MODULE diaobs !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE diaobs *** !! Observation diagnostics: Computation of the misfit between data and !! their model equivalent !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2006-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! - ! 2006-05 (K. Mogensen, A. Weaver) Reformatted !! - ! 2006-10 (A. Weaver) Cleaning and add controls !! - ! 2007-03 (K. Mogensen) General handling of profiles !! - ! 2007-04 (G. Smith) Generalized surface operators !! 2.0 ! 2008-10 (M. Valdivieso) obs operator for velocity profiles !! 3.4 ! 2014-08 (J. While) observation operator for profiles in all vertical coordinates !! - ! Incorporated SST bias correction !! 3.6 ! 2015-02 (M. Martin) Simplification of namelist and code !! - ! 2015-08 (M. Martin) Combined surface/profile routines. !! 4.0 ! 2017-11 (G. Madec) style only !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dia_obs_init : Reading and prepare observations !! dia_obs : Compute model equivalent to observations !! dia_obs_wri : Write observational diagnostics !! calc_date : Compute the date of timestep in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! ini_date : Compute the initial date YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS !! fin_date : Compute the final date YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_kind ! Precision variables USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE par_oce ! ocean parameter USE dom_oce ! Ocean space and time domain variables USE sbc_oce ! Sea-ice fraction ! USE obs_read_prof ! Reading and allocation of profile obs USE obs_read_surf ! Reading and allocation of surface obs USE obs_sstbias ! Bias correction routine for SST USE obs_readmdt ! Reading and allocation of MDT for SLA. USE obs_prep ! Preparation of obs. (grid search etc). USE obs_oper ! Observation operators USE obs_write ! Writing of observation related diagnostics USE obs_grid ! Grid searching USE obs_read_altbias ! Bias treatment for altimeter USE obs_profiles_def ! Profile data definitions USE obs_surf_def ! Surface data definitions USE obs_types ! Definitions for observation types ! USE mpp_map ! MPP mapping USE lib_mpp ! For ctl_warn/stop IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC dia_obs_init ! Initialize and read observations PUBLIC dia_obs ! Compute model equivalent to observations PUBLIC dia_obs_wri ! Write model equivalent to observations PUBLIC dia_obs_dealloc ! Deallocate dia_obs data PUBLIC calc_date ! Compute the date of a timestep LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_diaobs !: Logical switch for the obs operator LOGICAL :: ln_sstnight ! Logical switch for night mean SST obs LOGICAL :: ln_default_fp_indegs ! T=> Default obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL :: ln_sla_fp_indegs ! T=> SLA obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL :: ln_sst_fp_indegs ! T=> SST obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL :: ln_sss_fp_indegs ! T=> SSS obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL :: ln_sic_fp_indegs ! T=> sea-ice obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres REAL(wp) :: rn_default_avglamscl ! E/W diameter of SLA observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_default_avgphiscl ! N/S diameter of SLA observation footprint (metre REAL(wp) :: rn_sla_avglamscl ! E/W diameter of SLA observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sla_avgphiscl ! N/S diameter of SLA observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sst_avglamscl ! E/W diameter of SST observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sst_avgphiscl ! N/S diameter of SST observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sss_avglamscl ! E/W diameter of SSS observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sss_avgphiscl ! N/S diameter of SSS observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sic_avglamscl ! E/W diameter of sea-ice observation footprint (metres) REAL(wp) :: rn_sic_avgphiscl ! N/S diameter of sea-ice observation footprint (metres) INTEGER :: nn_1dint ! Vertical interpolation method INTEGER :: nn_2dint_default ! Default horizontal interpolation method INTEGER :: nn_2dint_sla ! SLA horizontal interpolation method INTEGER :: nn_2dint_sst ! SST horizontal interpolation method INTEGER :: nn_2dint_sss ! SSS horizontal interpolation method INTEGER :: nn_2dint_sic ! Seaice horizontal interpolation method INTEGER, DIMENSION(imaxavtypes) :: nn_profdavtypes ! Profile data types representing a daily average INTEGER :: nproftypes ! Number of profile obs types INTEGER :: nsurftypes ! Number of surface obs types INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nvarsprof, nvarssurf ! Number of profile & surface variables INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nextrprof, nextrsurf ! Number of profile & surface extra variables INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: n2dintsurf ! Interpolation option for surface variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zavglamscl, zavgphiscl ! E/W & N/S diameter of averaging footprint for surface variables LOGICAL , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lfpindegs ! T=> surface obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: llnightav ! Logical for calculating night-time averages TYPE(obs_surf), PUBLIC, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: surfdata !: Initial surface data TYPE(obs_surf), PUBLIC, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: surfdataqc !: Surface data after quality control TYPE(obs_prof), PUBLIC, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: profdata !: Initial profile data TYPE(obs_prof), PUBLIC, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: profdataqc !: Profile data after quality control CHARACTER(len=lca), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: cobstypesprof, cobstypessurf !: Profile & surface obs types # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: diaobs.F90 15077 2021-07-03 10:16:35Z jchanut $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dia_obs_init( Kmm ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_obs_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize and read observations !! !! ** Method : Read the namelist and call reading routines !! !! ** Action : Read the namelist and call reading routines !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! ocean time level indices INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpmaxnfiles = 1000 ! Maximum number of files for each obs type INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ifilesprof, ifilessurf ! Number of profile & surface files INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read INTEGER :: jtype ! Counter for obs types INTEGER :: jvar ! Counter for variables INTEGER :: jfile ! Counter for files INTEGER :: jnumsstbias ! Number of SST bias files to read and apply INTEGER :: n2dint_type ! Local version of nn_2dint* ! CHARACTER(len=128), DIMENSION(jpmaxnfiles) :: & & cn_profbfiles, & ! T/S profile input filenames & cn_sstfbfiles, & ! Sea surface temperature input filenames & cn_sssfbfiles, & ! Sea surface salinity input filenames & cn_slafbfiles, & ! Sea level anomaly input filenames & cn_sicfbfiles, & ! Seaice concentration input filenames & cn_velfbfiles, & ! Velocity profile input filenames & cn_sstbiasfiles ! SST bias input filenames CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: & & cn_altbiasfile ! Altimeter bias input filename CHARACTER(len=128), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & clproffiles, & ! Profile filenames & clsurffiles ! Surface filenames CHARACTER(len=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & clvars ! Expected variable names ! LOGICAL :: ln_t3d ! Logical switch for temperature profiles LOGICAL :: ln_s3d ! Logical switch for salinity profiles LOGICAL :: ln_sla ! Logical switch for sea level anomalies LOGICAL :: ln_sst ! Logical switch for sea surface temperature LOGICAL :: ln_sss ! Logical switch for sea surface salinity LOGICAL :: ln_sic ! Logical switch for sea ice concentration LOGICAL :: ln_vel3d ! Logical switch for velocity (u,v) obs LOGICAL :: ln_nea ! Logical switch to remove obs near land LOGICAL :: ln_altbias ! Logical switch for altimeter bias LOGICAL :: ln_sstbias ! Logical switch for bias corection of SST LOGICAL :: ln_ignmis ! Logical switch for ignoring missing files LOGICAL :: ln_s_at_t ! Logical switch to compute model S at T obs LOGICAL :: ln_bound_reject ! Logical to remove obs near boundaries in LAMs. LOGICAL :: ltype_fp_indegs ! Local version of ln_*_fp_indegs LOGICAL :: ltype_night ! Local version of ln_sstnight (false for other variables) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: llvar ! Logical for profile variable read LOGICAL, DIMENSION(jpmaxnfiles) :: lmask ! Used for finding number of sstbias files ! REAL(wp) :: rn_dobsini ! Obs window start date YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS REAL(wp) :: rn_dobsend ! Obs window end date YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS REAL(wp) :: ztype_avglamscl ! Local version of rn_*_avglamscl REAL(wp) :: ztype_avgphiscl ! Local version of rn_*_avgphiscl REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zglam ! Model longitudes for profile variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zgphi ! Model latitudes for profile variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zmask ! Model land/sea mask associated with variables !! NAMELIST/namobs/ln_diaobs, ln_t3d, ln_s3d, ln_sla, & & ln_sst, ln_sic, ln_sss, ln_vel3d, & & ln_altbias, ln_sstbias, ln_nea, & & ln_grid_global, ln_grid_search_lookup, & & ln_ignmis, ln_s_at_t, ln_bound_reject, & & ln_sstnight, ln_default_fp_indegs, & & ln_sla_fp_indegs, ln_sst_fp_indegs, & & ln_sss_fp_indegs, ln_sic_fp_indegs, & & cn_profbfiles, cn_slafbfiles, & & cn_sstfbfiles, cn_sicfbfiles, & & cn_velfbfiles, cn_sssfbfiles, & & cn_sstbiasfiles, cn_altbiasfile, & & cn_gridsearchfile, rn_gridsearchres, & & rn_dobsini, rn_dobsend, & & rn_default_avglamscl, rn_default_avgphiscl, & & rn_sla_avglamscl, rn_sla_avgphiscl, & & rn_sst_avglamscl, rn_sst_avgphiscl, & & rn_sss_avglamscl, rn_sss_avgphiscl, & & rn_sic_avglamscl, rn_sic_avgphiscl, & & nn_1dint, nn_2dint_default, & & nn_2dint_sla, nn_2dint_sst, & & nn_2dint_sss, nn_2dint_sic, & & nn_msshc, rn_mdtcorr, rn_mdtcutoff, & & nn_profdavtypes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read namelist parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Some namelist arrays need