MODULE timing !!======================================================================== !! *** MODULE timing *** !!======================================================================== !! History : 4.0 ! 2001-05 (R. Benshila) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! timming_init : initialize timing process !! timing_start : start Timer !! timing_stop : stop Timer !! timing_reset : end timing variable creation !! timing_finalize : compute stats and write output in calling w*_info !! timing_ini_var : create timing variables !! timing_listing : print instumented subroutines in ocean.output !! wcurrent_info : compute and print detailed stats on the current CPU !! wave_info : compute and print averaged statson all processors !! wmpi_info : compute and write global stats !! supress : suppress an element of the timing linked list !! insert : insert an element of the timing linked list !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE dom_oce ! ocean domain USE lib_mpp IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC timing_init, timing_finalize ! called in nemogcm module PUBLIC timing_reset ! called in step module PUBLIC timing_start, timing_stop ! called in each routine to time #if ! defined key_mpi_off INCLUDE 'mpif.h' #endif ! Variables for fine grain timing TYPE timer CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cname CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: surname INTEGER :: rank REAL(dp) :: t_cpu, t_clock, tsum_cpu, tsum_clock, tmax_cpu, tmax_clock, tmin_cpu, tmin_clock, tsub_cpu, tsub_clock INTEGER :: ncount, ncount_max, ncount_rate INTEGER :: niter LOGICAL :: l_tdone TYPE(timer), POINTER :: next => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: prev => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: parent_section => NULL() END TYPE timer TYPE alltimer CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: cname => NULL() REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tsum_cpu => NULL() REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tsum_clock => NULL() INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: niter => NULL() TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: next => NULL() TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: prev => NULL() END TYPE alltimer TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer_root => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer_old => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_wrk => NULL() REAL(dp) :: t_overclock, t_overcpu LOGICAL :: l_initdone = .FALSE. INTEGER :: nsize ! Variables for coarse grain timing REAL(dp) :: tot_etime, tot_ctime REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(2) :: t_elaps, t_cpu REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: all_etime, all_ctime INTEGER :: nfinal_count, ncount, ncount_rate, ncount_max INTEGER, DIMENSION(8) :: nvalues CHARACTER(LEN=8), DIMENSION(2) :: cdate CHARACTER(LEN=10), DIMENSION(2) :: ctime CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: czone ! From of ouput file (1/proc or one global) !RB to put in nammpp or namctl LOGICAL :: ln_onefile = .TRUE. LOGICAL :: lwriter !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: timing.F90 14834 2021-05-11 09:24:44Z hadcv $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE timing_start(cdinfo) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_start *** !! ** Purpose : collect execution time !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo ! IF(ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) s_timer_old => s_timer ! ! Create timing structure at first call of the routine CALL timing_ini_var(cdinfo) ! write(*,*) 'after inivar ', s_timer%cname ! ici timing_ini_var a soit retrouve s_timer et fait return soit ajoute un maillon ! maintenant on regarde si le call d'avant corrsspond a un parent ou si il est ferme IF( .NOT. s_timer_old%l_tdone ) THEN s_timer%parent_section => s_timer_old ELSE s_timer%parent_section => NULL() ENDIF s_timer%l_tdone = .FALSE. IF( .NOT. l_istiled .OR. ntile == 1 ) s_timer%niter = s_timer%niter + 1 ! All tiles count as one iteration s_timer%t_cpu = 0. s_timer%t_clock = 0. ! CPU time collection CALL CPU_TIME( s_timer%t_cpu ) ! clock time collection #if ! defined key_mpi_off s_timer%t_clock= MPI_Wtime() #else CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=s_timer%ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=s_timer%ncount_max) CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = s_timer%ncount) #endif ! write(*,*) 'end of start ', s_timer%cname ! END SUBROUTINE timing_start SUBROUTINE timing_stop(cdinfo, csection) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_stop *** !! ** Purpose : finalize timing and output !