diff --git a/cfgs/SHARED/field_def_nemo-oce.xml b/cfgs/SHARED/field_def_nemo-oce.xml
index bc6b20728008854584e71fd3a1c20a81ea5fbacf..6cd9bdb8eb10f24b0291d271aa5647c07f8f3016 100644
--- a/cfgs/SHARED/field_def_nemo-oce.xml
+++ b/cfgs/SHARED/field_def_nemo-oce.xml
@@ -241,39 +241,39 @@ that are available in the tidal-forcing implementation (see
     <!-- * variable related to ice shelf forcing * -->
     <!-- * fwf * -->
-    <field id="fwfisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="kg/m2/s"  />
-    <field id="fwfisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="kg/m2/s"  />
-    <field id="fwfisf3d_cav"    long_name="3d Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                 unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="fwfisf3d_par"    long_name="3d Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                 unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
+    <field id="fwfisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="fwfisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="fwfisf3d_cav"    long_name="3d Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                 unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="fwfisf3d_par"    long_name="3d Ice shelf fresh water flux ( from isf to oce )"                 unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
     <!-- * heat fluxes * -->
-    <field id="qoceisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qoceisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qlatisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qlatisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qhcisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qhcisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"     />
-    <field id="qoceisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qoceisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qlatisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qlatisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qhcisf3d_cav"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qhcisf3d_par"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />
-    <field id="qconisf"         long_name="Conductive heat flux through the ice shelf ( from isf to oce )"    unit="W/m2"     />
+    <field id="qoceisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qoceisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qlatisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qlatisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qhcisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qhcisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="qoceisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qoceisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qlatisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qlatisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux ( from isf to oce )"                    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qhcisf3d_cav"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qhcisf3d_par"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water ( from isf to oce )" unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D_inner" />
+    <field id="qconisf"         long_name="Conductive heat flux through the ice shelf ( from isf to oce )"    unit="W/m2"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
     <!-- top boundary layer properties -->
-    <field id="isftfrz_cav"     long_name="freezing point temperature at ocean/isf interface"                unit="degC"     />
-    <field id="isftfrz_par"     long_name="freezing point temperature in the parametrization boundary layer" unit="degC"     />
-    <field id="isfthermald_cav" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"          unit="degC"     />
-    <field id="isfthermald_par" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"          unit="degC"     />
-    <field id="isfgammat"       long_name="Ice shelf heat-transfert velocity"             unit="m/s"      />
-    <field id="isfgammas"       long_name="Ice shelf salt-transfert velocity"             unit="m/s"      />
-    <field id="ttbl_cav"        long_name="temperature in Losch tbl"                      unit="degC"     />
-    <field id="ttbl_par"        long_name="temperature in the parametrisation boundary layer" unit="degC" />
-    <field id="stbl"            long_name="salinity in the Losh tbl"                      unit="1e-3"     />
-    <field id="utbl"            long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl at T point"      unit="m/s"      />
-    <field id="vtbl"            long_name="merid current in the Losh tbl at T point"      unit="m/s"      />
-    <field id="isfustar"        long_name="ustar at T point used in ice shelf melting"    unit="m/s"      />
+    <field id="isftfrz_cav"     long_name="freezing point temperature at ocean/isf interface"                unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isftfrz_par"     long_name="freezing point temperature in the parametrization boundary layer" unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isfthermald_cav" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"                             unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isfthermald_par" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"                             unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isfgammat"       long_name="Ice shelf heat-transfert velocity"                                unit="m/s"   grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isfgammas"       long_name="Ice shelf salt-transfert velocity"                                unit="m/s"   grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="ttbl_cav"        long_name="temperature in Losch tbl"                                         unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="ttbl_par"        long_name="temperature in the parametrisation boundary layer"                unit="degC"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="stbl"            long_name="salinity in the Losh tbl"                                         unit="1e-3"  grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="utbl"            long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl at T point"                         unit="m/s"   grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="vtbl"            long_name="merid current in the Losh tbl at T point"                         unit="m/s"   grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
+    <field id="isfustar"        long_name="ustar at T point used in ice shelf melting"                       unit="m/s"   grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" />
   </field_group> <!-- grid_T -->
diff --git a/src/OCE/ASM/asminc.F90 b/src/OCE/ASM/asminc.F90
index 54371a62c3b73a6d626d97937dbbf52d20a565b8..82f63a2f16673c52489ef9eb0980d9a40cda2e37 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ASM/asminc.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ASM/asminc.F90
@@ -821,12 +821,12 @@ CONTAINS
       CALL ssh_asm_inc( kt, Kbb, Kmm ) !==   (calculate increments)
       IF( ln_linssh ) THEN
-         DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             phdivn(ji,jj,1) = phdivn(ji,jj,1) - ssh_iau(ji,jj) / e3t(ji,jj,1,Kmm) * tmask(ji,jj,1)
-         ALLOCATE( ztim(A2D(nn_hls)) )
-         DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
+         ALLOCATE( ztim(A2D(0)) )
+         DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             ztim(ji,jj) = ssh_iau(ji,jj) / ( ht(ji,jj) + 1.0 - ssmask(ji,jj) )
             DO jk = 1, jpkm1
                phdivn(ji,jj,jk) = phdivn(ji,jj,jk) - ztim(ji,jj) * tmask(ji,jj,jk)
diff --git a/src/OCE/DOM/closea.F90 b/src/OCE/DOM/closea.F90
index eb523c63cc6067ec513a5d2cf23378fcc2b2d80f..3505bb0f7e4d81156123a08b84a81523099c3e17 100644
--- a/src/OCE/DOM/closea.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/DOM/closea.F90
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ MODULE closea
    INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csrnf , mask_csgrprnf !: mask of integers defining closed seas rnf mappings
    INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csemp , mask_csgrpemp !: mask of integers defining closed seas empmr mappings
+   !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
    !! $Id: closea.F90 13558 2020-10-02 15:30:22Z smasson $
@@ -173,17 +175,17 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Action  :   update (p_)mskrnf (set 1 at closed sea outflow)
       !! subroutine parameter
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) ::   p_rnfmsk   ! river runoff mask (rnfmsk array)
-      !!
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) ::   p_rnfmsk   ! river runoff mask (rnfmsk array)
       !! local variables
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zmsk
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj
+      INTEGER ::   zmsk
       ! zmsk > 0 where cs river mouth defined (case rnf and emp)
-      zmsk(:,:) = ( mask_csgrprnf (:,:) + mask_csgrpemp(:,:) ) * mask_opnsea(:,:)
-      WHERE( zmsk(:,:) > 0 )
-         p_rnfmsk(:,:) = 1.0_wp
-      END WHERE
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         zmsk = ( mask_csgrprnf(ji,jj) + mask_csgrpemp(ji,jj) ) * mask_opnsea(ji,jj)
+         IF( zmsk > 0 )   p_rnfmsk(ji,jj) = 1.0_wp
+      END_2D
    END SUBROUTINE clo_rnf
diff --git a/src/OCE/DYN/divhor.F90 b/src/OCE/DYN/divhor.F90
index 2cdf53d1848aa5af5c303cbafb3cbfd57777098d..795277715a0371243c155a465409880efb24177b 100644
--- a/src/OCE/DYN/divhor.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/DYN/divhor.F90
@@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ CONTAINS
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'div_hor_RK3 : thickness weighted horizontal divergence '
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~'
-         hdiv    (:,:,:) = 0._wp    ! initialize hdiv & pe3divUh for the halos and jpk level at the first time step
+         hdiv(:,:,:) = 0._wp    ! initialize hdiv & pe3divUh for the halos and jpk level at the first time step
+         pe3divUh(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp
-      pe3divUh(:,:,:) = 0._wp    !!gm to be applied to the halos only
-      !
-      DO_3D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+      DO_3D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
          hdiv(ji,jj,jk) = (   e2u(ji  ,jj) * e3u(ji  ,jj,jk,Kmm) * puu(ji  ,jj,jk)      &
             &               - e2u(ji-1,jj) * e3u(ji-1,jj,jk,Kmm) * puu(ji-1,jj,jk)      &
             &               + e1v(ji,jj  ) * e3v(ji,jj  ,jk,Kmm) * pvv(ji,jj  ,jk)      &
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_isf )   CALL isf_hdiv( kt, Kmm, hdiv )            !==  + ice-shelf mass exchange ==!
-      IF( nn_hls==1 )   CALL lbc_lnk( 'divhor', hdiv, 'T', 1._wp )   !   (no sign change)
+      CALL lbc_lnk( 'divhor', hdiv, 'T', 1._wp )   !   (no sign change)
 !!gm Patch before suppression of hdiv from all modules that use it
 !      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )                            !==  e3t * Horizontal divergence  ==!
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ CONTAINS
-      DO_3D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )                                          !==  Horizontal divergence  ==!
+      DO_3D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )                                          !==  Horizontal divergence  ==!
          ! round brackets added to fix the order of floating point operations
          ! needed to ensure halo 1 - halo 2 compatibility
          hdiv(ji,jj,jk) = (  ( e2u(ji  ,jj) * e3u(ji  ,jj,jk,Kmm) * uu(ji  ,jj,jk,Kmm)     &
@@ -167,10 +166,10 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_sshinc .AND. ln_asmiau )   CALL ssh_asm_div( kt, Kbb, Kmm, hdiv )   !==  SSH assimilation  ==!   (update hdiv field)
-      IF( ln_isf )                      CALL isf_hdiv( kt, Kmm, hdiv )           !==  ice shelf         ==!   (update hdiv field)
+      IF( ln_isf )   CALL isf_hdiv( kt, Kmm, hdiv )                              !==  ice shelf  ==!   (update hdiv field)
-      IF( nn_hls==1 )   CALL lbc_lnk( 'divhor', hdiv, 'T', 1.0_wp )   !   (no sign change)
-      !                                                               ! needed for ww in sshwzv
+      CALL lbc_lnk( 'divhor', hdiv, 'T', 1.0_wp )   ! needed for ww in sshwzv  (no sign change)
+      ! 
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_stop('div_hor')
    END SUBROUTINE div_hor_old
diff --git a/src/OCE/DYN/sshwzv.F90 b/src/OCE/DYN/sshwzv.F90
index 71452dc724638bab003b031b02f13861ec9637ae..52027ff1beef6f8587a7d307267c539c48526a2f 100644
--- a/src/OCE/DYN/sshwzv.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/DYN/sshwzv.F90
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ CONTAINS
          !                             ! Is it problematic to have a wrong vertical velocity in boundary cells?
          !                             ! Same question holds for hdiv. Perhaps just for security
          !                             ! clem: yes it is a problem because ww is used in many other places where we need the halos
+         !                             ! clem: I do not understand this lbc. Not needed to me
          DO_3DS( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, jpkm1, 1, -1 )     ! integrate from the bottom the hor. divergence
             ! computation of w
@@ -339,6 +340,7 @@ CONTAINS
          IF( nn_hls == 1)   CALL lbc_lnk('sshwzv', zhdiv, 'T', 1.0_wp)  ! - ML - Perhaps not necessary: not used for horizontal "connexions"
          !                             ! Is it problematic to have a wrong vertical velocity in boundary cells?
          !                             ! Same question holds for hdiv. Perhaps just for security
+         !                             ! clem: I do not understand this lbc. Not needed to me
          DO_3DS( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, jpkm1, 1, -1 )     ! integrate from the bottom the hor. divergence
             pww(ji,jj,jk) = pww(ji,jj,jk+1) - (   ze3div(ji,jj,jk) + zhdiv(ji,jj,jk)   &
                  &                            + r1_Dt * (  e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kaa)       &
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isf_oce.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isf_oce.F90
index eb62d83e950736590af07f4ac62c4facb15815e4..0ac9e8a5e1fe8cce5d1400fac07e4bf757cbcbfe 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isf_oce.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isf_oce.F90
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ MODULE isf_oce
    !!   isf          : define and allocate ice shelf variables
-   USE par_oce       , ONLY: jpi, jpj, jpk
-   USE in_out_manager, ONLY: wp, jpts ! I/O manager
+   USE par_oce
    USE lib_mpp       , ONLY: ctl_stop, mpp_sum      ! MPP library
    USE fldread        ! read input fields
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ MODULE isf_oce
-   PUBLIC   isf_alloc, isf_alloc_par, isf_alloc_cav, isf_alloc_cpl, isf_dealloc_cpl
+   PUBLIC   isf_alloc, isf_alloc_par, isf_alloc_cav, isf_alloc_cpl
    ! 0 :              namelist parameter
@@ -79,33 +78,35 @@ MODULE isf_oce
    REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)    ::   fwfisf_oasis
    ! 2.2 -------- ice shelf cavity melt namelist parameter -------------
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: mskisf_cav                    !:
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: misfkt_cav   , misfkb_cav     !: shallowest and deepest level of the ice shelf
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav  !: thickness and fraction of deepest cell affected by the ice shelf
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: fwfisf_cav   , fwfisf_cav_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: risf_cav_tsc , risf_cav_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
-   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     :: sf_isfcav_fwf                 !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   mskisf_cav                    !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   misfkt_cav   , misfkb_cav     !: shallowest and deepest level of the ice shelf
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav  !: thickness and fraction of deepest cell affected by the ice shelf
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   fwfisf_cav   , fwfisf_cav_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   risf_cav_tsc , risf_cav_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
+   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   sf_isfcav_fwf                 !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC                                      :: risf_lamb1, risf_lamb2, risf_lamb3  ! freezing point linearization coeficient
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC                                      ::   risf_lamb1, risf_lamb2, risf_lamb3  !: freezing point linearization coeficient
    ! 2.3 -------- ice shelf param. melt namelist parameter -------------
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: mskisf_par                    !:
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: misfkt_par   , misfkb_par     !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par  !: 
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: fwfisf_par   , fwfisf_par_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: risf_par_tsc , risf_par_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
-   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     :: sf_isfpar_fwf                 !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   mskisf_par                    !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   misfkt_par   , misfkb_par     !:
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par  !: 
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   fwfisf_par   , fwfisf_par_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   risf_par_tsc , risf_par_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
+   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   sf_isfpar_fwf                 !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf0_tbl_par                !: thickness of tbl (initial value)  [m]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: risfLeff                      !:
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf0_tbl_par                !: thickness of tbl (initial value)  [m]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   risfLeff                      !:
    ! 2.4 -------- coupling namelist parameter -------------
    INTEGER , PUBLIC                                        ::   nstp_iscpl   !:
    REAL(wp), PUBLIC                                        ::   rdt_iscpl    !: 
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)     ::   risfcpl_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh_b               !:
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)   ::   risfcpl_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol_b  !:
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) ::   risfcpl_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc_b  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)     ::   risfcpl_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)   ::   risfcpl_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) ::   risfcpl_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc  !:
+   !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
    !! $Id: sbcisf.F90 10536 2019-01-16 19:21:09Z mathiot $
@@ -125,20 +126,12 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(risfLeff(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(misfkt_par(jpi,jpj), misfkb_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rfrac_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rhisf_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), rhisf0_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( mskisf_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( misfkt_par  (A2D(0)) , misfkb_par    (A2D(0)) , rfrac_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , &
+         &     rhisf_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , rhisf0_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , &
+         &     risfLeff     (A2D(0)) , mskisf_par    (A2D(0)) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
@@ -159,14 +152,10 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(misfkt_cav(jpi,jpj), misfkb_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rfrac_tbl_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rhisf_tbl_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( misfkt_cav(A2D(0)), misfkb_cav(A2D(0)), rfrac_tbl_cav(A2D(0)) , rhisf_tbl_cav(A2D(0)) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
@@ -185,46 +174,25 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh(jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) , risfcpl_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ! == FULL ARRAYS == !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh     (jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_vol     (jpi,jpj,jpk) , &
+         &      risfcpl_cons_ssh(jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_cons_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ierr = ierr + ialloc
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_tsc     (A2D(0),jpk,jpts) , &
+         &      risfcpl_cons_tsc(A2D(0),jpk,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = 0._wp
-      IF ( ln_isfcpl_cons ) THEN
-         ALLOCATE( risfcpl_cons_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) , risfcpl_cons_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , risfcpl_cons_ssh(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
-         ierr = ierr + ialloc
-         !
-         risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = 0._wp
-         !
-      END IF
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
       IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop('STOP','isfcpl: failed to allocate arrays.')
    END SUBROUTINE isf_alloc_cpl
-   SUBROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl()
-      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl  ***
-      !!
-      !! ** Purpose : de-allocate useless public 3d array used for ice sheet coupling
-      !!
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ierr = 0
-      !
-      DEALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh , risfcpl_tsc , risfcpl_vol , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
-      IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop('STOP','isfcpl: failed to deallocate arrays.')
-      !
-   END SUBROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl
    SUBROUTINE isf_alloc()
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_alloc  ***
@@ -237,52 +205,29 @@ CONTAINS
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par  (jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav  (jpi,jpj) ,     &
-         &      fwfisf_oasis(jpi,jpj)                         , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_par_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_cav_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ! == FULL ARRAYS == !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par  (jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav  (jpi,jpj) , risfload(jpi,jpj) , &
 #if ! defined key_RK3
-      ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
-      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par_b(jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav_b(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_par_tsc_b(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_cav_tsc_b(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
+         &      fwfisf_par_b(jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav_b(jpi,jpj) , &   ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risfload(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
+         &                                                      STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      ALLOCATE( mskisf_cav(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_oasis(A2D(0)) , risf_par_tsc  (A2D(0),jpts) , risf_cav_tsc  (A2D(0),jpts) , mskisf_cav(A2D(0)) , &
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+         &                             risf_par_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) , risf_cav_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) , &  ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
+         &                                                                  STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
       IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'isf: failed to allocate arrays.' )
-      ! initalisation of fwf and tsc array to 0
-      risfload    (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_oasis(:,:)   = 0._wp
-#if defined key_RK3
-      fwfisf_par  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_cav  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      risf_cav_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      risf_par_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_par  (:,:)   = 0._wp   ;   fwfisf_par_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_cav  (:,:)   = 0._wp   ;   fwfisf_cav_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      risf_cav_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp   ;   risf_cav_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      risf_par_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp   ;   risf_par_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      !
    END SUBROUTINE isf_alloc
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcav.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcav.F90
index 27ca9912e3048a007d28409609a5ff3e046372a8..790324c4e570193c3da8dd2c3a0645526ed723d2 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcav.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcav.F90
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ MODULE isfcav
    USE isf_oce        ! ice shelf public variables
-   USE isfrst   , ONLY: isfrst_write, isfrst_read ! ice shelf restart read/write subroutine
+   USE isfrst   , ONLY: isfrst_read    ! ice shelf restart read/write subroutine
    USE isfutils , ONLY: debug          ! ice shelf debug subroutine
    USE isftbl   , ONLY: isf_tbl        ! ice shelf top boundary layer properties subroutine
    USE isfcavmlt, ONLY: isfcav_mlt     ! ice shelf melt formulation subroutine
    USE isfcavgam, ONLY: isfcav_gammats ! ice shelf melt exchange coeficient subroutine
    USE isfdiags , ONLY: isf_diags_flx  ! ice shelf diags subroutine
+   USE zdfdrg   , ONLY: rCd0_top, r_ke0_top ! vertical physics: top/bottom drag coef.
    USE oce      , ONLY: ts, uu, vv, rn2                 ! ocean dynamics and tracers
    USE dom_oce                                          ! ocean space and time domain
-   USE par_oce  , ONLY: jpi,jpj                         ! ocean space and time domain
+   USE par_oce                                          ! ocean space and time domain
    USE phycst   , ONLY: grav,rho0,rho0_rcp,r1_rho0_rcp  ! physical constants
    USE eosbn2   , ONLY: ln_teos10                       ! use ln_teos10 or not
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ MODULE isfcav
-   SUBROUTINE isf_cav( kt, Kmm, ptsc, pqfwf )
+   SUBROUTINE isf_cav( kt, Kmm, ptsc, pfwf )
       !!                     ***  ROUTINE isf_cav  ***
@@ -67,37 +68,76 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Convention : all fluxes are from isf to oce
-      !!-------------------------- OUT --------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     , INTENT(inout) :: pqfwf  ! ice shelf fwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts), INTENT(inout) :: ptsc   ! T & S ice shelf cavity contents
-      !!-------------------------- IN  --------------------------------------
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm  ! ocean time level index
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt   ! ocean time step
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm  ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts), INTENT(inout) ::   ptsc   ! T & S ice shelf cavity contents
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     , INTENT(inout) ::   pfwf   ! ice shelf fwf
-      LOGICAL :: lit
-      INTEGER :: nit, ji, jj, ikt
-      REAL(wp) :: zerr
-      REAL(wp) :: zcoef, zdku, zdkv
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zqlat, zqoce, zqhc, zqh  ! heat fluxes
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zqh_b, zRc               !
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zgammat, zgammas         ! exchange coeficient
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zttbl, zstbl             ! temp. and sal. in top boundary layer
+      LOGICAL  ::   lit
+      INTEGER  ::   nit, ji, jj, ikt
+      REAL(wp) ::   zerr
+      REAL(wp) ::   zcoef, zdku, zdkv
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))  ::   zqlat, zqoce, zqhc, zqh  ! heat fluxes
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))  ::   zqh_b, zRc               !
