to compile without any NetCDF Library" \
+		"     1)  You must use --nonetcdf when calling makenemo" \
+		"     2)  You won't be able to read/write any input/output file when running nemo" \
+		"         -> You can run only the BENCH test" \
+		"     3)  You can neither use XIOS nor OASIS" \
+    NETCDF_F_prefix=no
+    HDF5_prefix=no
+    XIOS_prefix=no
+    OASIS_prefix=no
+    NCDF_INC=""
+    NCDF_LIB=""
+    XIOS_INC=""
+    XIOS_LIB=""    
+    OASIS_INC=""
+    OASIS_LIB=""
+    if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "notdef" ]
+    then
+	if [ $( err_which nc-config ) -ne 0 ]   # use nc-config to define NETCDF_C_prefix
+	then
+	    echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found." \
+		     "       please define either your path to the NETCDF_C with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=...'" \
+		     "       or specify you don't want to use NetCDF with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=no'" \
+	    exit 2
+	fi    
+       	NC_CONFIG=nc-config
+	NETCDF_C_prefix=$( $NC_CONFIG --prefix  )
+    else
+	NC_CONFIG=$NETCDF_C_prefix/bin/nc-config   # assume that nc-config is in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin
+	nbok=$( ls $NC_CONFIG 2>/dev/null | wc -l )   # check if we have nc-config
+	if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
+	then
+	    echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin" ; exit 2
+	fi
+    fi
+    # do we have the proper path to the netcdf library?
+    nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libnetcdf* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
+    if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: netcdf library not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
+    else
+	echo_green "NETCDF_C_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix"
+    fi
+    # do we have NetCDF-Fortran?
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-fortran )" != "yes" ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran " ; exit 2
+    fi
+    # do we have NetCDF-F90 interface?
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-f03 )" != "yes" ]
+    then
+	if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-f90 )" != "yes" ]
+	then
+	    echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran F90 interface" ; exit 2
+	fi
+    fi
+    # NetCDF fortran prefix
+    NETCDF_F_prefix=${NETCDF_F_prefix:-notdef}
+    if [ "$NETCDF_F_prefix" == "notdef" ]
+    then
+	# get the path of the netcdff library
+	NETCDF_F_prefix=$( $NC_CONFIG --flibs | sed -e "s/.*\(-L\|-rpath,\)\([^ ]*\)\/lib  *-lnetcdff.*/\2/" )
+        [ -z $NETCDF_F_prefix ] && NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix   # empty -> we try NETCDF_C_prefix
+    fi
+    # do we have the proper path to the netcdff library?
+    nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib/libnetcdff* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
+    if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: netcdff library not found in $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
+    else
+        echo_green "NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_F_prefix"
+    fi
+    # do we have nc4?
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-nc4 )" != "yes" ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: no nc4 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2
+    fi
+    # do we have hdf5?
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-hdf5 )" != "yes" ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: no hdf5 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2
+    fi
+    HDF5_prefix=${HDF5_prefix:-notdef}
+    if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ]
+    then
+	# look for libhdf5 in the paths found in nc-config --cflags
+	for dd in $( $NC_CONFIG --cflags | sed -e "s/-I//g" )
+	do
+	    nbok=$( ls $dd/../lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
+	    [ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$( dirname $dd )
+	done
+    fi
+    if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ]   # not found any libhdf5 file... try "h5pcc -showconfig"
+    then
+	if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ]   # do we have h5pcc?
+	then
+	    HDF5_prefix=$( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Installation point" | sed -e "s/.*: //" )
+	    [ -z $HDF5_prefix ] && HDF5_prefix=notdef # empty -> back to "notdef"
+	fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ]   # still not found any libhdf5 file... try $NETCDF_C_prefix
+    then
+	nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
+	[ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix
+    fi
+    if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ]   # still not found any libhdf5 file...
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: HDF5_prefix not found." \
+		 "       please define it with 'export HDF5_prefix=...'" ; exit 2
+    fi
+    # do we have the proper path to the hdf5 library?
+    nbok=$( ls $HDF5_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
+    if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
+    then
+	echo_red "ERROR: hdf5 library not found in $HDF5_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
+    else
+	echo_green "HDF5_prefix=$HDF5_prefix"
+    fi
+    # do we have netcdf parallel?
