MODULE domvvl !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE domvvl *** !! Ocean : !!====================================================================== !! History : 2.0 ! 2006-06 (B. Levier, L. Marie) original code !! 3.1 ! 2009-02 (G. Madec, M. Leclair, R. Benshila) pure z* coordinate !! 3.3 ! 2011-10 (M. Leclair) totally rewrote domvvl: vvl option includes z_star and z_tilde coordinates !! 3.6 ! 2014-11 (P. Mathiot) add ice shelf capability !! 4.1 ! 2019-08 (A. Coward, D. Storkey) rename dom_vvl_sf_swp -> dom_vvl_sf_update for new timestepping !! - ! 2020-02 (G. Madec, S. Techene) introduce ssh to h0 ratio !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE phycst ! physical constant USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE sbc_oce ! ocean surface boundary condition USE wet_dry ! wetting and drying USE usrdef_istate ! user defined initial state (wad only) USE restart ! ocean restart ! USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE iom ! I/O manager library USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing library USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) USE timing ! Timing IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE ! !!* Namelist nam_vvl LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_zstar = .FALSE. ! zstar vertical coordinate LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_ztilde = .FALSE. ! ztilde vertical coordinate LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_layer = .FALSE. ! level vertical coordinate LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar = .FALSE. ! ztilde vertical coordinate LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor = .FALSE. ! ztilde vertical coordinate LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_kepe = .FALSE. ! kinetic/potential energy transfer ! ! conservation: not used yet REAL(wp) :: rn_ahe3 ! thickness diffusion coefficient REAL(wp) :: rn_rst_e3t ! ztilde to zstar restoration timescale [days] REAL(wp) :: rn_lf_cutoff ! cutoff frequency for low-pass filter [days] REAL(wp) :: rn_zdef_max ! maximum fractional e3t deformation LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vvl_dbg = .FALSE. ! debug control prints REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: un_td, vn_td ! thickness diffusion transport REAL(wp) , ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: hdiv_lf ! low frequency part of hz divergence REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tilde_e3t_b, tilde_e3t_n ! baroclinic scale factors REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tilde_e3t_a, dtilde_e3t_a ! baroclinic scale factors REAL(wp) , ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: frq_rst_e3t ! retoring period for scale factors REAL(wp) , ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: frq_rst_hdv ! retoring period for low freq. divergence #if defined key_qco || defined key_linssh !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_qco' Quasi-Eulerian vertical coordinate !! OR EMPTY MODULE !! 'key_linssh' Fix in time vertical coordinate !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default key Old management of time varying vertical coordinate !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dom_vvl_init : define initial vertical scale factors, depths and column thickness !! dom_vvl_sf_nxt : Compute next vertical scale factors !! dom_vvl_sf_update : Swap vertical scale factors and update the vertical grid !! dom_vvl_interpol : Interpolate vertical scale factors from one grid point to another !! dom_vvl_rst : read/write restart file !! dom_vvl_ctl : Check the vvl options !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC dom_vvl_init ! called by domain.F90 PUBLIC dom_vvl_zgr ! called by isfcpl.F90 PUBLIC dom_vvl_sf_nxt ! called by step.F90 PUBLIC dom_vvl_sf_update ! called by step.F90 PUBLIC dom_vvl_interpol ! called by dynnxt.F90 !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: domvvl.F90 15471 2021-11-04 16:28:56Z jchanut $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION dom_vvl_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION dom_vvl_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_vvl_zstar ) dom_vvl_alloc = 0 IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN ALLOCATE( tilde_e3t_b(jpi,jpj,jpk) , tilde_e3t_n(jpi,jpj,jpk) , tilde_e3t_a(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & dtilde_e3t_a(jpi,jpj,jpk) , un_td (jpi,jpj,jpk) , vn_td (jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & STAT = dom_vvl_alloc ) CALL mpp_sum ( 'domvvl', dom_vvl_alloc ) IF( dom_vvl_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'dom_vvl_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' ) un_td = 0._wp vn_td = 0._wp ENDIF IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN ALLOCATE( frq_rst_e3t(jpi,jpj) , frq_rst_hdv(jpi,jpj) , hdiv_lf(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT= dom_vvl_alloc ) CALL mpp_sum ( 'domvvl', dom_vvl_alloc ) IF( dom_vvl_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'dom_vvl_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' ) ENDIF ! END FUNCTION dom_vvl_alloc SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_init( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialization of all scale factors, depths !! and water column heights !! !! ** Method : - use restart file and/or initialize !! - interpolate scale factors !! !! ** Action : - e3t_(n/b) and tilde_e3t_(n/b) !! - Regrid: e3[u/v](:,:,:,Kmm) !! e3[u/v](:,:,:,Kmm) !! e3w(:,:,:,Kmm) !! e3[u/v]w_b !! e3[u/v]w_n !! gdept(:,:,:,Kmm), gdepw(:,:,:,Kmm) and gde3w !! - h(t/u/v)_0 !! - frq_rst_e3t and frq_rst_hdv !! !! Reference : Leclair, M., and G. Madec, 2011, Ocean Modelling. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_vvl_init : Variable volume activated' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' ! CALL dom_vvl_ctl ! choose vertical coordinate (z_star, z_tilde or layer) ! ! ! Allocate module arrays IF( dom_vvl_alloc() /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'dom_vvl_init : unable to allocate arrays' ) ! ! ! Read or initialize e3t_(b/n), tilde_e3t_(b/n) and hdiv_lf CALL dom_vvl_rst( nit000, Kbb, Kmm, 'READ' ) e3t(:,:,jpk,Kaa) = e3t_0(:,:,jpk) ! last level always inside the sea floor set one for all ! CALL dom_vvl_zgr(Kbb, Kmm, Kaa) ! interpolation scale factor, depth and water column ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_init SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_zgr(Kbb, Kmm, Kaa) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Interpolation of all scale factors, !! depths and water column heights !! !! ** Method : - interpolate scale factors !! !! ** Action : - e3t_(n/b) and tilde_e3t_(n/b) !! - Regrid: e3(u/v)_n !! e3(u/v)_b !! e3w_n !! e3(u/v)w_b !! e3(u/v)w_n !! gdept_n, gdepw_n and gde3w_n !! - h(t/u/v)_0 !! - frq_rst_e3t and frq_rst_hdv !! !! Reference : Leclair, M., and G. Madec, 2011, Ocean Modelling. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk INTEGER :: ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1 REAL(wp):: zcoef !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !== Set of all other vertical scale factors ==! (now and before) ! ! Horizontal interpolation of e3t CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kbb), e3u(:,:,:,Kbb), 'U' ) ! from T to U CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), e3u(:,:,:,Kmm), 'U' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kbb), e3v(:,:,:,Kbb), 'V' ) ! from T to V CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), e3v(:,:,:,Kmm), 'V' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kmm), e3f(:,:,:), 'F' ) ! from U to F ! ! Vertical interpolation of e3t,u,v CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), e3w (:,:,:,Kmm), 'W' ) ! from T to W CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kbb), e3w (:,:,:,Kbb), 'W' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kmm), e3uw(:,:,:,Kmm), 'UW' ) ! from U to UW CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kbb), e3uw(:,:,:,Kbb), 'UW' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3v(:,:,:,Kmm), e3vw(:,:,:,Kmm), 'VW' ) ! from V to UW CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3v(:,:,:,Kbb), e3vw(:,:,:,Kbb), 'VW' ) ! We need to define e3[tuv]_a for AGRIF initialisation (should not be a problem for the restartability...) e3t(:,:,:,Kaa) = e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) e3u(:,:,:,Kaa) = e3u(:,:,:,Kmm) e3v(:,:,:,Kaa) = e3v(:,:,:,Kmm) ! ! !== depth of t and w-point ==! (set the isf depth as it is in the initial timestep) gdept(:,:,1,Kmm) = 0.5_wp * e3w(:,:,1,Kmm) ! reference to the ocean surface (used for MLD and light penetration) gdepw(:,:,1,Kmm) = 0.0_wp gde3w(:,:,1) = gdept(:,:,1,Kmm) - ssh(:,:,Kmm) ! reference to a common level z=0 for hpg gdept(:,:,1,Kbb) = 0.5_wp * e3w(:,:,1,Kbb) gdepw(:,:,1,Kbb) = 0.0_wp DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 2, jpk ) ! vertical sum ! zcoef = tmask - wmask ! 0 everywhere tmask = wmask, ie everywhere expect at jk = mikt ! ! 1 everywhere from mbkt to mikt + 1 or 1 (if no isf) ! ! 0.5 where jk = mikt !!gm ??????? BUG ? gdept(:,:,:,Kmm) as well as gde3w does not include the thickness of ISF ?? zcoef = ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) - wmask(ji,jj,jk) ) gdepw(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) = gdepw(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) + e3t(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) = zcoef * ( gdepw(ji,jj,jk ,Kmm) + 0.5 * e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)) & & + (1-zcoef) * ( gdept(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) + e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)) gde3w(ji,jj,jk) = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) - ssh(ji,jj,Kmm) gdepw(ji,jj,jk,Kbb) = gdepw(ji,jj,jk-1,Kbb) + e3t(ji,jj,jk-1,Kbb) gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kbb) = zcoef * ( gdepw(ji,jj,jk ,Kbb) + 0.5 * e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kbb)) & & + (1-zcoef) * ( gdept(ji,jj,jk-1,Kbb) + e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kbb)) END_3D ! ! !== thickness of the water column !! (ocean portion only) ht(:,:) = e3t(:,:,1,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,1) !!gm BUG : this should be 1/2 * e3w(k=1) .... hu(:,:,Kbb) = e3u(:,:,1,Kbb) * umask(:,:,1) hu(:,:,Kmm) = e3u(:,:,1,Kmm) * umask(:,:,1) hv(:,:,Kbb) = e3v(:,:,1,Kbb) * vmask(:,:,1) hv(:,:,Kmm) = e3v(:,:,1,Kmm) * vmask(:,:,1) DO jk = 2, jpkm1 ht(:,:) = ht(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk) hu(:,:,Kbb) = hu(:,:,Kbb) + e3u(:,:,jk,Kbb) * umask(:,:,jk) hu(:,:,Kmm) = hu(:,:,Kmm) + e3u(:,:,jk,Kmm) * umask(:,:,jk) hv(:,:,Kbb) = hv(:,:,Kbb) + e3v(:,:,jk,Kbb) * vmask(:,:,jk) hv(:,:,Kmm) = hv(:,:,Kmm) + e3v(:,:,jk,Kmm) * vmask(:,:,jk) END DO ! ! !== inverse of water column thickness ==! (u- and v- points) r1_hu(:,:,Kbb) = ssumask(:,:) / ( hu(:,:,Kbb) + 1._wp - ssumask(:,:) ) ! _i mask due to ISF r1_hu(:,:,Kmm) = ssumask(:,:) / ( hu(:,:,Kmm) + 1._wp - ssumask(:,:) ) r1_hv(:,:,Kbb) = ssvmask(:,:) / ( hv(:,:,Kbb) + 1._wp - ssvmask(:,:) ) r1_hv(:,:,Kmm) = ssvmask(:,:) / ( hv(:,:,Kmm) + 1._wp - ssvmask(:,:) ) ! !