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))  ::   zgammat, zgammas         ! exchange coeficient
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))  ::   zttbl, zstbl             ! temp. and sal. in top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))  ::   zustar                   ! u*
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   zutbl, zvtbl             ! top boundary layer velocity
-      ! compute T/S/U/V for the top boundary layer
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm), zttbl(:,:),'T', misfkt_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, misfkb_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav )
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm), zstbl(:,:),'T', misfkt_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, misfkb_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav )
+      !===============================
+      ! 1.: compute T and S in the tbl
+      !===============================
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ts(A2D(0),:,jp_tem,Kmm), 'T', misfkt_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                                 zttbl, & ! ==>> out
+         &                                             misfkb_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav  ) ! <<== in (optional)
+      !
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ts(A2D(0),:,jp_sal,Kmm), 'T', misfkt_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                                 zstbl, & ! ==>> out
+         &                                              misfkb_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav ) ! <<== in (optional)
+      !
+      ! output T/S for the top boundary layer
+      CALL iom_put( 'ttbl_cav', zttbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put( 'stbl'    , zstbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
-      ! output T/S/U/V for the top boundary layer
-      CALL iom_put('ttbl_cav',zttbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:))
-      CALL iom_put('stbl'    ,zstbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:))
+      !==========================================
+      ! 2.: compute velocity in the tbl if needed
+      !==========================================
+      IF ( TRIM(cn_gammablk) == 'vel_stab' .OR. TRIM(cn_gammablk) == 'vel' ) THEN
+         ! compute velocity in tbl
+         CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, uu(A2D(0),:,Kmm), 'U', miku(A2D(0)), rhisf_tbl_cav, & ! <<== in
+            &                                                     zutbl(A2D(0)) ) ! ==>> out
+         !
+         CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, vv(A2D(0),:,Kmm), 'V', mikv(A2D(0)), rhisf_tbl_cav, & ! <<== in
+            &                                                     zvtbl(A2D(0)) ) ! ==>> out
+         !
+         ! compute ustar (AD15 eq. 27)
+         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcav', zutbl, 'U', -1._wp, zvtbl, 'V', -1._wp )
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )         
+            zustar(ji,jj) = SQRT( rCd0_top(ji,jj) * (  0.25_wp * (  (zutbl(ji,jj)+zutbl(ji-1,jj))*(zutbl(ji,jj)+zutbl(ji-1,jj))   &
+               &                                                  + (zvtbl(ji,jj)+zvtbl(ji,jj-1))*(zvtbl(ji,jj)+zvtbl(ji,jj-1)) ) &
+               &                                     + r_ke0_top ) ) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
+         END_2D
+         !
+         ! output
+         CALL iom_put( 'isfustar', zustar(:,:)    )
+         CALL iom_put( 'utbl'    , zutbl(A2D(0))  )
+         CALL iom_put( 'vtbl'    , zvtbl(A2D(0))  )
+         !
+      ELSE
+         zustar(:,:) = 0._wp ! not used
+      ENDIF
-      ! initialisation
+      !==============================
+      ! 3.: compute ice shelf melting
+      !==============================
+      ! --- initialisation --- !
       IF ( TRIM(cn_gammablk) == 'vel_stab' ) THEN
-         zqoce(:,:) = -pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf ! 
-         zqh_b(:,:) =  ptsc(:,:,jp_tem) * rho0_rcp ! last time step total heat fluxes (to speed up convergence)
+         !
          DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+            zqoce(ji,jj) = -pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf
+            zqh_b(ji,jj) =  ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) * rho0_rcp ! last time step total heat fluxes (to speed up convergence)
             ikt = mikt(ji,jj)
             ! compute Rc number (as done in zdfric.F90)
 !!gm better to do it like in the new zdfric.F90   i.e. avm weighted Ri computation
@@ -108,82 +148,83 @@ CONTAINS
             zdkv = zcoef * (  vv(ji  ,jj-1,ikt  ,Kmm) + vv(ji,jj,ikt  ,Kmm)  &
                &             -vv(ji  ,jj-1,ikt+1,Kmm) - vv(ji,jj,ikt+1,Kmm)  )
             !                                            ! richardson number (minimum value set to zero)
-            zRc(ji,jj) = MAX(rn2(ji,jj,ikt+1), 1.e-20_wp) / MAX( zdku*zdku + zdkv*zdkv, 1.e-20_wp )
+            zRc(ji,jj) = MAX( rn2(ji,jj,ikt+1), 1.e-20_wp ) / MAX( zdku*zdku + zdkv*zdkv, 1.e-20_wp )
-         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfmlt', zRc, 'T', 1._wp )
+         !
-      ! compute ice shelf melting
+      ! --- iteration loop --- !
       nit = 1 ; lit = .TRUE.
       DO WHILE ( lit )    ! maybe just a constant number of iteration as in blk_core is fine
          ! compute gammat everywhere (2d)
          ! useless if melt specified
          IF ( TRIM(cn_isfcav_mlt) .NE. 'spe' ) THEN
-            CALL isfcav_gammats( Kmm, zttbl, zstbl, zqoce  , pqfwf, zRc,  &
-               &                                    zgammat, zgammas )
+            CALL isfcav_gammats( Kmm, zustar, zttbl, zstbl, zqoce, pfwf, zRc,  & ! <<== in
+               &                                             zgammat, zgammas  ) ! ==>> out
          END IF
          ! compute tfrz, latent heat and melt (2d)
-         CALL isfcav_mlt(kt, zgammat, zgammas, zttbl, zstbl, &
-            &                         zqhc   , zqoce, pqfwf  )
+         CALL isfcav_mlt(kt, zgammat, zgammas, zttbl, zstbl, & ! <<== in
+            &                         zqhc   , zqoce, pfwf   ) ! ==>> out
          ! define if we need to iterate
          SELECT CASE ( cn_gammablk )
-         CASE ( 'spe','vel' )
+         CASE ( 'spe', 'vel' )
             ! no convergence needed
             lit = .FALSE.
          CASE ( 'vel_stab' )
             ! compute error between 2 iterations
             zerr = 0._wp
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-               zerr = MAX( zerr, ABS(zqhc(ji,jj)+zqoce(ji,jj) - zqh_b(ji,jj)) )
+               zerr = MAX( zerr, ABS( zqhc(ji,jj) + zqoce(ji,jj) - zqh_b(ji,jj) ) )
             CALL mpp_max( 'isfcav', zerr )   ! max over the global domain
             ! define if iteration needed
-            IF (nit >= 100) THEN              ! too much iteration
+            IF( nit >= 100 ) THEN              ! too much iteration
                CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'isf_cav: vel_stab gamma formulation had too many iterations ...' )
-            ELSE IF ( zerr <= 0.01_wp ) THEN  ! convergence is achieve
+            ELSEIF( zerr <= 0.01_wp ) THEN     ! convergence is achieve
                lit = .FALSE.
-            ELSE                              ! converge is not yet achieve
+            ELSE                               ! converge is not yet achieve
                nit = nit + 1
-               zqh_b(:,:) = zqhc(:,:)+zqoce(:,:)
+               zqh_b(:,:) = zqhc(:,:) + zqoce(:,:)
             END IF
          END SELECT
       END DO
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ! compute heat and water flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         pqfwf(ji,jj) = pqfwf(ji,jj) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
+         pfwf (ji,jj) = pfwf (ji,jj) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
          zqoce(ji,jj) = zqoce(ji,jj) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
-         zqhc (ji,jj) = zqhc(ji,jj)  * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
+         zqhc (ji,jj) = zqhc (ji,jj) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
          ! compute heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         zqlat(ji,jj) = - pqfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf    ! 2d latent heat flux (W/m2)
+         zqlat(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf    ! 2d latent heat flux (W/m2)
          ! total heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         zqh(ji,jj) = ( zqhc (ji,jj) + zqoce(ji,jj) )
+         zqh(ji,jj) = ( zqhc(ji,jj) + zqoce(ji,jj) )
          ! set temperature content
          ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) = zqh(ji,jj) * r1_rho0_rcp
-      CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfmlt', pqfwf, 'T', 1.0_wp)
       ! output fluxes
-      CALL isf_diags_flx( Kmm, misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, 'cav', pqfwf, zqoce, zqlat, zqhc)
+      CALL isf_diags_flx( Kmm, misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, 'cav', pfwf, zqoce, zqlat, zqhc )
-#if ! defined key_RK3
-      ! MLF: write restart variables (qoceisf, qhcisf, fwfisf for now and before)
-      IF (lrst_oce) CALL isfrst_write(kt, 'cav', ptsc, pqfwf)
+      ! --- output and debug --- !
+      !
+      CALL iom_put( 'isfgammat', zgammat(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put( 'isfgammas', zgammas(:,:) )
       IF ( ln_isfdebug ) THEN
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
+         CALL debug( 'isfcav gammaT:', zgammat(:,:) )
+         CALL debug( 'isfcav gammaS:', zgammas(:,:) )
          CALL debug('isf_cav: ptsc T',ptsc(:,:,1))
          CALL debug('isf_cav: ptsc S',ptsc(:,:,2))
-         CALL debug('isf_cav: pqfwf fwf',pqfwf(:,:))
+         CALL debug('isf_cav: pfwf fwf',pfwf(:,:))
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
       END IF
@@ -196,27 +237,31 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : initialisation of variable needed to compute melt under an ice shelf
-      INTEGER :: ierr
+      INTEGER ::   ierr
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
       ! 0: allocation
-      !
       CALL isf_alloc_cav()
       ! 1: initialisation
-      !
-      ! top and bottom level of the 'top boundary layer'
-      misfkt_cav(:,:)    = mikt(:,:) ; misfkb_cav(:,:)    = 1
-      !
-      ! thickness of 'tbl' and fraction of bottom cell affected by 'tbl'
-      rhisf_tbl_cav(:,:) = 0.0_wp    ; rfrac_tbl_cav(:,:) = 0.0_wp
-      !
-      ! cavity mask
-      mskisf_cav(:,:)    = (1._wp - tmask(:,:,1)) * ssmask(:,:)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         ! top and bottom level of the 'top boundary layer'
+         misfkt_cav(ji,jj)    = mikt(ji,jj)
+         misfkb_cav(ji,jj)    = 1
+         !
+         ! thickness of 'tbl' and fraction of bottom cell affected by 'tbl'
+         rhisf_tbl_cav(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp
+         rfrac_tbl_cav(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp
+         !
+         ! cavity mask
+         mskisf_cav(ji,jj) = ( 1._wp - tmask(ji,jj,1) ) * ssmask(ji,jj)
+         !
+      END_2D
 #if ! defined key_RK3
@@ -239,7 +284,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( 'spe' )
          ALLOCATE( sf_isfcav_fwf(1), STAT=ierr )
-         ALLOCATE( sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(jpi,jpj,1), sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fdta(jpi,jpj,1,2) )
+         ALLOCATE( sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(A2D(0),1), sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fdta(A2D(0),1,2) )
          CALL fld_fill( sf_isfcav_fwf, (/ sn_isfcav_fwf /), cn_isfdir, 'isf_cav_init', 'read fresh water flux isf data', 'namisf' )
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavgam.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavgam.F90
index 6c0ac2a4d94db9b728d48603e65d1d2f31f548ef..fbab4647e2143410e1c16e0a5d710596f975e59b 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavgam.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavgam.F90
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ MODULE isfcavgam
    USE oce     , ONLY: uu, vv              ! ocean dynamics
    USE phycst  , ONLY: grav, vkarmn        ! physical constant
    USE eosbn2  , ONLY: eos_rab             ! equation of state
-   USE zdfdrg  , ONLY: rCd0_top, r_ke0_top ! vertical physics: top/bottom drag coef.
    USE iom     , ONLY: iom_put             !
    USE lib_mpp , ONLY: ctl_stop
+   USE par_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
@@ -39,88 +39,45 @@ MODULE isfcavgam
-   !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !!                              PUBLIC SUBROUTINES 
-   !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !
-   SUBROUTINE isfcav_gammats( Kmm, pttbl, pstbl, pqoce, pqfwf, pRc, pgt, pgs )
+   SUBROUTINE isfcav_gammats( Kmm, pustar, pttbl, pstbl, pqoce, pfwf, pRc, pgt, pgs )
       !! ** Purpose    : compute the coefficient echange for heat and fwf flux
       !! ** Method     : select the gamma formulation
       !!                 3 method available (cst, vel and vel_stab)
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pgt  , pgs      ! gamma t and gamma s 
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                                     :: Kmm             ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pqoce, pqfwf    ! isf heat and fwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pttbl, pstbl    ! top boundary layer tracer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pRc             ! Richardson number
-      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)                :: zutbl, zvtbl    ! top boundary layer velocity
+      INTEGER                                  ::   Kmm             ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pustar          ! u*
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pttbl, pstbl    ! top boundary layer tracer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pqoce, pfwf    ! isf heat and fwf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pRc             ! Richardson number
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pgt  , pgs      ! gamma t and gamma s 
-      !==========================================
-      ! 1.: compute velocity in the tbl if needed
-      !==========================================
+      ! --- compute gamma --- !
-      SELECT CASE ( cn_gammablk )
-      CASE ( 'spe'  ) 
-         ! gamma is constant (specified in namelist)
-         ! nothing to do
-      CASE ('vel', 'vel_stab')
-         ! compute velocity in tbl
-         CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, uu(:,:,:,Kmm) ,zutbl(:,:),'U', miku, rhisf_tbl_cav)
-         CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, vv(:,:,:,Kmm) ,zvtbl(:,:),'V', mikv, rhisf_tbl_cav)
-         !
-         ! mask velocity in tbl with ice shelf mask
-         zutbl(:,:) = zutbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:)
-         zvtbl(:,:) = zvtbl(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:)
+      SELECT CASE( cn_gammablk )
+      CASE( 'spe'  )       ! gamma is constant (specified in namelist)
-         ! output
-         CALL iom_put('utbl',zutbl(:,:))
-         CALL iom_put('vtbl',zvtbl(:,:))
-         CALL ctl_stop('STOP','method to compute gamma (cn_gammablk) is unknown (should not see this)')
-      ! 
-      !==========================================
-      ! 2.: compute gamma
-      !==========================================
-      !
-      SELECT CASE ( cn_gammablk )
-      CASE ( 'spe'  ) ! gamma is constant (specified in namelist)
          pgt(:,:) = rn_gammat0
          pgs(:,:) = rn_gammas0
-      CASE ( 'vel' ) ! gamma is proportional to u*
-         CALL gammats_vel      (                   zutbl, zvtbl, rCd0_top, r_ke0_top,                    pgt, pgs )
-      CASE ( 'vel_stab' ) ! gamma depends of stability of boundary layer and u*
-         CALL gammats_vel_stab (Kmm, pttbl, pstbl, zutbl, zvtbl, rCd0_top, r_ke0_top, pqoce, pqfwf, pRc, pgt, pgs )
+         !
+      CASE( 'vel' )        ! gamma is proportional to u*
+         !
+         CALL gammats_vel( pustar, pgt, pgs )
+         !
+      CASE( 'vel_stab' )   ! gamma depends of stability of boundary layer and u*
+         !
+         CALL gammats_vel_stab( Kmm, pustar, pttbl, pstbl, pqoce, pfwf, pRc, pgt, pgs )
+         !
          CALL ctl_stop('STOP','method to compute gamma (cn_gammablk) is unknown (should not see this)')
-      !==========================================
-      ! 3.: output and debug
-      !==========================================
-      !
-      CALL iom_put('isfgammat', pgt(:,:))
-      CALL iom_put('isfgammas', pgs(:,:))
-      !
-      IF (ln_isfdebug) THEN
-         CALL debug( 'isfcav_gam pgt:', pgt(:,:) )
-         CALL debug( 'isfcav_gam pgs:', pgs(:,:) )
-      END IF
-      !
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_gammats
-   !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !!                              PRIVATE SUBROUTINES 
-   !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   !
-   SUBROUTINE gammats_vel( putbl, pvtbl, pCd, pke2, &   ! <<== in
-      &                                  pgt, pgs   )   ! ==>> out gammats [m/s]
+   SUBROUTINE gammats_vel( pustar,  &   ! <<== in
+      &                    pgt, pgs )   ! ==>> out gammats [m/s]
       !! ** Purpose    : compute the coefficient echange coefficient 
@@ -128,33 +85,22 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Reference  : Asay-Davis et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2471-2497, 2016
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pgt, pgs     ! gammat and gammas [m/s]
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: putbl, pvtbl ! velocity in the losch top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pCd          ! drag coefficient
-      REAL(wp),                     INTENT(in   ) :: pke2         ! background velocity
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pustar    ! u*
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pgt, pgs  ! gammat and gammas [m/s]
-      INTEGER  :: ji, jj                     ! loop index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zustar
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj                     ! loop index
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
-         ! compute ustar (AD15 eq. 27)
-         zustar(ji,jj) = SQRT( pCd(ji,jj) * ( putbl(ji,jj) * putbl(ji,jj) + pvtbl(ji,jj) * pvtbl(ji,jj) + pke2 ) ) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
-         !
-         ! Compute gammats
-         pgt(ji,jj) = zustar(ji,jj) * rn_gammat0
-         pgs(ji,jj) = zustar(ji,jj) * rn_gammas0
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pgt(ji,jj) = pustar(ji,jj) * rn_gammat0
+         pgs(ji,jj) = pustar(ji,jj) * rn_gammas0
-      ! output ustar
-      CALL iom_put('isfustar',zustar(:,:))
    END SUBROUTINE gammats_vel
-   SUBROUTINE gammats_vel_stab( Kmm, pttbl, pstbl, putbl, pvtbl, pCd, pke2, pqoce, pqfwf, pRc, &  ! <<== in
-      &                                                                     pgt  , pgs         )  ! ==>> out gammats [m/s]
+   SUBROUTINE gammats_vel_stab( Kmm, pustar, pttbl, pstbl, pqoce, pfwf, pRc, &  ! <<== in
+      &                                                           pgt  , pgs )  ! ==>> out gammats [m/s]
       !! ** Purpose    : compute the coefficient echange coefficient 
@@ -162,52 +108,38 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Reference  : Holland and Jenkins, 1999, JPO, p1787-1800
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pgt, pgs     ! gammat and gammas
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                                     :: Kmm            ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp),                     INTENT(in   ) :: pke2           ! background velocity squared
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pqoce, pqfwf   ! surface heat flux and fwf flux
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pCd            ! drag coeficient
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: putbl, pvtbl   ! velocity in the losch top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pttbl, pstbl   ! tracer   in the losch top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pRc            ! Richardson number
+      INTEGER                                  ::   Kmm            ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pustar         ! u*
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pttbl, pstbl   ! tracer in the losch top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pqoce, pfwf    ! surface heat flux and fwf flux
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pRc            ! Richardson number
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pgt, pgs       ! gammat and gammas
-      INTEGER  :: ji, jj                     ! loop index
-      INTEGER  :: ikt                        ! local integer
-      REAL(wp) :: zdku, zdkv                 ! U, V shear 
-      REAL(wp) :: zPr, zSc                   ! Prandtl and Scmidth number 
-      REAL(wp) :: zmob, zmols                ! Monin Obukov length, coriolis factor at T point
-      REAL(wp) :: zbuofdep, zhnu             ! Bouyancy length scale, sublayer tickness
-      REAL(wp) :: zhmax                      ! limitation of mol
-      REAL(wp) :: zetastar                   ! stability parameter
-      REAL(wp) :: zgmolet, zgmoles, zgturb   ! contribution of modelecular sublayer and turbulence 
-      REAL(wp) :: zcoef                      ! temporary coef
-      REAL(wp) :: zdep
-      REAL(wp) :: zeps = 1.0e-20_wp    
-      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zxsiN = 0.052_wp   ! dimensionless constant
-      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: znu   = 1.95e-6_wp ! kinamatic viscosity of sea water (m2.s-1)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(2) :: zts, zab
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zustar    ! friction velocity
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj                     ! loop index
+      INTEGER  ::   ikt                        ! local integer
+      REAL(wp) ::   zmob, zmols                ! Monin Obukov length, coriolis factor at T point
+      REAL(wp) ::   zbuofdep, zhnu             ! Bouyancy length scale, sublayer tickness
+      REAL(wp) ::   zhmax                      ! limitation of mol
+      REAL(wp) ::   zetastar                   ! stability parameter
+      REAL(wp) ::   zgmolet, zgmoles, zgturb   ! contribution of modelecular sublayer and turbulence 
+      REAL(wp) ::   zdep
+      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   zxsiN =    0.052_wp   ! dimensionless constant
+      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   znu   =    1.95e-6_wp ! kinamatic viscosity of sea water (m2.s-1)
+      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   zPr   =   13.8_wp
+      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   zSc   = 2432.0_wp
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpts) ::   zts, zab
-      ! compute Pr and Sc number (eq ??)
-      zPr =   13.8_wp
-      zSc = 2432.0_wp
-      !
