diff --git a/src/OCE/LBC/lbc_nfd_generic.h90 b/src/OCE/LBC/lbc_nfd_generic.h90
index fdfa8b62b54ade95f72f7bf33e49fe91adc0657e..fa20805f5944259e7349dbdc40ae49d54e695d9f 100644
--- a/src/OCE/LBC/lbc_nfd_generic.h90
+++ b/src/OCE/LBC/lbc_nfd_generic.h90
@@ -196,30 +196,7 @@
             CASE ( 'T' , 'W' )                         ! T-, W-point
                DO jl = 1, ipl   ;   DO jk = 1, ipk
-                  ! first: line number ipj-ihls : 3 points
-               	  DO jj = 1, 1
-                     ij1 = ipj - ihls
-                     ij2 = ij1   ! same line
-                     !
-                     DO ji = 1, 1                 ! points from ipi/2+1
-                        ii1 = ipi/2 + ji
-                        ii2 = ipi/2 - ji + 1
-                        ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii1,ij1,jk,jl) =            ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii2,ij2,jk,jl)   ! Warning: pb with sign...
-                     END DO
-                     DO ji = 1, 1                 ! points ipi - ihls
-                        ii1 = ipi - ihls + ji - 1
-                        ii2 =       ihls + ji
-                        ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii1,ij1,jk,jl) =            ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii2,ij2,jk,jl)   ! Warning: pb with sign...
-                     END DO
-                     DO ji = 1, COUNT( (/ihls > 0/) ) ! point ihls: redo it just in case (if e-w periodocity already done)
-                        !                             ! as we just changed point ipi - ihls
-                        ii1 = ihls + ji - 1
-                        ii2 = ihls + ji
-                        ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii1,ij1,jk,jl) =            ptab(jf)%pt4d(ii2,ij2,jk,jl)   ! Warning: pb with sign...
-                     END DO
-                  END DO
-                  !
-                  ! Second: last ihls lines (from ipj to ipj-ihls+1) : full
+                  ! last ihls lines (from ipj to ipj-ihls+1) : full
                	  DO jj = 1, ihls
                	     ij1 = ipj + 1      - jj             ! ends at: ipj + 1 - ihls
                      ij2 = ipj - 2*ihls + jj             ! ends at: ipj - 2*ihls + ihls = ipj - ihls
diff --git a/src/OCE/LBC/mpp_nfd_generic.h90 b/src/OCE/LBC/mpp_nfd_generic.h90
index b6bee828e55d46e8aa6b6c35a559154c037a2eb5..20ecf8ac22f8e4395fb246073a65a7a807affa76 100644
--- a/src/OCE/LBC/mpp_nfd_generic.h90
+++ b/src/OCE/LBC/mpp_nfd_generic.h90
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
       INTEGER  ::   ierr, ibuffsize, impp, ipi0
       INTEGER  ::   ii1, ii2, ij1, ij2, ij3, iig, inei
       INTEGER  ::   i0max, ilntot, iisht, ijsht, ihsz
-      INTEGER  ::   iproc, ijnr, ipjtot, iFT, iFU, i012
+      INTEGER  ::   iproc, ijnr, ipjtot, iF_TU, i012
       INTEGER,         DIMENSION(kfld)               ::   ipi, ipj, ipj1, ipj2, ipk, ipl   ! dimension of the input array
       INTEGER,         DIMENSION(kfld)               ::   ihls                             ! halo size
       INTEGER,         DIMENSION(:)    , ALLOCATABLE ::   ireq_s, ireq_r   ! for mpi_isend when avoiding mpi_allgather
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
          !  - c_NFtype='T', grid=U : half of the last line (jpiglo/2+1:jpiglo-nn_hls)
          !  - c_NFtype='T', grid=V : all the last line nn_hls+1 and (nn_hls+2:jpiglo-nn_hls)
          !  - c_NFtype='T', grid=F : all the last line (nn_hls+1:jpiglo-nn_hls)
-         !  - c_NFtype='F', grid=T : 2 points of the last line (jpiglo/2+1 and jpglo-nn_hls)
          !  - c_NFtype='F', grid=U : no points are duplicated
          !  - c_NFtype='F', grid=V : half of the last line (jpiglo/2+1:jpiglo-nn_hls)
          !  - c_NFtype='F', grid=F : half of the last line (jpiglo/2+1:jpiglo-nn_hls-1)
@@ -64,8 +63,7 @@
          ALLOCATE(ipjfld(kfld))                 ! how many lines do we send for each field?
