#!/bin/bash #set -x set -o posix #set -u #set -e #+ # # ========== # agrifpp.sh # ========== # # ---------------------------- # Preform AGrif pre-processing # ---------------------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # :: # # $ agrifpp.sh # # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # # Preprocess file using the conv in NEMOFILES directory # Standard preprocessed files are stored in NEMOFILES/ppsrc/nemo # Source files are stored under NEMOFILES/obj # Include filess in NEMOFILES/inc # Note that agrif2model.F90 should not be preprocess (standard one) # # EXAMPLES # ======== # # :: # # $ ./agrifpp.sh FILE_TO_PROCESS # # TODO # ==== # # option debug # # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id: agrifpp.sh 2143 2010-10-04 12:49:55Z rblod $ # # # # * creation # #- MYDIR=$1 MYFILE=$(basename "$2") if [ "$MYFILE" == "agrif2model.f90" ];then if [ -d ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/WORK ]; then \cp ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/WORK/${MYFILE/.f90/.F90} ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/obj/$MYFILE else \cp ${CONFIG_DIR}/${NEW_CONF}/WORK/${MYFILE/.f90/.F90} ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/obj/$MYFILE fi else cd ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/ppsrc/nemo ; ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/conv ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/agrif_oce.in -rm -incdir ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/inc -comdirout ${MYDIR}/${NEW_CONF}/NEMOFILES/obj -convfile ${MYFILE} > /dev/null fi