initialising cn_profbfiles (:) = '' cn_slafbfiles (:) = '' cn_sstfbfiles (:) = '' cn_sicfbfiles (:) = '' cn_velfbfiles (:) = '' cn_sssfbfiles (:) = '' cn_sstbiasfiles(:) = '' nn_profdavtypes(:) = -1 CALL ini_date( rn_dobsini ) CALL fin_date( rn_dobsend ) ! Read namelist namobs : control observation diagnostics READ ( numnam_ref, namobs, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namobs in reference namelist' ) READ ( numnam_cfg, namobs, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namobs in configuration namelist' ) IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namobs ) IF( .NOT.ln_diaobs ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_obs_init : NO Observation diagnostic used' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' RETURN ENDIF IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_obs_init : Observation diagnostic initialization' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namobs : set observation diagnostic parameters' WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for T profile observations ln_t3d = ', ln_t3d WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for S profile observations ln_s3d = ', ln_s3d WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for SLA observations ln_sla = ', ln_sla WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for SST observations ln_sst = ', ln_sst WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for Sea Ice observations ln_sic = ', ln_sic WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for velocity observations ln_vel3d = ', ln_vel3d WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for SSS observations ln_sss = ', ln_sss WRITE(numout,*) ' Global distribution of observations ln_grid_global = ', ln_grid_global WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for obs grid search lookup ln_grid_search_lookup = ', ln_grid_search_lookup IF (ln_grid_search_lookup) & WRITE(numout,*) ' Grid search lookup file header cn_gridsearchfile = ', cn_gridsearchfile WRITE(numout,*) ' Initial date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS rn_dobsini = ', rn_dobsini WRITE(numout,*) ' Final date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS rn_dobsend = ', rn_dobsend WRITE(numout,*) ' Type of vertical interpolation method nn_1dint = ', nn_1dint WRITE(numout,*) ' Default horizontal interpolation method nn_2dint_default = ', nn_2dint_default WRITE(numout,*) ' Type of horizontal interpolation method for SLA nn_2dint_sla = ', nn_2dint_sla WRITE(numout,*) ' Type of horizontal interpolation method for SST nn_2dint_sst = ', nn_2dint_sst WRITE(numout,*) ' Type of horizontal interpolation method for SSS nn_2dint_sss = ', nn_2dint_sss WRITE(numout,*) ' Type of horizontal interpolation method for SIC nn_2dint_sic = ', nn_2dint_sic WRITE(numout,*) ' Default E/W diameter of obs footprint rn_default_avglamscl = ', rn_default_avglamscl WRITE(numout,*) ' Default N/S diameter of obs footprint rn_default_avgphiscl = ', rn_default_avgphiscl WRITE(numout,*) ' Default obs footprint in deg [T] or m [F] ln_default_fp_indegs = ', ln_default_fp_indegs WRITE(numout,*) ' SLA E/W diameter of obs footprint rn_sla_avglamscl = ', rn_sla_avglamscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SLA N/S diameter of obs footprint rn_sla_avgphiscl = ', rn_sla_avgphiscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SLA obs footprint in deg [T] or m [F] ln_sla_fp_indegs = ', ln_sla_fp_indegs WRITE(numout,*) ' SST E/W diameter of obs footprint rn_sst_avglamscl = ', rn_sst_avglamscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SST N/S diameter of obs footprint rn_sst_avgphiscl = ', rn_sst_avgphiscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SST obs footprint in deg [T] or m [F] ln_sst_fp_indegs = ', ln_sst_fp_indegs WRITE(numout,*) ' SIC E/W diameter of obs footprint rn_sic_avglamscl = ', rn_sic_avglamscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SIC N/S diameter of obs footprint rn_sic_avgphiscl = ', rn_sic_avgphiscl WRITE(numout,*) ' SIC obs footprint in deg [T] or m [F] ln_sic_fp_indegs = ', ln_sic_fp_indegs WRITE(numout,*) ' Rejection of observations near land switch ln_nea = ', ln_nea WRITE(numout,*) ' Rejection of obs near open bdys ln_bound_reject = ', ln_bound_reject WRITE(numout,*) ' MSSH correction scheme nn_msshc = ', nn_msshc WRITE(numout,*) ' MDT correction rn_mdtcorr = ', rn_mdtcorr WRITE(numout,*) ' MDT cutoff for computed correction rn_mdtcutoff = ', rn_mdtcutoff WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for alt bias ln_altbias = ', ln_altbias WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for sst bias ln_sstbias = ', ln_sstbias WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for ignoring missing files ln_ignmis = ', ln_ignmis WRITE(numout,*) ' Daily average types nn_profdavtypes = ', nn_profdavtypes WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for night-time SST obs ln_sstnight = ', ln_sstnight ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up list of observation types to be used ! and the files associated with each type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nproftypes = COUNT( (/ln_t3d .OR. ln_s3d, ln_vel3d /) ) nsurftypes = COUNT( (/ln_sla, ln_sst, ln_sic, ln_sss /) ) IF( ln_sstbias ) THEN