MODULE stopar
   !!                       ***  MODULE  stopar  ***
   !! Stochastic parameters : definition and time stepping
   !! History :  3.3  ! 2011-10 (J.-M. Brankart)  Original code

   !!   sto_par       : update the stochastic parameters
   !!   sto_par_init  : define the stochastic parameterization
   !!   sto_rst_read  : read restart file for stochastic parameters
   !!   sto_rst_write : write restart file for stochastic parameters
   !!   sto_par_white : fill input array with white Gaussian noise
   !!   sto_par_flt   : apply horizontal Laplacian filter to input array
   USE storng          ! random number generator (external module)
   USE par_oce         ! ocean parameters
   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain variables
   USE lbclnk          ! lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
   USE in_out_manager  ! I/O manager
   USE iom             ! I/O module
   USE lib_mpp


   PUBLIC   sto_par_init    ! called by nemogcm.F90
   PUBLIC   sto_par         ! called by step.F90
   PUBLIC   sto_rst_write   ! called by step.F90

   LOGICAL           :: ln_rststo = .FALSE.  ! restart stochastic parameters from restart file
   LOGICAL           :: ln_rstseed = .FALSE. ! read seed of RNG from restart file
   CHARACTER(len=32) :: cn_storst_in = "restart_sto"     ! suffix of sto restart name (input)
   CHARACTER(len=32) :: cn_storst_out = "restart_sto"    ! suffix of sto restart name (output)
   INTEGER           :: numstor, numstow     ! logical unit for restart (read and write)

   INTEGER           :: jpsto2d = 0          ! number of 2D stochastic parameters
   INTEGER           :: jpsto3d = 0          ! number of 3D stochastic parameters

   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d      ! 2D stochastic parameters
   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d      ! 3D stochastic parameters
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: sto_tmp    ! temporary workspace
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_abc  ! a, b, c parameters (for 2D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_abc  ! a, b, c parameters (for 3D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_ave  ! mean value (for 2D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_ave  ! mean value (for 3D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_std  ! standard deviation (for 2D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_std  ! standard deviation (for 3D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_lim  ! limitation factor (for 2D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_lim  ! limitation factor (for 3D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_tcor ! time correlation (for 2D arrays)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_tcor ! time correlation (for 3D arrays)
   INTEGER,          DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_ord  ! order of autoregressive process
   INTEGER,          DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_ord  ! order of autoregressive process

   CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_typ  ! nature of grid point (T, U, V, W, F, I)
   CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_typ  ! nature of grid point (T, U, V, W, F, I)
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_sgn  ! control of the sign accross the north fold
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_sgn  ! control of the sign accross the north fold
   INTEGER,          DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_flt  ! number of passes of Laplacian filter
   INTEGER,          DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_flt  ! number of passes of Laplacian filter
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto2d_fac  ! factor to restore std after filtering
   REAL(wp),         DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: sto3d_fac  ! factor to restore std after filtering

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_ldf = .FALSE.    ! stochastic lateral diffusion
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jsto_ldf                ! index of lateral diffusion stochastic parameter
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_ldf_std              ! lateral diffusion standard deviation (in percent)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_ldf_tcor             ! lateral diffusion correlation timescale (in timesteps)

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_hpg = .FALSE.    ! stochastic horizontal pressure gradient
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jsto_hpgi               ! index of stochastic hpg parameter (i direction)
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jsto_hpgj               ! index of stochastic hpg parameter (j direction)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_hpg_std              ! density gradient standard deviation (in percent)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_hpg_tcor             ! density gradient correlation timescale (in timesteps)

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_pstar = .FALSE.  ! stochastic ice strength
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jsto_pstar              ! index of stochastic ice strength
   REAL(wp), PUBLIC:: rn_pstar_std            ! ice strength standard deviation (in percent)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_pstar_tcor           ! ice strength correlation timescale (in timesteps)
   INTEGER         :: nn_pstar_flt = 0        ! number of passes of Laplacian filter
   INTEGER         :: nn_pstar_ord = 1        ! order of autoregressive processes

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_trd = .FALSE.    ! stochastic model trend
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jsto_trd                ! index of stochastic trend parameter
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trd_std              ! trend standard deviation (in percent)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trd_tcor             ! trend correlation timescale (in timesteps)

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_eos = .FALSE.    ! stochastic equation of state
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_sto_eos = 1          ! number of degrees of freedom in stochastic equation of state
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_eosi ! index of stochastic eos parameter (i direction)
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_eosj ! index of stochastic eos parameter (j direction)
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_eosk ! index of stochastic eos parameter (k direction)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_eos_stdxy            ! random walk horz. standard deviation (in grid points)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_eos_stdz             ! random walk vert. standard deviation (in grid points)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_eos_tcor             ! random walk correlation timescale (in timesteps)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_eos_lim = 3.0_wp     ! limitation factor
   INTEGER         :: nn_eos_flt = 0          ! number of passes of Laplacian filter
   INTEGER         :: nn_eos_ord = 1          ! order of autoregressive processes

