MODULE lib_mpp !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE lib_mpp *** !! Ocean numerics: massively parallel processing library !!===================================================================== !! History : OPA ! 1994 (M. Guyon, J. Escobar, M. Imbard) Original code !! 7.0 ! 1997 (A.M. Treguier) SHMEM additions !! 8.0 ! 1998 (M. Imbard, J. Escobar, L. Colombet ) SHMEM and MPI !! ! 1998 (J.M. Molines) Open boundary conditions !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2003 (J.M. Molines, G. Madec) F90, free form !! ! 2003 (J.M. Molines) add mpp_ini_north(_3d,_2d) !! - ! 2004 (R. Bourdalle Badie) isend option in mpi !! ! 2004 (J.M. Molines) minloc, maxloc !! - ! 2005 (G. Madec, S. Masson) npolj=5,6 F-point & ice cases !! - ! 2005 (R. Redler) Replacement of MPI_COMM_WORLD except for MPI_Abort !! - ! 2005 (R. Benshila, G. Madec) add extra halo case !! - ! 2008 (R. Benshila) add mpp_ini_ice !! 3.2 ! 2009 (R. Benshila) SHMEM suppression, north fold in lbc_nfd !! 3.2 ! 2009 (O. Marti) add mpp_ini_znl !! 4.0 ! 2011 (G. Madec) move ctl_ routines from in_out_manager !! 3.5 ! 2012 (S.Mocavero, I. Epicoco) Add mpp_lnk_bdy_3d/2d routines to optimize the BDY comm. !! 3.5 ! 2013 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) message passing arrays as local variables !! 3.5 ! 2013 (S.Mocavero, I.Epicoco - CMCC) north fold optimizations !! 3.6 ! 2015 (O. Tintó and M. Castrillo - BSC) Added '_multiple' case for 2D lbc and max !! 4.0 ! 2017 (G. Madec) automatique allocation of array argument (use any 3rd dimension) !! - ! 2017 (G. Madec) create generic.h90 files to generate all lbc and north fold routines !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! ctl_stop : update momentum and tracer Kz from a tke scheme !! ctl_warn : initialization, namelist read, and parameters control !! ctl_opn : Open file and check if required file is available. !! ctl_nam : Prints informations when an error occurs while reading a namelist !! load_nml : Read, condense and buffer namelist file into character array for use as an internal file !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! mpp_start : get local communicator its size and rank !! mpp_lnk : interface (defined in lbclnk) for message passing of 2d or 3d arrays (mpp_lnk_2d, mpp_lnk_3d) !! mpp_lnk_icb : interface for message passing of 2d arrays with extra halo for icebergs (mpp_lnk_2d_icb) !! mpprecv : !! mppsend : !! mppscatter : !! mppgather : !! mpp_min : generic interface for mppmin_int , mppmin_a_int , mppmin_real, mppmin_a_real !! mpp_max : generic interface for mppmax_int , mppmax_a_int , mppmax_real, mppmax_a_real !! mpp_sum : generic interface for mppsum_int , mppsum_a_int , mppsum_real, mppsum_a_real !! mpp_minloc : !! mpp_maxloc : !! mppsync : !! mppstop : !! mpp_ini_northgather : initialisation of north fold with gathering of the communications !! mpp_lbc_north_icb : alternative to mpp_nfd for extra outer halo with icebergs !! mpp_bcast_nml : broadcast/receive namelist character buffer from reading process to all others !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager #if ! defined key_mpi_off USE MPI #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE ! PUBLIC ctl_stop, ctl_warn, ctl_opn, ctl_nam, load_nml PUBLIC mpp_start, mppstop, mppsync, mpp_comm_free PUBLIC mpp_ini_northgather PUBLIC mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum, mpp_minloc, mpp_maxloc PUBLIC mpp_delay_max, mpp_delay_sum, mpp_delay_rcv PUBLIC mppscatter, mppgather PUBLIC mpp_ini_znl PUBLIC mpp_ini_nc PUBLIC mppsend, mpprecv ! needed by TAM and ICB routines PUBLIC mppsend_sp, mpprecv_sp ! needed by TAM and ICB routines PUBLIC mppsend_dp, mpprecv_dp ! needed by TAM and ICB routines PUBLIC mpp_report PUBLIC mpp_bcast_nml PUBLIC tic_tac #if defined key_mpi_off PUBLIC MPI_wait PUBLIC MPI_waitall PUBLIC MPI_Wtime #endif !! * Interfaces !! define generic interface for these routine as they are called sometimes !! with scalar arguments instead of array arguments, which causes problems !! for the compilation on AIX system as well as NEC and SGI. Ok on COMPACQ INTERFACE mpp_min MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_int, mppmin_int MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_real_sp, mppmin_real_sp MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_real_dp, mppmin_real_dp END INTERFACE INTERFACE mpp_max MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_int, mppmax_int MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_real_sp, mppmax_real_sp MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_real_dp, mppmax_real_dp END INTERFACE INTERFACE mpp_sum MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_int, mppsum_int MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_realdd, mppsum_a_realdd MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_real_sp, mppsum_real_sp MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_real_dp, mppsum_real_dp END INTERFACE INTERFACE mpp_minloc MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_minloc2d_sp ,mpp_minloc3d_sp MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_minloc2d_dp ,mpp_minloc3d_dp END INTERFACE INTERFACE mpp_maxloc MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_maxloc2d_sp ,mpp_maxloc3d_sp MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_maxloc2d_dp ,mpp_maxloc3d_dp END INTERFACE TYPE, PUBLIC :: PTR_4D_sp !: array of 4D pointers (used in lbclnk and lbcnfd) REAL(sp), DIMENSION (:,:,:,:), POINTER :: pt4d END TYPE PTR_4D_sp TYPE, PUBLIC :: PTR_4D_dp !: array of 4D pointers (used in lbclnk and lbcnfd) REAL(dp), DIMENSION (:,:,:,:), POINTER :: pt4d END TYPE PTR_4D_dp !! ========================= !! !! MPI variable definition !! !! ========================= !! #if ! defined key_mpi_off LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_mpp = .TRUE. !: mpp flag #else INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: MPI_STATUS_SIZE = 1 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: MPI_REAL = 4 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION = 8 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: MPI_REQUEST_NULL = 1 LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_mpp = .FALSE. !: mpp flag INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: MPI_STATUS_IGNORE = 1 ! out from mpi_wait INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE = 1 ! out from mpi_waitall #endif INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mppsize ! number of process INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mpprank ! process number [ 0 - size-1 ] !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mpi_comm_oce ! opa local communicator !