MODULE icethd_dh !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE icethd_dh *** !! seaice : thermodynamic growth and melt !!====================================================================== !! History : ! 2003-05 (M. Vancoppenolle) Original code in 1D !! ! 2005-06 (M. Vancoppenolle) 3D version !! 4.0 ! 2018 (many people) SI3 [aka Sea Ice cube] !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_si3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_si3' SI3 sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! ice_thd_dh : vertical sea-ice growth and melt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE ice ! sea-ice: variables USE ice1D ! sea-ice: thermodynamics variables USE icethd_sal ! sea-ice: salinity profiles USE icevar ! for CALL ice_var_snwblow ! USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lib_mpp ! MPP library USE lib_fortran ! fortran utilities (glob_sum + no signed zero) IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC ice_thd_dh ! called by ice_thd !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: icethd_dh.F90 14686 2021-04-08 15:36:01Z clem $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ice_thd_dh !!------------------------------------------------------------------ !! *** ROUTINE ice_thd_dh *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute ice and snow thickness changes due to growth/melting !! !! ** Method : Ice/Snow surface melting arises from imbalance in surface fluxes !! Bottom accretion/ablation arises from flux budget !! Snow thickness can increase by precipitation and decrease by sublimation !! If snow load excesses Archmiede limit, snow-ice is formed by !! the flooding of sea-water in the snow !! !! - Compute available flux of heat for surface ablation !! - Compute snow and sea ice enthalpies !! - Surface ablation and sublimation !! - Bottom accretion/ablation !! - Snow ice formation !! !! ** Note : h=max(0,h+dh) are often used to ensure positivity of h. !! very small negative values can occur otherwise (e.g. -1.e-20) !! !! References : Bitz and Lipscomb, 1999, J. Geophys. Res. !! Fichefet T. and M. Maqueda 1997, J. Geophys. Res., 102(C6), 12609-12646 !! Vancoppenolle, Fichefet and Bitz, 2005, Geophys. Res. Let. !! Vancoppenolle et al.,2009, Ocean Modelling !!------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER :: ji, jk ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: iter ! local integer REAL(wp) :: ztmelts ! local scalar REAL(wp) :: zdum REAL(wp) :: zfracs ! fractionation coefficient for bottom salt entrapment REAL(wp) :: zswi1 ! switch for computation of bottom salinity REAL(wp) :: zswi12 ! switch for computation of bottom salinity REAL(wp) :: zswi2 ! switch for computation of bottom salinity REAL(wp) :: zgrr ! bottom growth rate REAL(wp) :: zt_i_new ! bottom formation temperature REAL(wp) :: z1_rho ! 1/(rhos+rho0-rhoi) REAL(wp) :: zQm ! enthalpy exchanged with the ocean (J/m2), >0 towards the ocean REAL(wp) :: zEi ! specific enthalpy of sea ice (J/kg) REAL(wp) :: zEw ! specific enthalpy of exchanged water (J/kg) REAL(wp) :: zdE ! specific enthalpy difference (J/kg) REAL(wp) :: zfmdt ! exchange mass flux x time step (J/m2), >0 towards the ocean REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zq_top ! heat for surface ablation (J.m-2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zq_bot ! heat for bottom ablation (J.m-2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zq_rema ! remaining heat at the end of the routine (J.m-2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zf_tt ! Heat budget to determine melting or freezing(W.m-2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zevap_rema ! remaining mass flux from sublimation (kg.m-2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zdeltah REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zsnw ! distribution of snow after wind blowing INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpij,nlay_i) :: icount ! number of layers vanishing by melting REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_i+1) :: zh_i ! ice layer thickness (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s ) :: zh_s ! snw layer thickness (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s ) :: ze_s ! snw layer enthalpy (J.m-3) REAL(wp) :: zswitch_sal INTEGER :: num_iter_max ! Heat conservation !!