lmask(:) = .FALSE. WHERE( cn_sstbiasfiles(:) /= '' ) lmask(:) = .TRUE. jnumsstbias = COUNT(lmask) lmask(:) = .FALSE. ENDIF IF( nproftypes == 0 .AND. nsurftypes == 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_warn( 'dia_obs_init: ln_diaobs is set to true, but all obs operator logical flags', & & ' (ln_t3d, ln_s3d, ln_sla, ln_sst, ln_sic, ln_vel3d)', & & ' are set to .FALSE. so turning off calls to dia_obs' ) ln_diaobs = .FALSE. RETURN ENDIF IF( nproftypes > 0 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( cobstypesprof(nproftypes) ) ALLOCATE( ifilesprof (nproftypes) ) ALLOCATE( clproffiles (nproftypes,jpmaxnfiles) ) ! jtype = 0 IF( ln_t3d .OR. ln_s3d ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypesprof(jtype) = 'prof' clproffiles(jtype,:) = cn_profbfiles ENDIF IF( ln_vel3d ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypesprof(jtype) = 'vel' clproffiles(jtype,:) = cn_velfbfiles ENDIF ! CALL obs_settypefiles( nproftypes, jpmaxnfiles, ifilesprof, cobstypesprof, clproffiles ) ! ENDIF IF( nsurftypes > 0 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( cobstypessurf(nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( ifilessurf (nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( clsurffiles (nsurftypes,jpmaxnfiles) ) ALLOCATE( n2dintsurf (nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( zavglamscl (nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( zavgphiscl (nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( lfpindegs (nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( llnightav (nsurftypes) ) ! jtype = 0 IF( ln_sla ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypessurf(jtype) = 'sla' clsurffiles(jtype,:) = cn_slafbfiles ENDIF IF( ln_sst ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypessurf(jtype) = 'sst' clsurffiles(jtype,:) = cn_sstfbfiles ENDIF #if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice IF( ln_sic ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypessurf(jtype) = 'sic' clsurffiles(jtype,:) = cn_sicfbfiles ENDIF #endif IF( ln_sss ) THEN jtype = jtype + 1 cobstypessurf(jtype) = 'sss' clsurffiles(jtype,:) = cn_sssfbfiles ENDIF ! CALL obs_settypefiles( nsurftypes, jpmaxnfiles, ifilessurf, cobstypessurf, clsurffiles ) DO jtype = 1, nsurftypes IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sla' ) THEN IF ( nn_2dint_sla == -1 ) THEN n2dint_type = nn_2dint_default ELSE n2dint_type = nn_2dint_sla ENDIF ztype_avglamscl = rn_sla_avglamscl ztype_avgphiscl = rn_sla_avgphiscl ltype_fp_indegs = ln_sla_fp_indegs ltype_night = .FALSE. ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sst' ) THEN IF ( nn_2dint_sst == -1 ) THEN n2dint_type = nn_2dint_default ELSE n2dint_type = nn_2dint_sst ENDIF ztype_avglamscl = rn_sst_avglamscl ztype_avgphiscl = rn_sst_avgphiscl ltype_fp_indegs = ln_sst_fp_indegs ltype_night = ln_sstnight ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sic' ) THEN IF ( nn_2dint_sic == -1 ) THEN n2dint_type = nn_2dint_default ELSE n2dint_type = nn_2dint_sic ENDIF ztype_avglamscl = rn_sic_avglamscl ztype_avgphiscl = rn_sic_avgphiscl ltype_fp_indegs = ln_sic_fp_indegs ltype_night = .FALSE. ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sss' ) THEN IF ( nn_2dint_sss == -1 ) THEN n2dint_type = nn_2dint_default ELSE n2dint_type = nn_2dint_sss ENDIF ztype_avglamscl = rn_sss_avglamscl ztype_avgphiscl = rn_sss_avgphiscl ltype_fp_indegs = ln_sss_fp_indegs ltype_night = .FALSE. ELSE n2dint_type = nn_2dint_default ztype_avglamscl = rn_default_avglamscl ztype_avgphiscl = rn_default_avgphiscl ltype_fp_indegs = ln_default_fp_indegs ltype_night = .FALSE. ENDIF CALL obs_setinterpopts( nsurftypes, jtype, cobstypessurf(jtype), & & nn_2dint_default, n2dint_type, & & ztype_avglamscl, ztype_avgphiscl, & & ltype_fp_indegs, ltype_night, & & n2dintsurf, zavglamscl, zavgphiscl, & & lfpindegs, llnightav ) END DO ! ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Obs operator parameter checking and initialisations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_vel3d .AND. .NOT.ln_grid_global ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Velocity data only works with ln_grid_global=.true.' ) RETURN ENDIF ! IF( ln_grid_global ) THEN IF( jpnij < jpni * jpnj ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'dia_obs_init: ln_grid_global=T is not available when land subdomains are suppressed' ) END IF CALL ctl_warn( 'dia_obs_init: ln_grid_global=T may cause memory issues when used with a large number of processors' ) ENDIF ! IF( nn_1dint < 0 .OR. nn_1dint > 1 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('dia_obs_init: Choice of vertical (1D) interpolation method is not available') ENDIF ! IF( nn_2dint_default < 0 .OR. nn_2dint_default > 6 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('dia_obs_init: Choice of default horizontal (2D) interpolation method is not available') ENDIF ! CALL obs_typ_init IF( ln_grid_global ) CALL mppmap_init ! CALL obs_grid_setup( ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Depending on switches read the various observation types !