#!/usr/bin/env perl
# (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved.
# For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt
# which you should have received as part of this distribution.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Fcm::Timer qw{timestamp_command};

# Function declarations
sub catfile;
sub basename;
sub dirname;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Module level variables
my %unusual_tool_name = ();

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Name of program
  my $this = basename $0;

  # Arguments
  my $subcommand = shift @ARGV;
  my ($function, $type) = split /:/, $subcommand; 

  my ($srcpackage, $src, $target, $requirepp, @objects, @blockdata);
  if ($function eq 'archive') {
    ($target, @objects) = @ARGV;

  } elsif ($function eq 'load') {
    ($srcpackage, $src, $target, @blockdata) = @ARGV;

  } else {
    ($srcpackage, $src, $target, $requirepp) = @ARGV;

  # Set up hash reference for all the required information
  my %info = (
    SRCPACKAGE => $srcpackage,
    SRC        => $src,
    TYPE       => $type,
    TARGET     => $target,
    REQUIREPP  => $requirepp,
    OBJECTS    => \@objects,
    BLOCKDATA  => \@blockdata,

  # Get list of unusual tools
  my $i = 0;
  while (my $label = &get_env ('FCM_UNUSUAL_TOOL_LABEL' . $i)) {
    my $value = &get_env ('FCM_UNUSUAL_TOOL_VALUE' . $i);
    $unusual_tool_name{$label} = $value;

  # Invoke the action
  my $rc = 0;
  if ($function eq 'compile') {
    $rc = &compile (\%info);

  } elsif ($function eq 'load') {
    $rc = &load (\%info);

  } elsif ($function eq 'archive') {
    $rc = &archive (\%info);

  } else {
    print STDERR $this, ': incorrect usage, abort';
    $rc = 1;

  # Throw error if action failed
  if ($rc) {
    print STDERR $this, ' ', $function, ' failed (', $rc, ')', "\n";
    exit 1;

  } else {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $rc = &compile (\%info);
#   This method invokes the correct compiler with the correct options to
#   compile the source file into the required target. The argument $info is a
#   hash reference set up in MAIN. The following environment variables are
#   used, where * is the source file type (F for Fortran, and C for C/C++):
#   *C          - compiler command
#   *C_OUTPUT   - *C option to specify the name of the output file
#   *C_DEFINE   - *C option to declare a pre-processor def
#   *C_INCLUDE  - *C option to declare an include directory
#   *C_MODSEARCH- *C option to declare a module search directory
#   *C_COMPILE  - *C option to ask the compiler to perform compile only
#   *CFLAGS     - *C user options
#   *PPKEYS     - list of pre-processor defs (may have sub-package suffix)
#   FCM_VERBOSE - verbose level
#   FCM_OBJDIR  - destination directory of object file
#   FCM_TMPDIR  - temporary destination directory of object file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub compile {
  my $info = shift;

  # Verbose mode
  my $verbose = &get_env ('FCM_VERBOSE');
  $verbose    = 1 unless defined ($verbose);

  my @command = ();

  # Guess file type for backward compatibility
  my $type = $info->{TYPE} ? $info->{TYPE} : &guess_file_type ($info->{SRC});

  # Compiler
  push @command, &get_env ($type . 'C', 1);

  # Compile output target (typical -o option)
  push @command, &get_env ($type . 'C_OUTPUT', 1), $info->{TARGET};

  # Pre-processor definition macros
  if ($info->{REQUIREPP}) {
    my @ppkeys = split /\s+/, &select_flags ($info, $type . 'PPKEYS');
    my $defopt = &get_env ($type . 'C_DEFINE', 1);

    push @command, (map {$defopt . $_} @ppkeys);

  # Include search path
  my $incopt  = &get_env ($type . 'C_INCLUDE', 1);
  my @incpath = split /:/, &get_env ('FCM_INCPATH');
  push @command, (map {$incopt . $_} @incpath);

  # Compiled module search path
  my $modopt  = &get_env ($type . 'C_MODSEARCH');
  if ($modopt) {
    push @command, (map {$modopt . $_} @incpath);