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: csection ! INTEGER :: ifinal_count, iperiods REAL(dp) :: zcpu_end, zmpitime,zcpu_raw,zclock_raw ! s_wrk => NULL() ! clock time collection #if ! defined key_mpi_off zmpitime = MPI_Wtime() #else CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = ifinal_count) #endif ! CPU time collection CALL CPU_TIME( zcpu_end ) !!$ IF(associated(s_timer%parent_section))then !!$ write(*,*) s_timer%cname,' <-- ', s_timer%parent_section%cname !!$ ENDIF ! No need to search ... : s_timer has the last value defined in start ! s_timer => s_timer_root ! DO WHILE( TRIM(s_timer%cname) /= TRIM(cdinfo) ) ! IF( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) s_timer => s_timer%next ! END DO ! CPU time correction zcpu_raw = zcpu_end - s_timer%t_cpu - t_overcpu ! total time including child s_timer%t_cpu = zcpu_raw - s_timer%tsub_cpu ! IF(s_timer%cname==trim('lbc_lnk_2d')) write(*,*) s_timer%tsub_cpu,zcpu_end ! clock time correction #if ! defined key_mpi_off zclock_raw = zmpitime - s_timer%t_clock - t_overclock ! total time including child s_timer%t_clock = zclock_raw - t_overclock - s_timer%tsub_clock #else iperiods = ifinal_count - s_timer%ncount IF( ifinal_count < s_timer%ncount ) & iperiods = iperiods + s_timer%ncount_max zclock_raw = REAL(iperiods) / s_timer%ncount_rate !- t_overclock s_timer%t_clock = zclock_raw - s_timer%tsub_clock #endif ! IF(s_timer%cname==trim('lbc_lnk_2d')) write(*,*) zclock_raw , s_timer%tsub_clock ! Correction of parent section IF( .NOT. PRESENT(csection) ) THEN IF ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%parent_section ) ) THEN s_timer%parent_section%tsub_cpu = zcpu_raw + s_timer%parent_section%tsub_cpu s_timer%parent_section%tsub_clock = zclock_raw + s_timer%parent_section%tsub_clock ENDIF ENDIF ! time diagnostics s_timer%tsum_clock = s_timer%tsum_clock + s_timer%t_clock s_timer%tsum_cpu = s_timer%tsum_cpu + s_timer%t_cpu !RB to use to get min/max during a time integration ! IF( .NOT. l_initdone ) THEN ! s_timer%tmin_clock = s_timer%t_clock ! s_timer%tmin_cpu = s_timer%t_cpu ! ELSE ! s_timer%tmin_clock = MIN( s_timer%tmin_clock, s_timer%t_clock ) ! s_timer%tmin_cpu = MIN( s_timer%tmin_cpu , s_timer%t_cpu ) ! ENDIF ! s_timer%tmax_clock = MAX( s_timer%tmax_clock, s_timer%t_clock ) ! s_timer%tmax_cpu = MAX( s_timer%tmax_cpu , s_timer%t_cpu ) ! s_timer%tsub_clock = 0. s_timer%tsub_cpu = 0. s_timer%l_tdone = .TRUE. ! ! ! we come back IF ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%parent_section ) ) s_timer => s_timer%parent_section ! write(*,*) 'end of stop ', s_timer%cname END SUBROUTINE timing_stop SUBROUTINE timing_init( clname ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_init *** !! ** Purpose : open timing output file !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: iperiods, istart_count, ifinal_count REAL(dp) :: zdum LOGICAL :: ll_f CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clname CHARACTER(len=20) :: cln IF( PRESENT(clname) ) THEN ; cln = clname ELSE ; cln = 'timing.output' ENDIF IF( ln_onefile ) THEN IF( lwp) CALL ctl_opn( numtime, cln, 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout,.TRUE., narea ) lwriter = lwp ELSE CALL ctl_opn( numtime, cln, 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout,.FALSE., narea ) lwriter = .TRUE. ENDIF IF( lwriter) THEN WRITE(numtime,*) WRITE(numtime,*) ' CNRS - NERC - Met OFFICE - MERCATOR-ocean - CMCC - INGV' WRITE(numtime,*) ' NEMO team' WRITE(numtime,*) ' Ocean General Circulation Model' WRITE(numtime,*) ' version 4.0 (2019) ' WRITE(numtime,*) WRITE(numtime,*) ' Timing Informations ' WRITE(numtime,*) WRITE(numtime,*) ENDIF ! Compute clock function overhead #if ! defined key_mpi_off t_overclock = MPI_WTIME() t_overclock = MPI_WTIME() - t_overclock #else CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=ncount_max) CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = istart_count) CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = ifinal_count) iperiods = ifinal_count - istart_count IF( ifinal_count < istart_count ) & iperiods = iperiods + ncount_max t_overclock = REAL(iperiods) / ncount_rate #endif ! Compute cpu_time function overhead CALL CPU_TIME(zdum) CALL CPU_TIME(t_overcpu) ! End overhead omputation t_overcpu = t_overcpu - zdum t_overclock = t_overcpu + t_overclock ! Timing on date and time CALL DATE_AND_TIME(cdate(1),ctime(1),czone,nvalues) CALL CPU_TIME(t_cpu(1)) #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! Start elapsed and CPU time counters t_elaps(1) = MPI_WTIME() #else CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=ncount_max) CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = ncount) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE timing_init SUBROUTINE timing_finalize !