MODULE sbccpl
   !!                       ***  MODULE  sbccpl  ***
   !! Surface Boundary Condition :  momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes in coupled mode
   !! History :  2.0  ! 2007-06  (R. Redler, N. Keenlyside, W. Park) Original code split into flxmod & taumod
   !!            3.0  ! 2008-02  (G. Madec, C Talandier)  surface module
   !!            3.1  ! 2009_02  (G. Madec, S. Masson, E. Maisonave, A. Caubel) generic coupled interface
   !!            3.4  ! 2011_11  (C. Harris) more flexibility + multi-category fields
   !!            4.2  ! 2020-12  (G. Madec, E. Clementi)  wave coupling updates

   !!   namsbc_cpl      : coupled formulation namlist
   !!   sbc_cpl_init    : initialisation of the coupled exchanges
   !!   sbc_cpl_rcv     : receive fields from the atmosphere over the ocean (ocean only)
   !!                     receive stress from the atmosphere over the ocean (ocean-ice case)
   !!   sbc_cpl_ice_tau : receive stress from the atmosphere over ice
   !!   sbc_cpl_ice_flx : receive fluxes from the atmosphere over ice
   !!   sbc_cpl_snd     : send     fields to the atmosphere
   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain
   USE sbc_oce         ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields
   USE trc_oce         ! share SMS/Ocean variables
   USE sbc_ice         ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields
   USE sbcapr          ! Stochastic param. : ???
   USE sbcdcy          ! surface boundary condition: diurnal cycle
   USE sbcwave         ! surface boundary condition: waves
   USE phycst          ! physical constants
   USE isf_oce , ONLY : l_isfoasis, fwfisf_oasis ! ice shelf boundary condition
#if defined key_si3
   USE ice            ! ice variables
   USE cpl_oasis3     ! OASIS3 coupling
   USE geo2ocean      !
   USE oce     , ONLY : ts, uu, vv, ssh, fraqsr_1lev
#if defined key_medusa
   USE oce , ONLY: CO2Flux_out_cpl, DMS_out_cpl, chloro_out_cpl,  &
                        PCO2a_in_cpl, Dust_in_cpl
   USE ocealb         !
   USE eosbn2         !
   USE sbcrnf  , ONLY : l_rnfcpl
   USE cpl_rnf_1d, ONLY: nn_cpl_river, cpl_rnf_1d_init, cpl_rnf_1d_to_2d   ! Variables used in 1D river outflow 
#if defined key_medusa
   USE par_trc , ONLY : ln_medusa
#if defined key_cice
   USE ice_domain_size, only: ncat
#if defined key_si3
   USE icevar         ! for CALL ice_var_snwblow
   USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
   USE iom            ! NetCDF library
   USE lib_mpp        ! distribued memory computing library
   USE lbclnk         ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
   USE timing

#if defined key_oasis3
   USE mod_oasis, ONLY : OASIS_Sent, OASIS_ToRest, OASIS_SentOut, OASIS_ToRestOut

   USE sbc_phy, ONLY : pp_cldf, rpref


   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_init      ! routine called by sbcmod.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_rcv       ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_snd       ! routine called by step.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_ice_tau   ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_ice_flx   ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_alloc     ! routine called in sbcice_cice.F90

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otx1   =  1   ! 3 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oty1   =  2   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otz1   =  3   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otx2   =  4   ! 3 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oty2   =  5   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otz2   =  6   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itx1   =  7   ! 3 atmosphere-ice   stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ity1   =  8   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itz1   =  9   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itx2   = 10   ! 3 atmosphere-ice   stress components on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ity2   = 11   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itz2   = 12   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsroce = 13   ! Qsr above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsrice = 14   ! Qsr above the ice
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsrmix = 15
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsoce = 16   ! Qns above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsice = 17   ! Qns above the ice
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsmix = 18
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_rain   = 19   ! total liquid precipitation (rain)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_snow   = 20   ! solid precipitation over the ocean (snow)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tevp   = 21   ! total evaporation
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ievp   = 22   ! solid evaporation (sublimation)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sbpr   = 23   ! sublimation - liquid precipitation - solid precipitation
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_semp   = 24   ! solid freshwater budget (sublimation - snow)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oemp   = 25   ! ocean freshwater budget (evap - precip)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_w10m   = 26   ! 10m wind
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_dqnsdt = 27   ! d(Q non solar)/d(temperature)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_rnf    = 28   ! runoffs
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_cal    = 29   ! calving
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_taum   = 30   ! wind stress module
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_co2    = 31
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_topm   = 32   ! topmeltn
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_botm   = 33   ! botmeltn
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sflx   = 34   ! salt flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_toce   = 35   ! ocean temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_soce   = 36   ! ocean salinity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ocx1   = 37   ! ocean current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ocy1   = 38   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ssh    = 39   ! sea surface height
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_fice   = 40   ! ice fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_e3t1st = 41   ! first T level thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_fraqsr = 42   ! fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_mslp   = 43   ! mean sea level pressure
   !**  surface wave coupling  **
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_hsig   = 44   ! Hsig
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_phioc  = 45   ! Wave=>ocean energy flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sdrftx = 46   ! Stokes drift on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sdrfty = 47   ! Stokes drift on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wper   = 48   ! Mean wave period
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wnum   = 49   ! Mean wavenumber
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wstrf  = 50   ! Stress fraction adsorbed by waves
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wdrag  = 51   ! Neutral surface drag coefficient
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_charn  = 52   ! Chranock coefficient
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_twox   = 53   ! wave to ocean momentum flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_twoy   = 54   ! wave to ocean momentum flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tawx   = 55   ! net wave-supported stress
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tawy   = 56   ! net wave-supported stress
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_bhd    = 57   ! Bernoulli head. waves' induced surface pressure
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tusd   = 58   ! zonal stokes transport
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tvsd   = 59   ! meridional stokes tranmport
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_isf    = 60
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_icb    = 61
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ts_ice = 62   ! Sea ice surface temp
   !!INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qtrice = 63   ! Transmitted solar thru sea-ice
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_grnm   = 63   ! Greenland ice mass 
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_antm   = 64   ! Antarctic ice mass 
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_rnf_1d = 65   ! 1D river runoff 
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qtr    = 66   ! Transmitted solar
#if defined key_medusa
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_atm_pco2 = 67 ! Incoming atm pCO2 flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_atm_dust = 68 ! Incoming atm aggregate dust
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jprcv      = 69   ! total number of fields received
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jprcv      = 66   ! total number of fields received

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice   =  1   ! ice fraction sent to the atmosphere
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_toce   =  2   ! ocean temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_tice   =  3   ! ice   temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_tmix   =  4   ! mixed temperature (ocean+ice)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_albice =  5   ! ice   albedo
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_albmix =  6   ! mixed albedo
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_hice   =  7   ! ice  thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_hsnw   =  8   ! snow thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocx1   =  9   ! ocean current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocy1   = 10   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocz1   = 11   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivx1   = 12   ! ice   current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivy1   = 13   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivz1   = 14   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_co2    = 15
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_soce   = 16   ! ocean salinity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ssh    = 17   ! sea surface height
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_qsroce = 18   ! Qsr above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_qnsoce = 19   ! Qns above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_oemp   = 20   ! ocean freshwater budget (evap - precip)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_sflx   = 21   ! salt flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_otx1   = 22   ! 2 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_oty1   = 23   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_rnf    = 24   ! runoffs
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_taum   = 25   ! wind stress module
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice2  = 26   ! ice fraction sent to OCE (by SAS when doing SAS-OCE coupling)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_e3t1st = 27   ! first level depth (vvl)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fraqsr = 28   ! fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ficet  = 29   ! total ice fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocxw   = 30   ! currents on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocyw   = 31   ! currents on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_wlev   = 32   ! water level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice1  = 33   ! first-order ice concentration (for semi-implicit coupling of atmos-ice fluxes)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_a_p    = 34   ! meltpond area fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ht_p   = 35   ! meltpond thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_kice   = 36   ! sea ice effective conductivity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_sstfrz = 37   ! sea surface freezing temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ttilyr = 38   ! sea ice top layer temp
#if defined key_medusa
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_bio_co2 = 39    ! MEDUSA air-sea CO2 flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_bio_dms = 40    ! MEDUSA DMS surface concentration
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_bio_chloro = 41 ! MEDUSA chlorophyll surface concentration

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpsnd      = 41   ! total number of fields sent 
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpsnd      = 38   ! total number of fields sent 

#if ! defined key_oasis3 
   ! Dummy variables to enable compilation when oasis3 is not being used 
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_Sent        = -1 
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_SentOut     = -1 
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_ToRest      = -1 
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_ToRestOut   = -1 

   !                                  !!** namelist namsbc_cpl **
   TYPE ::   FLD_C                     !
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   cldes      ! desciption of the coupling strategy
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clcat      ! multiple ice categories strategy
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvref     ! reference of vector ('spherical' or 'cartesian')
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvor      ! orientation of vector fields ('eastward-northward' or 'local grid')
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvgrd     ! grids on which is located the vector fields
   !                                   ! Send to the atmosphere
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_snd_temp  , sn_snd_alb , sn_snd_thick, sn_snd_crt   , sn_snd_co2,  &
      &             sn_snd_thick1, sn_snd_cond, sn_snd_mpnd , sn_snd_sstfrz, sn_snd_ttilyr
   !                                   ! Received from the atmosphere
#if defined key_medusa
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_snd_bio_co2, sn_snd_bio_dms, sn_snd_bio_chloro
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_w10m, sn_rcv_taumod, sn_rcv_tau, sn_rcv_tauw, sn_rcv_dqnsdt, sn_rcv_qsr,  &
      &             sn_rcv_qns , sn_rcv_emp   , sn_rcv_rnf, sn_rcv_ts_ice
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_cal, sn_rcv_iceflx, sn_rcv_co2, sn_rcv_mslp, sn_rcv_icb, sn_rcv_isf,      &
                    sn_rcv_grnm, sn_rcv_antm
#if defined key_medusa
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_atm_pco2, sn_rcv_atm_dust
   ! Send to waves 
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_snd_ifrac, sn_snd_crtw, sn_snd_wlev 

   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_hsig, sn_rcv_phioc, sn_rcv_sdrfx, sn_rcv_sdrfy, sn_rcv_wper, sn_rcv_wnum, &
      &             sn_rcv_wstrf, sn_rcv_wdrag, sn_rcv_charn, sn_rcv_taw, sn_rcv_bhd, sn_rcv_tusd, sn_rcv_tvsd

   ! Received from waves 
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_tauwoc, sn_rcv_wfreq
   ! Transmitted solar
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_qtr
   !                                   ! Other namelist parameters
!!   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_qtrice
   INTEGER     ::   nn_cplmodel           ! Maximum number of models to/from which NEMO is potentialy sending/receiving data
   LOGICAL     ::   ln_usecplmask         !  use a coupling mask file to merge data received from several models
                                          !   -> file with the float variable called cplmask (jpi,jpj,nn_cplmodel)
   LOGICAL     ::   ln_scale_ice_flux     !  use ice fluxes that are already "ice weighted" ( i.e. multiplied ice concentration)
   LOGICAL     ::   ln_couple_ocean_evap  ! Do we couple total (ocean+sea ice) evaporation (FALSE)
                                          ! or ocean only evaporation (TRUE)

      REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   z3

   TYPE( DYNARR ), SAVE, DIMENSION(jprcv) ::   frcv                ! all fields recieved from the atmosphere

   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) ::   alb_oce_mix    ! ocean albedo sent to atmosphere (mix clear/overcast sky)
#if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice
   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   a_i_last_couple !: Ice fractional area at last coupling time

   INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) ::   nrcvinfo           ! OASIS info argument

   !! Substitution
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
#  include "single_precision_substitute.h90"
#  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
   !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: sbccpl.F90 15551 2021-11-28 20:19:36Z gsamson $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

   INTEGER FUNCTION sbc_cpl_alloc()
      !!             ***  FUNCTION sbc_cpl_alloc  ***
      INTEGER :: ierr(4)
      ierr(:) = 0
      ALLOCATE( alb_oce_mix(jpi,jpj), nrcvinfo(jprcv),  STAT=ierr(1) )

#if ! defined key_si3 && ! defined key_cice
      ALLOCATE( a_i(jpi,jpj,1) , STAT=ierr(2) )  ! used in sbcice_if.F90 (done here as there is no sbc_ice_if_init)
      ALLOCATE( xcplmask(jpi,jpj,0:nn_cplmodel) , STAT=ierr(3) )
      IF( .NOT. ln_apr_dyn ) ALLOCATE( ssh_ib(jpi,jpj), ssh_ibb(jpi,jpj), apr(jpi, jpj), STAT=ierr(4) )

      sbc_cpl_alloc = MAXVAL( ierr )
      CALL mpp_sum ( 'sbccpl', sbc_cpl_alloc )
      IF( sbc_cpl_alloc > 0 )   CALL ctl_warn('sbc_cpl_alloc: allocation of arrays failed')
   END FUNCTION sbc_cpl_alloc

   SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_init( k_ice )
      !!             ***  ROUTINE sbc_cpl_init  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   Initialisation of send and received information from
      !!                the atmospheric component
      !! ** Method  : * Read namsbc_cpl namelist
      !!              * define the receive interface
      !!              * define the send    interface
      !!              * initialise the OASIS coupler
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   k_ice   ! ice management in the sbc (=0/1/2/3)
      INTEGER ::   jn          ! dummy loop index
      INTEGER ::   ios, inum   ! Local integer
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   zacs, zaos
      NAMELIST/namsbc_cpl/  nn_cplmodel  , ln_usecplmask, nn_cats_cpl , ln_scale_ice_flux,             &
         &                  ln_couple_ocean_evap,                                                      &
         &                  sn_snd_temp  , sn_snd_alb   , sn_snd_thick, sn_snd_crt   , sn_snd_co2   ,  &
         &                  sn_snd_ttilyr, sn_snd_cond  , sn_snd_mpnd , sn_snd_sstfrz, sn_snd_thick1,  &
         &                  sn_snd_ifrac , sn_snd_crtw  , sn_snd_wlev , sn_rcv_hsig  , sn_rcv_phioc ,  &
         &                  sn_rcv_w10m  , sn_rcv_taumod, sn_rcv_tau  , sn_rcv_dqnsdt, sn_rcv_qsr   ,  &
         &                  sn_rcv_sdrfx , sn_rcv_sdrfy , sn_rcv_wper , sn_rcv_wnum  , sn_rcv_wstrf ,  &
         &                  sn_rcv_charn , sn_rcv_taw   , sn_rcv_bhd  , sn_rcv_tusd  , sn_rcv_tvsd,    &
            sn_rcv_qtr   ,  &
         &                  sn_rcv_wdrag , sn_rcv_qns   , sn_rcv_emp  , sn_rcv_rnf   , sn_rcv_cal  ,   &
         &                  sn_rcv_iceflx, sn_rcv_co2   , sn_rcv_icb  , sn_rcv_isf   , sn_rcv_ts_ice,  & !!, sn_rcv_qtrice
         &                  sn_rcv_mslp, &
                            sn_rcv_grnm  , sn_rcv_antm  ,                               &
         &                  nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes  , ln_iceshelf_init_atmos ,                     &
         &                  rn_greenland_total_fw_flux  , rn_greenland_calving_fraction  ,             &
         &                  rn_antarctica_total_fw_flux , rn_antarctica_calving_fraction ,             &
#if defined key_medusa
         &                  rn_iceshelf_fluxes_tolerance,                                              &
                                                                !  Add MEDUSA related fields to namelist
                            sn_snd_bio_co2 , sn_snd_bio_dms, sn_snd_bio_chloro,                        &
         &                  sn_rcv_atm_pco2, sn_rcv_atm_dust
         &                  rn_iceshelf_fluxes_tolerance