   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_sto_trc = .FALSE.    ! stochastic tracer dynamics
   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_sto_trc = 1          ! number of degrees of freedom in stochastic tracer dynamics
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_trci ! index of stochastic trc parameter (i direction)
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_trcj ! index of stochastic trc parameter (j direction)
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: jsto_trck ! index of stochastic trc parameter (k direction)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trc_stdxy            ! random walk horz. standard deviation (in grid points)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trc_stdz             ! random walk vert. standard deviation (in grid points)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trc_tcor             ! random walk correlation timescale (in timesteps)
   REAL(wp)        :: rn_trc_lim = 3.0_wp     ! limitation factor
   INTEGER         :: nn_trc_flt = 0          ! number of passes of Laplacian filter
   INTEGER         :: nn_trc_ord = 1          ! order of autoregressive processes

   !! * Substitutions
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
   !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: stopar.F90 13295 2020-07-10 18:24:21Z acc $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

   SUBROUTINE sto_par( kt )
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_par  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   update the stochastic parameters
      !! ** Method  :   model basic stochastic parameters
      !!                as a first order autoregressive process AR(1),
      !!                governed by the equation:
      !!                   X(t) = a * X(t-1) + b * w + c
      !!                where the parameters a, b and c are related
      !!                to expected value, standard deviation
      !!                and time correlation (all stationary in time) by:
      !!                   E   [X(t)]        = c / ( 1 - a )
      !!                   STD [X(t)]        = b / SQRT( 1 - a * a )
      !!                   COR [X(t),X(t-k)] = a ** k
      !!                and w is a Gaussian white noise.
      !!                Higher order autoregressive proces can be optionally generated
      !!                by replacing the white noise by a lower order process.
      !!                1) The statistics of the stochastic parameters (X) are assumed
      !!                constant in space (homogeneous) and time (stationary).
      !!                This could be generalized by replacing the constant
      !!                a, b, c parameters by functions of space and time.
      !!                2) The computation is performed independently for every model
      !!                grid point, which corresponds to assume that the stochastic
      !!                parameters are uncorrelated in space.
      !!                This could be generalized by including a spatial filter: Y = Filt[ X ]
      !!                (possibly non-homgeneous and non-stationary) in the computation,
      !!                or by solving an elliptic equation: L[ Y ] = X.
      !!                3) The stochastic model for the parameters could also
      !!                be generalized to depend on the current state of the ocean (not done here).
      INTEGER, INTENT( in ) ::   kt   ! ocean time-step index
      INTEGER  :: ji, jj, jk, jsto, jflt
      REAL(wp) :: stomax
      ! Update 2D stochastic arrays
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto2d
        ! Store array from previous time step
        sto_tmp(:,:) = sto2d(:,:,jsto)

        IF ( sto2d_ord(jsto) == 1 ) THEN
          ! Draw new random numbers from N(0,1) --> w
          CALL sto_par_white( sto2d(:,:,jsto) )
          ! Apply horizontal Laplacian filter to w
          DO jflt = 1, sto2d_flt(jsto)
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto2d(:,:,jsto), sto2d_typ(jsto), sto2d_sgn(jsto) )
            CALL sto_par_flt( sto2d(:,:,jsto) )
          END DO
          ! Factor to restore standard deviation after filtering
          sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) * sto2d_fac(jsto)
          ! Use previous process (one order lower) instead of white noise
          sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto-1)

        ! Multiply white noise (or lower order process) by b --> b * w
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) * sto2d_abc(jsto,2)
        ! Update autoregressive processes --> a * X(t-1) + b * w
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) + sto_tmp(:,:) * sto2d_abc(jsto,1)
        ! Add parameter c --> a * X(t-1) + b * w + c
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) + sto2d_abc(jsto,3)
        ! Limit random parameter anomalies to std times the limitation factor
        stomax = sto2d_std(jsto) * sto2d_lim(jsto)
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) - sto2d_ave(jsto)
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = SIGN(MIN(stomax,ABS(sto2d(:,:,jsto))),sto2d(:,:,jsto))
        sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) + sto2d_ave(jsto)

        ! Lateral boundary conditions on sto2d
        CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto2d(:,:,jsto), sto2d_typ(jsto), sto2d_sgn(jsto) )
      END DO
      ! Update 3D stochastic arrays
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto3d
         DO jk = 1, jpk
           ! Store array from previous time step
           sto_tmp(:,:) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto)