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT INTEGER :: MPI_SUMDD ! Neighbourgs informations INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: n_hlsmax = 3 INTEGER, DIMENSION( 8), PUBLIC :: mpinei !: 8-neighbourg MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax,8), PUBLIC :: mpiSnei !: 8-neighbourg Send MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax,8), PUBLIC :: mpiRnei !: 8-neighbourg Recv MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpwe = 1 !: WEst INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpea = 2 !: EAst INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpso = 3 !: SOuth INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpno = 4 !: NOrth INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpsw = 5 !: South-West INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpse = 6 !: South-East INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpnw = 7 !: North-West INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpne = 8 !: North-East LOGICAL, DIMENSION(8), PUBLIC :: l_SelfPerio ! should we explicitely take care of I/J periodicity LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_IdoNFold ! variables used for zonal integration INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncomm_znl !: communicator made by the processors on the same zonal average LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_znl_root !: True on the 'left'most processor on the same row INTEGER :: ngrp_znl !: group ID for the znl processors INTEGER :: ndim_rank_znl !: number of processors on the same zonal average INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: nrank_znl ! dimension ndim_rank_znl, number of the procs into the same znl domain ! variables used for MPI3 neighbourhood collectives INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax), PUBLIC :: mpi_nc_com4 ! MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax), PUBLIC :: mpi_nc_com8 ! MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator (with diagionals) ! North fold condition in mpp_mpi with jpni > 1 (PUBLIC for TAM) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_world !: group ID for the world processors INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_opa !: group ID for the opa processors INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_north !: group ID for the northern processors (to be fold) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncomm_north !: communicator made by the processors belonging to ngrp_north INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ndim_rank_north !: number of 'sea' processor in the northern line (can be /= jpni !) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: njmppmax !: value of njmpp for the processors of the northern line INTEGER, PUBLIC :: north_root !: number (in the comm_opa) of proc 0 in the northern comm INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: nrank_north !: dimension ndim_rank_north ! Communications summary report CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_lbc !: names of lbc_lnk calling routines CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_glb !: names of global comm calling routines CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_dlg !: names of delayed global comm calling routines INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_stp = 0 !: copy of time step # istp INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_fsbc = 1 !: copy of sbc time step # nn_fsbc INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_freq !: frequency of comm diagnostic INTEGER, PUBLIC , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncomm_sequence !: size of communicated arrays (halos) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: ncom_rec_max = 5000 !: max number of communication record INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_lbc = 0 !: # of communicated arraysvia lbc INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_glb = 0 !: # of global communications INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_dlg = 0 !: # of delayed global communications INTEGER, PUBLIC :: numcom = -1 !: logical unit for communicaton report LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_full_nf_update = .TRUE. !: logical for a full (2lines) update of bc at North fold report INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nbdelay = 2 !: number of delayed operations !: name (used as id) of allreduce-delayed operations ! Warning: we must use the same character length in an array constructor (at least for gcc compiler) CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaylist = (/ 'cflice', 'fwb ' /) !: component name where the allreduce-delayed operation is performed CHARACTER(len=3), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaycpnt = (/ 'ICE' , 'OCE' /) TYPE, PUBLIC :: DELAYARR REAL( wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: z1d => NULL() COMPLEX(dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: y1d => NULL() END TYPE DELAYARR TYPE( DELAYARR ), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC, SAVE :: todelay !: must have SAVE for default initialization of DELAYARR INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: ndelayid = -1 !: mpi request id of the delayed operations ! timing summary report REAL(dp), DIMENSION(2), PUBLIC :: waiting_time = 0._dp REAL(dp) , PUBLIC :: compute_time = 0._dp, elapsed_time = 0._dp REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tampon ! buffer in case of bsend LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_nnogather !: namelist control of northfold comms INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_comm !: namelist control of comms INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillnothing = 1 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillcst = 2 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillcopy = 3 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillperio = 4 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillmpi = 5 !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: lib_mpp.F90 15267 2021-09-17 09:04:34Z smasson $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE mpp_start( localComm ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_start *** !! !! ** Purpose : get mpi_comm_oce, mpprank and mppsize !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: localComm ! ! INTEGER :: ierr LOGICAL :: llmpi_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! CALL mpi_initialized ( llmpi_init, ierr ) IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_initialized' ) IF( .NOT. llmpi_init ) THEN IF( PRESENT(localComm) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' lib_mpp: You cannot provide a local communicator ' WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' without calling MPI_Init before ! ' CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1, ctmp2 ) ENDIF CALL mpi_init( ierr ) IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_init' ) ENDIF IF( PRESENT(localComm) ) THEN IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN mpi_comm_oce = localComm ENDIF ELSE CALL mpi_comm_dup( mpi_comm_world, mpi_comm_oce, ierr) IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_comm_dup' ) ENDIF # if defined key_agrif IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN CALL Agrif_MPI_Init(mpi_comm_oce) ELSE CALL Agrif_MPI_set_grid_comm(mpi_comm_oce) ENDIF # endif CALL mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_oce, mpprank, ierr ) CALL mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_oce, mppsize, ierr ) ! CALL MPI_OP_CREATE(DDPDD_MPI, .TRUE., MPI_SUMDD, ierr) ! #else IF( PRESENT( localComm ) ) mpi_comm_oce = localComm mppsize = 1 mpprank = 0 #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_start SUBROUTINE mppsend( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppsend *** !! !