      ! ================================ !
      !      Namelist informations       !
      ! ================================ !
      IF (ln_timing) CALL timing_start('sbc_cpl_init')
      READ  ( numnam_ref, namsbc_cpl, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901   IF( ios /= 0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsbc_cpl in reference namelist' )
      READ  ( numnam_cfg, namsbc_cpl, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902   IF( ios >  0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsbc_cpl in configuration namelist' )
      IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namsbc_cpl )
      IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
         WRITE(numout,*)'sbc_cpl_init : namsbc_cpl namelist '
      IF( lwp .AND. ln_cpl ) THEN                        ! control print
         WRITE(numout,*)'  nn_cplmodel                         = ', nn_cplmodel
         WRITE(numout,*)'  ln_usecplmask                       = ', ln_usecplmask
         WRITE(numout,*)'  ln_scale_ice_flux                   = ', ln_scale_ice_flux
         WRITE(numout,*)'  ln_couple_ocean_evap                = ', ln_couple_ocean_evap
         WRITE(numout,*)'  nn_cats_cpl                         = ', nn_cats_cpl
         WRITE(numout,*)'  received fields (mutiple ice categogies)'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      10m wind module                 = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_w10m%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_w10m%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      stress module                   = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_taumod%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_taumod%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      surface stress                  = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_tau%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_tau%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'                     - referential    = ', sn_rcv_tau%clvref
         WRITE(numout,*)'                     - orientation    = ', sn_rcv_tau%clvor
         WRITE(numout,*)'                     - mesh           = ', sn_rcv_tau%clvgrd
         WRITE(numout,*)'      non-solar heat flux sensitivity = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_dqnsdt%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      solar heat flux                 = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      non-solar heat flux             = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_qns%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_qns%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      freshwater budget               = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_emp%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_emp%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      runoffs                         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_rnf%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_rnf%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      calving                         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_cal%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_cal%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Greenland ice mass              = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_grnm%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_grnm%clcat  ), ')' 
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Antarctica ice mass             = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_antm%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_antm%clcat  ), ')' 
         WRITE(numout,*)'      iceberg                         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_icb%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_icb%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      ice shelf                       = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_isf%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_isf%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      sea ice heat fluxes             = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_iceflx%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_iceflx%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      transmitted solar               = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_qtr%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_qtr%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      atm co2                         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_co2%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_co2%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Sea ice surface skin temperature= ', TRIM(sn_rcv_ts_ice%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_ts_ice%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      surface waves:'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      significant wave heigth         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_hsig%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_hsig%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      wave to oce energy flux         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_phioc%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_phioc%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Surface Stokes drift grid u     = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfx%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfx%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Surface Stokes drift grid v     = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfy%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfy%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Mean wave period                = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wper%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wper%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Mean wave number                = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wnum%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wnum%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Stress frac adsorbed by waves   = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wstrf%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wstrf%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Neutral surf drag coefficient   = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wdrag%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wdrag%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Charnock coefficient            = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_charn%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_charn%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'  sent fields (multiple ice categories)'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      surface temperature             = ', TRIM(sn_snd_temp%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_temp%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      top ice layer temperature       = ', TRIM(sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_ttilyr%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      albedo                          = ', TRIM(sn_snd_alb%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_alb%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      ice/snow thickness              = ', TRIM(sn_snd_thick%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_thick%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      total ice fraction              = ', TRIM(sn_snd_ifrac%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_ifrac%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      surface current                 = ', TRIM(sn_snd_crt%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_crt%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - referential   = ', sn_snd_crt%clvref
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - orientation   = ', sn_snd_crt%clvor
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - mesh          = ', sn_snd_crt%clvgrd
#if defined key_medusa
         WRITE(numout,*)'      bio co2 flux                    = ', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_co2%cldes),' (', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_co2%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      bio dms flux                    = ', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_dms%cldes),' (', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_dms%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      bio dms chlorophyll             = ', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_chloro%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_bio_chloro%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      oce co2 flux                    = ', TRIM(sn_snd_co2%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_co2%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      ice effective conductivity      = ', TRIM(sn_snd_cond%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_cond%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      meltponds fraction and depth    = ', TRIM(sn_snd_mpnd%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_mpnd%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      sea surface freezing temp       = ', TRIM(sn_snd_sstfrz%cldes), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_sstfrz%clcat), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      water level                     = ', TRIM(sn_snd_wlev%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_wlev%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      mean sea level pressure         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_mslp%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_mslp%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      surface current to waves        = ', TRIM(sn_snd_crtw%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_crtw%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - referential   = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvref
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - orientation   = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvor
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - mesh          = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvgrd
#if defined key_medusa
         WRITE(numout,*)'      atm pco2                        = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_pco2%cldes),'(', TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_pco2%clcat   ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      atm dust                        = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_dust%cldes),'(', TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_dust%clcat),')'
          WRITE(numout,*)'  nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes          = ', nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes
         WRITE(numout,*)'  ln_iceshelf_init_atmos              = ', ln_iceshelf_init_atmos
         WRITE(numout,*)'  rn_greenland_total_fw_flux          = ', rn_greenland_total_fw_flux
         WRITE(numout,*)'  rn_antarctica_total_fw_flux         = ', rn_antarctica_total_fw_flux
         WRITE(numout,*)'  rn_greenland_calving_fraction       = ', rn_greenland_calving_fraction
         WRITE(numout,*)'  rn_antarctica_calving_fraction      = ', rn_antarctica_calving_fraction
         WRITE(numout,*)'  rn_iceshelf_fluxes_tolerance        = ', rn_iceshelf_fluxes_tolerance
      IF( lwp .AND. ln_wave) THEN                        ! control print
      WRITE(numout,*)'      surface waves:'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Significant wave heigth         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_hsig%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_hsig%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Wave to oce energy flux         = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_phioc%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_phioc%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Surface Stokes drift grid u     = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfx%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfx%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Surface Stokes drift grid v     = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfy%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfy%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Mean wave period                = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wper%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wper%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Mean wave number                = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wnum%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wnum%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Stress frac adsorbed by waves   = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wstrf%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wstrf%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Neutral surf drag coefficient   = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_wdrag%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_wdrag%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Charnock coefficient            = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_charn%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_charn%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)' Transport associated to Stokes drift grid u = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_tusd%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_tusd%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)' Transport associated to Stokes drift grid v = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_tvsd%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_tvsd%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Bernouilli pressure head        = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_bhd%cldes   ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_bhd%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'Wave to ocean momentum flux and Net wave-supported stress = ', TRIM(sn_rcv_taw%cldes ), ' (', TRIM(sn_rcv_taw%clcat ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'      Surface current to waves        = ', TRIM(sn_snd_crtw%cldes  ), ' (', TRIM(sn_snd_crtw%clcat  ), ')'
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - referential   = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvref
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - orientation   = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvor
         WRITE(numout,*)'                      - mesh          = ', sn_snd_crtw%clvgrd
      !                                   ! allocate sbccpl arrays
      IF( sbc_cpl_alloc() /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'sbc_cpl_alloc : unable to allocate arrays' )

      ! ================================ !
      !   Define the receive interface   !
      ! ================================ !
      nrcvinfo(:) = OASIS_idle   ! needed by nrcvinfo(jpr_otx1) if we do not receive ocean stress

      ! for each field: define the OASIS name                              (srcv(:)%clname)
      !                 define receive or not from the namelist parameters (srcv(:)%laction)
      !                 define the north fold type of lbc                  (srcv(:)%nsgn)

      ! default definitions of srcv
      srcv(:)%laction = .FALSE. 
      srcv(:)%clgrid = 'T' 
      srcv(:)%nsgn = 1. 
      srcv(:)%nct = 1 
      srcv(:)%dimensions = 2 

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! ice and ocean wind stress !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                           ! Name
      srcv(jpr_otx1)%clname = 'O_OTaux1'      ! 1st ocean component on grid ONE (T or U)
      srcv(jpr_oty1)%clname = 'O_OTauy1'      ! 2nd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_otz1)%clname = 'O_OTauz1'      ! 3rd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_otx2)%clname = 'O_OTaux2'      ! 1st ocean component on grid TWO (V)
      srcv(jpr_oty2)%clname = 'O_OTauy2'      ! 2nd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_otz2)%clname = 'O_OTauz2'      ! 3rd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_itx1)%clname = 'O_ITaux1'      ! 1st  ice  component on grid ONE (T, F, I or U)
      srcv(jpr_ity1)%clname = 'O_ITauy1'      ! 2nd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_itz1)%clname = 'O_ITauz1'      ! 3rd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_itx2)%clname = 'O_ITaux2'      ! 1st  ice  component on grid TWO (V)
      srcv(jpr_ity2)%clname = 'O_ITauy2'      ! 2nd   -      -         -     -
      srcv(jpr_itz2)%clname = 'O_ITauz2'      ! 3rd   -      -         -     -
      ! Vectors: change of sign at north fold ONLY if on the local grid
      IF(       TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%cldes ) == 'oce only' .OR. TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%cldes ) == 'oce and ice'  &
           .OR. TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' ) THEN ! avoid working with the atmospheric fields if they are not coupled
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvor ) == 'local grid' )   srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_itz2)%nsgn = -1.

      !                                                           ! Set grid and action
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvgrd ) )      !  'T', 'U,V', 'U,V,I', 'U,V,F', 'T,I', 'T,F', or 'T,U,V'
      CASE( 'T' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_itz2)%clgrid  = 'T'        ! oce and ice components given at T-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1
      CASE( 'U,V' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_otx2:jpr_otz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! ice components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_itx2:jpr_itz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_itz2)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce and ice components on both grid 1 & 2
      CASE( 'U,V,T' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_otx2:jpr_otz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'T'        ! ice components given at T-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz2)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1 & 2
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1 only
      CASE( 'U,V,I' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_otx2:jpr_otz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'I'        ! ice components given at I-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz2)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1 & 2
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1 only
      CASE( 'U,V,F' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_otx2:jpr_otz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'F'        ! ice components given at F-point
         !srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz2)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1 & 2
 	 ! Currently needed for HadGEM3 - but shouldn't affect anyone else for the moment
         srcv(jpr_otx1)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_oty1)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1 only
      CASE( 'T,I' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_itz2)%clgrid  = 'T'        ! oce and ice components given at T-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'I'        ! ice components given at I-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1
      CASE( 'T,F' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_itz2)%clgrid  = 'T'        ! oce and ice components given at T-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'F'        ! ice components given at F-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1
      CASE( 'T,U,V' )
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%clgrid  = 'T'        ! oce components given at T-point
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! ice components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_itx2:jpr_itz2)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         srcv(jpr_otx1:jpr_otz1)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive oce components on grid 1 only
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz2)%laction = .TRUE.     ! receive ice components on grid 1 & 2
      CASE default
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_rcv_tau%clvgrd' )
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvref ) == 'spherical' )   &           ! spherical: 3rd component not received
         &     srcv( (/jpr_otz1, jpr_otz2, jpr_itz1, jpr_itz2/) )%laction = .FALSE.
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvor  ) == 'local grid' ) THEN        ! already on local grid -> no need of the second grid
            srcv(jpr_otx2:jpr_otz2)%laction = .FALSE.
            srcv(jpr_itx2:jpr_itz2)%laction = .FALSE.
            srcv(jpr_oty1)%clgrid = srcv(jpr_oty2)%clgrid   ! not needed but cleaner...
            srcv(jpr_ity1)%clgrid = srcv(jpr_ity2)%clgrid   ! not needed but cleaner...
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%cldes ) /= 'oce and ice' ) THEN        ! 'oce and ice' case ocean stress on ocean mesh used
         srcv(jpr_itx1:jpr_itz2)%laction = .FALSE.    ! ice components not received
         srcv(jpr_itx1)%clgrid = 'U'                  ! ocean stress used after its transformation
         srcv(jpr_ity1)%clgrid = 'V'                  ! i.e. it is always at U- & V-points for i- & j-comp. resp.

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    freshwater budget      !   E-P
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! we suppose that atmosphere modele do not make the difference between precipiration (liquide or solid)
      ! over ice of free ocean within the same atmospheric
      srcv(jpr_rain)%clname = 'OTotRain'      ! Rain = liquid precipitation
      srcv(jpr_snow)%clname = 'OTotSnow'      ! Snow = solid precipitation
      srcv(jpr_tevp)%clname = 'OTotEvap'      ! total evaporation (over oce + ice sublimation)
      srcv(jpr_ievp)%clname = 'OIceEvap'      ! evaporation over ice = sublimation
      srcv(jpr_sbpr)%clname = 'OSubMPre'      ! sublimation - liquid precipitation - solid precipitation
      srcv(jpr_semp)%clname = 'OISubMSn'      ! ice solid water budget = sublimation - solid precipitation
      srcv(jpr_oemp)%clname = 'OOEvaMPr'      ! ocean water budget = ocean Evap - ocean precip
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_emp%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'          )       ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'oce only'      )   ;   srcv(jpr_oemp)%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'conservative'  )
         srcv( (/jpr_rain, jpr_snow, jpr_ievp, jpr_tevp/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( k_ice <= 1 )  srcv(jpr_ievp)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE( 'oce and ice'   )   ;   srcv( (/jpr_ievp, jpr_sbpr, jpr_semp, jpr_oemp/) )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE default              ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_rcv_emp%cldes' )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !     Runoffs & Calving     !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_rnf   )%clname = 'O_Runoff'
      srcv(jpr_rnf_1d   )%clname = 'ORunff1D' 
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_rnf%cldes ) == 'coupled' .OR. TRIM( sn_rcv_rnf%cldes ) == 'coupled1d' ) THEN  
         IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_rnf%cldes ) == 'coupled' ) srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction = .TRUE. 
         IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_rnf%cldes ) == 'coupled1d' ) THEN 
            srcv(jpr_rnf_1d)%laction = .TRUE. 
            srcv(jpr_rnf_1d)%dimensions = 1 ! 1D field passed through coupler 
         END IF 
         l_rnfcpl              = .TRUE.                      ! -> no need to read runoffs in sbcrnf
         ln_rnf                = nn_components /= jp_iam_sas ! -> force to go through sbcrnf if not sas
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '   runoffs received from oasis -> force ln_rnf = ', ln_rnf
      srcv(jpr_cal   )%clname = 'OCalving'    
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_cal%cldes ) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_cal)%laction = .TRUE.      
      srcv(jpr_grnm  )%clname = 'OGrnmass'  
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_grnm%cldes ) == 'coupled' ) THEN 
         srcv(jpr_grnm)%laction = .TRUE.  
         srcv(jpr_grnm)%dimensions = 0 ! Scalar field
      srcv(jpr_antm  )%clname = 'OAntmass' 
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_antm%cldes ) == 'coupled' ) THEN
         srcv(jpr_antm)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_antm)%dimensions = 0 ! Scalar field

      srcv(jpr_isf)%clname = 'OIcshelf'   ;  IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_isf%cldes) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_isf)%laction = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_icb)%clname = 'OIceberg'   ;  IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_icb%cldes) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_icb)%laction = .TRUE.

      IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction ) THEN
         l_isfoasis = .TRUE.  ! -> isf fwf comes from oasis
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '   iceshelf received from oasis '
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    non solar radiation    !   Qns
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_qnsoce)%clname = 'O_QnsOce'
      srcv(jpr_qnsice)%clname = 'O_QnsIce'
      srcv(jpr_qnsmix)%clname = 'O_QnsMix'
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_qns%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'          )       ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'oce only'      )   ;   srcv(               jpr_qnsoce   )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'conservative'  )   ;   srcv( (/jpr_qnsice, jpr_qnsmix/) )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'oce and ice'   )   ;   srcv( (/jpr_qnsice, jpr_qnsoce/) )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice' )   ;   srcv(               jpr_qnsmix   )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE default              ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_rcv_qns%cldes' )
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_qns%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' .AND. nn_cats_cpl > 1 ) &
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: sn_rcv_qns%cldes not currently allowed to be mixed oce-ice for multi-category ice' )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    solar radiation        !   Qsr
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_qsroce)%clname = 'O_QsrOce'
      srcv(jpr_qsrice)%clname = 'O_QsrIce'
      srcv(jpr_qsrmix)%clname = 'O_QsrMix'
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_qsr%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'          )       ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'oce only'      )   ;   srcv(               jpr_qsroce   )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'conservative'  )   ;   srcv( (/jpr_qsrice, jpr_qsrmix/) )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'oce and ice'   )   ;   srcv( (/jpr_qsrice, jpr_qsroce/) )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice' )   ;   srcv(               jpr_qsrmix   )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE default              ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_rcv_qsr%cldes' )
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_qsr%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' .AND. nn_cats_cpl > 1 ) &
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: sn_rcv_qsr%cldes not currently allowed to be mixed oce-ice for multi-category ice' )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   non solar sensitivity   !   d(Qns)/d(T)
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%clname = 'O_dQnsdT'
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes ) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%laction = .TRUE.
      ! non solar sensitivity mandatory for mixed oce-ice solar radiation coupling technique
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes ) == 'none' .AND. TRIM( sn_rcv_qns%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' )  &
         &   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: namsbc_cpl namelist mismatch between sn_rcv_qns%cldes and sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes' )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      10m wind module      !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_w10m)%clname = 'O_Wind10'   ;   IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_w10m%cldes  ) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_w10m)%laction = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   wind stress module      !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_taum)%clname = 'O_TauMod'   ;   IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_taumod%cldes) == 'coupled' )   srcv(jpr_taum)%laction = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      Atmospheric CO2      !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_co2 )%clname = 'O_AtmCO2'
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_co2%cldes   ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_co2 )%laction = .TRUE.
         l_co2cpl = .TRUE.
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '   Atmospheric pco2 received from oasis '
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)

#if defined key_medusa   
      !                                                      ! --------------------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! Incoming CO2 and DUST fluxes for MEDUSA !
      !                                                      ! --------------------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_atm_pco2)%clname = 'OATMPCO2'
      IF (TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_pco2%cldes) == 'medusa') THEN
        srcv(jpr_atm_pco2)%laction = .TRUE.
      END IF

      srcv(jpr_atm_dust)%clname = 'OATMDUST'
      IF (TRIM(sn_rcv_atm_dust%cldes) == 'medusa')  THEN
        srcv(jpr_atm_dust)%laction = .TRUE.
      END IF

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! Mean Sea Level Pressure   !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_mslp)%clname = 'O_MSLP'     ;   IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_mslp%cldes  ) == 'coupled' )    srcv(jpr_mslp)%laction = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! --------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  ice topmelt and conduction flux  !   
      !                                                      ! --------------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_topm )%clname = 'OTopMlt'
      srcv(jpr_botm )%clname = 'OBotMlt'
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_iceflx%cldes) == 'coupled' ) THEN
         IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_iceflx%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            srcv(jpr_topm:jpr_botm)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
            CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: sn_rcv_iceflx%clcat should always be set to yes currently' )
         srcv(jpr_topm:jpr_botm)%laction = .TRUE.
!!      !                                                      ! --------------------------- !
!!      !                                                      ! transmitted solar thru ice  !   
!!      !                                                      ! --------------------------- !
!!      srcv(jpr_qtrice)%clname = 'OQtr'
!!      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qtrice%cldes) == 'coupled' ) THEN
!!         IF ( TRIM( sn_rcv_qtrice%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
!!            srcv(jpr_qtrice)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
!!         ELSE
!!           CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: sn_rcv_qtrice%clcat should always be set to yes currently' )
!!         ENDIF
!!         srcv(jpr_qtrice)%laction = .TRUE.
!!      ENDIF

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    transmitted solar      !   
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_qtr )%clname = 'OQtr'
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qtr%cldes) == 'coupled' ) THEN
         IF ( TRIM( sn_rcv_qtr%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            srcv(jpr_qtr)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
            CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: sn_rcv_qtr%clcat should always be set to yes currently' )
         srcv(jpr_qtr)%laction = .TRUE.

