#if defined key_agrif SUBROUTINE agrif_user() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_user *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- END SUBROUTINE agrif_user SUBROUTINE agrif_initworkspace() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitWorkspace *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- END SUBROUTINE agrif_initworkspace SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE dom_oce USE nemogcm USE domain !! IMPLICIT NONE ! No temporal refinement CALL Agrif_Set_coeffreft(1) CALL nemo_init !* Initializations of each fine grid CALL dom_nam END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Initialisation of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce USE lbclnk !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: irafx, irafy LOGICAL :: ln_perio, ldIperio, ldNFold, l_deg ! irafx = agrif_irhox() irafy = agrif_irhoy() ! IF(jperio /=1 .AND. jperio/=4 .AND. jperio/=6 ) THEN ! nx = (nbcellsx)+2*nbghostcellsfine+2 ! ny = (nbcellsy)+2*nbghostcellsfine+2 ! nbghostcellsfine_tot_x= nbghostcellsfine_x +1 ! nbghostcellsfine_tot_y= nbghostcellsfine_y +1 ! ELSE ! nx = (nbcellsx)+2*nbghostcellsfine_x ! ny = (nbcellsy)+2*nbghostcellsfine+2 ! nbghostcellsfine_tot_x= 1 ! nbghostcellsfine_tot_y= nbghostcellsfine_y +1 ! ENDIF ! ELSE ! nbghostcellsfine = 0 ! nx = nbcellsx+irafx ! ny = nbcellsy+irafy WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,*)'Size of the High resolution grid: ',jpi,' x ',jpj WRITE(*,*) ' ' ln_perio = .FALSE. l_deg = .TRUE. ldIperio = (jperio == 1 .OR. jperio == 4 .OR. jperio == 6 .OR. jperio == 7) ldNFold = jperio >= 3 .AND. jperio <= 6 IF( ldIperio.OR.ldNFold ) ln_perio=.TRUE. IF ( Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==2 & &.OR.Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==3 & &.OR.Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==5 ) l_deg = .FALSE. CALL agrif_init_lonlat() IF ( l_deg ) THEN WHERE (glamt < -180) glamt = glamt +360. WHERE (glamt > +180) glamt = glamt -360. WHERE (glamu < -180) glamu = glamu +360. WHERE (glamu > +180) glamu = glamu -360. WHERE (glamv < -180) glamv = glamv +360. WHERE (glamv > +180) glamv = glamv -360. WHERE (glamf < -180) glamf = glamf +360. WHERE (glamf > +180) glamf = glamf -360. ENDIF CALL lbc_lnk( 'glamt', glamt, 'T', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'gphit', gphit, 'T', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'glamu', glamu, 'U', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'gphiu', gphiu, 'U', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'glamv', glamv, 'V', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'gphiv', gphiv, 'V', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'glamf', glamf, 'F', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'gphif', gphif, 'F', 1._wp) ! Correct South and North IF ((.not.lk_south).AND.((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2))) THEN glamt(:,1+nn_hls) = glamt(:,2+nn_hls) gphit(:,1+nn_hls) = gphit(:,2+nn_hls) glamu(:,1+nn_hls) = glamu(:,2+nn_hls) gphiu(:,1+nn_hls) = gphiu(:,2+nn_hls) ENDIF !South: IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN gphif(:,nn_hls) = gphif(:,1+nn_hls) glamf(:,nn_hls) = glamf(:,1+nn_hls) ENDIF IF ( .NOT.ldNFold ) THEN IF ((.not.lk_north).AND.((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2))) THEN glamt(:,jpj-nn_hls) = glamt(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) gphit(:,jpj-nn_hls) = gphit(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) glamu(:,jpj-nn_hls) = glamu(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) gphiu(:,jpj-nn_hls) = gphiu(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) glamv(:,jpj-nn_hls) = glamv(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) gphiv(:,jpj-nn_hls) = gphiv(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) glamf(:,jpj-nn_hls) = glamf(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) gphif(:,jpj-nn_hls) = gphif(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) ENDIF ENDIF IF ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN glamf(:,jpj-nn_hls+1) = glamf(:,jpj-nn_hls) gphif(:,jpj-nn_hls+1) = gphif(:,jpj-nn_hls) ENDIF ! Correct West and East IF( .NOT.ldIperio ) THEN IF((nbondi == -1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) THEN glamt(1+nn_hls,:) = glamt(2+nn_hls,:) gphit(1+nn_hls,:) = gphit(2+nn_hls,:) glamv(1+nn_hls,:) = glamv(2+nn_hls,:) gphiv(1+nn_hls,:) = gphiv(2+nn_hls,:) ENDIF IF( (nbondi == 1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) THEN glamt(jpi-nn_hls,:) = glamt(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) gphit(jpi-nn_hls,:) = gphit(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) glamu(jpi-nn_hls,:) = glamu(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) gphiu(jpi-nn_hls,:) = gphiu(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) glamv(jpi-nn_hls,:) = glamv(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) gphiv(jpi-nn_hls,:) = gphiv(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) glamf(jpi-nn_hls,:) = glamf(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) gphif(jpi-nn_hls,:) = gphif(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) ENDIF ENDIF IF((nbondi == -1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) THEN gphif(nn_hls,:) = gphif(nn_hls+1,:) glamf(nn_hls,:) = glamf(nn_hls+1,:) ENDIF IF( (nbondi == 1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) THEN glamf(jpi-nn_hls+1,:) = glamf(jpi-nn_hls,:) gphif(jpi-nn_hls+1,:) = gphif(jpi-nn_hls,:) ENDIF CALL agrif_init_scales() ! Fill ghost points in case of closed boundaries: ! Correct South and North IF ((.NOT.lk_south).AND.