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend !! INTEGER :: iflag INTEGER :: mpi_working_type !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off IF (wp == dp) THEN mpi_working_type = mpi_double_precision ELSE mpi_working_type = mpi_real END IF CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_working_type, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppsend SUBROUTINE mppsend_dp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppsend *** !! !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(dp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend !! INTEGER :: iflag !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_double_precision, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppsend_dp SUBROUTINE mppsend_sp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppsend *** !! !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(sp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend !! INTEGER :: iflag !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_real, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppsend_sp SUBROUTINE mpprecv( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpprecv *** !! !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number !! INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) INTEGER :: iflag INTEGER :: use_source INTEGER :: mpi_working_type !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source use_source = mpi_any_source IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource ! IF (wp == dp) THEN mpi_working_type = mpi_double_precision ELSE mpi_working_type = mpi_real END IF CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_working_type, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mpprecv SUBROUTINE mpprecv_dp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpprecv *** !! !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(dp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number !! INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) INTEGER :: iflag INTEGER :: use_source !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source use_source = mpi_any_source IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource ! CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_double_precision, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mpprecv_dp SUBROUTINE mpprecv_sp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpprecv *** !! !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(sp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number !! INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) INTEGER :: iflag INTEGER :: use_source !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source use_source = mpi_any_source IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource ! CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_real, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mpprecv_sp SUBROUTINE mppgather( ptab, kp, pio ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppgather *** !! !! ** Purpose : Transfert between a local subdomain array and a work !! array which is distributed following the vertical level. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) , INTENT(in ) :: ptab ! subdomain input array INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kp ! record length REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpnij), INTENT( out) :: pio ! subdomain input array !! INTEGER :: itaille, ierror ! temporary integer !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itaille = jpi * jpj #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpi_gather( ptab, itaille, mpi_double_precision, pio, itaille , & & mpi_double_precision, kp , mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) #else pio(:,:,1) = ptab(:,:) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppgather SUBROUTINE mppscatter( pio, kp, ptab ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppscatter *** !! !! ** Purpose : Transfert between awork array which is distributed !! following the vertical level and the local subdomain array. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpnij) :: pio ! output array INTEGER :: kp ! Tag (not used with MPI REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ptab ! subdomain array input !! INTEGER :: itaille, ierror ! temporary integer !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itaille = jpi * jpj ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpi_scatter( pio, itaille, mpi_double_precision, ptab, itaille , & & mpi_double_precision, kp , mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) #else ptab(:,:) = pio(:,:,1) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppscatter SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum( cdname, cdelay, y_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_delay_sum *** !! !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_sum, the result is received on next call !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation COMPLEX(dp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: y_in REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom !! INTEGER :: ji, isz INTEGER :: idvar INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ytmp !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom isz = SIZE(y_in) IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_dlg = .TRUE. ) idvar = -1 DO ji = 1, nbdelay IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji END DO IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_sum : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst ! -------------------------- IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart ELSE ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) todelay(idvar)%y1d(:) = CMPLX(todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), 0., wp) ! create %y1d, complex variable needed by mpi_sumdd ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL ! initialised request to a valid value END IF ENDIF IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %y1d and %z1d from y_in with blocking allreduce ! -------------------------- ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz), todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) ! allocate also %z1d as used for the restart CALL mpi_allreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %y1d ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL ENDIF CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) ! send y_in into todelay(idvar)%y1d with a non-blocking communication # if defined key_mpi2 IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) CALL mpi_allreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) # else CALL mpi_iallreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) # endif #else pout(:) = REAL(y_in(:), wp) #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max( cdname, cdelay, p_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_delay_max *** !! !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_max, the result is received on next call !