<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- $id$ --> <!-- ============================================================================================================ = definition of all existing sea ice variables = = DO NOT CHANGE = ============================================================================================================ --> <field_definition level="1" prec="4" operation="average" enabled=".TRUE." default_value="1.e20" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined --> <!-- ============================================================================================================ Physical sea ice model variables ============================================================================================================ --> <field_group id="SBC" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined based on nn_fsbc --> <!-- 2D variables --> <field_group id="SBC_2D" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- =================== --> <!-- standard ice fields --> <!-- =================== --> <!-- ice presence masks --> <field id="icemask" long_name="Fraction of time steps with sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_mask" unit="" /> <field id="icemask05" long_name="Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 5%, 1 otherwise)" standard_name="sea_ice_mask05" unit="" /> <field id="icemask15" long_name="Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 15%, 1 otherwise)" standard_name="sea_ice_mask15" unit="" /> <field id="icepres" long_name="Fraction of time steps with sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_time_fraction" unit="" /> <field id="fasticepres" long_name="Fraction of time steps with landfast ice" standard_name="fast_ice_time_fraction" unit="" /> <!-- general fields --> <field id="icemass" long_name="Sea-ice mass per gridcell area" standard_name="sea_ice_amount" unit="kg/m2"/> <field id="snwmass" long_name="Snow mass per area" standard_name="liquid_water_content_of_surface_snow" unit="kg/m2"/> <field id="iceconc" long_name="Sea-ice area fraction" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="" /> <field id="icevolu" long_name="Sea-ice volume per area" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> <field id="icethic" long_name="Sea-ice thickness" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> <field id="snwthic" long_name="Snow thickness" standard_name="snow_thickness" unit="m" /> <field id="icebrv" long_name="brine volume" unit="%" /> <field id="iceage" long_name="ice age" unit="days" detect_missing_value="true"/> <field id="icehnew" long_name="frazil ice collection thickness" unit="m" /> <field id="snwvolu" long_name="snow volume" unit="m" /> <field id="icefrb" long_name="Sea-ice freeboard" standard_name="sea_ice_freeboard" unit="m" /> <field id="icealb" long_name="Sea-ice or snow albedo" standard_name="sea_ice_albedo" unit="" detect_missing_value="true" /> <!-- melt ponds --> <field id="iceapnd" long_name="melt pond concentration" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpond_concentration" unit="" /> <field id="icehpnd" long_name="melt pond depth" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpond_depth" unit="m" /> <field id="icevpnd" long_name="melt pond volume" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpond_volume" unit="m" /> <field id="icehlid" long_name="melt pond lid depth" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpondlid_depth" unit="m" /> <field id="icevlid" long_name="melt pond lid volume" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpondlid_volume" unit="m" /> <field id="dvpn_mlt" long_name="pond volume tendency due to surface melt" standard_name="sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dvpn_lid" long_name="pond volume tendency due to exchanges with lid" standard_name="sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_lids" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dvpn_rnf" long_name="pond volume tendency due to runoff" standard_name="sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_runoff" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dvpn_drn" long_name="pond volume tendency due to drainage" standard_name="sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_drainage" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <!-- heat --> <field id="icetemp" long_name="Mean ice temperature" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="snwtemp" long_name="Mean snow temperature" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icettop" long_name="temperature at the ice surface" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icetbot" long_name="temperature at the ice bottom" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icetsni" long_name="temperature at the snow-ice interface" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icehc" long_name="ice heat content" unit="J/m2" /> <field id="snwhc" long_name="snow heat content" unit="J/m2" /> <!-- salt --> <field id="icesalt" long_name="Sea ice salinity" unit="g/kg" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icesalm" long_name="Mass of salt in sea ice per area" standard_name="sea_ice_salt_mass" unit="kg/m2" /> <!-- momentum (rheology) --> <field id="uice" long_name="X-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" unit="m/s" /> <field id="vice" long_name="Y-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" unit="m/s" /> <field id="icevel" long_name="Sea-ice speed" standard_name="sea_ice_speed" unit="m/s" /> <field id="utau_ai" long_name="X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="vtau_ai" long_name="Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="utau_oi" long_name="X-component of ocean stress on sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="vtau_oi" long_name="Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="utau_bi" long_name="X-component of ocean bottom stress on sea ice -landfast" standard_name="ocean_bottom_upward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="vtau_bi" long_name="Y-component of ocean bottom stress on sea ice -landfast" standard_name="ocean_bottom_upward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="taum_ice" long_name="Module of atmospheric stress on sea ice (T-points)" standard_name="mod_surface_downward_stress" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="utau_ice" long_name="X-component of ocean