diff --git a/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_GCC_OMPI.fcm b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_GCC_OMPI.fcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02eebfa64b99366d8f908c4f9dfebe4eb7fbc51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_GCC_OMPI.fcm
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# compiler options for AA (using GCC compiler & OpenMPI)
+# module use /home/ar0s/modules
+# prgenv/gnu gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/ hdf5-parallel/1.10.6 netcdf4-parallel/4.7.4 xios/trunk/rev2320-impi
+# NCDF_INC    netcdf4 include file
+# NCDF_LIB    netcdf4 library
+# XIOS_INC    xios include file    (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# XIOS_LIB    xios library         (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# OASIS_INC   oasis include file   (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# OASIS_LIB   oasis library        (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# FC          Fortran compiler command
+# FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags
+# FFLAGS      Fortran 77 compiler flags
+# LD          linker
+# LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
+# FPPFLAGS    pre-processing flags
+# AR          assembler
+# ARFLAGS     assembler flags
+# MK          make
+# USER_INC    complete list of include files
+# USER_LIB    complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
+# CC          C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
+# CFLAGS      compiler flags used with CC
+# Note that:
+#  - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
+#  - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
+# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
+# variables by the load of modules
+%NCDF_INC            ${NETCDF4_INCLUDE}
+#%NCDF_LIB            ${NETCDF4_LIB} ${HDF5_LIB}
+%NCDF_LIB            ${NETCDF4_LIB} -L/usr/local/apps/hdf5-parallel/1.10.6/GNU/8.4/OMPI/4.1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/apps/hdf5-parallel/1.10.6/GNU/8.4/OMPI/4.1/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_hl_cpp -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_cpp -lhdf5 -lm -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5
+%XIOS_INC            -I${XIOS_INC}
+%XIOS_LIB            -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios
+%OASIS_INC           -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/mct -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
+%OASIS_LIB           -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
+%CPP                 cpp -Dkey_nosignedzero
+%FC                  mpif90 -c -cpp
+#%FCFLAGS             -fdefault-real-8 -O2 -ftree-vectorize -funroll-all-loops -ffree-line-length-none -Wno-missing-include-dirs
+%FCFLAGS             -fdefault-real-8 -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -Wno-missing-include-dirs -fallow-argument-mismatch
+%FFLAGS              %FCFLAGS
+%LD                  mpif90
+%LDFLAGS             -lstdc++
+%FPPFLAGS            -P -traditional
+%AR                  ar
+%ARFLAGS             rs
+%MK                  gmake
+%CC                  mpicc
+%CFLAGS              -O0
diff --git a/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_IMPI.fcm b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_IMPI.fcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40a7450e43c2f8dc52938825ff460953b627ca7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_IMPI.fcm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# compiler options for AA (using INTEL compiler & INTEL MPI)
+# module use /home/ar0s/modules
+# module load prgenv/intel intel/2021.4.0 intel-mpi/2021.4.0 hdf5-parallel/1.10.6 netcdf4-parallel/4.7.4 xios/trunk/rev2320-impi
+# NCDF_INC    netcdf4 include file
+# NCDF_LIB    netcdf4 library
+# XIOS_INC    xios include file    (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# XIOS_LIB    xios library         (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# OASIS_INC   oasis include file   (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# OASIS_LIB   oasis library        (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# FC          Fortran compiler command
+# FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags
+# FFLAGS      Fortran 77 compiler flags
+# LD          linker
+# LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
+# FPPFLAGS    pre-processing flags
+# AR          assembler
+# ARFLAGS     assembler flags
+# MK          make
+# USER_INC    complete list of include files
+# USER_LIB    complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
+# CC          C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
+# CFLAGS      compiler flags used with CC
+# Note that:
+#  - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
+#  - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
+# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
+# variables by the load of modules
+%NCDF_INC            ${NETCDF4_INCLUDE}
+%NCDF_LIB            ${NETCDF4_LIB} ${HDF5_LIB}
+%XIOS_INC            -I${XIOS_INC}
+%XIOS_LIB            -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
+%OASIS_INC           -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/mct -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
+%OASIS_LIB           -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
+%CPP                 cpp
+%FC                  mpiifort -c -cpp
+%FCFLAGS             -march=core-avx2 -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -fno-alias -align array64byte
+%FFLAGS              %FCFLAGS
+%LD                  mpiifort
+%FPPFLAGS            -P -traditional
+%AR                  ar
+%ARFLAGS             rs
+%MK                  gmake
+%CC                  mpiicc
+%CFLAGS              -O0
diff --git a/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_XMPI.fcm b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_XMPI.fcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b83a27136d6a38e8b9b2d72e0959ed22b75fe307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/MERCATOR/arch-X64_AA_INTEL_XMPI.fcm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# compiler options for AA (using INTEL compiler & HPCX OpenMPI)
+# module use /home/ar0s/modules
+# module load prgenv/intel intel/2021.4.0 hpcx-openmpi/2.9.0 hdf5-parallel/1.10.6 netcdf4-parallel/4.7.4 xios/trunk/rev2320-xmpi
+# NCDF_INC    netcdf4 include file
+# NCDF_LIB    netcdf4 library
+# XIOS_INC    xios include file    (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# XIOS_LIB    xios library         (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
+# OASIS_INC   oasis include file   (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# OASIS_LIB   oasis library        (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
+# FC          Fortran compiler command
+# FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags
+# FFLAGS      Fortran 77 compiler flags
+# LD          linker
+# LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
+# FPPFLAGS    pre-processing flags
+# AR          assembler
+# ARFLAGS     assembler flags
+# MK          make
+# USER_INC    complete list of include files
+# USER_LIB    complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
+# CC          C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
+# CFLAGS      compiler flags used with CC
+# Note that:
+#  - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
+#  - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
+# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
+# variables by the load of modules
+%NCDF_INC            ${NETCDF4_INCLUDE}
+%NCDF_LIB            ${NETCDF4_LIB} ${HDF5_LIB}
+%XIOS_INC            -I${XIOS_INC}
+%XIOS_LIB            -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
+%OASIS_INC           -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/mct -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
+%OASIS_LIB           -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
+%CPP                 cpp
+%FC                  mpifort -c -cpp
+%FCFLAGS             -march=core-avx2 -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -fno-alias -align array64byte
+%FFLAGS              %FCFLAGS
+%LD                  mpifort
+%FPPFLAGS            -P -traditional
+%AR                  ar
+%ARFLAGS             rs
+%MK                  gmake
+%CC                  mpicc
+%CFLAGS              -O0