------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Discriminate between time varying salinity and constant SELECT CASE( nn_icesal ) ! varying salinity or not CASE( 1 , 3 ) ; zswitch_sal = 0._wp ! prescribed salinity profile CASE( 2 ) ; zswitch_sal = 1._wp ! varying salinity profile END SELECT ! initialize ice layer thicknesses and enthalpies eh_i_old(1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp h_i_old (1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp zh_i (1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp DO jk = 1, nlay_i DO ji = 1, npti eh_i_old(ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i * e_i_1d(ji,jk) h_i_old (ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i zh_i (ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i END DO END DO ! ! initialize snw layer thicknesses and enthalpies zh_s(1:npti,0) = 0._wp ze_s(1:npti,0) = 0._wp DO jk = 1, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti zh_s(ji,jk) = h_s_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_s ze_s(ji,jk) = e_s_1d(ji,jk) END DO END DO ! ! ! ============================================== ! ! ! Available heat for surface and bottom ablation ! ! ! ============================================== ! ! IF( ln_cndflx .AND. .NOT.ln_cndemulate ) THEN ! DO ji = 1, npti zq_top(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, qml_ice_1d(ji) * rDt_ice ) END DO ! ELSE ! DO ji = 1, npti zdum = qns_ice_1d(ji) + qsr_ice_1d(ji) - qtr_ice_top_1d(ji) - qcn_ice_top_1d(ji) qml_ice_1d(ji) = zdum * MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp, t_su_1d(ji) - rt0 ) ) zq_top(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, qml_ice_1d(ji) * rDt_ice ) END DO ! ENDIF ! DO ji = 1, npti zf_tt(ji) = qcn_ice_bot_1d(ji) + qsb_ice_bot_1d(ji) + fhld_1d(ji) + qtr_ice_bot_1d(ji) * frq_m_1d(ji) zq_bot(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, zf_tt(ji) * rDt_ice ) END DO ! ! ============ ! ! ! Snow ! ! ! ============ ! ! ! Internal melting ! ---------------- ! IF snow temperature is above freezing point, THEN snow melts (should not happen but sometimes it does) DO jk = 1, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti IF( t_s_1d(ji,jk) > rt0 ) THEN hfx_res_1d (ji) = hfx_res_1d (ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0 wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) + rhos * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! mass flux ! updates dh_s_mlt(ji) = dh_s_mlt(ji) - zh_s(ji,jk) h_s_1d (ji) = MAX( 0._wp, h_s_1d (ji) - zh_s(ji,jk) ) zh_s (ji,jk) = 0._wp ze_s (ji,jk) = 0._wp END IF END DO END DO ! Snow precipitation !------------------- CALL ice_var_snwblow( 1._wp - at_i_1d(1:npti), zsnw(1:npti) ) ! snow distribution over ice after wind blowing DO ji = 1, npti IF( sprecip_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN zh_s(ji,0) = zsnw(ji) * sprecip_1d(ji) * rDt_ice * r1_rhos / at_i_1d(ji) ! thickness of precip ze_s(ji,0) = MAX( 0._wp, - qprec_ice_1d(ji) ) ! enthalpy of the precip (>0, J.m-3) ! hfx_spr_1d(ji) = hfx_spr_1d(ji) + ze_s(ji,0) * zh_s(ji,0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! heat flux from snow precip (>0, W.m-2) wfx_spr_1d(ji) = wfx_spr_1d(ji) - rhos * zh_s(ji,0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! mass flux, <0 ! ! update thickness h_s_1d(ji) = h_s_1d(ji) + zh_s(ji,0) ENDIF END DO ! Snow melting ! ------------ ! Melt snow layers, starting with newly fallen snow layer 0 ! and moving downward, until zq_top=0 DO jk = 0, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti IF( zh_s(ji,jk) > 0._wp .AND. zq_top(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN ! rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , ze_s(ji,jk) - epsi20 ) ) zdum = - rswitch * zq_top(ji) / MAX( ze_s(ji,jk), epsi20 ) ! thickness change zdum = MAX( zdum , - zh_s(ji,jk) ) ! bound melting hfx_snw_1d (ji) = hfx_snw_1d (ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! heat used to melt snow(W.m-2, >0) wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) - rhos * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! snow melting only = water into the ocean ! updates available heat + thickness dh_s_mlt(ji) = dh_s_mlt(ji) + zdum zq_top (ji) = MAX( 0._wp , zq_top (ji) + zdum * ze_s(ji,jk) ) h_s_1d (ji) = MAX( 0._wp , h_s_1d (ji) + zdum ) zh_s (ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s (ji,jk) + zdum ) !!$ IF( zh_s(ji,jk) == 0._wp ) ze_s(ji,jk) = 0._wp ! ENDIF END DO END DO ! Snow sublimation and deposition !-------------------------------- ! when evap_ice_1d > 0 (upwards) snow sublimates and snow thickness decreases ! when evap_ice_1d < 0 (downwards) deposition occurs and snow thickness increases zdeltah (1:npti) = 0._wp ! total snow thickness that sublimates, < 0 zevap_rema(1:npti) = 0._wp DO ji = 1, npti zdeltah (ji) = MAX( - evap_ice_1d(ji) * r1_rhos * rDt_ice, - h_s_1d(ji) ) ! amount of snw that sublimates, < 0 zevap_rema(ji) = evap_ice_1d(ji) * rDt_ice + zdeltah(ji) * rhos ! remaining evap in kg.m-2 (used for ice sublimation later on) END DO DO jk = 0, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti zdum = MAX( -zh_s(ji,jk), zdeltah(ji) ) ! snow layer thickness that sublimates, < 0 ! hfx_sub_1d (ji) = hfx_sub_1d (ji) + ze_s(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux of snw that sublimates [W.m-2], < 0 wfx_snw_sub_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sub_1d(ji) - rhos * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux by sublimation ! update thickness h_s_1d(ji) = MAX( 0._wp , h_s_1d(ji) + zdum ) zh_s (ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s (ji,jk) + zdum ) !!$ IF( zh_s(ji,jk) == 0._wp ) ze_s(ji,jk) = 0._wp ! update sublimation left zdeltah(ji) = MIN( zdeltah(ji) - zdum, 0._wp ) END DO END DO ! ! ! ============ ! ! ! Ice ! ! ! ============ ! ! Surface ice melting !-------------------- DO jk = 1, nlay_i DO ji = 1, npti ztmelts = - rTmlt * sz_i_1d(ji,jk) ! Melting point of layer k [C] IF( t_i_1d(ji,jk) >= (ztmelts+rt0) ) THEN !-- Internal melting zEi = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi ! Specific enthalpy of layer k [J/kg, <0] zdE = 0._wp ! Specific enthalpy difference (J/kg, <0) ! set up at 0 since no energy is needed to melt water...(it is already melted) zdum = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing ! this should normally not happen, but sometimes, heat diffusion leads to this zfmdt = - zdum * rhoi ! Recompute mass flux [kg/m2, >0] ! dh_i_itm(ji) = dh_i_itm(ji) + zdum ! Cumulate internal melting ! hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) + zEi * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], <0 ! ice enthalpy zEi is "sent" to the ocean wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux sfx_res_1d(ji) = sfx_res_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * s_i_1d(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux ! using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok ELSE !