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( nproftypes > 0 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( profdata (nproftypes) , nvarsprof (nproftypes) ) ALLOCATE( profdataqc(nproftypes) , nextrprof (nproftypes) ) ! DO jtype = 1, nproftypes ! IF ( TRIM(cobstypesprof(jtype)) == 'prof' ) THEN nvarsprof(jtype) = 2 nextrprof(jtype) = 1 ALLOCATE( llvar (nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( clvars(nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zglam(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zgphi(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zmask(jpi, jpj, jpk, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) llvar(1) = ln_t3d llvar(2) = ln_s3d clvars(1) = 'POTM' clvars(2) = 'PSAL' zglam(:,:,1) = glamt(:,:) zglam(:,:,2) = glamt(:,:) zgphi(:,:,1) = gphit(:,:) zgphi(:,:,2) = gphit(:,:) zmask(:,:,:,1) = tmask(:,:,:) zmask(:,:,:,2) = tmask(:,:,:) ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypesprof(jtype)) == 'vel' ) THEN nvarsprof(jtype) = 2 nextrprof(jtype) = 2 ALLOCATE( llvar (nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( clvars(nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zglam(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zgphi(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zmask(jpi, jpj, jpk, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) llvar(1) = ln_vel3d llvar(2) = ln_vel3d clvars(1) = 'UVEL' clvars(2) = 'VVEL' zglam(:,:,1) = glamu(:,:) zglam(:,:,2) = glamv(:,:) zgphi(:,:,1) = gphiu(:,:) zgphi(:,:,2) = gphiv(:,:) zmask(:,:,:,1) = umask(:,:,:) zmask(:,:,:,2) = vmask(:,:,:) ELSE nvarsprof(jtype) = 1 nextrprof(jtype) = 0 ALLOCATE( llvar (nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( clvars(nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zglam(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zgphi(jpi, jpj, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) ALLOCATE( zmask(jpi, jpj, jpk, nvarsprof(jtype)) ) llvar(1) = .TRUE. zglam(:,:,1) = glamt(:,:) zgphi(:,:,1) = gphit(:,:) zmask(:,:,:,1) = tmask(:,:,:) ENDIF ! ! Read in profile or profile obs types CALL obs_rea_prof( profdata(jtype), ifilesprof(jtype), & & clproffiles(jtype,1:ifilesprof(jtype)), & & nvarsprof(jtype), nextrprof(jtype), nitend-nit000+2, & & rn_dobsini, rn_dobsend, llvar, & & ln_ignmis, ln_s_at_t, .FALSE., clvars, & & kdailyavtypes = nn_profdavtypes ) ! DO jvar = 1, nvarsprof(jtype) CALL obs_prof_staend( profdata(jtype), jvar ) END DO ! CALL obs_pre_prof( profdata(jtype), profdataqc(jtype), & & llvar, & & jpi, jpj, jpk, & & zmask, zglam, zgphi, & & ln_nea, ln_bound_reject, Kmm, & & kdailyavtypes = nn_profdavtypes ) ! DEALLOCATE( llvar, clvars, zglam, zgphi, zmask ) ! END DO ! DEALLOCATE( ifilesprof, clproffiles ) ! ENDIF ! IF( nsurftypes > 0 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( surfdata (nsurftypes) , nvarssurf(nsurftypes) ) ALLOCATE( surfdataqc(nsurftypes) , nextrsurf(nsurftypes) ) ! DO jtype = 1, nsurftypes ! nvarssurf(jtype) = 1 nextrsurf(jtype) = 0 llnightav(jtype) = .FALSE. IF( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sla' ) nextrsurf(jtype) = 2 IF( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sst' ) llnightav(jtype) = ln_sstnight ! ALLOCATE( clvars( nvarssurf(jtype) ) ) IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sla' ) THEN clvars(1) = 'SLA' ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sst' ) THEN clvars(1) = 'SST' ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sic' ) THEN clvars(1) = 'ICECONC' ELSE IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sss' ) THEN clvars(1) = 'SSS' ENDIF ! ! Read in surface obs types CALL obs_rea_surf( surfdata(jtype), ifilessurf(jtype), & & clsurffiles(jtype,1:ifilessurf(jtype)), & & nvarssurf(jtype), nextrsurf(jtype), nitend-nit000+2, & & rn_dobsini, rn_dobsend, ln_ignmis, .FALSE., llnightav(jtype), & & clvars ) ! CALL obs_pre_surf( surfdata(jtype), surfdataqc(jtype), ln_nea, ln_bound_reject ) ! IF( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sla' ) THEN CALL obs_rea_mdt( surfdataqc(jtype), n2dintsurf(jtype), Kmm ) IF( ln_altbias ) & & CALL obs_rea_altbias ( surfdataqc(jtype), n2dintsurf(jtype), cn_altbiasfile ) ENDIF ! IF( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sst' .AND. ln_sstbias ) THEN jnumsstbias = 0 DO jfile = 1, jpmaxnfiles IF( TRIM(cn_sstbiasfiles(jfile)) /= '' ) jnumsstbias = jnumsstbias + 1 END DO IF( jnumsstbias == 0 ) CALL ctl_stop("ln_sstbias set but no bias files to read in") ! CALL obs_app_sstbias( surfdataqc(jtype), n2dintsurf(jtype) , & & jnumsstbias , cn_sstbiasfiles(1:jnumsstbias) ) ENDIF ! DEALLOCATE( clvars ) END DO ! DEALLOCATE( ifilessurf, clsurffiles ) ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE dia_obs_init SUBROUTINE dia_obs( kstp, Kmm ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_obs *** !! !! ** Purpose : Call the observation operators on each time step !! !! ** Method : Call the observation operators on each time step to !! compute the model equivalent of the following data: !! - Profile data, currently T/S or U/V !! - Surface data, currently SST, SLA or sea-ice concentration. !! !! ** Action : !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE phycst , ONLY : rday ! Physical constants USE oce , ONLY : ts, uu, vv, ssh ! Ocean dynamics and tracers variables (Kmm time-level only) USE phycst , ONLY : rday ! Physical constants #if defined key_si3 USE ice , ONLY : at_i ! SI3 Ice model variables #endif #if defined key_cice USE sbc_oce, ONLY : fr_i ! ice fraction #endif IMPLICIT NONE !