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-parallel )" != "yes" ]
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: your netcdf library cannot write in parallel" \
+		    "         you can use only 'the one_file' mode in XOS"
+    fi
+    if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ]
+    then
+	if [ $( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Parallel HDF5" | grep -c yes ) -ne 1 ]
+	then
+	    echo_orange "WARNING: your hdf5 library was configured without --enable-parallel" \
+			"         you cannot use only the 'one_file' mode in XOS"
+	fi
+    fi
+    # curl
+    CURLpath=${CURLpath:-notdef}
+    if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --dap )" == "yes" ]
+    then
+	if [ "$CURLpath" == "notdef" ]
+	then
+	    if [ $( err_which curl ) -eq 0 ]
+	    then
+		CURLpath="-L$( dirname $( ls -1 $( dirname $( dirname $( which curl ) ) )/*/libcurl* | head -n 1 ) )"
+		echo_green "CURLpath=$CURLpath"
+	    else
+		CURLpath=""
+	    fi    
+	fi
+	CURLlib="$CURLpath -lcurl"
+    else
+	CURLlib=""
+    fi
+    # Zlib: compression library
+    Zlib="${ZLIBpath:-""} -lz"
+    # libM: standard C library of basic mathematical functions
+    libM="${LIBMpath:-""} -lm"
+    # NCDF_INC and NCDF_LIB
+    NCDF_INC="-I%NCDF_F_PREFIX/include -I%NCDF_C_PREFIX/include"
+    NCDF_LIB="-L%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdff -L%NCDF_C_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdf -L%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 $CURLlib $Zlib $libM"
+# fortran Compileur
+nompi=0 # default
+if [ "$FCnemo" == "notdef" ]
+    if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ]
+    then
+	find_fortran_wrapper
+    else
+	FCnemo=$( $NC_CONFIG --fc ) # use nc-config to find the fortran compiler
+	[ -z $FCnemo ] && find_fortran_wrapper # if $FCnemo is empty try to find it...
+	chk_which FCnemo "fortran compiler"
+	# does the fortran compiler start with the 3 letters mpi or ftn
+	ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' )
+	if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ]
+	then
+	    echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler provided by nc-config \"$FCnemo\" is not starting with \"mpi\" or \"ftn\"." \
+			"         we look for mpiifort, mpif90 or ftn..."
+	    FCnemo_org=$FCnemo
+	    find_fortran_compiler
+	    ftncomp_org=$ftncomp
+	    find_fortran_wrapper
+	    find_fortran_compiler
+	    if [ "$ftncomp" != "$ftncomp_org" ]
+	    then
+		echo_red "ERROR: \"$FCnemo\" and \"$FCnemo_org\" are refering to different compilers: \"$ftncomp\" and \"$ftncomp_org\"" \
+			 "       please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'"
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	fi
+    fi
+    ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' ) # the fortran compiler does not start with mpi or ftn...
+    if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ]
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler you provided does not start with mpi or ftn." \
+		    "         you must compile nemo with key_mpi_off and you cannot run nemo in parallel"
+	nompi=1
+    fi
+echo_green "FCnemo=$FCnemo"
+# C Compileur (not critical, needed only for the conv of AGRIF)
+# first guess
+case "$ftncomp" in
+    intel) guess=${CCnemo:-icc}	;;
+    gnu)   guess=${CCnemo:-gcc}	;;
+    cray)  guess=${CCnemo:-cc}	;;
+    *)     guess=${CCnemo:-""}	;;
+listcc="$guess gcc cc icc"  # try $guess and other usuals C compilers... 
+for ii in $listcc
+    [ $( err_which $ii ) -eq 0 ] && [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ] && CCnemo=$ii
+if [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ]
+    echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"gcc\" nor \"icc\" nor \"cc\"." \
+	     "       please define your C compiler with 'export CCnemo=...'"