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    ice skin temperature   !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%clname = 'OTsfIce'    ! needed by Met Office
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_ts_ice%cldes ) == 'ice' )   srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%laction = .TRUE.
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_ts_ice%clcat ) == 'yes' )   srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%nct     = nn_cats_cpl
      IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_emp%clcat    ) == 'yes' )   srcv(jpr_ievp)%nct       = nn_cats_cpl

#if defined key_si3
      IF( ln_cndflx .AND. .NOT.ln_cndemulate ) THEN
         IF( .NOT.srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%laction )  &
            &   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%laction should be set to true when ln_cndflx=T' )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      Wave breaking        !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_hsig)%clname  = 'O_Hsigwa'    ! significant wave height
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_hsig%cldes  ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_hsig)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_hsig = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_phioc)%clname = 'O_PhiOce'    ! wave to ocean energy
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_phioc%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_phioc)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_phioc = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_sdrftx)%clname = 'O_Sdrfx'    ! Stokes drift in the u direction
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfx%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_sdrftx)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_sdrftx = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_sdrfty)%clname = 'O_Sdrfy'    ! Stokes drift in the v direction
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_sdrfy%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_sdrfty)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_sdrfty = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_wper)%clname = 'O_WPer'       ! mean wave period
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_wper%cldes  ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_wper)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_wper = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_wnum)%clname = 'O_WNum'       ! mean wave number
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_wnum%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_wnum)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_wnum = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_wstrf)%clname = 'O_WStrf'     ! stress fraction adsorbed by the wave
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_wstrf%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_wstrf)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_wstrf = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_wdrag)%clname = 'O_WDrag'     ! neutral surface drag coefficient
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_wdrag%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_wdrag)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_wdrag = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_charn)%clname = 'O_Charn'     ! Chranock coefficient
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_charn%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_charn)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_charn = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_bhd)%clname = 'O_Bhd'     ! Bernoulli head. waves' induced surface pressure
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_bhd%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_bhd)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_bhd = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_tusd)%clname = 'O_Tusd'     ! zonal stokes transport
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_tusd%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_tusd)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_tusd = .TRUE.
      srcv(jpr_tvsd)%clname = 'O_Tvsd'     ! meridional stokes tranmport
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_tvsd%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_tvsd)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_tvsd = .TRUE.

      srcv(jpr_twox)%clname = 'O_Twox'     ! wave to ocean momentum flux in the u direction
      srcv(jpr_twoy)%clname = 'O_Twoy'     ! wave to ocean momentum flux in the v direction
      srcv(jpr_tawx)%clname = 'O_Tawx'     ! Net wave-supported stress in the u direction
      srcv(jpr_tawy)%clname = 'O_Tawy'     ! Net wave-supported stress in the v direction
      IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_taw%cldes ) == 'coupled' )  THEN
         srcv(jpr_twox)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_twoy)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_tawx)%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_tawy)%laction = .TRUE.
         cpl_taw = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   OCE-SAS coupling - rcv by opa !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_sflx)%clname = 'O_SFLX'
      srcv(jpr_fice)%clname = 'RIceFrc'
      IF( nn_components == jp_iam_oce ) THEN    ! OCE coupled to SAS via OASIS: force received field by OCE (sent by SAS)
         srcv(:)%laction = .FALSE.   ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         srcv(:)%clgrid  = 'T'       ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         srcv(:)%nsgn    = 1.        ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         srcv( (/jpr_qsroce, jpr_qnsoce, jpr_oemp, jpr_sflx, jpr_fice, jpr_otx1, jpr_oty1, jpr_taum/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_oty1)%clgrid = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         ! Vectors: change of sign at north fold ONLY if on the local grid
         srcv( (/jpr_otx1,jpr_oty1/) )%nsgn = -1.
         sn_rcv_tau%clvgrd = 'U,V'
         sn_rcv_tau%clvor = 'local grid'
         sn_rcv_tau%clvref = 'spherical'
         sn_rcv_emp%cldes = 'oce only'
         IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
            WRITE(numout,*)'               Special conditions for SAS-OCE coupling  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               OCE component  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'  received fields from SAS component '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  ice cover '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  oce only EMP  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  salt flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  mixed oce-ice solar flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  mixed oce-ice non solar flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  wind stress U,V on local grid and sperical coordinates '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  wind stress module'
      !                                                      ! -------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   OCE-SAS coupling - rcv by sas  !
      !                                                      ! -------------------------------- !
      srcv(jpr_toce  )%clname = 'I_SSTSST'
      srcv(jpr_soce  )%clname = 'I_SSSal'
      srcv(jpr_ocx1  )%clname = 'I_OCurx1'
      srcv(jpr_ocy1  )%clname = 'I_OCury1'
      srcv(jpr_ssh   )%clname = 'I_SSHght'
      srcv(jpr_e3t1st)%clname = 'I_E3T1st'
      srcv(jpr_fraqsr)%clname = 'I_FraQsr'
      IF( nn_components == jp_iam_sas ) THEN
         IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) srcv(:)%laction = .FALSE.   ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) srcv(:)%clgrid  = 'T'       ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) srcv(:)%nsgn    = 1.        ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         srcv( (/jpr_toce, jpr_soce, jpr_ssh, jpr_fraqsr, jpr_ocx1, jpr_ocy1/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         srcv( jpr_e3t1st )%laction = .NOT.ln_linssh
         srcv(jpr_ocx1)%clgrid = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         srcv(jpr_ocy1)%clgrid = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         ! Vectors: change of sign at north fold ONLY if on the local grid
         srcv(jpr_ocx1:jpr_ocy1)%nsgn = -1.
         ! Change first letter to couple with atmosphere if already coupled OCE
         ! this is nedeed as each variable name used in the namcouple must be unique:
         ! for example O_Runoff received by OCE from SAS and therefore S_Runoff received by SAS from the Atmosphere
         DO jn = 1, jprcv
            IF( srcv(jn)%clname(1:1) == "O" ) srcv(jn)%clname = "S"//srcv(jn)%clname(2:LEN(srcv(jn)%clname))
         END DO
         IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
            WRITE(numout,*)'               Special conditions for SAS-OCE coupling  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               SAS component  '
            IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) THEN
               WRITE(numout,*)'  received fields from OCE component '
               WRITE(numout,*)'  Additional received fields from OCE component : '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface temperature (Celsius) '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface salinity '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               surface currents '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface height '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               thickness of first ocean T level '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level'

      ! ================================ !
      !     Define the send interface    !
      ! ================================ !
      ! for each field: define the OASIS name                           (ssnd(:)%clname)
      !                 define send or not from the namelist parameters (ssnd(:)%laction)
      !                 define the north fold type of lbc               (ssnd(:)%nsgn)

      ! default definitions of nsnd
      ssnd(:)%laction = .FALSE. 
      ssnd(:)%clgrid = 'T' 
      ssnd(:)%nsgn = 1. 
      ssnd(:)%nct = 1 
      ssnd(:)%dimensions = 2 
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    Surface temperature    !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_toce)%clname   = 'O_SSTSST'
      ssnd(jps_tice)%clname   = 'O_TepIce'
      ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%clname = 'O_TtiLyr'
      ssnd(jps_tmix)%clname   = 'O_TepMix'
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_temp%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'                                 )       ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'oce only'                             )   ;   ssnd( jps_toce )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'oce and ice' , 'weighted oce and ice' , 'oce and weighted ice' )
         ssnd( (/jps_toce, jps_tice/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_temp%clcat ) == 'yes' )  ssnd(jps_tice)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'                        )   ;   ssnd( jps_tmix )%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_temp%cldes' )

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !          Albedo           !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_albice)%clname = 'O_AlbIce'
      ssnd(jps_albmix)%clname = 'O_AlbMix'
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_alb%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'                 )     ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'ice' , 'weighted ice' )   ; ssnd(jps_albice)%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )   ; ssnd(jps_albmix)%laction = .TRUE.
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_alb%cldes' )
      ! Need to calculate oceanic albedo if
      !     1. sending mixed oce-ice albedo or
      !     2. receiving mixed oce-ice solar radiation
      IF( TRIM ( sn_snd_alb%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' .OR. TRIM ( sn_rcv_qsr%cldes ) == 'mixed oce-ice' ) THEN
         CALL oce_alb( zaos, zacs )
         ! Due to lack of information on nebulosity : mean clear/overcast sky
         alb_oce_mix(:,:) = ( zacs(:,:) + zaos(:,:) ) * 0.5
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  Ice fraction & Thickness !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_fice)%clname  = 'OIceFrc'
      ssnd(jps_ficet)%clname = 'OIceFrcT'
      ssnd(jps_hice)%clname  = 'OIceTck'
      ssnd(jps_a_p)%clname   = 'OPndFrc'
      ssnd(jps_ht_p)%clname  = 'OPndTck'
      ssnd(jps_hsnw)%clname  = 'OSnwTck'
      ssnd(jps_fice1)%clname = 'OIceFrd'
      IF( k_ice /= 0 ) THEN
         ssnd(jps_fice)%laction  = .TRUE.                 ! if ice treated in the ocean (even in climato case)
         ssnd(jps_fice1)%laction = .TRUE.                 ! First-order regridded ice concentration, to be used producing atmos-to-ice fluxes (Met Office requirement)
! Currently no namelist entry to determine sending of multi-category ice fraction so use the thickness entry for now
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_thick%clcat  ) == 'yes' ) ssnd(jps_fice)%nct  = nn_cats_cpl
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_thick1%clcat ) == 'yes' ) ssnd(jps_fice1)%nct = nn_cats_cpl

      IF(TRIM( sn_snd_ifrac%cldes )  == 'coupled') ssnd(jps_ficet)%laction = .TRUE.

      SELECT CASE ( TRIM( sn_snd_thick%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'         )       ! nothing to do
      CASE( 'ice and snow' )
         ssnd(jps_hice:jps_hsnw)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_thick%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            ssnd(jps_hice:jps_hsnw)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE ( 'weighted ice and snow' )
         ssnd(jps_hice:jps_hsnw)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_thick%clcat ) == 'yes' ) ssnd(jps_hice:jps_hsnw)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick%cldes' )

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      Ice Meltponds        !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! Needed by Met Office
      ssnd(jps_a_p)%clname  = 'OPndFrc'
      ssnd(jps_ht_p)%clname = 'OPndTck'
      SELECT CASE ( TRIM( sn_snd_mpnd%cldes ) )
      CASE ( 'none' )
         ssnd(jps_a_p)%laction  = .FALSE.
         ssnd(jps_ht_p)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE ( 'ice only' )
         ssnd(jps_a_p)%laction  = .TRUE.
         ssnd(jps_ht_p)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_mpnd%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            ssnd(jps_a_p)%nct  = nn_cats_cpl
            ssnd(jps_ht_p)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
            IF( nn_cats_cpl > 1 ) THEN
               CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: use weighted ice option for sn_snd_mpnd%cldes if not exchanging category fields' )
      CASE ( 'weighted ice' )
         ssnd(jps_a_p)%laction  = .TRUE.
         ssnd(jps_ht_p)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_mpnd%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            ssnd(jps_a_p)%nct  = nn_cats_cpl
            ssnd(jps_ht_p)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_mpnd%cldes; '//sn_snd_mpnd%cldes )

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      Surface current      !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !        ocean currents              !            ice velocities
      ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clname = 'O_OCurx1'   ;   ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clname = 'O_IVelx1'
      ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clname = 'O_OCury1'   ;   ssnd(jps_ivy1)%clname = 'O_IVely1'
      ssnd(jps_ocz1)%clname = 'O_OCurz1'   ;   ssnd(jps_ivz1)%clname = 'O_IVelz1'
      ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clname = 'O_OCurxw'
      ssnd(jps_ocyw)%clname = 'O_OCuryw'
      ssnd(jps_ocx1:jps_ivz1)%nsgn = -1.   ! vectors: change of the sign at the north fold

      IF( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd == 'U,V' ) THEN
         ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid = 'U' ; ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clgrid = 'V'
      ELSE IF( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd /= 'T' ) THEN
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sn_snd_crt%clvgrd must be equal to T' )
      ssnd(jps_ocx1:jps_ivz1)%laction = .TRUE.   ! default: all are send
      IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvref ) == 'spherical' )   ssnd( (/jps_ocz1, jps_ivz1/) )%laction = .FALSE.
      IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) ssnd(jps_ocx1:jps_ivz1)%nsgn = 1.
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'none'                 )   ;   ssnd(jps_ocx1:jps_ivz1)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE( 'oce only'             )   ;   ssnd(jps_ivx1:jps_ivz1)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )   !   nothing to do
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )   ;   ssnd(jps_ivx1:jps_ivz1)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_crt%cldes' )

      ssnd(jps_ocxw:jps_ocyw)%nsgn = -1.   ! vectors: change of the sign at the north fold

      IF( sn_snd_crtw%clvgrd == 'U,V' ) THEN
         ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid = 'U' ; ssnd(jps_ocyw)%clgrid = 'V'
      ELSE IF( sn_snd_crtw%clvgrd /= 'T' ) THEN
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sn_snd_crtw%clvgrd must be equal to T' )
      IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) ssnd(jps_ocxw:jps_ocyw)%nsgn = 1.
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%cldes ) )
         CASE( 'none'                 )   ; ssnd(jps_ocxw:jps_ocyw)%laction = .FALSE.
         CASE( 'oce only'             )   ; ssnd(jps_ocxw:jps_ocyw)%laction = .TRUE.
         CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )   !   nothing to do
         CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )   ; ssnd(jps_ivx1:jps_ivz1)%laction = .FALSE.
         CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_crtw%cldes' )

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !          CO2 flux         !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_co2)%clname = 'O_CO2FLX' ;  IF( TRIM(sn_snd_co2%cldes) == 'coupled' )    ssnd(jps_co2 )%laction = .TRUE.

#if defined key_medusa 
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   MEDUSA output fields    !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! Surface dimethyl sulphide from Medusa
      ssnd(jps_bio_dms)%clname = 'OBioDMS'
      IF( TRIM(sn_snd_bio_dms%cldes) == 'medusa' )    ssnd(jps_bio_dms )%laction = .TRUE.

      ! Surface CO2 flux from Medusa
      ssnd(jps_bio_co2)%clname = 'OBioCO2'
      IF( TRIM(sn_snd_bio_co2%cldes) == 'medusa' )    ssnd(jps_bio_co2 )%laction = .TRUE.

      ! Surface chlorophyll from Medusa
      ssnd(jps_bio_chloro)%clname = 'OBioChlo'
      IF( TRIM(sn_snd_bio_chloro%cldes) == 'medusa' ) ssnd(jps_bio_chloro )%laction = .TRUE.

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! Sea surface freezing temp !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office
      ssnd(jps_sstfrz)%clname = 'O_SSTFrz' ; IF( TRIM(sn_snd_sstfrz%cldes) == 'coupled' )  ssnd(jps_sstfrz)%laction = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    Ice conductivity       !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office
      ! Note that ultimately we will move to passing an ocean effective conductivity as well so there
      ! will be some changes to the parts of the code which currently relate only to ice conductivity
      ssnd(jps_ttilyr )%clname = 'O_TtiLyr'
      SELECT CASE ( TRIM( sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes ) )
      CASE ( 'none' )
         ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE ( 'ice only' )
         ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_ttilyr%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
            IF( nn_cats_cpl > 1 ) THEN
               CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: use weighted ice option for sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes if not exchanging category fields' )
      CASE ( 'weighted ice' )
         ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_ttilyr%clcat ) == 'yes' ) ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes;'//sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes )

      ssnd(jps_kice )%clname = 'OIceKn'
      SELECT CASE ( TRIM( sn_snd_cond%cldes ) )
      CASE ( 'none' )
         ssnd(jps_kice)%laction = .FALSE.
      CASE ( 'ice only' )
         ssnd(jps_kice)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_cond%clcat ) == 'yes' ) THEN
            ssnd(jps_kice)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
            IF( nn_cats_cpl > 1 ) THEN
               CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: use weighted ice option for sn_snd_cond%cldes if not exchanging category fields' )
      CASE ( 'weighted ice' )
         ssnd(jps_kice)%laction = .TRUE.
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_cond%clcat ) == 'yes' ) ssnd(jps_kice)%nct = nn_cats_cpl
      CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_init: wrong definition of sn_snd_cond%cldes;'//sn_snd_cond%cldes )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !     Sea surface height    !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_wlev)%clname = 'O_Wlevel' ;  IF( TRIM(sn_snd_wlev%cldes) == 'coupled' )   ssnd(jps_wlev)%laction = .TRUE.