== z_tilde coordinate case ==! (Restoring frequencies) IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN !!gm : idea: add here a READ in a file of custumized restoring frequency ! ! Values in days provided via the namelist ! ! use rsmall to avoid possible division by zero errors with faulty settings frq_rst_e3t(:,:) = 2._wp * rpi / ( MAX( rn_rst_e3t , rsmall ) * 86400.0_wp ) frq_rst_hdv(:,:) = 2._wp * rpi / ( MAX( rn_lf_cutoff, rsmall ) * 86400.0_wp ) ! IF( ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar ) THEN ! z-star emulation using z-tile frq_rst_e3t(:,:) = 0._wp !Ignore namelist settings frq_rst_hdv(:,:) = 1._wp / rn_Dt ENDIF IF ( ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor ) THEN ! use z-star in vicinity of the Equator DO_2D( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) !!gm case |gphi| >= 6 degrees is useless initialized just above by default IF( ABS(gphit(ji,jj)) >= 6.) THEN ! values outside the equatorial band and transition zone (ztilde) frq_rst_e3t(ji,jj) = 2.0_wp * rpi / ( MAX( rn_rst_e3t , rsmall ) * 86400.e0_wp ) frq_rst_hdv(ji,jj) = 2.0_wp * rpi / ( MAX( rn_lf_cutoff, rsmall ) * 86400.e0_wp ) ELSEIF( ABS(gphit(ji,jj)) <= 2.5) THEN ! Equator strip ==> z-star ! values inside the equatorial band (ztilde as zstar) frq_rst_e3t(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp frq_rst_hdv(ji,jj) = 1.0_wp / rn_Dt ELSE ! transition band (2.5 to 6 degrees N/S) ! ! (linearly transition from z-tilde to z-star) frq_rst_e3t(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp + (frq_rst_e3t(ji,jj)-0.0_wp)*0.5_wp & & * ( 1.0_wp - COS( rad*(ABS(gphit(ji,jj))-2.5_wp) & & * 180._wp / 3.5_wp ) ) frq_rst_hdv(ji,jj) = (1.0_wp / rn_Dt) & & + ( frq_rst_hdv(ji,jj)-(1.e0_wp / rn_Dt) )*0.5_wp & & * ( 1._wp - COS( rad*(ABS(gphit(ji,jj))-2.5_wp) & & * 180._wp / 3.5_wp ) ) ENDIF END_2D IF( cn_cfg == "orca" .OR. cn_cfg == "ORCA" ) THEN IF( nn_cfg == 3 ) THEN ! ORCA2: Suppress ztilde in the Foxe Basin for ORCA2 ii0 = 103 + nn_hls - 1 ; ii1 = 111 + nn_hls - 1 ij0 = 128 + nn_hls ; ij1 = 135 + nn_hls frq_rst_e3t( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) ) = 0.0_wp frq_rst_hdv( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) ) = 1.e0_wp / rn_Dt ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_zgr SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_nxt( kt, Kbb, Kmm, Kaa, kcall ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_nxt *** !! !! ** Purpose : - compute the after scale factors used in tra_zdf, dynnxt, !! tranxt and dynspg routines !! !! ** Method : - z_star case: Repartition of ssh INCREMENT proportionnaly to the level thickness. !! - z_tilde_case: after scale factor increment = !! high frequency part of horizontal divergence !! + retsoring towards the background grid !! + thickness difusion !! Then repartition of ssh INCREMENT proportionnaly !! to the "baroclinic" level thickness. !! !! ** Action : - hdiv_lf : restoring towards full baroclinic divergence in z_tilde case !! - tilde_e3t_a: after increment of vertical scale factor !! in z_tilde case !! - e3(t/u/v)_a !! !! Reference : Leclair, M., and Madec, G. 2011, Ocean Modelling. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! time step INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! time step INTEGER, INTENT( in ), OPTIONAL :: kcall ! optional argument indicating call sequence ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices INTEGER , DIMENSION(3) :: ijk_max, ijk_min ! temporary integers REAL(wp) :: z_tmin, z_tmax ! local scalars LOGICAL :: ll_do_bclinic ! local logical REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zht, z_scale, zwu, zwv, zhdiv REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ze3t LOGICAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: llmsk !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_linssh ) RETURN ! No calculation in linear free surface ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('dom_vvl_sf_nxt') ! IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_vvl_sf_nxt : compute after scale factors' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ENDIF ll_do_bclinic = .TRUE. IF( PRESENT(kcall) ) THEN IF( kcall == 2 .AND. ln_vvl_ztilde ) ll_do_bclinic = .FALSE. ENDIF ! ******************************* ! ! After acale factors at t-points ! ! ******************************* ! ! ! --------------------------------------------- ! ! ! z_star coordinate and barotropic z-tilde part ! ! ! --------------------------------------------- ! ! z_scale(:,:) = ( ssh(:,:,Kaa) - ssh(:,:,Kbb) ) * ssmask(:,:) / ( ht_0(:,:) + ssh(:,:,Kmm) + 1. - ssmask(:,:) ) DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! formally this is the same as e3t(:,:,:,Kaa) = e3t_0*(1+ssha/ht_0) e3t(:,:,jk,Kaa) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kbb) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * z_scale(:,:) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO ! IF( (ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer) .AND. ll_do_bclinic ) THEN ! z_tilde or layer coordinate ! ! ! ------baroclinic part------ ! ! I - initialization ! ================== ! 1 - barotropic divergence ! ------------------------- zhdiv(:,:) = 0._wp zht(:,:) = 0._wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zhdiv(:,:) = zhdiv(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * hdiv(:,:,jk) zht (:,:) = zht (:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO zhdiv(:,:) = zhdiv(:,:) / ( zht(:,:) + 1. - tmask_i(:,:) ) ! 2 - Low frequency baroclinic horizontal divergence (z-tilde case only) ! -------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN IF( kt > nit000 ) THEN DO jk = 1, jpkm1 hdiv_lf(:,:,jk) = hdiv_lf(:,:,jk) - rn_Dt * frq_rst_hdv(:,:) & & * ( hdiv_lf(:,:,jk) - e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * ( hdiv(:,:,jk) - zhdiv(:,:) ) ) END DO ENDIF ENDIF ! II - after z_tilde increments of vertical scale factors ! ======================================================= tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) = 0._wp ! tilde_e3t_a used to store tendency terms ! 