-- Surface melting zEi = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi ! Specific enthalpy of layer k [J/kg, <0] zEw = rcp * ztmelts ! Specific enthalpy of resulting meltwater [J/kg, <0] zdE = zEi - zEw ! Specific enthalpy difference < 0 zfmdt = - zq_top(ji) / zdE ! Mass flux to the ocean [kg/m2, >0] zdum = - zfmdt * r1_rhoi ! Melt of layer jk [m, <0] zdum = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) ) ! Melt of layer jk cannot exceed the layer thickness [m, <0] zq_top(ji) = MAX( 0._wp , zq_top(ji) - zdum * rhoi * zdE ) ! update available heat dh_i_sum(ji) = dh_i_sum(ji) + zdum ! Cumulate surface melt zfmdt = - rhoi * zdum ! Recompute mass flux [kg/m2, >0] zQm = zfmdt * zEw ! Energy of the melt water sent to the ocean [J/m2, <0] hfx_thd_1d(ji) = hfx_thd_1d(ji) + zEw * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux [W.m-2], < 0 hfx_sum_1d(ji) = hfx_sum_1d(ji) - zdE * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux used in this process [W.m-2], > 0 wfx_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_sum_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux sfx_sum_1d(ji) = sfx_sum_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * s_i_1d(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux >0 ! using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok) END IF ! update thickness zh_i(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum ) h_i_1d(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji) + zdum ) ! ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness eh_i_old(ji,jk) = eh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk) h_i_old (ji,jk) = h_i_old (ji,jk) + zdum ! ! ! Ice sublimation ! --------------- zdum = MAX( - zh_i(ji,jk) , - zevap_rema(ji) * r1_rhoi ) ! hfx_sub_1d(ji) = hfx_sub_1d(ji) + e_i_1d(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux [W.m-2], < 0 wfx_ice_sub_1d(ji) = wfx_ice_sub_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux > 0 sfx_sub_1d(ji) = sfx_sub_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * s_i_1d(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux >0 ! clem: flux is sent to the ocean for simplicity ! but salt should remain in the ice except ! if all ice is melted. => must be corrected ! update remaining mass flux and thickness zevap_rema(ji) = zevap_rema(ji) + zdum * rhoi zh_i(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum ) h_i_1d(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji) + zdum ) dh_i_sub(ji) = dh_i_sub(ji) + zdum ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness eh_i_old(ji,jk) = eh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk) h_i_old (ji,jk) = h_i_old (ji,jk) + zdum ! record which layers have disappeared (for bottom melting) ! => icount=0 : no layer has vanished ! => icount=5 : 5 layers have vanished rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) ) icount(ji,jk) = NINT( rswitch ) END DO END DO ! remaining "potential" evap is sent to ocean DO ji = 1, npti wfx_err_sub_1d(ji) = wfx_err_sub_1d(ji) - zevap_rema(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! <=0 (net evap for the ocean in kg.m-2.s-1) END DO ! Ice Basal growth !------------------ ! Basal growth is driven by heat imbalance at the ice-ocean interface, ! between the inner conductive flux (qcn_ice_bot), from the open water heat flux ! (fhld) and the sensible ice-ocean flux (qsb_ice_bot). ! qcn_ice_bot is positive downwards. qsb_ice_bot and fhld are positive to the ice ! If salinity varies in time, an iterative procedure is required, because ! the involved quantities are inter-dependent. ! Basal growth (dh_i_bog) depends upon new ice specific enthalpy (zEi), ! which depends on forming ice salinity (s_i_new), which depends on dh/dt (dh_i_bog) ! -> need for an iterative procedure, which converges quickly num_iter_max = 1 IF( nn_icesal == 2 ) num_iter_max = 5 ! salinity varying in time DO ji = 1, npti IF( zf_tt(ji) < 0._wp ) THEN DO iter = 1, num_iter_max ! iterations ! New bottom ice salinity (Cox & Weeks, JGR88 ) !--- zswi1 if dh/dt < 2.0e-8 !--- zswi12 if 2.0e-8 < dh/dt < 3.6e-7 !