#!/bin/bash # set -u # #- Choice of the options --- # while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $( echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ) in -h|--help) cat <<'EOF' Usage: ------ ./build_arch-auto.sh build_arch-auto.sh should automatically find all necessary information by itself... However the following environment variables or their corresponding optional arguments can be used to force the default and automatic definition of the variables used by build_arch-auto.sh Environment variables that can be defined ----------------------------------------- NETCDF_C_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-C library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_C_PREFIX/include) - set it to "no" if you don't want to use NetCDF library - if not defined : we look for the path of the command "nc-config" Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_C_prefix NETCDF_F_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-Fortran library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/include) - if not defined : we use "nc-config --flibs" to find it - not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no" Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_F_prefix HDF5_prefix : prefix of the HFD5 library ($HDF5_PREFIX/lib) - if not defined : we use "nc-config --cflags" and "h5pcc -showconfig" to find it - not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no" Can also be specified with the optional argument --HDF5_prefix XIOS_prefix : prefix of the XIOS library ($XIOS_PREFIX/lib) and include ($XIOS_PREFIX/inc) Can also be specified with the optional argument --XIOS_prefix OASIS_prefix : prefix of the OASIS library ($OASIS_PREFIX/lib) and include ($OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct and $OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1) Can also be specified with the optional argument --OASIS_prefix LIBMpath : path of the m library (standard C library of basic mathematical functions) Can also be specified with the optional argument --LIBMpath CURLpath : path of the curl library Can also be specified with the optional argument --CURLpath ZLIBpath : path of the z library Can also be specified with the optional argument --ZLIBpath FCnemo : fortran compiler Can also be specified with the optional argument --FCnemo CCnemo : C compiler (used only for AGRIF conv) Can also be specified with the optional argument --CCnemo CPPnemo : cpp compiler Can also be specified with the optional argument --CPPnemo MKnemo : make Can also be specified with the optional argument --MKnemo ARnemo : archiver Can also be specified with the optional argument --ARnemo EOF exit 0 ;; --netcdf_c_prefix) NETCDF_C_prefix=${2} ; shift ;; --netcdf_f_prefix) NETCDF_F_prefix=${2} ; shift ;; --hdf5_prefix) HDF5_prefix=${2} ; shift ;; --xios_prefix) XIOS_prefix=${2} ; shift ;; --oasis_prefix) OASIS_prefix=${2} ; shift ;; --libmpath) LIBMpath=${2} ; shift ;; --curlpath) CURLpath=${2} ; shift ;; --zlibpath) ZLIBpath=${2} ; shift ;; --fcnemo) FCnemo=${2} ; shift ;; --ccnemo) CCnemo=${2} ; shift ;; --cppnemo) CPPnemo=${2} ; shift ;; --mknemo) MKnemo=${2} ; shift ;; --arnemo) ARnemo=${2} ; shift ;; *) echo -e "\033[0;31m\nERROR: \"$1\" BAD OPTION\033[0m\n" exit 2 ;; esac shift done # #----------------------------------------------------- # echo_red () { echo while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;31m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done } echo_green () { echo while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done } # echo_orange () { echo while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;33m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done } # # check the exit status of which err_which () { which ${1} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? ; } # # call err_which and print and error message chk_which () { if [ $( err_which ${!1} ) -ne 0 ] then echo_red "ERROR: ${2^} ${!1} not found." \ " please define your ${2,} path with 'export $1=...'" exit 1 fi } # # find fortran wrapper find_fortran_wrapper () { if [ $( err_which mpiifort ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpiifort elif [ $( err_which mpif90 ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpif90 elif [ $( err_which ftn ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=ftn else echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"mpiifort\" nor \"mpif90\" nor \"ftn\"." \ " please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'" exit 1 fi } # find the fortran compiler associated with the fortran wrapper $FCnemo find_fortran_compiler () { if [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci gcc ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="gnu" elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci ifort ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="intel" elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci "Cray Fortran" ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="cray" else echo_red "ERROR: the fortran wrapper $FCnemo does not correspond to the gnu, the intel or the cray compiler" \ " please use one of these compilers or add your compiler in $0" exit 1 fi } # #----------------------------------------------------- # NetCDF #----------------------------------------------------- # NETCDF_C_prefix=${NETCDF_C_prefix:-notdef} if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ] then echo_orange "WARNING: You chose to compile without any NetCDF Library" \ " 1) You must use --nonetcdf when calling makenemo" \ " 2) You won't be able to read/write any input/output file when running nemo" \ " -> You can run only the BENCH test" \ " 3) You can neither use XIOS nor OASIS" \ NETCDF_F_prefix=no HDF5_prefix=no XIOS_prefix=no OASIS_prefix=no NCDF_INC="" NCDF_LIB="" XIOS_INC="" XIOS_LIB="" OASIS_INC="" OASIS_LIB="" else if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "notdef" ] then if [ $( err_which nc-config ) -ne 0 ] # use nc-config to define NETCDF_C_prefix then echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found." \ " please define either your path to the NETCDF_C with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=...'" \ " or specify you don't want to use NetCDF with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=no'" \ exit 2 fi NC_CONFIG=nc-config NETCDF_C_prefix=$( $NC_CONFIG --prefix ) else NC_CONFIG=$NETCDF_C_prefix/bin/nc-config # assume that nc-config is in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin nbok=$( ls $NC_CONFIG 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) # check if we have nc-config if [ $nbok -eq 0 ] then echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin" ; exit 2 fi fi # do we have the proper path to the netcdf library? nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libnetcdf* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) if [ $nbok -eq 0 ] then echo_red "ERROR: netcdf library not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib" ; exit 2 else echo_green "NETCDF_C_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix" fi # do we have NetCDF-Fortran? if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-fortran )" != "yes" ] then echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran " ; exit 2 fi # do we have NetCDF-F90 interface? if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-f03 )" != "yes" ] then if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-f90 )" != "yes" ] then echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran F90 interface" ; exit 2 fi fi # NetCDF fortran prefix NETCDF_F_prefix=${NETCDF_F_prefix:-notdef} if [ "$NETCDF_F_prefix" == "notdef" ] then # get the path of the netcdff library NETCDF_F_prefix=$( $NC_CONFIG --flibs | sed -e "s/.*\(-L\|-rpath,\)\([^ ]*\)\/lib *-lnetcdff.*/\2/" ) [ -z $NETCDF_F_prefix ] && NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix # empty -> we try NETCDF_C_prefix fi # do we have the proper path to the netcdff library? nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib/libnetcdff* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) if [ $nbok -eq 0 ] then echo_red "ERROR: netcdff library not found in $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib" ; exit 2 else echo_green "NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_F_prefix" fi # do we have nc4? if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-nc4 )" != "yes" ] then echo_red "ERROR: no nc4 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2 fi # do we have hdf5? if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-hdf5 )" != "yes" ] then echo_red "ERROR: no hdf5 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2 fi HDF5_prefix=${HDF5_prefix:-notdef} if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] then # look for libhdf5 in the paths found in nc-config --cflags for dd in $( $NC_CONFIG --cflags | sed -e "s/-I//g" ) do nbok=$( ls $dd/../lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) [ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$( dirname $dd ) done fi if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # not found any libhdf5 file... try "h5pcc -showconfig" then if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ] # do we have h5pcc? then HDF5_prefix=$( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Installation point" | sed -e "s/.