stress on sea ice (T-points)" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_x_stress_Tpoints" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="vtau_ice" long_name="Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (T-points)" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_y_stress_Tpoints" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="sig1_pnorm" long_name="P-normalized 1st principal stress component" unit="" /> <field id="sig2_pnorm" long_name="P-normalized 2nd principal stress component" unit="" /> <field id="icedlt" long_name="delta" standard_name="delta" unit="" /> <field id="normstr" long_name="Average normal stress in sea ice" standard_name="average_normal_stress" unit="N/m" /> <field id="sheastr" long_name="Maximum shear stress in sea ice" standard_name="maximum_shear_stress" unit="N/m" /> <field id="icestr" long_name="Compressive sea ice strength" standard_name="compressive_strength_of_sea_ice" unit="N/m" /> <field id="icediv" long_name="Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field" standard_name="divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity" unit="s-1" /> <field id="iceshe" long_name="Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field" standard_name="maximum_shear_of_sea_ice_velocity" unit="s-1" /> <field id="aniso" long_name="anisotropy of sea ice floe orientation (0.5 - 1)" standard_name="anisotropy" unit="" /> <field id="yield11" long_name="yield surface tensor component 11" standard_name="yield11" unit="N/m" /> <field id="yield22" long_name="yield surface tensor component 22" standard_name="yield22" unit="N/m" /> <field id="yield12" long_name="yield surface tensor component 12" standard_name="yield12" unit="N/m" /> <field id="beta_evp" long_name="Relaxation parameter of ice rheology (beta)" standard_name="relaxation_parameter_of_ice_rheology" unit="" /> <!-- surface heat fluxes --> <field id="qt_ice" long_name="total heat flux at ice surface" standard_name="surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qsr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux at ice surface" standard_name="surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qlw_ice" long_name="longwave (IR) heat flux at ice surface" standard_name="surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qns_ice" long_name="non-solar heat flux at ice surface (including E-P)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qla_ice" long_name="latent (sublimation) heat flux at ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qsb_ice" long_name="sensible heat flux at ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qtr_ice_bot" long_name="solar heat flux transmitted through the ice (to the ocean)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qtr_ice_top" long_name="solar heat flux transmitted through the ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qt_oce_ai" long_name="total heat flux at the ocean surface: interface oce-(ice+atm)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qt_atm_oi" long_name="total heat flux at the oce-ice surface: interface atm-(ice+oce)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="qemp_ice" long_name="Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="albedo" long_name="Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean" unit="" /> <field id="Cd_ice" long_name="Drag coefficient over sea-ice" standard_name="drag_coefficient_ice" unit="" /> <field id="Ce_ice" long_name="Sublimation coefficient over sea-ice" standard_name="evap_coefficient_ice" unit="" /> <field id="Ch_ice" long_name="Sensible heat coefficient over sea-ice" standard_name="sensible_heat_coefficient_ice" unit="" /> <!-- trends --> <field id="afxthd" long_name="sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_dynamics" unit="s-1" /> <field id="afxdyn" long_name="sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_dynamics" unit="s-1" /> <field id="afxtot" long_name="area tendency (total)" unit="s-1" /> <!-- momentum (advection) --> <field id="icemtrp" long_name="ice mass transport" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="snwmtrp" long_name="snw mass transport" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="salmtrp" long_name="salt mass transport" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dihctrp" long_name="ice heat content transport" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="dshctrp" long_name="snw heat content transport" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- salt fluxes --> <field id="sfxice" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice growth/melt (neg = growth)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxbog" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice bottom growth" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxbom" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice bottom melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxsum" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice surface melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxlam" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice lateral melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxsni" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from snow-ice formation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxopw" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice formation in open water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxdyn" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice dynamics (ridging)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxbri" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from brines" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxres" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from undiagnosed processes" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="sfxsub" long_name="ice-ocean salt flux from ice sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <!-- mass fluxes --> <field id="vfxice" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice melt/growth (neg = growth)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxbog" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice bottom growth" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxbom" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice bottom melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsum" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice surface melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxlam" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice lateral melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsni" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from snow-ice formation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxopw" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice growth in open water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxdyn" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice dynamics (ridging)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxres" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from undiagnosed processes" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxpnd" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice melt ponds" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsub" long_name="ice-atm. mass flux from ice sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsub_err" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from unbalance in sublimation (incl. in qt_oce_ai)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxthin" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from ice growth in open water + thin ice(20cm)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from snw melt/growth (neg = growth)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw_sum" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from snw surface melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw_sni" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from snow-ice formation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw_dyn" long_name="ice-ocean mass flux from dynamics (ridging)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw_sub" long_name="ice-atm. mass flux from snw sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="vfxsnw_pre" long_name="snw precipitation on ice" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <!-- heat fluxes --> <field id="hfxbog" long_name="heat flux used for bottom ice growth (neg.)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxbom" long_name="heat flux used for bottom ice melt (pos.)" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxsum" long_name="heat flux used for surface ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxopw" long_name="heat flux used for open water ice formation" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxdif" long_name="heat flux used for ice temperature change" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxsnw" long_name="heat flux used for snow melt" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxerr" long_name="heat flux error after heat diffusion" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- heat fluxes associated with mass exchange --> <field id="hfxthd" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during thermo" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxdyn" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during dynamic" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxres" long_name="heat fluxes from undiagnosed processes" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxsub" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during sublimation" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxspr" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during snow precip" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxsensib" long_name="Net sensible heat flux under sea ice (neg = ice cooling)" standard_name="ice_ocean_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxcndtop" long_name="Net conductive heat flux at the ice surface (neg = ice cooling)" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_surface" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxcndbot" long_name="Net conductive heat flux at the ice bottom (neg = ice cooling)" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_bottom" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxmelt" long_name="Melt heat flux at the ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxldmelt" long_name="Heat flux in the lead for ice melting" unit="W/m2" /> <field id="hfxldgrow" long_name="Heat flux in the lead for ice growth" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- diags --> <field id="hfxdhc" long_name="Heat content variation in snow and ice (neg = ice cooling)" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- available if ln_icediachk=T --> <field id="icedrift_mass" long_name="Ice mass drift (conservation check)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="icedrift_salt" long_name="Ice salt drift (conservation check)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="icedrift_heat" long_name="Ice heat drift (conservation check)" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- sbcssm variables --> <field id="sst_m" unit="degC" /> <field id="sss_m" unit="psu" /> <field id="ssu_m" unit="m/s" /> <field id="ssv_m" unit="m/s" /> <field id="ssh_m" unit="m" /> <field id="e3t_m" unit="m" /> <field id="frq_m" unit="-" /> <!-- rheology convergence tests --> <field id="uice_cvg" long_name="sea ice velocity convergence" standard_name="sea_ice_velocity_convergence" unit="m/s" /> <!-- vp rheology convergence tests --> <field id="velo_res" long_name="sea ice velocity residual" standard_name="sea_ice_velocity_residual" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="velo_ero" long_name="sea ice velocity error last outer iteration" standard_name="sea_ice_velocity_outer_error" unit="m/s" /> <field id="uice_eri" long_name="uice velocity error last inner iteration" standard_name="sea_ice_u_velocity_inner_error" unit="m/s" /> <field id="vice_eri" long_name="vice velocity error last inner iteration" standard_name="sea_ice_v_velocity_inner_error" unit="m/s" /> <!-- ================= --> <!-- Add-ons for SIMIP --> <!-- ================= --> <field id="icemass_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice mass per area" standard_name="sea_ice_amount" detect_missing_value="true" unit="kg/m2" > icemass * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask ) </field> <field id="icethic_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice thickness" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m" > icethic * icemask05 + $missval * (1.