       ! compute gamma mole (eq ??)
       zgmolet = 12.5_wp * zPr ** (2.0/3.0) - 6.0_wp
       zgmoles = 12.5_wp * zSc ** (2.0/3.0) - 6.0_wp
       ! compute gamma
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ikt = mikt(ji,jj)
-         ! compute ustar
-         zustar(ji,jj) = SQRT( pCd(ji,jj) * ( putbl(ji,jj) * putbl(ji,jj) + pvtbl(ji,jj) * pvtbl(ji,jj) + pke2 ) )
-         IF( zustar(ji,jj) == 0._wp ) THEN           ! only for kt = 1 I think
+         IF( pustar(ji,jj) == 0._wp ) THEN           ! only for kt = 1 I think
             pgt(ji,jj) = rn_gammat0
             pgs(ji,jj) = rn_gammas0
@@ -219,34 +151,32 @@ CONTAINS
             CALL eos_rab( zts, zdep, zab, Kmm )
             ! compute length scale (Eq ??)
-            zbuofdep = grav * ( zab(jp_tem) * pqoce(ji,jj) - zab(jp_sal) * pqfwf(ji,jj) )
+            zbuofdep = grav * ( zab(jp_tem) * pqoce(ji,jj) - zab(jp_sal) * pfwf(ji,jj) )
             ! compute Monin Obukov Length
             ! Maximum boundary layer depth (Eq ??)
             zhmax = gdept(ji,jj,mbkt(ji,jj),Kmm) - gdepw(ji,jj,mikt(ji,jj),Kmm) -0.001_wp
             ! Compute Monin obukhov length scale at the surface and Ekman depth: (Eq ??)
-            zmob   = zustar(ji,jj) ** 3 / (vkarmn * (zbuofdep + zeps))
+            zmob   = pustar(ji,jj) ** 3 / (vkarmn * (zbuofdep + 1.e-20_wp ))
             zmols  = SIGN(1._wp, zmob) * MIN(ABS(zmob), zhmax) * tmask(ji,jj,ikt)
             ! compute eta* (stability parameter) (Eq ??)
-            zetastar = 1._wp / ( SQRT(1._wp + MAX( 0._wp, zxsiN * zustar(ji,jj) &
+            zetastar = 1._wp / ( SQRT(1._wp + MAX( 0._wp, zxsiN * pustar(ji,jj) &
                &                                        / MAX( 1.e-20, ABS(ff_t(ji,jj)) * zmols * pRc(ji,jj) ) )))
             ! compute the sublayer thickness (Eq ??)
-            zhnu = 5 * znu / MAX( 1.e-20, zustar(ji,jj) )
+            zhnu = 5 * znu / MAX( 1.e-20, pustar(ji,jj) )
             ! compute gamma turb (Eq ??)
-            zgturb = 1._wp / vkarmn * LOG(zustar(ji,jj) * zxsiN * zetastar * zetastar / MAX( 1.e-10, ABS(ff_t(ji,jj)) * zhnu )) &
-               &      + 1._wp / ( 2 * zxsiN * zetastar ) - 1._wp / vkarmn
+            zgturb = 1._wp / vkarmn * LOG(pustar(ji,jj) * zxsiN * zetastar * zetastar / MAX( 1.e-10_wp, ABS(ff_t(ji,jj)) * zhnu )) &
+               &   + 1._wp / ( 2 * zxsiN * zetastar ) - 1._wp / vkarmn
             ! compute gammats
-            pgt(ji,jj) = zustar(ji,jj) / (zgturb + zgmolet)
-            pgs(ji,jj) = zustar(ji,jj) / (zgturb + zgmoles)
+            pgt(ji,jj) = pustar(ji,jj) / (zgturb + zgmolet)
+            pgs(ji,jj) = pustar(ji,jj) / (zgturb + zgmoles)
          END IF
-      ! output ustar
-      CALL iom_put('isfustar',zustar(:,:))
    END SUBROUTINE gammats_vel_stab
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavmlt.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavmlt.F90
index 665d75bbc60ca44af283e8ee5f7ead3aa319ea3e..7bf1a4976e352dc7a4c1d3b8e826e8ee4292dc6e 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavmlt.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcavmlt.F90
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ MODULE isfcavmlt
    USE isftbl , ONLY: isf_tbl   ! ice shelf depth average
    USE isfutils,ONLY: debug     ! debug subroutine
+   USE par_oce                            ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce                            ! ocean space and time domain
    USE phycst , ONLY: rcp, rho0, rho0_rcp ! physical constants
    USE eosbn2 , ONLY: eos_fzp             ! equation of state
@@ -40,40 +41,44 @@ MODULE isfcavmlt
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------- PUBLIC SUBROUTINE ----------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt(kt, pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, &
-      &                           pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )
+   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt( kt, pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, &
+      &                            pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
       !!                          ***  ROUTINE isfcav_mlt  ***
       !! ** Purpose    : compute or read ice shelf fwf/heat fluxes in the ice shelf cavity
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pgt  , pgs    ! gamma t and gamma s
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pttbl, pstbl  ! top boundary layer tracer
+      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pgt  , pgs          ! gamma t and gamma s
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pttbl, pstbl        ! top boundary layer tracer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf   ! heat and fwf fluxes
       ! compute latent heat and melt (2d)
       SELECT CASE ( cn_isfcav_mlt )
       CASE ( 'spe' )   ! ice shelf melt specified (read input file, and heat fluxes derived from
+         !
          CALL isfcav_mlt_spe( kt, pstbl,               &
-            &                  pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )
+            &                  pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  )
+         !
       CASE ( '2eq' )   !  ISOMIP  formulation (2 equations) for volume flux (Hunter et al., 2006)
+         !
          CALL isfcav_mlt_2eq( pgt, pttbl, pstbl,       &
-            &                  pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf )
+            &                  pqhc , pqoce, pfwf )
+         !
       CASE ( '3eq' )   ! ISOMIP+ formulation (3 equations) for volume flux (Asay-Davis et al., 2015)
+         !
          CALL isfcav_mlt_3eq( pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, &
-            &                  pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )
+            &                  pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  )
+         !
       CASE ( 'oasis' ) ! fwf pass trough oasis
-         CALL isfcav_mlt_oasis( kt, pstbl,              &
-            &                   pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )
+         !
+         CALL isfcav_mlt_oasis( kt, pstbl,             &
+            &                   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
+         !
          CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'unknown isf melt formulation : cn_isfcav (should not see this)')
@@ -82,18 +87,15 @@ CONTAINS
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
          CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qhc  :', pqhc (:,:) )
          CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qoce :', pqoce(:,:) )
-         CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qfwf :', pqfwf(:,:) )
+         CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt fwf  :', pfwf(:,:) )
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
       END IF
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------- PRIVATE SUBROUTINE ---------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe(kt, pstbl,          &  ! <<== in
-      &                      pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf )  ! ==>> out
+      &                      pqhc , pqoce, pfwf )  ! ==>> out
       !!                          ***  ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe  ***
@@ -102,13 +104,12 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                 - compute ocea-ice heat flux (assuming it is equal to latent heat)
       !!                 - compute heat content flux
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                     , INTENT(in   ) :: kt                  ! current time step
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pstbl               ! salinity in tbl
+      INTEGER                    , INTENT(in ) ::   kt                  ! current time step
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pstbl               ! salinity in tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz                              ! tbl freezing temperature
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ztfrz                              ! tbl freezing temperature
       ! Compute freezing temperature
@@ -119,9 +120,11 @@ CONTAINS
       ! define fwf and qoce
       ! ocean heat flux is assume to be equal to the latent heat
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1)      ! fwf                ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf             ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pfwf(ji,jj) =   sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(ji,jj,1)        ! fwf                ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf               ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      END_2D
       ! output freezing point at the interface
       CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ CONTAINS
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe
    SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq(pgt , pttbl, pstbl, &  ! <<== in
-      &                      pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )  ! ==>> out
+      &                      pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  )  ! ==>> out
       !!                          ***  ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq  ***
@@ -138,43 +141,45 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Method     : The ice shelf melt latent heat is defined as being equal to the ocean/ice heat flux.
       !!                 From this we can derived the fwf, ocean/ice heat flux and the heat content flux as being :
-      !!                   qfwf  = Gammat * rho0 * Cp * ( Tw - Tfrz ) / Lf 
+      !!                    fwf  = Gammat * rho0 * Cp * ( Tw - Tfrz ) / Lf 
       !!                   qhoce = qlat
-      !!                   qhc   = qfwf * Cp * Tfrz
+      !!                   qhc   = fwf * Cp * Tfrz
       !! ** Reference  : Hunter,  J.  R.:  Specification  for  test  models  of  ice  shelf  cavities,  
       !!                 Tech.  Rep.  June,  Antarctic  Climate  &  Ecosystems  Cooperative  Research  Centre,  available  at:  
       !!                 http://staff.acecrc.org.au/~bkgalton/ISOMIP/test_cavities.pdf (last access: 21 July 2016), 2006.
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! hean content, ocean-ice heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pgt           ! temperature exchange coeficient
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pttbl, pstbl  ! temperature and salinity in top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz         ! freezing temperature
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zthd          ! thermal driving
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pgt                 ! temperature exchange coeficient
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pttbl, pstbl        ! temperature and salinity in top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  ! hean content, ocean-ice heat and fwf fluxes
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp) ::   zthd       ! thermal driving
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ztfrz         ! freezing temperature
       ! Calculate freezing temperature
       CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(:,:) )
-      ! thermal driving
-      zthd (:,:) = ( pttbl(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_cav(:,:)
-      !
-      ! compute ocean-ice heat flux and then derive fwf assuming that ocean heat flux equal latent heat
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   pgt(:,:) * rho0_rcp * zthd(:,:) / rLfusisf    ! fresh water flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf                         ! ocea-ice flux     ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp                 ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      !
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         ! thermal driving
+         zthd = ( pttbl(ji,jj) - ztfrz(ji,jj) ) * mskisf_cav(ji,jj)
+         !
+         ! compute ocean-ice heat flux and then derive fwf assuming that ocean heat flux equal latent heat
+         pfwf (ji,jj) =   pgt (ji,jj) * rho0_rcp * zthd / rLfusisf   ! fresh water flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf                     ! ocea-ice flux     ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp           ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         !
+      END_2D
       ! output thermal driving and freezinpoint at the ice shelf interface
-      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', zthd )
-      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav'    , ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', ( pttbl(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav'    ,                ztfrz(:,:)   * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq
-   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq(pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, &  ! <<== in
-      &                           pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  )  ! ==>> out
+   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq( pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, &  ! <<== in
+      &                            pqhc, pqoce, pfwf   )  ! ==>> out
       !!                          ***  ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq  ***
@@ -194,25 +199,24 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                   MISMIP v. 3 (MISMIP +), ISOMIP v. 2 (ISOMIP +) and MISOMIP v. 1 (MISOMIP1), 
       !!                   Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2471-2497, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-9-2471-2016, 2016. 
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pgt  , pgs          ! heat/salt exchange coeficient
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pttbl, pstbl        ! mean temperature and salinity in top boundary layer
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pgt  , pgs          ! heat/salt exchange coeficient
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pttbl, pstbl        ! mean temperature and salinity in top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  ! latent heat and fwf fluxes
       REAL(wp) :: zeps1,zeps2,zeps3,zeps4,zeps6,zeps7       ! dummy local scalar for quadratic equation resolution
       REAL(wp) :: zaqe,zbqe,zcqe,zaqer,zdis,zsfrz,zcfac     ! dummy local scalar for quadratic equation resolution
       REAL(wp) :: zeps = 1.e-20
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz         ! freezing point
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zqcon         ! conductive flux through the ice shelf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zthd          ! thermal driving
+      REAL(wp) ::   zthd       ! thermal driving
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ztfrz         ! freezing point
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   zqcnd         ! conductive flux through the ice shelf
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
       ! compute upward heat flux zhtflx and upward water flux zwflx
       ! Resolution of a 3d equation from equation 24, 25 and 26 (note conduction through the ice has been added to Eq 24)
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ! compute coeficient to solve the 2nd order equation
          zeps1 = rho0_rcp * pgt(ji,jj)
@@ -237,28 +241,28 @@ CONTAINS
          ztfrz(ji,jj) = zeps4 + risf_lamb1 * zsfrz
          ! thermal driving
-         zthd(ji,jj) = ( pttbl(ji,jj) - ztfrz(ji,jj) )
+         zthd = ( pttbl(ji,jj) - ztfrz(ji,jj) )
          ! compute the upward water and heat flux (eq. 24 and eq. 26)
-         pqfwf(ji,jj) = - rho0     * pgs(ji,jj) * ( zsfrz - pstbl(ji,jj) ) / MAX(zsfrz,zeps) ! fresh water flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         pqoce(ji,jj) = - rho0_rcp * pgt(ji,jj) * zthd (ji,jj)                               ! ocean-ice heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         pqhc (ji,jj) =   rcp      * pqfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj)                             ! heat content   flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pfwf(ji,jj) = - rho0     * pgs(ji,jj) * ( zsfrz - pstbl(ji,jj) ) / MAX(zsfrz,zeps) ! fresh water flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - rho0_rcp * pgt(ji,jj) * zthd                               ! ocean-ice heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   rcp      * pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj)                             ! heat content   flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-         zqcon(ji,jj) = zeps3 * ( ztfrz(ji,jj) - rtsurf )
+         zqcnd(ji,jj) = zeps3 * ( ztfrz(ji,jj) - rtsurf )
       ! output conductive heat flux through the ice
-      CALL iom_put('qconisf', zqcon(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('qconisf', zqcnd(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
       ! output thermal driving and freezing point at the interface
-      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', zthd (:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
-      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav'    , ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', ( pttbl(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav'    ,                ztfrz(:,:)   * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq
-   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis(kt, pstbl,          &  ! <<== in
-      &                        pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf )  ! ==>> out
+   SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis(kt, pstbl,         &  ! <<== in
+      &                        pqhc , pqoce, pfwf )  ! ==>> out
       !!                          ***  ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis  ***
@@ -269,44 +273,43 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                 - scale fwf and compute heat fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                     , INTENT(in   ) :: kt                  ! current time step
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pstbl               ! salinity in tbl
+      INTEGER                    , INTENT(in ) ::   kt                  ! current time step
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in ) ::   pstbl               ! salinity in tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      REAL(wp)                     :: zfwf_fld, zfwf_oasis               ! total fwf in the forcing fields (pattern) and from the oasis interface (amount)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz                              ! tbl freezing temperature
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zfwf                               ! 2d fwf map after scaling
+      REAL(wp)                    ::   zfwf_fld, zfwf_oasis               ! total fwf in the forcing fields (pattern) and from the oasis interface (amount)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ztfrz                              ! tbl freezing temperature
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj
       ! Calculate freezing temperature
-      CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(:,:) )
+      CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(A2D(0)) )
       ! read input file of fwf from isf to oce
       CALL fld_read ( kt, 1, sf_isfcav_fwf )
       ! ice shelf 2d map
-      zfwf(:,:) = sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1)
+      pfwf(:,:) = sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1)
       ! compute glob sum from input file
       ! (PM) should consider delay sum as in fwb (1 time step offset if I well understood)
-      zfwf_fld = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * zfwf(:,:))
+      zfwf_fld = glob_sum( 'isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(A2D(0)) * pfwf(:,:) )
       ! compute glob sum from atm->oce ice shelf fwf
       ! (PM) should consider delay sum as in fwb (1 time step offset if I well understood)
-      zfwf_oasis = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * fwfisf_oasis(:,:))
+      zfwf_oasis = glob_sum( 'isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(A2D(0)) * fwfisf_oasis(:,:) )
       ! scale fwf
-      zfwf(:,:) = zfwf(:,:) * zfwf_oasis / zfwf_fld
+      pfwf(:,:) = pfwf(:,:) * zfwf_oasis / zfwf_fld
-      ! define fwf and qoce
+      ! define qoce
       ! ocean heat flux is assume to be equal to the latent heat
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   zfwf(:,:)                         ! fwf                ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf             ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf               ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      END_2D
-      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav', ztfrz * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcpl.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcpl.F90
index 4989dc8509c7e5be867c62c8aacfa4bfb2ffb130..574875e3d23dcf0915a57eb96eb3b061e8115a06 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfcpl.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfcpl.F90
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ MODULE isfcpl
    !!   isfrst        : read/write iceshelf variables in/from restart
+   USE par_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE oce            ! ocean dynamics and tracers
 #if defined key_qco
    USE domqco  , ONLY : dom_qco_zgr      ! vertical scale factor interpolation
@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ MODULE isfcpl
    PUBLIC isfcpl_rst_write, isfcpl_init                    ! iceshelf restart read and write
-   PUBLIC isfcpl_ssh, isfcpl_tra, isfcpl_vol, isfcpl_cons  ! iceshelf correction for ssh, tra, dyn and conservation
    TYPE isfcons
       INTEGER ::   ii     ! i global
@@ -79,6 +79,13 @@ CONTAINS
       ! allocation and initialisation to 0
       CALL isf_alloc_cpl()
+      risfcpl_tsc     (:,:,:,:) = 0._wp
+      risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp
+      risfcpl_vol     (:,:,:)   = 0._wp
+      risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:)   = 0._wp
+      risfcpl_ssh     (:,:)     = 0._wp
+      risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:)     = 0._wp
+      !
       ! check presence of variable needed for coupling
       ! iom_varid return 0 if not found
       id = 1
@@ -115,11 +122,11 @@ CONTAINS
       ! all before fields set to now values
       ts  (:,:,:,:,Kbb) = ts  (:,:,:,:,Kmm)
-      uu   (:,:,:,Kbb)   = uu   (:,:,:,Kmm)
-      vv   (:,:,:,Kbb)   = vv   (:,:,:,Kmm)
+      uu  (:,:,:,Kbb)   = uu  (:,:,:,Kmm)
+      vv  (:,:,:,Kbb)   = vv  (:,:,:,Kmm)
       ssh (:,:,Kbb)     = ssh (:,:,Kmm)
 #if ! defined key_qco   &&   ! defined key_linssh
-      e3t(:,:,:,Kbb)   = e3t(:,:,:,Kmm)
+      e3t (:,:,:,Kbb)   = e3t (:,:,:,Kmm)
    END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_init
@@ -135,23 +142,30 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm    ! ocean time level index
       INTEGER :: jk                               ! loop index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3t, ze3u, ze3v, zgdepw  ! for qco substitution
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmp    ! for qco substitution
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'tmask'  , tmask  )
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'ssmask' , ssmask )
+      !
+      DO jk = 1, jpk
+         ztmp(:,:,jk) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
+      END DO
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3t_n'  , ztmp   )
       DO jk = 1, jpk
-         ze3t(:,:,jk) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         ze3u(:,:,jk) = e3u(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         ze3v(:,:,jk) = e3v(:,:,jk,Kmm)
+         ztmp(:,:,jk) = e3u(:,:,jk,Kmm)
+      END DO
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3u_n'  , ztmp   )
+      DO jk = 1, jpk
+         ztmp(:,:,jk) = e3v(:,:,jk,Kmm)
+      END DO
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3v_n'  , ztmp   )
-         zgdepw(:,:,jk) = gdepw(:,:,jk,Kmm)
+      DO jk = 1, jpk
+         ztmp(:,:,jk) = gdepw(:,:,jk,Kmm)
       END DO
+      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'gdepw_n', ztmp )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'tmask'  , tmask  )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'ssmask' , ssmask )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3t_n'  , ze3t   )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3u_n'  , ze3u   )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3v_n'  , ze3v   )
-      CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'gdepw_n', zgdepw )
    END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_rst_write
@@ -166,13 +180,14 @@ CONTAINS
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa    ! ocean time level indices
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kbb, Kmm, Kaa    ! ocean time level indices
-      INTEGER :: ji, jj, jd, jk      !! loop index
-      INTEGER :: jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jd, jk      !! loop index
+      INTEGER ::   jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1
+      INTEGER ::   ibnd
-      REAL(wp):: zsummsk
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zdssmask, zssmask0, zssmask_b, zssh
+      REAL(wp)::   zdssmask, zsummsk
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::  zssmask0, zssmask_b, zssh
       CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'ssmask'  , zssmask_b   ) ! need to extrapolate T/S
@@ -185,14 +200,21 @@ CONTAINS
       DO jd = 1, nn_drown
-         zdssmask(:,:) = ssmask(:,:) - zssmask0(:,:)
-         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         IF    ( MOD(jd,2) == 0 ) THEN ! even
+            ibnd = nn_hls-1
+         ELSEIF( MOD(jd,2) == 1 ) THEN ! odd
+            ibnd = 0
+         ENDIF
+         DO_2D( ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, ibnd )
+            zdssmask = ssmask(ji,jj) - zssmask0(ji,jj)
             jip1=ji+1   ;   jim1=ji-1
             jjp1=jj+1   ;   jjm1=jj-1
             zsummsk = zssmask0(jip1,jj) + zssmask0(jim1,jj) + zssmask0(ji,jjp1) + zssmask0(ji,jjm1)
-            IF (zdssmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp) THEN
+            IF( zdssmask == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN
                ssh(ji,jj,Kmm)=( zssh(jip1,jj)*zssmask0(jip1,jj)     &
                   &           + zssh(jim1,jj)*zssmask0(jim1,jj)     &
                   &           + zssh(ji,jjp1)*zssmask0(ji,jjp1)     &
@@ -200,11 +222,16 @@ CONTAINS
                zssmask_b(ji,jj) = 1._wp
-         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', ssh(:,:,Kmm), 'T', 1.0_wp, zssmask_b(:,:), 'T', 1.0_wp )
-         !
