#!/bin/sh # initialise user dependent variable export cmd=$0 ; export cmdargs=$@ SETTE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) MAIN_DIR=$(dirname $SETTE_DIR) export CMPL_CORES=8 # Number of threads to use for compiling export SETTE_STG="_ST" # Base suffix to append to configuration name dry_run=0 NO_REPORT=0 # # controls for some common namelist, run-time options: # export USING_TIMING='yes' # Default: yes => set ln_timing=.true. ; use -T to disable export USING_ICEBERGS='yes' # Default: yes => set ln_icebergs=.true. ; use -i to disable export USING_EXTRA_HALO='yes' # Default: yes => set nn_hls=2 ; use -e to set nn_hls=1 export USING_COLLECTIVES='yes' # Default: yes => set nn_comm=2 ; use -C to set nn_comm=1 export USING_NOGATHER='yes' # Default: yes => set ln_nnogather=.true.; use -N to set ln_nnogather=.false. export USING_TILING='yes' # Default: yes => set ln_tile=.true. ; use -t to disable # Note: yes also ensures nn_hls=2 but -t will not alter nn_hls # # controls for some common compile-time keys: # export USING_QCO='yes' # Default: yes => add key_qco ; use -q to delete key_qco export USING_RK3='no' # Default: yes => add key_RK3 & key_qco ; use -Q to delete key_RK3 export USING_LOOP_FUSION='yes' # Default: yes => add key_loop_fusion ; use -F to delete key_loop_fusion export USING_XIOS='yes' # Default: yes => add key_xios ; use -X to delete key_xios # Note: changing USING_XIOS may require a change in arch file # # controls for some common batch-script, run-time options: # export USING_MPMD='yes' # Default: yes => run with detached XIOS servers ; use -A to run in attached (SPMD) mode # Note: yes also ensures key_xios but -A will not remove it export USER_INPUT='yes' # Default: yes => request user input on decisions. For example: # 1. regarding mismatched options # 2. regardin incompatible options # 3. regarding creation of directories # # Check that git branch is usable export DETACHED_HEAD="no" git branch --show-current >& /dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then # subdirectory below NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR defaults to branchname export SETTE_SUB_VAL="$(git branch --show-current)" if [ -z $SETTE_SUB_VAL ] ; then # Probabably on a detached HEAD (possibly testing an old commit). # Verify this and try to recover original commit MORE_INFO="$(git branch -a | head -1l | sed -e's/.*(//' -e 's/)//' )" if [[ "${MORE_INFO}" == *"detached"* ]] ; then export DETACHED_HEAD="yes" export DETACHED_CMIT=$( echo \\${MORE_INFO} | awk '{print $NF}' ) # There is no robust way to recover a branch name in a detached state # so just use the commit with a prefix export SETTE_SUB_VAL="detached_"${DETACHED_CMIT} else export SETTE_SUB_VAL="Unknown" fi fi export SETTE_THIS_BRANCH=${SETTE_SUB_VAL} else # subdirectory below NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR defaults to "MAIN" export SETTE_SUB_VAL="MAIN" export SETTE_THIS_BRANCH="Unknown" fi # Parse command-line arguments if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while getopts n:x:v:g:cdrshTqQteiACFNXu option; do case $option in c) export SETTE_CLEAN_CONFIGS='yes' export SETTE_SYNC_CONFIGS='yes' echo "-c: Configuration ${SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} will be cleaned; this option enforces also synchronisation" echo "";; d) dry_run=1 echo "";; r) NO_REPORT=1 echo "";; s) export SETTE_SYNC_CONFIGS='yes' echo "-s: MY_SRC and EXP00 in ${SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} will be synchronised with the MY_SRC and EXPREF from the reference configuration" echo "";; n) OPTSTR="$OPTARG" OPTSTR="${OPTSTR/ORCA2_SAS_ICE/SAS}" # Permit either shortened (expected) or full name for SAS OPTSTR="${OPTSTR/AGRIF_DEMO/AGRIF}" # Permit either shortened (expected) or full name for AGRIF export SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS=(${OPTSTR}) echo "==================================" if [ ${#SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} -gt 1 ]; then echo "-n: Configurations ${SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} will be tested if they are available" else echo "-n: Configuration ${SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} will be tested if it is available" fi echo "";; g) case $OPTARG in [0-9,a-z,A-Z] ) echo "-g: Using ${SETTE_STG}${OPTARG} as the configuration suffix";; * ) echo "-g only accepts a single, alphanumeric character. Processing halted"; exit 42;; esac export SETTE_STG=${SETTE_STG}${OPTARG} echo "";; x) export SETTE_TEST_TYPES=(${OPTARG}) echo "-x: ${SETTE_TEST_TYPES[@]} tests requested" echo "";; v) export SETTE_SUB_VAL=($OPTARG) echo "-v: $SETTE_SUB_VAL validation sub-directory requested" echo "";; T) export USING_TIMING='no' echo "-T: ln_timing will be set to false" echo "";; t) export USING_TILING='no' echo "-t: ln_tile will be set to false" echo "";; e) export USING_EXTRA_HALO='no' echo "-e: nn_hls will be set to 1" echo "";; i) export USING_ICEBERGS='no' echo "-i: ln_icebergs will be set to false" echo "";; C) export USING_COLLECTIVES='no' echo "-C: nn_comm will be set to 1" echo "";; N) export USING_NOGATHER='no' echo "-N: ln_nnogather will be set to false" echo "";; q) export USING_QCO='no' echo "-q: key_qco and key_linssh will NOT be activated" echo "";; Q) export USING_RK3='no' echo "-Q: key_qco and key_RK3 will not be activated" echo " This is the curent default for now since RK3 is not ready" echo "";; F) export USING_LOOP_FUSION='no' echo "-F: key_loop_fusion will not be activated" echo "";; X) export USING_XIOS='no' echo "-X: key_xios will not be activated" echo "";; A) export USING_MPMD='no' echo "-A: Tasks will be run in attached (SPMD) mode" echo "";; u) export USER_INPUT='no' echo "-u: sette.sh will not expect any user interaction == no safety net!" echo "";; h | *) echo 'sette.sh with no arguments (in this case all configuration will be tested with default options)' echo '-T to set ln_timing false for all non-AGRIF configurations (default: true)' echo '-t set ln_tile false in all tests that support it (default: true)' echo '-e set nn_hls=1 (default: nn_hls=2)' echo '-i set ln_icebergs false (default: true)' echo '-C set nn_comm=1 (default: nn_comm=2 ==> use MPI3 collective comms)' echo '-N set ln_nnogather false for ORCA2 configurations (default: true)' echo '-q to remove the key_qco key (default: added)' echo '-X to remove the key_xios key (default: added)' echo '-F to remove the key_loop_fusion key (default: added)' echo '-Q to remove the key_RK3 key (currently a null-op since key_RK3 is not used)' echo '-A to run tests in attached (SPMD) mode (default: MPMD with key_xios)' echo '-n "CFG1_to_test CFG2_to_test ..." to test some specific configurations' echo '-x "TEST_type TEST_type ..." to specify particular type(s) of test(s) to run after compilation' echo ' TEST_type choices are: RESTART REPRO CORRUPT PHYSICS - anything else will COMPILE only' echo '-v "subdir" optional validation record subdirectory to be created below NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR' echo '-g "group_suffix" single character suffix to be appended to the standard _ST suffix used' echo ' for SETTE-built configurations (needed if sette.sh invocations may overlap)' echo '-r to execute without waiting to run sette_rpt.sh at the end (useful for chaining sette.sh invocations)' echo '-d to perform a dryrun to simply report what settings will be used' echo '-c to clean each configuration' echo '-s to synchronise the sette MY_SRC and EXP00 with the reference MY_SRC and EXPREF' echo '-u to run sette.sh without any user interaction. This means no checks on creating' echo ' directories etc. i.e. no safety net!' ; exit 42 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) fi # # Option dependency tests # if [ ${USING_TILING} == "yes" ] ; then if [ ${USING_EXTRA_HALO} == "no" ] ; then if [ ${USER_INPUT} == "yes" ] ; then while true; do read -p "Tiling requires the extra halo but you have used -e to deselect it. Would you like to reselect it? (y/n)?: " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) echo "Ok, ignoring the -e option"; USING_EXTRA_HALO="yes"; break;; [Nn]* ) echo "Ok, exiting instead"; exit 42;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done else # Without user input, the best option is to disable tiling echo "Tiling requires the extra halo but you have used -e to deselect it. Tiling will not be used." USING_TILING="no" fi fi fi if [ ${USING_LOOP_FUSION} == "yes" ] ; then if [ ${USING_EXTRA_HALO} == "no" ] ; then if [ ${USER_INPUT} == "yes" ] ; then while true; do read -p "Loop fusion requires the extra halo but you have used -e to deselect it. Would you like to reselect it? (y/n)?: " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) echo "Ok, ignoring the -e option"; USING_EXTRA_HALO="yes"; break;; [Nn]* ) echo "Ok, exiting instead"; exit 42;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done else # Without user input, the best option is to disable loop fusion echo "Loop fusion requires the extra halo but you have used -e to deselect it. Loop fusion will not be used." USING_LOOP_FUSION="no" fi fi fi # # Get SETTE parameters . ./param.cfg # # Set the common compile keys to add or delete based on command-line arguments: # export ADD_KEYS="" ; export DEL_KEYS="" if [ ${USING_XIOS} == "yes" ] ; then export ADD_KEYS="${ADD_KEYS}key_xios " ; fi if [ ${USING_XIOS} == "no" ] ; then export DEL_KEYS="${DEL_KEYS}key_xios " ; fi # if [ ${USING_LOOP_FUSION} == "yes" ] ; then export ADD_KEYS="${ADD_KEYS}key_loop_fusion " ; fi if [ ${USING_LOOP_FUSION} == "no" ] ; then export DEL_KEYS="${DEL_KEYS}key_loop_fusion " ; fi # if [ ${USING_QCO} == "yes" ] ; then export ADD_KEYS="${ADD_KEYS}key_qco " ; fi if [ ${USING_QCO} == "no" ] ; then export DEL_KEYS="${DEL_KEYS}key_qco key_linssh " ; fi # if [ ${USING_RK3} == "yes" ] ; then export ADD_KEYS="${ADD_KEYS}key_qco key_RK3 " ; fi if [ ${USING_RK3} == "no" ] ; then export DEL_KEYS="${DEL_KEYS}key_RK3 " ; fi # # Set validation record sub-directories (if required) # if [ ! -d $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR ] ; then if [ ${dry_run} -eq 0 ] ; then if [ ${USER_INPUT} == "yes" ] ; then while true; do read -p "$NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR does not exist. Do you wish to create it? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) echo "Ok, creating $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR"; mkdir $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR; break;; [Nn]* ) echo "Ok, exiting instead"; exit 42;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done else # Without user input, carry on regardless echo "$NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR does not exist. It will be created" mkdir $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR fi else echo "$NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR does not exist" echo "but this is a dry run so it will not be created" fi fi if [ ! -d $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR/$SETTE_SUB_VAL ] && [ ${dry_run} -eq 0 ] ; then mkdir $NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR/$SETTE_SUB_VAL fi export NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR=$NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR/$SETTE_SUB_VAL TEST_CONFIGS=(${TEST_CONFIGS[@]/ORCA2_SAS_ICE/SAS}) # Shortening of 'ORCA2_SAS_ICE' to 'SAS' TEST_CONFIGS=(${TEST_CONFIGS[@]/AGRIF_DEMO/AGRIF}) # Shortening of 'AGRIF_DEMO' to 'AGRIF' if [ ${#SETTE_TEST_CONFIGS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "==================================" echo "Configurations ${TEST_CONFIGS[@]} will be tested if they are available" fi echo "Carrying out the following tests : ${TEST_TYPES[@]}" echo "requested by the command : "$cmd $cmdargs echo "on branch : "$SETTE_THIS_BRANCH printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_TIMING $USING_TIMING printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_ICEBERGS $USING_ICEBERGS printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_EXTRA_HALO $USING_EXTRA_HALO printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_TILING $USING_TILING printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_COLLECTIVES $USING_COLLECTIVES printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_NOGATHER $USING_NOGATHER printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_QCO $USING_QCO printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_LOOP_FUSION $USING_LOOP_FUSION printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_XIOS $USING_XIOS printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_MPMD $USING_MPMD printf "%-33s : %s\n" USING_RK3 $USING_RK3 printf "%-33s : %s\n" USER_INPUT $USER_INPUT printf "%-33s : %s\n" "Common compile keys to be added" "$ADD_KEYS" printf "%-33s : %s\n" "Common compile keys to be deleted" "$DEL_KEYS" echo "Validation records to appear under: "$NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR echo "==================================" echo "" # # Option compatibility tests # if [ ${USING_MPMD} == "yes" ] && [ ${USING_XIOS} == "no" ] ; then echo "Incompatible choices. MPMD mode requires the XIOS server" ; exit ; fi if [ ${dry_run} -eq 1 ] ; then echo "dryrun only: no tests performed" ; exit ; fi # run sette on reference configuration . ./sette_reference-configurations.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "./sette_cfg-ref.sh didn't finish properly, need investigations" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" exit 42 fi # run sette on test cases . ./sette_test-cases.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "./sette_test-cases.sh didn't finish properly, need investigations" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" exit 42 fi if [ ${NO_REPORT} -ne 0 ] ; then exit ; fi # run sette report echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------" echo "./sette_rpt.sh (script will wait all nemo_sette run are done)" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" NRUN=999 NIT=0 while [[ $NRUN -ne 0 && $nit -le 1080 ]]; do nit=$((nit+1)) NRUN=$( ${BATCH_STAT} | grep ${BATCH_NAME} | wc -l ) if [[ $NRUN -ne 0 ]]; then printf "%-3d %s\r" $NRUN 'nemo_sette runs still in queue or running ...'; else printf "%-50s\n" " " . ./sette_rpt.sh exit fi sleep 10 done printf "\n" echo "" echo "Something wrong happened, it tooks more than 3 hours to run all the sette tests" echo ""