1 - High frequency divergence term ! ---------------------------------- IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN ! z_tilde case DO jk = 1, jpkm1 tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) - ( e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * ( hdiv(:,:,jk) - zhdiv(:,:) ) - hdiv_lf(:,:,jk) ) END DO ELSE ! layer case DO jk = 1, jpkm1 tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) - e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * ( hdiv(:,:,jk) - zhdiv(:,:) ) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO ENDIF ! 2 - Restoring term (z-tilde case only) ! ------------------ IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN DO jk = 1, jpk tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) - frq_rst_e3t(:,:) * tilde_e3t_b(:,:,jk) END DO ENDIF ! 3 - Thickness diffusion term ! ---------------------------- zwu(:,:) = 0._wp zwv(:,:) = 0._wp DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, 1, jpkm1 ) ! a - first derivative: diffusive fluxes un_td(ji,jj,jk) = rn_ahe3 * umask(ji,jj,jk) * e2_e1u(ji,jj) & & * ( tilde_e3t_b(ji,jj,jk) - tilde_e3t_b(ji+1,jj ,jk) ) vn_td(ji,jj,jk) = rn_ahe3 * vmask(ji,jj,jk) * e1_e2v(ji,jj) & & * ( tilde_e3t_b(ji,jj,jk) - tilde_e3t_b(ji ,jj+1,jk) ) zwu(ji,jj) = zwu(ji,jj) + un_td(ji,jj,jk) zwv(ji,jj) = zwv(ji,jj) + vn_td(ji,jj,jk) END_3D DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1 ) ! b - correction for last oceanic u-v points un_td(ji,jj,mbku(ji,jj)) = un_td(ji,jj,mbku(ji,jj)) - zwu(ji,jj) vn_td(ji,jj,mbkv(ji,jj)) = vn_td(ji,jj,mbkv(ji,jj)) - zwv(ji,jj) END_2D DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 ) ! c - second derivative: divergence of diffusive fluxes tilde_e3t_a(ji,jj,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(ji,jj,jk) + ( un_td(ji-1,jj ,jk) - un_td(ji,jj,jk) & & + vn_td(ji ,jj-1,jk) - vn_td(ji,jj,jk) & & ) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj) END_3D ! ! d - thickness diffusion transport: boundary conditions ! (stored for tracer advction and continuity equation) IF( nn_hls == 1 ) CALL lbc_lnk( 'domvvl', un_td , 'U' , -1._wp, vn_td , 'V' , -1._wp) ! 4 - Time stepping of baroclinic scale factors ! --------------------------------------------- CALL lbc_lnk( 'domvvl', tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:), 'T', 1._wp ) tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) = tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) + rDt * tmask(:,:,:) * tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) ! Maximum deformation control ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALLOCATE( ze3t(jpi,jpj,jpk), llmsk(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 ) ze3t(ji,jj,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(ji,jj,jk) / e3t_0(ji,jj,jk) * tmask(ji,jj,jk) * tmask_i(ji,jj) END_3D ! llmsk( 1:nn_hls,:,:) = .FALSE. ! exclude halos from the checked region llmsk(Nie0+1: jpi,:,:) = .FALSE. llmsk(:, 1:nn_hls,:) = .FALSE. llmsk(:,Nje0+1: jpj,:) = .FALSE. ! llmsk(Nis0:Nie0,Njs0:Nje0,:) = tmask(Nis0:Nie0,Njs0:Nje0,:) == 1._wp ! define only the inner domain z_tmax = MAXVAL( ze3t(:,:,:), mask = llmsk ) ; CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain z_tmin = MINVAL( ze3t(:,:,:), mask = llmsk ) ; CALL mpp_min( 'domvvl', z_tmin ) ! min over the global domain ! - ML - test: for the moment, stop simulation for too large e3_t variations IF( ( z_tmax > rn_zdef_max ) .OR. ( z_tmin < - rn_zdef_max ) ) THEN CALL mpp_maxloc( 'domvvl', ze3t, llmsk, z_tmax, ijk_max ) CALL mpp_minloc( 'domvvl', ze3t, llmsk, z_tmin, ijk_min ) IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout, *) 'MAX( tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) / e3t_0(:,:,:) ) =', z_tmax WRITE(numout, *) 'at i, j, k=', ijk_max WRITE(numout, *) 'MIN( tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) / e3t_0(:,:,:) ) =', z_tmin WRITE(numout, *) 'at i, j, k=', ijk_min CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'MAX( ABS( tilde_e3t_a(:,:,: ) ) / e3t_0(:,:,:) ) too high') ENDIF ENDIF DEALLOCATE( ze3t, llmsk ) ! - ML - end test ! - ML - Imposing these limits will cause a baroclinicity error which is corrected for below tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) = MIN( tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:), rn_zdef_max * e3t_0(:,:,:) ) tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) = MAX( tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:), - rn_zdef_max * e3t_0(:,:,:) ) ! ! "tilda" change in the after scale factor ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO jk = 1, jpkm1 dtilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) = tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) - tilde_e3t_b(:,:,jk) END DO ! III - Barotropic repartition of the sea surface height over the baroclinic profile ! ================================================================================== ! add ( ssh increment + "baroclinicity error" ) proportionly to e3t(n) ! - ML - baroclinicity error should be better treated in the future ! i.e. locally and not spread over the water column. ! (keep in mind that the idea is to reduce Eulerian velocity as much as possible) zht(:,:) = 0. DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zht(:,:) = zht(:,:) + tilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO z_scale(:,:) = - zht(:,:) / ( ht_0(:,:) + ssh(:,:,Kmm) + 1. - ssmask(:,:) ) DO jk = 1, jpkm1 dtilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) = dtilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * z_scale(:,:) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO ENDIF IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN ! z_tilde