-         zssh(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm)
-         zssmask0(:,:) = zssmask_b(:,:)
+         ! update ssh and mask
+         DO_2D( ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, ibnd )
+            zssh    (ji,jj) = ssh      (ji,jj,Kmm)
+            zssmask0(ji,jj) = zssmask_b(ji,jj)
+         END_2D
+         IF( ibnd == 0 ) THEN
+            CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', zssh(:,:), 'T', 1.0_wp, zssmask0(:,:), 'T', 1.0_wp )
+         ENDIF
       END DO
@@ -244,19 +271,16 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm    ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask_b
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      ::   ztmask_b, ztmask0 
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) ::   zts0
       !REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:  ), INTENT(in ) :: pdepw_b                         !! depth w before
-      INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jd          !! loop index
-      INTEGER :: jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1, jkp1, jkm1
-      !!
-      REAL(wp):: zsummsk
-      REAL(wp):: zdz, zdzm1, zdzp1
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk, jd          !! loop index
+      INTEGER ::   jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1, jkp1, jkm1
+      INTEGER ::   ibnd
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          :: zdmask
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      :: ztmask0, zwmaskn
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      :: ztmask1, zwmaskb, ztmp3d
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) :: zts0
+      REAL(wp)::   zdmask, zsummsk
+      REAL(wp)::   zdz, zdzm1, zdzp1
       CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tmask'  , ztmask_b   ) ! need to extrapolate T/S
@@ -301,69 +325,77 @@ CONTAINS
 !         END DO
 !      END IF
-      zts0(:,:,:,:)  = ts(:,:,:,:,Kmm)
-      ztmask0(:,:,:) = ztmask_b(:,:,:)
-      ztmask1(:,:,:) = ztmask_b(:,:,:)
+      zts0   (:,:,:,:) = ts      (:,:,:,:,Kmm)
+      ztmask0(:,:,:)   = ztmask_b(:,:,:)
       ! iterate the extrapolation processes nn_drown times
       DO jd = 1,nn_drown ! resolution dependent (OK for ISOMIP+ case)
-         DO jk = 1,jpk-1
-            !
+         IF    ( MOD(jd,2) == 0 ) THEN ! even
+            ibnd = nn_hls-1
+         ELSEIF( MOD(jd,2) == 1 ) THEN ! odd
+            ibnd = 0
+         ENDIF
+         DO_3D( ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, 1, jpkm1 )
             ! define new wet cell
-            zdmask(:,:) = tmask(:,:,jk) - ztmask0(:,:,jk);
+            zdmask = tmask(ji,jj,jk) - ztmask0(ji,jj,jk)
+            jip1=ji+1; jim1=ji-1;
+            jjp1=jj+1; jjm1=jj-1;
-            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-               jip1=ji+1; jim1=ji-1;
-               jjp1=jj+1; jjm1=jj-1;
-               !
-               ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present
-               zsummsk = ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) + ztmask0(jim1,jj  ,jk) &
-                       + ztmask0(ji  ,jjp1,jk) + ztmask0(ji  ,jjm1,jk)
+            ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present
+            zsummsk = ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) + ztmask0(jim1,jj  ,jk) &
+               &    + ztmask0(ji  ,jjp1,jk) + ztmask0(ji  ,jjm1,jk)
+            !
+            ! if neigbourg wet cell available at the same level
+            IF( zdmask == 1._wp  .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN
-               ! if neigbourg wet cell available at the same level
-               IF ( zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp  .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN
-                  !
-                  ! horizontal basic extrapolation
-                  ts(ji,jj,jk,1,Kmm)=( zts0(jip1,jj  ,jk,1) * ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) &
+               ! horizontal basic extrapolation
+               ts(ji,jj,jk,1,Kmm)=( zts0(jip1,jj  ,jk,1) * ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(jim1,jj  ,jk,1) * ztmask0(jim1,jj  ,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(ji  ,jjp1,jk,1) * ztmask0(ji  ,jjp1,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(ji  ,jjm1,jk,1) * ztmask0(ji  ,jjm1,jk) ) / zsummsk
-                  ts(ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm)=( zts0(jip1,jj  ,jk,2) * ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) &
+               ts(ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm)=( zts0(jip1,jj  ,jk,2) * ztmask0(jip1,jj  ,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(jim1,jj  ,jk,2) * ztmask0(jim1,jj  ,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(ji  ,jjp1,jk,2) * ztmask0(ji  ,jjp1,jk) &
                   &               + zts0(ji  ,jjm1,jk,2) * ztmask0(ji  ,jjm1,jk) ) / zsummsk
-                  !
-                  ! update mask for next pass
-                  ztmask1(ji,jj,jk)=1
-                  !
+               !
+               ! update mask for next pass
+               ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)=1
+               !
                ! in case no neigbourg wet cell available at the same level
                ! check if a wet cell is available below
-               ELSEIF (zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk == 0._wp) THEN
-                  !
-                  ! vertical extrapolation if horizontal extrapolation failed
-                  jkm1=max(1,jk-1) ; jkp1=min(jpk,jk+1)
-                  !
-                  ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present
-                  zsummsk = ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1) + ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)
-                  IF (zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN
-                     ts(ji,jj,jk,1,Kmm)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,1)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)     &
+            ELSEIF( zdmask == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk == 0._wp ) THEN
+               !
+               ! vertical extrapolation if horizontal extrapolation failed
+               jkm1=MAX(1,jk-1) ; jkp1=MIN(jpk,jk+1)
+               !
+               ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present
+               zsummsk = ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1) + ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)
+               IF( zdmask == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN
+                  ts(ji,jj,jk,1,Kmm)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,1)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)     &
                      &               + zts0(ji,jj,jkm1,1)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1)) / zsummsk
-                     ts(ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,2)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)     &
+                  ts(ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,2)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1)     &
                      &               + zts0(ji,jj,jkm1,2)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1)) / zsummsk
-                     !
-                     ! update mask for next pass
-                     ztmask1(ji,jj,jk)=1._wp
-                  END IF
+                  !
+                  ! update mask for next pass
+                  ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)=1._wp
                END IF
-            END_2D
-         END DO
-         !
-         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm), 'T', 1.0_wp, ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm), 'T', 1.0_wp, ztmask1, 'T', 1.0_wp)
-         !
+            END IF
+            !
+         END_3D
          ! update temperature and salinity and mask
-         zts0(:,:,:,:)  = ts(:,:,:,:,Kmm)
-         ztmask0(:,:,:) = ztmask1(:,:,:)
+         DO_3D( ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, ibnd, 1, jpk )
+            zts0   (ji,jj,jk,1)  = ts      (ji,jj,jk,1,Kmm)
+            zts0   (ji,jj,jk,2)  = ts      (ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm)
+            ztmask0(ji,jj,jk)    = ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
+         END_3D
+         IF( ibnd == 0 ) THEN
+            CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', zts0(:,:,:,1), 'T', 1.0_wp, zts0(:,:,:,2), 'T', 1.0_wp, ztmask0(:,:,:), 'T', 1.0_wp )
+         ENDIF
       END DO  ! nn_drown
@@ -374,7 +406,7 @@ CONTAINS
       ! sanity check
       ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       ! case we open a cell but no neigbour cells available to get an estimate of T and S
-      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,jpk-1 )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
          IF (tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp .AND. ts(ji,jj,jk,2,Kmm) == 0._wp)              &
             &   CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'failing to fill all new weet cell,     &
             &                          try increase nn_drown or activate XXXX &
@@ -455,25 +487,29 @@ CONTAINS
-      CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', risfcpl_vol, 'T', 1.0_wp )
-      !
       ! 3.0: set total correction (div, tr(:,:,:,:,Krhs), ssh)
       ! 3.1: mask volume flux divergence correction
-      risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) = risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * tmask(:,:,:)
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) = risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) * tmask(ji,jj,jk)
+      END_3D
       ! 3.2: get 3d tr(:,:,:,:,Krhs) increment to apply at the first time step
       ! temperature and salt content flux computed using local ts(:,:,:,:,Kmm)
       ! (very simple advection scheme)
       ! (>0 out)
-      risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) = -risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm)
-      risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) = -risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm)
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = -risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) * ts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm)
+         risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = -risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) * ts(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm)
+      END_3D
       ! 3.3: ssh correction (for dynspg_ts)
-      risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = 0.0
-      DO jk = 1,jpk
-         risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_ssh(:,:) + risfcpl_vol(:,:,jk) * r1_e1e2t(:,:)
-      END DO
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         risfcpl_ssh(ji,jj) = 0.0
+      END_2D
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         risfcpl_ssh(ji,jj) = risfcpl_ssh(ji,jj) + risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj)
+      END_3D
    END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_vol
@@ -507,21 +543,17 @@ CONTAINS
       REAL(wp) ::   z1_sum, z1_rdtiscpl
       REAL(wp) ::   zdtem, zdsal, zdvol, zratio       ! tem, sal, vol increment
       REAL(wp) ::   zlon , zlat                       ! target location
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask_b    ! mask before
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3t_b      ! scale factor before
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zt_b      ! scale factor before
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zs_b      ! scale factor before
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) :: ztmask_b    ! mask before
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) :: ze3t_b      ! scale factor before
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) :: ztmp        ! scale factor before
       ! 1.0: initialisation
       ! get restart variable
       CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tmask'  , ztmask_b(:,:,:) ) ! need to extrapolate T/S
-      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'e3t_n'  , ze3t_b(:,:,:)   )
-      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tn'     , zt_b(:,:,:)     )
-      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'sn'     , zs_b(:,:,:)     )
       ! compute run length
       nstp_iscpl  = nitend - nit000 + 1
@@ -540,32 +572,36 @@ CONTAINS
       ! 2.0: diagnose the heat, salt and volume input and compute the correction variable
       !      for case where we wet a cell or cell still wet (no change in cell status)
+      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'e3t_n'  , ze3t_b(:,:,:) )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
+         ! volume diff
+         zdvol =     e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
+            &   - ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk    ) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
+         ! volume differences in each cell (>0 means correction is an outward flux)
+         ! in addition to the geometry change unconservation, need to add the divergence correction as it is flux across the boundary
+         risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk)        = (   zdvol * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk)        ) * z1_rdtiscpl
+      END_3D
-      DO jk = 1,jpk-1
-         DO jj = Njs0,Nje0
-            DO ji = Nis0,Nie0
-               ! volume diff
-               zdvol =   e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
-                  &   - ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk    ) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
-               ! heat diff
-               zdtem = ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) *  e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
-                     - zt_b(ji,jj,jk)        * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
-               ! salt diff
-               zdsal = ts(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) *  e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
-                     - zs_b(ji,jj,jk)       * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
+      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'tn'     , ztmp(:,:,:)   )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
+         ! heat diff
+         zdtem =   ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) *  e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
+            &   - ztmp(ji,jj,jk)            * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk)   * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
+         ! heat differences in each cell (>0 means correction is an outward flux)
+         ! in addition to the geometry change unconservation, need to add the divergence correction as it is flux across the boundary
+         risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = ( - zdtem * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) ) * z1_rdtiscpl
+      END_3D
-               ! volume, heat and salt differences in each cell (>0 means correction is an outward flux)
-               ! in addition to the geometry change unconservation, need to add the divergence correction as it is flux across the boundary
-               risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk)        = (   zdvol * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk)        ) * z1_rdtiscpl
-               risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = ( - zdsal * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) ) * z1_rdtiscpl
-               risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = ( - zdtem * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) ) * z1_rdtiscpl
+      CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_auto, 'sn'     , ztmp(:,:,:)   )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
+         ! salt diff
+         zdsal =    ts(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) *  e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) *  tmask  (ji,jj,jk)   &
+            &   - ztmp(ji,jj,jk)            * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk)   * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk)
-            END DO
-         END DO
-      END DO
+         ! salt differences in each cell (>0 means correction is an outward flux)
+         ! in addition to the geometry change unconservation, need to add the divergence correction as it is flux across the boundary
+         risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = ( - zdsal * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) ) * z1_rdtiscpl
+      END_3D
       ! 3.0: diagnose the heat, salt and volume input and compute the correction variable
@@ -575,16 +611,15 @@ CONTAINS
       ! compute the total number of point receiving a correction increment for each processor
       ! local
-      DO jk = 1,jpk-1
-         DO jj = Njs0,Nje0
-            DO ji = Nis0,Nie0
-               jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi) ; jim1=MAX(ji-1,1) ; jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj) ; jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1) ;
-               IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) THEN
-                  nisfl(narea) = nisfl(narea) + MAX(SUM(tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk)),1._wp)
-               ENDIF
-            ENDDO
-         ENDDO
-      ENDDO
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
+         jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi)
+         jim1=MAX(ji-1,1  )
+         jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj)
+         jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1  )
+         IF( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) THEN
+            nisfl(narea) = nisfl(narea) + MAX(SUM(tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk)),1._wp)
+         ENDIF
+      END_3D
       ! global
       CALL mpp_sum('isfcpl',nisfl  )
@@ -597,46 +632,42 @@ CONTAINS
       ! start computing the correction and fill zisfpts
       ! local
       jisf = 0
-      DO jk = 1,jpk-1
-         DO jj = Njs0,Nje0
-            DO ji = Nis0,Nie0
-               IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) THEN
-                  jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi) ; jim1=MAX(ji-1,1) ; jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj) ; jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1) ;
-                  zdvol = risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk       )
-                  zdsal = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal)
-                  zdtem = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem)
-                  IF ( SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) ) > 0._wp ) THEN
-                     ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (horizontal direction first)
-                     ! as it is a rude correction corner and lateral cell have the same weight
-                     !
-                     z1_sum =  1._wp / SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) )
-                     !
-                     ! lateral cells
-                     IF (tmask(jip1,jj  ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jj  , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(jim1,jj  ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jj  , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(ji  ,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(ji  ,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     !
-                     ! corner  cells
-                     IF (tmask(jip1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(jim1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(jim1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     IF (tmask(jip1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
-                     !
-                  ELSE IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk+1) == 1._wp ) THEN
-                     ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (vertical direction)
-                     CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jj  , jk+1, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1.0_wp, 0)
-                  ELSE
-                     ! need to find where to put correction in later on
-                     CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jj  , jk  , zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1.0_wp, 1)
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END DO
-      END DO
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
+         IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) THEN
+            jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi) ; jim1=MAX(ji-1,1) ; jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj) ; jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1) ;
+            zdvol = risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk       )
+            zdsal = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal)
+            zdtem = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem)
+            IF ( SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) ) > 0._wp ) THEN
+               ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (horizontal direction first)
+               ! as it is a rude correction corner and lateral cell have the same weight
+               !
+               z1_sum =  1._wp / SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) )
+               !
+               ! lateral cells
+               IF (tmask(jip1,jj  ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jj  , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(jim1,jj  ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jj  , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(ji  ,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(ji  ,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               !
+               ! corner  cells
+               IF (tmask(jip1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(jim1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(jim1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               IF (tmask(jip1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum)
+               !
+            ELSE IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk+1) == 1._wp ) THEN
+               ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (vertical direction)
+               CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jj  , jk+1, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1.0_wp, 0)
+            ELSE
+               ! need to find where to put correction in later on
+               CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji  , jj  , jk  , zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1.0_wp, 1)
+            END IF
+         END IF
+      END_3D
       ! share data among all processes because for some point we need to find the closest wet point (could be on other process)
       DO jproc=1,jpnij
@@ -686,19 +717,22 @@ CONTAINS
       ! mask
-      risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:       ) = risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:       ) * tmask(:,:,:)
-      risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) * tmask(:,:,:)
-      risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) * tmask(:,:,:)
-      !
-      ! add lbclnk
-      CALL lbc_lnk( 'isfcpl', risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem), 'T', 1.0_wp, risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal), 'T', 1.0_wp, &
-         &                    risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:)       , 'T', 1.0_wp)
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk       ) = risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk       ) * tmask(ji,jj,jk)
+         risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) * tmask(ji,jj,jk)
+         risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * tmask(ji,jj,jk)
+      END_3D
       ! ssh correction (for dynspg_ts)
-      DO jk = 1,jpk
-         risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) + risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,jk)
-      END DO
-      risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) * r1_e1e2t(:,:)
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         risfcpl_cons_ssh(ji,jj) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(ji,jj) + risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk)
+      END_3D
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         risfcpl_cons_ssh(ji,jj) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(ji,jj) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj)
+      END_2D
+      !
+      ! deallocate list of point receiving correction
+      DEALLOCATE( zisfpts )
    END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_cons
@@ -736,7 +770,7 @@ CONTAINS
       END IF
       ! update isfpts structure
-      sisfpts(kpts) = isfcons(mig(ki,nn_hls), mjg(kj,nn_hls), kk, pratio * pdvol, pratio * pdsal, pratio * pdtem,   &
+      sisfpts(kpts) = isfcons(mig(ki,0), mjg(kj,0), kk, pratio * pdvol, pratio * pdsal, pratio * pdtem,   &
          &                    glamt(ki,kj), gphit(ki,kj), ifind )
    END SUBROUTINE update_isfpts
@@ -761,9 +795,8 @@ CONTAINS
       iig = ki ; ijg = kj
       IF ( kfind == 1 ) CALL dom_ngb( plon, plat, iig, ijg,'T', kk)
-      ! fill the correction array
-      DO jj = mj0(ijg,nn_hls),mj1(ijg,nn_hls)
-         DO ji = mi0(iig,nn_hls),mi1(iig,nn_hls)
+      DO jj = mj0(ijg,0),mj1(ijg,0)
+         DO ji = mi0(iig,0),mi1(iig,0)
             ! correct the vol_flx and corresponding heat/salt flx in the closest cell
             risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,kk)        =  risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,kk       ) + pvolinc
             risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_sal) =  risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_sal) + psalinc
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfdiags.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfdiags.F90
index b9f97736462037f2497b7722ffe64a890895dddd..6f9ec1e04cbfed1d8f04d5f7da816ef65cf09139 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfdiags.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfdiags.F90
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ MODULE isfdiags
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
+   USE par_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce
    USE isf_oce        ! ice shelf variable
    USE iom            ! 
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ MODULE isfdiags
-   SUBROUTINE isf_diags_flx(Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, cdisf, pqfwf, pqoce, pqlat, pqhc)
+   SUBROUTINE isf_diags_flx( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, cdisf, pfwf, pqoce, pqlat, pqhc )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_diags_flx ***
@@ -42,39 +43,37 @@ CONTAINS
       !!              from isf to oce fwf, latent heat, heat content fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,                      INTENT(in) :: Kmm                       ! ocean time level index
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: ktop , kbot               ! top and bottom level of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: phtbl, pfrac              ! thickness of the tbl and fraction of last cell affected by the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pqfwf, pqoce, pqlat, pqhc ! 2d var to map in 3d
-      CHARACTER(LEN=3), INTENT(in) :: cdisf                                 ! parametrisation or interactive melt
+      INTEGER,                     INTENT(in) ::   Kmm                       ! ocean time level index
+      INTEGER , DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   ktop , kbot               ! top and bottom level of the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   phtbl, pfrac              ! thickness of the tbl and fraction of last cell affected by the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   pfwf, pqoce, pqlat, pqhc  ! 2d var to map in 3d
+      CHARACTER(LEN=3), INTENT(in) ::   cdisf                                ! parametrisation or interactive melt
-      CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cvarqfwf  , cvarqoce  , cvarqlat  , cvarqhc
-      CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cvarqfwf3d, cvarqoce3d, cvarqlat3d, cvarqhc3d
+      CHARACTER(LEN=256) ::   cvarfwf  , cvarqoce  , cvarqlat  , cvarqhc
+      CHARACTER(LEN=256) ::   cvarfwf3d, cvarqoce3d, cvarqlat3d, cvarqhc3d
       ! output melt
-      cvarqfwf = 'fwfisf_'//cdisf  ; cvarqfwf3d = 'fwfisf3d_'//cdisf
+      cvarfwf  = 'fwfisf_'//cdisf  ; cvarfwf3d  = 'fwfisf3d_'//cdisf
       cvarqoce = 'qoceisf_'//cdisf ; cvarqoce3d = 'qoceisf3d_'//cdisf
       cvarqlat = 'qlatisf_'//cdisf ; cvarqlat3d = 'qlatisf3d_'//cdisf 
       cvarqhc  = 'qhcisf_'//cdisf  ; cvarqhc3d  = 'qhcisf3d_'//cdisf
       ! output 2d melt rate, latent heat and heat content flux from the injected water
-      CALL iom_put( TRIM(cvarqfwf), pqfwf(:,:) )   ! mass         flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      CALL iom_put( TRIM(cvarfwf) , pfwf(:,:) )   ! mass         flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
       CALL iom_put( TRIM(cvarqoce), pqoce(:,:) )   ! oce to ice   flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
       CALL iom_put( TRIM(cvarqlat), pqlat(:,:) )   ! latent heat  flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
       CALL iom_put( TRIM(cvarqhc) , pqhc (:,:) )   ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce)
       ! output 3d Diagnostics
-      IF ( iom_use( TRIM(cvarqfwf3d) ) ) CALL isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, TRIM(cvarqfwf3d) , pqfwf(:,:))
+      IF ( iom_use( TRIM(cvarfwf3d)  ) ) CALL isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, TRIM(cvarfwf3d)  , pfwf(:,:))
       IF ( iom_use( TRIM(cvarqoce3d) ) ) CALL isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, TRIM(cvarqoce3d) , pqoce(:,:))
       IF ( iom_use( TRIM(cvarqlat3d) ) ) CALL isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, TRIM(cvarqlat3d) , pqoce(:,:))
       IF ( iom_use( TRIM(cvarqhc3d)  ) ) CALL isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, TRIM(cvarqhc3d)  , pqhc (:,:))
-   SUBROUTINE isf_diags_2dto3d(Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, cdvar, pvar2d)
+   SUBROUTINE isf_diags_2dto3d( Kmm, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, cdvar, pvar2d )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_diags_2dto3d ***
@@ -82,25 +81,23 @@ CONTAINS
       !!              (ie uniformaly spread into the top boundary layer or parametrisation layer)
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,                      INTENT(in) :: Kmm           ! ocean time level index
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: ktop , kbot   ! top and bottom level of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: phtbl, pfrac  ! thickness of the tbl and fraction of last cell affected by the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pvar2d        ! 2d var to map in 3d
-      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: cdvar
+      INTEGER,                     INTENT(in) ::   Kmm           ! ocean time level index
+      INTEGER , DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   ktop , kbot   ! top and bottom level of the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   phtbl, pfrac  ! thickness of the tbl and fraction of last cell affected by the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   pvar2d        ! 2d var to map in 3d
+      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) ::   cdvar
-      INTEGER  :: ji, jj, jk                       ! loop indices
-      INTEGER  :: ikt, ikb                         ! top and bottom level of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     :: zvar2d   !
