#!/bin/bash #! #BSUB -q p_short #BSUB -n TOTAL_NPROCS #BSUB -J NEMO_SETTE #BSUB -o job_sette.out #BSUB -e job_sette.out #BSUB -P R000 #BSUB -x ############################################################### # Test specific settings. Do not hand edit these lines; the fcm_job.sh script will set these # (via sed operating on this template job file). # OCEANCORES=NPROCS XIOS_NUMPROCS=NXIOPROCS export SETTE_DIR=DEF_SETTE_DIR ############################################################### # # load sette functions (only post_test_tidyup needed) # . ${SETTE_DIR}/all_functions.sh # Don't remove neither change the following line # BODY # # These variables are needed by post_test_tidyup function in all_functions.sh # export EXE_DIR=DEF_EXE_DIR export INPUT_DIR=DEF_INPUT_DIR export CONFIG_DIR=DEF_CONFIG_DIR export TOOLS_DIR=DEF_TOOLS_DIR export NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR=DEF_NEMO_VALIDATION export NEW_CONF=DEF_NEW_CONF export CMP_NAM=DEF_CMP_NAM export TEST_NAME=DEF_TEST_NAME # # end of set up # Load environment if exists env_file=`find ${TOOLS_DIR}/../arch -name arch-${CMP_NAM}.env` if [ -f "${env_file}" ] ; then echo "Load environment file arch-${CMP_NAM}.env" . ${env_file} fi ############################################################### # Local settings for CMCC cluster # export I_MPI_HYDRA_BRANCH_COUNT=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | wc -l` export MPIRUN="mpiexec.hydra" # local xios setting for MPMD export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${XIOS}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} XIOS_SERVER_PATHNAME="${XIOS}/bin/xios_server.exe" echo "Start JOBID ${LSB_JOBID}" ############################################################### # # change to the working directory # cd ${EXE_DIR} # echo Running on host `hostname` echo Time is `date` echo Directory is `pwd` # # Run the parallel MPI executable # startTime=$(date +%s) if [ MPI_FLAG == "yes" ]; then if [ ${USING_MPMD} == "yes" ] && [ ${XIOS_NUMPROCS} -gt 0 ]; then # XIOS detached mode xioscmdfile="xioscmdfile" # echo "# Configuration file for mpiexec.hydra" > $xioscmdfile echo "-n ${OCEANCORES} ./nemo" >> $xioscmdfile echo "-n ${XIOS_NUMPROCS} ${XIOS_SERVER_PATHNAME}" >> $xioscmdfile time ${MPIRUN} -configfile $xioscmdfile else # XIOS attached mode time ${MPIRUN} ./nemo fi else # Run the serial executable time ./nemo fi endTime=$(date +%s) totalTime=$(($endTime-$startTime)) echo "Model finished after $totalTime seconds for test $TEST_NAME" # post_test_tidyup # END_BODY # Don't remove neither change the previous line exit