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: p_in ! REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout ! LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom !! INTEGER :: ji, isz INTEGER :: idvar INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm INTEGER :: MPI_TYPE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off if( wp == dp ) then MPI_TYPE = MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION else if ( wp == sp ) then MPI_TYPE = MPI_REAL else CALL ctl_stop( "Error defining type, wp is neither dp nor sp" ) end if ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom isz = SIZE(p_in) IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_dlg = .TRUE. ) idvar = -1 DO ji = 1, nbdelay IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji END DO IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_max : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst ! -------------------------- IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart ELSE ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL END IF ENDIF IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %z1d from p_in with a blocking allreduce ! -------------------------- ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz)) CALL mpi_allreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %z1d ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL ENDIF CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) ! send p_in into todelay(idvar)%z1d with a non-blocking communication ! (PM) Should we get rid of MPI2 option ? MPI3 was release in 2013. Who is still using MPI2 ? # if defined key_mpi2 IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) CALL mpi_allreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_TYPE, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierr ) IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) # else CALL mpi_iallreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_TYPE, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) # endif #else pout(:) = p_in(:) #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv( kid ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_delay_rcv *** !! !! ** Purpose : force barrier for delayed mpp (needed for restart) !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER,INTENT(in ) :: kid INTEGER :: ierr !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) ! test on ndelayid(kid) useless as mpi_wait return immediatly if the request handle is MPI_REQUEST_NULL CALL mpi_wait( ndelayid(kid), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr ) ! after this ndelayid(kid) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) IF( ASSOCIATED(todelay(kid)%y1d) ) todelay(kid)%z1d(:) = REAL(todelay(kid)%y1d(:), wp) ! define %z1d from %y1d #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv SUBROUTINE mpp_bcast_nml( cdnambuff , kleng ) CHARACTER(LEN=:) , ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: cdnambuff INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: kleng !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_bcast_nml *** !! !! ** Purpose : broadcast namelist character buffer !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTEGER :: iflag !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off call MPI_BCAST(kleng, 1, MPI_INT, 0, mpi_comm_oce, iflag) call MPI_BARRIER(mpi_comm_oce, iflag) !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(cdnambuff) ) ALLOCATE( CHARACTER(LEN=kleng) :: cdnambuff ) !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT call MPI_BCAST(cdnambuff, kleng, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, mpi_comm_oce, iflag) call MPI_BARRIER(mpi_comm_oce, iflag) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_bcast_nml !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** mppmax_a_int, mppmax_int, mppmax_a_real, mppmax_real *** !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! # define OPERATION_MAX # define INTEGER_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef INTEGER_TYPE ! !! !! ---- SINGLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define SINGLE_PRECISION # define REAL_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef SINGLE_PRECISION !! !! !! ---- DOUBLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! ! # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef REAL_TYPE # undef OPERATION_MAX !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** mppmin_a_int, mppmin_int, mppmin_a_real, mppmin_real *** !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! # define OPERATION_MIN # define INTEGER_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef INTEGER_TYPE ! !! !! ---- SINGLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define SINGLE_PRECISION # define REAL_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef SINGLE_PRECISION !! !! ---- DOUBLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef REAL_TYPE # undef OPERATION_MIN !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** mppsum_a_int, mppsum_int, mppsum_a_real, mppsum_real *** !! !! Global sum of 1D array or a variable (integer, real or complex) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! # define OPERATION_SUM # define INTEGER_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_int # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef INTEGER_TYPE !! !! ---- SINGLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define OPERATION_SUM # define SINGLE_PRECISION # define REAL_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_real_sp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef REAL_TYPE # undef OPERATION_SUM # undef SINGLE_PRECISION !! !! ---- DOUBLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define OPERATION_SUM # define REAL_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_real_dp # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef REAL_TYPE # undef OPERATION_SUM # define OPERATION_SUM_DD # define COMPLEX_TYPE # define DIM_0d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_realdd # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_0d # define DIM_1d # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_realdd # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE # undef DIM_1d # undef COMPLEX_TYPE # undef OPERATION_SUM_DD !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** mpp_minloc2d, mpp_minloc3d, mpp_maxloc2d, mpp_maxloc3d !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! !! ---- SINGLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define SINGLE_PRECISION # define OPERATION_MINLOC # define DIM_2d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc2d_sp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_2d # define DIM_3d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc3d_sp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_3d # undef OPERATION_MINLOC # define OPERATION_MAXLOC # define DIM_2d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc2d_sp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_2d # define DIM_3d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc3d_sp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_3d # undef OPERATION_MAXLOC # undef SINGLE_PRECISION !! !! ---- DOUBLE PRECISION VERSIONS !! # define OPERATION_MINLOC # define DIM_2d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc2d_dp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_2d # define DIM_3d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc3d_dp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_3d # undef OPERATION_MINLOC # define OPERATION_MAXLOC # define DIM_2d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc2d_dp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_2d # define DIM_3d # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc3d_dp # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" # undef ROUTINE_LOC # undef DIM_3d # undef OPERATION_MAXLOC SUBROUTINE mppsync() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppsync *** !! !! ** Purpose : Massively parallel processors, synchroneous !! !