      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   OCE-SAS coupling - snd by opa !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_ssh   )%clname = 'O_SSHght'
      ssnd(jps_soce  )%clname = 'O_SSSal'
      ssnd(jps_e3t1st)%clname = 'O_E3T1st'
      ssnd(jps_fraqsr)%clname = 'O_FraQsr'
      IF( nn_components == jp_iam_oce ) THEN
         ssnd(:)%laction = .FALSE.   ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         ssnd( (/jps_toce, jps_soce, jps_ssh, jps_fraqsr, jps_ocx1, jps_ocy1/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         ssnd( jps_e3t1st )%laction = .NOT.ln_linssh
         ! vector definition: not used but cleaner...
         ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid  = 'U'        ! oce components given at U-point
         ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clgrid  = 'V'        !           and           V-point
         sn_snd_crt%clvgrd = 'U,V'
         sn_snd_crt%clvor = 'local grid'
         sn_snd_crt%clvref = 'spherical'
         IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
            WRITE(numout,*)'  sent fields to SAS component '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface temperature (T before, Celsius) '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface salinity '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               surface currents U,V on local grid and spherical coordinates'
            WRITE(numout,*)'               sea surface height '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               thickness of first ocean T level '
            WRITE(numout,*)'               fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level'
      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   OCE-SAS coupling - snd by sas !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------------- !
      ssnd(jps_sflx  )%clname = 'I_SFLX'
      ssnd(jps_fice2 )%clname = 'IIceFrc'
      ssnd(jps_qsroce)%clname = 'I_QsrOce'
      ssnd(jps_qnsoce)%clname = 'I_QnsOce'
      ssnd(jps_oemp  )%clname = 'IOEvaMPr'
      ssnd(jps_otx1  )%clname = 'I_OTaux1'
      ssnd(jps_oty1  )%clname = 'I_OTauy1'
      ssnd(jps_rnf   )%clname = 'I_Runoff'
      ssnd(jps_taum  )%clname = 'I_TauMod'
      IF( nn_components == jp_iam_sas ) THEN
         IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) ssnd(:)%laction = .FALSE.   ! force default definition in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         ssnd( (/jps_qsroce, jps_qnsoce, jps_oemp, jps_fice2, jps_sflx, jps_otx1, jps_oty1, jps_taum/) )%laction = .TRUE.
         ! Change first letter to couple with atmosphere if already coupled with sea_ice
         ! this is nedeed as each variable name used in the namcouple must be unique:
         ! for example O_SSTSST sent by OCE to SAS and therefore S_SSTSST sent by SAS to the Atmosphere
         DO jn = 1, jpsnd
            IF( ssnd(jn)%clname(1:1) == "O" ) ssnd(jn)%clname = "S"//ssnd(jn)%clname(2:LEN(ssnd(jn)%clname))
         END DO
         IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
            IF( .NOT. ln_cpl ) THEN
               WRITE(numout,*)'  sent fields to OCE component '
               WRITE(numout,*)'  Additional sent fields to OCE component : '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  ice cover '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  oce only EMP  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  salt flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  mixed oce-ice solar flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  mixed oce-ice non solar flux  '
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  wind stress U,V components'
            WRITE(numout,*)'                  wind stress module'

      ! Initialise 1D river outflow scheme 
      nn_cpl_river = 1 
      IF ( TRIM( sn_rcv_rnf%cldes ) == 'coupled1d' ) CALL cpl_rnf_1d_init   ! Coupled runoff using 1D array
      ! =================================================== !
      ! Allocate all parts of frcv used for received fields !
      ! =================================================== !
      DO jn = 1, jprcv

         IF ( srcv(jn)%laction ) THEN 
            SELECT CASE( srcv(jn)%dimensions )
            CASE( 0 )   ! Scalar field
               ALLOCATE( frcv(jn)%z3(1,1,1) )
            CASE( 1 )   ! 1D field
               ALLOCATE( frcv(jn)%z3(nn_cpl_river,1,1) )
            CASE DEFAULT  ! 2D (or pseudo 3D) field.
               ALLOCATE( frcv(jn)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jn)%nct) )
            END SELECT
         END IF

      END DO
      ! Allocate taum part of frcv which is used even when not received as coupling field
      IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_taum)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_taum)%nct) )
      ! Allocate w10m part of frcv which is used even when not received as coupling field
      IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_w10m)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_w10m)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_w10m)%nct) )
      ! Allocate jpr_otx1 part of frcv which is used even when not received as coupling field
      IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_otx1)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_otx1)%nct) )
      IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_oty1)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_oty1)%nct) )
      ! Allocate itx1 and ity1 as they are used in sbc_cpl_ice_tau even if srcv(jpr_itx1)%laction = .FALSE.
      IF( k_ice /= 0 ) THEN
         IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_itx1)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_itx1)%nct) )
         IF ( .NOT. srcv(jpr_ity1)%laction ) ALLOCATE( frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(jpi,jpj,srcv(jpr_ity1)%nct) )
      END IF

      ! ================================ !
      !   initialisation of the coupler  !
      ! ================================ !

      ! There's no point initialising the coupler if we've accumulated any errors in 
      ! coupling field definitions or settings. 
      IF (nstop > 0) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'sbc_cpl_init: Errors encountered in coupled field definitions' )

      CALL cpl_define(jprcv, jpsnd, nn_cplmodel)

      IF(ln_usecplmask) THEN
         xcplmask(:,:,:) = 0.
         CALL iom_open( 'cplmask', inum )
         CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_unknown, 'cplmask', xcplmask(1:jpi,1:jpj,1:nn_cplmodel),   &
            &          kstart = (/ mig(1),mjg(1),1 /), kcount = (/ jpi,jpj,nn_cplmodel /) )
         CALL iom_close( inum )
         xcplmask(:,:,:) = 1.
      xcplmask(:,:,0) = 1. - SUM( xcplmask(:,:,1:nn_cplmodel), dim = 3 )
      IF( nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes .gt. 0 ) THEN 
          ! Crude masks to separate the Antarctic and Greenland icesheets. Obviously something 
          ! more complicated could be done if required. 
          greenland_icesheet_mask = 0.0 
          WHERE( gphit >= 0.0 ) greenland_icesheet_mask = 1.0 
          antarctica_icesheet_mask = 0.0 
          WHERE( gphit < 0.0 ) antarctica_icesheet_mask = 1.0 
          IF( .not. ln_rstart ) THEN 
             greenland_icesheet_mass = 0.0  
             greenland_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = 0.0  
             greenland_icesheet_timelapsed = 0.0 
             antarctica_icesheet_mass = 0.0  
             antarctica_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = 0.0  
             antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed = 0.0 
      IF (ln_timing) CALL timing_stop('sbc_cpl_init')
   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_init

   SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_rcv( kt, k_fsbc, k_ice, Kbb, Kmm )
      !!             ***  ROUTINE sbc_cpl_rcv  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   provide the stress over the ocean and, if no sea-ice,
      !!                provide the ocean heat and freshwater fluxes.
      !! ** Method  : - Receive all the atmospheric fields (stored in frcv array). called at each time step.
      !!                OASIS controls if there is something do receive or not. nrcvinfo contains the info
      !!                to know if the field was really received or not
      !!              --> If ocean stress was really received:
      !!                  - transform the received ocean stress vector from the received
      !!                 referential and grid into an atmosphere-ocean stress in
      !!                 the (i,j) ocean referencial and at the ocean velocity point.
      !!                    The received stress are :
      !!                     - defined by 3 components (if cartesian coordinate)
      !!                            or by 2 components (if spherical)
      !!                     - oriented along geographical   coordinate (if eastward-northward)
      !!                            or  along the local grid coordinate (if local grid)
      !!                     - given at U- and V-point, resp.   if received on 2 grids
      !!                            or at T-point               if received on 1 grid
      !!                    Therefore and if necessary, they are successively
      !!                  processed in order to obtain them
      !!                     first  as  2 components on the sphere
      !!                     second as  2 components oriented along the local grid
      !!                     third  as  2 components on the U,V grid
      !!              -->
      !!              - In 'ocean only' case, non solar and solar ocean heat fluxes
      !!             and total ocean freshwater fluxes
      !! ** Method  :   receive all fields from the atmosphere and transform
      !!              them into ocean surface boundary condition fields
      !! ** Action  :   update  utau, vtau   ocean stress at U,V grid
      !!                        taum         wind stress module at T-point
      !!                        wndm         wind speed  module at T-point over free ocean or leads in presence of sea-ice
      !!                        qns          non solar heat fluxes including emp heat content    (ocean only case)
      !!                                     and the latent heat flux of solid precip. melting
      !!                        qsr          solar ocean heat fluxes   (ocean only case)
      !!                        emp          upward mass flux [evap. - precip. (- runoffs) (- calving)] (ocean only case)
      USE zdf_oce,  ONLY :   ln_zdfswm
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt          ! ocean model time step index
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   k_fsbc      ! frequency of sbc (-> ice model) computation
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   k_ice       ! ice management in the sbc (=0/1/2/3)
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kbb, Kmm    ! ocean model time level indices
      LOGICAL  ::   llnewtx, llnewtau      ! update wind stress components and module??
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jn             ! dummy loop indices
      INTEGER  ::   isec                   ! number of seconds since nit000 (assuming rdt did not change since nit000)
      INTEGER  ::   ikchoix
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ztx2, zty2
      REAL(wp) ::   zcumulneg, zcumulpos   ! temporary scalars
      REAL(wp) ::   zcoef                  ! temporary scalar
      LOGICAL  ::   ll_wrtstp              ! write diagnostics?
      REAL(wp) ::   zrhoa  = 1.22          ! Air density kg/m3
      REAL(wp) ::   zcdrag = 1.5e-3        ! drag coefficient
      REAL(wp) ::   zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in, zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in 
      REAL(wp) ::   zgreenland_icesheet_mass_b, zantarctica_icesheet_mass_b 
      REAL(wp) ::   zmask_sum, zepsilon    
      REAL(wp) ::   zzx, zzy               ! temporary variables
      REAL(wp) ::   r1_grau                ! = 1.e0 / (grav * rho0)
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ztx, zty, zmsk, zemp, zqns, zqsr, zcloud_fra
      IF (ln_timing) CALL timing_start('sbc_cpl_rcv')
      ll_wrtstp  = ( MOD( kt, sn_cfctl%ptimincr ) == 0 ) .OR. ( kt == nitend )
      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN
      !   cannot be done in the init phase when we use agrif as cpl_freq requires that oasis_enddef is done
         ncpl_qsr_freq = cpl_freq( 'O_QsrOce' ) + cpl_freq( 'O_QsrMix' ) + cpl_freq( 'I_QsrOce' ) + cpl_freq( 'I_QsrMix' )
         IF( ln_dm2dc .AND. ncpl_qsr_freq /= 86400 )   &
            &   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_rcv: diurnal cycle reconstruction (ln_dm2dc) needs daily couping for solar radiation' )

         IF ( ln_wave .AND. nn_components == 0 ) THEN
            ncpl_qsr_freq = 1;
            WRITE(numout,*) 'ncpl_qsr_freq is set to 1 when coupling NEMO with wave (without SAS) '
      IF( ln_mixcpl )   zmsk(:,:) = 1. - xcplmask(:,:,0)
      !                                                      ! ======================================================= !
      !                                                      ! Receive all the atmos. fields (including ice information)
      !                                                      ! ======================================================= !
      isec = ( kt - nit000 ) * NINT( rn_Dt )                      ! date of exchanges
      DO jn = 1, jprcv                                          ! received fields sent by the atmosphere
        IF( srcv(jn)%laction ) THEN  
          IF ( srcv(jn)%dimensions <= 1 ) THEN 
            CALL cpl_rcv_1d( jn, isec, frcv(jn)%z3, SIZE(frcv(jn)%z3), nrcvinfo(jn) ) 

            CALL cpl_rcv( jn, isec, frcv(jn)%z3, xcplmask(:,:,1:nn_cplmodel), nrcvinfo(jn) ) 
          END IF 

        END IF 
      END DO

      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_otx1)%laction ) THEN                      !  ocean stress components  !
         !                                                   ! ========================= !
         ! define frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1) and frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1): stress at U/V point along model grid
         ! => need to be done only when we receive the field
         IF(  nrcvinfo(jpr_otx1) == OASIS_Rcv ) THEN
            IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN            ! 2 components on the sphere
               !                                                       ! (cartesian to spherical -> 3 to 2 components)
               CALL geo2oce( frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_otz1)%z3(:,:,1),   &
                  &          srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid, ztx, zty )
               frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)   ! overwrite 1st comp. on the 1st grid
               frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)   ! overwrite 2nd comp. on the 1st grid
               IF( srcv(jpr_otx2)%laction ) THEN
                  CALL geo2oce( frcv(jpr_otx2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_oty2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_otz2)%z3(:,:,1),   &
                     &          srcv(jpr_otx2)%clgrid, ztx, zty )
                  frcv(jpr_otx2)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)   ! overwrite 1st comp. on the 2nd grid
                  frcv(jpr_oty2)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)   ! overwrite 2nd comp. on the 2nd grid
            IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN   ! 2 components oriented along the local grid
               !                                                       ! (geographical to local grid -> rotate the components)
               IF( srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid == 'U' .AND. (.NOT. srcv(jpr_otx2)%laction) ) THEN
                  ! Temporary code for HadGEM3 - will be removed eventually.
                  ! Only applies when we have only taux on U grid and tauy on V grid
                  DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )                                       
                          ztx(ji,jj)=0.25*vmask(ji,jj,1)                &
                             *(frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji,jj,1)+frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji-1,jj,1)    &
                          zty(ji,jj)=0.25*umask(ji,jj,1)                &
                             *(frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji,jj,1)+frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji+1,jj,1)    &
                  ikchoix = 1
                  CALL repcmo (frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1),zty,ztx,frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1),ztx2,zty2,ikchoix)
                  CALL lbc_lnk ('jpr_otx1', ztx2,'U', -1. )
                  CALL lbc_lnk ('jpr_oty1', zty2,'V', -1. )
                  CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid, 'en->i', ztx )   
                  frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)      ! overwrite 1st component on the 1st grid
                  IF( srcv(jpr_otx2)%laction ) THEN
                     CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_otx2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_oty2)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_otx2)%clgrid, 'en->j', zty )   
                     CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid, 'en->j', zty )
                  frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)      ! overwrite 2nd component on the 2nd grid 
            IF( srcv(jpr_otx1)%clgrid == 'T' ) THEN
               DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )                                        ! T ==> (U,V)
                  frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji,jj,1) = 0.5 * ( frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji+1,jj  ,1) + frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji,jj,1) )
                  frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji,jj,1) = 0.5 * ( frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji  ,jj+1,1) + frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji,jj,1) )
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1), 'U',  -1.0_wp, frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1), 'V',  -1.0_wp )
            llnewtx = .TRUE.
            llnewtx = .FALSE.
         !                                                   ! ========================= !
      ELSE                                                   !   No dynamical coupling   !
         !                                                   ! ========================= !
         frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1) = 0.e0                               ! here simply set to zero
         frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1) = 0.e0                               ! an external read in a file can be added instead
         llnewtx = .TRUE.
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !    wind stress module     !   (taum)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( .NOT. srcv(jpr_taum)%laction ) THEN                    ! compute wind stress module from its components if not received
         ! => need to be done only when otx1 was changed
         IF( llnewtx ) THEN
            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
               zzx = frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji-1,jj  ,1) + frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(ji,jj,1)
               zzy = frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji  ,jj-1,1) + frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(ji,jj,1)
               frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(ji,jj,1) = 0.5 * SQRT( zzx * zzx + zzy * zzy )
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(:,:,1), 'T', 1.0_wp )
            llnewtau = .TRUE.
            llnewtau = .FALSE.
         llnewtau = nrcvinfo(jpr_taum) == OASIS_Rcv
         ! Stress module can be negative when received (interpolation problem)
         IF( llnewtau ) THEN
            frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(:,:,1) = MAX( 0._wp, frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(:,:,1) )
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !      10 m wind speed      !   (wndm)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( .NOT. srcv(jpr_w10m)%laction ) THEN                    ! compute wind spreed from wind stress module if not received
         ! => need to be done only when taumod was changed
         IF( llnewtau ) THEN
            zcoef = 1. / ( zrhoa * zcdrag )
            DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
               frcv(jpr_w10m)%z3(ji,jj,1) = SQRT( frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(ji,jj,1) * zcoef )
!!$      !                                                      ! ========================= !
!!$      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_clouds%cldes ) )             !       cloud fraction      !
!!$      !                                                      ! ========================= !
!!$      cloud_fra(:,:) = frcv(jpr_clfra)*z3(:,:,1)
!!$      END SELECT
      zcloud_fra(:,:) = pp_cldf   ! should be real cloud fraction instead (as in the bulk) but needs to be read from atm.
      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         cloud_fra(:,:) = cloud_fra(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zcloud_fra(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         cloud_fra(:,:) = zcloud_fra(:,:)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      ! u(v)tau and taum will be modified by ice model
      ! -> need to be reset before each call of the ice/fsbc
      IF( MOD( kt-1, k_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN
         IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
            utau(:,:) = utau(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1) * zmsk(:,:)
            vtau(:,:) = vtau(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1) * zmsk(:,:)
            taum(:,:) = taum(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(:,:,1) * zmsk(:,:)
            wndm(:,:) = wndm(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + frcv(jpr_w10m)%z3(:,:,1) * zmsk(:,:)
            utau(:,:) = frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1)
            vtau(:,:) = frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1)
            taum(:,:) = frcv(jpr_taum)%z3(:,:,1)
            wndm(:,:) = frcv(jpr_w10m)%z3(:,:,1)
         CALL iom_put( "taum_oce", taum )   ! output wind stress module

      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      ! atmosph. CO2 (ppm) !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_co2)%laction )   atm_co2(:,:) = frcv(jpr_co2)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      ! Mean Sea Level Pressure   !   (taum)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_mslp)%laction ) THEN                    ! UKMO SHELF effect of atmospheric pressure on SSH
          IF( kt /= nit000 )   ssh_ibb(:,:) = ssh_ib(:,:)    !* Swap of ssh_ib fields

          r1_grau = 1.e0 / (grav * rho0)               !* constant for optimization
          ssh_ib(:,:) = - ( frcv(jpr_mslp)%z3(:,:,1) - rpref ) * r1_grau    ! equivalent ssh (inverse barometer)
          apr   (:,:) =     frcv(jpr_mslp)%z3(:,:,1)                         !atmospheric pressure

          IF( kt == nit000 ) ssh_ibb(:,:) = ssh_ib(:,:)  ! correct this later (read from restart if possible)
      IF( ln_sdw ) THEN  ! Stokes Drift correction activated
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !       Stokes drift u      !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_sdrftx)%laction ) ut0sd(:,:) = frcv(jpr_sdrftx)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !       Stokes drift v      !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_sdrfty)%laction ) vt0sd(:,:) = frcv(jpr_sdrfty)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !      Wave mean period     !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_wper)%laction ) wmp(:,:) = frcv(jpr_wper)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !  Significant wave height  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_hsig)%laction ) hsw(:,:) = frcv(jpr_hsig)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !    Vertical mixing Qiao   !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_wnum)%laction .AND. ln_zdfswm ) wnum(:,:) = frcv(jpr_wnum)%z3(:,:,1)

