From 59ab3d22d9935f4afaed1dc168f9b73166b3d6b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Masson <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 16:09:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] further cleaning of makenemo

 makenemo           | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 tests/rmt_cfgs.txt |  3 --
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/rmt_cfgs.txt

diff --git a/makenemo b/makenemo
index fc190f8d..7b20c3c3 100755
--- a/makenemo
+++ b/makenemo
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ MAIN_DIR=${MAIN_DIR%/ext*}
 export MAIN_DIR
-export CONFIG_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/cfgs
+export CFGS_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/cfgs
 export TESTS_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/tests
 export TOOLS_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/tools
 export COMPIL_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/mk
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ export NEMO_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/${x_s}
 export AGRIFUSE='10'
 list_key='0'; chk_key='1'
 list_add_key=''; list_def_key=''; list_del_key=''
 #- FCM and functions location ---
 export PATH=${MAIN_DIR}/ext/FCM/bin:$PATH
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ done
 if [ -n "$x_name" ]   # is the configuration existing in cfgs or tests? or is it a new conf?
-    incfg=$( find $CONFIG_DIR -type d -name $x_name | wc -l )   # this configuration exists in CONFIG_DIR
+    incfg=$( find $CFGS_DIR -type d -name $x_name | wc -l )   # this configuration exists in CFGS_DIR
     intst=$( find $TESTS_DIR  -type d -name $x_name | wc -l )   # this configuration exists in TESTS_DIR
     [[ $incfg -eq 0 && $intst -eq 0 ]] && x_n=$x_name   # this is a new configuration       -> dedine/overwrite x_n
     [[ $incfg -eq 1 &&    -z "$x_r" ]] && x_r=$x_name   # this is a reference configuration -> dedine/overwrite x_r
@@ -237,20 +236,19 @@ CMP_NAM=${x_m}
 export NEMO_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/${x_s}
 [ "${CMP_NAM}" == 'all' ] && . ${COMPIL_DIR}/ all && exit
-## No ref. cfg, demo case, nor remote cfg selected
+## No ref. cfg or demo selected
 if [[ -z "${REF_CONF}" && -z "${DEMO_CONF}" ]]; then
 		## Reuse last configuration compiled if any (existing 'work_cfgs.txt')
 #		if [[ $( find ./cfgs ./tests -name work_cfgs.txt ) ]]; then
-#			CONFIG_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/$( ls -rt */work_cfgs.txt | awk -F/ 'END{ print $1}' )
-#			TML_CONF=$( tail -1 ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt | awk '{ print $1 }' )
+#			CFGS_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/$( ls -rt */work_cfgs.txt | awk -F/ 'END{ print $1}' )
+#			TML_CONF=$( tail -1 ${CFGS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt | awk '{ print $1 }' )
 #		else
 			## No ${REF_CONF}, ${DEMO_CONF} nor ${NEM_SUBDIR} and 1st compilation => exit
 #			echo -e "\033[0;33m\nNo previous build found!"
@@ -259,52 +257,51 @@ if [[ -z "${REF_CONF}" && -z "${DEMO_CONF}" ]]; then
 			exit 2
 #		fi
 ## At least one config has been requested
-	## 'all' arg: list all available configurations
-	if [[ "${REF_CONF}" == 'all' || "${DEMO_CONF}" == 'all' ]]; then
-		exit 2
-   ## Probably useless but who knows?
-	elif [[ -n "${REF_CONF}" && -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]]; then
-		echo -e "\033[0;31m\nYou have to choose whether you work with:"
-		echo -e "  - LTS configurations in ./cfgs  ('-r') or"
-		echo -e "  - Unsupported cases  in ./tests ('-a')\033[0m\n"
-		exit 2
-	fi
-	## Demo case
-	if [ -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]; then
-		conf_file=demo_cfgs.txt; CONFIG_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/tests; TML_CONF=${DEMO_CONF}
-	fi
+## 'all' arg: list all available configurations
+if [[ "${REF_CONF}" == 'all' || "${DEMO_CONF}" == 'all' ]]; then
+    ${COMPIL_DIR}/
+    exit 2
+    ## Probably useless but who knows?
+elif [[ -n "${REF_CONF}" && -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]]; then
+    echo -e "\033[0;31m\nYou have to choose whether you work with:"
+    echo -e "  - LTS configurations in ./cfgs  ('-r') or"
+    echo -e "  - Unsupported cases  in ./tests ('-a')\033[0m\n"
+    exit 2
+elif [ -n "${REF_CONF}" ]; then
+    conf_file=ref_cfgs.txt ; export CONFIG_DIR=${CFGS_DIR} ; TML_CONF=${REF_CONF}
+elif [ -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]; then
+    conf_file=demo_cfgs.txt; export CONFIG_DIR=${TESTS_DIR}; TML_CONF=${DEMO_CONF}
+## Reuse a working cfg
+grep -q "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt 2>/dev/null && conf_file=work_cfgs.txt
 ## Test if ref. cfg or demo case does exist
-if [[ ! $( grep "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/*_cfgs.txt ) ]]; then
-	echo -e "\033[0;31m\nThe reference configuration ('-r'), demonstration case ('-a') or "
-	echo -e "remote configuration ('-u') selected is not available!!!"
-	echo -e "Check the option used and the available items in .txt files\033[0m"
-	exit 2
+if (! grep -q "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/$conf_file ); then
+    echo -e "\033[0;31m\nThe reference configuration ('-r') or "
+    echo -e "demonstration case ('-a') selected is not available!!!"
+    echo -e "Check the option used and the available items in .txt files\033[0m"
+    ${COMPIL_DIR}/
+    exit 2
+## If new cfg exists, work in it
+if [ -n "${NEW_CONF}" ]
+    echo
+    printf "\nYou are installing a new configuration %s from %s " ${NEW_CONF} ${TML_CONF}
+    printf  "with sub-components: %s\n"  "${NEM_SUBDIR}"
+    echo
-	## Reuse a working cfg
-	if [[ -f ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt && $( grep "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ) ]]; then
-		conf_file=work_cfgs.txt
-	fi
-	## If new cfg exists, work in it
-	[ -z "${NEW_CONF}" ] && NEW_CONF=${TML_CONF}
-	## Update sub-comps if needed
-	if [ -z "${NEM_SUBDIR}" ]; then
-			NEM_SUBDIR=$( grep "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/${conf_file}  | awk '{$1 = ""; print $0}' )
-	fi
+## Update sub-comps if needed
+if [ -z "${NEM_SUBDIR}" ]; then
+    NEM_SUBDIR=$( grep "${TML_CONF} " ${CONFIG_DIR}/${conf_file}  | awk '{$1 = ""; print $0}' )
 export NEMO_TDIR=${x_t:-$CONFIG_DIR}
@@ -316,14 +313,6 @@ echo ${NEW_CONF} "${NEM_SUBDIR}" >> ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt
-if [ -n "${NEW_CONF}" ]
-    echo
-    printf "\nYou are installing a new configuration %s from %s " ${NEW_CONF} ${TML_CONF}
-    printf  "with sub-components: %s\n"  "${NEM_SUBDIR}"
-    echo
 ## Create new config even in existing one (mkdir with -p option, cp with -n)
diff --git a/tests/rmt_cfgs.txt b/tests/rmt_cfgs.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b365fbce..00000000
--- a/tests/rmt_cfgs.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-ISOMIP     # GYRE      # OCE      #
-IRISHSEA   # GYRE      # OCE      #