--- zswi2 if dh/dt > 3.6e-7 zgrr = MIN( 1.0e-3, MAX ( dh_i_bog(ji) * r1_Dt_ice , epsi10 ) ) zswi2 = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zgrr - 3.6e-7 ) ) zswi12 = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zgrr - 2.0e-8 ) ) * ( 1.0 - zswi2 ) zswi1 = 1. - zswi2 * zswi12 zfracs = MIN( zswi1 * 0.12 + zswi12 * ( 0.8925 + 0.0568 * LOG( 100.0 * zgrr ) ) & & + zswi2 * 0.26 / ( 0.26 + 0.74 * EXP ( - 724300.0 * zgrr ) ) , 0.5 ) s_i_new(ji) = zswitch_sal * zfracs * sss_1d(ji) + ( 1. - zswitch_sal ) * s_i_1d(ji) ! New ice salinity ztmelts = - rTmlt * s_i_new(ji) ! New ice melting point (C) zt_i_new = zswitch_sal * t_bo_1d(ji) + ( 1. - zswitch_sal) * t_i_1d(ji, nlay_i) zEi = rcpi * ( zt_i_new - (ztmelts+rt0) ) & ! Specific enthalpy of forming ice (J/kg, <0) & - rLfus * ( 1.0 - ztmelts / ( MIN( zt_i_new - rt0, -epsi10 ) ) ) + rcp * ztmelts zEw = rcp * ( t_bo_1d(ji) - rt0 ) ! Specific enthalpy of seawater (J/kg, < 0) zdE = zEi - zEw ! Specific enthalpy difference (J/kg, <0) dh_i_bog(ji) = rDt_ice * MAX( 0._wp , zf_tt(ji) / ( zdE * rhoi ) ) END DO ! Contribution to Energy and Salt Fluxes zfmdt = - rhoi * dh_i_bog(ji) ! Mass flux x time step (kg/m2, < 0) hfx_thd_1d(ji) = hfx_thd_1d(ji) + zEw * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], >0 hfx_bog_1d(ji) = hfx_bog_1d(ji) - zdE * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux used in this process [W.m-2], <0 wfx_bog_1d(ji) = wfx_bog_1d(ji) - rhoi * dh_i_bog(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux, <0 sfx_bog_1d(ji) = sfx_bog_1d(ji) - rhoi * dh_i_bog(ji) * s_i_new(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux, <0 ! update thickness zh_i(ji,nlay_i+1) = zh_i(ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji) h_i_1d(ji) = h_i_1d(ji) + dh_i_bog(ji) ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness eh_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) = eh_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji) * (-zEi * rhoi) h_i_old (ji,nlay_i+1) = h_i_old (ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji) ENDIF END DO ! Ice Basal melt !--------------- DO jk = nlay_i, 1, -1 DO ji = 1, npti IF( zf_tt(ji) > 0._wp .AND. jk > icount(ji,jk) ) THEN ! do not calculate where layer has already disappeared by surface melting ztmelts = - rTmlt * sz_i_1d(ji,jk) ! Melting point of layer jk (C) IF( t_i_1d(ji,jk) >= (ztmelts+rt0) ) THEN !-- Internal melting zEi = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi ! Specific enthalpy of melting ice (J/kg, <0) zdE = 0._wp ! Specific enthalpy difference (J/kg, <0) ! set up at 0 since no energy is needed to melt water...(it is already melted) zdum = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing ! this should normally not happen, but sometimes, heat diffusion leads to this dh_i_itm (ji) = dh_i_itm(ji) + zdum ! zfmdt = - zdum * rhoi ! Mass flux x time step > 0 ! hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) + zEi * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], <0 ! ice enthalpy zEi is "sent" to the ocean wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux sfx_res_1d(ji) = sfx_res_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * s_i_1d(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux ! using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok ELSE !-- Basal melting zEi = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi ! Specific enthalpy of melting ice (J/kg, <0) zEw = rcp * ztmelts ! Specific enthalpy of meltwater (J/kg, <0) zdE = zEi - zEw ! Specific enthalpy difference (J/kg, <0) zfmdt = - zq_bot(ji) / zdE ! Mass flux x time step (kg/m2, >0) zdum = - zfmdt * r1_rhoi ! Gross thickness change zdum = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum, - zh_i(ji,jk) ) ) ! bound thickness change zq_bot(ji) = MAX( 0._wp , zq_bot(ji) - zdum * rhoi * zdE ) ! update available heat. MAX is necessary for roundup errors dh_i_bom(ji) = dh_i_bom(ji) + zdum ! Update basal melt zfmdt = - zdum * rhoi ! Mass flux x time step > 0 zQm = zfmdt * zEw ! Heat exchanged with ocean hfx_thd_1d(ji) = hfx_thd_1d(ji) + zEw * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], <0 hfx_bom_1d(ji) = hfx_bom_1d(ji) - zdE * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat used in this process [W.m-2], >0 wfx_bom_1d(ji) = wfx_bom_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux sfx_bom_1d(ji) = sfx_bom_1d(ji) - rhoi * zdum * s_i_1d(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux ! using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok ENDIF ! update thickness zh_i(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum ) h_i_1d(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji) + zdum ) ! ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness eh_i_old(ji,jk) = eh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk) h_i_old (ji,jk) = h_i_old (ji,jk) + zdum ENDIF END DO END DO ! Remove snow if ice has melted entirely ! -------------------------------------- DO jk = 0, nlay_s DO ji = 1,npti IF( h_i_1d(ji) == 0._wp ) THEN ! mass & energy loss to the ocean hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0 wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) + rhos * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! mass flux ! update thickness and energy h_s_1d(ji) = 0._wp ze_s (ji,jk) = 0._wp zh_s (ji,jk) = 0._wp ENDIF END DO END DO ! Snow-Ice formation ! ------------------ ! When snow load exceeds Archimede's limit, snow-ice interface goes down under sea-level, ! flooding of seawater transforms snow into ice. Thickness that is transformed is dh_snowice (positive for the ice) z1_rho = 1._wp / ( rhos+rho0-rhoi ) zdeltah(1:npti) = 0._wp DO ji = 1, npti ! dh_snowice(ji) = MAX( 0._wp , ( rhos * h_s_1d(ji) + (rhoi-rho0) * h_i_1d(ji) ) * z1_rho ) h_i_1d(ji) = h_i_1d(ji) + dh_snowice(ji) h_s_1d(ji) = h_s_1d(ji) - dh_snowice(ji) ! Contribution to energy flux to the ocean [J/m2], >0 (if sst<0) zfmdt = ( rhos - rhoi ) * dh_snowice(ji) ! <0 zEw = rcp * sst_1d(ji) zQm = zfmdt * zEw hfx_thd_1d(ji) = hfx_thd_1d(ji) + zEw * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux sfx_sni_1d(ji) = sfx_sni_1d(ji) + sss_1d(ji) * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Salt flux ! Case constant salinity in time: virtual salt flux to keep salinity constant IF( nn_icesal /= 2 ) THEN sfx_bri_1d(ji) = sfx_bri_1d(ji) - sss_1d(ji) * zfmdt * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice & ! put back sss_m into the ocean & - s_i_1d(ji) * dh_snowice(ji) * rhoi * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! and get rn_icesal from the ocean ENDIF ! Mass flux: All snow is thrown in the ocean, and seawater is taken to replace the volume wfx_sni_1d (ji) = wfx_sni_1d (ji) - dh_snowice(ji) * rhoi * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice wfx_snw_sni_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sni_1d(ji) + dh_snowice(ji) * rhos * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! update thickness zh_i(ji,0) = zh_i(ji,0) + dh_snowice(ji) zdeltah(ji) = dh_snowice(ji) ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness h_i_old (ji,0) = h_i_old (ji,0) + dh_snowice(ji) eh_i_old(ji,0) = eh_i_old(ji,0) + zfmdt * zEw ! 1st part (sea water enthalpy) END DO ! DO jk = nlay_s, 0, -1 ! flooding of snow starts from the base DO ji = 1, npti zdum = MIN( zdeltah(ji), zh_s(ji,jk) ) ! amount of snw that floods, > 0 zh_s(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_s(ji,jk) - zdum ) ! remove some snow thickness eh_i_old(ji,0) = eh_i_old(ji,0) + zdum * ze_s(ji,jk) ! 2nd part (snow enthalpy) ! update dh_snowice zdeltah(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, zdeltah(ji) - zdum ) END DO END DO ! ! !!$ ! --- Update snow diags --- ! !!$ !!clem: this is wrong. dh_s_tot is not used anyway !!$ DO ji = 1, npti !!$ dh_s_tot(ji) = dh_s_tot(ji) + dh_s_mlt(ji) + zdeltah(ji) + zdh_s_sub(ji) - dh_snowice(ji) !!$ END DO ! ! ! Remapping of snw enthalpy on a regular grid !