((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2))) THEN e1t(:,1+nn_hls) = e1t(:,2+nn_hls) e2t(:,1+nn_hls) = e2t(:,2+nn_hls) e1u(:,1+nn_hls) = e1u(:,2+nn_hls) e2u(:,1+nn_hls) = e2u(:,2+nn_hls) ENDIF IF ( .NOT.ldNFold ) THEN IF((.NOT.lk_north).AND.((nbondj == 1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) )) THEN e1t(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e1t(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e2t(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e2t(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e1u(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e1u(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e2u(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e2u(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e1v(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e1v(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e2v(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e2v(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e1f(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e1f(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) e2f(:,jpj-nn_hls) = e2f(:,jpj-nn_hls-1) ENDIF ENDIF ! Correct West and East IF( .NOT.ldIperio ) THEN IF((.NOT.lk_west).AND.(nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2) ) THEN e1t(1+nn_hls,:) = e1t(2+nn_hls,:) e2t(1+nn_hls,:) = e2t(2+nn_hls,:) e1v(1+nn_hls,:) = e1v(2+nn_hls,:) e2v(1+nn_hls,:) = e2v(2+nn_hls,:) ENDIF IF((.NOT.lk_east).AND.(nbondj == 1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) ) THEN e1t(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e1t(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e2t(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e2t(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e1u(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e1u(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e2u(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e2u(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e1v(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e1v(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e2v(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e2v(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e1f(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e1f(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) e2f(jpi-nn_hls,:) = e2f(jpi-nn_hls-1,:) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce USE dom_oce USE agrif_profiles USE agrif_parameters IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ind1, ind2, ind3 INTEGER ::nbghostcellsfine_tot_x, nbghostcellsfine_tot_y INTEGER :: iraf EXTERNAL :: nemo_mapping ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ind2 = nn_hls + 1 + nbghostcells_x_w ind3 = nn_hls + 1 + nbghostcells_y_s nbghostcellsfine_tot_x=max(nbghostcells_x_w,nbghostcells_x_e)+1 nbghostcellsfine_tot_y=max(nbghostcells_y_s,nbghostcells_y_n)+1 iraf = MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy()) ! In case of East-West periodicity, prevent AGRIF interpolation at east and west boundaries ! The procnames will not be CALLed at these boundaries if (.not.lk_west) THEN CALL Agrif_Set_NearCommonBorderX(.TRUE.) endif if (.not.lk_east) THEN CALL Agrif_Set_DistantCommonBorderX(.TRUE.) endif if (.not.lk_south) THEN CALL Agrif_Set_NearCommonBorderY(.TRUE.) endif if (.not.lk_north) THEN CALL Agrif_Set_DistantCommonBorderY(.TRUE.) endif CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),glamt_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),glamu_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),glamv_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),glamf_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),gphit_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),gphiu_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),gphiv_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),gphif_id) ! Horizontal scale factors CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1t_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1u_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1v_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1f_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e2t_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e2u_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e2v_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e2f_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,3/),e1e2t_upd_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1e2t_frac_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e2u_frac_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),e1v_frac_id) ! Bathymetry CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),bathy_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),ht0_id) ! Vertical scale factors CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3t_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3t_copy_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk+1/),e3t_connect_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3w_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0/),(/ind2-1,ind3 ,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3u_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0/),(/ind2 ,ind3-1,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3v_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1,0/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3f_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0/),(/ind2-1,ind3 ,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3uw_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0/),(/ind2 ,ind3-1,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),e3vw_id) ! Bottom level CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),mbkt_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2-1,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),mbku_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind2,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),mbkv_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,1/),(/ind2-1,ind3-1/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/jpi,jpj/),mbkf_id) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(glamt_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(glamt_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( glamt_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(glamu_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(glamu_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( glamu_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(glamv_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(glamv_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( glamv_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(glamf_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(glamf_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( glamf_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(gphit_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(gphit_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( gphit_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(gphiu_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(gphiu_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( gphiu_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(gphiv_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(gphiv_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( gphiv_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(gphif_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(gphif_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( gphif_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) ! ! CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1t_id,interp=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1t_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1t_id,interp=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e1t_id, (/-MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy())*npt_shift_bar,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1u_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1u_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e1u_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1v_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1v_id, interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e1v_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e1v_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1f_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1f_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e1f_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) ! CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2t_id,interp=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2t_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e2t_id,interp=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e2t_id, (/-MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy())*npt_shift_bar,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2u_id,interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e2u_id,interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e2u_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e2u_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2v_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e2v_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e2v_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2f_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e2f_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e2f_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1e2t_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1e2t_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(e1e2t_frac_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e2u_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e2u_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(e2u_frac_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e1v_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e1v_frac_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(e1v_frac_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e1e2t_upd_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(bathy_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(bathy_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(bathy_id, (/0, max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(ht0_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp( ht0_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( ht0_id, (/-npt_copy*MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy())-2, max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) ! Vertical scale factors CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3t_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3t_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3t_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( e3t_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3t_copy_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3t_copy_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3t_copy_id, (/-npt_copy*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( e3t_copy_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Max) ! CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3t_connect_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) ! CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3t_connect_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3t_connect_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3t_connect_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) ! CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3t_connect_id, (/-(npt_copy+npt_connect)*iraf-1,-npt_copy*iraf-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3t_connect_id, & & (/-(npt_copy+npt_connect)*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3w_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3w_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3w_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( e3w_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3u_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3u_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3u_id, (/-npt_copy*MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy()),max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3u_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3v_id,interp1=AGRIF_linear, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3v_id, interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3v_id, (/-npt_copy*MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy()),max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3v_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3f_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3f_id, interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3f_id, (/-npt_copy*MAX(Agrif_irhox(), Agrif_irhoy()),max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3f_id,update = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3uw_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3uw_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3uw_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3uw_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3vw_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(e3vw_id, interp1=AGRIF_ppm, interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3vw_id, (/0,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3vw_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy) ! Bottom levels CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(mbkt_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(mbkt_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( mbkt_id, (/-npt_copy*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( mbkt_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Max) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(mbku_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(mbku_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( mbku_id, (/-npt_copy*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( mbku_id, update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = AGRIF_Update_Max) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(mbkv_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(mbkv_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( mbkv_id, (/-npt_copy*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( mbkv_id, update1 = Agrif_Update_Max, update2 = AGRIF_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(mbkf_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_interp(mbkf_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( mbkf_id, (/-npt_copy*iraf-1,max(nbghostcellsfine_tot_x,nbghostcellsfine_tot_y)-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( mbkf_id, update = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_ExternalMapping(nemo_mapping) END SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var SUBROUTINE nemo_mapping(ndim,ptx,pty,bounds,bounds_chunks,correction_required,nb_chunks) USE dom_oce INTEGER :: ndim INTEGER :: ptx, pty INTEGER,DIMENSION(ndim,2,2) :: bounds INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: bounds_chunks LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:),allocatable :: correction_required LOGICAL :: ldIperio, ldNFold INTEGER :: nb_chunks INTEGER :: i IF (agrif_debug_interp) THEN DO i = 1, ndim print *,'direction = ',i,bounds(i,1,2),bounds(i,2,2) END DO ENDIF ldIperio = (jperio == 1 .OR. jperio == 4 .OR. jperio == 6 .OR. jperio == 7) ldNFold = jperio >= 3 .AND. jperio <= 6 IF( ( bounds(2,2,2) > jpjglo ).AND.ldNFold ) THEN IF( bounds(2,1,2) <= jpjglo ) THEN nb_chunks = 2 ALLOCATE(bounds_chunks(nb_chunks,ndim,2,2)) ALLOCATE(correction_required(nb_chunks)) DO i = 1, nb_chunks bounds_chunks(i,:,:,:) = bounds END DO ! FIRST CHUNCK (for j<=jpjglo) ! Original indices bounds_chunks(1,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,1,1) = bounds(2,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,1) = jpjglo bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,1,2) = bounds(2,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,2) = jpjglo ! Correction required or not correction_required(1)=.FALSE. ! SECOND CHUNCK (for j>jpjglo) !Original indices bounds_chunks(2,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(2,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(2,2,1,1) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls bounds_chunks(2,2,2,1) = bounds(2,2,2) ! Where to find them ! We use the relation TAB(ji,jj)=TAB(jpiglo-ji+2,jpjglo-2-(jj-jpjglo)) ! We use the relation