# if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define PRECISION sp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_sp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_sp # define LBCNORTH mpp_lbc_north_icb_sp # else # define PRECISION dp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_dp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_dp # define LBCNORTH mpp_lbc_north_icb_dp # endif SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK( cdname, pt2d, cd_type, psgn, kexti, kextj ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_lnk_2d_icb *** !! !! ** Purpose : Message passing management for 2d array (with extra halo for icebergs) !! This routine receives a (1-kexti:jpi+kexti,1-kexti:jpj+kextj) !! array (usually (0:jpi+1, 0:jpj+1)) from lbc_lnk_icb calls. !! !! ** Method : Use mppsend and mpprecv function for passing mask !! between processors following neighboring subdomains. !! domain parameters !! jpi : first dimension of the local subdomain !! jpj : second dimension of the local subdomain !! mpinei : number of neighboring domains (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) !! kexti : number of columns for extra outer halo !! kextj : number of rows for extra outer halo !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(1-kexti:jpi+kexti,1-kextj:jpj+kextj), INTENT(inout) :: pt2d ! 2D array with extra halo CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_type ! nature of ptab array grid-points REAL(PRECISION) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! sign used across the north fold INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kexti ! extra i-halo width INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kextj ! extra j-halo width ! INTEGER :: jl ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: imigr, iihom, ijhom ! local integers INTEGER :: ipreci, iprecj ! - - INTEGER :: ml_req1, ml_req2, ml_err ! for mpi_isend INTEGER, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: ml_stat ! for mpi_isend !! REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(1-kexti:jpi+kexti,nn_hls+kextj,2) :: r2dns, r2dsn REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(1-kextj:jpj+kextj,nn_hls+kexti,2) :: r2dwe, r2dew !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ipreci = nn_hls + kexti ! take into account outer extra 2D overlap area iprecj = nn_hls + kextj IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, 1, 1, 1, ld_lbc = .TRUE. ) ! 1. standard boundary treatment ! ------------------------------ ! Order matters Here !!!! ! ! ! East-West boundaries ! !* Cyclic east-west IF( l_Iperio ) THEN pt2d(1-kexti: 1 ,:) = pt2d(jpi-1-kexti: jpi-1 ,:) ! east pt2d( jpi :jpi+kexti,:) = pt2d( 2 :2+kexti,:) ! west ! ELSE !* closed # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION IF( .NOT. cd_type == 'F' ) pt2d( 1-kexti :nn_hls ,:) = 0._sp ! east except at F-point pt2d(jpi-nn_hls+1:jpi+kexti,:) = 0._sp ! west # else IF( .NOT. cd_type == 'F' ) pt2d( 1-kexti :nn_hls ,:) = 0._dp ! east except at F-point pt2d(jpi-nn_hls+1:jpi+kexti,:) = 0._dp ! west # endif ENDIF ! ! North-South boundaries IF( l_Jperio ) THEN !* cyclic (only with no mpp j-split) pt2d(:,1-kextj: 1 ) = pt2d(:,jpj-1-kextj: jpj-1) ! north pt2d(:, jpj :jpj+kextj) = pt2d(:, 2 :2+kextj) ! south ELSE !