*: //" ) [ -z $HDF5_prefix ] && HDF5_prefix=notdef # empty -> back to "notdef" fi fi if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # still not found any libhdf5 file... try $NETCDF_C_prefix then nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) [ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix fi if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # still not found any libhdf5 file... then echo_red "ERROR: HDF5_prefix not found." \ " please define it with 'export HDF5_prefix=...'" ; exit 2 fi # do we have the proper path to the hdf5 library? nbok=$( ls $HDF5_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) if [ $nbok -eq 0 ] then echo_red "ERROR: hdf5 library not found in $HDF5_prefix/lib" ; exit 2 else echo_green "HDF5_prefix=$HDF5_prefix" fi # do we have netcdf parallel? if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-parallel )" != "yes" ] then echo_orange "WARNING: your netcdf library cannot write in parallel" \ " you can use only 'the one_file' mode in XOS" fi if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ] then if [ $( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Parallel HDF5" | grep -c yes ) -ne 1 ] then echo_orange "WARNING: your hdf5 library was configured without --enable-parallel" \ " you cannot use only the 'one_file' mode in XOS" fi fi # curl CURLpath=${CURLpath:-notdef} if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --dap )" == "yes" ] then if [ "$CURLpath" == "notdef" ] then if [ $( err_which curl ) -eq 0 ] then CURLpath="-L$( dirname $( ls -1 $( dirname $( dirname $( which curl ) ) )/*/libcurl* | head -n 1 ) )" echo_green "CURLpath=$CURLpath" else CURLpath="" fi fi CURLlib="$CURLpath -lcurl" else CURLlib="" fi # Zlib: compression library Zlib="${ZLIBpath:-""} -lz" # libM: standard C library of basic mathematical functions libM="${LIBMpath:-""} -lm" # NCDF_INC and NCDF_LIB NCDF_INC="-I%NCDF_F_PREFIX/include -I%NCDF_C_PREFIX/include" NCDF_LIB="-L%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdff -L%NCDF_C_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdf -L%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 $CURLlib $Zlib $libM" fi # #----------------------------------------------------- # fortran Compileur #----------------------------------------------------- # nompi=0 # default FCnemo=${FCnemo:-notdef} if [ "$FCnemo" == "notdef" ] then if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ] then find_fortran_wrapper else FCnemo=$( $NC_CONFIG --fc ) # use nc-config to find the fortran compiler [ -z $FCnemo ] && find_fortran_wrapper # if $FCnemo is empty try to find it... chk_which FCnemo "fortran compiler" # does the fortran compiler start with the 3 letters mpi or ftn ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' ) if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ] then echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler provided by nc-config \"$FCnemo\" is not starting with \"mpi\" or \"ftn\"." \ " we look for mpiifort, mpif90 or ftn..." FCnemo_org=$FCnemo find_fortran_compiler ftncomp_org=$ftncomp find_fortran_wrapper find_fortran_compiler if [ "$ftncomp" != "$ftncomp_org" ] then echo_red "ERROR: \"$FCnemo\" and \"$FCnemo_org\" are refering to different compilers: \"$ftncomp\" and \"$ftncomp_org\"" \ " please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'" exit 1 fi fi fi else ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' ) # the fortran compiler does not start with mpi or ftn... if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ] then echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler you provided does not start with mpi or ftn." \ " you must compile nemo with key_mpi_off and you cannot run nemo in parallel" nompi=1 fi fi echo_green "FCnemo=$FCnemo" find_fortran_compiler # #----------------------------------------------------- # C Compileur (not critical, needed only for the conv of AGRIF) #----------------------------------------------------- # # first guess case "$ftncomp" in intel) guess=${CCnemo:-icc} ;; gnu) guess=${CCnemo:-gcc} ;; cray) guess=${CCnemo:-cc} ;; *) guess=${CCnemo:-""} ;; esac listcc="$guess gcc cc icc" # try $guess and other usuals C compilers... CCnemo="notfound" for ii in $listcc do [ $( err_which $ii ) -eq 0 ] && [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ] && CCnemo=$ii done if [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ] then echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"gcc\" nor \"icc\" nor \"cc\"." \ " please define your C compiler with 'export CCnemo=...'" exit 1 fi # #----------------------------------------------------- # CPP #----------------------------------------------------- # CPPnemo=${CPPnemo:-cpp} chk_which CPPnemo "pre-compiler" echo_green "CPPnemo=$CPPnemo" [ "$ftncomp" == "gnu" ] || [ "$ftncomp" == "cray" ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_nosignedzero" [ $nompi -eq 1 ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_mpi_off" # #----------------------------------------------------- # FCFLAGS #----------------------------------------------------- # case "$ftncomp" in intel) PROD_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -xHost -fno-alias" DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge" echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \ " If it is not the case, replace -xHost by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS" ;; gnu) PROD_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -O3 -march=native -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none" DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -Og -g -fbacktrace -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fcheck=all -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -ffpe-summary=invalid,zero,overflow" rev=$( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/.