         ! Calculate the 3D Stokes drift both in coupled and not fully uncoupled mode
         IF( srcv(jpr_sdrftx)%laction .OR. srcv(jpr_sdrfty)%laction .OR. &
             srcv(jpr_wper)%laction .OR. srcv(jpr_hsig)%laction )   THEN
            CALL sbc_stokes( Kmm )
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      ! Stress adsorbed by waves  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_wstrf)%laction .AND. ln_tauoc )  tauoc_wave(:,:) = frcv(jpr_wstrf)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !   Wave drag coefficient   !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_wdrag)%laction .AND. ln_cdgw )   cdn_wave(:,:) = frcv(jpr_wdrag)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !   Chranock coefficient    !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_charn)%laction .AND. ln_charn )  charn(:,:) = frcv(jpr_charn)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      ! net wave-supported stress !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_tawx)%laction .AND. ln_taw )     tawx(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tawx)%z3(:,:,1)
      IF( srcv(jpr_tawy)%laction .AND. ln_taw )     tawy(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tawy)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !wave to ocean momentum flux!
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_twox)%laction .AND. ln_taw )     twox(:,:) = frcv(jpr_twox)%z3(:,:,1)
      IF( srcv(jpr_twoy)%laction .AND. ln_taw )     twoy(:,:) = frcv(jpr_twoy)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !    wave TKE flux at sfc   !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_phioc)%laction .AND. ln_phioc )     phioc(:,:) = frcv(jpr_phioc)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !      Bernoulli head       !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_bhd)%laction .AND. ln_bern_srfc )   bhd_wave(:,:) = frcv(jpr_bhd)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !   Stokes transport u dir  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_tusd)%laction .AND. ln_breivikFV_2016 )    tusd(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tusd)%z3(:,:,1)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !   Stokes transport v dir  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( srcv(jpr_tvsd)%laction .AND. ln_breivikFV_2016 )     tvsd(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tvsd)%z3(:,:,1)
      !  Fields received by SAS when OASIS coupling
      !  (arrays no more filled at sbcssm stage)
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      !        SSS         !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_soce)%laction ) THEN                      ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         sss_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_soce)%z3(:,:,1)
         CALL iom_put( 'sss_m', sss_m )
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      !        SST         !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_toce)%laction ) THEN                      ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         sst_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_toce)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( srcv(jpr_soce)%laction .AND. l_useCT ) THEN    ! make sure that sst_m is the potential temperature
            sst_m(:,:) = eos_pt_from_ct( sst_m(:,:), sss_m(:,:) )
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      !        SSH         !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_ssh )%laction ) THEN                      ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         ssh_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_ssh )%z3(:,:,1)
         CALL iom_put( 'ssh_m', ssh_m )
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      !  surface currents  !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_ocx1)%laction ) THEN                      ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         ssu_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_ocx1)%z3(:,:,1)
         uu(:,:,1,Kbb) = ssu_m(:,:)                          ! will be used in icestp in the call of ice_forcing_tau
         uu(:,:,1,Kmm) = ssu_m(:,:)                          ! will be used in sbc_cpl_snd if atmosphere coupling
         CALL iom_put( 'ssu_m', ssu_m )
      IF( srcv(jpr_ocy1)%laction ) THEN
         ssv_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_ocy1)%z3(:,:,1)
         vv(:,:,1,Kbb) = ssv_m(:,:)                          ! will be used in icestp in the call of ice_forcing_tau
         vv(:,:,1,Kmm) = ssv_m(:,:)                          ! will be used in sbc_cpl_snd if atmosphere coupling
         CALL iom_put( 'ssv_m', ssv_m )
      !                                                      ! ======================== !
      !                                                      !  first T level thickness !
      !                                                      ! ======================== !
      IF( srcv(jpr_e3t1st )%laction ) THEN                   ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         e3t_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_e3t1st )%z3(:,:,1)
         CALL iom_put( 'e3t_m', e3t_m(:,:) )
      !                                                      ! ================================ !
      !                                                      !  fraction of solar net radiation !
      !                                                      ! ================================ !
      IF( srcv(jpr_fraqsr)%laction ) THEN                    ! received by sas in case of opa <-> sas coupling
         frq_m(:,:) = frcv(jpr_fraqsr)%z3(:,:,1)
         CALL iom_put( 'frq_m', frq_m )

      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( k_ice <= 1 .AND. MOD( kt-1, k_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN   !  heat & freshwater fluxes ! (Ocean only case)
         !                                                   ! ========================= !
         !                                                       ! total freshwater fluxes over the ocean (emp)
         IF( srcv(jpr_oemp)%laction .OR. srcv(jpr_rain)%laction ) THEN
            SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_emp%cldes ) )                                    ! evaporation - precipitation
            CASE( 'conservative' )
               zemp(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) - ( frcv(jpr_rain)%z3(:,:,1) + frcv(jpr_snow)%z3(:,:,1) )
            CASE( 'oce only', 'oce and ice' )
               zemp(:,:) = frcv(jpr_oemp)%z3(:,:,1)
            CASE default
               CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_rcv: wrong definition of sn_rcv_emp%cldes' )
            END SELECT
            zemp(:,:) = 0._wp
         !                                                        ! runoffs and calving (added in emp)
         IF( srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction )     rnf(:,:) = frcv(jpr_rnf)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction )     zemp(:,:) = zemp(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)

         IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction )  THEN
             fwficb(:,:) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
             rnf(:,:)    = rnf(:,:) + fwficb(:,:)   ! iceberg added to runfofs
         ! ice shelf fwf
         IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction )  THEN
            fwfisf_oasis(:,:) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)  ! fresh water flux from the isf to the ocean ( > 0 = melting )
         END IF

         IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN   ;   emp(:,:) = emp(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         ELSE                   ;   emp(:,:) =                              zemp(:,:)
         !                                                       ! non solar heat flux over the ocean (qns)
         IF(      srcv(jpr_qnsoce)%laction ) THEN   ;   zqns(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qnsoce)%z3(:,:,1)
         ELSE IF( srcv(jpr_qnsmix)%laction ) THEN   ;   zqns(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qnsmix)%z3(:,:,1)
         ELSE                                       ;   zqns(:,:) = 0._wp
         ! update qns over the free ocean with:
         IF( nn_components /= jp_iam_oce ) THEN
            zqns(:,:) =  zqns(:,:) - zemp(:,:) * sst_m(:,:) * rcp         ! remove heat content due to mass flux (assumed to be at SST)
            IF( srcv(jpr_snow  )%laction ) THEN
               zqns(:,:) = zqns(:,:) - frcv(jpr_snow)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus   ! energy for melting solid precipitation over the free ocean
         IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction )  zqns(:,:) = zqns(:,:) - frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus ! remove heat content associated to iceberg melting
         IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN   
            qns(:,:) = qns(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqns(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
            qns(:,:) =                              zqns(:,:)

         !                                                       ! solar flux over the ocean          (qsr)
         IF     ( srcv(jpr_qsroce)%laction ) THEN   ;   zqsr(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qsroce)%z3(:,:,1)
         ELSE IF( srcv(jpr_qsrmix)%laction ) then   ;   zqsr(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qsrmix)%z3(:,:,1)
         ELSE                                       ;   zqsr(:,:) = 0._wp
         IF( ln_dm2dc .AND. ln_cpl )   zqsr(:,:) = sbc_dcy( zqsr )   ! modify qsr to include the diurnal cycle
         IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN   ;   qsr(:,:) = qsr(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqsr(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         ELSE                   ;   qsr(:,:) =                              zqsr(:,:)
         ! salt flux over the ocean (received by opa in case of opa <-> sas coupling)
         IF( srcv(jpr_sflx )%laction )   sfx(:,:) = frcv(jpr_sflx  )%z3(:,:,1)
         ! Ice cover  (received by opa in case of opa <-> sas coupling)
         IF( srcv(jpr_fice )%laction )   fr_i(:,:) = frcv(jpr_fice )%z3(:,:,1)

      zepsilon = rn_iceshelf_fluxes_tolerance

      IF( srcv(jpr_grnm)%laction .AND. nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes == 1 ) THEN
         ! This is a zero dimensional, single value field.
         zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in =  frcv(jpr_grnm)%z3(1,1,1)
         greenland_icesheet_timelapsed = greenland_icesheet_timelapsed + rdt         
         IF( ln_iceshelf_init_atmos .AND. kt == 1 ) THEN
            ! On the first timestep (of an NRUN) force the ocean to ignore the icesheet masses in the ocean restart
            ! and take them from the atmosphere to avoid problems with using inconsistent ocean and atmosphere restarts.
            zgreenland_icesheet_mass_b = zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in
            greenland_icesheet_mass = zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in
         IF( ABS( zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in - greenland_icesheet_mass ) > zepsilon ) THEN
            zgreenland_icesheet_mass_b = greenland_icesheet_mass
            ! Only update the mass if it has increased.
            IF ( (zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in - greenland_icesheet_mass) > 0.0 ) THEN
               greenland_icesheet_mass = zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in
            IF( zgreenland_icesheet_mass_b /= 0.0 ) &
           &     greenland_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = ( greenland_icesheet_mass - zgreenland_icesheet_mass_b ) / greenland_icesheet_timelapsed 
            greenland_icesheet_timelapsed = 0.0_wp       
         IF(lwp .AND. ll_wrtstp) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Greenland icesheet mass (kg) read in is ', zgreenland_icesheet_mass_in
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Greenland icesheet mass (kg) used is    ', greenland_icesheet_mass
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Greenland icesheet mass rate of change (kg/s) is ', greenland_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Greenland icesheet seconds lapsed since last change is ', greenland_icesheet_timelapsed
      ELSE IF ( nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes == 2 ) THEN
         greenland_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = rn_greenland_total_fw_flux
      !                                                        ! land ice masses : Antarctica
      IF( srcv(jpr_antm)%laction .AND. nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes == 1 ) THEN
         ! This is a zero dimensional, single value field.
         zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in = frcv(jpr_antm)%z3(1,1,1)
         antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed = antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed + rdt         
         IF( ln_iceshelf_init_atmos .AND. kt == 1 ) THEN
            ! On the first timestep (of an NRUN) force the ocean to ignore the icesheet masses in the ocean restart
            ! and take them from the atmosphere to avoid problems with using inconsistent ocean and atmosphere restarts.
            zantarctica_icesheet_mass_b = zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in
            antarctica_icesheet_mass = zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in
         IF( ABS( zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in - antarctica_icesheet_mass ) > zepsilon ) THEN
            zantarctica_icesheet_mass_b = antarctica_icesheet_mass
            ! Only update the mass if it has increased.
            IF ( (zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in - antarctica_icesheet_mass) > 0.0 ) THEN
               antarctica_icesheet_mass = zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in
            END IF
            IF( zantarctica_icesheet_mass_b /= 0.0 ) &
          &      antarctica_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = ( antarctica_icesheet_mass - zantarctica_icesheet_mass_b ) / antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed 
            antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed = 0.0_wp       
         IF(lwp .AND. ll_wrtstp) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Antarctica icesheet mass (kg) read in is ', zantarctica_icesheet_mass_in
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Antarctica icesheet mass (kg) used is    ', antarctica_icesheet_mass
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Antarctica icesheet mass rate of change (kg/s) is ', antarctica_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change
            WRITE(numout,*) 'Antarctica icesheet seconds lapsed since last change is ', antarctica_icesheet_timelapsed
      ELSE IF ( nn_coupled_iceshelf_fluxes == 2 ) THEN
         antarctica_icesheet_mass_rate_of_change = rn_antarctica_total_fw_flux
   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_rcv

   SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_tau( p_taui, p_tauj )
      !!             ***  ROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_tau  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   provide the stress over sea-ice in coupled mode
      !! ** Method  :   transform the received stress from the atmosphere into
      !!             an atmosphere-ice stress in the (i,j) ocean referencial
      !!             and at the velocity point of the sea-ice model:
      !!                'C'-grid : i- (j-) components given at U- (V-) point
      !!                The received stress are :
      !!                 - defined by 3 components (if cartesian coordinate)
      !!                        or by 2 components (if spherical)
      !!                 - oriented along geographical   coordinate (if eastward-northward)
      !!                        or  along the local grid coordinate (if local grid)
      !!                 - given at U- and V-point, resp.   if received on 2 grids
      !!                        or at a same point (T or I) if received on 1 grid
      !!                Therefore and if necessary, they are successively
      !!             processed in order to obtain them
      !!                 first  as  2 components on the sphere
      !!                 second as  2 components oriented along the local grid
      !!                 third  as  2 components on the ice grid point
      !!                Except in 'oce and ice' case, only one vector stress field
      !!             is received. It has already been processed in sbc_cpl_rcv
      !!             so that it is now defined as (i,j) components given at U-
      !!             and V-points, respectively.
      !! ** Action  :   return ptau_i, ptau_j, the stress over the ice
      REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:,:) ::   p_taui   ! i- & j-components of atmos-ice stress [N/m2]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:,:) ::   p_tauj   ! at I-point (B-grid) or U & V-point (C-grid)
      INTEGER ::   ji, jj   ! dummy loop indices
      INTEGER ::   itx      ! index of taux over ice
      REAL(wp)                     ::   zztmp1, zztmp2
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ztx, zty
#if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice
      IF( srcv(jpr_itx1)%laction ) THEN   ;   itx =  jpr_itx1
      ELSE                                ;   itx =  jpr_otx1

      ! do something only if we just received the stress from atmosphere
      IF(  nrcvinfo(itx) == OASIS_Rcv ) THEN
         !                                                      ! ======================= !
         IF( srcv(jpr_itx1)%laction ) THEN                      !   ice stress received   !
            !                                                   ! ======================= !
            IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN            ! 2 components on the sphere
               !                                                       ! (cartesian to spherical -> 3 to 2 components)
               CALL geo2oce(  frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_itz1)%z3(:,:,1),   &
                  &          srcv(jpr_itx1)%clgrid, ztx, zty )
               frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)   ! overwrite 1st comp. on the 1st grid
               frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)   ! overwrite 2nd comp. on the 1st grid
               IF( srcv(jpr_itx2)%laction ) THEN
                  CALL geo2oce( frcv(jpr_itx2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_ity2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_itz2)%z3(:,:,1),   &
                     &          srcv(jpr_itx2)%clgrid, ztx, zty )
                  frcv(jpr_itx2)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)   ! overwrite 1st comp. on the 2nd grid
                  frcv(jpr_ity2)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)   ! overwrite 2nd comp. on the 2nd grid
            IF( TRIM( sn_rcv_tau%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN   ! 2 components oriented along the local grid
               !                                                       ! (geographical to local grid -> rotate the components)
               CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_itx1)%clgrid, 'en->i', ztx )
               IF( srcv(jpr_itx2)%laction ) THEN
                  CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_itx2)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_ity2)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_itx2)%clgrid, 'en->j', zty )
                  CALL rot_rep( frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1), frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1), srcv(jpr_itx1)%clgrid, 'en->j', zty )
               frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1) = ztx(:,:)      ! overwrite 1st component on the 1st grid
               frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1) = zty(:,:)      ! overwrite 2nd component on the 1st grid
            !                                                   ! ======================= !
         ELSE                                                   !     use ocean stress    !
            !                                                   ! ======================= !
            frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1) = frcv(jpr_otx1)%z3(:,:,1)
            frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1) = frcv(jpr_oty1)%z3(:,:,1)
         !                                                      ! ======================= !
         !                                                      !     put on ice grid     !
         !                                                      ! ======================= !
         !                                                  j+1   j     -----V---F
         ! ice stress on ice velocity point                              !       |
         ! (C-grid ==>(U,V))                                      j      |   T   U
         !                                                               |       |
         !                                                   j    j-1   -I-------|
         !                                               (for I)         |       |
         !                                                              i-1  i   i
         !                                                               i      i+1 (for I)
         SELECT CASE ( srcv(jpr_itx1)%clgrid )
         CASE( 'U' )
            p_taui(:,:) = frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(:,:,1)                   ! (U,V) ==> (U,V)
            p_tauj(:,:) = frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(:,:,1)
         CASE( 'T' )
            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )                    ! T ==> (U,V)
               ! take care of the land-sea mask to avoid "pollution" of coastal stress. p[uv]taui used in frazil and  rheology
               zztmp1 = 0.5_wp * ( 2. - umask(ji,jj,1) ) * MAX( tmask(ji,jj,1),tmask(ji+1,jj  ,1) )
               zztmp2 = 0.5_wp * ( 2. - vmask(ji,jj,1) ) * MAX( tmask(ji,jj,1),tmask(ji  ,jj+1,1) )
               p_taui(ji,jj) = zztmp1 * ( frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(ji+1,jj  ,1) + frcv(jpr_itx1)%z3(ji,jj,1) )
               p_tauj(ji,jj) = zztmp2 * ( frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(ji  ,jj+1,1) + frcv(jpr_ity1)%z3(ji,jj,1) )
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', p_taui, 'U',  -1._wp, p_tauj, 'V',  -1._wp )
         END SELECT