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_finalize *** !! ** Purpose : compute average time !! write timing output file !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_temp INTEGER :: idum, iperiods, icode INTEGER :: ji LOGICAL :: ll_ord, ll_averep CHARACTER(len=120) :: clfmt REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: timing_glob REAL(dp) :: zsypd ! simulated years per day (Balaji 2017) REAL(dp) :: zperc, ztot ll_averep = .TRUE. ! total CPU and elapse CALL CPU_TIME(t_cpu(2)) t_cpu(2) = t_cpu(2) - t_cpu(1) - t_overcpu #if ! defined key_mpi_off t_elaps(2) = MPI_WTIME() - t_elaps(1) - t_overclock #else CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = nfinal_count) iperiods = nfinal_count - ncount IF( nfinal_count < ncount ) & iperiods = iperiods + ncount_max t_elaps(2) = REAL(iperiods) / ncount_rate - t_overclock #endif ! End of timings on date & time CALL DATE_AND_TIME(cdate(2),ctime(2),czone,nvalues) ! Compute the numer of routines nsize = 0 s_timer => s_timer_root DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) nsize = nsize + 1 s_timer => s_timer%next END DO idum = nsize CALL mpp_sum('timing', idum) IF( idum/jpnij /= nsize ) THEN IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' ===> W A R N I N G: ' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' Some CPU have different number of routines instrumented for timing' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' No detailed report on averaged timing can be provided' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' The following detailed report only deals with the current processor' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ll_averep = .FALSE. ENDIF #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! in MPI gather some info ALLOCATE( all_etime(jpnij), all_ctime(jpnij) ) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(t_elaps(2), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & all_etime , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(t_cpu(2) , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & all_ctime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) tot_etime = SUM(all_etime(:)) tot_ctime = SUM(all_ctime(:)) #else tot_etime = t_elaps(2) tot_ctime = t_cpu (2) #endif ! write output file IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) 'Total timing (sum) :' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) '--------------------' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,"('Elapsed Time (s) CPU Time (s)')") IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,'(5x,f12.3,1x,f12.3)') tot_etime, tot_ctime IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) #if ! defined key_mpi_off IF( ll_averep ) CALL waver_info CALL wmpi_info #endif IF( lwriter ) CALL wcurrent_info clfmt='(1X,"Timing started on ",2(A2,"/"),A4," at ",2(A2,":"),A2," MET ",A3,":",A2," from GMT")' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) & & cdate(1)(7:8), cdate(1)(5:6), cdate(1)(1:4), & & ctime(1)(1:2), ctime(1)(3:4), ctime(1)(5:6), & & czone(1:3), czone(4:5) clfmt='(1X, "Timing ended on ",2(A2,"/"),A4," at ",2(A2,":"),A2," MET ",A3,":",A2," from GMT")' IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) & & cdate(2)(7:8), cdate(2)(5:6), cdate(2)(1:4), & & ctime(2)(1:2), ctime(2)(3:4), ctime(2)(5:6), & & czone(1:3), czone(4:5) #if ! defined key_mpi_off ALLOCATE(timing_glob(4*jpnij), stat=icode) CALL MPI_GATHER( (/compute_time, waiting_time(1), waiting_time(2), elapsed_time/), & & 4, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, timing_glob, 4, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) IF( narea == 1 ) THEN WRITE(numtime,*) ' ' WRITE(numtime,*) ' Report on time spent on waiting MPI messages ' WRITE(numtime,*) ' total timing measured between nit000+1 and nitend-1 ' WRITE(numtime,*) ' warning: includes restarts writing time if output before nitend... ' WRITE(numtime,*) ' ' DO ji = 1, jpnij zperc = 0._dp ; zsypd = 0._dp ztot = SUM( timing_glob(4*ji-3:4*ji-1) ) WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6, A34,I8)') 'Computing time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-3), ' on MPI rank : ', ji IF ( ztot /= 0._dp ) zperc = timing_glob(4*ji-2) / ztot * 100. WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A2, F4.1,A3,A25,I8)') 'Waiting lbc_lnk time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-2) & & , ' (', zperc,' %)', ' on MPI rank : ', ji IF ( ztot /= 0._dp ) zperc = timing_glob(4*ji-1) / ztot * 100. WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A2, F4.1,A3,A25,I8)') 'Waiting global time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-1) & & , ' (', zperc,' %)', ' on MPI rank : ', ji IF ( timing_glob(4*ji) /= 0._dp ) zsypd = rn_Dt * REAL(nitend-nit000-1, dp) / (timing_glob(4*ji) * 365.) WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A7,F10.3,A2,A15,I8)') 'Total time : ',timing_glob(4*ji ) & & , ' (SYPD: ', zsypd, ')', ' on MPI rank : ', ji END DO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(timing_glob) #endif IF( lwriter ) CLOSE(numtime) ! END SUBROUTINE timing_finalize SUBROUTINE wcurrent_info !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE wcurrent_info *** !! ** Purpose : compute and write timing output file !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: ll_ord CHARACTER(len=2048) :: clfmt ! reorder the current list by elapse time s_wrk => NULL() s_timer => s_timer_root DO ll_ord = .TRUE. s_timer => s_timer_root DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED( s_timer%next ) ) IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next)) EXIT IF ( s_timer%tsum_clock < s_timer%next%tsum_clock ) THEN ALLOCATE(s_wrk) s_wrk = s_timer%next CALL insert (s_timer, s_timer_root, s_wrk) CALL suppress(s_timer%next) ll_ord = .FALSE. CYCLE ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) s_timer => s_timer%next END DO IF( ll_ord ) EXIT END DO ! write current info WRITE(numtime,*) 'Detailed timing for proc :', narea-1 WRITE(numtime,*) '--------------------------' WRITE(numtime,*) 'Section ', & & 'Elapsed Time (s) ','Elapsed Time (%) ', & & 'CPU Time(s) ','CPU Time (%) ','CPU/Elapsed ','Frequency' s_timer => s_timer_root clfmt = '(1x,a,4x,f12.3,6x,f12.3,x,f12.3,2x,f12.3,6x,f7.3,2x,i9)' DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) IF( s_timer%tsum_clock > 0._dp ) & WRITE(numtime,TRIM(clfmt)) s_timer%cname, & & s_timer%tsum_clock,s_timer%tsum_clock*100./t_elaps(2), & & s_timer%tsum_cpu ,s_timer%tsum_cpu*100./t_cpu(2) , & & s_timer%tsum_cpu/s_timer%tsum_clock, s_timer%niter s_timer => s_timer%next END DO WRITE(numtime,*) ! END SUBROUTINE wcurrent_info #if ! defined key_mpi_off SUBROUTINE waver_info !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE wcurrent_info *** !! ** Purpose : compute and write averaged timing informations !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: sl_timer_glob_root => NULL() TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: sl_timer_glob => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_timer_ave_root => NULL() TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_timer_ave => NULL() INTEGER :: icode INTEGER :: ierr LOGICAL :: ll_ord CHARACTER(len=200) :: clfmt ! Initialised the global strucutre ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob_root, Stat=ierr) IF(ierr /= 0)THEN WRITE(numtime,*) 'Failed to allocate global timing structure in waver_info' RETURN END IF ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob_root%cname (jpnij), & sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_cpu (jpnij), & sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_clock(jpnij), & sl_timer_glob_root%niter (jpnij), Stat=ierr) IF(ierr /= 0)THEN WRITE(numtime,*) 'Failed to allocate global timing structure in waver_info' RETURN END IF sl_timer_glob_root%cname(:) = '' sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_cpu(:) = 0._dp sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_clock(:) = 0._dp sl_timer_glob_root%niter(:) = 0 sl_timer_glob_root%next => NULL() sl_timer_glob_root%prev => NULL() !ARPDBG - don't need to allocate a pointer that's immediately then ! set to point to some other object. !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob) !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%cname (jpnij)) !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu (jpnij)) !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(jpnij)) !