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierror !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpi_barrier( mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mppsync SUBROUTINE mppstop( ld_abort ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mppstop *** !! !! ** purpose : Stop massively parallel processors method !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ld_abort ! source process number LOGICAL :: ll_abort INTEGER :: info, ierr !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ll_abort = .FALSE. IF( PRESENT(ld_abort) ) ll_abort = ld_abort ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off IF(ll_abort) THEN CALL mpi_abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 123, info ) ELSE CALL mppsync CALL mpi_finalize( info ) ENDIF #endif IF( ll_abort ) STOP 123 ! END SUBROUTINE mppstop SUBROUTINE mpp_comm_free( kcom ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: kcom !! INTEGER :: ierr !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL MPI_COMM_FREE(kcom, ierr) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_comm_free SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_znl( kumout ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_ini_znl *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicator for computing zonal sum !! !! ** Method : - Look for processors in the same row !! - Put their number in nrank_znl !! - Create group for the znl processors !! - Create a communicator for znl processors !! - Determine if processor should write znl files !! !! ** output !! ndim_rank_znl = number of processors on the same row !! ngrp_znl = group ID for the znl processors !! ncomm_znl = communicator for the ice procs. !! n_znl_root = number (in the world) of proc 0 in the ice comm. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kumout ! ocean.output logical units ! INTEGER :: jproc ! dummy loop integer INTEGER :: ierr, ii ! local integer INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: kwork !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_world : ', ngrp_world !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - mpi_comm_world : ', mpi_comm_world !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - mpi_comm_oce : ', mpi_comm_oce ! ALLOCATE( kwork(jpnij), STAT=ierr ) IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_ini_znl : failed to allocate 1D array of length jpnij') IF( jpnj == 1 ) THEN ngrp_znl = ngrp_world ncomm_znl = mpi_comm_oce ELSE ! CALL MPI_ALLGATHER ( njmpp, 1, mpi_integer, kwork, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_comm_oce, ierr ) !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - kwork pour njmpp : ', kwork !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! ! Count number of processors on the same row ndim_rank_znl = 0 DO jproc=1,jpnij IF ( kwork(jproc) == njmpp ) THEN ndim_rank_znl = ndim_rank_znl + 1 ENDIF END DO !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ndim_rank_znl : ', ndim_rank_znl !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! Allocate the right size to nrank_znl IF (ALLOCATED (nrank_znl)) DEALLOCATE(nrank_znl) ALLOCATE(nrank_znl(ndim_rank_znl)) ii = 0 nrank_znl (:) = 0 DO jproc=1,jpnij IF ( kwork(jproc) == njmpp) THEN ii = ii + 1 nrank_znl(ii) = jproc -1 ENDIF END DO !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - nrank_znl : ', nrank_znl !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! Create the opa group CALL MPI_COMM_GROUP(mpi_comm_oce,ngrp_opa,ierr) !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_opa : ', ngrp_opa !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! Create the znl group from the opa group CALL MPI_GROUP_INCL ( ngrp_opa, ndim_rank_znl, nrank_znl, ngrp_znl, ierr ) !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_znl ', ngrp_znl !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! Create the znl communicator from the opa communicator, ie the pool of procs in the same row CALL MPI_COMM_CREATE ( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_znl, ncomm_znl, ierr ) !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ncomm_znl ', ncomm_znl !-$$ CALL flush(numout) ! END IF ! Determines if processor if the first (starting from i=1) on the row IF ( jpni == 1 ) THEN l_znl_root = .TRUE. ELSE l_znl_root = .FALSE. kwork (1) = nimpp CALL mpp_min ( 'lib_mpp', kwork(1), kcom = ncomm_znl) IF ( nimpp == kwork(1)) l_znl_root = .TRUE. END IF DEALLOCATE(kwork) #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_znl SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_nc( khls ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_ini_nc *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicators for MPI3 neighbourhood !! collectives !! !! ** Method : - Create graph communicators starting from the processes !! distribution along i and j directions ! !! ** output !! mpi_nc_com4 = MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator !! mpi_nc_com8 = MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator (with diagonals) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: khls ! halo size, default = nn_hls ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iSnei4, iRnei4, iSnei8, iRnei8 INTEGER :: iScnt4, iRcnt4, iScnt8, iRcnt8 INTEGER :: ierr LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: ireord = .FALSE. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off && ! defined key_mpi2 iScnt4 = COUNT( mpiSnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) iRcnt4 = COUNT( mpiRnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) iScnt8 = COUNT( mpiSnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) iRcnt8 = COUNT( mpiRnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) ALLOCATE( iSnei4(iScnt4), iRnei4(iRcnt4), iSnei8(iScnt8), iRnei8(iRcnt8) ) ! ok if icnt4 or icnt8 = 0 iSnei4 = PACK( mpiSnei(khls,1:4), mask = mpiSnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) iRnei4 = PACK( mpiRnei(khls,1:4), mask = mpiRnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) iSnei8 = PACK( mpiSnei(khls,1:8), mask = mpiSnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) iRnei8 = PACK( mpiRnei(khls,1:8), mask = mpiRnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) CALL MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( mpi_comm_oce, iScnt4, iSnei4, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, iRcnt4, iRnei4, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, & & MPI_INFO_NULL, ireord, mpi_nc_com4(khls), ierr ) CALL MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( mpi_comm_oce, iScnt8, iSnei8, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, iRcnt8, iRnei8, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, & & MPI_INFO_NULL, ireord, mpi_nc_com8(khls), ierr) DEALLOCATE( iSnei4, iRnei4, iSnei8, iRnei8 ) #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_nc SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_northgather !