           IF ( sto3d_ord(jsto) == 1 ) THEN
             ! Draw new random numbers from N(0,1) --> w
             CALL sto_par_white( sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) )
             ! Apply horizontal Laplacian filter to w
             DO jflt = 1, sto3d_flt(jsto)
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto), sto3d_typ(jsto), sto3d_sgn(jsto) )
               CALL sto_par_flt( sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) )
             END DO
             ! Factor to restore standard deviation after filtering
             sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) * sto3d_fac(jsto)
             ! Use previous process (one order lower) instead of white noise
             sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto-1)

           ! Multiply white noise by b --> b * w
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) * sto3d_abc(jsto,2)
           ! Update autoregressive processes --> a * X(t-1) + b * w
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) + sto_tmp(:,:) * sto3d_abc(jsto,1)
           ! Add parameter c --> a * X(t-1) + b * w + c
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) + sto3d_abc(jsto,3)
           ! Limit random parameters anomalies to std times the limitation factor
           stomax = sto3d_std(jsto) * sto3d_lim(jsto)
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) - sto3d_ave(jsto)
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = SIGN(MIN(stomax,ABS(sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto))),sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto))
           sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) + sto3d_ave(jsto)
         END DO
         ! Lateral boundary conditions on sto3d
         CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto3d(:,:,:,jsto), sto3d_typ(jsto), sto3d_sgn(jsto) )
      END DO

   SUBROUTINE sto_par_init
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_par_init  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   define the stochastic parameterization
      NAMELIST/namsto/ ln_sto_ldf, rn_ldf_std, rn_ldf_tcor, &
        &              ln_sto_hpg, rn_hpg_std, rn_hpg_tcor, &
        &              ln_sto_pstar, rn_pstar_std, rn_pstar_tcor, nn_pstar_flt, nn_pstar_ord, &
        &              ln_sto_trd, rn_trd_std, rn_trd_tcor, &
        &              ln_sto_eos, nn_sto_eos, rn_eos_stdxy, rn_eos_stdz, &
        &              rn_eos_tcor, nn_eos_ord, nn_eos_flt, rn_eos_lim, &
        &              ln_sto_trc, nn_sto_trc, rn_trc_stdxy, rn_trc_stdz, &
        &              rn_trc_tcor, nn_trc_ord, nn_trc_flt, rn_trc_lim, &
        &              ln_rststo, ln_rstseed, cn_storst_in, cn_storst_out
      INTEGER :: jsto, jmem, jarea, jdof, jord, jordm1, jk, jflt
      INTEGER(KIND=8) :: zseed1, zseed2, zseed3, zseed4
      REAL(wp) :: rinflate
      INTEGER  ::   ios                 ! Local integer output status for namelist read

      ! Read namsto namelist : stochastic parameterization
      READ  ( numnam_ref, namsto, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901   IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsto in reference namelist' )

      READ  ( numnam_cfg, namsto, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902   IF( ios >  0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsto in configuration namelist' )
      IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namsto )

      IF( .NOT.ln_sto_eos ) THEN   ! no use of stochastic parameterization
         IF(lwp) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) 'sto_par_init : NO use of stochastic parameterization'
            WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~'

      !IF(ln_ens_rst_in) cn_storst_in = cn_mem//cn_storst_in

      ! Parameter print
      IF(lwp) THEN
         WRITE(numout,*) 'sto_par_init : stochastic parameterization'
         WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~'
         WRITE(numout,*) '   Namelist namsto : stochastic parameterization'
         WRITE(numout,*) '      restart stochastic parameters           ln_rststo     = ', ln_rststo
         WRITE(numout,*) '      read seed of RNG from restart file      ln_rstseed    = ', ln_rstseed
         WRITE(numout,*) '      suffix of sto restart name (input)      cn_storst_in  = ', cn_storst_in
         WRITE(numout,*) '      suffix of sto restart name (output)     cn_storst_out = ', cn_storst_out

         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic lateral diffusion            ln_sto_ldf    = ', ln_sto_ldf
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      lateral diffusion std (in percent)      rn_ldf_std    = ', rn_ldf_std
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      lateral diffusion tcor (in timesteps)   rn_ldf_tcor   = ', rn_ldf_tcor

         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic horizontal pressure gradient ln_sto_hpg    = ', ln_sto_hpg
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      density gradient std (in percent)       rn_hpg_std    = ', rn_hpg_std
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      density gradient tcor (in timesteps)    rn_hpg_tcor   = ', rn_hpg_tcor

         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic ice strength                 ln_sto_pstar  = ', ln_sto_pstar
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      ice strength std (in percent)           rn_pstar_std  = ', rn_pstar_std
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      ice strength tcor (in timesteps)        rn_pstar_tcor = ', rn_pstar_tcor
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      order of autoregressive  processes      nn_pstar_ord  = ', nn_pstar_ord
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      passes of Laplacian filter              nn_pstar_flt  = ', nn_pstar_flt