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zvar3d   ! 3d var to output
+      INTEGER  :: ji, jj, jk                      ! loop indices
+      INTEGER  :: ikt, ikb                        ! top and bottom level of the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   zvar2d   !
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   zvar3d   ! 3d var to output
       ! compute 3d output
       zvar2d(:,:) = pvar2d(:,:) / phtbl(:,:)
       zvar3d(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ikt = ktop(ji,jj)
          ikb = kbot(ji,jj)
          DO jk = ikt, ikb - 1
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ CONTAINS
          zvar3d(ji,jj,ikb) = zvar2d(ji,jj) * e3t(ji,jj,ikb,Kmm) * pfrac(ji,jj)
-      CALL iom_put( TRIM(cdvar) , zvar3d(:,:,:))
+      CALL iom_put( TRIM(cdvar) , zvar3d(:,:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isf_diags_2dto3d
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfdynatf.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfdynatf.F90
index 3be8abf8e6424ae90471f22ea261d8a3eb679543..9ecc9508138675885c915638d3e002d1a1166ef7 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfdynatf.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfdynatf.F90
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ MODULE isfdynatf
-   !!   isfnxt       : apply correction needed for the ice shelf to ensure conservation
+   !!   isfdynatf       : apply correction needed for the ice shelf to ensure conservation
    USE isf_oce
    USE phycst , ONLY: r1_rho0         ! physical constant
+   USE par_oce                        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce                        ! time and space domain
    USE oce, ONLY : ssh                ! sea-surface height for qco substitution
@@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ MODULE isfdynatf
    !! * Substitutions
 #  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
 #  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
    SUBROUTINE isf_dynatf ( kt, Kmm, pe3t_f, pcoef )
@@ -36,56 +36,45 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : compute the ice shelf volume filter correction for cavity, param, ice sheet coupling case
       !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) :: kt       ! ocean time step
-      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) :: Kmm      ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pe3t_f   ! time filtered scale factor to be corrected
+      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) ::   kt       ! ocean time step
+      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) ::   Kmm      ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) ::   pe3t_f   ! time filtered scale factor to be corrected
-      REAL(wp)                        , INTENT(in   ) :: pcoef    ! rn_atfp * rn_Dt * r1_rho0
+      REAL(wp)                        , INTENT(in   ) ::   pcoef    ! rn_atfp * rn_Dt * r1_rho0
-      INTEGER :: jk  ! loop index
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk  ! loop index
+      REAL(wp) ::   ztmp
       ! ice shelf cavity
-      IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_dynatf_mlt(Kmm, pe3t_f, misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, fwfisf_cav, fwfisf_cav_b, pcoef)
+      IF( ln_isfcav_mlt ) THEN
+         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+            ztmp = pcoef * ( fwfisf_cav_b(ji,jj) - fwfisf_cav(ji,jj) ) / ( ht(ji,jj) + 1._wp - ssmask(ji,jj) ) * r1_rho0
+            !
+            DO jk = 1, jpkm1
+               pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) = pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) + tmask(ji,jj,jk) * ztmp * e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+            END DO
+         END_2D
+      ENDIF
       ! ice shelf parametrised
-      IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_dynatf_mlt(Kmm, pe3t_f, misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, fwfisf_par, fwfisf_par_b, pcoef)
+      IF( ln_isfpar_mlt ) THEN
+         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+            ztmp = pcoef * ( fwfisf_par_b(ji,jj) - fwfisf_par(ji,jj) ) / ( ht(ji,jj) + 1._wp - ssmask(ji,jj) ) * r1_rho0
+            !
+            DO jk = 1, jpkm1
+               pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) = pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) + tmask(ji,jj,jk) * ztmp * e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+            END DO
+         END_2D
+      ENDIF
-      IF ( ln_isfcpl .AND. ln_rstart .AND. kt == nit000+1 ) THEN
-         DO jk = 1, jpkm1
-            pe3t_f(:,:,jk) =   pe3t_f(:,:,jk) - pcoef * risfcpl_vol(:,:,jk) * r1_e1e2t(:,:)
-         END DO
+      ! if coupled
+      IF( ln_isfcpl .AND. ln_rstart .AND. kt == nit000+1 ) THEN
+         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+            pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) = pe3t_f(ji,jj,jk) - pcoef * risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj)
+         END_3D
       END IF
    END SUBROUTINE isf_dynatf
-   SUBROUTINE isf_dynatf_mlt ( Kmm, pe3t_f, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, pfwf, pfwf_b, pcoef )
-      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_dynatf_mlt  ***
-      !!
-      !! ** Purpose : compute the ice shelf volume filter correction for cavity or param
-      !!
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) :: Kmm             ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pe3t_f          ! time-filtered scale factor to be corrected
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop , kbot     ! top and bottom level of tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: pfrac, phtbl    ! fraction of bottom cell included in tbl, tbl thickness
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf , pfwf_b   ! now/before fwf
-      REAL(wp),                         INTENT(in   ) :: pcoef           ! rn_atfp * rn_Dt * r1_rho0
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zfwfinc
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !
-      ! compute fwf conservation correction
-      zfwfinc(:,:) = pcoef * ( pfwf_b(:,:) - pfwf(:,:) ) / ( ht(:,:) + 1._wp - ssmask(:,:) ) * r1_rho0
-      !
-      ! add the increment
-      DO jk = 1, jpkm1
-         pe3t_f(:,:,jk) = pe3t_f(:,:,jk) + tmask(:,:,jk) * zfwfinc(:,:)   &
-            &                              * e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-      END DO
-      !
-   END SUBROUTINE isf_dynatf_mlt
 END MODULE isfdynatf
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfhdiv.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfhdiv.F90
index 58275063b8743b75dd3c88f9a8ad348c8304c0a3..2f74bc536c94c6b985addc1af697ba8bc673ee1e 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfhdiv.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfhdiv.F90
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ MODULE isfhdiv
    USE isf_oce                ! ice shelf
+   USE par_oce                ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce                ! time and space domain
    USE phycst , ONLY: r1_rho0 ! physical constant
    USE in_out_manager         !
@@ -24,10 +25,10 @@ MODULE isfhdiv
    PUBLIC isf_hdiv
    !! * Substitutions
 #  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
 #  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
    SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv( kt, Kmm, phdiv )
@@ -39,25 +40,29 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                 increment)
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm      !  ocean time level index
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT( inout ) ::   phdiv   ! horizontal divergence
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm      !  ocean time level index
       IF ( ln_isf ) THEN
 #if defined key_RK3
          ! ice shelf cavity contribution (RK3)
-         IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, fwfisf_cav, phdiv)
+         IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, &
+            &                                                                             fwfisf_cav, phdiv)
          ! ice shelf parametrisation contribution (RK3)
-         IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, fwfisf_par, phdiv)
+         IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, &
+                                                                                          fwfisf_par, phdiv)
          ! ice shelf cavity contribution (MLF)
-         IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, fwfisf_cav, phdiv, fwfisf_cav_b)
+         IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, &
+            &                                                                             fwfisf_cav, phdiv, fwfisf_cav_b)
          ! ice shelf parametrisation contribution (MLF)
-         IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, fwfisf_par, phdiv, fwfisf_par_b)
+         IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_hdiv_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, &
+                                                                                          fwfisf_par, phdiv, fwfisf_par_b)
          ! ice sheet coupling contribution
@@ -81,7 +86,7 @@ CONTAINS
    END SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv
-   SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_mlt(ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, pfwf, phdiv, pfwf_b)
+   SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_mlt( ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, pfwf, phdiv, pfwf_b )
       !!                  ***  SUBROUTINE sbc_isf_div  ***
@@ -92,45 +97,42 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Action  :   phdivn   increased by the ice shelf outflow
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      , INTENT(inout) :: phdiv
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop , kbot
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) :: pfrac, phtbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)    , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf_b
+      INTEGER , DIMENSION(A2D(0))           , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktop , kbot
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))           , INTENT(in   ) ::   pfrac, phtbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) ::   pfwf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      , INTENT(inout) ::   phdiv
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)    , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   pfwf_b
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk   ! dummy loop indices
       INTEGER  ::   ikt, ikb 
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(nn_hls)) :: zhdiv
+      REAL(wp) ::   zhdiv
       !==   fwf distributed over several levels   ==!
-      ! compute integrated divergence correction
-      DO_2D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
+      ! update divergence at each level affected by ice shelf top boundary layer
+      DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         ! compute integrated divergence correction
 #if defined key_RK3
-         zhdiv(ji,jj) = pfwf(ji,jj) * r1_rho0 / phtbl(ji,jj)
+         zhdiv = pfwf(ji,jj) * r1_rho0 / phtbl(ji,jj)
-         zhdiv(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( pfwf(ji,jj) + pfwf_b(ji,jj) ) * r1_rho0 / phtbl(ji,jj)
+         zhdiv = 0.5_wp * ( pfwf(ji,jj) + pfwf_b(ji,jj) ) * r1_rho0 / phtbl(ji,jj)
-      END_2D
-      !
-      ! update divergence at each level affected by ice shelf top boundary layer
-      DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
+         !
          ikt = ktop(ji,jj)
          ikb = kbot(ji,jj)
          ! level fully include in the ice shelf boundary layer
          DO jk = ikt, ikb - 1
-            phdiv(ji,jj,jk) = phdiv(ji,jj,jk) - zhdiv(ji,jj)
+            phdiv(ji,jj,jk) = phdiv(ji,jj,jk) - zhdiv
          END DO
          ! level partially include in ice shelf boundary layer 
-         phdiv(ji,jj,ikb) = phdiv(ji,jj,ikb) - zhdiv(ji,jj) * pfrac(ji,jj)
+         phdiv(ji,jj,ikb) = phdiv(ji,jj,ikb) - zhdiv * pfrac(ji,jj)
    END SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_mlt
-   SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_cpl(Kmm, pqvol, phdiv)
+   SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_cpl( Kmm, pqvol, phdiv )
       !!                  ***  SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_cpl  ***
@@ -143,17 +145,15 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Action  :   phdivn   increased by the ice shelf outflow
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: phdiv
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,                          INTENT(in)    :: Kmm     ! ocean time level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pqvol
+      INTEGER,                          INTENT(in)    ::   Kmm     ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) ::   pqvol
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) ::   phdiv
-      INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk
-      DO_3D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, 1, jpk )
-         phdiv(ji,jj,jk) =  phdiv(ji,jj,jk) + pqvol(ji,jj,jk) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj)   &
-            &                             / e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+      DO_3D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         phdiv(ji,jj,jk) = phdiv(ji,jj,jk) + pqvol(ji,jj,jk) * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj) / e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
    END SUBROUTINE isf_hdiv_cpl
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfload.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfload.F90
index a069cdf5d126bb61db99c67ae358bca283062d9e..ab1f9a3dc48c53546796d221690d9c3db8bc5c9b 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfload.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfload.F90
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ MODULE isfload
    USE isf_oce, ONLY: cn_isfload, rn_isfload_T, rn_isfload_S ! ice shelf variables
+   USE par_oce                                      ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce                                      ! vertical scale factor
    USE eosbn2 , ONLY: eos                           ! eos routine
@@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ CONTAINS
       !                                !- assume water displaced by the ice shelf is at T=rn_isfload_T and S=rn_isfload_S (rude)
-      zts_top(:,:,jp_tem) = rn_isfload_T   ;   zts_top(:,:,jp_sal) = rn_isfload_S
+      zts_top(:,:,jp_tem) = rn_isfload_T
+      zts_top(:,:,jp_sal) = rn_isfload_S
       DO jk = 1, jpk                   !- compute density of the water displaced by the ice shelf
 #if defined key_qco && key_isf
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfpar.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfpar.F90
index 31f36368762f0646fae4f86c8d75a8a02449c917..bc4787f73104b74f21b09699754a3c9228d39530 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfpar.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfpar.F90
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ MODULE isfpar
    USE isf_oce        ! ice shelf
-   USE isfrst   , ONLY: isfrst_write, isfrst_read ! ice shelf restart read/write subroutine
-   USE isftbl   , ONLY: isf_tbl_ktop, isf_tbl_lvl ! ice shelf top boundary layer properties subroutine
+   USE isfrst   , ONLY: isfrst_read               ! ice shelf restart read/write subroutine
+   USE isftbl   , ONLY: isf_tbl_ktop              ! ice shelf top boundary layer properties subroutine
    USE isfparmlt, ONLY: isfpar_mlt                ! ice shelf melt formulation subroutine
    USE isfdiags , ONLY: isf_diags_flx             ! ice shelf diags subroutine
    USE isfutils , ONLY: debug, read_2dcstdta      ! ice shelf debug subroutine
    USE dom_oce  , ONLY: bathy          ! ocean space and time domain
-   USE par_oce  , ONLY: jpi,jpj        ! ocean space and time domain
+   USE par_oce                         ! ocean space and time domain
    USE phycst   , ONLY: r1_rho0_rcp    ! physical constants
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ MODULE isfpar
-   SUBROUTINE isf_par( kt, Kmm, ptsc, pqfwf )
+   SUBROUTINE isf_par( kt, Kmm, ptsc, pfwf )
       !!                     ***  ROUTINE isf_par ***      
@@ -60,28 +60,26 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Convention : all fluxes are from isf to oce
-      !!-------------------------- OUT --------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     , INTENT(inout) :: pqfwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts), INTENT(inout) :: ptsc
-      !!-------------------------- IN  --------------------------------------
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt                                     ! ocean time step
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm                                    ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     , INTENT(inout) ::   pfwf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts), INTENT(inout) ::   ptsc
       INTEGER ::   ji, jj
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zqoce, zqhc, zqlat, zqh
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   zqoce, zqhc, zqlat, zqh
       ! compute heat content, latent heat and melt fluxes (2d)
-      CALL isfpar_mlt( kt, Kmm, zqhc, zqoce, pqfwf  )
+      CALL isfpar_mlt( kt, Kmm, zqhc, zqoce, pfwf  )
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ! compute heat and water flux (from isf to oce)
-         pqfwf(ji,jj) = pqfwf(ji,jj) * mskisf_par(ji,jj)
+         pfwf(ji,jj) = pfwf(ji,jj) * mskisf_par(ji,jj)
          zqoce(ji,jj) = zqoce(ji,jj) * mskisf_par(ji,jj)
          zqhc (ji,jj) = zqhc(ji,jj)  * mskisf_par(ji,jj)
          ! compute latent heat flux (from isf to oce)
-         zqlat(ji,jj) = - pqfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf    ! 2d latent heat flux (W/m2)
+         zqlat(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf    ! 2d latent heat flux (W/m2)
          ! total heat flux (from isf to oce)
          zqh(ji,jj) = ( zqhc (ji,jj) + zqoce(ji,jj) )
@@ -91,18 +89,13 @@ CONTAINS
       ! output fluxes
-      CALL isf_diags_flx( Kmm, misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, 'par', pqfwf, zqoce, zqlat, zqhc)
+      CALL isf_diags_flx( Kmm, misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, 'par', pfwf, zqoce, zqlat, zqhc )
-#if ! defined key_RK3
-      ! MLF: write restart variables (qoceisf, qhcisf, fwfisf for now and before)
-      IF (lrst_oce) CALL isfrst_write(kt, 'par', ptsc, pqfwf)
-      !
       IF ( ln_isfdebug ) THEN
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
          CALL debug('isf_par: ptsc T',ptsc(:,:,1))
          CALL debug('isf_par: ptsc S',ptsc(:,:,2))
-         CALL debug('isf_par: pqfwf fwf',pqfwf(:,:))
+         CALL debug('isf_par: pfwf fwf',pfwf(:,:))
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
       END IF
@@ -115,34 +108,41 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : initialisation of the variable needed for the parametrisation of ice shelf melt
-      INTEGER               :: ierr
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztblmax, ztblmin
+      INTEGER ::   ierr
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ztblmax, ztblmin
-      ! allocation
+      !==============
+      ! 0: allocation
+      !==============
       CALL isf_alloc_par()
-      ! initialisation
-      misfkt_par(:,:)     = 1         ; misfkb_par(:,:)       = 1         
-      rhisf_tbl_par(:,:)  = 1e-20     ; rfrac_tbl_par(:,:)    = 0.0_wp
+      !==================
+      ! 1: initialisation
+      !==================
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         misfkt_par   (ji,jj) = 1
+         misfkb_par   (ji,jj) = 1         
+         rhisf_tbl_par(ji,jj) = 1e-20
+         rfrac_tbl_par(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp
+      END_2D
       ! define isf tbl tickness, top and bottom indice
-      CALL read_2dcstdta(TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmax%clname), TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmax%clvar), ztblmax)
-      CALL read_2dcstdta(TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmin%clname), TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmin%clvar), ztblmin)
-      !
-      ! mask ice shelf parametrisation location
-      ztblmax(:,:) = ztblmax(:,:) * ssmask(:,:)
-      ztblmin(:,:) = ztblmin(:,:) * ssmask(:,:)
+      CALL read_2dcstdta( TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmax%clname), TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmax%clvar), ztblmax )
+      CALL read_2dcstdta( TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmin%clname), TRIM(sn_isfpar_zmin%clvar), ztblmin )
-      ! if param used under an ice shelf overwrite ztblmin by the ice shelf draft
-      WHERE ( risfdep > 0._wp .AND. ztblmin > 0._wp )
-         ztblmin(:,:) = risfdep(:,:)
-      END WHERE
-      !
-      ! ensure ztblmax <= bathy
-      WHERE ( ztblmax(:,:) > bathy(:,:) )
-         ztblmax(:,:) = bathy(:,:)
-      END WHERE
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         ! mask ice shelf parametrisation location
+         ztblmax(ji,jj) = ztblmax(ji,jj) * ssmask(ji,jj)
+         ztblmin(ji,jj) = ztblmin(ji,jj) * ssmask(ji,jj)
+         !
+         ! if param used under an ice shelf overwrite ztblmin by the ice shelf draft
+         IF( risfdep(ji,jj) > 0._wp .AND. ztblmin(ji,jj) > 0._wp )   ztblmin(ji,jj) = risfdep(ji,jj)
+         !