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_ini_northgather *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicator for north folding !! condition together with global variables needed in the mpp folding !! !! ** Method : - Look for northern processors !! - Put their number in nrank_north !! - Create groups for the world processors and the north processors !! - Create a communicator for northern processors !! !! ** output !! ndim_rank_north = number of processors in the northern line !! nrank_north (ndim_rank_north) = number of the northern procs. !! ngrp_world = group ID for the world processors !! ngrp_north = group ID for the northern processors !! ncomm_north = communicator for the northern procs. !! north_root = number (in the world) of proc 0 in the northern comm. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierr INTEGER :: jjproc INTEGER :: ii, ji !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! ! Look for how many procs on the northern boundary ndim_rank_north = 0 DO jjproc = 1, jpni IF( nfproc(jjproc) /= -1 ) ndim_rank_north = ndim_rank_north + 1 END DO ! ! Allocate the right size to nrank_north IF (ALLOCATED (nrank_north)) DEALLOCATE(nrank_north) ALLOCATE( nrank_north(ndim_rank_north) ) ! Fill the nrank_north array with proc. number of northern procs. ! Note : the rank start at 0 in MPI ii = 0 DO ji = 1, jpni IF ( nfproc(ji) /= -1 ) THEN ii=ii+1 nrank_north(ii)=nfproc(ji) END IF END DO ! ! create the world group CALL MPI_COMM_GROUP( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_world, ierr ) ! ! Create the North group from the world group CALL MPI_GROUP_INCL( ngrp_world, ndim_rank_north, nrank_north, ngrp_north, ierr ) ! ! Create the North communicator , ie the pool of procs in the north group CALL MPI_COMM_CREATE( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_north, ncomm_north, ierr ) ! #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_northgather SUBROUTINE DDPDD_MPI( ydda, yddb, ilen, itype ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Routine DDPDD_MPI: used by reduction operator MPI_SUMDD !! !! Modification of original codes written by David H. Bailey !! This subroutine computes yddb(i) = ydda(i)+yddb(i) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ilen, itype COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(ilen), INTENT(in) :: ydda COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(ilen), INTENT(inout) :: yddb ! REAL(dp) :: zerr, zt1, zt2 ! local work variables INTEGER :: ji, ztmp ! local scalar !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ztmp = itype ! avoid compilation warning ! DO ji=1,ilen ! Compute ydda + yddb using Knuth's trick. zt1 = real(ydda(ji)) + real(yddb(ji)) zerr = zt1 - real(ydda(ji)) zt2 = ((real(yddb(ji)) - zerr) + (real(ydda(ji)) - (zt1 - zerr))) & + aimag(ydda(ji)) + aimag(yddb(ji)) ! The result is zt1 + zt2, after normalization. yddb(ji) = cmplx ( zt1 + zt2, zt2 - ((zt1 + zt2) - zt1),wp ) END DO ! END SUBROUTINE DDPDD_MPI SUBROUTINE mpp_report( cdname, kpk, kpl, kpf, ld_lbc, ld_glb, ld_dlg ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_report *** !! !! ** Purpose : report use of mpp routines per time-setp !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine INTEGER , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: kpk, kpl, kpf LOGICAL , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: ld_lbc, ld_glb, ld_dlg !! CHARACTER(len=128) :: ccountname ! name of a subroutine to count communications LOGICAL :: ll_lbc, ll_glb, ll_dlg INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jh, jf, jcount ! dummy loop indices !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ! defined key_mpi_off ! ll_lbc = .FALSE. IF( PRESENT(ld_lbc) ) ll_lbc = ld_lbc ll_glb = .FALSE. IF( PRESENT(ld_glb) ) ll_glb = ld_glb ll_dlg = .FALSE. IF( PRESENT(ld_dlg) ) ll_dlg = ld_dlg ! ! find the smallest common frequency: default = frequency product, if multiple, choose the larger of the 2 frequency ncom_freq = ncom_fsbc ! IF ( ncom_stp == nit000+ncom_freq ) THEN ! avoid to count extra communications in potential initializations at nit000 IF( ll_lbc ) THEN IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(ncomm_sequence) ) ALLOCATE( ncomm_sequence(ncom_rec_max,2) ) IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( crname_lbc) ) ALLOCATE( crname_lbc(ncom_rec_max ) ) n_sequence_lbc = n_sequence_lbc + 1 IF( n_sequence_lbc > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine ncomm_sequence(n_sequence_lbc,1) = kpk*kpl ! size of 3rd and 4th dimensions ncomm_sequence(n_sequence_lbc,2) = kpf ! number of arrays to be treated (multi) ENDIF IF( ll_glb ) THEN IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(crname_glb) ) ALLOCATE( crname_glb(ncom_rec_max) ) n_sequence_glb = n_sequence_glb + 1 IF( n_sequence_glb > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock crname_glb(n_sequence_glb) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine ENDIF IF( ll_dlg ) THEN IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(crname_dlg) ) ALLOCATE( crname_dlg(ncom_rec_max) ) n_sequence_dlg = n_sequence_dlg + 1 IF( n_sequence_dlg > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock crname_dlg(n_sequence_dlg) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine ENDIF ELSE IF ( ncom_stp == nit000+2*ncom_freq ) THEN CALL ctl_opn( numcom, 'communication_report.txt', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE., narea ) WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' WRITE(numcom,*) ' ------------------------------------------------------------' WRITE(numcom,*) ' Communication pattern report (second oce+sbc+top time step):' WRITE(numcom,*) ' ------------------------------------------------------------' WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Exchanged halos : ', n_sequence_lbc jj = 0; jk = 0; jf = 0; jh = 0 DO ji = 1, n_sequence_lbc IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,1) .GT. 1 ) jk = jk + 1 IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,2) .GT. 1 ) jf = jf + 1 IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,1) .GT. 1 .AND. ncomm_sequence(ji,2) .GT. 1 ) jj = jj + 1 jh = MAX (jh, ncomm_sequence(ji,1)*ncomm_sequence(ji,2)) END DO WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' 3D Exchanged halos : ', jk WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' Multi arrays exchanged halos : ', jf WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' from which 3D : ', jj WRITE(numcom,'(A,I10)') ' Array max size : ', jh*jpi*jpj WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' WRITE(numcom,*) ' lbc_lnk called' DO ji = 1, n_sequence_lbc - 1 IF ( crname_lbc(ji) /= 'already counted' ) THEN ccountname = crname_lbc(ji) crname_lbc(ji) = 'already counted' jcount = 1 DO jj = ji + 1, n_sequence_lbc IF ( ccountname == crname_lbc(jj) ) THEN jcount = jcount + 1 crname_lbc(jj) = 'already counted' END IF END DO WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jcount,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(ccountname) END IF END DO IF ( crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc) /= 