          IF( llfull ) THEN
             DO jf = 1, kfld                     ! Loop over the number of arrays to be processed
-               ipjfld(jf) = ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T'  .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )   &
-               &                     + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' .AND.  ihls(jf) ==  0  /) )
+               ipjfld(jf) = ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T'  .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )
             END DO
             ipjfld(:) = ihls(:)
@@ -80,8 +78,7 @@
          ij1 = 0
          DO jf = 1, kfld
-            i012 = COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T' /) ) + COUNT( (/ cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )  &
-               &              + COUNT( (/ ihls(jf) == 0 .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' .AND.  c_NFtype == 'F' /) )   ! 0, 1 OR 2
+            i012 = COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T' /) ) + COUNT( (/ cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )   ! 0, 1 OR 2
             ijsht = ipj(jf) - 2*ihls(jf) - i012         ! j-position of the sent lines (from bottom of sent lines)
             DO jl = 1, ipl(jf)   ;   DO jk = 1, ipk(jf)
@@ -171,7 +168,6 @@
             ihsz = ihls(jf)   ! shorter name
             iisht = nn_hls - ihsz
-            iFT = COUNT( (/ ihsz > 0 .AND. c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' /) )   ! F-folding and T grid
             DO jl = 1, ipl(jf)   ;   DO jk = 1, ipk(jf)
@@ -187,9 +183,9 @@
                      ptab(jf)%pt4d(ji,ij1,jk,jl) = psgn(jf) * zbufr(ii2,ij2,inei)
                   END DO
                END DO
-               DO jj = ihsz+1, ipjfld(jf)+iFT        ! NP folding for line ipj-ihsz that can be partially modified
+               DO jj = ihsz+1, ipjfld(jf)            ! NP folding for line ipj-ihsz that can be partially modified
                   ij1 = ipj(jf) - jj + 1             ! j-index in the receiving array (from the top -> reverse order for jj)
-                  ij2 = ij2 + 1 - iFT
+                  ij2 = ij2 + 1
                   ij3 = 1
                   DO ji = 1, ipi(jf)
                      ii1 = ji + iisht
@@ -215,11 +211,9 @@
          DO jf = 1, kfld
             ! how many lines do we send for each field?
-            ipj1(jf) =     ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T'  .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )  &
-               &                    + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' .AND.  ihls(jf) ==  0  /) )
+            ipj1(jf) =     ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T'  .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )
             ! how many lines do we need for each field?
-            ipj2(jf) = 2 * ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T' /) ) + COUNT( (/ cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )  &
-               &                    + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' .AND.  ihls(jf) ==  0  /) )
+            ipj2(jf) = 2 * ihls(jf) + COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'T' /) ) + COUNT( (/ cd_nat(jf) == 'V' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'F' /) )
          END DO
          i0max = MAXVAL( nfni_0, mask = nfproc /= -1 )           ! largest value of Ni_0 among processors (we are not sending halos)
@@ -256,8 +250,8 @@
             iisht = nn_hls - ihsz
             ALLOCATE( ztabglo(1)%pt4d(Ni0glo+2*ihsz,ipj2(jf),ipk(jf),ipl(jf)) )
-            iFU = COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. cd_nat(jf) == 'U' /) )    ! F-folding and U grid
-            IF( iFU == 0 )   ztabglo(1)%pt4d(:,ipj2(jf)-ihsz,:,:) = zhuge   ! flag off the line that is not fully modified
+            iF_TU = COUNT( (/ c_NFtype == 'F' .AND. ( cd_nat(jf) == 'U' .OR. cd_nat(jf) == 'T' ) /) )   ! F-folding and T or U grid
+            IF( iF_TU == 0 )   ztabglo(1)%pt4d(:,ipj2(jf)-ihsz,:,:) = zhuge   ! flag off the line that is not fully modified
             ! need to fill only the first ipj1(j) lines of ztabglo as lbc_nfd don't use the last ihsz lines
             ijnr = 0
@@ -319,7 +313,7 @@
                      ptab(jf)%pt4d(ji,ij1,jk,jl) = ztabglo(1)%pt4d(ii2,ij2,jk,jl)
                   END DO
                END DO
-               DO jj = ihsz, ihsz - iFU
+               DO jj = ihsz, ihsz - iF_TU
                   ij1 = ipj( jf) - jj   ! last ihsz+1 line
                   ij2 = ipj2(jf) - jj   ! last ihsz+1 line
                   DO ji= 1, ipi(jf)
diff --git a/tests/BENCH/MY_SRC/usrdef_zgr.F90 b/tests/BENCH/MY_SRC/usrdef_zgr.F90
index fe5d7de8004ef26c20bff9bfeb13e5555249cfdd..3a3818bfe2d7806b69d421b118695d69b03f4578 100644
--- a/tests/BENCH/MY_SRC/usrdef_zgr.F90
+++ b/tests/BENCH/MY_SRC/usrdef_zgr.F90
@@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ CONTAINS
 !!$         z2d(mi0(jpiglo/2     ,nn_hls):mi1(           jpiglo/2     +2 ,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls-1,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls+1,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
 !!$      ENDIF
 !!$      !
-      IF( c_NFtype == 'F' ) THEN   ! Must mask the 2 pivot-points 
-         z2d(mi0(nn_hls+1,nn_hls):mi1(nn_hls+1,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
-         z2d(mi0(jpiglo/2,nn_hls):mi1(jpiglo/2,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
-      ENDIF
+!!$      IF( c_NFtype == 'F' ) THEN   ! Must mask the 2 pivot-points 
+!!$         z2d(mi0(nn_hls+1,nn_hls):mi1(nn_hls+1,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
+!!$         z2d(mi0(jpiglo/2,nn_hls):mi1(jpiglo/2,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
+!!$      ENDIF
       CALL lbc_lnk( 'usrdef_zgr', z2d, 'T', 1._wp )           ! set surrounding land to zero (closed boundaries)