         !WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic trend                        ln_sto_trd    = ', ln_sto_trd
         !WRITE(numout,*) '      trend std (in percent)                  rn_trd_std    = ', rn_trd_std
         !WRITE(numout,*) '      trend tcor (in timesteps)               rn_trd_tcor   = ', rn_trd_tcor

         WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic equation of state            ln_sto_eos    = ', ln_sto_eos
         WRITE(numout,*) '      number of degrees of freedom            nn_sto_eos    = ', nn_sto_eos
         WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk horz. std (in grid points)  rn_eos_stdxy  = ', rn_eos_stdxy
         WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk vert. std (in grid points)  rn_eos_stdz   = ', rn_eos_stdz
         WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk tcor (in timesteps)         rn_eos_tcor   = ', rn_eos_tcor
         WRITE(numout,*) '      order of autoregressive  processes      nn_eos_ord    = ', nn_eos_ord
         WRITE(numout,*) '      passes of Laplacian filter              nn_eos_flt    = ', nn_eos_flt
         WRITE(numout,*) '      limitation factor                       rn_eos_lim    = ', rn_eos_lim

         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      stochastic tracers dynamics             ln_sto_trc    = ', ln_sto_trc
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      number of degrees of freedom            nn_sto_trc    = ', nn_sto_trc
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk horz. std (in grid points)  rn_trc_stdxy  = ', rn_trc_stdxy
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk vert. std (in grid points)  rn_trc_stdz   = ', rn_trc_stdz
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      random walk tcor (in timesteps)         rn_trc_tcor   = ', rn_trc_tcor
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      order of autoregressive  processes      nn_trc_ord    = ', nn_trc_ord
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      passes of Laplacian filter              nn_trc_flt    = ', nn_trc_flt
         ! WRITE(numout,*) '      limitation factor                       rn_trc_lim    = ', rn_trc_lim


      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '   stochastic parameterization :'

      ! Set number of 2D stochastic arrays
      jpsto2d = 0
      IF( ln_sto_ldf ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic lateral diffusion'
         jpsto2d   = jpsto2d + 1
         jsto_ldf  = jpsto2d
      IF( ln_sto_pstar ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic ice strength'
         jpsto2d    = jpsto2d + 1 * nn_pstar_ord
         jsto_pstar = jpsto2d
      IF( ln_sto_eos ) THEN
         IF ( lk_agrif ) CALL ctl_stop('EOS stochastic parametrization is not compatible with AGRIF')
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic equation of state'
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_eos
            jpsto2d   = jpsto2d + 3 * nn_eos_ord
            jsto_eosi(jdof) = jpsto2d - 2 * nn_eos_ord
            jsto_eosj(jdof) = jpsto2d - 1 * nn_eos_ord
            jsto_eosk(jdof) = jpsto2d
         END DO
         nn_sto_eos = 0
      IF( ln_sto_trc ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic tracers dynamics'
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_trc
            jpsto2d   = jpsto2d + 3 * nn_trc_ord
            jsto_trci(jdof) = jpsto2d - 2 * nn_trc_ord
            jsto_trcj(jdof) = jpsto2d - 1 * nn_trc_ord
            jsto_trck(jdof) = jpsto2d
         END DO
         nn_sto_trc = 0

      ! Set number of 3D stochastic arrays
      jpsto3d = 0
      IF( ln_sto_hpg ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic horizontal pressure gradient'
         jpsto3d   = jpsto3d + 2
         jsto_hpgi = jpsto3d - 1
         jsto_hpgj = jpsto3d
      IF( ln_sto_trd ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       - stochastic trend'
         jpsto3d   = jpsto3d + 1
         jsto_trd  = jpsto3d

      ! Allocate 2D stochastic arrays
      IF ( jpsto2d > 0 ) THEN
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d(jpi,jpj,jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_abc(jpsto2d,3) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_ave(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_std(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_lim(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_tcor(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_ord(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_typ(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_sgn(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_flt(jpsto2d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto2d_fac(jpsto2d) )

      ! Allocate 3D stochastic arrays
      IF ( jpsto3d > 0 ) THEN
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_abc(jpsto3d,3) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_ave(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_std(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_lim(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_tcor(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_ord(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_typ(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_sgn(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_flt(jpsto3d) )
         ALLOCATE ( sto3d_fac(jpsto3d) )

      ! Allocate temporary workspace
      IF ( jpsto2d > 0 .OR. jpsto3d > 0 ) THEN
         ALLOCATE ( sto_tmp(jpi,jpj) ) ; sto_tmp(:,:) = 0._wp