+         ! ensure ztblmax <= bathy
+         ztblmax(ji,jj) = MIN( ztblmax(ji,jj), bathy(ji,jj) )
+      END_2D
       ! compute ktop and update ztblmin to gdepw_0(misfkt_par) 
       CALL isf_tbl_ktop(ztblmin, misfkt_par) !   out: misfkt_par
@@ -158,16 +158,22 @@ CONTAINS
       END WHERE
 #if ! defined key_RK3
+      !================
+      ! 2: read restart
+      !================
       ! MLF: read par variable from restart
-      IF ( ln_rstart ) CALL isfrst_read('par', risf_par_tsc, fwfisf_par, risf_par_tsc_b, fwfisf_par_b)
+      IF ( ln_rstart ) CALL isfrst_read( 'par', risf_par_tsc, fwfisf_par, risf_par_tsc_b, fwfisf_par_b )
+      !==========================================
+      ! 3: specific allocation and initialisation (depending of scheme choice)
+      !==========================================
       SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cn_isfpar_mlt) )
       CASE ( 'spe' )
          ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1), STAT=ierr )
-         ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(jpi,jpj,1), sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fdta(jpi,jpj,1,2) )
+         ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(A2D(0),1), sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fdta(A2D(0),1,2) )
          CALL fld_fill( sf_isfpar_fwf, (/ sn_isfpar_fwf /), cn_isfdir, 'isf_par_init', 'read fresh water flux isf data', 'namisf' )
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
@@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE ( 'oasis' )
          ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1), STAT=ierr )
-         ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(jpi,jpj,1), sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fdta(jpi,jpj,1,2) )
+         ALLOCATE( sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(A2D(0),1), sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fdta(A2D(0),1,2) )
          CALL fld_fill( sf_isfpar_fwf, (/ sn_isfpar_fwf /), cn_isfdir, 'isf_par_init', 'read fresh water flux isf data', 'namisf' )
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfparmlt.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfparmlt.F90
index 237e3bee3b9cf5ad4c03b0f10c48be235440d9ae..fd7a6577715ff5b2f6db4613c345abb6a3b8bd7d 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfparmlt.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfparmlt.F90
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ MODULE isfparmlt
    USE isftbl , ONLY: isf_tbl   ! ice shelf depth average
    USE isfutils,ONLY: debug     ! debug subroutine
+   USE par_oce                  ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce                  ! ocean space and time domain
    USE oce    , ONLY: ts        ! ocean dynamics and tracers
    USE phycst , ONLY: rcp, rho0 ! physical constants
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ MODULE isfparmlt
    !! * Substitutions
 #  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"   
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
    !! $Id: sbcisf.F90 10536 2019-01-16 19:21:09Z mathiot $
@@ -38,11 +40,8 @@ MODULE isfparmlt
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------- PUBLIC SUBROUTINE ----------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt( kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf )
+   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt( kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isfpar_mlt  ***
@@ -53,21 +52,26 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                        1 : Specified melt flux
       !!                        2 : Beckmann & Goose parameterization
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: pqfwf, pqoce, pqhc  ! fresh water, ice-ocean heat and heat content fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
+      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt   ! ocean time step
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm  ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) ::   pfwf, pqoce, pqhc  ! fresh water, ice-ocean heat and heat content fluxes
       ! Choose among the available ice shelf parametrisation
       SELECT CASE ( cn_isfpar_mlt )
       CASE ( 'spe' )    ! specified runoff in depth (Mathiot et al., 2017 in preparation)
-         CALL isfpar_mlt_spe(kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf)
+         !
+         CALL isfpar_mlt_spe(   kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
+         !
       CASE ( 'bg03' )    ! Beckmann and Goosse parametrisation 
-         CALL isfpar_mlt_bg03(kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf)
+         !
+         CALL isfpar_mlt_bg03(  kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
+         !
       CASE ( 'oasis' )
-         CALL isfpar_mlt_oasis( kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf)
+         !
+         CALL isfpar_mlt_oasis( kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
+         !
          CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'unknown isf melt formulation : cn_isfpar (should not see this)')
@@ -76,32 +80,28 @@ CONTAINS
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
          CALL debug( 'isfpar_mlt qhc  :', pqhc (:,:) )
          CALL debug( 'isfpar_mlt qoce :', pqoce(:,:) )
-         CALL debug( 'isfpar_mlt qfwf :', pqfwf(:,:) )
+         CALL debug( 'isfpar_mlt fwf  :', pfwf(:,:) )
          IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ''
       END IF
    END SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------- PRIVATE SUBROUTINE ---------------------------------------------------
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_spe(kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf)
+   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_spe( kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isfpar_mlt_spe  ***
       !! ** Purpose : prescribed ice shelf melting in case ice shelf cavities are closed.
       !!              data read into a forcing files.
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: pqhc, pqfwf, pqoce  ! fresh water and ice-ocean heat fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) :: kt
-      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) :: Kmm    !  ocean time level index
-      INTEGER :: jk
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)  :: ztfrz3d
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)      :: ztfrz
+      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) ::   kt
+      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) ::   Kmm    !  ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) ::   pqhc, pfwf, pqoce  ! fresh water and ice-ocean heat fluxes
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk     ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   ztfrz3d, ztmp
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   ztfrz
       ! 0. ------------Read specified fwf from isf to oce
@@ -109,20 +109,26 @@ CONTAINS
       ! compute ptfrz
       ! 1. ------------Mean freezing point
-      DO jk = 1,jpk
-         CALL eos_fzp(ts(:,:,jk,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,jk), gdept(:,:,jk,Kmm))
-      END DO
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ztfrz3d, ztfrz, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         ztmp(ji,jj,jk) = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+      END_3D
+      CALL eos_fzp( ts(A2D(0),:,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,:), ztmp )
+      !
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ztfrz3d, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                 ztfrz, & ! ==>> out
+         &                             misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par  ) ! <<== in (optional)
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1)      ! fresh water flux from the isf (fwfisf <0 mean melting)       ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf             ! ocean/ice shelf flux assume to be equal to latent heat flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp     ! heat content flux                                            ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pfwf(ji,jj) =   sf_isfpar_fwf(1)%fnow(ji,jj,1)        ! fresh water flux from the isf (fwfisf <0 mean melting)       ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf               ! ocean/ice shelf flux assume to be equal to latent heat flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp     ! heat content flux                                            ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      END_2D
       CALL iom_put('isftfrz_par', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_par(:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_spe
-   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_bg03(kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf)
+   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_bg03(kt, Kmm, pqhc, pqoce, pfwf)
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isfpar_mlt_bg03  ***
@@ -137,45 +143,48 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Reference : Beckmann and Goosse (2003), "A parameterization of ice shelf-ocean
       !!                interaction for climate models", Ocean Modelling 5(2003) 157-170.
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: pqhc, pqfwf, pqoce  ! fresh water and ice-ocean heat fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) :: kt
-      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) :: Kmm    !  ocean time level index
+      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) ::   kt
+      INTEGER,  INTENT(in) ::   Kmm    !  ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) ::   pqhc, pfwf, pqoce  ! fresh water and ice-ocean heat fluxes
-      INTEGER :: jk
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztfrz3d        ! freezing point
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     :: ztfrz          ! freezing point
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     :: ztavg          ! temperature avg
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk     ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   ztfrz3d, ztmp
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   ztfrz          ! freezing point
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   ztavg          ! temperature avg
       ! 0. ------------Mean freezing point
-      DO jk = 1,jpk
-         CALL eos_fzp(ts(:,:,jk,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,jk), gdept(:,:,jk,Kmm))
-      END DO
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ztfrz3d, ztfrz, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         ztmp(ji,jj,jk) = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+      END_3D
+      CALL eos_fzp( ts(A2D(0),:,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,:), ztmp )
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ztfrz3d, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                 ztfrz, & ! ==>> out
+         &                             misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par  ) ! <<== in (optional)
       ! 1. ------------Mean temperature
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm), ztavg, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm), 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                              ztavg, & ! ==>> out
+         &                                          misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par  ) ! <<== in (optional)
       ! 2. ------------Net heat flux and fresh water flux due to the ice shelf
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   rho0 * rcp * rn_isfpar_bg03_gt0 * risfLeff(:,:) * e1t(:,:) * (ztavg(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * r1_e1e2t(:,:) / rLfusisf  ! ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf             ! ocean/ice shelf flux assume to be equal to latent heat flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp     ! heat content flux                                            ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pfwf(ji,jj) =   rho0 * rcp * rn_isfpar_bg03_gt0 * risfLeff(ji,jj) * e1t(ji,jj) * ( ztavg(ji,jj) - ztfrz(ji,jj) ) &
+            &                                                               * r1_e1e2t(ji,jj) / rLfusisf  ! ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf               ! ocean/ice shelf flux assume to be equal to latent heat flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp     ! heat content flux                                            ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      END_2D
       ! 3. ------------BG03 output
-      ! output ttbl
-      CALL iom_put('ttbl_par', ztavg(:,:) * mskisf_par(:,:) )
-      !
-      ! output thermal driving
-      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_par',( ztavg(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_par(:,:))
-      !
-      ! output freezing point used to define the thermal driving and heat content fluxes
-      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_par', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_par(:,:) )
+      CALL iom_put('ttbl_par',         ztavg(:,:)                * mskisf_par(:,:) )      ! ttbl
+      CALL iom_put('isfthermald_par',( ztavg(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_par(:,:) )      ! thermal driving
+      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_par',                   ztfrz(:,:)   * mskisf_par(:,:) )      ! freezing point
    END SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_bg03
-   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_oasis(kt, Kmm, pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf )
+   SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_oasis( kt, Kmm, pqhc , pqoce, pfwf )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isfpar_mlt_oasis  ***
@@ -186,27 +195,29 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                 - scale fwf and compute heat fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                     , INTENT(in   ) :: kt                  ! current time step
-      INTEGER                     , INTENT(in   ) :: Kmm                 !  ocean time level index
+      INTEGER                    , INTENT(in ) ::   kt                  ! current time step
+      INTEGER                    , INTENT(in ) ::   Kmm                 !  ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(out) ::   pqhc, pqoce, pfwf  ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes
-      INTEGER                           :: jk                            ! loop index
-      REAL(wp)                          :: zfwf_fld, zfwf_oasis          ! total fwf in the forcing fields (pattern) and from the cpl interface (amount)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)      :: ztfrz                         ! tbl freezing temperature
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)      :: zfwf                          ! 2d fwf map after scaling
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)  :: ztfrz3d
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk           ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp) ::   zfwf_fld, zfwf_oasis ! total fwf in the forcing fields (pattern) and from the cpl interface (amount)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   ztfrz                         ! tbl freezing temperature
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   zfwf                          ! 2d fwf map after scaling
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   ztfrz3d, ztmp
       ! 0. ------------Read specified runoff
       CALL fld_read ( kt, 1, sf_isfpar_fwf   )
       ! 1. ------------Mean freezing point (needed for heat content flux)
-      DO jk = 1,jpk
-         CALL eos_fzp(ts(:,:,jk,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,jk), gdept(:,:,jk,Kmm))
-      END DO
-      CALL isf_tbl(Kmm, ztfrz3d, ztfrz, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
+      DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+         ztmp(ji,jj,jk) = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+      END_3D
+      CALL eos_fzp( ts(A2D(0),:,jp_sal,Kmm), ztfrz3d(:,:,:), ztmp )
+      !
+      CALL isf_tbl( Kmm, ztfrz3d, 'T', misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, & ! <<== in
+         &                                                 ztfrz, & ! ==>> out
+         &                             misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par  ) ! <<== in (optional)
       ! 2. ------------Scale isf melt pattern with total amount from oasis
       ! ice shelf 2d map of fwf from isf to oce
@@ -214,22 +225,24 @@ CONTAINS
       ! compute glob sum from input file
       ! (PM) should we consider delay sum as in fwb ? (it will offset by 1 time step if I understood well)
-      zfwf_fld = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * zfwf(:,:))
+      zfwf_fld = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(A2D(0)) * zfwf(:,:))
       ! compute glob sum from atm->oce ice shelf fwf
       ! (PM) should we consider delay sum as in fwb ?
-      zfwf_oasis = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * fwfisf_oasis(:,:))
+      zfwf_oasis = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(A2D(0)) * fwfisf_oasis(:,:))
       ! scale fwf
       zfwf(:,:) = zfwf(:,:) * zfwf_oasis / zfwf_fld
       ! 3. -----------Define fwf and qoce
       ! ocean heat flux is assume to be equal to the latent heat
-      pqfwf(:,:) =   zfwf(:,:)                         ! fwf                ( > 0 from isf to oce)
-      pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf             ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce) (assumed to be the latent heat flux)
-      pqhc (:,:) =   pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         pfwf(ji,jj) =   zfwf(ji,jj)                           ! fwf                ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+         pqoce(ji,jj) = - pfwf(ji,jj) * rLfusisf               ! ocean heat flux    ( > 0 from isf to oce) (assumed to be the latent heat flux)
+         pqhc (ji,jj) =   pfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) * rcp     ! heat content flux  ( > 0 from isf to oce)
+      END_2D
-      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_par', ztfrz )
+      CALL iom_put('isftfrz_par', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_par(:,:) )
    END SUBROUTINE isfpar_mlt_oasis
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfrst.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfrst.F90
index 696605ff15e1bc6d1bf0932ffba5c91fd8b1bc99..a6302a54a33c2a767aa8c25ab8f5aa105e6e5b8e 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfrst.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfrst.F90
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ MODULE isfrst
    !!   isfrst : read/write iceshelf variables in/from restart
-   USE par_oce, ONLY: jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts ! time and space domain
+   USE par_oce        ! time and space domain
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
    USE iom            ! I/O library
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ MODULE isfrst
    PUBLIC isfrst_read, isfrst_write ! iceshelf restart read and write
+   !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
    !! $Id: sbcisf.F90 10536 2019-01-16 19:21:09Z mathiot $
@@ -33,13 +35,12 @@ CONTAINS
       !!   isfrst_read : read iceshelf variables from restart
-      !!-------------------------- OUT --------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     , INTENT(  out) :: pfwf_b
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts), INTENT(  out) :: ptsc_b
-      !!-------------------------- IN  --------------------------------------
-      CHARACTER(LEN=3)                 , INTENT(in   ) :: cdisf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts), INTENT(in   ) :: ptsc
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CHARACTER(LEN=3)                , INTENT(in   ) :: cdisf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts), INTENT(in   ) :: ptsc
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts), INTENT(  out) :: ptsc_b
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(  out) :: pfwf_b
       CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfwf_b, chc_b, csc_b
@@ -68,11 +69,11 @@ CONTAINS
       !!   isfrst_write : write iceshelf variables in restart
-      !!-------------------------- IN  --------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                          , INTENT(in   ) :: kt
-      CHARACTER(LEN=3)                 , INTENT(in   ) :: cdisf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)     , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts), INTENT(in   ) :: ptsc
+      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER                         , INTENT(in   ) :: kt
+      CHARACTER(LEN=3)                , INTENT(in   ) :: cdisf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: pfwf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts), INTENT(in   ) :: ptsc
       CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfwf_b, chc_b, csc_b
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfstp.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfstp.F90
index edc5f92aae6060c14f99019bedbceb57e0b01b80..f742fee6b86bf1fd070436c8372c466cc131a3ea 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfstp.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfstp.F90
@@ -13,20 +13,23 @@ MODULE isfstp
    !!   isfstp       : compute iceshelf melt and heat flux
    USE isf_oce                                      ! isf variables
+   USE isfrst , ONLY: isfrst_write                  ! ice shelf restart read/write subroutine
    USE isfload, ONLY: isf_load                      ! ice shelf load
    USE isftbl , ONLY: isf_tbl_lvl                   ! ice shelf boundary layer
    USE isfpar , ONLY: isf_par, isf_par_init         ! ice shelf parametrisation
    USE isfcav , ONLY: isf_cav, isf_cav_init         ! ice shelf cavity
    USE isfcpl , ONLY: isfcpl_rst_write, isfcpl_init ! isf variables
+   USE oce    , ONLY: ssh
+   USE par_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce        ! ocean space and time domain
-   USE oce      , ONLY: ssh                           ! sea surface height
    USE domvvl,  ONLY: ln_vvl_zstar                      ! zstar logical
    USE zdfdrg,  ONLY: r_Cdmin_top, r_ke0_top            ! vertical physics: top/bottom drag coef.
    USE lib_mpp, ONLY: ctl_stop, ctl_nam
    USE fldread, ONLY: FLD, FLD_N
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
+   USE lbclnk
    USE timing
@@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ MODULE isfstp
    PUBLIC   isf_stp, isf_init, isf_nam  ! routine called in sbcmod and divhor
    !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
 #  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
@@ -60,42 +64,49 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt    ! ocean time step
       INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   Kmm   ! ocean time level index
-      INTEGER :: jk                              ! loop index
-#if defined key_qco
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3t   ! 3D workspace
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk, ikt                     ! loop index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))     ::   zhtmp  ! temporary array for thickness
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   ze3t   ! 3D workspace for key_qco
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('isf')
+      ! temporary arrays for key_qco
+      DO_2D( 0 ,0, 0, 0 )
+         zhtmp(ji,jj) = ht(ji,jj)
+         DO jk = 1, jpk
+            ze3t(ji,jj,jk) = e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+         ENDDO
+      END_2D
+      !
       ! 1.: compute melt and associated heat fluxes in the ice shelf cavities
       IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) THEN
+         ! --- before time step --- ! 
 #if ! defined key_RK3
-         ! MLF : need risf_cav_tsc_b update
-         ! 1.1: before time step 
-         IF ( kt /= nit000 ) THEN 
-            risf_cav_tsc_b (:,:,:) = risf_cav_tsc (:,:,:)
-            fwfisf_cav_b(:,:)      = fwfisf_cav(:,:)
+         IF ( kt /= nit000 ) THEN         ! MLF : need risf_cav_tsc_b update 
+            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+               risf_cav_tsc_b(ji,jj,:) = risf_cav_tsc(ji,jj,:)
+               fwfisf_cav_b  (ji,jj)   = fwfisf_cav  (ji,jj)
+            END_2D
          END IF
-         ! 1.2: compute misfkb, rhisf_tbl, rfrac (deepest level, thickness, fraction of deepest cell affected by tbl)
-         rhisf_tbl_cav(:,:) = rn_htbl * mskisf_cav(:,:)
-#if defined key_qco
-         DO jk = 1, jpk
-            ze3t(:,:,jk) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         END DO 
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ht(:,:), ze3t           , misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav )
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ht(:,:),  e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav )
+         ! --- deepest level (misfkb), thickness (rhisf) & fraction of deepest cell affected by tbl (rfrac) --- !
+         DO_2D( 0 ,0, 0, 0 )
+            ! limit the tbl to water depth and to the top level thickness
+            ikt = misfkt_cav(ji,jj)  ! tbl top indices
+            rhisf_tbl_cav(ji,jj) = MAX( MIN( rn_htbl * mskisf_cav(ji,jj), zhtmp(ji,jj) ), ze3t(ji,jj,ikt) )
+         END_2D
+         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ze3t, misfkt_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, &  ! <<== in
+            &                     misfkb_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav )   ! ==>> out
-         ! 1.3: compute ice shelf melt
-         CALL isf_cav( kt, Kmm, risf_cav_tsc, fwfisf_cav )
+         ! --- ice shelf melt (fwfisf) and temperature trend (risf) --- !
+         CALL isf_cav( kt, Kmm, risf_cav_tsc, fwfisf_cav(A2D(0)) )    ! <<==>> inout
       END IF
@@ -105,37 +116,59 @@ CONTAINS
       IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) THEN
+         ! --- before time step --- ! 
 #if ! defined key_RK3
-         ! MLF : need risf_par_tsc_b update
-         ! 2.1: before time step 
-         IF ( kt /= nit000 ) THEN 
-            risf_par_tsc_b(:,:,:) = risf_par_tsc(:,:,:)
-            fwfisf_par_b  (:,:)   = fwfisf_par  (:,:)
+         IF ( kt /= nit000 ) THEN          ! MLF : need risf_par_tsc_b update
+            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+               risf_par_tsc_b(ji,jj,:) = risf_par_tsc(ji,jj,:)
+               fwfisf_par_b  (ji,jj)   = fwfisf_par  (ji,jj)
+            END_2D
          END IF
-         ! 2.2: compute misfkb, rhisf_tbl, rfrac (deepest level, thickness, fraction of deepest cell affected by tbl)
+         ! --- deepest level (misfkb), thickness (rhisf) & fraction of deepest cell affected by tbl (rfrac) --- !
          ! by simplicity, we assume the top level where param applied do not change with time (done in init part)
-         rhisf_tbl_par(:,:) = rhisf0_tbl_par(:,:)
-#if defined key_qco
-         DO jk = 1, jpk
-            ze3t(:,:,jk) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         END DO
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ht(:,:), ze3t           , misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ht(:,:),  e3t(:,:,:,Kmm), misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par )
+         !      limit the tbl to water depth and to the top level thickness
+         DO_2D( 0 ,0, 0, 0 )
+            ikt = misfkt_cav(ji,jj)  ! tbl top indices
+            rhisf_tbl_par(ji,jj) = MAX( MIN( rhisf0_tbl_par(ji,jj), zhtmp(ji,jj) ), ze3t(ji,jj,ikt) )
+         END_2D
+         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ze3t, misfkt_par, rhisf_tbl_par, &  ! <<== in
+            &                    misfkb_par, rfrac_tbl_par )   ! ==>> out
-         ! 2.3: compute ice shelf melt
-         CALL isf_par( kt, Kmm, risf_par_tsc, fwfisf_par )
+         ! --- ice shelf melt (fwfisf) and temperature trend (risf) --- !