   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_tau

   SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_flx( kt, picefr, palbi, psst, pist, phs, phi )
      !!             ***  ROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_flx  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   provide the heat and freshwater fluxes of the ocean-ice system
      !! ** Method  :   transform the fields received from the atmosphere into
      !!             surface heat and fresh water boundary condition for the
      !!             ice-ocean system. The following fields are provided:
      !!               * total non solar, solar and freshwater fluxes (qns_tot,
      !!             qsr_tot and emp_tot) (total means weighted ice-ocean flux)
      !!             NB: emp_tot include runoffs and calving.
      !!               * fluxes over ice (qns_ice, qsr_ice, emp_ice) where
      !!             emp_ice = sublimation - solid precipitation as liquid
      !!             precipitation are re-routed directly to the ocean and
      !!             calving directly enter the ocean (runoffs are read but included in trasbc.F90)
      !!               * solid precipitation (sprecip), used to add to qns_tot
      !!             the heat lost associated to melting solid precipitation
      !!             over the ocean fraction.
      !!               * heat content of rain, snow and evap can also be provided,
      !!             otherwise heat flux associated with these mass flux are
      !!             guessed (qemp_oce, qemp_ice)
      !!             - the fluxes have been separated from the stress as
      !!               (a) they are updated at each ice time step compare to
      !!               an update at each coupled time step for the stress, and
      !!               (b) the conservative computation of the fluxes over the
      !!               sea-ice area requires the knowledge of the ice fraction
      !!               after the ice advection and before the ice thermodynamics,
      !!               so that the stress is updated before the ice dynamics
      !!               while the fluxes are updated after it.
      !! ** Details
      !!             qns_tot = (1-a) * qns_oce + a * qns_ice               => provided
      !!                     + qemp_oce + qemp_ice                         => recalculated and added up to qns
      !!             qsr_tot = (1-a) * qsr_oce + a * qsr_ice               => provided
      !!             emp_tot = emp_oce + emp_ice                           => calving is provided and added to emp_tot (and emp_oce).
      !!                                                                      runoff (which includes rivers+icebergs) and iceshelf
      !!                                                                      are provided but not included in emp here. Only runoff will
      !!                                                                      be included in emp in other parts of NEMO code
      !! ** Note : In case of the ice-atm coupling with conduction fluxes (such as Jules interface for the Met-Office),
      !!              qsr_ice and qns_ice are not provided and they are not supposed to be used in the ice code.
      !!              However, by precaution we also "fake" qns_ice and qsr_ice this way:
      !!              qns_ice = qml_ice + qcn_ice ??
      !!              qsr_ice = qtr_ice_top ??
      !! ** Action  :   update at each nf_ice time step:
      !!                   qns_tot, qsr_tot  non-solar and solar total heat fluxes
      !!                   qns_ice, qsr_ice  non-solar and solar heat fluxes over the ice
      !!                   emp_tot           total evaporation - precipitation(liquid and solid) (-calving)
      !!                   emp_ice           ice sublimation - solid precipitation over the ice
      !!                   dqns_ice          d(non-solar heat flux)/d(Temperature) over the ice
      !!                   sprecip           solid precipitation over the ocean
      INTEGER,  INTENT(in)                                ::   kt         ! ocean model time step index (only for a_i_last_couple)
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in)   , DIMENSION(:,:)             ::   picefr     ! ice fraction                [0 to 1]
      !                                                   !!           ! optional arguments, used only in 'mixed oce-ice' case or for Met-Office coupling
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in)   , DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL ::   palbi      ! all skies ice albedo
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in)   , DIMENSION(:,:  ), OPTIONAL ::   psst       ! sea surface temperature     [Celsius]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL ::   pist       ! ice surface temperature     [Kelvin] => inout for Met-Office
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in)   , DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL ::   phs        ! snow depth                  [m]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in)   , DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL ::   phi        ! ice thickness               [m]
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jl   ! dummy loop index
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   zcptn, zcptrain, zcptsnw, ziceld, zmsk, zsnw
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   zemp_tot, zemp_ice, zemp_oce, ztprecip, zsprecip  , zevap_oce, zdevap_ice
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   zqns_tot, zqns_oce, zqsr_tot, zqsr_oce, zqprec_ice, zqemp_oce, zqemp_ice
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   zevap_ice_total
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpl) ::   zqns_ice, zqsr_ice, zdqns_ice, zqevap_ice, zevap_ice, zqtr_ice_top, ztsu
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   ztri
#if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice
      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN
         ! allocate ice fractions from last coupling time here and not in sbc_cpl_init because of jpl
         IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED(a_i_last_couple) )   ALLOCATE( a_i_last_couple(jpi,jpj,jpl) )
         ! initialize to a_i for the 1st time step
         a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) = a_i(:,:,:)
      IF( ln_mixcpl )   zmsk(:,:) = 1. - xcplmask(:,:,0)
      ziceld(:,:) = 1._wp - picefr(:,:)
      zcptn (:,:) = rcp * sst_m(:,:)

      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_iceflx%cldes ) )             !  ice topmelt and botmelt  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE ('coupled')
         IF (ln_scale_ice_flux) THEN
            WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) > 1.e-10_wp )
               qml_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_topm)%z3(:,:,:) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
               qcn_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_botm)%z3(:,:,:) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
               qml_ice(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
               qcn_ice(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
            END WHERE
            qml_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_topm)%z3(:,:,:)
            qcn_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_botm)%z3(:,:,:)

      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !    freshwater budget      !   (emp_tot)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                           ! solid Precipitation                                (sprecip)
      !                                                           ! liquid + solid Precipitation                       (tprecip)
      !                                                           ! total Evaporation - total Precipitation            (emp_tot)
      !                                                           ! sublimation - solid precipitation (cell average)   (emp_ice)
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_emp%cldes ) )
      CASE( 'conservative' )   ! received fields: jpr_rain, jpr_snow, jpr_ievp, jpr_tevp
         zsprecip(:,:) =   frcv(jpr_snow)%z3(:,:,1)                  ! May need to ensure positive here
         ztprecip(:,:) =   frcv(jpr_rain)%z3(:,:,1) + zsprecip(:,:)  ! May need to ensure positive here
         IF (.not. ln_couple_ocean_evap ) THEN
            zemp_tot(:,:) =   frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) - ztprecip(:,:)
         END IF
      CASE( 'oce and ice'   )   ! received fields: jpr_sbpr, jpr_semp, jpr_oemp, jpr_ievp
         zemp_tot(:,:) = ziceld(:,:) * frcv(jpr_oemp)%z3(:,:,1) + picefr(:,:) * frcv(jpr_sbpr)%z3(:,:,1)
         zemp_ice(:,:) = frcv(jpr_semp)%z3(:,:,1) * picefr(:,:)
         zsprecip(:,:) = frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1) - frcv(jpr_semp)%z3(:,:,1)
         ztprecip(:,:) = frcv(jpr_semp)%z3(:,:,1) - frcv(jpr_sbpr)%z3(:,:,1) + zsprecip(:,:)
      CASE( 'none'      )       ! Not available as for now: needs additional coding below when computing zevap_oce
      !                         ! since fields received are not defined with none option
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbccpl/sbc_cpl_ice_flx: some fields are not defined. Change sn_rcv_emp value in namelist namsbc_cpl' )
      CASE default              ! Default
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbccpl/sbc_cpl_ice_flx: some fields are not defined. Change sn_rcv_emp value in namelist namsbc_cpl' )

      ! --- evaporation over ice (kg/m2/s) --- !
      IF (ln_scale_ice_flux) THEN ! typically met-office requirements
         IF (sn_rcv_emp%clcat == 'yes') THEN
            WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) > 1.e-10 )  ; zevap_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,:) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
            ELSEWHERE                     ; zevap_ice(:,:,:) = 0._wp
            END WHERE
            WHERE( picefr(:,:) > 1.e-10 ) ; zevap_ice_total(:,:) = SUM( zevap_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) / picefr(:,:)
            ELSEWHERE                     ; zevap_ice_total(:,:) = 0._wp
            END WHERE
            WHERE( picefr(:,:) > 1.e-10 ) ; zevap_ice(:,:,1) = frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1) * SUM( a_i_last_couple, dim=3 ) / picefr(:,:)
            ELSEWHERE                     ; zevap_ice(:,:,1) = 0._wp
            END WHERE
            zevap_ice_total(:,:) = zevap_ice(:,:,1)
            DO jl = 2, jpl
               zevap_ice(:,:,jl) = zevap_ice(:,:,1)
         IF (sn_rcv_emp%clcat == 'yes') THEN
            zevap_ice(:,:,1:jpl) = frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1:jpl)
            WHERE( picefr(:,:) > 1.e-10 ) ; zevap_ice_total(:,:) = SUM( zevap_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) / picefr(:,:)
            ELSEWHERE                     ; zevap_ice_total(:,:) = 0._wp
            END WHERE
            zevap_ice(:,:,1) = frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1)
            zevap_ice_total(:,:) = zevap_ice(:,:,1)
            DO jl = 2, jpl
               zevap_ice(:,:,jl) = zevap_ice(:,:,1)

      IF ( TRIM( sn_rcv_emp%cldes ) == 'conservative' ) THEN
         ! For conservative case zemp_ice has not been defined yet. Do it now.
         zemp_ice(:,:) = zevap_ice_total(:,:) * picefr(:,:) - frcv(jpr_snow)%z3(:,:,1) * picefr(:,:)

      ! zsnw = snow fraction over ice after wind blowing (=picefr if no blowing)
      zsnw(:,:) = 0._wp   ;   CALL ice_var_snwblow( ziceld, zsnw )

      ! --- evaporation minus precipitation corrected (because of wind blowing on snow) --- !
      zemp_ice(:,:) = zemp_ice(:,:) + zsprecip(:,:) * ( picefr(:,:) - zsnw(:,:) )  ! emp_ice = A * sublimation - zsnw * sprecip

      IF ( ln_couple_ocean_evap ) THEN
         zemp_oce(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) - frcv(jpr_rain)%z3(:,:,1) & !Ocean evap minus rain (as all rain goes straight to ocean in GC5)
                        & - zsprecip(:,:) * ( 1._wp - zsnw(:,:) )        !subtract snow in leads after correction for blowing snow
         zemp_tot(:,:) = zemp_oce(:,:) + zemp_ice(:,:)
         zevap_oce(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1)
         zemp_oce(:,:) = zemp_tot(:,:) - zemp_ice(:,:)                                ! emp_oce = emp_tot - emp_ice

         ! --- evaporation over ocean (used later for qemp) --- !
         zevap_oce(:,:) = frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) - zevap_ice_total(:,:) * picefr(:,:)
      END IF

      ! since the sensitivity of evap to temperature (devap/dT) is not prescribed by the atmosphere, we set it to 0
      ! therefore, sublimation is not redistributed over the ice categories when no subgrid scale fluxes are provided by atm.
      zdevap_ice(:,:) = 0._wp

      ! --- Continental fluxes --- !
      IF( srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction ) THEN   ! 2D runoffs (included in emp later on)
         rnf(:,:) = frcv(jpr_rnf)%z3(:,:,1)
      IF( srcv(jpr_rnf_1d)%laction ) THEN ! 1D runoff
         CALL cpl_rnf_1d_to_2d(frcv(jpr_rnf_1d)%z3(:,:,:))
      IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction ) THEN   ! calving (put in emp_tot and emp_oce)
         zemp_tot(:,:) = zemp_tot(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)
         zemp_oce(:,:) = zemp_oce(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)
      IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction ) THEN   ! iceberg added to runoffs
         fwficb(:,:) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
         rnf(:,:)    = rnf(:,:) + fwficb(:,:)
      IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction ) THEN   ! iceshelf (fwfisf > 0 mean melting)
        fwfisf_oasis(:,:) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)

      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         emp_tot(:,:) = emp_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp_tot(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         emp_ice(:,:) = emp_ice(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp_ice(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         emp_oce(:,:) = emp_oce(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp_oce(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         sprecip(:,:) = sprecip(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zsprecip(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         tprecip(:,:) = tprecip(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + ztprecip(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            evap_ice (:,:,jl) = evap_ice (:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zevap_ice (:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
            devap_ice(:,:,jl) = devap_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zdevap_ice(:,:)    * zmsk(:,:)
         END DO
         emp_tot (:,:)   = zemp_tot (:,:)
         emp_ice (:,:)   = zemp_ice (:,:)
         emp_oce (:,:)   = zemp_oce (:,:)
         sprecip (:,:)   = zsprecip (:,:)
         tprecip (:,:)   = ztprecip (:,:)
         evap_ice(:,:,:) = zevap_ice(:,:,:)
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            devap_ice(:,:,jl) = zdevap_ice(:,:)
         END DO

!! for CICE ??
!!$      zsnw(:,:) = picefr(:,:)
!!$      ! --- Continental fluxes --- !
!!$      IF( srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction ) THEN   ! runoffs (included in emp later on)
!!$         rnf(:,:) = frcv(jpr_rnf)%z3(:,:,1)
!!$      ENDIF
!!$      IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction ) THEN   ! calving (put in emp_tot)
!!$         zemp_tot(:,:) = zemp_tot(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)
!!$      ENDIF
!!$      IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction ) THEN   ! iceberg added to runoffs
!!$         fwficb(:,:) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
!!$         rnf(:,:)    = rnf(:,:) + fwficb(:,:)
!!$      ENDIF
!!$      IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction ) THEN   ! iceshelf (fwfisf >0 mean melting)
!!$        fwfisf_oasis(:,:) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)
!!$      ENDIF
!!$      !
!!$      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
!!$         emp_tot(:,:) = emp_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp_tot(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
!!$         emp_ice(:,:) = emp_ice(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp_ice(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
!!$         sprecip(:,:) = sprecip(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zsprecip(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
!!$         tprecip(:,:) = tprecip(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + ztprecip(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
!!$      ELSE
!!$         emp_tot(:,:) =                                  zemp_tot(:,:)
!!$         emp_ice(:,:) =                                  zemp_ice(:,:)
!!$         sprecip(:,:) =                                  zsprecip(:,:)
!!$         tprecip(:,:) =                                  ztprecip(:,:)
!!$      ENDIF
      ! outputs
      IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction )    CALL iom_put( 'calving_cea' , frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1)                )  ! calving
      IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction )    CALL iom_put( 'iceberg_cea' , frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1)                )  ! icebergs
      IF( iom_use('snowpre') )       CALL iom_put( 'snowpre'     , sprecip(:,:)                                          )  ! Snow
      IF( iom_use('precip') )        CALL iom_put( 'precip'      , tprecip(:,:)                                          )  ! total  precipitation
      IF( iom_use('rain') )          CALL iom_put( 'rain'        , tprecip(:,:) - sprecip(:,:)                           )  ! liquid precipitation
      IF( iom_use('snow_ao_cea') )   CALL iom_put( 'snow_ao_cea' , sprecip(:,:) * ( 1._wp - zsnw(:,:) )                  )  ! Snow over ice-free ocean  (cell average)
      IF( iom_use('snow_ai_cea') )   CALL iom_put( 'snow_ai_cea' , sprecip(:,:) *           zsnw(:,:)                    )  ! Snow over sea-ice         (cell average)
      IF( iom_use('rain_ao_cea') )   CALL iom_put( 'rain_ao_cea' , ( tprecip(:,:) - sprecip(:,:) ) * ziceld(:,:)         )  ! liquid precipitation over ocean (cell average)
      IF( iom_use('subl_ai_cea') )   CALL iom_put( 'subl_ai_cea' , zevap_ice_total(:,:) * picefr(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1)     )  ! Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)
      IF( iom_use('evap_ao_cea') )   CALL iom_put( 'evap_ao_cea' , ( frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1)  &
         &                                                         - zevap_ice_total(:,:) * picefr(:,:) ) * tmask(:,:,1) )  ! ice-free oce evap (cell average)
      ! note: runoff output is done in sbcrnf (which includes icebergs too) and iceshelf output is done in sbcisf
!!      IF( srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction )   CALL iom_put( 'runoffs' , rnf(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1)                                 )  ! runoff
!!      IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction )   CALL iom_put( 'iceshelf_cea', fwfisf(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1)                         )  ! iceshelf
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_iceflx%cldes ) )             !  ice topmelt and botmelt  !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE ('coupled')
         IF (ln_scale_ice_flux) THEN
            WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) > 1.e-10_wp )
               qml_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_topm)%z3(:,:,:) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
               qcn_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_botm)%z3(:,:,:) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
               qml_ice(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
               qcn_ice(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
            END WHERE
            qml_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_topm)%z3(:,:,:)
            qcn_ice(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_botm)%z3(:,:,:)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_qns%cldes ) )                !   non solar heat fluxes   !   (qns)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE( 'oce only' )         ! the required field is directly provided
         ! Get the sea ice non solar heat flux from conductive, melting and sublimation fluxes
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_iceflx%cldes) == 'coupled' ) THEN
            zqns_ice(:,:,:) = qml_ice(:,:,:) + qcn_ice(:,:,:)
            zqns_ice(:,:,:) = 0._wp
         ! Calculate the total non solar heat flux. The ocean only non solar heat flux (zqns_oce) will be recalculated after this CASE
         ! statement to be consistent with other coupling methods even though .zqns_oce = frcv(jpr_qnsoce)%z3(:,:,1)
         zqns_tot(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qnsoce)%z3(:,:,1) + SUM( zqns_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )
      CASE( 'conservative' )     ! the required fields are directly provided
         zqns_tot(:,:) = frcv(jpr_qnsmix)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qns%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            zqns_ice(:,:,1:jpl) = frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,1:jpl)
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,1) ! Set all category values equal
            END DO
      CASE( 'oce and ice' )      ! the total flux is computed from ocean and ice fluxes
         zqns_tot(:,:) =  ziceld(:,:) * frcv(jpr_qnsoce)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qns%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            DO jl=1,jpl
               zqns_tot(:,:   ) = zqns_tot(:,:) + a_i(:,:,jl) * frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,jl)
               zqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,jl)
            zqns_tot(:,:) = zqns_tot(:,:) + picefr(:,:) * frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,1)
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qnsice)%z3(:,:,1)
            END DO
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice' )    ! the ice flux is cumputed from the total flux, the SST and ice informations
         zqns_tot(:,:  ) = frcv(jpr_qnsmix)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF ( TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qnsmix)%z3(:,:,jl)    &
                  &             + frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:,jl) * ( pist(:,:,jl) - ( ( rt0 + psst(:,:) ) * ziceld(:,:)   &
                  &                                             + pist(:,:,jl) * picefr(:,:) ) )
            END DO
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qnsmix)%z3(:,:, 1)    &
                  &             + frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:, 1) * ( pist(:,:,jl) - ( ( rt0 + psst(:,:) ) * ziceld(:,:)   &
                  &                                             + pist(:,:,jl) * picefr(:,:) ) )
            END DO
      ! --- calving (removed from qns_tot) --- !
      IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction )   zqns_tot(:,:) = zqns_tot(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus  ! remove latent heat of calving
                                                                                                     ! we suppose it melts at 0deg, though it should be temp. of surrounding ocean
      ! --- iceberg (removed from qns_tot) --- !
      IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction )   zqns_tot(:,:) = zqns_tot(:,:) - frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus  ! remove latent heat of iceberg melting

      ! --- non solar flux over ocean --- !
      !         note: ziceld cannot be = 0 since we limit the ice concentration to amax
      zqns_oce = 0._wp

      WHERE( ziceld /= 0._wp )   zqns_oce(:,:) = ( zqns_tot(:,:) - SUM( a_i * zqns_ice, dim=3 ) ) / ziceld(:,:)
      ! Heat content per unit mass of snow (J/kg)
      WHERE( SUM( a_i, dim=3 ) > 1.e-10 )   ;   zcptsnw(:,:) = rcpi * SUM( (tn_ice - rt0) * a_i, dim=3 ) / SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
      ELSEWHERE                             ;   zcptsnw(:,:) = zcptn(:,:)
      ! Heat content per unit mass of rain (J/kg)
      zcptrain(:,:) = rcp * ( SUM( (tn_ice(:,:,:) - rt0) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) + sst_m(:,:) * ziceld(:,:) )