-icemask05) </field> <field id="snwmass_cmip" long_name="Snow mass per area" standard_name="liquid_water_content_of_surface_snow" detect_missing_value="true" unit="kg/m2" > snwmass * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask ) </field> <field id="snwthic_cmip" long_name="Snow thickness" standard_name="surface_snow_thickness" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m" > snwthic * icemask05 + $missval * (1.-icemask05) </field> <field id="iceconc_pct" long_name="Sea-ice area fraction in percent" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_in_percent" unit="%" > iceconc * 100. </field> <field id="iceage_cmip" long_name="Age of sea ice" standard_name="age_of_sea_ice" detect_missing_value="true" unit="days" > iceage * icemask15 + $missval * (1.-icemask15) </field> <field id="icesalt_cmip" long_name="Sea ice salinity" standard_name="sea_ice_salinity" detect_missing_value="true" unit="g/kg" > icesalt * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask ) </field> <field id="icefrb_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice freeboard" standard_name="sea_ice_freeboard" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m" > icefrb * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask ) </field> <!-- heat --> <field id="icettop_cmip" long_name="Surface temperature of sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_surface_temperature" detect_missing_value="true" unit="K" > (icettop+273.15) * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="icetsni_cmip" long_name="Temperature at snow-ice interface" standard_name="sea_ice_snow_interface_temperature" detect_missing_value="true" unit="K" > (icetsni+273.15) * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="icetbot_cmip" long_name="Temperature at ice-ocean interface" standard_name="sea_ice_bottom_temperature" detect_missing_value="true" unit="K" > (icetbot+273.15) * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="icehc_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice heat content per unit area" standard_name="integral_of_sea_ice_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content" detect_missing_value="true" unit="J/m2" > icehc * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="snwhc_cmip" long_name="Snow-heat content per unit area" standard_name="thermal_energy_content_of_surface_snow" detect_missing_value="true" unit="J/m2" > snwhc * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <!-- fluxes (mass, heat, salt) --> <field id="vfxsum_cmip" long_name="Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface" standard_name="freshwater_flux_from_ice_surface" detect_missing_value="true" unit="kg/m2/s" > vfxsum * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="vfxice_cmip" long_name="Freshwater flux from sea ice" standard_name="freshwater_flux_from_ice" detect_missing_value="true" unit="kg/m2/s" > vfxice * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="hfxsensib_cmip" long_name="Net sensible heat flux under sea ice" standard_name="ice_ocean_heat_flux" detect_missing_value="true" unit="W/m2" > hfxsensib * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="hfxcndtop_cmip" long_name="Net conductive heat flux at the ice surface" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_surface" detect_missing_value="true" unit="W/m2" > hfxcndtop * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="hfxcndbot_cmip" long_name="Net conductive heat flux at the ice bottom" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_bottom" detect_missing_value="true" unit="W/m2" > hfxcndbot * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="sfxice_cmip" long_name="Salt flux from sea ice" standard_name="salt_flux_from_ice" detect_missing_value="true" unit="kg/m2/s" > sfxice * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <!-- trends --> <field id="dmithd" long_name="sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmidyn" long_name="sea-ice mass change from dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmiopw" long_name="sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (frazil)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_freezing_in_open_water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmibog" long_name="sea-ice mass change through basal growth" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_congelation_ice_accumulation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmisni" long_name="sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmtsub" long_name="snow and sea ice mass change through sublimation" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_and_ice_amount_due_to_sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmssub" long_name="sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation" standard_name="water_evaporation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmisub" long_name="snow mass change through evaporation or sublimation" standard_name="surface_snow_sublimation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmisum" long_name="sea-ice mass change through surface melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmibom" long_name="sea-ice mass change through bottom melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmilam" long_name="sea-ice mass change through lateral melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmsspr" long_name="snow mass change through snow fall" standard_name="snowfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmsmel" long_name="snow mass change through melt" standard_name="surface_snow_melt_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmsdyn" long_name="snow mass change through advection by sea-ice dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <field id="dmsssi" long_name="snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_snow_to_ice_conversion" unit="kg/m2/s" /> <!-- momentum (rheology) --> <field id="uice_cmip" long_name="X-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m/s" > uice * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="vice_cmip" long_name="Y-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m/s" > vice * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="icevel_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice speed" standard_name="sea_ice_speed" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m/s" > icevel * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="utau_ai_cmip" long_name="X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" detect_missing_value="true" unit="N/m2" > utau_ai * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="vtau_ai_cmip" long_name="Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" detect_missing_value="true" unit="N/m2" > vtau_ai * icemask + $missval * (1.