TAB(ji,jj)=TAB(jpiglo-ji+2,jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(jj-jpjglo)) IF (ptx == 2) THEN ! T, V points bounds_chunks(2,1,1,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,2,2)+2 bounds_chunks(2,1,2,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,1,2)+2 ELSE ! U, F points bounds_chunks(2,1,1,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,2,2)+1 bounds_chunks(2,1,2,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,1,2)+1 ENDIF IF (pty == 2) THEN ! T, U points bounds_chunks(2,2,1,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(bounds(2,2,2) -jpjglo) bounds_chunks(2,2,2,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(jpjglo-nn_hls -jpjglo) ELSE ! V, F points bounds_chunks(2,2,1,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-1-(bounds(2,2,2) -jpjglo) bounds_chunks(2,2,2,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-1-(jpjglo-nn_hls -jpjglo) ENDIF ! Correction required or not correction_required(2)=.TRUE. ELSE nb_chunks = 1 ALLOCATE(bounds_chunks(nb_chunks,ndim,2,2)) ALLOCATE(correction_required(nb_chunks)) DO i=1,nb_chunks bounds_chunks(i,:,:,:) = bounds END DO bounds_chunks(1,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,1,1) = bounds(2,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,1) = bounds(2,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,2,2)+2 bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,1,2)+2 bounds_chunks(1,2,1,2) = jpjglo-nn_hls-1-(bounds(2,2,2)-jpjglo) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,2) = jpjglo-nn_hls-1-(bounds(2,1,2)-jpjglo) IF (ptx == 2) THEN ! T, V points bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,2,2)+2 bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,1,2)+2 ELSE ! U, F points bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,2,2)+1 bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = jpiglo-bounds(1,1,2)+1 ENDIF IF (pty == 2) THEN ! T, U points bounds_chunks(1,2,1,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(bounds(2,2,2) -jpjglo) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(bounds(2,1,2) -jpjglo) ELSE ! V, F points bounds_chunks(1,2,1,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-1-(bounds(2,2,2) -jpjglo) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,2) = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-1-(bounds(2,1,2) -jpjglo) ENDIF correction_required(1)=.TRUE. ENDIF ! bounds(2,1,2) <= jpjglo ELSE IF ( (bounds(1,1,2) < 1).AND.ldIperio ) THEN IF (bounds(1,2,2) > 0) THEN nb_chunks = 2 ALLOCATE(correction_required(nb_chunks)) correction_required=.FALSE. ALLOCATE(bounds_chunks(nb_chunks,ndim,2,2)) DO i=1,nb_chunks bounds_chunks(i,:,:,:) = bounds END DO bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = bounds(1,1,2)+jpiglo-2*nn_hls bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = jpiglo-nn_hls bounds_chunks(1,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,1) = 1+nn_hls bounds_chunks(2,1,1,2) = 1+nn_hls bounds_chunks(2,1,2,2) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(2,1,1,1) = 1+nn_hls bounds_chunks(2,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) ELSE nb_chunks = 1 ALLOCATE(correction_required(nb_chunks)) correction_required=.FALSE. ALLOCATE(bounds_chunks(nb_chunks,ndim,2,2)) DO i=1,nb_chunks bounds_chunks(i,:,:,:) = bounds END DO bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = bounds(1,1,2)+jpiglo-2*nn_hls bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = bounds(1,2,2)+jpiglo-2*nn_hls bounds_chunks(1,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) ENDIF ELSE nb_chunks=1 ALLOCATE(correction_required(nb_chunks)) correction_required=.FALSE. ALLOCATE(bounds_chunks(nb_chunks,ndim,2,2)) DO i=1,nb_chunks bounds_chunks(i,:,:,:) = bounds END DO bounds_chunks(1,1,1,2) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,2) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,1,2) = bounds(2,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,2) = bounds(2,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,1,1) = bounds(1,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,1,2,1) = bounds(1,2,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,1,1) = bounds(2,1,2) bounds_chunks(1,2,2,1) = bounds(2,2,2) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE nemo_mapping FUNCTION agrif_external_switch_index(ptx,pty,i1,isens) USE dom_oce INTEGER :: ptx, pty, i1, isens INTEGER :: agrif_external_switch_index IF( isens == 1 ) THEN IF( ptx == 2 ) THEN ! T, V points agrif_external_switch_index = jpiglo-i1+2 ELSE ! U, F points agrif_external_switch_index = jpiglo-i1+1 ENDIF ELSE IF (isens ==2) THEN IF (pty == 2) THEN ! T, U points agrif_external_switch_index = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-(i1 -jpjglo) ELSE ! V, F points agrif_external_switch_index = jpjglo-2*nn_hls-1-(i1 -jpjglo) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION agrif_external_switch_index SUBROUTINE correct_field(tab2d,i1,i2,j1,j2) USE dom_oce INTEGER :: i1,i2,j1,j2 REAL,DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2) :: tab2d INTEGER :: i,j REAL,DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2) :: tab2dtemp tab2dtemp = tab2d DO j=j1,j2 DO i=i1,i2 tab2d(i,j)=tab2dtemp(i2-(i-i1),j2-(j-j1)) END DO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE correct_field SUBROUTINE agrif_init_lonlat() USE agrif_profiles USE agrif_util USE dom_oce LOGICAL :: l_deg EXTERNAL :: init_glamt, init_glamu, init_glamv, init_glamf EXTERNAL :: init_gphit, init_gphiu, init_gphiv, init_gphif REAL,EXTERNAL :: longitude_linear_interp l_deg = .TRUE. IF ( Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==2 & & .OR.Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==3 & & .OR.Agrif_Parent(jphgr_msh)==5 ) l_deg = .FALSE. IF ( l_deg ) THEN CALL Agrif_Set_external_linear_interp(longitude_linear_interp) ENDIF CALL Agrif_Init_variable(glamt_id, procname = init_glamt) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(glamu_id, procname = init_glamu) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(glamv_id, procname = init_glamv) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(glamf_id, procname = init_glamf) CALL Agrif_UnSet_external_linear_interp() CALL Agrif_Init_variable(gphit_id, procname = init_gphit) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(gphiu_id, procname = init_gphiu) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(gphiv_id, procname = init_gphiv) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(gphif_id, procname = init_gphif) END SUBROUTINE agrif_init_lonlat REAL FUNCTION longitude_linear_interp(x1,x2,coeff) REAL :: x1, x2, coeff REAL :: val_interp IF( (x1*x2 <= -50*50) ) THEN IF( x1 < 0 ) THEN val_interp = coeff *(x1+360.) + (1.-coeff) *x2 ELSE val_interp = coeff *x1 + (1.-coeff) *(x2+360.) ENDIF IF ((val_interp) >=180.) val_interp = val_interp - 360. ELSE val_interp = coeff * x1 + (1.-coeff) * x2 ENDIF longitude_linear_interp = val_interp END FUNCTION longitude_linear_interp SUBROUTINE agrif_init_scales() USE agrif_profiles USE agrif_util USE dom_oce USE lbclnk LOGICAL :: ln_perio INTEGER jpi,jpj EXTERNAL :: init_e1t, init_e1u, init_e1v, init_e1f EXTERNAL :: init_e2t, init_e2u, init_e2v, init_e2f ln_perio=.FALSE. if( jperio ==1 .OR. jperio==2 .OR. jperio==4) ln_perio=.TRUE. CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e1t_id, procname = init_e1t) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e1u_id, procname = init_e1u) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e1v_id, procname = init_e1v) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e1f_id, procname = init_e1f) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e2t_id, procname = init_e2t) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e2u_id, procname = init_e2u) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e2v_id, procname = init_e2v) CALL Agrif_Init_variable(e2f_id, procname = init_e2f) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e1t', e1t, 'T', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e2t', e2t, 'T', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e1u', e1u, 'U', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e2u', e2u, 'U', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e1v', e1v, 'V', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e2v', e2v, 'V', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e1f', e1f, 'F', 1._wp) CALL lbc_lnk( 'e2f', e2f, 'F', 1._wp) END SUBROUTINE agrif_init_scales SUBROUTINE init_glamt( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = glamt(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE glamt(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_glamt SUBROUTINE init_glamu( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir LOGICAL :: western_side, eastern_side,northern_side,southern_side ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = glamu(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE glamu(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_glamu SUBROUTINE init_glamv( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = glamv(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE glamv(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_glamv SUBROUTINE init_glamf( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_glamf *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = glamf(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE glamf(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_glamf SUBROUTINE init_gphit( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_gphit *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = gphit(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE gphit(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_gphit SUBROUTINE init_gphiu( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_gphiu *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = gphiu(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE gphiu(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_gphiu SUBROUTINE init_gphiv( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_gphiv *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = gphiv(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE gphiv(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_gphiv SUBROUTINE init_gphif( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_gphif *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = gphif(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE gphif(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_gphif SUBROUTINE init_e1t( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce USE agrif_parameters !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_e1t *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: jj IF( before) THEN ! May need to extend at south boundary IF (j1<1) THEN IF (.NOT.agrif_child(lk_south)) THEN IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN DO jj=1,j2 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e1t(i1:i2,jj) ENDDO DO jj=j1,0 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e1t(i1:i2,1) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE stop "OUT OF BOUNDS" ENDIF ELSE ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e1t(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ELSE e1t(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_Rhox() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e1t SUBROUTINE init_e1u( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce USE agrif_parameters !