* \([0-9]*\).*/\1/" ) # if gfortran version >= 10 : add -fallow-argument-mismatch if [ $rev -ge 10 ] then PROD_FCFLAGS="$PROD_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch" DEBUG_FCFLAGS="$DEBUG_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch" fi echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \ " If it is not the case, replace -march=native by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS" ;; cray) PROD_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -O2 -hflex_mp=intolerant" DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -Ovector0 -hfp0 -O0 -hflex_mp=intolerant -e mCI -G0 -m2 -rl -Rcdsp -N1023" ;; *) echo_red "ERROR: compilation options for $ftncomp are not defined..." exit 1 ;; esac # #----------------------------------------------------- # XIOS and OASIS #----------------------------------------------------- # if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" != "no" ] then # XIOS XIOS_prefix=${XIOS_prefix:-notdef} if [ "$XIOS_prefix" == "notdef" ] then echo_orange "WARNING: XIOS_prefix not specified" \ " either define it with 'export XIOS_prefix=...'" \ " or don't use key_xios when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to use XIOS)." XIOS_INC="" XIOS_LIB="" else XIOS_INC="-I%XIOS_PREFIX/inc" XIOS_LIB="-L%XIOS_PREFIX/lib -lxios -lstdc++ " fi # OASIS OASIS_prefix=${OASIS_prefix:-notdef} if [ "$OASIS_prefix" == "notdef" ] then echo_orange "WARNING: OASIS_prefix not specified" \ " either define it with 'export OASIS_prefix=...'" \ " or don't use key_oasis3 when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to run coupled simulations)." OASIS_INC="" OASIS_LIB="" else OASIS_INC="-I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct -I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIB="-L%OASIS_PREFIX/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip" fi fi # #----------------------------------------------------- # make #----------------------------------------------------- # MKnemo=${MKnemo:-make} mkerr=$( err_which make ) gmkerr=$( err_which gmake ) if [ $( err_which $MKnemo ) -ne 0 ] # no make found then if [ $mkerr -eq 0 ] # make found then echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to make" MKnemo=make else if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ] # gmake found then echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to gmake" MKnemo=gmake else echo_red "ERROR: gnu make not found, please define its path with 'export MKnemo=...'" exit 1 fi fi fi # isgnu=$( $MKnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ic gnu ) # make is gmake if [ $isgnu -ne 1 ] then if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ] # gmake found then echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo is not gnu make, we switch to gmake" MKnemo=gmake else echo_red "ERROR: $MKnemo is not gnu make and gmake not found." \ " please define gnu make path with 'export MKnemo=...'" exit 1 fi fi echo_green "MKnemo=$MKnemo" # #----------------------------------------------------- # ar command #----------------------------------------------------- # ARnemo=${ARnemo:-ar} chk_which ARnemo "archiver" echo_green "ARnemo=$ARnemo" # # #----------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------- # write arch file #----------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------- # # archname=arch-auto.fcm cat > $archname << EOF # # This arch file was automatically created by $0 # $( date ) # %NCDF_C_PREFIX $NETCDF_C_prefix %NCDF_F_PREFIX $NETCDF_F_prefix %HDF5_PREFIX $HDF5_prefix %XIOS_PREFIX $XIOS_prefix %OASIS_PREFIX $OASIS_prefix %NCDF_INC $NCDF_INC %NCDF_LIB $NCDF_LIB %XIOS_INC $XIOS_INC %XIOS_LIB $XIOS_LIB %OASIS_INC $OASIS_INC %OASIS_LIB $OASIS_LIB %CPP $CPPnemo %FC $FCnemo %FCFLAGS $PROD_FCFLAGS ### comment out the following line if you want to use the debugging compilation options #%FCFLAGS $DEBUG_FCFLAGS %FFLAGS %FCFLAGS %LD %FC %LDFLAGS %FPPFLAGS -P -traditional %AR $ARnemo %ARFLAGS rs %MK $MKnemo %USER_INC %XIOS_INC %OASIS_INC %NCDF_INC %USER_LIB %XIOS_LIB %OASIS_LIB %NCDF_LIB %CC $CCnemo %CFLAGS -O0 EOF # # Additional module search command for Cray Fortran to enable successful parallel builds if [ $ftncomp == "cray" ] ; then echo "bld::tool::fc_modsearch -J" >> $archname fi # echo echo "Content of the created $archname:" echo "-------------------------------------" echo cat $archname echo