-icemask) </field> <field id="dssh_dx" long_name="Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="sea_surface_tilt_force_on_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="dssh_dy" long_name="Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="sea_surface_tilt_force_on_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="corstrx" long_name="Coriolis force term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="coriolis_force_on_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="corstry" long_name="Coriolis force term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="coriolis_force_on_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="intstrx" long_name="Internal stress term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="internal_stress_in_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> <field id="intstry" long_name="Internal stress term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="internal_stress_in_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> <!-- momentum (advection) --> <field id="xmtrpice" long_name="X-component of ice mass transport" standard_name="ice_x_transport" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" unit="kg/s" /> <field id="ymtrpice" long_name="Y-component of ice mass transport" standard_name="ice_y_transport" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" unit="kg/s" /> <field id="xmtrpsnw" long_name="X-component of snw mass transport" standard_name="snw_x_transport" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" unit="kg/s" /> <field id="ymtrpsnw" long_name="Y-component of snw mass transport" standard_name="snw_y_transport" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" unit="kg/s" /> <field id="xatrp" long_name="X-component of ice area transport" standard_name="area_x_transport" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" unit="m2/s" /> <field id="yatrp" long_name="Y-component of ice area transport" standard_name="area_y_transport" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" unit="m2/s" /> <field id="xmtrptot" long_name="X-component of sea-ice mass transport" standard_name="sea_ice_x_transport" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" unit="kg/s" > xmtrpice + xmtrpsnw </field> <field id="ymtrptot" long_name="Y-component of sea-ice mass transport" standard_name="sea_ice_y_transport" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" unit="kg/s" > ymtrpice + ymtrpsnw </field> <!-- Ice transport through straits" --> <field id="xmtrpice_ave" long_name="Monthly average of x-ice mass transport" field_ref="xmtrpice" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @xmtrpice </field> <field id="xmtrpice_section" grid_ref="grid_U_scalar" > xmtrpice_ave </field> <field id="xmtrpice_strait" field_ref="xmtrpice_section" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice" /> <field id="xstrait_mifl" field_ref="xmtrpice_strait" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="kg/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_u_ice </field> <field id="ymtrpice_ave" long_name="Monthly average of y-ice mass transport" field_ref="ymtrpice" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @ymtrpice </field> <field id="ymtrpice_section" grid_ref="grid_V_scalar" > ymtrpice_ave </field> <field id="ymtrpice_strait" field_ref="ymtrpice_section" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice" /> <field id="ystrait_mifl" field_ref="ymtrpice_strait" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="kg/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_v_ice </field> <field id="xmtrpsnw_ave" long_name="Monthly average of x-snow mass transport" field_ref="xmtrpsnw" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @xmtrpsnw </field> <field id="xmtrpsnw_section" grid_ref="grid_U_scalar" > xmtrpsnw_ave </field> <field id="xmtrpsnw_strait" field_ref="xmtrpsnw_section" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice" /> <field id="xstrait_msfl" field_ref="xmtrpsnw_strait" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="kg/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_u_ice </field> <field id="ymtrpsnw_ave" long_name="Monthly average of y-snow mass transport" field_ref="ymtrpsnw" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @ymtrpsnw </field> <field id="ymtrpsnw_section" grid_ref="grid_V_scalar" > ymtrpsnw_ave </field> <field id="ymtrpsnw_strait" field_ref="ymtrpsnw_section" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice" /> <field id="ystrait_msfl" field_ref="ymtrpsnw_strait" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="kg/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_v_ice </field> <field id="xatrp_ave" long_name="Monthly average of x-ice area transport" field_ref="xatrp" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @xatrp </field> <field id="xatrp_section" grid_ref="grid_U_scalar" > xatrp_ave </field> <field id="xatrp_strait" field_ref="xatrp_section" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice" /> <field id="xstrait_arfl" field_ref="xatrp_strait" grid_ref="grid_U_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="kg/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_u_ice </field> <field id="yatrp_ave" long_name="Monthly average of y-ice area transport" field_ref="yatrp" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" freq_op="1mo" freq_offset="_reset_" > @yatrp </field> <field id="yatrp_section" grid_ref="grid_V_scalar" > yatrp_ave </field> <field id="yatrp_strait" field_ref="yatrp_section" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice" /> <field id="ystrait_arfl" field_ref="yatrp_strait" grid_ref="grid_V_4strait_ice_hsum" unit="m2/s" detect_missing_value="true" > this * maskMFO_v_ice </field> <field id="strait_mifl" long_name="Sea ice mass flux through straits" standard_name="sea_ice_mass_transport_across_line" unit="kg/s" freq_op="1mo" grid_ref="grid_4strait_ice" > xstrait_mifl + ystrait_mifl </field> <field id="strait_msfl" long_name="Snow mass flux through straits" standard_name="snow_mass_transport_across_line" unit="kg/s" freq_op="1mo" grid_ref="grid_4strait_ice" > xstrait_msfl + ystrait_msfl </field> <field id="strait_arfl" long_name="Sea ice area flux through straits" standard_name="sea_area_mass_transport_across_line" unit="m2/s" freq_op="1mo" grid_ref="grid_4strait_ice" > xstrait_arfl + ystrait_arfl </field> </field_group> <!