      ! 1) For every stochastic parameter:
      ! ----------------------------------
      ! - set nature of grid point and control of the sign
      !       across the north fold (sto2d_typ, sto2d_sgn)
      ! - set number of passes of Laplacian filter (sto2d_flt)
      ! - set order of every autoregressive process (sto2d_ord)
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto2d
         sto2d_typ(jsto) = 'T'
         sto2d_sgn(jsto) = 1._wp
         sto2d_flt(jsto) = 0
         sto2d_ord(jsto) = 1
         DO jord = 0, nn_pstar_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_pstar ) THEN ! Stochastic ice strength (ave=1)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_pstar_ord - jord
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_pstar_flt
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_eos
         DO jord = 0, nn_eos_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosi(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state i (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_eos_ord - jord
               sto2d_sgn(jsto) = -1._wp
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_eos_flt
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosj(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state j (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_eos_ord - jord
               sto2d_sgn(jsto) = -1._wp
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_eos_flt
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosk(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state k (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_eos_ord - jord
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_eos_flt
         END DO
         END DO
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_trc
         DO jord = 0, nn_trc_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trci(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracers dynamics i (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_trc_ord - jord
               sto2d_sgn(jsto) = -1._wp
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_trc_flt
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trcj(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracers dynamics j (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_trc_ord - jord
               sto2d_sgn(jsto) = -1._wp
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_trc_flt
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trck(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracers dynamics k (ave=0)
               sto2d_ord(jsto) = nn_trc_ord - jord
               sto2d_flt(jsto) = nn_trc_flt
         END DO
         END DO

         sto2d_fac(jsto) = sto_par_flt_fac ( sto2d_flt(jsto) )
      END DO
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto3d
         sto3d_typ(jsto) = 'T'
         sto3d_sgn(jsto) = 1._wp
         sto3d_flt(jsto) = 0
         sto3d_ord(jsto) = 1
         IF ( jsto == jsto_hpgi ) THEN ! Stochastic density gradient i (ave=1)
            sto3d_typ(jsto) = 'U'
         IF ( jsto == jsto_hpgj ) THEN ! Stochastic density gradient j (ave=1)
            sto3d_typ(jsto) = 'V'
         sto3d_fac(jsto) = sto_par_flt_fac ( sto3d_flt(jsto) )
      END DO

      ! 2) For every stochastic parameter:
      ! ----------------------------------
      ! set average, standard deviation and time correlation
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto2d
         sto2d_ave(jsto)  = 0._wp
         sto2d_std(jsto)  = 1._wp
         sto2d_tcor(jsto) = 1._wp
         sto2d_lim(jsto)  = 3._wp
         IF ( jsto == jsto_ldf  ) THEN ! Stochastic lateral diffusion (ave=1)
            sto2d_ave(jsto)  = 1._wp
            sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_ldf_std
            sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_ldf_tcor
         DO jord = 0, nn_pstar_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_pstar ) THEN ! Stochastic ice strength (ave=1)
               sto2d_std(jsto) = 1._wp
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_pstar_tcor
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_eos
         DO jord = 0, nn_eos_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosi(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state i (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_eos_stdxy
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_eos_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_eos_lim
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosj(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state j (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_eos_stdxy
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_eos_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_eos_lim
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_eosk(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic equation of state k (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_eos_stdz
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_eos_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_eos_lim
         END DO
         END DO
         DO jdof = 1, nn_sto_trc
         DO jord = 0, nn_trc_ord-1
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trci(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracer dynamics i (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_trc_stdxy
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_trc_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_trc_lim
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trcj(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracer dynamics j (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_trc_stdxy
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_trc_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_trc_lim
            IF ( jsto+jord == jsto_trck(jdof) ) THEN ! Stochastic tracer dynamics k (ave=0)
               sto2d_std(jsto)  = rn_trc_stdz
               sto2d_tcor(jsto) = rn_trc_tcor
               sto2d_lim(jsto)  = rn_trc_lim
         END DO
         END DO

      END DO
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto3d
         sto3d_ave(jsto)  = 0._wp
         sto3d_std(jsto)  = 1._wp
         sto3d_tcor(jsto) = 1._wp
         sto3d_lim(jsto)  = 3._wp
         IF ( jsto == jsto_hpgi ) THEN ! Stochastic density gradient i (ave=1)
            sto3d_ave(jsto)  = 1._wp
            sto3d_std(jsto)  = rn_hpg_std
            sto3d_tcor(jsto) = rn_hpg_tcor
         IF ( jsto == jsto_hpgj ) THEN ! Stochastic density gradient j (ave=1)
            sto3d_ave(jsto)  = 1._wp
            sto3d_std(jsto)  = rn_hpg_std
            sto3d_tcor(jsto) = rn_hpg_tcor
         IF ( jsto == jsto_trd ) THEN ! Stochastic trend (ave=1)
            sto3d_ave(jsto)  = 1._wp
            sto3d_std(jsto)  = rn_trd_std
            sto3d_tcor(jsto) = rn_trd_tcor
      END DO