  # Other compiler flags
  my $flags = &select_flags ($info, $type . 'FLAGS');
  push @command, $flags if $flags;

  my $compile_only = &get_env ($type . 'C_COMPILE');
  if ($flags !~ /(?:^|\s)$compile_only\b/) {
    push @command, &get_env ($type . 'C_COMPILE');

  # Name of source file
  push @command, $info->{SRC};

  # Execute command
  my $objdir = &get_env ('FCM_OBJDIR', 1);
  my $tmpdir = &get_env ('FCM_TMPDIR', 1);
  chdir $tmpdir;

  my $command = join ' ', @command;
  if ($verbose > 1) {
    print 'cd ', $tmpdir, "\n";
    print &timestamp_command ($command, 'Start');

  } elsif ($verbose) {
    print $command, "\n";

  my $rc = system $command;

  print &timestamp_command ($command, 'End  ') if $verbose > 1;

  # Move temporary output to correct location on success
  # Otherwise, remove temporary output
  if ($rc) { # error
    unlink $info->{TARGET};

  } else {   # success
    print 'mv ', $info->{TARGET}, ' ', $objdir, "\n" if $verbose > 1;
    rename $info->{TARGET}, &catfile ($objdir, $info->{TARGET});

  # Move any Fortran module definition files to the INC directory
  my @modfiles = <*.mod *.MOD>;
  for my $file (@modfiles) {
    rename $file, &catfile ($incpath[0], $file);

  return $rc;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $rc = &load (\%info);
#   This method invokes the correct loader with the correct options to link
#   the main program object into an executable. The argument $info is a hash
#   reference set up in MAIN. The following environment variables are used:
#   LD           - * linker command
#   LD_OUTPUT    - LD option to specify the name of the output file
#   LD_LIBSEARCH - LD option to declare a directory in the library search path
#   LD_LIBLINK   - LD option to declare an object library
#   LDFLAGS      - LD user options
#   FCM_VERBOSE  - verbose level
#   FCM_LIBDIR   - destination directory of object libraries
#   FCM_OBJDIR   - destination directory of object files
#   FCM_BINDIR   - destination directory of executable file
#   FCM_TMPDIR   - temporary destination directory of executable file
#   * If LD is not set, it will attempt to guess the file type and use the
#     compiler as the linker.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub load {
  my $info = shift;

  my $rc = 0;

  # Verbose mode
  my $verbose = &get_env ('FCM_VERBOSE');
  $verbose    = 1 unless defined ($verbose);

  # Create temporary object library
  (my $name   = $info->{TARGET}) =~ s/\.\S+$//;
  my $libname = '__fcm__' . $name;
  my $lib     = 'lib' . $libname . '.a';
  my $libfile = catfile (&get_env ('FCM_LIBDIR', 1), $lib);
  $rc = &archive ({TARGET => $lib});

  unless ($rc) {
    my @command = ();

    # Linker
    my $ld = &select_flags ($info, 'LD');
    if (not $ld) {
      # Guess file type for backward compatibility
      my $type = $info->{TYPE} ? $info->{TYPE} : &guess_file_type ($info->{SRC});
      $ld = &get_env ($type . 'C', 1);
    push @command, $ld;

    # Linker output target (typical -o option)
    push @command, &get_env ('LD_OUTPUT', 1), $info->{TARGET};

    # Name of main object file
    my $mainobj = (basename ($info->{SRC}) eq $info->{SRC})
                  ? catfile (&get_env ('FCM_OBJDIR'), $info->{SRC})
                  : $info->{SRC};
    push @command, $mainobj;

    # Link with Fortran BLOCKDATA objects if necessary
    if (@{ $info->{BLOCKDATA} }) {
      my @blockdata = @{ $info->{BLOCKDATA} };
      my @objpath   = split /:/, &get_env ('FCM_OBJPATH');

      # Search each BLOCKDATA object file from the object search path
      for my $file (@blockdata) {
        for my $dir (@objpath) {
          my $full = catfile ($dir, $file);

          if (-r $full) {
            $file = $full;

        push @command, $file;

    # Library search path
    my $libopt  = &get_env ('LD_LIBSEARCH', 1);
    my @libpath = split /:/, &get_env ('FCM_LIBPATH');
    push @command, (map {$libopt . $_} @libpath);