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_e1u *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: jj IF( before) THEN IF (j1<1) THEN IF (.NOT.agrif_child(lk_south)) THEN IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN DO jj=1,j2 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e1u(i1:i2,jj) ENDDO DO jj=j1,0 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e1u(i1:i2,1) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE stop "OUT OF BOUNDS" ENDIF ELSE ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e1u(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ELSE e1u(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_Rhox() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e1u SUBROUTINE init_e1v( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_e1v *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_Rhox() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e1v SUBROUTINE init_e1f( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_e1f *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e1f(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE e1f(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_Rhox() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e1f SUBROUTINE init_e2t( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce USE agrif_parameters !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE init_e2t *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: jj IF( before) THEN IF (j1<1) THEN IF (.NOT.agrif_child(lk_south)) THEN IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN DO jj=1,j2 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e2t(i1:i2,jj) ENDDO DO jj=j1,0 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e2t(i1:i2,1) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE stop "OUT OF BOUNDS" ENDIF ELSE ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e2t(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ELSE e2t(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_rhoy() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e2t SUBROUTINE init_e2u( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce USE agrif_parameters !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: jj IF( before) THEN IF (j1<1) THEN IF (.NOT.agrif_child(lk_south)) THEN IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN DO jj=1,j2 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e2u(i1:i2,jj) ENDDO DO jj=j1,0 ptab(i1:i2,jj)=e2u(i1:i2,1) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE stop "OUT OF BOUNDS" ENDIF ELSE ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) ENDIF ELSE e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_rhoy() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e2u SUBROUTINE init_e2v( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e2v(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE e2v(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_rhoy() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e2v SUBROUTINE init_e2f( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, before, nb,ndir) USE dom_oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE interpsshn *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 REAL, DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( before) THEN ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = e2f(i1:i2,j1:j2) ELSE e2f(i1:i2,j1:j2)=ptab/Agrif_rhoy() ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE init_e2f SUBROUTINE agrif_nemo_init USE agrif_parameters USE dom_oce USE in_out_manager USE lib_mpp !! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ios INTEGER :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax NAMELIST/namagrif/ ln_vert_remap, ln_remove_closedseas, npt_connect, npt_copy ! REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist namagrif in reference namelist : nesting parameters READ ( numnam_ref, namagrif, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901 ) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namagrif in reference namelist') ! REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist namzgr in configuration namelist : nesting parameters READ ( numnam_cfg, namagrif, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namagrif in configuration namelist') IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namagrif ) IF (.NOT.Agrif_Root()) THEN IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'agrif_nemo_init : nesting' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namagrif : set nesting parameters' WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_vert_remap = ', ln_vert_remap WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_remove_closedseas = ', ln_remove_closedseas WRITE(numout,*) ' npt_copy = ', npt_copy WRITE(numout,*) ' npt_connect = ', npt_connect ENDIF imin = Agrif_Ix() imax = Agrif_Ix() + nbcellsx/AGRIF_Irhox() jmin = Agrif_Iy() jmax = Agrif_Iy() + nbcellsy/AGRIF_Irhoy() lk_west = .TRUE. ; lk_east = .TRUE. lk_north = .TRUE. ; lk_south = .TRUE. ! Check zoom position along i: ! ---------------------------- IF ( imin >= imax ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'AGRIF zoom imin must be < imax' ) ENDIF IF ( (Agrif_Parent(jperio)==4).OR.(Agrif_Parent(jperio)==1) ) THEN IF ( (jperio==4).OR.