      ! 3) For every stochastic parameter:
      ! ----------------------------------
      ! - compute parameters (a, b, c) of the AR1 autoregressive process
      !   from expected value (ave), standard deviation (std)
      !   and time correlation (tcor):
      !     a = EXP ( - 1 / tcor )           --> sto2d_abc(:,1)
      !     b = std * SQRT( 1 - a * a )      --> sto2d_abc(:,2)
      !     c = ave * ( 1 - a )              --> sto2d_abc(:,3)
      ! - for higher order processes (ARn, n>1), use approximate formula
      !   for the b parameter (valid for tcor>>1 time step)
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto2d
         IF ( sto2d_tcor(jsto) == 0._wp ) THEN
            sto2d_abc(jsto,1) = 0._wp
            sto2d_abc(jsto,1) = EXP ( - 1._wp / sto2d_tcor(jsto) )
         IF ( sto2d_ord(jsto) == 1 ) THEN      ! Exact formula for 1st order process
            rinflate = sto2d_std(jsto)
            ! Approximate formula, valid for tcor >> 1
            jordm1 = sto2d_ord(jsto) - 1
            rinflate = SQRT ( REAL( jordm1 , wp ) / REAL( 2*(2*jordm1-1) , wp ) )
         sto2d_abc(jsto,2) = rinflate * SQRT ( 1._wp - sto2d_abc(jsto,1) &
                                                     * sto2d_abc(jsto,1) )
         sto2d_abc(jsto,3) = sto2d_ave(jsto) * ( 1._wp - sto2d_abc(jsto,1) )
      END DO
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto3d
         IF ( sto3d_tcor(jsto) == 0._wp ) THEN
            sto3d_abc(jsto,1) = 0._wp
            sto3d_abc(jsto,1) = EXP ( - 1._wp / sto3d_tcor(jsto) )
         IF ( sto3d_ord(jsto) == 1 ) THEN      ! Exact formula for 1st order process
            rinflate = sto3d_std(jsto)
            ! Approximate formula, valid for tcor >> 1
            jordm1 = sto3d_ord(jsto) - 1
            rinflate = SQRT ( REAL( jordm1 , wp ) / REAL( 2*(2*jordm1-1) , wp ) )
         sto3d_abc(jsto,2) = rinflate * SQRT ( 1._wp - sto3d_abc(jsto,1) &
                                                     * sto3d_abc(jsto,1) )
         sto3d_abc(jsto,3) = sto3d_ave(jsto) * ( 1._wp - sto3d_abc(jsto,1) )
      END DO

      ! 4) Initialize seeds for random number generator
      ! -----------------------------------------------
      ! using different seeds for different processors (jarea)
      ! and different ensemble members (jmem)
      CALL kiss_reset( )
      DO jarea = 1, narea
         !DO jmem = 0, nmember
         zseed1 = kiss() ; zseed2 = kiss() ; zseed3 = kiss() ; zseed4 = kiss()
         !END DO
      END DO
      CALL kiss_seed( zseed1, zseed2, zseed3, zseed4 )

      ! 5) Initialize stochastic parameters to: ave + std * w
      ! -----------------------------------------------------
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto2d
         ! Draw random numbers from N(0,1) --> w
         CALL sto_par_white( sto2d(:,:,jsto) )
         ! Apply horizontal Laplacian filter to w
         DO jflt = 1, sto2d_flt(jsto)
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto2d(:,:,jsto), sto2d_typ(jsto), sto2d_sgn(jsto) )
            CALL sto_par_flt( sto2d(:,:,jsto) )
         END DO
         ! Factor to restore standard deviation after filtering
         sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) * sto2d_fac(jsto)
         ! Limit random parameter to the limitation factor
         sto2d(:,:,jsto) = SIGN(MIN(sto2d_lim(jsto),ABS(sto2d(:,:,jsto))),sto2d(:,:,jsto))
         ! Multiply by standard devation and add average value
         sto2d(:,:,jsto) = sto2d(:,:,jsto) * sto2d_std(jsto) + sto2d_ave(jsto)
      END DO
      DO jsto = 1, jpsto3d
         DO jk = 1, jpk
            ! Draw random numbers from N(0,1) --> w
            CALL sto_par_white( sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) )
            ! Apply horizontal Laplacian filter to w
            DO jflt = 1, sto3d_flt(jsto)
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'stopar', sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto), sto3d_typ(jsto), sto3d_sgn(jsto) )
               CALL sto_par_flt( sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) )
            END DO
            ! Factor to restore standard deviation after filtering
            sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) * sto3d_fac(jsto)
            ! Limit random parameter to the limitation factor
            sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = SIGN(MIN(sto3d_lim(jsto),ABS(sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto))),sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto))
            ! Multiply by standard devation and add average value
            sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) = sto3d(:,:,jk,jsto) * sto3d_std(jsto) + sto3d_ave(jsto)
         END DO
      END DO