    # Link with temporary object library if it exists
    push @command, &get_env ('LD_LIBLINK', 1) . $libname if -f $libfile;

    # Other linker flags
    my $flags = &select_flags ($info, 'LDFLAGS');
    push @command, $flags;

    # Execute command
    my $tmpdir = &get_env ('FCM_TMPDIR', 1);
    my $bindir = &get_env ('FCM_BINDIR', 1);
    chdir $tmpdir;

    my $command = join ' ', @command;
    if ($verbose > 1) {
      print 'cd ', $tmpdir, "\n";
      print &timestamp_command ($command, 'Start');

    } elsif ($verbose) {
      print $command, "\n";

    $rc = system $command;

    print &timestamp_command ($command, 'End  ') if $verbose > 1;

    # Move temporary output to correct location on success
    # Otherwise, remove temporary output
    if ($rc) { # error
      unlink $info->{TARGET};

    } else {   # success
      print 'mv ', $info->{TARGET}, ' ', $bindir, "\n" if $verbose > 1;
      rename $info->{TARGET}, &catfile ($bindir, $info->{TARGET});

  # Remove the temporary object library
  unlink $libfile if -f $libfile;

  return $rc;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $rc = &archive (\%info);
#   This method invokes the library archiver to create an object library. The
#   argument $info is a hash reference set up in MAIN. The following
#   environment variables are used:
#   AR           - archiver command
#   ARFLAGS      - AR options to update/create an object library
#   FCM_VERBOSE  - verbose level
#   FCM_LIBDIR   - destination directory of object libraries
#   FCM_OBJPATH  - search path of object files
#   FCM_OBJDIR   - destination directory of object files
#   FCM_TMPDIR   - temporary destination directory of executable file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub archive {
  my $info = shift;

  my $rc = 0;

  # Verbose mode
  my $verbose = &get_env ('FCM_VERBOSE');
  $verbose    = 1 unless defined ($verbose);

  # Set up the archive command
  my $lib     = &basename ($info->{TARGET});
  my $tmplib  = &catfile (&get_env ('FCM_TMPDIR', 1), $lib);
  my @ar_cmd  = ();
  push @ar_cmd, (&get_env ('AR', 1), &get_env ('ARFLAGS', 1));
  push @ar_cmd, $tmplib;

  # Get object directories and their files
  my %objdir;
  if (exists $info->{OBJECTS}) {
    # List of objects set in the argument, sort into directory/file list
    for my $name (@{ $info->{OBJECTS} }) {
      my $dir = (&dirname ($name) eq '.')
                ? &get_env ('FCM_OBJDIR', 1) : &dirname ($name);
      $objdir{$dir}{&basename ($name)} = 1;

  } else {
    # Objects not listed in argument, search object path for all files
    my @objpath  = split /:/, &get_env ('FCM_OBJPATH', 1);
    my %objbase  = ();

    # Get registered objects into a hash (keys = objects, values = 1)
    my %objects = map {($_, 1)} split (/\s+/, &get_env ('OBJECTS'));

    # Seach object path for all files
    for my $dir (@objpath) {
      next unless -d $dir;

      chdir $dir;

      # Use all files from each directory in the object search path
      for ((glob ('*'))) {
        next unless exists $objects{$_}; # consider registered objects only
        $objdir{$dir}{$_} = 1 unless exists $objbase{$_};
        $objbase{$_} = 1;

  for my $dir (sort keys %objdir) {
    next unless -d $dir;

    # Go to each object directory and executes the library archive command 
    chdir $dir;
    my $command = join ' ', (@ar_cmd, sort keys %{ $objdir{$dir} });

    if ($verbose > 1) {
      print 'cd ', $dir, "\n";
      print &timestamp_command ($command, 'Start');

    } else {
      print $command, "\n" if exists $info->{OBJECTS};

    $rc = system $command;

    print &timestamp_command ($command, 'End  ')
      if $verbose > 1;
    last if $rc;

  # Move temporary output to correct location on success
  # Otherwise, remove temporary output
  if ($rc) { # error
    unlink $tmplib;