'already counted' ) THEN WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', 1,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc)) END IF WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' IF ( n_sequence_glb > 0 ) THEN WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Global communications : ', n_sequence_glb jj = 1 DO ji = 2, n_sequence_glb IF( crname_glb(ji-1) /= crname_glb(ji) ) THEN WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_glb(ji-1)) jj = 0 END IF jj = jj + 1 END DO WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_glb(n_sequence_glb)) DEALLOCATE(crname_glb) ELSE WRITE(numcom,*) ' No MPI global communication ' ENDIF WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' IF ( n_sequence_dlg > 0 ) THEN WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Delayed global communications : ', n_sequence_dlg jj = 1 DO ji = 2, n_sequence_dlg IF( crname_dlg(ji-1) /= crname_dlg(ji) ) THEN WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_dlg(ji-1)) jj = 0 END IF jj = jj + 1 END DO WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_dlg(n_sequence_dlg)) DEALLOCATE(crname_dlg) ELSE WRITE(numcom,*) ' No MPI delayed global communication ' ENDIF WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' WRITE(numcom,*) ' -----------------------------------------------' WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' DEALLOCATE(ncomm_sequence) DEALLOCATE(crname_lbc) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE mpp_report SUBROUTINE tic_tac (ld_tic, ld_global) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_tic LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_global REAL(dp), DIMENSION(2), SAVE :: tic_wt REAL(dp), SAVE :: tic_ct = 0._dp INTEGER :: ii #if ! defined key_mpi_off IF( ncom_stp <= nit000 ) RETURN IF( ncom_stp == nitend ) RETURN ii = 1 IF( PRESENT( ld_global ) ) THEN IF( ld_global ) ii = 2 END IF IF ( ld_tic ) THEN tic_wt(ii) = MPI_Wtime() ! start count tic->tac (waiting time) IF ( tic_ct > 0.0_dp ) compute_time = compute_time + MPI_Wtime() - tic_ct ! cumulate count tac->tic ELSE waiting_time(ii) = waiting_time(ii) + MPI_Wtime() - tic_wt(ii) ! cumulate count tic->tac tic_ct = MPI_Wtime() ! start count tac->tic (waiting time) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE tic_tac #if defined key_mpi_off SUBROUTINE mpi_wait(request, status, ierror) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: request INTEGER, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), INTENT( out) :: status INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: ierror IF (.FALSE.) THEN ! to avoid compilation warning status(:) = -1 ierror = -1 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE mpi_wait SUBROUTINE mpi_waitall(count, request, status, ierror) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: count INTEGER, DIMENSION(count) , INTENT(in ) :: request INTEGER, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), INTENT( out) :: status INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: ierror IF (.FALSE.) THEN ! to avoid compilation warning status(:) = -1 ierror = -1 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE mpi_waitall FUNCTION MPI_Wtime() REAL(wp) :: MPI_Wtime MPI_Wtime = -1. END FUNCTION MPI_Wtime #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! ctl_stop, ctl_warn, get_unit, ctl_opn, ctl_nam, load_nml routines !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ctl_stop( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 , & & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE stop_opa *** !! !! ** Purpose : print in ocean.outpput file a error message and !! increment the error number (nstop) by one. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cd1 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ! CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: clfmt ! writing format INTEGER :: inum !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nstop = nstop + 1 ! IF( cd1 == 'STOP' .AND. narea /= 1 ) THEN ! Immediate stop: add an arror message in 'ocean.output' file CALL ctl_opn( inum, 'ocean.output', 'APPEND', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, 6, .FALSE. ) WRITE(inum,*) WRITE(inum,*) ' ==>>> Look for "E R R O R" messages in all existing *ocean.output* files' CLOSE(inum) ENDIF IF( numout == 6 ) THEN ! force to open ocean.output file if not already opened CALL ctl_opn( numout, 'ocean.output', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, -1, .FALSE., narea ) ENDIF ! WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>> : E R R O R' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ===========' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd1) IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd2) IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd3) IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd4) IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd5) IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd6) IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd7) IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd8) IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd9) IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd10) WRITE(numout,*) ! CALL FLUSH(numout ) IF( numstp /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numstp ) IF( numrun /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numrun ) IF( numevo_ice /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numevo_ice) ! IF( cd1 == 'STOP' ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'huge E-R-R-O-R : immediate stop' WRITE(numout,*) CALL FLUSH(numout) CALL SLEEP(60) ! make sure that all output and abort files are written by all cores. 60s should be enough... CALL mppstop( ld_abort = .true. ) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE ctl_stop SUBROUTINE ctl_warn( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, & & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE stop_warn *** !! !! ** Purpose : print in ocean.outpput file a error message and !! increment the warning number (nwarn) by one. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nwarn = nwarn + 1 ! IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>> : W A R N I N G' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ===============' WRITE(numout,*) IF( PRESENT(cd1 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd1) IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd2) IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd3) IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd4) IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd5) IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd6) IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd7) IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd8) IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd9) IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd10) WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF CALL FLUSH(numout) ! END SUBROUTINE ctl_warn SUBROUTINE ctl_opn( knum, cdfile, cdstat, cdform, cdacce, klengh, kout, ldwp, karea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE ctl_opn *** !! !! ** Purpose : Open file and check if required file is available. !! !! ** Method : Fortan open !