      ! --- enthalpy of snow precip over ice in J/m3 (to be used in 1D-thermo) --- !
      zqprec_ice(:,:) = rhos * ( zcptsnw(:,:) - rLfus )

      ! --- heat content of evap over ice in W/m2 (to be used in 1D-thermo) --- !
      DO jl = 1, jpl
         ! zqevap_ice(:,:,jl) = 0._wp ! should be -evap * ( ( Tice - rt0 ) * rcpi ) but atm. does not take it into account

         ! How much enthalpy is stored in sublimating snow and ice. At this stage we don't know if it is snow or ice that is
         ! sublimating so we will use the combined snow and ice layer temperature t1_ice.
         zqevap_ice(:,:,jl) = -zevap_ice(:,:,jl) * ( ( rt0 - t1_ice(:,:,jl) ) * rcpi + rLfus )

      END DO

      ! --- heat flux associated with emp (W/m2) --- !
      zqemp_oce(:,:) = -  zevap_oce(:,:)                                      *   zcptn   (:,:)   &        ! evap
         &             + ( ztprecip(:,:) - zsprecip(:,:) )                    *   zcptrain(:,:)   &        ! liquid precip
         &             +   zsprecip(:,:)                   * ( 1._wp - zsnw ) * ( zcptsnw (:,:) - rLfus )  ! solid precip over ocean + snow melting
      zqemp_ice(:,:) =     zsprecip(:,:)                   * zsnw             * ( zcptsnw (:,:) - rLfus )  ! solid precip over ice (qevap_ice=0 since atm. does not take it into account)
!!    zqemp_ice(:,:) = -   frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1)        * picefr(:,:)      *   zcptsnw (:,:)   &        ! ice evap
!!       &             +   zsprecip(:,:)                   * zsnw             * zqprec_ice(:,:) * r1_rhos  ! solid precip over ice

      ! --- total non solar flux (including evap/precip) --- !
      zqns_tot(:,:) = zqns_tot(:,:) + zqemp_ice(:,:) + zqemp_oce(:,:)

      ! --- in case both coupled/forced are active, we must mix values --- !
      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         qns_tot(:,:) = qns_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqns_tot(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         qns_oce(:,:) = qns_oce(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqns_oce(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)

         DO jl=1,jpl
            qns_ice  (:,:,jl) = qns_ice  (:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqns_ice  (:,:,jl)* zmsk(:,:)
            qevap_ice(:,:,jl) = qevap_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqevap_ice(:,:,jl)* zmsk(:,:)
         qprec_ice(:,:) = qprec_ice(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqprec_ice(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         qemp_oce (:,:) =  qemp_oce(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqemp_oce(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         qemp_ice (:,:) =  qemp_ice(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqemp_ice(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         qns_tot  (:,:  ) = zqns_tot  (:,:  )
         qns_oce  (:,:  ) = zqns_oce  (:,:  )
         qns_ice  (:,:,:) = zqns_ice  (:,:,:)
         qevap_ice(:,:,:) = zqevap_ice(:,:,:)
         qprec_ice(:,:  ) = zqprec_ice(:,:  )
         qemp_oce (:,:  ) = zqemp_oce (:,:  )
         qemp_ice (:,:  ) = zqemp_ice (:,:  )

!! for CICE ??
!!$      ! --- non solar flux over ocean --- !
!!$      zcptsnw (:,:) = zcptn(:,:)
!!$      zcptrain(:,:) = zcptn(:,:)
!!$      ! clem: this formulation is certainly wrong... but better than it was...
!!$      zqns_tot(:,:) = zqns_tot(:,:)                             &          ! zqns_tot update over free ocean with:
!!$         &          - (  ziceld(:,:) * zsprecip(:,:) * rLfus )  &          ! remove the latent heat flux of solid precip. melting
!!$         &          - (  zemp_tot(:,:)                          &          ! remove the heat content of mass flux (assumed to be at SST)
!!$         &             - zemp_ice(:,:) ) * zcptn(:,:)
!!$     IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
!!$         qns_tot(:,:) = qns(:,:) * ziceld(:,:) + SUM( qns_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )   ! total flux from blk
!!$         qns_tot(:,:) = qns_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqns_tot(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
!!$         DO jl=1,jpl
!!$            qns_ice(:,:,jl) = qns_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqns_ice(:,:,jl)* zmsk(:,:)
!!$         ENDDO
!!$      ELSE
!!$         qns_tot(:,:  ) = zqns_tot(:,:  )
!!$         qns_ice(:,:,:) = zqns_ice(:,:,:)
!!$      ENDIF

      ! outputs
      IF ( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction ) CALL iom_put('hflx_cal_cea' , - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus ) ! latent heat from calving
      IF ( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction ) CALL iom_put('hflx_icb_cea' , - frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1) * rLfus ) ! latent heat from icebergs melting
      IF (        iom_use('hflx_rain_cea') )    &                                                    ! heat flux from rain (cell average)
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_rain_cea' , ( tprecip(:,:) - sprecip(:,:) ) * zcptrain(:,:) )

      IF ( ln_couple_ocean_evap ) THEN
         IF ( iom_use(   'hflx_evap_cea') ) CALL iom_put('hflx_evap_cea' , frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) * zcptn(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) )            ! heat flux from evap (cell average)
         IF ( iom_use(   'hflx_evap_cea') ) CALL iom_put('hflx_evap_cea' , ( frcv(jpr_tevp)%z3(:,:,1) - frcv(jpr_ievp)%z3(:,:,1) * picefr(:,:) )  &
           &                         * zcptn(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) )            ! heat flux from evap (cell average)
      END IF

      IF (        iom_use('hflx_prec_cea') )    &                                                    ! heat flux from all precip (cell avg)
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_prec_cea' ,    sprecip(:,:) * ( zcptsnw(:,:) - rLfus )  &
         &                                 + ( tprecip(:,:) - sprecip(:,:) ) * zcptrain(:,:) )
      IF (        iom_use('hflx_snow_cea') )    &                                                    ! heat flux from snow (cell average)
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_snow_cea'   , sprecip(:,:) * ( zcptsnw(:,:) - rLfus )  )
      IF (        iom_use('hflx_snow_ao_cea') ) &                                                    ! heat flux from snow (over ocean)
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_snow_ao_cea', sprecip(:,:) * ( zcptsnw(:,:) - rLfus ) * ( 1._wp - zsnw(:,:) ) )
      IF (        iom_use('hflx_snow_ai_cea') ) &                                                    ! heat flux from snow (over ice)
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_snow_ai_cea', sprecip(:,:) * ( zcptsnw(:,:) - rLfus ) *  zsnw(:,:) )
      IF(         iom_use('hflx_subl_cea') )    &                                                    ! heat flux from sublimation
         &   CALL iom_put('hflx_subl_cea' ,   SUM( qevap_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) * tmask(:,:,1) )
      ! note: hflx for runoff and iceshelf are done in sbcrnf and sbcisf resp.
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes ) )             !          d(qns)/dt        !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE ('coupled')
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_dqnsdt%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            zdqns_ice(:,:,1:jpl) = frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:,1:jpl)
            ! Set all category values equal for the moment
            DO jl=1,jpl
               zdqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:,1)
      CASE( 'none' )
         zdqns_ice(:,:,:) = 0._wp

      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         DO jl=1,jpl
            dqns_ice(:,:,jl) = dqns_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zdqns_ice(:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
         dqns_ice(:,:,:) = zdqns_ice(:,:,:)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_qsr%cldes ) )                !      solar heat fluxes    !   (qsr)
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE( 'oce only' )
         zqsr_tot(:,:  ) = MAX( 0._wp , frcv(jpr_qsroce)%z3(:,:,1) )
         ! For the Met Office the only sea ice solar flux is the transmitted qsr which is added onto zqsr_ice
         ! further down. Therefore start zqsr_ice off at zero.
         zqsr_ice(:,:,:) = 0._wp
      CASE( 'conservative' )
         zqsr_tot(:,:  ) = frcv(jpr_qsrmix)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            zqsr_ice(:,:,1:jpl) = frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,1:jpl)
            ! Set all category values equal for the moment
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,1)
            END DO
      CASE( 'oce and ice' )
         zqsr_tot(:,:  ) =  ziceld(:,:) * frcv(jpr_qsroce)%z3(:,:,1)
         IF( TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqsr_tot(:,:   ) = zqsr_tot(:,:) + a_i(:,:,jl) * frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,jl)
               zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,jl)
            END DO
            zqsr_tot(:,:) = zqsr_tot(:,:) + picefr(:,:) * frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,1)
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qsrice)%z3(:,:,1)
            END DO
      CASE( 'mixed oce-ice' )
         zqsr_tot(:,:  ) = frcv(jpr_qsrmix)%z3(:,:,1)
!       Create solar heat flux over ice using incoming solar heat flux and albedos
!       ( see OASIS3 user guide, 5th edition, p39 )
         IF ( TRIM(sn_rcv_qsr%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qsrmix)%z3(:,:,jl) * ( 1.- palbi(:,:,jl) )   &
                  &            / (  1.- ( alb_oce_mix(:,:   ) * ziceld(:,:)       &
                  &                     + palbi      (:,:,jl) * picefr(:,:) ) )
            END DO
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_qsrmix)%z3(:,:, 1) * ( 1.- palbi(:,:,jl) )   &
                  &            / (  1.- ( alb_oce_mix(:,:   ) * ziceld(:,:)       &
                  &                     + palbi      (:,:,jl) * picefr(:,:) ) )
            END DO
      CASE( 'none'      )       ! Not available as for now: needs additional coding
      !                         ! since fields received, here zqsr_tot,  are not defined with none option
         CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'sbccpl/sbc_cpl_ice_flx: some fields are not defined. Change sn_rcv_qsr value in namelist namsbc_cpl')
      IF( ln_dm2dc .AND. ln_cpl ) THEN   ! modify qsr to include the diurnal cycle
         zqsr_tot(:,:  ) = sbc_dcy( zqsr_tot(:,:  ) )
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) = sbc_dcy( zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) )
         END DO
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      !                                                      !      Transmitted Qsr      !   [W/m2]
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      IF( .NOT.ln_cndflx ) THEN                              !==  No conduction flux as surface forcing  ==!
         IF( nn_qtrice == 0 ) THEN
            ! formulation derived from Grenfell and Maykut (1977), where transmission rate
            !    1) depends on cloudiness
            !       ! ===> used prescribed cloud fraction representative for polar oceans in summer (0.81)
            !       !      should be real cloud fraction instead (as in the bulk) but needs to be read from atm.
            !    2) is 0 when there is any snow
            !    3) tends to 1 for thin ice
            ztri(:,:) = 0.18 * ( 1.0 - cloud_fra(:,:) ) + 0.35 * cloud_fra(:,:)  ! surface transmission when hi>10cm
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               WHERE    ( phs(:,:,jl) <= 0._wp .AND. phi(:,:,jl) <  0.1_wp )       ! linear decrease from hi=0 to 10cm
                  zqtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) = zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) * ( ztri(:,:) + ( 1._wp - ztri(:,:) ) * ( 1._wp - phi(:,:,jl) * 10._wp ) )
               ELSEWHERE( phs(:,:,jl) <= 0._wp .AND. phi(:,:,jl) >= 0.1_wp )       ! constant (ztri) when hi>10cm
                  zqtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) = zqsr_ice(:,:,jl) * ztri(:,:)
               ELSEWHERE                                                           ! zero when hs>0
                  zqtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) = 0._wp
               END WHERE
         ELSEIF( nn_qtrice == 1 ) THEN
            ! formulation is derived from the thesis of M. Lebrun (2019).
            !    It represents the best fit using several sets of observations
            !    It comes with snow conductivities adapted to freezing/melting conditions (see icethd_zdf_bl99.F90)
            zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = 0.3_wp * zqsr_ice(:,:,:)
      ELSEIF( ln_cndflx .AND. .NOT.ln_cndemulate ) THEN      !==  conduction flux as surface forcing  ==!
         SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_qtr%cldes ) )
         !      ! ===> here we receive the qtr_ice_top array from the coupler
         CASE ('coupled')

            IF (ln_scale_ice_flux) THEN
               WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) > 0.0_wp ) zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = MAX(0._wp, frcv(jpr_qtr)%z3(:,:,:)) * a_i_last_couple(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
               WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) <= 0.0_wp ) zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
               zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = MAX(0._wp, frcv(jpr_qtr)%z3(:,:,:))

            ! Add retrieved transmitted solar radiation onto the ice and total solar radiation
            zqsr_ice(:,:,:) = zqsr_ice(:,:,:) + zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:)
            zqsr_tot(:,:) = zqsr_tot(:,:) + SUM( zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )

         !      if we are not getting this data from the coupler then assume zero (fully opaque ice)
         CASE ('none')
            zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = 0._wp
         CASE default
            CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_ice_flx: Invalid value for sn_rcv_qtr%cldes' )


      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         qsr_tot(:,:) = qsr(:,:) * ziceld(:,:) + SUM( qsr_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )   ! total flux from blk
         qsr_tot(:,:) = qsr_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqsr_tot(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            qsr_ice    (:,:,jl) = qsr_ice    (:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqsr_ice    (:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
            qtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) = qtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zqtr_ice_top(:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
         END DO
         qsr_tot    (:,:  ) = zqsr_tot    (:,:  )
         qsr_ice    (:,:,:) = zqsr_ice    (:,:,:)
         qtr_ice_top(:,:,:) = zqtr_ice_top(:,:,:)
      ! --- solar flux over ocean --- !
      !         note: ziceld cannot be = 0 since we limit the ice concentration to amax
      zqsr_oce = 0._wp
      WHERE( ziceld /= 0._wp )  zqsr_oce(:,:) = ( zqsr_tot(:,:) - SUM( a_i * zqsr_ice, dim=3 ) ) / ziceld(:,:)

      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN   ;   qsr_oce(:,:) = qsr_oce(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqsr_oce(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
      ELSE                   ;   qsr_oce(:,:) = zqsr_oce(:,:)   ;   ENDIF

      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         qsr_tot(:,:) = qsr(:,:) * ziceld(:,:) + SUM( qsr_ice(:,:,:) * a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )   ! total flux from blk
         qsr_tot(:,:) = qsr_tot(:,:) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqsr_tot(:,:)* zmsk(:,:)
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            qsr_ice(:,:,jl) = qsr_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) +  zqsr_ice(:,:,jl)* zmsk(:,:)
         END DO
         qsr_tot(:,:  ) = zqsr_tot(:,:  )
         qsr_ice(:,:,:) = zqsr_ice(:,:,:)

      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes ) )             !          d(qns)/dt        !
      !                                                      ! ========================= !
      CASE ('coupled')
         IF ( TRIM(sn_rcv_dqnsdt%clcat) == 'yes' ) THEN
            zdqns_ice(:,:,1:jpl) = frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:,1:jpl)
            ! Set all category values equal for the moment
            DO jl=1,jpl
               zdqns_ice(:,:,jl) = frcv(jpr_dqnsdt)%z3(:,:,1)
      CASE( 'none' ) 
         zdqns_ice(:,:,:) = 0._wp
      CASE default
         CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_ice_flx: Invalid value for sn_rcv_dqnsdt%cldes' )
      IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
         DO jl=1,jpl
            dqns_ice(:,:,jl) = dqns_ice(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zdqns_ice(:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
         dqns_ice(:,:,:) = zdqns_ice(:,:,:)

      !                                                      ! ================== !
      !                                                      !   ice skin temp.   !
      !                                                      ! ================== !
      ! needed by Met Office
      IF( srcv(jpr_ts_ice)%laction ) THEN
         WHERE    ( frcv(jpr_ts_ice)%z3(:,:,:) > 0.0  )   ;   ztsu(:,:,:) =   0. + rt0
         ELSEWHERE( frcv(jpr_ts_ice)%z3(:,:,:) < -60. )   ;   ztsu(:,:,:) = -60. + rt0
         ELSEWHERE                                        ;   ztsu(:,:,:) = frcv(jpr_ts_ice)%z3(:,:,:) + rt0
         END WHERE
         IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
            DO jl=1,jpl
               pist(:,:,jl) = pist(:,:,jl) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + ztsu(:,:,jl) * zmsk(:,:)
            pist(:,:,:) = ztsu(:,:,:)
   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_ice_flx

   SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_snd( kt, Kbb, Kmm )
      !!             ***  ROUTINE sbc_cpl_snd  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   provide the ocean-ice informations to the atmosphere
      !! ** Method  :   send to the atmosphere through a call to cpl_snd
      !!              all the needed fields (as defined in sbc_cpl_init)
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kbb, Kmm    ! ocean model time level index
      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jl   ! dummy loop indices      
      INTEGER ::   ikchoix
      INTEGER ::   isec, info   ! local integer
      REAL(wp) ::   zumax, zvmax
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     ::   zfr_l, ztmp1, ztmp2, zotx1, zoty1, zotz1, zitx1, zity1, zitz1
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpl) ::   ztmp3, ztmp4
      isec = ( kt - nit000 ) * NINT( rn_Dt )        ! date of exchanges
      info = OASIS_idle

      zfr_l(:,:) = 1.- fr_i(:,:)
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !    Surface temperature    !   in Kelvin
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_toce)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_tice)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_tmix)%laction ) THEN