-- SBC_2D --> <!-- categories --> <field_group id="SBC_3D" grid_ref="grid_T_ncatice" > <!-- standard ice fields --> <field id="iceconc_cat" long_name="Sea-ice concentration per category" unit="" /> <field id="icethic_cat" long_name="Sea-ice thickness per category" unit="m" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="snwthic_cat" long_name="Snow thickness per category" unit="m" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icesalt_cat" long_name="Sea-Ice Bulk salinity per category" unit="g/kg" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icetemp_cat" long_name="Ice temperature per category" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="snwtemp_cat" long_name="Snow temperature per category" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icettop_cat" long_name="Ice/snow surface temperature per category" unit="degC" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="iceapnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond grid fraction per category" unit="" /> <field id="icevpnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond volume per grid area per category" unit="m" /> <field id="icehpnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond thickness per category" unit="m" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icehlid_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond lid thickness per category" unit="m" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="iceafpnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond ice fraction per category" unit="" /> <field id="iceaepnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond effective fraction per category" unit="" /> <field id="icemask_cat" long_name="Fraction of time step with sea ice (per category)" unit="" /> <field id="iceage_cat" long_name="Ice age per category" unit="days" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icebrv_cat" long_name="Brine volume per category" unit="%" detect_missing_value="true" /> <field id="icealb_cat" long_name="Sea-ice or snow albedo" unit="" detect_missing_value="true" /> <!-- Add-ons for SIMIP --> <field id="iceconc_cat_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_over_categories" detect_missing_value="true" unit="" > iceconc_cat * icemask_cat + $missval * (1.-icemask_cat) </field> <field id="icethic_cat_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice thickness in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness_over_categories" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m" > icethic_cat * icemask_cat + $missval * (1.-icemask_cat) </field> <field id="snwthic_cat_cmip" long_name="Snow thickness in thickness categories" standard_name="snow_thickness_over_categories" detect_missing_value="true" unit="m" > snwthic_cat * icemask_cat + $missval * (1.-icemask_cat) </field> <field id="iceconc_cat_pct_cmip" long_name="Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_over_categories" detect_missing_value="true" unit="%" > iceconc_cat*100. * icemask_cat + $missval * (1.-icemask_cat) </field> <!-- heat diffusion convergence tests --> <field id="tice_cvgerr" long_name="sea ice temperature convergence error" standard_name="sea_ice_temperature_convergence_err" unit="K" /> <field id="tice_cvgstp" long_name="sea ice temperature convergence iterations" standard_name="sea_ice_temperature_convergence_stp" unit="" /> </field_group> <!-- SBC_3D --> <!-- scalar variables --> <field_group id="SBC_scalar" grid_ref="grid_scalar" > <field id="NH_iceextt" long_name="Sea ice extent North" standard_name="sea_ice_extent_n" unit="1e6_km2" /> <field id="SH_iceextt" long_name="Sea ice extent South" standard_name="sea_ice_extent_s" unit="1e6_km2" /> <field id="NH_icevolu" long_name="Sea ice volume North" standard_name="sea_ice_volume_n" unit="1e3_km3" /> <field id="SH_icevolu" long_name="Sea ice volume South" standard_name="sea_ice_volume_s" unit="1e3_km3" /> <field id="NH_icearea" long_name="Sea ice area North" standard_name="sea_ice_area_n" unit="1e6_km2" /> <field id="SH_icearea" long_name="Sea ice area South" standard_name="sea_ice_area_s" unit="1e6_km2" /> <!-- available with ln_icediahsb --> <!-- global forcings --> <field id="ibgfrcvoltop" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-atm (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> <field id="ibgfrcvolbot" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-ocean (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> <field id="ibgfrctemtop" long_name="global mean heat on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="1e20J" /> <field id="ibgfrctembot" long_name="global mean heat below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="1e20J" /> <field id="ibgfrcsal" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing (salt equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" /> <field id="ibgfrchfxtop" long_name="global mean heat flux on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="W/m2" /> <field id="ibgfrchfxbot" long_name="global mean heat flux below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="W/m2" /> <!-- global drifts (conservation checks) --> <field id="ibgvolume" long_name="drift in ice/snow volume (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> <field id="ibgsaltco" long_name="drift in ice salt content (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" /> <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> <field id="ibgheatfx" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat flux" unit="W/m2" /> <!-- global contents --> <field id="ibgvol_tot" long_name="global mean ice volume" unit="km3" /> <field id="sbgvol_tot" long_name="global mean snow volume" unit="km3" /> <field id="ibgarea_tot" long_name="global mean ice area" unit="km2" /> <field id="ibgsalt_tot" long_name="global mean ice salt content" unit="pss*km3" /> <field id="ibgheat_tot" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="1e20J" /> <field id="sbgheat_tot" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> <field id="ipbgvol_tot" long_name="global mean ice pond volume" unit="km3" /> <field id="ilbgvol_tot" long_name="global mean ice pond lid volume" unit="km3" /> </field_group> <!