or layer coordinate ! ! ! ---baroclinic part--------- ! DO jk = 1, jpkm1 e3t(:,:,jk,Kaa) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kaa) + dtilde_e3t_a(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO ENDIF IF( ln_vvl_dbg .AND. .NOT. ll_do_bclinic ) THEN ! - ML - test: control prints for debuging ! IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) 'kt =', kt IF ( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * tmask_i(:,:) * ABS( zht(:,:) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(SUM(tilde_e3t_a))) =', z_tmax END IF ! zht(:,:) = 0.0_wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zht(:,:) = zht(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * tmask_i(:,:) * ABS( ht_0(:,:) + ssh(:,:,Kmm) - zht(:,:) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ht_0+sshn-SUM(e3t(:,:,:,Kmm)))) =', z_tmax ! zht(:,:) = 0.0_wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zht(:,:) = zht(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kaa) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * tmask_i(:,:) * ABS( ht_0(:,:) + ssh(:,:,Kaa) - zht(:,:) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ht_0+ssha-SUM(e3t(:,:,:,Kaa)))) =', z_tmax ! zht(:,:) = 0.0_wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zht(:,:) = zht(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kbb) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * tmask_i(:,:) * ABS( ht_0(:,:) + ssh(:,:,Kbb) - zht(:,:) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ht_0+sshb-SUM(e3t(:,:,:,Kbb)))) =', z_tmax ! z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * ABS( ssh(:,:,Kbb) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ssh(:,:,Kbb)))) =', z_tmax ! z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * ABS( ssh(:,:,Kmm) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ssh(:,:,Kmm)))) =', z_tmax ! z_tmax = MAXVAL( tmask(:,:,1) * ABS( ssh(:,:,Kaa) ) ) CALL mpp_max( 'domvvl', z_tmax ) ! max over the global domain IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout, *) kt,' MAXVAL(abs(ssh(:,:,Kaa)))) =', z_tmax END IF #if defined key_agrif ! *********************************** ! ! After scale factors at w- points ! ! *********************************** ! ! At some point, "after" depths at T-points may be required ! for AGRIF vertical remap. To prevent from saving an ! additional array, re-compute depths from e3w when needed CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kaa), e3w(:,:,:,Kaa), 'W' ) #endif ! *********************************** ! ! After scale factors at u- v- points ! ! *********************************** ! CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kaa), e3u(:,:,:,Kaa), 'U' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kaa), e3v(:,:,:,Kaa), 'V' ) ! *********************************** ! ! After depths at u- v points ! ! *********************************** ! hu(:,:,Kaa) = e3u(:,:,1,Kaa) * umask(:,:,1) hv(:,:,Kaa) = e3v(:,:,1,Kaa) * vmask(:,:,1) DO jk = 2, jpkm1 hu(:,:,Kaa) = hu(:,:,Kaa) + e3u(:,:,jk,Kaa) * umask(:,:,jk) hv(:,:,Kaa) = hv(:,:,Kaa) + e3v(:,:,jk,Kaa) * vmask(:,:,jk) END DO ! ! Inverse of the local depth !!gm BUG ? don't understand the use of umask_i here ..... r1_hu(:,:,Kaa) = ssumask(:,:) / ( hu(:,:,Kaa) + 1._wp - ssumask(:,:) ) r1_hv(:,:,Kaa) = ssvmask(:,:) / ( hv(:,:,Kaa) + 1._wp - ssvmask(:,:) ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('dom_vvl_sf_nxt') ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_nxt SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_update( kt, Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_update *** !! !! ** Purpose : for z tilde case: compute time filter and swap of scale factors !! compute all depths and related variables for next time step !! write outputs and restart file !! !! ** Method : - swap of e3t with trick for volume/tracer conservation (ONLY FOR Z TILDE CASE) !! - reconstruct scale factor at other grid points (interpolate) !! - recompute depths and water height fields !! !! ** Action : - tilde_e3t_(b/n) ready for next time step !! - Recompute: !! e3(u/v)_b !! e3w(:,:,:,Kmm) !! e3(u/v)w_b !! e3(u/v)w_n !! gdept(:,:,:,Kmm), gdepw(:,:,:,Kmm) and gde3w !! h(u/v) and h(u/v)r !! !! Reference : Leclair, M., and G. Madec, 2009, Ocean Modelling. !! Leclair, M., and G. Madec, 2011, Ocean Modelling. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! time step INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! time level indices ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zcoef ! local scalar !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_linssh ) RETURN ! No calculation in linear free surface ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('dom_vvl_sf_update') ! IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_vvl_sf_update : - interpolate scale factors and compute depths for next time step' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ENDIF ! ! Time filter and swap of scale factors ! ===================================== ! - ML - e3(t/u/v)_b are allready computed in dynnxt. IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN IF( l_1st_euler ) THEN tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) = tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) ELSE tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) = tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) & & + rn_atfp * ( tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) - 2.0_wp * tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) + tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) ) ENDIF tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) = tilde_e3t_a(:,:,:) ENDIF ! Compute all missing vertical scale factor and depths ! ==================================================== ! Horizontal