* closed # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION IF( .NOT. cd_type == 'F' ) pt2d(:, 1-kextj :nn_hls ) = 0._sp ! north except at F-point pt2d(:,jpj-nn_hls+1:jpj+kextj) = 0._sp ! south # else IF( .NOT. cd_type == 'F' ) pt2d(:, 1-kextj :nn_hls ) = 0._dp ! north except at F-point pt2d(:,jpj-nn_hls+1:jpj+kextj) = 0._dp ! south # endif ENDIF ! ! north fold treatment ! ----------------------- IF( l_IdoNFold ) THEN ! SELECT CASE ( jpni ) CASE ( 1 ) ; CALL lbc_nfd ( pt2d(1:jpi,1:jpj+kextj), cd_type, psgn, kextj ) CASE DEFAULT ; CALL LBCNORTH ( pt2d(1:jpi,1:jpj+kextj), cd_type, psgn, kextj ) END SELECT ! ENDIF ! 2. East and west directions exchange ! ------------------------------------ ! we play with the neigbours AND the row number because of the periodicity ! IF( mpinei(jpwe) >= 0 .OR. mpinei(jpea) >= 0 ) THEN ! Read Dirichlet lateral conditions: all exept 2 (i.e. close case) iihom = jpi - (2 * nn_hls) -kexti DO jl = 1, ipreci r2dew(:,jl,1) = pt2d(nn_hls+jl,:) r2dwe(:,jl,1) = pt2d(iihom +jl,:) END DO ENDIF ! ! ! Migrations imigr = ipreci * ( jpj + 2*kextj ) ! ! ! Migrations imigr = ipreci * ( jpj + 2*kextj ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) ! IF( mpinei(jpwe) >= 0 ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 1, r2dew(1-kextj,1,1), imigr, mpinei(jpwe), ml_req1 ) IF( mpinei(jpea) >= 0 ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 2, r2dwe(1-kextj,1,1), imigr, mpinei(jpea), ml_req2 ) IF( mpinei(jpwe) >= 0 ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 2, r2dwe(1-kextj,1,2), imigr, mpinei(jpwe) ) IF( mpinei(jpea) >= 0 ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 1, r2dew(1-kextj,1,2), imigr, mpinei(jpea) ) IF( mpinei(jpwe) >= 0 ) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) IF( mpinei(jpea) >= 0 ) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req2,ml_stat,ml_err) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) ! ! ! Write Dirichlet lateral conditions iihom = jpi - nn_hls IF( mpinei(jpwe) >= 0 ) THEN DO jl = 1, ipreci pt2d(jl-kexti,:) = r2dwe(:,jl,2) END DO ENDIF IF( mpinei(jpea) >= 0 ) THEN DO jl = 1, ipreci pt2d(iihom+jl,:) = r2dew(:,jl,2) END DO ENDIF ! 3. North and south directions ! ----------------------------- ! always closed : we play only with the neigbours ! IF( mpinei(jpso) >= 0 .OR. mpinei(jpno) >= 0 ) THEN ! Read Dirichlet lateral conditions: all exept 2 (i.e. close case) ijhom = jpj - (2 * nn_hls) - kextj DO jl = 1, iprecj r2dsn(:,jl,1) = pt2d(:,ijhom +jl) r2dns(:,jl,1) = pt2d(:,nn_hls+jl) END DO ENDIF ! ! ! Migrations imigr = iprecj * ( jpi + 2*kexti ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) ! IF( mpinei(jpso) >= 0 ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 3, r2dns(1-kexti,1,1), imigr, mpinei(jpso), ml_req1 ) IF( mpinei(jpno) >= 0 ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 4, r2dsn(1-kexti,1,1), imigr, mpinei(jpno), ml_req2 ) IF( mpinei(jpso) >= 0 ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 4, r2dsn(1-kexti,1,2), imigr, mpinei(jpso) ) IF( mpinei(jpno) >= 0 ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 3, r2dns(1-kexti,1,2), imigr, mpinei(jpno) ) IF( mpinei(jpso) >= 0 ) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) IF( mpinei(jpno) >= 0 ) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req2,ml_stat,ml_err) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) ! ! ! Write Dirichlet lateral conditions ijhom = jpj - nn_hls ! IF( mpinei(jpso) >= 0 ) THEN DO jl = 1, iprecj pt2d(:,jl-kextj) = r2dsn(:,jl,2) END DO ENDIF IF( mpinei(jpno) >= 0 ) THEN DO jl = 1, iprecj pt2d(:,ijhom+jl) = r2dns(:,jl,2) END DO ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK # undef LBCNORTH # undef PRECISION # undef SENDROUTINE # undef RECVROUTINE