+         CALL isf_par( kt, Kmm, risf_par_tsc, fwfisf_par(A2D(0)) )    ! <<==>> inout
       END IF
-      !==================================================================================
-      ! 3.: output specific restart variable in case of coupling with an ice sheet model
-      !==================================================================================
-      IF ( ln_isfcpl .AND. lrst_oce ) CALL isfcpl_rst_write(kt, Kmm)
+      !clem: these lbc are needed since we calculate everything in the interior now
+      IF( ln_isfcpl ) THEN
+         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isf_stp', fwfisf_par  , 'T', 1.0_wp, fwfisf_cav  , 'T', 1.0_wp, &
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+            &                     fwfisf_par_b, 'T', 1.0_wp, fwfisf_cav_b, 'T', 1.0_wp, &
+            &                     risfcpl_ssh, 'T', 1.0_wp, risfcpl_cons_ssh, 'T', 1.0_wp ) ! needed in dynspg_ts, stp2d
+         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isf_stp', risfcpl_vol, 'T', 1.0_wp )                                ! needed in dynspg_ts, stp2d, sshwzv, dynatf
+      ELSE
+         CALL lbc_lnk( 'isf_stp', fwfisf_par  , 'T', 1.0_wp, fwfisf_cav  , 'T', 1.0_wp, &
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+            &                     fwfisf_par_b, 'T', 1.0_wp, fwfisf_cav_b, 'T', 1.0_wp  &
+            &        )
+      ENDIF
+      !
+      !==================
+      ! 3.: write restart
+      !==================
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+      ! MLF: write restart variables (qoceisf, qhcisf, fwfisf for now and before)
+      IF( ln_isfcav_mlt .AND. lrst_oce )   CALL isfrst_write( kt, 'cav', risf_cav_tsc , fwfisf_cav )
+      ! MLF: write restart variables (qoceisf, qhcisf, fwfisf for now and before)
+      IF( ln_isfpar_mlt .AND. lrst_oce )   CALL isfrst_write( kt, 'par', risf_par_tsc , fwfisf_par )
+      IF( ln_isfcpl     .AND. lrst_oce )   CALL isfcpl_rst_write( kt, Kmm )
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_stop('isf')
@@ -164,10 +197,19 @@ CONTAINS
       CALL isf_nam()                                              ! Read namelist
       CALL isf_alloc()                                            ! Allocate public array
+      !
+      ! initalisation of fwf and tsc array to 0
+      risfload    (:,:)   = 0._wp
+      fwfisf_oasis(:,:)   = 0._wp ; fwfisf_par  (:,:)   = 0._wp ; fwfisf_cav(:,:) = 0._wp
+      risf_cav_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risf_par_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+      fwfisf_par_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp ; fwfisf_cav_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp
+      risf_cav_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risf_par_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp
       CALL isf_ctl()                                              ! check option compatibility
-      IF( ln_isfcav ) CALL isf_load( Kmm, risfload )              ! compute ice shelf load
+      IF( ln_isfcav )   CALL isf_load( Kmm, risfload )            ! compute ice shelf load
       ! terminate routine now if no ice shelf melt formulation specify
       IF( ln_isf ) THEN
@@ -200,11 +242,9 @@ CONTAINS
          IF ( ln_isf ) THEN
-#if key_qco 
-# if ! defined key_isf 
+#if defined key_qco && ! defined key_isf 
             CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'isf_ctl: ice shelf requires both ln_isf=T AND key_isf activated' ) 
-# endif 
             WRITE(numout,*) '      Add debug print in isf module           ln_isfdebug     = ', ln_isfdebug
             WRITE(numout,*) '      melt inside the cavity                  ln_isfcav_mlt   = ', ln_isfcav_mlt
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isftbl.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isftbl.F90
index c6b3adc3bea892cb74f29764f47d0e6c65f2d9a6..8820b171e05c5bae9af7d8728ab3c99d0a0ed603 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isftbl.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isftbl.F90
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ MODULE isftbl
    USE isf_oce ! ice shelf variables
+   USE par_oce ! ocean space and time domain
    USE dom_oce ! vertical scale factor and depth
-   PUBLIC isf_tbl, isf_tbl_avg, isf_tbl_lvl, isf_tbl_ktop, isf_tbl_kbot
+   PUBLIC isf_tbl, isf_tbl_avg, isf_tbl_lvl, isf_tbl_ktop
    !! * Substitutions
 #  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
 #  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
-   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl( Kmm, pvarin, pvarout, cd_ptin, ktop, phtbl, kbot, pfrac )
+   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl( Kmm, pvarin, cd_ptin, ktop, phtbl, pvarout, kbot, pfrac )
       !!                  ***  SUBROUTINE isf_tbl  ***
@@ -39,77 +39,69 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Reference : inspired from : Losch, Modeling ice shelf cavities in a z coordinate ocean general circulation model
       !!                https://doi.org/10.1029/2007JC004368 , 2008
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(  out) :: pvarout ! 2d average of pvarin
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER                               , INTENT(in   ) :: Kmm           ! ocean time level index
-      CHARACTER(len=1)                      , INTENT(in   ) :: cd_ptin       ! point of variable in/out
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk)      , INTENT(in   ) :: pvarin        ! 3d variable to average over the tbl
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop          ! top level
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)          , INTENT(in   ) :: phtbl         ! tbl thickness
-      !!-------------------------- IN OPTIONAL -----------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) :: kbot          ! bottom level
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) :: pfrac         ! fraction of bottom cell affected by tbl
-      INTEGER ::   ji, jj                     ! loop index
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ikbot   ! bottom level of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zvarout ! 2d average of pvarin
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zhtbl   ! thickness of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zfrac   ! thickness of the tbl
-      INTEGER :: jk                            ! loop index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3t,ze3u,ze3v ! e3 
+      INTEGER                              , INTENT(in ) ::   Kmm           ! ocean time level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk)      , INTENT(in ) ::   pvarin        ! 3d variable to average over the tbl
+      CHARACTER(len=1)                     , INTENT(in ) ::   cd_ptin       ! point of variable in/out
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0))          , INTENT(in ) ::   ktop          ! top level
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))          , INTENT(in ) ::   phtbl         ! tbl thickness
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))          , INTENT(out) ::   pvarout       ! 2d average of pvarin
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0)), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) ::   kbot          ! bottom level
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) ::   pfrac         ! fraction of bottom cell affected by tbl
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk, ikt             ! loop index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   zhtbl   ! temporary array for thickness
+      INTEGER , DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   ikbot   ! bottom level of the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) ::   zfrac   ! thickness of the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk) ::   ze3 ! e3 
       SELECT CASE ( cd_ptin )
       CASE ( 'U' )
-         ! copy phtbl (phtbl is INTENT in as we don't want to change it)
-         zhtbl = phtbl
+         DO_3D( 0 ,0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+            ze3(ji,jj,jk) = e3u(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+         END_3D 
-         DO jk = 1, jpk
-            ze3u(:,:,jk) = e3u(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         END DO 
          ! compute tbl lvl and thickness
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( hu(:,:,Kmm), ze3u, ktop, ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac )
+         DO_2D( 0 ,0, 0, 0 )
+            ikt = ktop(ji,jj)  ! tbl top indices
+            zhtbl(ji,jj) = MAX( MIN( phtbl(ji,jj), hu(ji,jj,Kmm) ), ze3(ji,jj,ikt) )
+         END_2D
+         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ze3, ktop, zhtbl, & ! <<== in
+            &                   ikbot, zfrac ) ! ==>> out
          ! compute tbl property at U point
-         CALL isf_tbl_avg( miku, ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac, ze3u, pvarin, zvarout )
+         CALL isf_tbl_avg( miku(A2D(0)), ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac, ze3, pvarin, & ! <<== in
+            &                                                      pvarout ) ! ==>> out
-         ! compute tbl property at T point
-         pvarout(1,:) = 0._wp
-         DO_2D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
-            pvarout(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * (zvarout(ji,jj) + zvarout(ji-1,jj))
-         END_2D
-         ! lbclnk not needed as a final communication is done after the computation of fwf
-         ! 
       CASE ( 'V' )
-         ! copy phtbl (phtbl is INTENT in as we don't want to change it)
-         zhtbl = phtbl
+         DO_3D( 0 ,0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+            ze3(ji,jj,jk) = e3v(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+         END_3D 
-         DO jk = 1, jpk
-            ze3v(:,:,jk) = e3v(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         END DO 
          ! compute tbl lvl and thickness
-         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( hv(:,:,Kmm), ze3v, ktop, ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac )
+         DO_2D( 0 ,0, 0, 0 )
+            ikt = ktop(ji,jj)  ! tbl top indices
+            zhtbl(ji,jj) = MAX( MIN( phtbl(ji,jj), hv(ji,jj,Kmm) ), ze3(ji,jj,ikt) )
+         END_2D
+         CALL isf_tbl_lvl( ze3, ktop, zhtbl, & ! <<== in
+            &                   ikbot, zfrac ) ! ==>> out
          ! compute tbl property at V point
-         CALL isf_tbl_avg( mikv, ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac, ze3v, pvarin, zvarout )
-         !
-         ! pvarout is an averaging of wet point
-         pvarout(:,1) = 0._wp
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
-            pvarout(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * (zvarout(ji,jj) + zvarout(ji,jj-1))
-         END_2D
-         ! lbclnk not needed as a final communication is done after the computation of fwf
+         CALL isf_tbl_avg( mikv(A2D(0)), ikbot, zhtbl, zfrac, ze3, pvarin, & ! <<== in
+            &                                                      pvarout ) ! ==>> out
       CASE ( 'T' )
+         !
+         DO_3D( 0 ,0, 0, 0, 1, jpk )
+            ze3(ji,jj,jk) = e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
+         END_3D
          ! compute tbl property at T point
-         DO jk = 1, jpk
-            ze3t(:,:,jk) = e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm)
-         END DO 
-         CALL isf_tbl_avg( ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, ze3t, pvarin, pvarout )
+         CALL isf_tbl_avg( ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac, ze3, pvarin, & ! <<== in
+            &                                             pvarout ) ! ==>> out
@@ -124,20 +116,19 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Method  : Depth average is made between the top level ktop and the bottom level kbot
       !!              over a thickness phtbl. The bottom level is partially counted (pfrac).
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(  out) :: pvarout      ! tbl property averaged over phtbl between level ktop and kbot
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop, kbot   ! top and bottom level of the top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: phtbl, pfrac ! fraction of bottom level to be affected by the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pe3          ! vertical scale factor
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pvarin       ! tbl property to average between ktop, kbot over phtbl
-      INTEGER  :: ji,jj,jk                    ! loop indices
-      INTEGER  :: ikt, ikb                    ! top and bottom levels
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(in ) ::   ktop, kbot   ! top and bottom level of the top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(in ) ::   phtbl, pfrac ! fraction of bottom level to be affected by the tbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk), INTENT(in ) ::   pe3          ! vertical scale factor
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk), INTENT(in ) ::   pvarin       ! tbl property to average between ktop, kbot over phtbl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(out) ::   pvarout      ! tbl property averaged over phtbl between level ktop and kbot
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                    ! loop indices
+      INTEGER  ::   ikt, ikb                      ! top and bottom levels
       ! compute tbl top.bottom level and thickness
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ! tbl top/bottom indices initialisation
          ikt = ktop(ji,jj) ; ikb = kbot(ji,jj)
@@ -152,7 +143,7 @@ CONTAINS
    END SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_avg
-   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_lvl( phw, pe3, ktop, kbot, phtbl, pfrac )
+   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_lvl( pe3, ktop, phtbl, kbot, pfrac )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_tbl_lvl  ***
@@ -160,96 +151,48 @@ CONTAINS
       !!              - thickness of the top boundary layer
       !!              - fraction of the bottom level affected by the tbl
-      !!-------------------------- OUT --------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(  out) :: kbot   ! bottom level of the top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(  out) :: pfrac  ! fraction of bottom level in the tbl
-      !!-------------------------- IN  --------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop   ! top level of the top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: phw    ! water column thickness
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pe3    ! vertical scale factor
-      !!-------------------------- INOUT ------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(inout) :: phtbl  ! top boundary layer thickness
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk), INTENT(in ) ::   pe3    ! vertical scale factor
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(in ) ::   ktop   ! top level of the top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(in ) ::   phtbl  ! top boundary layer thickness
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(out) ::   kbot   ! bottom level of the top boundary layer
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))    , INTENT(out) ::   pfrac  ! fraction of bottom level in the tbl
-      INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk
-      INTEGER :: ikt, ikb
+      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk
+      INTEGER ::   ikt, ikb
-      ! get htbl
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
-         !
-         ! tbl top/bottom indices initialisation
-         ikt = ktop(ji,jj)
-         !
-         ! limit the tbl to water thickness.
-         phtbl(ji,jj) = MIN( phtbl(ji,jj), phw(ji,jj) )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-         ! thickness of boundary layer must be at least the top level thickness
-         phtbl(ji,jj) = MAX( phtbl(ji,jj), pe3(ji,jj,ikt) )
+         ikt = ktop(ji,jj)  ! tbl top indices initialisation
-      END_2D
-      !
-      ! get ktbl
-      CALL isf_tbl_kbot(ktop, phtbl, pe3, kbot)
-      !
-      ! get pfrac
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         ! --- get kbot --- !
+         !                  ! determine the deepest level influenced by the boundary layer
+         ikb = ikt+1
+         DO WHILE( SUM( pe3(ji,jj,ikt:ikb-1) ) < phtbl(ji,jj ) ) ;  ikb = ikb + 1 ;  END DO
+         kbot(ji,jj) = ikb - 1
-         ! tbl top/bottom indices initialisation
-         ikt = ktop(ji,jj) ; ikb = kbot(ji,jj)
+         ikb = kbot(ji,jj)   ! tbl bottom indices initialisation
-         ! proportion of the bottom cell included in ice shelf boundary layer 
+         ! --- get pfrac --- !
+         !                   ! proportion of the bottom cell included in ice shelf boundary layer 
          pfrac(ji,jj) = ( phtbl(ji,jj) - SUM( pe3(ji,jj,ikt:ikb-1) ) ) / pe3(ji,jj,ikb)
    END SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_lvl
-   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_kbot(ktop, phtbl, pe3, kbot)
-      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_tbl_bot  ***
-      !!
-      !! ** Purpose : compute bottom level of the isf top boundary layer
-      !!
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(  out) :: kbot   ! bottom level of the top boundary layer
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: phtbl  ! top boundary layer thickness
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)    , INTENT(in   ) :: ktop   ! top level of the top boundary layer
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pe3    ! vertical scale factor
-      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER :: ji, jj
-      INTEGER :: ikt, ikb
-      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !
-      ! phtbl need to be bounded by water column thickness before
-      ! test: if htbl = water column thickness, should return mbathy
-      ! test: if htbl = 0 should return ktop (phtbl cap to pe3t(ji,jj,1))
-      !
-      ! get ktbl
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
-         !
-         ! determine the deepest level influenced by the boundary layer
-         ikt = ktop(ji,jj)
-         ikb = ikt
-         DO WHILE ( SUM(pe3(ji,jj,ikt:ikb-1)) < phtbl(ji,jj ) ) ;  ikb = ikb + 1 ;  END DO
-         kbot(ji,jj) = ikb - 1
-         !
-      END_2D
-      !
-   END SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_kbot
-      !
