MODULE asmbkg !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE asmtrj -> asmbkg *** !! Assimilation trajectory interface: Write to file the background state and the model state trajectory !!====================================================================== !! History : ! 2007-03 (M. Martin) Met. Office version !! ! 2007-04 (A. Weaver) asm_trj_wri, original code !! ! 2007-03 (K. Mogensen) Adapt to NEMOVAR and use IOM instead of IOIPSL !! ! 2007-04 (A. Weaver) Name change (formally asmbkg.F90). Distinguish !! background states in Jb term and at analysis time. !! Include state trajectory routine (currently empty) !! ! 2007-07 (A. Weaver) Add tke_rst and flt_rst for case nitbkg=0 !! ! 2009-03 (F. Vigilant) Add hmlp (zdfmxl) for no tracer nmldp=2 !! ! 2009-06 (F. Vigilant) asm_trj_wri: special case when kt=nit000-1 !! ! 2009-07 (F. Vigilant) asm_trj_wri: add computation of eiv at restart !! ! 2010-01 (A. Vidard) split asm_trj_wri into tam_trj_wri and asm_bkg_wri !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! asm_bkg_wri : Write out the background state !! asm_trj_wri : Write out the model state trajectory (used with 4D-Var) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! Dynamics and active tracers defined in memory USE sbc_oce ! Ocean surface boundary conditions USE zdf_oce ! Vertical mixing variables USE zdfddm ! Double diffusion mixing parameterization USE ldftra ! Lateral diffusion: eddy diffusivity coefficients USE ldfslp ! Lateral diffusion: slopes of neutral surfaces USE tradmp ! Tracer damping USE zdftke ! TKE vertical physics USE eosbn2 ! Equation of state (eos_bn2 routine) USE zdfmxl ! Mixed layer depth USE dom_oce , ONLY : ndastp, l_istiled USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE iom ! I/O module USE asmpar ! Parameters for the assmilation interface USE zdfmxl ! mixed layer depth #if defined key_si3 USE ice #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC asm_bkg_wri !: Write out the background state !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: asmbkg.F90 15417 2021-10-20 14:16:29Z lovato $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE asm_bkg_wri( kt, Kmm ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE asm_bkg_wri *** !! !! ** Purpose : Write to file the background state for later use in the !! inner loop of data assimilation or for direct initialization !! in the outer loop. !! !! ** Method : Write out the background state for use in the Jb term !! in the cost function and for use with direct initialization !! at analysis time. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( IN ) :: kt ! Current time-step INTEGER, INTENT( IN ) :: Kmm ! time level index ! CHARACTER (LEN=50) :: cl_asmbkg CHARACTER (LEN=50) :: cl_asmdin LOGICAL :: llok ! Check if file exists INTEGER :: inum ! File unit number REAL(wp) :: zdate ! Date !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( .NOT. l_istiled .OR. ntile == nijtile ) THEN ! Do only on the last tile ! !------------------------------------------- IF( kt == nitbkg_r ) THEN ! Write out background at time step nitbkg_r ! !-----------------------------------======== ! WRITE(cl_asmbkg, FMT='(A,".nc")' ) TRIM( c_asmbkg ) cl_asmbkg = TRIM( cl_asmbkg ) INQUIRE( FILE = cl_asmbkg, EXIST = llok ) ! IF( .NOT. llok ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Setting up assimilation background file '// TRIM( c_asmbkg ) ! ! ! Define the output file CALL iom_open( c_asmbkg, inum, ldwrt = .TRUE. ) ! IF( nitbkg_r == nit000 - 1 ) THEN ! Treat special case when nitbkg = 0 zdate = REAL( ndastp ) IF( ln_zdftke ) THEN ! read turbulent kinetic energy ( en ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Reading TKE (en) from restart...' CALL tke_rst( nit000, 'READ' ) ENDIF ELSE zdate = REAL( ndastp ) ENDIF ! ! ! Write the information CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'rdastp' , zdate ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'un' , uu(:,:,:,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'vn' , vv(:,:,:,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'tn' , ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'sn' , ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'sshn' , ssh(:,:,Kmm) ) IF( ln_zdftke ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitbkg_r, inum, 'en' , en ) ! CALL iom_close( inum ) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! !------------------------------------------- IF( kt == nitdin_r ) THEN ! Write out background at time step nitdin_r ! !-----------------------------------======== ! WRITE(cl_asmdin, FMT='(A,".nc")' ) TRIM( c_asmdin ) cl_asmdin = TRIM( cl_asmdin ) INQUIRE( FILE = cl_asmdin, EXIST = llok ) ! IF( .NOT. llok ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Setting up assimilation background file '// TRIM( c_asmdin ) ! ! ! Define the output file CALL iom_open( c_asmdin, inum, ldwrt = .TRUE. ) ! IF( nitdin_r == nit000 - 1 ) THEN ! Treat special case when nitbkg = 0 zdate = REAL( ndastp ) ELSE zdate = REAL( ndastp ) ENDIF ! ! ! Write the information CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'rdastp' , zdate ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'un' , uu(:,:,:,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'vn' , vv(:,:,:,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'tn' , ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'sn' , ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm) ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'sshn' , ssh(:,:,Kmm) ) #if defined key_si3 IF( nn_ice == 2 ) THEN IF( ALLOCATED(at_i) ) THEN CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitdin_r, inum, 'iceconc', at_i(:,:) ) ELSE CALL ctl_warn('asm_bkg_wri: Ice concentration not written to background ', & & 'as ice variable at_i not allocated on this timestep') ENDIF ENDIF #endif ! CALL iom_close( inum ) ENDIF ! ENDIF ENDIF ! check for last tile ! END SUBROUTINE asm_bkg_wri !!====================================================================== END MODULE asmbkg