      ! 6) Restart stochastic parameters from file
      ! ------------------------------------------
      IF( ln_rststo ) CALL sto_rst_read

   END SUBROUTINE sto_par_init

   SUBROUTINE sto_rst_read
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_rst_read  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   read stochastic parameters from restart file
      INTEGER             ::   jsto, jseed
      INTEGER             ::   idg                 ! number of digits
      INTEGER(KIND=8)     ::   ziseed(4)           ! RNG seeds in integer type
      REAL(KIND=dp)       ::   zrseed(4)           ! RNG seeds in double-precision (with same bits to save in restart)
      CHARACTER(LEN=9)    ::   clsto2d='sto2d_000' ! stochastic parameter variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=9)    ::   clsto3d='sto3d_000' ! stochastic parameter variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=15)   ::   clseed='seed0_0000' ! seed variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=6)    ::   clfmt               ! writing format

      IF ( jpsto2d > 0 .OR. jpsto3d > 0 ) THEN

         IF(lwp) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) 'sto_rst_read : read stochastic parameters from restart file'
            WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~'

         ! Open the restart file
         CALL iom_open( cn_storst_in, numstor )

         ! Get stochastic parameters from restart file:
         ! 2D stochastic parameters
         DO jsto = 1 , jpsto2d
            WRITE(clsto2d(7:9),'(i3.3)') jsto
            CALL iom_get( numstor, jpdom_auto, clsto2d, sto2d(:,:,  jsto) )
         END DO
         ! 3D stochastic parameters
         DO jsto = 1 , jpsto3d
            WRITE(clsto3d(7:9),'(i3.3)') jsto
            CALL iom_get( numstor, jpdom_auto, clsto3d, sto3d(:,:,:,jsto) )
         END DO

         IF (ln_rstseed) THEN
            ! Get saved state of the random number generator
            idg = MAX( INT(LOG10(REAL(jpnij,wp))) + 1, 4 )        ! how many digits to we need to write? min=4, max=9
            WRITE(clfmt, "('(i', i1, '.', i1, ')')") idg, idg     ! "(ix.x)"
            DO jseed = 1 , 4
               WRITE(clseed(5:5)      ,'(i1.1)') jseed
               WRITE(clseed(7:7+idg-1),  clfmt ) narea
               CALL iom_get( numstor, clseed(1:7+idg-1) , zrseed(jseed) )
            END DO
            ziseed = TRANSFER( zrseed , ziseed)
            CALL kiss_seed( ziseed(1) , ziseed(2) , ziseed(3) , ziseed(4) )

         ! Close the restart file
         CALL iom_close( numstor )


   END SUBROUTINE sto_rst_read

   SUBROUTINE sto_rst_write( kt )
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_rst_write  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   write stochastic parameters in restart file
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt     ! ocean time-step
      INTEGER             ::   jsto, jseed
      INTEGER             ::   idg                 ! number of digits
      INTEGER(KIND=8)     ::   ziseed(4)           ! RNG seeds in integer type
      REAL(KIND=dp)       ::   zrseed(4)           ! RNG seeds in double-precision (with same bits to save in restart)
      CHARACTER(LEN=20)   ::   clkt                ! ocean time-step defined as a character
      CHARACTER(LEN=50)   ::   clname              ! restart file name
      CHARACTER(LEN=9)    ::   clsto2d='sto2d_000' ! stochastic parameter variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=9)    ::   clsto3d='sto3d_000' ! stochastic parameter variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=15)   ::   clseed='seed0_0000' ! seed variable name
      CHARACTER(LEN=6)    ::   clfmt               ! writing format

      IF( .NOT. ln_rst_list .AND. nn_stock == -1 ) RETURN   ! we will never do any restart
      IF ( jpsto2d > 0 .OR. jpsto3d > 0 ) THEN

         IF( kt == nitrst .OR. kt == nitend ) THEN
            IF(lwp) THEN
               WRITE(numout,*) 'sto_rst_write : write stochastic parameters in restart file'
               WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

