MODULE par_oce !!====================================================================== !! *** par_oce *** !! Ocean : set the ocean parameters !!====================================================================== !! History : OPA ! 1991 (Imbard, Levy, Madec) Original code !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2004-01 (G. Madec, J.-M. Molines) Free form and module !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (C. Ethe) TRA-TRC merge: add jpts, jp_tem & jp_sal !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_kind ! kind parameters IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! namcfg namelist parameters !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: ln_read_cfg !: (=T) read the domain configuration file or (=F) not CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_domcfg !: filename the configuration file to be read LOGICAL :: ln_write_cfg !: (=T) create the domain configuration file CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_domcfg_out !: filename the configuration file to be read ! LOGICAL :: ln_use_jattr !: input file read offset ! ! Use file global attribute: open_ocean_jstart to determine start j-row ! ! when reading input from those netcdf files that have the ! ! attribute defined. This is designed to enable input files associated ! ! with the extended grids used in the under ice shelf configurations to ! ! be used without redundant rows when the ice shelves are not in use. LOGICAL :: ln_closea !: (=T) special treatment of closed sea ! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Domain Matrix size !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! configuration name & resolution (required only in ORCA family case) CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_cfg !: name of the configuration INTEGER :: nn_cfg !: resolution of the configuration ! time dimension INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpt = 3 !: time dimension ! global domain size !!! * total computational domain * INTEGER :: jpiglo !: 1st dimension of global domain --> i-direction INTEGER :: jpjglo !: 2nd - - --> j-direction INTEGER :: jpkglo !: 3nd - - --> k levels ! global domain size for AGRIF !!! * total AGRIF computational domain * INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbug_in_agrif_conv_do_not_remove_or_modify = 1 - 1 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: nbghostcells = 4 !: number of ghost cells: default value INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbghostcells_x_w !: number of ghost cells in i-direction at west INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbghostcells_x_e !: number of ghost cells in i-direction at east INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbghostcells_y_s !: number of ghost cells in j-direction at south INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbghostcells_y_n !: number of ghost cells in j-direction at north INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbcellsx !: number of cells in i-direction INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nbcellsy !: number of cells in j-direction ! local domain size !!! * local computational domain * INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpi ! !: first dimension INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpj ! !: second dimension INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpk ! = jpkglo !: third dimension INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpkm1 ! = jpk-1 !: - - - INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpij ! = jpi*jpj !: jpi x jpj INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpimax! = ( Ni0glo + jpni-1 ) / jpni + 2*nn_hls !: maximum jpi INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpjmax! = ( Nj0glo + jpnj-1 ) / jpnj + 2*nn_hls !: maximum jpj ! Domain tiling INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nijtile !: number of tiles in total INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ntile !: current tile number INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ntsi !: start of internal part of tile domain INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ntsj ! INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ntei !: end of internal part of tile domain INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ntej ! INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nthl, nthr !: Modifier on DO loop macro bound offset (left, right) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nthb, ntht !: " " (bottom, top) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Active tracer parameters !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpts = 2 !: Number of active tracers (=2, i.e. T & S ) INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_tem = 1 !: indice for temperature INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_sal = 2 !: indice for salinity !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Domain decomposition !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! if we dont use massively parallel computer (parameters jpni=jpnj=1) so jpiglo=jpi and jpjglo=jpj INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpni !: number of processors following i INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpnj !: number of processors following j INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpnij !: nb of local domain = nb of processors ( <= jpni x jpnj ) INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpr2di = 0 !: number of columns for extra outer halo INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpr2dj = 0 !: number of rows for extra outer halo ! halo with and starting/inding DO-loop indices INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_hls !: halo width (applies to both rows and columns) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nis0 !: start I-index without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nie0 !: end I-index without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Njs0 !: start J-index without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nje0 !: end J-index without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Ni_0, Nj_0 !: local domain size without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Ni0glo, Nj0glo !: global domain size without halo INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nis0_ext !: start I-index with wrap/N-fold INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nie0_ext !: end I-index with wrap/N-fold INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Njs0_ext !: start J-index with wrap/N-fold INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Nje0_ext !: end J-index with wrap/N-fold INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Ni_0_ext, Nj_0_ext !: local domain size with wrap/N-fold INTEGER, PUBLIC :: Ni0glo_ext, Nj0glo_ext !: global domain size with wrap/N-fold !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: par_oce.F90 15119 2021-07-13 14:43:22Z jchanut $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!====================================================================== END MODULE par_oce