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kstp ! Current timestep INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! ocean time level indices !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: idaystp ! Number of timesteps per day INTEGER :: jtype ! Data loop variable INTEGER :: jvar ! Variable number INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! Loop counters REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zprofvar ! Model values for variables in a prof ob REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zprofmask ! Mask associated with zprofvar REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & & zsurfvar, & ! Model values equivalent to surface ob. & zsurfmask ! Mask associated with surface variable REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zglam, & ! Model longitudes for prof variables & zgphi ! Model latitudes for prof variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zdept, zdepw !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_obs : Call the observation operators', kstp WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' ENDIF idaystp = NINT( rday / rn_Dt ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call the profile and surface observation operators !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( nproftypes > 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE( zdept(jpi,jpj,jpk), zdepw(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) DO jk = 1, jpk zdept(:,:,jk) = gdept(:,:,jk,Kmm) zdepw(:,:,jk) = gdepw(:,:,jk,Kmm) END DO DO jtype = 1, nproftypes ! Allocate local work arrays ALLOCATE( zprofvar (jpi, jpj, jpk, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar) ) ALLOCATE( zprofmask(jpi, jpj, jpk, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar) ) ALLOCATE( zglam (jpi, jpj, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar) ) ALLOCATE( zgphi (jpi, jpj, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar) ) ! Defaults which might change DO jvar = 1, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar zprofmask(:,:,:,jvar) = tmask(:,:,:) zglam(:,:,jvar) = glamt(:,:) zgphi(:,:,jvar) = gphit(:,:) END DO SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cobstypesprof(jtype)) ) CASE('prof') zprofvar(:,:,:,1) = ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm) zprofvar(:,:,:,2) = ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm) CASE('vel') zprofvar(:,:,:,1) = uu(:,:,:,Kmm) zprofvar(:,:,:,2) = vv(:,:,:,Kmm) zprofmask(:,:,:,1) = umask(:,:,:) zprofmask(:,:,:,2) = vmask(:,:,:) zglam(:,:,1) = glamu(:,:) zglam(:,:,2) = glamv(:,:) zgphi(:,:,1) = gphiu(:,:) zgphi(:,:,2) = gphiv(:,:) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'Unknown profile observation type '//TRIM(cobstypesprof(jtype))//' in dia_obs' ) END SELECT DO jvar = 1, profdataqc(jtype)%nvar CALL obs_prof_opt( profdataqc(jtype), kstp, jpi, jpj, jpk, & & nit000, idaystp, jvar, & & zprofvar(:,:,:,jvar), & & zdept(:,:,:), zdepw(:,:,:), & & zprofmask(:,:,:,jvar), & & zglam(:,:,jvar), zgphi(:,:,jvar), & & nn_1dint, nn_2dint_default, & & kdailyavtypes = nn_profdavtypes ) END DO DEALLOCATE( zprofvar, zprofmask, zglam, zgphi ) END DO DEALLOCATE( zdept, zdepw ) ENDIF IF ( nsurftypes > 0 ) THEN DO jtype = 1, nsurftypes !Defaults which might be changed zsurfmask(:,:) = tmask(:,:,1) SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) ) CASE('sst') zsurfvar(:,:) = ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm) CASE('sla') zsurfvar(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm) CASE('sss') zsurfvar(:,:) = ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm) CASE('sic') IF ( kstp == 0 ) THEN IF ( lwp .AND. surfdataqc(jtype)%nsstpmpp(1) > 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_warn( 'Sea-ice not initialised on zeroth '// & & 'time-step but some obs are valid then.' ) WRITE(numout,*)surfdataqc(jtype)%nsstpmpp(1), & & ' sea-ice obs will be missed' ENDIF surfdataqc(jtype)%nsurfup = surfdataqc(jtype)%nsurfup + & & surfdataqc(jtype)%nsstp(1) CYCLE ELSE #if defined key_cice || defined key_si3 zsurfvar(:,:) = fr_i(:,:) #else CALL ctl_stop( ' Trying to run sea-ice observation operator', & & ' but no sea-ice model appears to have been defined' ) #endif ENDIF END SELECT CALL obs_surf_opt( surfdataqc(jtype), kstp, jpi, jpj, & & nit000, idaystp, zsurfvar, zsurfmask, & & n2dintsurf(jtype), llnightav(jtype), & & zavglamscl(jtype), zavgphiscl(jtype), & & lfpindegs(jtype) ) END DO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dia_obs SUBROUTINE dia_obs_wri !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_obs_wri *** !! !! ** Purpose : Call observation diagnostic output routines !! !! ** Method : Call observation diagnostic output routines !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 06-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! ! 06-05 (K. Mogensen) Reformatted !! ! 06-10 (A. Weaver) Cleaning !! ! 07-03 (K. Mogensen) General handling of profiles !! ! 08-09 (M. Valdivieso) Velocity component (U,V) profiles !! ! 15-08 (M. Martin) Combined writing for prof and surf types !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE obs_rot_vel ! Rotation of velocities IMPLICIT NONE !