(jperio==1) ) THEN ! Cyclic east-west zoom lk_west = .FALSE. ; lk_east = .FALSE. ! Checks: IF ( imin/=1-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom is East-West cyclic, imin must = ', & 1 - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( imax/=Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo)+1-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom is East-West cyclic, imax must = ', & Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo) + 1 - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF ELSE IF ( imax>Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo)-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom imax must be <= ', & Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo) - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF ( imin<2-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom imin must be >= ', & 2 - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( imax>Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo)-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom imax must be <= ', & Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo) - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( imin==2-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) ) lk_west = .FALSE. ! Set along wall IF ( imax==Agrif_Parent(Ni0glo)-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_x_w) ) lk_east = .FALSE. ! Set along wall ENDIF ! Check zoom position along j: ! ---------------------------- IF ( jmin >= jmax ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'AGRIF zoom jmin must be < jmax' ) ENDIF IF ( Agrif_Parent(jperio)==4 ) THEN IF (jperio==4) THEN ! North-Fold lk_north = .FALSE. ! Checks: IF ( jmax/=Agrif_Parent(Nj0glo)+1-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom has a North-Fold, jmax must = ', & Agrif_Parent(Nj0glo) + 1 - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF ( jmax>Agrif_Parent(Nj0glo)-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom jmax must be <= ', & Agrif_Parent(Nj0glo) - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( jmax==Agrif_Parent(Nj0glo)-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s) ) lk_north = .FALSE. ! Set along wall ENDIF IF ( jmin<2-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s)) THEN WRITE(ctmp1, 9000) ' AGRIF zoom jmin must be >= ', & 2 - Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( jmin==2-Agrif_Parent(nbghostcells_y_s) ) lk_south = .FALSE. ! Set along wall ELSE ! Root grid lk_west = .FALSE. ; lk_east = .FALSE. lk_north = .FALSE. ; lk_south = .FALSE. ENDIF ! Set ghost cells: nbghostcells_x_w = nbghostcells nbghostcells_x_e = nbghostcells nbghostcells_y_s = nbghostcells nbghostcells_y_n = nbghostcells IF (.NOT.lk_west ) nbghostcells_x_w = 1 IF (.NOT.lk_east ) nbghostcells_x_e = 1 IF (.NOT.lk_south) nbghostcells_y_s = 1 IF (.NOT.lk_north) nbghostcells_y_n = 1 IF ((jperio == 1).OR.(jperio == 4)) THEN nbghostcells_x_w = 0 ; nbghostcells_x_e = 0 ENDIF IF (jperio == 4) THEN nbghostcells_y_n = 0 ENDIF IF ( .NOT.Agrif_Root() ) THEN IF( (.NOT.ln_vert_remap).AND.(jpkglo>Agrif_Parent(jpkglo)) ) & CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', & & 'AGRIF children must have less or equal number of & & vertical levels without ln_vert_remap defined' ) ENDIF IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'AGRIF boundaries and ghost cells:' WRITE(numout,*) 'lk_west' , lk_west WRITE(numout,*) 'lk_east' , lk_east WRITE(numout,*) 'lk_south', lk_south WRITE(numout,*) 'lk_north', lk_north WRITE(numout,*) 'nbghostcells_y_s', nbghostcells_y_s WRITE(numout,*) 'nbghostcells_y_n', nbghostcells_y_n WRITE(numout,*) 'nbghostcells_x_w', nbghostcells_x_w WRITE(numout,*) 'nbghostcells_x_e', nbghostcells_x_e ENDIF 9000 FORMAT (a, i4) END SUBROUTINE agrif_nemo_init SUBROUTINE Agrif_detect( kg, ksizex ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_detect *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: ksizex INTEGER, DIMENSION(ksizex(1),ksizex(2)) :: kg !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_detect SUBROUTINE agrif_before_regridding END SUBROUTINE agrif_before_regridding # if defined key_mpp_mpi SUBROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc( indloc, nprocloc, i, indglob ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: indglob, indloc, nprocloc, i !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SELECT CASE( i ) CASE(1) ; indglob = mig(indloc) CASE(2) ; indglob = mjg(indloc) CASE DEFAULT indglob = indloc END SELECT ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc SUBROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info( imin, imax, jmin, jmax ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce USE dom_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: imin, imax INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: jmin, jmax !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! imin = nimppt(Agrif_Procrank+1) ! ????? jmin = njmppt(Agrif_Procrank+1) ! ????? imax = imin + jpi - 1 jmax = jmin + jpj - 1 ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info SUBROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost(imin, imax,jmin, jmax, nbprocs, grid_cost) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: imin, imax INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: jmin, jmax INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nbprocs REAL(wp), INTENT(out) :: grid_cost !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grid_cost = REAL(imax-imin+1,wp)*REAL(jmax-jmin+1,wp) / REAL(nbprocs,wp) ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost # endif #endif