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%niter (jpnij)) sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob_root ! IF( narea .EQ. 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE(sl_timer_ave_root) sl_timer_ave_root%cname = '' sl_timer_ave_root%t_cpu = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%t_clock = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tsum_cpu = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tsum_clock = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tmax_cpu = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tmax_clock = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tmin_cpu = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tmin_clock = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tsub_cpu = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%tsub_clock = 0._dp sl_timer_ave_root%ncount = 0 sl_timer_ave_root%ncount_rate = 0 sl_timer_ave_root%ncount_max = 0 sl_timer_ave_root%niter = 0 sl_timer_ave_root%l_tdone = .FALSE. sl_timer_ave_root%next => NULL() sl_timer_ave_root%prev => NULL() ALLOCATE(sl_timer_ave) sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root ENDIF ! Gather info from all processors s_timer => s_timer_root DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%cname , 20, MPI_CHARACTER, & sl_timer_glob%cname, 20, MPI_CHARACTER, & 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%tsum_clock , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%tsum_cpu , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%niter , 1, MPI_INTEGER, & sl_timer_glob%niter, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode) IF( narea == 1 .AND. ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) THEN ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next) ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%cname (jpnij)) ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%tsum_cpu (jpnij)) ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%tsum_clock(jpnij)) ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%niter (jpnij)) sl_timer_glob%next%prev => sl_timer_glob sl_timer_glob%next%next => NULL() sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob%next ENDIF s_timer => s_timer%next END DO IF( narea == 1 ) THEN ! Compute some stats sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob_root DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_glob) ) sl_timer_ave%cname = sl_timer_glob%cname(1) sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu = SUM (sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu (:)) / jpnij sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock = SUM (sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:)) / jpnij sl_timer_ave%tmax_cpu = MAXVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu (:)) sl_timer_ave%tmax_clock = MAXVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:)) sl_timer_ave%tmin_cpu = MINVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu (:)) sl_timer_ave%tmin_clock = MINVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:)) sl_timer_ave%niter = SUM (sl_timer_glob%niter (:)) ! IF( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_glob%next) ) THEN ALLOCATE(sl_timer_ave%next) sl_timer_ave%next%prev => sl_timer_ave sl_timer_ave%next%next => NULL() sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave%next ENDIF sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob%next END DO ! reorder the averaged list by CPU time s_wrk => NULL() sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root DO ll_ord = .TRUE. sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED( sl_timer_ave%next ) ) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave%next) ) EXIT IF ( sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock < sl_timer_ave%next%tsum_clock ) THEN ALLOCATE(s_wrk) ! Copy data into the new object pointed to by s_wrk s_wrk = sl_timer_ave%next ! Insert this new timer object before our current position CALL insert (sl_timer_ave, sl_timer_ave_root, s_wrk) ! Remove the old object from the list CALL suppress(sl_timer_ave%next) ll_ord = .FALSE. CYCLE ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave%next) ) sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave%next END DO IF( ll_ord ) EXIT END DO ! write averaged info WRITE(numtime,"('Averaged timing on all processors :')") WRITE(numtime,"('-----------------------------------')") WRITE(numtime,"('Section',13x,'Elap. Time(s)',2x,'Elap. Time(%)',2x, & & 'CPU Time(s)',2x,'CPU Time(%)',2x,'CPU/Elap',1x, & & 'Max elap(%)',2x,'Min elap(%)',2x, & & 'Freq')") sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root clfmt = '((A),E15.7,2x,f6.2,5x,f12.2,5x,f6.2,5x,f7.2,2x,f12.2,4x,f6.2,2x,f9.2)' DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave) ) IF( sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock > 0. ) & WRITE(numtime,TRIM(clfmt)) sl_timer_ave%cname(1:18), & & sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock,sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime, & & sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu ,sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu*100.