         IF( nn_components == jp_iam_oce ) THEN
            ztmp1(:,:) = ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm)   ! send temperature as it is (potential or conservative) -> use of l_useCT on the received part
            ! we must send the surface potential temperature
            IF( l_useCT )  THEN    
                ztmp1(:,:) =eos_pt_from_ct( CASTSP(ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm)), CASTSP(ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm)) )
                ztmp1(:,:) = ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm)
            SELECT CASE( sn_snd_temp%cldes)
            CASE( 'oce only'             )   
                ztmp1(:,:) =   ztmp1(:,:) + rt0
            CASE( 'oce and ice'          )   ;   ztmp1(:,:) =   ztmp1(:,:) + rt0
               SELECT CASE( sn_snd_temp%clcat )
               CASE( 'yes' )
                  ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = tn_ice(:,:,1:jpl)
               CASE( 'no' )
                  WHERE( SUM( a_i, dim=3 ) /= 0. )
                     ztmp3(:,:,1) = SUM( tn_ice * a_i, dim=3 ) / SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
                     ztmp3(:,:,1) = rt0
                  END WHERE
               CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_temp%clcat' )
               END SELECT
            CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )   ;   ztmp1(:,:) = ( ztmp1(:,:) + rt0 ) * zfr_l(:,:)
               SELECT CASE( sn_snd_temp%clcat )
               CASE( 'yes' )
                  ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = tn_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
               CASE( 'no' )
                  ztmp3(:,:,:) = 0.0
                  DO jl=1,jpl
                     ztmp3(:,:,1) = ztmp3(:,:,1) + tn_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
               CASE default                  ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_temp%clcat' )
               END SELECT
            CASE( 'oce and weighted ice')    ;   ztmp1(:,:) =   ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm) + rt0
               SELECT CASE( sn_snd_temp%clcat )
               CASE( 'yes' )
                  ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = tn_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
               CASE( 'no' )
                  ztmp3(:,:,:) = 0.0
                  DO jl=1,jpl
                     ztmp3(:,:,1) = ztmp3(:,:,1) + tn_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
               CASE default                  ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_temp%clcat' )
               END SELECT
            CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )
               ztmp1(:,:) = ( ztmp1(:,:) + rt0 ) * zfr_l(:,:)
               DO jl=1,jpl
                  ztmp1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:) + tn_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
            CASE default                     ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_temp%cldes' )
            END SELECT
         IF( ssnd(jps_toce)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_toce, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
         IF( ssnd(jps_tice)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_tice, isec, ztmp3, info )
         IF( ssnd(jps_tmix)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_tmix, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! 1st layer ice/snow temp.  !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
#if defined key_si3
      ! needed by  Met Office
      IF( ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%laction) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes)
         CASE ('weighted ice')
            ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = t1_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
         CASE default                     ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_ttilyr%cldes' )
         END SELECT
         IF( ssnd(jps_ttilyr)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ttilyr, isec, ztmp3, info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !           Albedo          !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_albice)%laction ) THEN                         ! ice
          SELECT CASE( sn_snd_alb%cldes )
          CASE( 'ice' )
             SELECT CASE( sn_snd_alb%clcat )
             CASE( 'yes' )
                ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = alb_ice(:,:,1:jpl)
             CASE( 'no' )
                WHERE( SUM( a_i, dim=3 ) /= 0. )
                   ztmp1(:,:) = SUM( alb_ice (:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl), dim=3 ) / SUM( a_i(:,:,1:jpl), dim=3 )
                   ztmp1(:,:) = alb_oce_mix(:,:)
                END WHERE
             CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_alb%clcat' )
             END SELECT
          CASE( 'weighted ice' )   ;
             SELECT CASE( sn_snd_alb%clcat )
             CASE( 'yes' )
                ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  alb_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
             CASE( 'no' )
                WHERE( fr_i (:,:) > 0. )
                   ztmp1(:,:) = SUM (  alb_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl), dim=3 )
                   ztmp1(:,:) = 0.
                END WHERE
             CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_ice%clcat' )
             END SELECT
          CASE default      ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_alb%cldes' )
         END SELECT

         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_alb%clcat )
            CASE( 'yes' )
               CALL cpl_snd( jps_albice, isec, ztmp3, info )      !-> MV this has never been checked in coupled mode
            CASE( 'no'  )
               CALL cpl_snd( jps_albice, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
         END SELECT

      IF( ssnd(jps_albmix)%laction ) THEN                         ! mixed ice-ocean
         ztmp1(:,:) = alb_oce_mix(:,:) * zfr_l(:,:)
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            ztmp1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:) + alb_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
         END DO
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_albmix, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  Ice fraction & Thickness !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! Send ice fraction field to atmosphere
      IF( ssnd(jps_fice)%laction ) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_thick%clcat )
         CASE( 'yes' )   ;   ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
         CASE( 'no'  )   ;   ztmp3(:,:,1    ) = fr_i(:,:      )
         CASE default    ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick%clcat' )
         END SELECT
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_fice, isec, ztmp3, info )

#if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice
      ! If this coupling was successful then save ice fraction for use between coupling points.
      ! This is needed for some calculations where the ice fraction at the last coupling point
      ! is needed.
      IF(  info == OASIS_Sent    .OR. info == OASIS_ToRest .OR. &
         & info == OASIS_SentOut .OR. info == OASIS_ToRestOut ) THEN
         IF ( sn_snd_thick%clcat == 'yes' ) THEN
           a_i_last_couple(:,:,1:jpl) = a_i(:,:,1:jpl)

      IF( ssnd(jps_fice1)%laction ) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_thick1%clcat )
         CASE( 'yes' )   ;   ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
         CASE( 'no'  )   ;   ztmp3(:,:,1    ) = fr_i(:,:      )
         CASE default    ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick1%clcat' )
         END SELECT
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_fice1, isec, ztmp3, info )

      ! Send ice fraction field to OCE (sent by SAS in SAS-OCE coupling)
      IF( ssnd(jps_fice2)%laction ) THEN
         ztmp3(:,:,1) = fr_i(:,:)
         IF( ssnd(jps_fice2)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_fice2, isec, ztmp3, info )

      ! Send ice and snow thickness field
      IF( ssnd(jps_hice)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_hsnw)%laction ) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_thick%cldes)
         CASE( 'none'                  )       ! nothing to do
         CASE( 'weighted ice and snow' )
            SELECT CASE( sn_snd_thick%clcat )
            CASE( 'yes' )
               ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  h_i(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
               ztmp4(:,:,1:jpl) =  h_s(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
            CASE( 'no' )
               ztmp3(:,:,:) = 0.0   ;  ztmp4(:,:,:) = 0.0
               DO jl=1,jpl
                  ztmp3(:,:,1) = ztmp3(:,:,1) + h_i(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
                  ztmp4(:,:,1) = ztmp4(:,:,1) + h_s(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
            CASE default                  ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick%clcat' )
            END SELECT
         CASE( 'ice and snow'         )
            SELECT CASE( sn_snd_thick%clcat )
            CASE( 'yes' )
               ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = h_i(:,:,1:jpl)
               ztmp4(:,:,1:jpl) = h_s(:,:,1:jpl)
            CASE( 'no' )
               WHERE( SUM( a_i, dim=3 ) /= 0. )
                  ztmp3(:,:,1) = SUM( h_i * a_i, dim=3 ) / SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
                  ztmp4(:,:,1) = SUM( h_s * a_i, dim=3 ) / SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
                 ztmp3(:,:,1) = 0.
                 ztmp4(:,:,1) = 0.
               END WHERE
            CASE default                  ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick%clcat' )
            END SELECT
         CASE default                     ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_thick%cldes' )
         END SELECT
         IF( ssnd(jps_hice)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_hice, isec, ztmp3, info )
         IF( ssnd(jps_hsnw)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_hsnw, isec, ztmp4, info )

#if defined key_si3
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !      Ice melt ponds       !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office: 1) fraction of ponded ice 2) local/actual pond depth
      IF( ssnd(jps_a_p)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_ht_p)%laction ) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_mpnd%cldes)
         CASE( 'ice only' )
            SELECT CASE( sn_snd_mpnd%clcat )
            CASE( 'yes' )
               ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  a_ip_eff(:,:,1:jpl)
               ztmp4(:,:,1:jpl) =  h_ip(:,:,1:jpl)
            CASE( 'no' )
               ztmp3(:,:,:) = 0.0
               ztmp4(:,:,:) = 0.0
               DO jl=1,jpl
                 ztmp3(:,:,1) = ztmp3(:,:,1) + a_ip_frac(:,:,jpl)
                 ztmp4(:,:,1) = ztmp4(:,:,1) + h_ip(:,:,jpl)
            CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_mpnd%clcat' )
            END SELECT
         CASE default      ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_mpnd%cldes' )
         END SELECT
         IF( ssnd(jps_a_p)%laction  )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_a_p , isec, ztmp3, info )
         IF( ssnd(jps_ht_p)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ht_p, isec, ztmp4, info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !     Ice conductivity      !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office
      IF( ssnd(jps_kice)%laction ) THEN
         SELECT CASE( sn_snd_cond%cldes)
         CASE( 'weighted ice' )
            SELECT CASE( sn_snd_cond%clcat )
            CASE( 'yes' )
	       ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) =  cnd_ice(:,:,1:jpl) * a_i(:,:,1:jpl)
            CASE( 'no' )
               ztmp3(:,:,:) = 0.0
               DO jl=1,jpl
                 ztmp3(:,:,1) = ztmp3(:,:,1) + cnd_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl)
            CASE default   ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_cond%clcat' )
            END SELECT
         CASE( 'ice only' )
           ztmp3(:,:,1:jpl) = cnd_ice(:,:,1:jpl)
         CASE default      ;   CALL ctl_stop( 'sbc_cpl_snd: wrong definition of sn_snd_cond%cldes' )
         END SELECT
         IF( ssnd(jps_kice)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_kice, isec, ztmp3, info )

      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  CO2 flux from PISCES     !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_co2)%laction .AND. l_co2cpl )   THEN  
         ztmp1(:,:) = oce_co2(:,:) * 1000.  ! conversion in molC/m2/s 
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_co2, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ) , info ) 
#if defined key_medusa 
      IF (ln_medusa) THEN
      !                                                      ! ---------------------------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  CO2 flux, DMS and chlorophyll from MEDUSA     !
      !                                                      ! ---------------------------------------------- !
         IF ( ssnd(jps_bio_co2)%laction ) THEN
            CALL cpl_snd( jps_bio_co2, isec, RESHAPE( CO2Flux_out_cpl, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

         IF ( ssnd(jps_bio_dms)%laction )  THEN
            CALL cpl_snd( jps_bio_dms, isec, RESHAPE( DMS_out_cpl, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

         IF ( ssnd(jps_bio_chloro)%laction )  THEN
            CALL cpl_snd( jps_bio_chloro, isec, RESHAPE( chloro_out_cpl, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_ocx1)%laction ) THEN                      !      Surface current      !
         !                                                   ! ------------------------- !
         !                                                  j+1   j     -----V---F
         ! surface velocity always sent from T point                     !       |
         !  [except for HadGEM3]                                  j      |   T   U
         !                                                               |       |
         !                                                   j    j-1   -I-------|
         !                                               (for I)         |       |
         !                                                              i-1  i   i
         !                                                               i      i+1 (for I)
         IF( nn_components == jp_iam_oce ) THEN
            zotx1(:,:) = uu(:,:,1,Kmm)
            zoty1(:,:) = vv(:,:,1,Kmm)
            SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%cldes ) )
            CASE( 'oce only'             )      ! C-grid ==> T
               IF ( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd ) == 'T' ) THEN
                  DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                        zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu(ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) )
                        zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv(ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) )
! Temporarily Changed for UKV
                  DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                        zotx1(ji,jj) = uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
                        zoty1(ji,jj) = vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
           CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
               DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                  zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                  zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                  zitx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  )     + u_ice(ji-1,jj    )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                  zity1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  )     + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zitx1, 'T', -1.0_wp, zity1, 'T', -1.0_wp )
            CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
               DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                  zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                     &         + 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  )     + u_ice(ji-1,jj    )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                  zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                     &         + 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  )     + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
            END SELECT
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zotx1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp,  zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp )
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN             ! Rotation of the components
            !                                                                     ! Ocean component
            IF ( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd ) == 'T' ) THEN
               CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )       ! 1st component
               CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )       ! 2nd component
               zotx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                   ! overwrite the components
               zoty1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
               IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN                                  ! Ice component
                  CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )    ! 1st component
                  CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )    ! 2nd component
                  zitx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                ! overwrite the components
                  zity1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
               ! Temporary code for HadGEM3 - will be removed eventually.
               ! Only applies when we want uvel on U grid and vvel on V grid
               ! Rotate U and V onto geographic grid before sending.
              DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                     ztmp1(ji,jj)=0.25*vmask(ji,jj,1)                  &
                          *(zotx1(ji,jj)+zotx1(ji-1,jj)    &
                     ztmp2(ji,jj)=0.25*umask(ji,jj,1)                  &
                          *(zoty1(ji,jj)+zoty1(ji+1,jj)    &
               ! Ensure any N fold and wrap columns are updated
               CALL lbc_lnk('zotx1', ztmp1, 'V', -1.0)
               CALL lbc_lnk('zoty1', ztmp2, 'U', -1.0)
               ikchoix = -1
               CALL repcmo (zotx1,ztmp2,ztmp1,zoty1,zotx1,zoty1,ikchoix)
         ! spherical coordinates to cartesian -> 2 components to 3 components
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN
            ztmp1(:,:) = zotx1(:,:)                     ! ocean currents
            ztmp2(:,:) = zoty1(:,:)
            CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zotx1, zoty1, zotz1 )
            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN           ! ice velocities
               ztmp1(:,:) = zitx1(:,:)
               ztmp1(:,:) = zity1(:,:)
               CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zitx1, zity1, zitz1 )
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocx1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocx1, isec, RESHAPE ( zotx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocy1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocy1, isec, RESHAPE ( zoty1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean y current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocz1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocz1, isec, RESHAPE ( zotz1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean z current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivx1, isec, RESHAPE ( zitx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivy1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivy1, isec, RESHAPE ( zity1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   y current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivz1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivz1, isec, RESHAPE ( zitz1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   z current 1st grid
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  Surface current to waves !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_ocxw)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_ocyw)%laction ) THEN
          !                                                  j+1  j     -----V---F
          ! surface velocity always sent from T point                    !       |
          !                                                       j      |   T   U
          !                                                              |       |
          !                                                   j   j-1   -I-------|
          !                                               (for I)        |       |
          !                                                             i-1  i   i
          !                                                              i      i+1 (for I)
          SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%cldes ) )
          CASE( 'oce only'             )      ! C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu(ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) )
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv(ji , jj-1,1,Kmm) )
          CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                zitx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  ) + u_ice(ji-1,jj    ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                zity1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  ) + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
             CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zitx1, 'T', -1.0_wp,  zity1, 'T', -1.0_wp )
          CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                   &         + 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  ) + u_ice(ji-1,jj    ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                   &         + 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  ) + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
          END SELECT
         CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zotx1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, -1.0_wp, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocyw)%clgrid, -1.0_wp )
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN             ! Rotation of the components
         !                                                                        ! Ocean component
            CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )       ! 1st component
            CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )       ! 2nd component
            zotx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                   ! overwrite the components
            zoty1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN                                     ! Ice component
               CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )    ! 1st component
               CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )    ! 2nd component
               zitx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                ! overwrite the components
               zity1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
!         ! spherical coordinates to cartesian -> 2 components to 3 components
!         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN
!            ztmp1(:,:) = zotx1(:,:)                     ! ocean currents
!            ztmp2(:,:) = zoty1(:,:)
!            CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zotx1, zoty1, zotz1 )
!            !
!            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN           ! ice velocities
!               ztmp1(:,:) = zitx1(:,:)
!               ztmp1(:,:) = zity1(:,:)
!               CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zitx1, zity1, zitz1 )
!            ENDIF
!         ENDIF
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocxw)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocxw, isec, RESHAPE ( zotx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocyw)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocyw, isec, RESHAPE ( zoty1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean y current 1st grid
      IF( ssnd(jps_ficet)%laction ) THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_ficet, isec, RESHAPE ( fr_i, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   Water levels to waves   !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_wlev)%laction ) THEN
         IF( ln_apr_dyn ) THEN
            IF( kt /= nit000 ) THEN
               ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb) - 0.5 * ( ssh_ib(:,:) + ssh_ibb(:,:) )
               ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb)
            ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm)
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_wlev  , isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !  Fields sent by OCE to SAS when doing OCE<->SAS coupling
      !                                                        ! SSH
      IF( ssnd(jps_ssh )%laction )  THEN
         !                          ! removed inverse barometer ssh when Patm
         !                          forcing is used (for sea-ice dynamics)
         IF( ln_apr_dyn ) THEN   ;   ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb) - 0.5 * ( ssh_ib(:,:) + ssh_ibb(:,:) )
         ELSE                    ;   ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm)
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_ssh   , isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1            , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

      !                                                        ! SSS
      IF( ssnd(jps_soce  )%laction )  THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_soce  , isec, CASTSP(RESHAPE ( ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm), (/jpi,jpj,1/) )), info )
      !                                                        ! first T level thickness
      IF( ssnd(jps_e3t1st )%laction )  THEN
 CALL cpl_snd( jps_e3t1st, isec, CASTSP(RESHAPE ( e3t(:,:,1,Kmm) , (/jpi,jpj,1/) )), info )
      !                                                        ! Qsr fraction
      IF( ssnd(jps_fraqsr)%laction )  THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_fraqsr, isec, RESHAPE ( fraqsr_1lev(:,:) , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !  Fields sent by SAS to OCE when OASIS coupling
      !                                                        ! Solar heat flux
      IF( ssnd(jps_qsroce)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_qsroce, isec, RESHAPE ( qsr , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_qnsoce)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_qnsoce, isec, RESHAPE ( qns , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_oemp  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_oemp  , isec, RESHAPE ( emp , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_sflx  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_sflx  , isec, RESHAPE ( sfx , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_otx1  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_otx1  , isec, RESHAPE ( utau, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_oty1  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_oty1  , isec, RESHAPE ( vtau, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_rnf   )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_rnf   , isec, RESHAPE ( rnf , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_taum  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_taum  , isec, RESHAPE ( taum, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

#if defined key_si3
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! Sea surface freezing temp !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office
      CALL eos_fzp(ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm), sstfrz)
      ztmp1(:,:) = sstfrz(:,:) + rt0
      IF( ssnd(jps_sstfrz)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_sstfrz, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info)
      IF (ln_timing) CALL timing_stop('sbc_cpl_snd')
   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_snd