  } else {   # success
    my $libdir = &get_env ('FCM_LIBDIR', 1);

    print 'mv ', $tmplib, ' ', $libdir, "\n" if $verbose > 1;
    rename $tmplib, &catfile ($libdir, $lib);

  return $rc;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $type = &guess_file_type ($filename);
#   This function attempts to guess the file type by looking at the extension
#   of the $filename. Only C and Fortran at the moment.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub guess_file_type {
  return (($_[0] =~ /\.c(\w+)?$/i) ? 'C' : 'F');

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $flags = &select_flags (\%info, $set);
#   This function selects the correct compiler/linker flags for the current
#   sub-package from the environment variable prefix $set. The argument $info
#   is a hash reference set up in MAIN.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub select_flags {
  my ($info, $set) = @_;

  my $srcbase = &basename ($info->{SRC});
  my @names    = ($set);
  push @names, split (/__/, $info->{SRCPACKAGE} . '__' . $srcbase);

  my $string = '';
  for my $i (reverse (0 .. $#names)) {
    my $var  = &get_env (join ('__', (@names[0 .. $i])));

    $var = &get_env (join ('__', (@names[0 .. $i])))
      if (not defined ($var)) and $i and $names[-1] =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;

    next unless defined $var;
    $string = $var;

  return $string;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $variable = &get_env ($name);
#   $variable = &get_env ($name, $compulsory);
#   This internal method gets a variable from $ENV{$name}. If $compulsory is
#   set to true, it throws an error if the variable is a not set or is an empty
#   string. Otherwise, it returns C<undef> if the variable is not set.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub get_env {
  (my $name, my $compulsory) = @_;
  my $string;

  if ($name =~ /^\w+$/) {
    # $name contains only word characters, variable is exported normally
    die 'The environment variable "', $name, '" must be set, abort'
      if $compulsory and not exists $ENV{$name};

    $string = exists $ENV{$name} ? $ENV{$name} : undef;

  } else {
    # $name contains unusual characters
    die 'The environment variable "', $name, '" must be set, abort'
      if $compulsory and not exists $unusual_tool_name{$name};

    $string = exists $unusual_tool_name{$name}
              ? $unusual_tool_name{$name} : undef;

  return $string;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $path = &catfile (@paths);
#   This is a local implementation of what is in the File::Spec module.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub catfile {
  my @names = split (m!/!, join ('/', @_));
  my $path  = shift @names;

  for my $name (@names) {
    $path .= '/' . $name if (length $name);

  return $path;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $basename = &basename ($path);
#   This is a local implementation of what is in the File::Basename module.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub basename {
  my $name = $_[0];

  $name =~ s{/*$}{}; # remove trailing slashes

  if ($name =~ m#.*/([^/]+)$#) {
    return $1;

  } else {
    return $name;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   $dirname = &dirname ($path);
#   This is a local implementation of what is in the File::Basename module.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub dirname {
  my $name = $_[0];

  if ($name =~ m#^/+$#) {
    return '/'; # dirname of root is root

  } else {
    $name =~ s{/*$}{}; # remove trailing slashes

    if ($name =~ m#^(.*)/[^/]+$#) {
      my $dir = $1;
      $dir =~ s{/*$}{}; # remove trailing slashes
      return $dir;

    } else {
      return '.';

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


=head1 NAME



    fcm_internal SUBCOMMAND ARGS


The fcm_internal command is a frontend for some of the internal commands of
the FCM build system. The subcommand can be "compile", "load" or "archive"
for invoking the compiler, loader and library archiver respectively. If
"compile" or "load" is specified, it can be suffixed with ":TYPE" to
specify the nature of the source file. If TYPE is not specified, it is set
to C if the file extension begins with ".c". For all other file types, it
is set to F (for Fortran source). For compile and load, the other arguments
are 1) the name of the container package of the source file, 2) the path to
the source file and 3) the target name after compiling or loading the
source file. For compile, the 4th argument is a flag to indicate whether
pre-processing is required for compiling the source file.  For load, the
4th and the rest of the arguments is a list of object files that cannot be
archived into the temporary load library and must be linked into the target
through the linker command. (E.g. Fortran BLOCKDATA program units must be
linked this way.) If archive is specified, the first argument should be the
name of the library archive target and the rest should be the object files
to be included in the archive. This command is invoked via the build system
and should never be called directly by the user.


(C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved.