         ! Put stochastic parameters in restart files
         ! (as opened at previous timestep, see below)
         IF( kt > nit000) THEN
         IF( kt == nitrst .OR. kt == nitend ) THEN
            ! get and save current state of the random number generator
            CALL kiss_state( ziseed(1) , ziseed(2) , ziseed(3) , ziseed(4) )
            zrseed = TRANSFER( ziseed , zrseed)
            idg = MAX( INT(LOG10(REAL(jpnij,wp))) + 1, 4 )        ! how many digits to we need to write? min=4, max=9
            WRITE(clfmt, "('(i', i1, '.', i1, ')')") idg, idg     ! "(ix.x)"
            DO jseed = 1 , 4
               WRITE(clseed(5:5)      ,'(i1.1)') jseed
               WRITE(clseed(7:7+idg-1),  clfmt ) narea
               CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numstow, clseed(1:7+idg-1), zrseed(jseed) )
            END DO
            ! 2D stochastic parameters
            DO jsto = 1 , jpsto2d
               WRITE(clsto2d(7:9),'(i3.3)') jsto
               CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numstow, clsto2d , sto2d(:,:,jsto) )
            END DO
            ! 3D stochastic parameters
            DO jsto = 1 , jpsto3d
               WRITE(clsto3d(7:9),'(i3.3)') jsto
               CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numstow, clsto3d , sto3d(:,:,:,jsto) )
            END DO
            ! close the restart file
            CALL iom_close( numstow )

         ! Open the restart file one timestep before writing restart
         IF( kt < nitend) THEN
         IF( kt == nitrst - 1 .OR. nn_stock == 1 .OR. kt == nitend-1 ) THEN
            ! create the filename
            IF( nitrst > 999999999 ) THEN   ;   WRITE(clkt, *       ) nitrst
            ELSE                            ;   WRITE(clkt, '(i8.8)') nitrst
            clname = TRIM(cexper)//"_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(clkt))//"_"//TRIM(cn_storst_out)
            ! print information
            IF(lwp) THEN
               WRITE(numout,*) '             open stochastic parameters restart file: '//clname
               IF( kt == nitrst - 1 ) THEN
                  WRITE(numout,*) '             kt = nitrst - 1 = ', kt
                  WRITE(numout,*) '             kt = '             , kt
            ! open the restart file
            CALL iom_open( clname, numstow, ldwrt = .TRUE. )


   END SUBROUTINE sto_rst_write

   SUBROUTINE sto_par_white( psto )
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_par_white  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   fill input array with white Gaussian noise
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(out)           ::   psto
      INTEGER  :: ji, jj
      REAL(wp) :: gran   ! Gaussian random number (forced KIND=8 as in kiss_gaussian)

      DO_2D( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
         CALL kiss_gaussian( gran )
         psto(ji,jj) = gran

   END SUBROUTINE sto_par_white

   SUBROUTINE sto_par_flt( psto )
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE sto_par_flt  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   apply horizontal Laplacian filter to input array
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(out)           ::   psto
      INTEGER  :: ji, jj

      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
         psto(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * psto(ji,jj) + 0.125_wp * &
                           &  ( psto(ji-1,jj) + psto(ji+1,jj) +  &
                           &    psto(ji,jj-1) + psto(ji,jj+1) )

   END SUBROUTINE sto_par_flt

   FUNCTION sto_par_flt_fac( kpasses )
      !!                  ***  FUNCTION sto_par_flt_fac  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   compute factor to restore standard deviation
      !!                as a function of the number of passes
      !!                of the Laplacian filter
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kpasses
      REAL(wp) :: sto_par_flt_fac
      INTEGER :: jpasses, ji, jj, jflti, jfltj
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(-1:1,-1:1) :: pflt0
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pfltb
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pflta
      REAL(wp) :: ratio

      pflt0(-1,-1) = 0 ; pflt0(-1,0) = 1 ; pflt0(-1,1) = 0
      pflt0( 0,-1) = 1 ; pflt0( 0,0) = 4 ; pflt0( 0,1) = 1
      pflt0( 1,-1) = 0 ; pflt0( 1,0) = 1 ; pflt0( 1,1) = 0


      pfltb(:,:) = 0
      pfltb(0,0) = 1
      DO jpasses = 1, kpasses
        pflta(:,:) = 0
        DO jflti= -1, 1
        DO jfltj= -1, 1
          DO ji= -kpasses, kpasses
          DO jj= -kpasses, kpasses
            pflta(ji,jj) = pflta(ji,jj) + pfltb(ji+jflti,jj+jfltj) * pflt0(jflti,jfltj)
        pfltb(:,:) = pflta(:,:)

      ratio = SUM(pfltb(:,:))
      ratio = ratio * ratio / SUM(pfltb(:,:)*pfltb(:,:))
      ratio = SQRT(ratio)


      sto_par_flt_fac = ratio

   END FUNCTION sto_par_flt_fac