diff --git a/makenemo b/makenemo
index d2f9c0304111e2049a72c3427dc4f9879e25b4b9..0ae6d05904e644f40ed99c4134213e09c3b4645c 100755
--- a/makenemo
+++ b/makenemo
@@ -239,34 +239,49 @@ NEMO_DBG=${x_b}
 [ "${CMP_NAM}" == 'all' ] && . ${COMPIL_DIR}/Flist_archfile.sh all && exit
-## 'all' arg: list all available configurations
-if [[ "${REF_CONF}" == 'all' || "${DEMO_CONF}" == 'all' ]]; then
-    ${COMPIL_DIR}/Flist_cfgs.sh
-    exit 2
+# '-r': reference config ('cfgs' directory)
+if [ -n "${REF_CONF}" ]; then
+    conf_file=ref_cfgs.txt ; export CONFIG_DIR=${CFGS_DIR} ; TML_CONF=${REF_CONF}
+# '-a': testcases ('tests' directory)
+elif [ -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]; then
+    conf_file=demo_cfgs.txt; export CONFIG_DIR=${TESTS_DIR}; TML_CONF=${DEMO_CONF}
+# '-n': new or already-existing config (any directory)
+elif [[ -n "${NEW_CONF}" && -z "${conf_file}" ]]; then
+    # already-existing config (check work_cfgs.txt)
+    if [ $( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]; then
+        conf_file=$( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt )
+        export CONFIG_DIR=$( dirname $conf_file ); conf_file=$( basename $conf_file )
+        TML_CONF=${NEW_CONF}
+    # new config (check ref_cfgs.txt & demo_cfgs.txt)
+    elif [ $( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/ref_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/demo_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]; then
+        conf_file=$( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/ref_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/demo_cfgs.txt )
+        export CONFIG_DIR=$( dirname $conf_file ); conf_file=$( basename $conf_file )
+        TML_CONF=${NEW_CONF}
+    # config not found in both cfgs & tests directories
+    else
+        echo -e "\033[0;31m\nUser configuration ${NEW_CONF} not found !"
+        echo -e "Please choose a reference configuration (-r) or a testcase (-a)"
+        echo -e "among this list to create your own configuration (-n):"
+        ${COMPIL_DIR}/Flist_cfgs.sh
+        exit 2
+    fi
+# using both '-r' and '-a' options
 elif [[ -n "${REF_CONF}" && -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]]; then
     echo -e "\033[0;31m\nYou have to choose whether you work with:"
     echo -e "  - LTS configurations in ./cfgs  ('-r') or"
     echo -e "  - Unsupported cases  in ./tests ('-a')\033[0m\n"
     exit 2
-elif [ -n "${REF_CONF}" ]; then
-    conf_file=ref_cfgs.txt ; export CONFIG_DIR=${CFGS_DIR} ; TML_CONF=${REF_CONF}
-elif [ -n "${DEMO_CONF}" ]; then
-    conf_file=demo_cfgs.txt; export CONFIG_DIR=${TESTS_DIR}; TML_CONF=${DEMO_CONF}
-elif [ $( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " */work_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]; then
-    conf_file=$( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt )
-    export CONFIG_DIR=$( dirname $conf_file ); conf_file=$( basename $conf_file )
-elif [ $( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " */work_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 2 ]; then
-    echo -e "\033[0;31m\nUser configuration is present in both"
+# config found in both cfgs & tests directories
+elif [ $( grep -l "^${NEW_CONF} " */work_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]; then
+    echo -e "\033[0;31m\nUser configuration ${NEW_CONF} is present in both"
     echo -e "cfgs/work_cfgs.txt and tests/work_cfgs.txt files"
     echo -e "Please choose only one \033[0m"
     exit 2
-elif ! grep -q "^${NEW_CONF} " ${CFGS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ${TESTS_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt 2> /dev/null; then
-    echo -e "\033[0;31m\nThe reference configuration ('-r') or "
-    echo -e "demonstration case ('-a') selected is not available!!!"
-    echo -e "Check the option used and the available items in .txt files\033[0m"
+# 'all': list all available configurations
+elif [[ "${REF_CONF}" == 'all' || "${DEMO_CONF}" == 'all' ]]; then
-    exit 2
+    exit 0
+# any other case
     exit 2
@@ -328,21 +343,19 @@ fi
-## If new cfg exists, work in it
+## Create new config
 if [ ${TML_CONF} != ${NEW_CONF} ]; then
     printf "\nYou are installing a new configuration %s from %s " ${NEW_CONF} ${TML_CONF}
     if [ -n "${NEM_SUBDIR}" ]; then printf  "with sub-components: %s\n"  "${NEM_SUBDIR}"; fi
+    ${COMPIL_DIR}/Fmake_config.sh ${NEMO_TDIR}/${NEW_CONF} ${CONFIG_DIR}/${TML_CONF}
 ## Save new configuration with sub-components set in work_cfgs.txt
 [ -f ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt ] && sed -i "/^${NEW_CONF} /d" ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt
 echo ${NEW_CONF} "${NEM_SUBDIR}" >> ${CONFIG_DIR}/work_cfgs.txt
-## Create new config even in existing one (mkdir with -p option, cp with -n)
 #- Create the WORK ---
 #- Clean links and librairies ---
 #- Creating the good links, at first on OCE ---
diff --git a/mk/Fmake_WORK.sh b/mk/Fmake_WORK.sh
index 780fb996767e7488afa10e0abe4f643d56651ecf..eee618ced4089e139006e7427930befcd85c27d9 100755
--- a/mk/Fmake_WORK.sh
+++ b/mk/Fmake_WORK.sh
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ echo 'Creating '${ZCONF}'/WORK = '${ZTAB[*]}' for '${ZCONF##*/}
 [   -d ${ZCONF}/WORK   ] || \mkdir -p ${ZCONF}/WORK
 for comp in ${ZTAB[*]}; do
-	find ${NEMO_DIR}/$comp -name *.[Ffh]90 -exec ln -sf {} ${ZCONF}/WORK \;
+	find ${NEMO_DIR}/$comp -name \*.[Ffh]90 -exec ln -sf {} ${ZCONF}/WORK \;
 cd ${ZCONF}
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ for ZDIR in ${ZSRC[@]}; do
         echo 'External directory for MY_SRC unspecified or does not exist. Using default.'
-    for ff in `(find ${d} -name *.[Ffh]90 2>/dev/null)`
+    for ff in `(find ${d} -name \*.[Ffh]90 2>/dev/null)`
         if [ "$ff" != "${ff#/}" ]; then
           ln -sf $ff WORK/.