*jpnij/tot_ctime , & & sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu/sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock, & & sl_timer_ave%tmax_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime, & & sl_timer_ave%tmin_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime, & & sl_timer_ave%niter/REAL(jpnij) sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave%next END DO WRITE(numtime,*) ! DEALLOCATE(sl_timer_ave_root) ENDIF ! DEALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob_root) ! END SUBROUTINE waver_info SUBROUTINE wmpi_info !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE wmpi_time *** !! ** Purpose : compute and write a summary of MPI infos !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: idum, icode INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: iall_rank REAL(dp) :: ztot_ratio REAL(dp) :: zmax_etime, zmax_ctime, zmax_ratio, zmin_etime, zmin_ctime, zmin_ratio REAL(dp) :: zavg_etime, zavg_ctime, zavg_ratio REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: zall_ratio CHARACTER(LEN=128), dimension(8) :: cllignes CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: clhline, clstart_date, clfinal_date CHARACTER(LEN=2048) :: clfmt ! Gather all times ALLOCATE( zall_ratio(jpnij), iall_rank(jpnij) ) IF( narea == 1 ) THEN iall_rank(:) = (/ (idum,idum=0,jpnij-1) /) ! Compute elapse user time zavg_etime = tot_etime/REAL(jpnij,dp) zmax_etime = MAXVAL(all_etime(:)) zmin_etime = MINVAL(all_etime(:)) ! Compute CPU user time zavg_ctime = tot_ctime/REAL(jpnij,dp) zmax_ctime = MAXVAL(all_ctime(:)) zmin_ctime = MINVAL(all_ctime(:)) ! Compute cpu/elapsed ratio zall_ratio(:) = all_ctime(:) / all_etime(:) ztot_ratio = SUM(all_ctime(:))/SUM(all_etime(:)) zavg_ratio = SUM(zall_ratio(:))/REAL(jpnij,dp) zmax_ratio = MAXVAL(zall_ratio(:)) zmin_ratio = MINVAL(zall_ratio(:)) ! Output Format clhline ='1x,13("-"),"|",18("-"),"|",14("-"),"|",18("-"),/,' cllignes(1)='(1x,"MPI summary report :",/,' cllignes(2)='1x,"--------------------",//,' cllignes(3)='1x,"Process Rank |"," Elapsed Time (s) |"," CPU Time (s) |"," Ratio CPU/Elapsed",/,' cllignes(4)=' (4x,i6,4x,"|",f12.3,6x,"|",f12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/),' WRITE(cllignes(4)(1:6),'(I6)') jpnij cllignes(5)='1x,"Total |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,' cllignes(6)='1x,"Minimum |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,' cllignes(7)='1x,"Maximum |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,' cllignes(8)='1x,"Average |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3)' clfmt=TRIM(cllignes(1))// TRIM(cllignes(2))//TRIM(cllignes(3))// & & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(4))//TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(5))// & & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(6))//TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(7))// & & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(8)) WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) & (iall_rank(idum),all_etime(idum),all_ctime(idum),zall_ratio(idum),idum=1, jpnij), & tot_etime, tot_ctime, ztot_ratio, & zmin_etime, zmin_ctime, zmin_ratio, & zmax_etime, zmax_ctime, zmax_ratio, & zavg_etime, zavg_ctime, zavg_ratio WRITE(numtime,*) END IF ! DEALLOCATE(zall_ratio, iall_rank) ! END SUBROUTINE wmpi_info #endif SUBROUTINE timing_ini_var(cdinfo) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_ini_var *** !! ** Purpose : create timing structure !