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: knum ! logical unit to open CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdfile ! file name to open CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdstat ! disposition specifier CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdform ! formatting specifier CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdacce ! access specifier INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: klengh ! record length INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kout ! number of logical units for write LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: ldwp ! boolean term for print INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: karea ! proc number ! CHARACTER(len=80) :: clfile CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: clfmt ! writing format INTEGER :: iost INTEGER :: idg ! number of digits !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! adapt filename ! ---------------- clfile = TRIM(cdfile) IF( PRESENT( karea ) ) THEN IF( karea > 1 ) THEN ! Warning: jpnij is maybe not already defined when calling ctl_opn -> use mppsize instead of jpnij idg = MAX( INT(LOG10(REAL(MAX(1,mppsize-1),wp))) + 1, 4 ) ! how many digits to we need to write? min=4, max=9 WRITE(clfmt, "('(a,a,i', i1, '.', i1, ')')") idg, idg ! '(a,a,ix.x)' WRITE(clfile, clfmt) TRIM(clfile), '_', karea-1 ENDIF ENDIF #if defined key_agrif IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) clfile = TRIM(Agrif_CFixed())//'_'//TRIM(clfile) knum=Agrif_Get_Unit() #else knum=get_unit() #endif IF( TRIM(cdfile) == '/dev/null' ) clfile = TRIM(cdfile) ! force the use of /dev/null ! IF( cdacce(1:6) == 'DIRECT' ) THEN ! cdacce has always more than 6 characters OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat, RECL=klengh , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) ELSE IF( TRIM(cdstat) == 'APPEND' ) THEN ! cdstat can have less than 6 characters OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS='UNKNOWN', POSITION='APPEND', ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) ENDIF IF( iost /= 0 .AND. TRIM(clfile) == '/dev/null' ) & ! for windows & OPEN(UNIT=knum,FILE='NUL', FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) IF( iost == 0 ) THEN IF(ldwp .AND. kout > 0) THEN WRITE(kout,*) ' file : ', TRIM(clfile),' open ok' WRITE(kout,*) ' unit = ', knum WRITE(kout,*) ' status = ', cdstat WRITE(kout,*) ' form = ', cdform WRITE(kout,*) ' access = ', cdacce WRITE(kout,*) ENDIF ENDIF 100 CONTINUE IF( iost /= 0 ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' ===>>>> : bad opening file: ', TRIM(clfile) WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' ======= === ' WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' unit = ', knum WRITE(ctmp4,*) ' status = ', cdstat WRITE(ctmp5,*) ' form = ', cdform WRITE(ctmp6,*) ' access = ', cdacce WRITE(ctmp7,*) ' iostat = ', iost WRITE(ctmp8,*) ' we stop. verify the file ' CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3, ctmp4, ctmp5, ctmp6, ctmp7, ctmp8 ) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE ctl_opn SUBROUTINE ctl_nam ( kios, cdnam ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE ctl_nam *** !! !! ** Purpose : Informations when error while reading a namelist !! !! ** Method : Fortan open !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: kios ! IO status after reading the namelist CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdnam ! group name of namelist for which error occurs ! CHARACTER(len=5) :: clios ! string to convert iostat in character for print !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE (clios, '(I5.0)') kios IF( kios < 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_warn( 'end of record or file while reading namelist ' & & // TRIM(cdnam) // ' iostat = ' // TRIM(clios) ) ENDIF ! IF( kios > 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'misspelled variable in namelist ' & & // TRIM(cdnam) // ' iostat = ' // TRIM(clios) ) ENDIF kios = 0 ! END SUBROUTINE ctl_nam INTEGER FUNCTION get_unit() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION get_unit *** !! !! ** Purpose : return the index of an unused logical unit !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: llopn !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get_unit = 15 ! choose a unit that is big enough then it is not already used in NEMO llopn = .TRUE. DO WHILE( (get_unit < 9999) .AND. llopn ) get_unit = get_unit + 1 INQUIRE( unit = get_unit, opened = llopn ) END DO IF( (get_unit == 9999) .AND. llopn ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'get_unit: All logical units until 9999 are used...' ) ENDIF ! END FUNCTION get_unit SUBROUTINE load_nml( cdnambuff , cdnamfile, kout, ldwp) CHARACTER(LEN=:) , ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: cdnambuff CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN ) :: cdnamfile CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: chline CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: csp INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kout LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ldwp !: .true. only for the root broadcaster INTEGER :: itot, iun, iltc, inl, ios, itotsav ! !csp = NEW_LINE('A') ! a new line character is the best seperator but some systems (e.g.Cray) ! seem to terminate namelist reads from internal files early if they ! encounter new-lines. Use a single space for safety. csp = ' ' ! ! Check if the namelist buffer has already been allocated. Return if it has. ! IF ( ALLOCATED( cdnambuff ) ) RETURN IF( ldwp ) THEN ! ! Open namelist file ! CALL ctl_opn( iun, cdnamfile, 'OLD', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, kout, ldwp ) ! ! First pass: count characters excluding comments and trimable white space ! itot=0 10 READ(iun,'(A256)',END=20,ERR=20) chline iltc = LEN_TRIM(chline) IF ( iltc.GT.0 ) THEN inl = INDEX(chline, '!') IF( inl.eq.0 ) THEN itot = itot + iltc + 1 ! +1 for the newline character ELSEIF( inl.GT.0 .AND. LEN_TRIM( chline(1:inl-1) ).GT.0 ) THEN itot = itot + inl ! includes +1 for the newline character ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 10 20 CONTINUE ! ! Allocate text cdnambuff for condensed namelist ! !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT ALLOCATE( CHARACTER(LEN=itot) :: cdnambuff ) !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT itotsav = itot ! ! Second pass: read and transfer pruned characters into cdnambuff ! REWIND(iun) itot=1 30 READ(iun,'(A256)',END=40,ERR=40) chline iltc = LEN_TRIM(chline) IF ( iltc.GT.0 ) THEN inl = INDEX(chline, '!') IF( inl.eq.0 ) THEN inl = iltc ELSE inl = inl - 1 ENDIF IF( inl.GT.0 .AND. LEN_TRIM( chline(1:inl) ).GT.0 ) THEN cdnambuff(itot:itot+inl-1) = chline(1:inl) WRITE( cdnambuff(itot+inl:itot+inl), '(a)' ) csp itot = itot + inl + 1 ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 30 40 CONTINUE itot = itot - 1 IF( itotsav .NE. itot ) WRITE(*,*) 'WARNING in load_nml. Allocated ',itotsav,' for read buffer; but used ',itot ! ! Close namelist file ! CLOSE(iun) !write(*,'(32A)') cdnambuff ENDIF #if ! defined key_mpi_off CALL mpp_bcast_nml( cdnambuff, itot ) #endif END SUBROUTINE load_nml !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE lib_mpp