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jtype ! Data set loop variable INTEGER :: jo, jvar, jk REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zu, & & zv !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Depending on switches call various observation output routines !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( nproftypes > 0 ) THEN DO jtype = 1, nproftypes IF ( TRIM(cobstypesprof(jtype)) == 'vel' ) THEN ! For velocity data, rotate the model velocities to N/S, E/W ! using the compressed data structure. ALLOCATE( & & zu(profdataqc(jtype)%nvprot(1)), & & zv(profdataqc(jtype)%nvprot(2)) & & ) CALL obs_rotvel( profdataqc(jtype), nn_2dint_default, zu, zv ) DO jo = 1, profdataqc(jtype)%nprof DO jvar = 1, 2 DO jk = profdataqc(jtype)%npvsta(jo,jvar), profdataqc(jtype)%npvend(jo,jvar) IF ( jvar == 1 ) THEN profdataqc(jtype)%var(jvar)%vmod(jk) = zu(jk) ELSE profdataqc(jtype)%var(jvar)%vmod(jk) = zv(jk) ENDIF END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( zu ) DEALLOCATE( zv ) END IF CALL obs_prof_decompress( profdataqc(jtype), & & profdata(jtype), .TRUE., numout ) CALL obs_wri_prof( profdata(jtype) ) END DO ENDIF IF ( nsurftypes > 0 ) THEN DO jtype = 1, nsurftypes CALL obs_surf_decompress( surfdataqc(jtype), & & surfdata(jtype), .TRUE., numout ) CALL obs_wri_surf( surfdata(jtype) ) END DO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dia_obs_wri SUBROUTINE dia_obs_dealloc IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_obs_dealloc *** !! !! ** Purpose : To deallocate data to enable the obs_oper online loop. !! Specifically: dia_obs_init --> dia_obs --> dia_obs_wri !! !! ** Method : Clean up various arrays left behind by the obs_oper. !! !! ** Action : !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! obs_grid deallocation CALL obs_grid_deallocate ! diaobs deallocation IF ( nproftypes > 0 ) & & DEALLOCATE( cobstypesprof, profdata, profdataqc, nvarsprof, nextrprof ) IF ( nsurftypes > 0 ) & & DEALLOCATE( cobstypessurf, surfdata, surfdataqc, nvarssurf, nextrsurf, & & n2dintsurf, zavglamscl, zavgphiscl, lfpindegs, llnightav ) END SUBROUTINE dia_obs_dealloc SUBROUTINE calc_date( kstp, ddobs ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE calc_date *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! ** Method : Get date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! ** Action : Get date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! ** Action : Get initial date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! History : !! ! 06-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! ! 06-05 (K. Mogensen) Reformatted !! ! 06-10 (A. Weaver) Cleaning !! ! 06-10 (G. Smith) Calculates initial date the same as method for final date !! ! 10-05 (D. Lea) Update to month length calculation for NEMO vn3.2 !! ! 2014-09 (D. Lea) New generic routine now deals with arbitrary initial time of day !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE phycst, ONLY : & ! Physical constants & rday USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Ocean space and time domain variables & rn_Dt IMPLICIT NONE !! * Arguments REAL(KIND=wp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddobs ! Date in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kstp !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea ! date - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: imon INTEGER :: iday INTEGER :: ihou INTEGER :: imin INTEGER :: imday ! Number of days in month. REAL(wp) :: zdayfrc ! Fraction of day INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: imonth_len !: length in days of the months of the current year !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- iyea = ndate0 / 10000 imon = ( ndate0 - iyea * 10000 ) / 100 iday = ndate0 - iyea * 10000 - imon * 100 ihou = nn_time0 / 100 imin = ( nn_time0 - ihou * 100 ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Compute number of days + number of hours + min since initial time !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- zdayfrc = kstp * rn_Dt / rday zdayfrc = zdayfrc - aint(zdayfrc) imin = imin + int( zdayfrc * 24 * 60 ) DO WHILE (imin >= 60) imin=imin-60 ihou=ihou+1 END DO DO WHILE (ihou >= 24) ihou=ihou-24 iday=iday+1 END DO iday = iday + kstp * rn_Dt / rday !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Convert number of days (iday) into a real date !---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL calc_month_len( iyea, imonth_len ) DO WHILE ( iday > imonth_len(imon) ) iday = iday - imonth_len(imon) imon = imon + 1 IF ( imon > 12 ) THEN imon = 1 iyea = iyea + 1 CALL calc_month_len( iyea, imonth_len ) ! update month lengths ENDIF END DO !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Convert it into YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ddobs = iyea * 10000_dp + imon * 100_dp + & & iday + ihou * 0.01_dp + imin * 0.0001_dp END SUBROUTINE calc_date SUBROUTINE ini_date( ddobsini ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE ini_date *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get initial date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 06-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! ! 06-05 (K. Mogensen) Reformatted !! ! 06-10 (A. Weaver) Cleaning !! ! 10-05 (D. Lea) Update to month length calculation for NEMO vn3.2 !! ! 