scale factor interpolations ! -------------------------------------- ! - ML - e3u(:,:,:,Kbb) and e3v(:,:,:,Kbb) are already computed in dynnxt ! - JC - hu(:,:,:,Kbb), hv(:,:,:,:,Kbb), hur_b, hvr_b also CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kmm), e3f(:,:,:), 'F' ) ! Vertical scale factor interpolations CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), e3w(:,:,:,Kmm), 'W' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kmm), e3uw(:,:,:,Kmm), 'UW' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3v(:,:,:,Kmm), e3vw(:,:,:,Kmm), 'VW' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3t(:,:,:,Kbb), e3w(:,:,:,Kbb), 'W' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3u(:,:,:,Kbb), e3uw(:,:,:,Kbb), 'UW' ) CALL dom_vvl_interpol( e3v(:,:,:,Kbb), e3vw(:,:,:,Kbb), 'VW' ) ! t- and w- points depth (set the isf depth as it is in the initial step) gdept(:,:,1,Kmm) = 0.5_wp * e3w(:,:,1,Kmm) gdepw(:,:,1,Kmm) = 0.0_wp gde3w(:,:,1) = gdept(:,:,1,Kmm) - ssh(:,:,Kmm) DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 2, jpk ) ! zcoef = (tmask(ji,jj,jk) - wmask(ji,jj,jk)) ! 0 everywhere tmask = wmask, ie everywhere expect at jk = mikt ! 1 for jk = mikt zcoef = (tmask(ji,jj,jk) - wmask(ji,jj,jk)) gdepw(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) = gdepw(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) + e3t(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) = zcoef * ( gdepw(ji,jj,jk ,Kmm) + 0.5 * e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) ) & & + (1-zcoef) * ( gdept(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) + e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) ) gde3w(ji,jj,jk) = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) - ssh(ji,jj,Kmm) END_3D ! Local depth and Inverse of the local depth of the water ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ht(:,:) = e3t(:,:,1,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,1) DO jk = 2, jpkm1 ht(:,:) = ht(:,:) + e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO ! write restart file ! ================== IF( lrst_oce ) CALL dom_vvl_rst( kt, Kbb, Kmm, 'WRITE' ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('dom_vvl_sf_update') ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_sf_update SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_interpol( pe3_in, pe3_out, pout ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl__interpol *** !! !! ** Purpose : interpolate scale factors from one grid point to another !! !! ** Method : e3_out = e3_0 + interpolation(e3_in - e3_0) !! - horizontal interpolation: grid cell surface averaging !! - vertical interpolation: simple averaging !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in ) :: pe3_in ! input e3 to be interpolated REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pe3_out ! output interpolated e3 CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(in ) :: pout ! grid point of out scale factors ! ! = 'U', 'V', 'W, 'F', 'UW' or 'VW' ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: iku, ikum1, ikv, ikvm1, ikf, ikfm1 REAL(wp) :: zlnwd ! =1./0. when ln_wd_il = T/F !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(ln_wd_il) THEN zlnwd = 1.0_wp ELSE zlnwd = 0.0_wp END IF ! SELECT CASE ( pout ) !== type of interpolation ==! ! CASE( 'U' ) !* from T- to U-point : hor. surface weighted mean DO_3D( 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, jpk ) pe3_out(ji,jj,jk) = 0.5_wp * ( umask(ji,jj,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) * r1_e1e2u(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2t(ji ,jj) * ( pe3_in(ji ,jj,jk) - e3t_0(ji ,jj,jk) ) & & + e1e2t(ji+1,jj) * ( pe3_in(ji+1,jj,jk) - e3t_0(ji+1,jj,jk) ) ) END_3D ! ! Bottom correction: DO_2D( 1, 0, 1, 0 ) iku = mbku(ji ,jj) ikum1 = iku - 1 pe3_out(ji,jj,iku) = ( umask(ji,jj,iku) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( 0.5_wp * r1_e1e2u(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2t(ji ,jj) * ( SUM(tmask(ji ,jj,:)*(pe3_in(ji ,jj,:) - e3t_0(ji ,jj,:))) ) & & + e1e2t(ji+1,jj) * ( SUM(tmask(ji+1,jj,:)*(pe3_in(ji+1,jj,:) - e3t_0(ji+1,jj,:))) ) ) & & - SUM(pe3_out(ji,jj,1:ikum1))) END_2D CALL lbc_lnk( 'domvvl', pe3_out(:,:,:), 'U', 1._wp ) pe3_out(:,:,:) = pe3_out(:,:,:) + e3u_0(:,:,:) ! CASE( 'V' ) !* from T- to V-point : hor. surface weighted mean DO_3D( 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, jpk ) pe3_out(ji,jj,jk) = 0.5_wp * ( vmask(ji,jj,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) * r1_e1e2v(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2t(ji,jj ) * ( pe3_in(ji,jj ,jk) - e3t_0(ji,jj ,jk) ) & & + e1e2t(ji,jj+1) * ( pe3_in(ji,jj+1,jk) - e3t_0(ji,jj+1,jk) ) ) END_3D ! ! Bottom correction: DO_2D( 1, 0, 1, 0 ) ikv = mbkv(ji ,jj) ikvm1 = ikv - 1 pe3_out(ji,jj,ikv) = ( vmask(ji,jj,ikv) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( 0.5_wp * r1_e1e2v(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2t(ji,jj ) * ( SUM(tmask(ji,jj ,:)*(pe3_in(ji,jj ,:) - e3t_0(ji,jj ,:))) ) & & + e1e2t(ji,jj+1) * ( SUM(tmask(ji,jj+1,:)*(pe3_in(ji,jj+1,:) - e3t_0(ji,jj+1,:))) ) ) & & - SUM(pe3_out(ji,jj,1:ikvm1))) END_2D CALL lbc_lnk( 'domvvl', pe3_out(:,:,:), 'V', 1._wp ) pe3_out(:,:,:) = pe3_out(:,:,:) + e3v_0(:,:,:) ! CASE( 'F' ) !