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo LOGICAL :: ll_section ! IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(s_timer_root) ) THEN ALLOCATE(s_timer_root) s_timer_root%cname = cdinfo s_timer_root%t_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_root%t_clock = 0._dp s_timer_root%tsum_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_root%tsum_clock = 0._dp s_timer_root%tmax_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_root%tmax_clock = 0._dp s_timer_root%tmin_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_root%tmin_clock = 0._dp s_timer_root%tsub_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_root%tsub_clock = 0._dp s_timer_root%ncount = 0 s_timer_root%ncount_rate = 0 s_timer_root%ncount_max = 0 s_timer_root%niter = 0 s_timer_root%l_tdone = .FALSE. s_timer_root%next => NULL() s_timer_root%prev => NULL() s_timer => s_timer_root ! ALLOCATE(s_wrk) s_wrk => NULL() ! ALLOCATE(s_timer_old) s_timer_old%cname = cdinfo s_timer_old%t_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_old%t_clock = 0._dp s_timer_old%tsum_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_old%tsum_clock = 0._dp s_timer_old%tmax_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_old%tmax_clock = 0._dp s_timer_old%tmin_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_old%tmin_clock = 0._dp s_timer_old%tsub_cpu = 0._dp s_timer_old%tsub_clock = 0._dp s_timer_old%ncount = 0 s_timer_old%ncount_rate = 0 s_timer_old%ncount_max = 0 s_timer_old%niter = 0 s_timer_old%l_tdone = .TRUE. s_timer_old%next => NULL() s_timer_old%prev => NULL() ELSE s_timer => s_timer_root ! case of already existing area (typically inside a loop) ! write(*,*) 'in ini_var for routine : ', cdinfo DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) IF( TRIM(s_timer%cname) .EQ. TRIM(cdinfo) ) THEN ! write(*,*) 'in ini_var for routine : ', cdinfo,' we return' RETURN ! cdinfo is already in the chain ENDIF s_timer => s_timer%next END DO ! end of the chain s_timer => s_timer_root DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) s_timer => s_timer%next END DO ! write(*,*) 'after search', s_timer%cname ! cdinfo is not part of the chain so we add it with initialisation ALLOCATE(s_timer%next) ! write(*,*) 'after allocation of next' s_timer%next%cname = cdinfo s_timer%next%t_cpu = 0._dp s_timer%next%t_clock = 0._dp s_timer%next%tsum_cpu = 0._dp s_timer%next%tsum_clock = 0._dp s_timer%next%tmax_cpu = 0._dp s_timer%next%tmax_clock = 0._dp s_timer%next%tmin_cpu = 0._dp s_timer%next%tmin_clock = 0._dp s_timer%next%tsub_cpu = 0._dp s_timer%next%tsub_clock = 0._dp s_timer%next%ncount = 0 s_timer%next%ncount_rate = 0 s_timer%next%ncount_max = 0 s_timer%next%niter = 0 s_timer%next%l_tdone = .FALSE. s_timer%next%parent_section => NULL() s_timer%next%prev => s_timer s_timer%next%next => NULL() s_timer => s_timer%next ENDIF ! write(*,*) 'after allocation' ! END SUBROUTINE timing_ini_var SUBROUTINE timing_reset !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE timing_reset *** !! ** Purpose : go to root of timing tree !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- l_initdone = .TRUE. ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'timing_reset : instrumented routines for timing' ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' CALL timing_list(s_timer_root) ! WRITE(numout,*) ! END SUBROUTINE timing_reset RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE timing_list(ptr) TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: ptr ! IF( ASSOCIATED(ptr%next) ) CALL timing_list(ptr%next) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ', ptr%cname ! END SUBROUTINE timing_list SUBROUTINE insert(sd_current, sd_root ,sd_ptr) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE insert *** !! ** Purpose : insert an element in timer structure !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: sd_current, sd_root, sd_ptr ! IF( ASSOCIATED( sd_current, sd_root ) ) THEN ! If our current element is the root element then ! replace it with the one being inserted sd_root => sd_ptr ELSE sd_current%prev%next => sd_ptr END IF sd_ptr%next => sd_current sd_ptr%prev => sd_current%prev sd_current%prev => sd_ptr ! Nullify the pointer to the new element now that it is held ! within the list. If we don't do this then a subsequent call ! to ALLOCATE memory to this pointer will fail. sd_ptr => NULL() ! END SUBROUTINE insert SUBROUTINE suppress(sd_ptr) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE suppress *** !! ** Purpose : supress an element in timer structure !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: sd_ptr ! TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_temp sl_temp => sd_ptr sd_ptr => sd_ptr%next IF ( ASSOCIATED(sl_temp%next) ) sl_temp%next%prev => sl_temp%prev DEALLOCATE(sl_temp) sl_temp => NULL() ! END SUBROUTINE suppress !!===================================================================== END MODULE timing