+    exit 1
+# CPP
+chk_which CPPnemo "pre-compiler"
+echo_green "CPPnemo=$CPPnemo"
+[ "$ftncomp" == "gnu" ] || [ "$ftncomp" == "cray" ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_nosignedzero"
+[ $nompi     -eq  1   ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_mpi_off"
+case "$ftncomp" in
+    intel)
+	PROD_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -xHost -fno-alias"
+	DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge"
+	echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \
+		    "         If it is not the case, replace -xHost by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS"
+	;;
+    gnu)
+	PROD_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -O3 -march=native -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none" 
+	DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -Og -g -fbacktrace -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fcheck=all -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -ffpe-summary=invalid,zero,overflow"
+	rev=$( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/.* \([0-9]*\).*/\1/" )
+	# if gfortran version >= 10 : add -fallow-argument-mismatch 
+	if [ $rev -ge 10 ]
+	then
+	    PROD_FCFLAGS="$PROD_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch" 
+	    DEBUG_FCFLAGS="$DEBUG_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch"
+	fi
+	echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \
+		    "         If it is not the case, replace -march=native by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS"
+	;;
+    cray)
+	PROD_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -O2 -hflex_mp=intolerant"
+	DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -Ovector0 -hfp0 -O0 -hflex_mp=intolerant -e mCI -G0 -m2 -rl -Rcdsp -N1023"
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo_red "ERROR: compilation options for $ftncomp are not defined..."
+	exit 1
+	;;
+if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" != "no" ]
+    # XIOS
+    XIOS_prefix=${XIOS_prefix:-notdef}
+    if [ "$XIOS_prefix" == "notdef" ]
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: XIOS_prefix not specified" \
+		    "         either define it with 'export XIOS_prefix=...'" \
+ 		    "         or don't use key_xios when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to use XIOS)."
+    else
+	XIOS_LIB="-L%XIOS_PREFIX/lib -lxios -lstdc++ "    
+    fi
+    # OASIS
+    OASIS_prefix=${OASIS_prefix:-notdef}
+    if [ "$OASIS_prefix" == "notdef" ]
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: OASIS_prefix not specified" \
+		    "         either define it with 'export OASIS_prefix=...'" \
+		    "         or don't use key_oasis3 when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to run coupled simulations)."
+    else
+	OASIS_INC="-I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct -I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1"
+	OASIS_LIB="-L%OASIS_PREFIX/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip"    
+    fi
+#   make
+mkerr=$( err_which make )
+gmkerr=$( err_which gmake )
+if [ $( err_which $MKnemo ) -ne 0 ]   # no make found
+    if [ $mkerr -eq 0 ]   # make found
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to make"
+	MKnemo=make
+    else
+	if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ]   # gmake found
+	then
+	    echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to gmake"
+	    MKnemo=gmake
+	else
+	    echo_red "ERROR: gnu make not found, please define its path with 'export MKnemo=...'"
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+    fi
+isgnu=$( $MKnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ic gnu )   # make is gmake
+if [ $isgnu -ne 1 ]
+    if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ]   # gmake found
+    then
+	echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo is not gnu make, we switch to gmake"
+	MKnemo=gmake
+    else
+	echo_red "ERROR: $MKnemo is not gnu make and gmake not found." \
+		 "       please define gnu make path with 'export MKnemo=...'"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+echo_green "MKnemo=$MKnemo"
+# ar command
+chk_which ARnemo "archiver"
+echo_green "ARnemo=$ARnemo"
+# write arch file
+cat > $archname << EOF
+# This arch file was automatically created by $0
+# $( date ) 
+%NCDF_C_PREFIX       $NETCDF_C_prefix
+%NCDF_F_PREFIX       $NETCDF_F_prefix
+%HDF5_PREFIX         $HDF5_prefix
+%XIOS_PREFIX         $XIOS_prefix
+%OASIS_PREFIX        $OASIS_prefix
+%NCDF_INC            $NCDF_INC
+%NCDF_LIB            $NCDF_LIB
+%XIOS_INC            $XIOS_INC
+%XIOS_LIB            $XIOS_LIB
+%OASIS_INC           $OASIS_INC
+%OASIS_LIB           $OASIS_LIB
+%CPP	             $CPPnemo
+%FC                  $FCnemo 
+%FFLAGS              %FCFLAGS
+%LD                  %FC
+%FPPFLAGS            -P -traditional
+%AR                  $ARnemo
+%ARFLAGS             rs
+%MK                  $MKnemo
+%CC                  $CCnemo
+%CFLAGS              -O0
+# Additional module search command for Cray Fortran to enable successful parallel builds
+if [ $ftncomp == "cray" ] ; then
+    echo "bld::tool::fc_modsearch -J" >> $archname
+echo "Content of the created $archname:"
+echo "-------------------------------------"
+cat $archname