* from U-point to F-point : hor. surface weighted mean DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk ) pe3_out(ji,jj,jk) = 0.5_wp * ( umask(ji,jj,jk) * umask(ji,jj+1,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * r1_e1e2f(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2u(ji,jj ) * ( pe3_in(ji,jj ,jk) - e3u_0(ji,jj ,jk) ) & & + e1e2u(ji,jj+1) * ( pe3_in(ji,jj+1,jk) - e3u_0(ji,jj+1,jk) ) ) END_3D ! ! Bottom correction: DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ikf = MIN(mbku(ji ,jj),mbku(ji,jj+1)) ikfm1 = ikf - 1 pe3_out(ji,jj,ikf) = ( umask(ji,jj,ikf) * umask(ji,jj+1,ikf) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( 0.5_wp * r1_e1e2f(ji,jj) & & * ( e1e2u(ji,jj ) * ( SUM(umask(ji,jj ,:)*(pe3_in(ji,jj ,:) - e3u_0(ji,jj ,:))) ) & & + e1e2u(ji,jj+1) * ( SUM(umask(ji,jj+1,:)*(pe3_in(ji,jj+1,:) - e3u_0(ji,jj+1,:))) ) ) & & - SUM(pe3_out(ji,jj,1:ikfm1))) END_2D CALL lbc_lnk( 'domvvl', pe3_out(:,:,:), 'F', 1._wp ) pe3_out(:,:,:) = pe3_out(:,:,:) + e3f_0(:,:,:) ! CASE( 'W' ) !* from T- to W-point : vertical simple mean ! pe3_out(:,:,1) = e3w_0(:,:,1) + pe3_in(:,:,1) - e3t_0(:,:,1) ! - ML - The use of mask in this formulea enables the special treatment of the last w-point without indirect adressing !!gm BUG? use here wmask in case of ISF ? to be checked DO jk = 2, jpk pe3_out(:,:,jk) = e3w_0(:,:,jk) + ( 1.0_wp - 0.5_wp * ( tmask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk-1) - e3t_0(:,:,jk-1) ) & & + 0.5_wp * ( tmask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk ) - e3t_0(:,:,jk ) ) END DO ! CASE( 'UW' ) !* from U- to UW-point : vertical simple mean ! pe3_out(:,:,1) = e3uw_0(:,:,1) + pe3_in(:,:,1) - e3u_0(:,:,1) ! - ML - The use of mask in this formaula enables the special treatment of the last w- point without indirect adressing !!gm BUG? use here wumask in case of ISF ? to be checked DO jk = 2, jpk pe3_out(:,:,jk) = e3uw_0(:,:,jk) + ( 1.0_wp - 0.5_wp * ( umask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk-1) - e3u_0(:,:,jk-1) ) & & + 0.5_wp * ( umask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk ) - e3u_0(:,:,jk ) ) END DO ! CASE( 'VW' ) !* from V- to VW-point : vertical simple mean ! pe3_out(:,:,1) = e3vw_0(:,:,1) + pe3_in(:,:,1) - e3v_0(:,:,1) ! - ML - The use of mask in this formaula enables the special treatment of the last w- point without indirect adressing !!gm BUG? use here wvmask in case of ISF ? to be checked DO jk = 2, jpk pe3_out(:,:,jk) = e3vw_0(:,:,jk) + ( 1.0_wp - 0.5_wp * ( vmask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk-1) - e3v_0(:,:,jk-1) ) & & + 0.5_wp * ( vmask(:,:,jk) * (1.0_wp - zlnwd) + zlnwd ) & & * ( pe3_in(:,:,jk ) - e3v_0(:,:,jk ) ) END DO END SELECT ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_interpol SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_rst( kt, Kbb, Kmm, cdrw ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_rst *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read or write VVL file in restart file !! !! ** Method : * restart comes from a linear ssh simulation : !! an attempt to read e3t_n stops simulation !! * restart comes from a z-star, z-tilde, or layer : !! read e3t_n and e3t_b !! * restart comes from a z-star : !! set tilde_e3t_n, tilde_e3t_n, and hdiv_lf to 0 !! * restart comes from layer : !! read tilde_e3t_n and tilde_e3t_b !! set hdiv_lf to 0 !! * restart comes from a z-tilde: !! read tilde_e3t_n, tilde_e3t_b, and hdiv_lf !! !! NB: if l_1st_euler = T (ln_1st_euler or ssh_b not found) !! Kbb fields set to Kmm ones !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm ! ocean time level indices CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdrw ! "READ"/"WRITE" flag ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: id3, id4, id5 ! local integers !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !=====================! IF( TRIM(cdrw) == 'READ' ) THEN ! Read / initialise ! ! !=====================! ! IF( ln_rstart ) THEN !== Read the restart file ==! ! CALL rst_read_open !* open the restart file if necessary ! ! --------- ! ! ! all cases ! ! ! --------- ! ! id3 = iom_varid( numror, 'tilde_e3t_b', ldstop = .FALSE. ) !* check presence id4 = iom_varid( numror, 'tilde_e3t_n', ldstop = .FALSE. ) id5 = iom_varid( numror, 'hdiv_lf' , ldstop = .FALSE. ) ! ! !* scale factors IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Kmm scale factor read in the restart file' CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'e3t_n', e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) ) WHERE ( tmask(:,:,:) == 0.0_wp ) e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) = e3t_0(:,:,:) END WHERE IF( l_1st_euler ) THEN ! euler IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Euler first time step : e3t(Kbb) = e3t(Kmm)' e3t(:,:,:,Kbb) = e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) ELSE ! leap frog IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Kbb scale factor read in the restart file' CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'e3t_b', e3t(:,:,:,Kbb) ) WHERE ( tmask(:,:,:) == 0.0_wp ) e3t(:,:,:,Kbb) = e3t_0(:,:,:) END WHERE ENDIF ! ! ------------ ! IF( ln_vvl_zstar ) THEN ! z_star case ! ! ! ------------ ! IF( MIN( id3, id4 ) > 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'dom_vvl_rst: z_star cannot restart from a z_tilde or layer run' ) ENDIF ! ! ------------------------ ! ELSE ! z_tilde and layer cases ! ! ! ------------------------ ! ! IF( id4 > 0 ) THEN !* scale factor increments IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Kmm scale factor increments read in the restart file' CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tilde_e3t_n', tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) ) IF( l_1st_euler ) THEN ! euler IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Euler first time step : tilde_e3t(Kbb) = tilde_e3t(Kmm)' tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) = tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) ELSE ! leap frog IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Kbb scale factor increments read in the restart file' CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tilde_e3t_b', tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) ) ENDIF ELSE tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! ! ------------ ! IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN ! z_tilde case ! ! ! ------------ ! IF( id5 > 0 ) THEN ! required array exists CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'hdiv_lf', hdiv_lf(:,:,:) ) ELSE ! array is missing hdiv_lf(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! ELSE !