-- ============================================================================================================ --> <!-- output variables for my configuration (example) --> <field_group id="myvarICE" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- ice mask --> <field field_ref="icemask" name="simsk" /> <field field_ref="icemask05" name="simsk05" /> <field field_ref="icemask15" name="simsk15" /> <!-- general --> <field field_ref="snwvolu" name="snvolu" /> <field field_ref="snwthic" name="snthic" /> <field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic" /> <!-- <field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic_max" operation="maximum" /> <field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic_min" operation="minimum" /> --> <field field_ref="fasticepres" name="fasticepres" /> <field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" /> <field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" /> <field field_ref="icesalt" name="sisali" /> <field field_ref="iceapnd" name="siapnd" /> <field field_ref="icehpnd" name="sihpnd" /> <field field_ref="icevpnd" name="sivpnd" /> <field field_ref="iceage" name="siage" /> <field field_ref="sst_m" name="sst_m" /> <field field_ref="sss_m" name="sss_m" /> <!-- heat --> <field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" /> <field field_ref="snwtemp" name="sntemp" /> <field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" /> <field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" /> <field field_ref="icetsni" name="sitsni" /> <!-- momentum --> <field field_ref="uice" name="sivelu" /> <field field_ref="vice" name="sivelv" /> <field field_ref="icevel" name="sivelo" /> <field field_ref="utau_ai" name="utau_ai" /> <field field_ref="vtau_ai" name="vtau_ai" /> <field field_ref="utau_oi" name="utau_oi" /> <field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="vtau_oi" /> <!-- rheology --> <field field_ref="icediv" name="sidive" /> <field field_ref="iceshe" name="sishea" /> <field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" /> <field field_ref="normstr" name="normstr" /> <field field_ref="sheastr" name="sheastr" /> <field field_ref="sig1_pnorm" name="sig1_pnorm"/> <field field_ref="sig2_pnorm" name="sig2_pnorm"/> <field field_ref="icedlt" name="sidelt" /> <!-- heat fluxes --> <field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" /> <field field_ref="qt_atm_oi" name="qt_atm_oi" /> <field field_ref="qtr_ice_top" name="qtr_ice_top"/> <field field_ref="qtr_ice_bot" name="qtr_ice_bot"/> <field field_ref="qt_ice" name="qt_ice" /> <field field_ref="qsr_ice" name="qsr_ice" /> <field field_ref="qns_ice" name="qns_ice" /> <field field_ref="qemp_ice" name="qemp_ice" /> <field field_ref="albedo" name="albedo" /> <field field_ref="icealb" name="icealb" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="hfxcndtop" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="hfxcndbot" /> <field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="hfxsensib" /> <field field_ref="icehc" name="icehc" /> <field field_ref="snwhc" name="snwhc" /> <field field_ref="hfxbog" name="hfxbog" /> <field field_ref="hfxbom" name="hfxbom" /> <field field_ref="hfxsum" name="hfxsum" /> <field field_ref="hfxopw" name="hfxopw" /> <field field_ref="hfxdif" name="hfxdif" /> <field field_ref="hfxsnw" name="hfxsnw" /> <field field_ref="hfxerr" name="hfxerr" /> <field field_ref="hfxthd" name="hfxthd" /> <field field_ref="hfxdyn" name="hfxdyn" /> <field field_ref="hfxres" name="hfxres" /> <field field_ref="hfxsub" name="hfxsub" /> <field field_ref="hfxspr" name="hfxspr" /> <!-- <field field_ref="hfxdhc" name="hfxbudget" operation="average" freq_op="1d" > @qt_atm_oi - @qt_oce_ai -@hfxdhc </field> --> <!-- salt fluxes --> <field field_ref="sfxice" name="sfxice" /> <!-- mass fluxes --> <field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" /> <field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" /> <field field_ref="vfxbom" name="vfxbom" /> <field field_ref="vfxbog" name="vfxbog" /> <field field_ref="vfxsum" name="vfxsum" /> <field field_ref="vfxopw" name="vfxopw" /> <field field_ref="vfxlam" name="vfxlam" /> <field field_ref="vfxsni" name="vfxsni" /> <field field_ref="vfxdyn" name="vfxdyn" /> <field field_ref="vfxres" name="vfxres" /> <field field_ref="vfxpnd" name="vfxpnd" /> <field field_ref="vfxsub" name="vfxsub" /> <field field_ref="vfxsub_err" name="vfxsub_err" /> <field field_ref="vfxthin" name="vfxthin" /> </field_group> <field_group id="myvarICE_cat" grid_ref="grid_T_ncatice" > <!-- categories --> <field field_ref="icemask_cat" name="simskcat"/> <field field_ref="snwthic_cat" name="snthicat"/> <field field_ref="iceconc_cat" name="siconcat"/> <field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat"/> <field field_ref="icesalt_cat" name="sisalcat"/> <field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat"/> <field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat"/> <field field_ref="icettop_cat" name="sitopcat"/> </field_group> <!--============================--> <!-- CONSERVATION diagnostics --> <!--============================--> <field_group id="ICE_globalbudget" grid_ref="grid_scalar" > <field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" /> <field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" /> <field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" /> <field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" /> <field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" /> <field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" /> <field field_ref="ipbgvol_tot" name="ipbgvol_tot" /> <field field_ref="ilbgvol_tot" name="ilbgvol_tot" /> </field_group> <field_group id="ICE_budget" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- general --> <field field_ref="icemask" name="simsk" /> <field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" /> <field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" /> <field field_ref="snwtemp" name="sntemp" /> <field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" /> <field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" /> <!