2014-09 (D. Lea) Change to call generic routine calc_date !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !! * Arguments REAL(KIND=wp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddobsini ! Initial date in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS CALL calc_date( nit000 - 1, ddobsini ) END SUBROUTINE ini_date SUBROUTINE fin_date( ddobsfin ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE fin_date *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get final date in double precision YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 06-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! ! 06-05 (K. Mogensen) Reformatted !! ! 06-10 (A. Weaver) Cleaning !! ! 10-05 (D. Lea) Update to month length calculation for NEMO vn3.2 !! ! 2014-09 (D. Lea) Change to call generic routine calc_date !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !! * Arguments REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddobsfin ! Final date in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS CALL calc_date( nitend, ddobsfin ) END SUBROUTINE fin_date SUBROUTINE obs_settypefiles( ntypes, jpmaxnfiles, ifiles, cobstypes, cfiles ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ntypes ! Total number of obs types INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: jpmaxnfiles ! Maximum number of files allowed for each type INTEGER, DIMENSION(ntypes), INTENT(OUT) :: & & ifiles ! Out number of files for each type CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(ntypes), INTENT(IN) :: & & cobstypes ! List of obs types CHARACTER(len=128), DIMENSION(ntypes, jpmaxnfiles), INTENT(IN) :: & & cfiles ! List of files for all types !Local variables INTEGER :: jfile INTEGER :: jtype DO jtype = 1, ntypes ifiles(jtype) = 0 DO jfile = 1, jpmaxnfiles IF ( trim(cfiles(jtype,jfile)) /= '' ) & ifiles(jtype) = ifiles(jtype) + 1 END DO IF ( ifiles(jtype) == 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Logical for observation type '//TRIM(cobstypes(jtype))// & & ' set to true but no files available to read' ) ENDIF IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' '//cobstypes(jtype)//' input observation file names:' DO jfile = 1, ifiles(jtype) WRITE(numout,*) ' '//TRIM(cfiles(jtype,jfile)) END DO ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_settypefiles SUBROUTINE obs_setinterpopts( ntypes, jtype, ctypein, & & n2dint_default, n2dint_type, & & ravglamscl_type, ravgphiscl_type, & & lfp_indegs_type, lavnight_type, & & n2dint, ravglamscl, ravgphiscl, & & lfpindegs, lavnight ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ntypes ! Total number of obs types INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: jtype ! Index of the current type of obs INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n2dint_default ! Default option for interpolation type INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n2dint_type ! Option for interpolation type REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: & & ravglamscl_type, & !E/W diameter of obs footprint for this type & ravgphiscl_type !N/S diameter of obs footprint for this type LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lfp_indegs_type !T=> footprint in degrees, F=> in metres LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lavnight_type !T=> obs represent night time average CHARACTER(len=lca), INTENT(IN) :: ctypein INTEGER, DIMENSION(ntypes), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & n2dint REAL(wp), DIMENSION(ntypes), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & ravglamscl, ravgphiscl LOGICAL, DIMENSION(ntypes), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & lfpindegs, lavnight lavnight(jtype) = lavnight_type IF ( (n2dint_type >= 0) .AND. (n2dint_type <= 6) ) THEN n2dint(jtype) = n2dint_type ELSE IF ( n2dint_type == -1 ) THEN n2dint(jtype) = n2dint_default ELSE CALL ctl_stop(' Choice of '//TRIM(ctypein)//' horizontal (2D) interpolation method', & & ' is not available') ENDIF ! For averaging observation footprints set options for size of footprint IF ( (n2dint(jtype) > 4) .AND. (n2dint(jtype) <= 6) ) THEN IF ( ravglamscl_type > 0._wp ) THEN ravglamscl(jtype) = ravglamscl_type ELSE CALL ctl_stop( 'Incorrect value set for averaging footprint '// & 'scale (ravglamscl) for observation type '//TRIM(ctypein) ) ENDIF IF ( ravgphiscl_type > 0._wp ) THEN ravgphiscl(jtype) = ravgphiscl_type ELSE CALL ctl_stop( 'Incorrect value set for averaging footprint '// & 'scale (ravgphiscl) for observation type '//TRIM(ctypein) ) ENDIF lfpindegs(jtype) = lfp_indegs_type ENDIF ! Write out info IF(lwp) THEN IF ( n2dint(jtype) <= 4 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' '//TRIM(ctypein)// & & ' model counterparts will be interpolated horizontally' ELSE IF ( n2dint(jtype) <= 6 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' '//TRIM(ctypein)// & & ' model counterparts will be averaged horizontally' WRITE(numout,*) ' '//' with E/W scale: ',ravglamscl(jtype) WRITE(numout,*) ' '//' with N/S scale: ',ravgphiscl(jtype) IF ( lfpindegs(jtype) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' '//' (in degrees)' ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' '//' (in metres)' ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_setinterpopts END MODULE diaobs