-------------------------------------------- CALL snw_ent( zh_s, ze_s, e_s_1d ) ! recalculate t_s_1d from e_s_1d DO jk = 1, nlay_s DO ji = 1,npti IF( h_s_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN t_s_1d(ji,jk) = rt0 + ( - e_s_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhos * r1_rcpi + rLfus * r1_rcpi ) ELSE t_s_1d(ji,jk) = rt0 ENDIF END DO END DO ! Note: remapping of ice enthalpy is done in icethd.F90 ! --- ensure that a_i = 0 & h_s = 0 where h_i = 0 --- WHERE( h_i_1d(1:npti) == 0._wp ) a_i_1d (1:npti) = 0._wp h_s_1d (1:npti) = 0._wp t_su_1d(1:npti) = rt0 END WHERE END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_dh SUBROUTINE snw_ent( ph_old, pe_old, pe_new ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE snw_ent *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! This routine computes new vertical grids in the snow, !! and consistently redistributes temperatures. !! Redistribution is made so as to ensure to energy conservation !! !! !! ** Method : linear conservative remapping !! !! ** Steps : 1) cumulative integrals of old enthalpies/thicknesses !! 2) linear remapping on the new layers !! !! ------------ cum0(0) ------------- cum1(0) !! NEW ------------- !! ------------ cum0(1) ==> ------------- !! ... ------------- !! ------------ ------------- !! ------------ cum0(nlay_s+1) ------------- cum1(nlay_s) !! !! !! References : Bitz & Lipscomb, JGR 99; Vancoppenolle et al., GRL, 2005 !!------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s), INTENT(in ) :: ph_old ! old thicknesses (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s), INTENT(in ) :: pe_old ! old enthlapies (J.m-3) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,1:nlay_s), INTENT(inout) :: pe_new ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped) ! INTEGER :: ji ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: jk0, jk1 ! old/new layer indices ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s+1) :: zeh_cum0, zh_cum0 ! old cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s) :: zeh_cum1, zh_cum1 ! new cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zhnew ! new layers thicknesses !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- zeh_cum0(1:npti,0) = 0._wp zh_cum0 (1:npti,0) = 0._wp DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1 DO ji = 1, npti zeh_cum0(ji,jk0) = zeh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) + pe_old(ji,jk0-1) * ph_old(ji,jk0-1) zh_cum0 (ji,jk0) = zh_cum0 (ji,jk0-1) + ph_old(ji,jk0-1) END DO END DO !------------------------------------ ! 2) Interpolation on the new layers !------------------------------------ ! new layer thickesses DO ji = 1, npti zhnew(ji) = SUM( ph_old(ji,0:nlay_s) ) * r1_nlay_s END DO ! new layers interfaces zh_cum1(1:npti,0) = 0._wp DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti zh_cum1(ji,jk1) = zh_cum1(ji,jk1-1) + zhnew(ji) END DO END DO zeh_cum1(1:npti,0:nlay_s) = 0._wp ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1 DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s-1 DO ji = 1, npti IF( zh_cum1(ji,jk1) <= zh_cum0(ji,jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(ji,jk1) > zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) THEN zeh_cum1(ji,jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(ji,jk0) - zh_cum1(ji,jk1 ) ) + & & zeh_cum0(ji,jk0 ) * ( zh_cum1(ji,jk1) - zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) ) & & / ( zh_cum0(ji,jk0) - zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) ENDIF END DO END DO END DO ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set: zeh_cum1(1:npti,nlay_s) = zeh_cum0(1:npti,nlay_s+1) ! new enthalpies DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s DO ji = 1, npti rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew(ji) - epsi20 ) ) pe_new(ji,jk1) = rswitch * ( zeh_cum1(ji,jk1) - zeh_cum1(ji,jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew(ji), epsi20 ) END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE snw_ent #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option NO SI3 sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE icethd_dh