-- heat fluxes --> <field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" /> <field field_ref="qt_atm_oi" name="qt_atm_oi" /> <field field_ref="qtr_ice_top" name="qtr_ice_top"/> <field field_ref="qtr_ice_bot" name="qtr_ice_bot"/> <field field_ref="qt_ice" name="qt_ice" /> <field field_ref="qsr_ice" name="qsr_ice" /> <field field_ref="qns_ice" name="qns_ice" /> <field field_ref="qemp_ice" name="qemp_ice" /> <field field_ref="hfxsub" name="hfxsub" /> <field field_ref="hfxspr" name="hfxspr" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="hfxcndtop" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="hfxcndbot" /> <field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="hfxsensib" /> <field field_ref="hfxmelt" name="hfxmelt" /> <field field_ref="hfxldmelt" name="hfxldmelt" /> <field field_ref="hfxldgrow" name="hfxldgrow" /> <!-- salt fluxes --> <field field_ref="sfxice" name="sfxice" /> <!-- mass fluxes --> <field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" /> <field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" /> <field field_ref="vfxpnd" name="vfxpnd" /> <field field_ref="vfxsub" name="vfxsub" /> <field field_ref="vfxsub_err" name="vfxsub_err" /> <field field_ref="vfxsnw_sub" name="vfxsnw_sub" /> <field field_ref="vfxsnw_pre" name="vfxsnw_pre" /> </field_group> <!--============================--> <!-- SIMIP sea ice field groups --> <!-- Notz et al 2016 --> <!--============================--> <!-- SIMIP monthly scalar variables --> <field_group id="SImon_scalars" grid_ref="grid_scalar" > <!-- Integrated quantities --> <field field_ref="NH_iceextt" name="siextentn" /> <field field_ref="SH_iceextt" name="siextents" /> <field field_ref="NH_icevolu" name="sivoln" /> <field field_ref="SH_icevolu" name="sivols" /> <field field_ref="NH_icearea" name="siarean" /> <field field_ref="SH_icearea" name="siareas" /> </field_group> <!-- SIMIP daily fields --> <field_group id="SIday_fields" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <field field_ref="icepres" name="sitimefrac" /> <field field_ref="iceconc_pct" name="siconc" /> <field field_ref="icethic_cmip" name="sithick" /> <field field_ref="snwthic_cmip" name="sisnthick" /> <field field_ref="icettop_cmip" name="sitemptop" /> <field field_ref="uice_cmip" name="siu" /> <field field_ref="vice_cmip" name="siv" /> <field field_ref="icevel_cmip" name="sispeed" /> </field_group> <!-- SIMIP monthly fields --> <field_group id="SImon_fields" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- Sea-ice state variables --> <field field_ref="icepres" name="sitimefrac" /> <field field_ref="iceconc_pct" name="siconc" /> <field field_ref="icemass_cmip" name="simass" /> <field field_ref="icethic_cmip" name="sithick" /> <field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivol" /> <field field_ref="snwmass_cmip" name="sisnmass" /> <field field_ref="snwthic_cmip" name="sisnthick" /> <!-- additional state variables--> <field field_ref="icettop_cmip" name="sitemptop" /> <field field_ref="icetsni_cmip" name="sitempsnic" /> <field field_ref="icetbot_cmip" name="sitempbot" /> <field field_ref="iceage_cmip" name="siage" /> <field field_ref="icesalm" name="sisaltmass" /> <field field_ref="icesalt_cmip" name="sisali" /> <field field_ref="icefrb_cmip" name="sifb" /> <field field_ref="icehc_cmip" name="sihc" /> <field field_ref="snwhc_cmip" name="sisnhc" /> <!-- freshwater fluxes --> <field field_ref="vfxice_cmip" name="siflfwbot" /> <field field_ref="vfxsum_cmip" name="siflfwdrain" /> <!-- area balance --> <field field_ref="afxthd" name="sidconcth" /> <field field_ref="afxdyn" name="sidconcdyn" /> <!-- mass balance --> <field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" /> <field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" /> <field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" /> <field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" /> <field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" /> <field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" /> <field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" /> <field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" /> <field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" /> <field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" /> <field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" /> <field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" /> <field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" /> <field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" /> <!-- heat balance --> <field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="siflsensupbot" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="siflcondtop" /> <field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="siflcondbot" /> <!-- salt balance --> <field field_ref="sfxice_cmip" name="siflsaltbot" /> <!-- sea-ice dynamics --> <field field_ref="uice_cmip" name="siu" /> <field field_ref="vice_cmip" name="siv" /> <field field_ref="icevel_cmip" name="sispeed" /> <field field_ref="utau_ai_cmip" name="sistrxdtop" /> <field field_ref="vtau_ai_cmip" name="sistrydtop" /> <field field_ref="utau_oi" name="sistrxubot" /> <field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="sistryubot" /> <field field_ref="icestr" name="sicompstren" /> <field field_ref="dssh_dx" name="siforcetiltx" /> <field field_ref="dssh_dy" name="siforcetilty" /> <field field_ref="corstrx" name="siforcecoriolx" /> <field field_ref="corstry" name="siforcecorioly" /> <field field_ref="intstrx" name="siforceintstrx" /> <field field_ref="intstry" name="siforceintstry" /> <field field_ref="xmtrptot" name="sidmasstranx" /> <field field_ref="ymtrptot" name="sidmasstrany" /> <field field_ref="normstr" name="sistresave" operation="instant" /> <field field_ref="sheastr" name="sistremax" operation="instant" /> <field field_ref="icediv" name="sidivvel" operation="instant" /> <field field_ref="iceshe" name="sishevel" operation="instant" /> <!-- sea ice fluxes across straits: 2D arrays to be post-processed --> <field field_ref="xmtrpice" name="simassacrossline_x" /> <field field_ref="ymtrpice" name="simassacrossline_y" /> <field field_ref="xmtrpsnw" name="snmassacrossline_x" /> <field field_ref="ymtrpsnw" name="snmassacrossline_y" /> <field field_ref="xatrp" name="siareaacrossline_x" /> <field field_ref="yatrp" name="siareaacrossline_y" /> <!-- category-dependent fields --> <field field_ref="iceconc_cat_pct_cmip" name="siitdconc" /> <field field_ref="icethic_cat_cmip" name="siitdthick" /> <field field_ref="snwthic_cat_cmip" name="siitdsnthick" /> </field_group> </field_group> <!-- SBC --> </field_definition>