== Initialize at "rest" with ssh ==! ! DO jk = 1, jpk e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) = e3t_0(:,:,jk) * ( 1._wp + ssh(:,:,Kmm) * r1_ht_0(:,:) * tmask(:,:,jk) ) END DO e3t(:,:,:,Kbb) = e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) ! IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer) THEN tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:) = 0._wp IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) hdiv_lf(:,:,:) = 0._wp ENDIF ENDIF ! !=======================! ELSEIF( TRIM(cdrw) == 'WRITE' ) THEN ! Create restart file ! ! !=======================! ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '---- dom_vvl_rst ----' ! ! --------- ! ! ! all cases ! ! ! --------- ! CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3t_b', e3t(:,:,:,Kbb) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3t_n', e3t(:,:,:,Kmm) ) ! ! ----------------------- ! IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN ! z_tilde and layer cases ! ! ! ----------------------- ! CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'tilde_e3t_b', tilde_e3t_b(:,:,:)) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'tilde_e3t_n', tilde_e3t_n(:,:,:)) END IF ! ! -------------! IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) THEN ! z_tilde case ! ! ! ------------ ! CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'hdiv_lf', hdiv_lf(:,:,:)) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_rst SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_ctl !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_vvl_ctl *** !! !! ** Purpose : Control the consistency between namelist options !! for vertical coordinate !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ioptio, ios !! NAMELIST/nam_vvl/ ln_vvl_zstar, ln_vvl_ztilde, ln_vvl_layer, ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar, & & ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor , rn_ahe3 , rn_rst_e3t , & & rn_lf_cutoff , rn_zdef_max , ln_vvl_dbg ! not yet implemented: ln_vvl_kepe !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! READ ( numnam_ref, nam_vvl, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_vvl in reference namelist' ) READ ( numnam_cfg, nam_vvl, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_vvl in configuration namelist' ) IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, nam_vvl ) ! IF(lwp) THEN ! Namelist print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_vvl_ctl : choice/control of the variable vertical coordinate' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist nam_vvl : chose a vertical coordinate' WRITE(numout,*) ' zstar ln_vvl_zstar = ', ln_vvl_zstar WRITE(numout,*) ' ztilde ln_vvl_ztilde = ', ln_vvl_ztilde WRITE(numout,*) ' layer ln_vvl_layer = ', ln_vvl_layer WRITE(numout,*) ' ztilde as zstar ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar = ', ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar WRITE(numout,*) ' ztilde near the equator ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor = ', ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor WRITE(numout,*) ' !' WRITE(numout,*) ' thickness diffusion coefficient rn_ahe3 = ', rn_ahe3 WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum e3t deformation fractional change rn_zdef_max = ', rn_zdef_max IF( ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' ztilde running in zstar emulation mode (ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar=T) ' WRITE(numout,*) ' ignoring namelist timescale parameters and using:' WRITE(numout,*) ' hard-wired : z-tilde to zstar restoration timescale (days)' WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_rst_e3t = 0.e0' WRITE(numout,*) ' hard-wired : z-tilde cutoff frequency of low-pass filter (days)' WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_lf_cutoff = 1.0/rn_Dt' ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' z-tilde to zstar restoration timescale (days) rn_rst_e3t = ', rn_rst_e3t WRITE(numout,*) ' z-tilde cutoff frequency of low-pass filter (days) rn_lf_cutoff = ', rn_lf_cutoff ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' debug prints flag ln_vvl_dbg = ', ln_vvl_dbg ENDIF ! ioptio = 0 ! Parameter control IF( ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar ) ln_vvl_ztilde = .true. IF( ln_vvl_zstar ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 IF( ln_vvl_layer ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 ! IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'Choose ONE vertical coordinate in namelist nam_vvl' ) ! IF(lwp) THEN ! Print the choice WRITE(numout,*) IF( ln_vvl_zstar ) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> zstar vertical coordinate is used' IF( ln_vvl_ztilde ) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> ztilde vertical coordinate is used' IF( ln_vvl_layer ) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> layer vertical coordinate is used' IF( ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar ) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> to emulate a zstar coordinate' ENDIF ! #if defined key_agrif IF( (.NOT.Agrif_Root()).AND.(.NOT.ln_vvl_zstar) ) CALL ctl_stop( 'AGRIF is implemented with zstar coordinate only' ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE dom_vvl_ctl #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE domvvl