-   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_ktop(pdep, ktop)
+   SUBROUTINE isf_tbl_ktop( pdep, ktop )
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_tbl_top  ***
       !! ** Purpose : compute top level of the isf top boundary layer in case of an ice shelf parametrisation
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: ktop        ! top level affected by the ice shelf parametrisation
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: pdep        ! top depth of the parametrisation influence
-      INTEGER :: ji,jj
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) :: pdep        ! top depth of the parametrisation influence
+      INTEGER,  DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(  out) :: ktop        ! top level affected by the ice shelf parametrisation
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER :: ji, jj
       INTEGER :: ikt
@@ -260,7 +203,7 @@ CONTAINS
       ! test: this routine run on isfdraft should return mikt
       ! test: this routine run with pdep = 0 should return 1
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          ! comput ktop
          ikt = 2
          DO WHILE ( gdepw_0(ji,jj,ikt) <= pdep(ji,jj ) ) ;  ikt = ikt + 1 ;  END DO
diff --git a/src/OCE/ISF/isfutils.F90 b/src/OCE/ISF/isfutils.F90
index 63c489c59abba9230949223abe4a93736a340fcb..af103b46bd5c2d46f435e96adfa7e8062aeab07d 100644
--- a/src/OCE/ISF/isfutils.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/ISF/isfutils.F90
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ MODULE isfutils
    USE iom           , ONLY: iom_open, iom_get, iom_close, jpdom_global      ! read input file
    USE lib_fortran   , ONLY: glob_sum, glob_min, glob_max                    ! compute global value
-   USE par_oce       , ONLY: jpi,jpj,jpk, jpnij, Nis0, Nie0, Njs0, Nje0      ! domain size
+   USE par_oce                                                               ! domain size
    USE dom_oce       , ONLY: narea                                           ! local domain
-   USE in_out_manager, ONLY: i8, wp, lwp, numout                             ! miscelenious
+   USE in_out_manager                                                        ! miscelenious
    USE lib_mpp
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ MODULE isfutils
    PUBLIC read_2dcstdta, debug
+   !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    SUBROUTINE read_2dcstdta(cdfile, cdvar, pvar)
@@ -36,17 +38,16 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : read input file
-      !!-------------------------- OUT -------------------------------------
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(  out) :: pvar     ! output variable
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      CHARACTER(len=*)            , INTENT(in   ) :: cdfile   ! input file name
-      CHARACTER(len=*)            , INTENT(in   ) :: cdvar    ! variable name
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      CHARACTER(len=*)           , INTENT(in   ) ::   cdfile   ! input file name
+      CHARACTER(len=*)           , INTENT(in   ) ::   cdvar    ! variable name
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(inout) ::   pvar     ! output variable
       INTEGER :: inum
       CALL iom_open( TRIM(cdfile), inum )
-      CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_global, TRIM(cdvar), pvar)
+      CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_global, TRIM(cdvar), pvar )
       CALL iom_close(inum)
    END SUBROUTINE read_2dcstdta
@@ -57,16 +58,16 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : add debug print for 2d variables
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      CHARACTER(LEN=*)            , INTENT(in   ) :: cdtxt
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in   ) :: pvar
-      REAL(wp)    :: zmin, zmax, zsum
-      INTEGER(i8) :: imodd, ip
-      INTEGER     :: imods
-      INTEGER     :: isums, idums
-      INTEGER     :: ji,jj,jk
-      INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpnij) :: itmps
+      CHARACTER(LEN=*)           , INTENT(in) ::   cdtxt
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0)), INTENT(in) ::   pvar
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp)    ::   zmin, zmax, zsum
+      INTEGER(i8) ::   imodd, ip
+      INTEGER     ::   imods
+      INTEGER     ::   isums, idums
+      INTEGER     ::   ji, jj, jk
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpnij) ::   itmps
       ! global min/max/sum to check data range and NaN
@@ -110,16 +111,16 @@ CONTAINS
       !! ** Purpose : add debug print for 3d variables
-      !!-------------------------- IN  -------------------------------------
-      CHARACTER(LEN=*)                , INTENT(in   ) :: cdtxt
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in   ) :: pvar
-      REAL(wp)    :: zmin, zmax, zsum
-      INTEGER(i8) :: imodd, ip
-      INTEGER     :: imods
-      INTEGER     :: isums, idums
-      INTEGER     :: ji,jj,jk
-      INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpnij) :: itmps
+      CHARACTER(LEN=*)               , INTENT(in) ::   cdtxt
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk), INTENT(in) ::   pvar
+      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp)    ::   zmin, zmax, zsum
+      INTEGER(i8) ::   imodd, ip
+      INTEGER     ::   imods
+      INTEGER     ::   isums, idums
+      INTEGER     ::   ji, jj, jk
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpnij) ::   itmps
       ! global min/max/sum to check data range and NaN
diff --git a/src/OCE/SBC/sbc_oce.F90 b/src/OCE/SBC/sbc_oce.F90
index 56117e4fd0cca1eed364c22017b3ad138b43e2af..5df541eb5e5a27d6c98d0f79a43531d9bd796dfe 100644
--- a/src/OCE/SBC/sbc_oce.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/SBC/sbc_oce.F90
@@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ CONTAINS
       ALLOCATE( emp(jpi,jpj) , emp_b(jpi,jpj) ,  &
          &      STAT=ierr(2) )
-      ALLOCATE( rnf    (jpi,jpj)      , rnf_b    (jpi,jpj)      ,  &
-         &      fwficb (jpi,jpj)      , STAT=ierr(3) )
+      ALLOCATE( rnf(jpi,jpj), rnf_b(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr(3) )
       ALLOCATE( fr_i(jpi,jpj) ,     &
          &      ssu_m  (jpi,jpj) , sst_m(jpi,jpj) , frq_m(jpi,jpj) ,      &
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ CONTAINS
          &      qns_tot(A2D(0)) , qsr_tot(A2D(0)) , qsr_hc(A2D(0),jpk) , qsr_hc_b(A2D(0),jpk) , STAT=ierr(5) )
       ALLOCATE( sbc_tsc(A2D(0),jpts) , sbc_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) ,  &
-         &      sfx (A2D(0)) , sfx_b(A2D(0)) , emp_tot(A2D(0)), fmmflx(A2D(0)) ,&
+         &      sfx (A2D(0)) , sfx_b(A2D(0)) , emp_tot(A2D(0)), fmmflx(A2D(0)), fwficb(A2D(0)), &
          &      wndm(A2D(0)) , taum (A2D(0)) , STAT=ierr(6) )
       ALLOCATE( tprecip(A2D(0)) , sprecip(A2D(0)) ,    &
diff --git a/src/OCE/SBC/sbccpl.F90 b/src/OCE/SBC/sbccpl.F90
index f681b98be34586f909333d4f30ce093b26eda52a..8b8c725766658397e61c272bd5a97b88c902045f 100644
--- a/src/OCE/SBC/sbccpl.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/SBC/sbccpl.F90
@@ -1434,13 +1434,13 @@ CONTAINS
          IF( srcv(jpr_cal)%laction )     zemp(:,:) = zemp(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)
          IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction )  THEN
-             fwficb(A2D(0)) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
-             rnf   (A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(A2D(0))   ! iceberg added to runfofs
+             fwficb(:,:) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
+             rnf(A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(:,:)   ! iceberg added to runfofs
          ! ice shelf fwf
          IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction )  THEN
-            fwfisf_oasis(A2D(0)) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)  ! fresh water flux from the isf to the ocean ( > 0 = melting )
+            fwfisf_oasis(:,:) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)  ! fresh water flux from the isf to the ocean ( > 0 = melting )
          END IF
          IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN   ;   emp(A2D(0)) = emp(A2D(0)) * xcplmask(:,:,0) + zemp(:,:) * zmsk(:,:)
@@ -1748,11 +1748,11 @@ CONTAINS
          zemp_oce(:,:) = zemp_oce(:,:) - frcv(jpr_cal)%z3(:,:,1)
       IF( srcv(jpr_icb)%laction ) THEN   ! iceberg added to runoffs
-         fwficb(A2D(0)) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
-         rnf   (A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(A2D(0))
+         fwficb(:,:) = frcv(jpr_icb)%z3(:,:,1)
+         rnf(A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(:,:)
       IF( srcv(jpr_isf)%laction ) THEN   ! iceshelf (fwfisf > 0 mean melting)
-        fwfisf_oasis(A2D(0)) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)
+        fwfisf_oasis(:,:) = frcv(jpr_isf)%z3(:,:,1)
       IF( ln_mixcpl ) THEN
diff --git a/src/OCE/SBC/sbcmod.F90 b/src/OCE/SBC/sbcmod.F90
index 82d0dd6e9e17f3fb0ff28639b74048c7b155ea78..4561f6a45b01b91c74a600b72664bbd1b38ae082 100644
--- a/src/OCE/SBC/sbcmod.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/SBC/sbcmod.F90
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ MODULE sbcmod
    USE sbcfwb         ! surface boundary condition: freshwater budget
    USE icbstp         ! Icebergs
    USE icb_oce  , ONLY : ln_passive_mode      ! iceberg interaction mode
-   USE isf_oce  , ONLY : ln_isf, l_isfoasis, fwfisf_oasis
    USE traqsr         ! active tracers: light penetration
    USE sbcwave        ! Wave module
    USE bdy_oce   , ONLY: ln_bdy
@@ -466,8 +465,7 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ll_sas .OR. ll_opa )   CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', sst_m, 'T', 1.0_wp, sss_m, 'T', 1.0_wp, ssh_m, 'T', 1.0_wp, &
          &                                               frq_m, 'T', 1.0_wp, e3t_m, 'T', 1.0_wp, fr_i , 'T', 1.0_wp )
       !clem : these calls are needed for sbccpl => it needs an IF statement but it's complicated
-      IF( ln_isf .AND. l_isfoasis )   CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', fwfisf_oasis, 'T', 1.0_wp )
-      IF( ln_rnf .AND. l_rnfcpl )     CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', rnf, 'T', 1.0_wp, fwficb , 'T', 1.0_wp )
+      IF( ln_rnf .AND. l_rnfcpl )     CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', rnf, 'T', 1.0_wp )
       IF( ln_icebergs ) THEN  ! save pure stresses (with no ice-ocean stress) for use by icebergs
          !     Note the use of 0.5*(2-umask) in order to unmask the stress along coastlines
@@ -542,7 +540,7 @@ CONTAINS
       !       (in addition to snwice_mass)
       IF( ln_rnf ) THEN
          CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', utau, 'T', -1.0_wp, vtau  , 'T', -1.0_wp, emp, 'T', 1.0_wp, &
-            &                    rnf , 'T',  1.0_wp, fwficb, 'T',  1.0_wp ) ! fwficb is used on the halos in pisces (only)
+            &                    rnf , 'T',  1.0_wp )
          CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbcmod', utau, 'T', -1.0_wp, vtau  , 'T', -1.0_wp, emp, 'T', 1.0_wp )
diff --git a/src/OCE/SBC/sbcrnf.F90 b/src/OCE/SBC/sbcrnf.F90
index 367e3c7cf4f7a077be154f874d2145f3b69c3c64..2562d09481695edf8198d41761f8d10adcdd973a 100644
--- a/src/OCE/SBC/sbcrnf.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/SBC/sbcrnf.F90
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                ***  ROUTINE sbc_rnf_alloc  ***
-      ALLOCATE( rnfmsk(jpi,jpj)        , rnfmsk_z(jpk)         ,     &
-         &      h_rnf (jpi,jpj)        , nk_rnf  (jpi,jpj)     ,     &
+      ALLOCATE( rnfmsk(jpi,jpj)        , rnfmsk_z(jpk)         ,     & ! needed over the whole domain by muscl (traadv_muscl)
+         &      h_rnf (A2D(0))         , nk_rnf  (A2D(0))      ,     &
          &      rnf_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) , rnf_tsc (A2D(0),jpts) , STAT=sbc_rnf_alloc )
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'sbcrnf', sbc_rnf_alloc )
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ CONTAINS
          IF( .NOT. l_rnfcpl ) THEN
              rnf(A2D(0)) = rn_rfact * ( sf_rnf(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ) * smask0(:,:)  ! updated runoff value at time step kt
              IF( ln_rnf_icb ) THEN
-                fwficb(A2D(0)) = rn_rfact * ( sf_i_rnf(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ) * smask0(:,:)  ! updated runoff value at time step kt
-                rnf(A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(A2D(0))
-                qns(:,:) = qns(:,:) - fwficb(A2D(0)) * rLfus
+                fwficb(:,:) = rn_rfact * ( sf_i_rnf(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ) * smask0(:,:)  ! updated runoff value at time step kt
+                rnf(A2D(0)) = rnf(A2D(0)) + fwficb(:,:)
+                qns(:,:) = qns(:,:) - fwficb(:,:) * rLfus
                 !!qns_tot(:,:) = qns_tot(:,:) - fwficb(:,:) * rLfus                
                 !!qns_oce(:,:) = qns_oce(:,:) - fwficb(:,:) * rLfus                
-                CALL iom_put( 'iceberg_cea'  ,  fwficb(A2D(0))  )          ! output iceberg flux
-                CALL iom_put( 'hflx_icb_cea' , -fwficb(A2D(0)) * rLfus )   ! output Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics -->
+                CALL iom_put( 'iceberg_cea'  ,  fwficb(:,:)  )          ! output iceberg flux
+                CALL iom_put( 'hflx_icb_cea' , -fwficb(:,:) * rLfus )   ! output Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics -->
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_rnf_depth .OR. ln_rnf_depth_ini ) THEN      !==   runoff distributed over several levels   ==!
          IF( ln_linssh ) THEN    !* constant volume case : just apply the runoff input flow
-            DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
+            DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)
 #if defined key_RK3
                   phdivn(ji,jj,jk) = phdivn(ji,jj,jk) - rnf(ji,jj) * r1_rho0 / h_rnf(ji,jj)                    ! RK3: rnf forcing at n+1/2
@@ -219,14 +219,10 @@ CONTAINS
                END DO
          ELSE                    !* variable volume case
-            DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )         ! update the depth over which runoffs are distributed
+            DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )         ! update the depth over which runoffs are distributed
                h_rnf(ji,jj) = 0._wp
-               DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)                             ! recalculates h_rnf to be the depth in metres
-                  h_rnf(ji,jj) = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)   ! to the bottom of the relevant grid box
-               END DO
-            END_2D
-            DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )         ! apply the runoff input flow
                DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)
+                  h_rnf(ji,jj)     = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) ! recalculates h_rnf to be the depth in metres to the bottom of the relevant grid box
 #if defined key_RK3
                   phdivn(ji,jj,jk) = phdivn(ji,jj,jk) - rnf(ji,jj) * r1_rho0 / h_rnf(ji,jj)                    ! RK3: rnf forcing at n+1/2
@@ -236,10 +232,8 @@ CONTAINS
       ELSE                       !==   runoff put only at the surface   ==!
-         DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D_OVR( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             h_rnf (ji,jj)   = e3t(ji,jj,1,Kmm)        ! update h_rnf to be depth of top box
-         END_2D
-         DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls )
 #if defined key_RK3
             phdivn(ji,jj,1) = phdivn(ji,jj,1) - rnf(ji,jj) * r1_rho0 / e3t(ji,jj,1,Kmm)                    ! RK3: rnf forcing at n+1/2
@@ -268,7 +262,7 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER           ::   ios           ! Local integer output status for namelist read
       INTEGER           ::   nbrec         ! temporary integer
       REAL(wp)          ::   zacoef
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,2) :: zrnfcl
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),2) :: zrnfcl
       NAMELIST/namsbc_rnf/ cn_dir            , ln_rnf_depth, ln_rnf_tem, ln_rnf_sal, ln_rnf_icb,   &
          &                 sn_rnf, sn_cnf    , sn_i_rnf, sn_s_rnf    , sn_t_rnf  , sn_dep_rnf,   &
@@ -337,7 +331,7 @@ CONTAINS
             IF( sn_i_rnf%ln_tint ) ALLOCATE( sf_i_rnf(1)%fdta(A2D(0),1,2) )
             CALL fld_fill (sf_i_rnf, (/ sn_i_rnf /), cn_dir, 'sbc_rnf_init', 'read iceberg flux data', 'namsbc_rnf' )
-            DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                fwficb(ji,jj) = 0._wp
@@ -379,7 +373,7 @@ CONTAINS
          CALL iom_get  ( inum, jpdom_global, sn_dep_rnf%clvar, h_rnf, kfill = jpfillcopy )   ! read the river mouth. no 0 on halos!
          CALL iom_close( inum )                                                              ! close file
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )      ! set the number of level over which river runoffs are applied
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )      ! set the number of level over which river runoffs are applied
             IF( h_rnf(ji,jj) > 0._wp ) THEN
                jk = 2
                DO WHILE ( jk < mbkt(ji,jj) .AND. gdept_0(ji,jj,jk) < h_rnf(ji,jj) ) ;  jk = jk + 1
@@ -393,7 +387,7 @@ CONTAINS
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )      ! set the associated depth
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )      ! set the associated depth
             h_rnf(ji,jj) = 0._wp
             DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)
                h_rnf(ji,jj) = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
@@ -423,14 +417,14 @@ CONTAINS
          ELSEWHERE                      ; h_rnf(:,:) = 1._wp
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )      ! take in account min depth of ocean rn_hmin
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )      ! take in account min depth of ocean rn_hmin
             IF( zrnfcl(ji,jj,1) > 0._wp ) THEN
                jk = mbkt(ji,jj)
                h_rnf(ji,jj) = MIN( h_rnf(ji,jj), gdept_0(ji,jj,jk ) )
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )      ! number of levels on which runoffs are distributed
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )      ! number of levels on which runoffs are distributed
             IF( zrnfcl(ji,jj,1) > 0._wp ) THEN
                jk = 2
                DO WHILE ( jk < mbkt(ji,jj) .AND. gdept_0(ji,jj,jk) < h_rnf(ji,jj) ) ;  jk = jk + 1
@@ -441,7 +435,7 @@ CONTAINS
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )      ! set the associated depth
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )      ! set the associated depth
             h_rnf(ji,jj) = 0._wp
             DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)
                h_rnf(ji,jj) = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
@@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ CONTAINS
             CALL iom_close ( inum )
       ELSE                                            ! runoffs applied at the surface
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             nk_rnf(ji,jj) = 1
             h_rnf (ji,jj) = e3t(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
@@ -543,9 +537,9 @@ CONTAINS
       ! horizontal mask (read in NetCDF file)
-      CALL iom_open ( cl_rnfile, inum )                             ! open file
-      CALL iom_get  ( inum, jpdom_global, sn_cnf%clvar, rnfmsk )    ! read the river mouth array
-      CALL iom_close( inum )                                        ! close file
+      CALL iom_open ( cl_rnfile, inum )                                     ! open file
+      CALL iom_get  ( inum, jpdom_global, sn_cnf%clvar, rnfmsk(A2D(0)) )    ! read the river mouth array
+      CALL iom_close( inum )                                                ! close file
       IF( l_clo_rnf )   CALL clo_rnf( rnfmsk )   ! closed sea inflow set as river mouth
@@ -556,6 +550,8 @@ CONTAINS
       rnfmsk_z(4)   = 0.25                                        ! **********
       rnfmsk_z(5)   = 0.125
+      CALL lbc_lnk( 'rnf_mouth', rnfmsk, 'T', 1._wp )   ! needed by muscl scheme (traadv_muscl)
+      !
    END SUBROUTINE rnf_mouth
diff --git a/src/OCE/TRA/eosbn2.F90 b/src/OCE/TRA/eosbn2.F90
index 5a04a3ca0b8454f1690306ccdd8d421d9973b8e3..e675be909356f522c6ad9163a3ef8f357c9e5770 100644
--- a/src/OCE/TRA/eosbn2.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/TRA/eosbn2.F90
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ MODULE eosbn2
    INTERFACE eos_fzp
-      MODULE PROCEDURE eos_fzp_2d, eos_fzp_0d
+      MODULE PROCEDURE eos_fzp_3d, eos_fzp_2d, eos_fzp_0d
    PUBLIC   eos            ! called by step, istate, tranpc and zpsgrd modules
@@ -223,12 +223,20 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                TEOS-10 Manual, 2010
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! T-S
-      INTEGER                     , INTENT(in   ) ::   Knn   ! time-level
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:  ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density
+      INTEGER                       , INTENT(in   ) ::   Knn   ! time-level
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:  )  , INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                ! dummy loop indices
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zs , ztm        ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3   !   -      -
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('eos-insitu')
@@ -237,7 +245,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_3D(nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zh  = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Knn) * r1_Z0                                 ! depth
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Knn) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -273,7 +281,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zt  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Knn) - rn_T0
             zs  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Knn) - rn_S0
             zh  = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Knn)
@@ -340,14 +348,26 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                TEOS-10 Manual, 2010
       INTEGER                                 , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktrd, ktdep
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts) ,JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
-      !                                                                  ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd) ,JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density            [-]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep),JPK     ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts) ,JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+!!$      !                                                                  ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd) ,JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density            [-]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep),JPK     ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+      !                                                      ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)  , INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density            [-]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)  , INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                ! dummy loop indices
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zs , ztm        ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3   !   -      -
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('eos-insitu')
@@ -356,7 +376,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zh  = pdep(ji,jj,jk) * r1_Z0                                  ! depth
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -392,7 +412,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zt  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) - rn_T0
             zs  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) - rn_S0
             zh  = pdep (ji,jj,jk)
@@ -440,17 +460,30 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER                                  , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktrd, ktrhop, ktdep
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts)  ,JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
-      !                                                                    ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd)  ,JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd    ! in situ density            [-]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrhop),JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep) ,JPK     ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                      [m]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts)  ,JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+!!$      !                                                                    ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd)  ,JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd    ! in situ density            [-]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrhop),JPK     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep) ,JPK     ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                      [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+      !                                                       ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)  , INTENT(  out) ::   prd    ! in situ density            [-]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)  , INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)  , INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                      [m]
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk, jsmp             ! dummy loop indices
       INTEGER  ::   jdof
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zstemp, zs , ztm   ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3      !   -      -
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zn0_sto, zn_sto, zsign    ! local vectors
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('eos-pot')
@@ -469,7 +502,7 @@ CONTAINS
               zsign(jsmp+1) = -1._wp
             END DO
-            DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+            DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
                ! compute density (2*nn_sto_eos) times:
                ! (1) for t+dt, s+ds (with the random TS fluctutation computed in sto_pts)
@@ -519,7 +552,7 @@ CONTAINS
          ! Non-stochastic equation of state
-            DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+            DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
                zh  = pdep(ji,jj,jk) * r1_Z0                                  ! depth
                zt  = pts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -557,7 +590,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zt  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) - rn_T0
             zs  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) - rn_S0
             zh  = pdep (ji,jj,jk)
@@ -605,14 +638,26 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER                            , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktdep, ktrd
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
-      !                                                             ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep)    ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd)     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+!!$      !                                                             ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep)    ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrd)     ), INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+      !                                                    ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)  , INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep  ! depth                      [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)  , INTENT(  out) ::   prd   ! in situ density
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                ! dummy loop indices
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zs              ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3   !   -      -
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('eos2d')
@@ -623,7 +668,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zh  = pdep(ji,jj) * r1_Z0                                  ! depth
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -658,7 +703,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zt    = pts  (ji,jj,jp_tem)  - rn_T0
             zs    = pts  (ji,jj,jp_sal)  - rn_S0
@@ -705,15 +750,26 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER                              , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktrhop
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
-      !                                                                ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrhop)   ), INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+!!$      !                                                                ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktrhop)   ), INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! 1 : potential temperature  [Celsius]
+      !                                                     ! 2 : salinity               [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)  , INTENT(  out) ::   prhop  ! potential density (surface referenced)
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk, jsmp             ! dummy loop indices
       INTEGER  ::   jdof
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zstemp, zs , ztm   ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3      !   -      -
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zn0_sto, zn_sto, zsign    ! local vectors
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('eos-pot')
@@ -722,7 +778,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
             zs  = SQRT( ABS( pts(ji,jj,jp_sal) + rdeltaS ) * r1_S0 )   ! square root salinity
@@ -743,7 +799,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zt  = pts  (ji,jj,jp_tem) - rn_T0
             zs  = pts  (ji,jj,jp_sal) - rn_S0
             ztm = tmask(ji,jj,1)
@@ -787,12 +843,22 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER                                , INTENT(in   ) ::   Kmm   ! time level index
       INTEGER                                , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktab
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! pot. temperature & salinity
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktab),JPK,JPTS), INTENT(  out) ::   pab   ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPK,JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! pot. temperature & salinity
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktab),JPK,JPTS), INTENT(  out) ::   pab   ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts   ! pot. temperature & salinity
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(  out) ::   pab   ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                ! dummy loop indices
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zs , ztm        ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3   !   -      -
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('rab_3d')
@@ -801,7 +867,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zh  = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * r1_Z0                                ! depth
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -854,7 +920,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                  !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 )
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpkm1 )
             zt  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) - rn_T0   ! pot. temperature anomaly (t-T0)
             zs  = pts  (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) - rn_S0   ! abs. salinity anomaly (s-S0)
             zh  = gdept(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)              ! depth in meters at t-point
@@ -903,13 +969,24 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER                            , INTENT(in   ) ::   Kmm   ! time level index
       INTEGER                            , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktts, ktdep, ktab
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! pot. temperature & salinity
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep)    ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                  [m]
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktab),JPTS), INTENT(  out) ::   pab    ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktts),JPTS), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! pot. temperature & salinity
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktdep)    ), INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                  [m]
+!!$      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D_T(ktab),JPTS), INTENT(  out) ::   pab    ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   ) ::   pts    ! pot. temperature & salinity
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:)  , INTENT(in   ) ::   pdep   ! depth                  [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(  out) ::   pab    ! thermal/haline expansion ratio
       INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk                ! dummy loop indices
       REAL(wp) ::   zt , zh , zs              ! local scalars
       REAL(wp) ::   zn , zn0, zn1, zn2, zn3   !   -      -
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(pts,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(pts,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
       IF( ln_timing )   CALL timing_start('rab_2d')
@@ -920,7 +997,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_teos10, np_eos80 )                !==  polynomial TEOS-10 / EOS-80 ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zh  = pdep(ji,jj) * r1_Z0                                  ! depth
             zt  = pts (ji,jj,jp_tem) * r1_T0                           ! temperature
@@ -973,7 +1050,7 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE( np_seos )                  !==  simplified EOS  ==!
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht )
             zt    = pts  (ji,jj,jp_tem) - rn_T0   ! pot. temperature anomaly (t-T0)
             zs    = pts  (ji,jj,jp_sal) - rn_S0   ! abs. salinity anomaly (s-S0)
@@ -1219,6 +1296,81 @@ CONTAINS
    END FUNCTION eos_pt_from_ct
+   SUBROUTINE eos_fzp_3d( psal, ptf, pdep )
+      !!
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   )           ::   psal   ! salinity   [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   ), OPTIONAL ::   pdep   ! depth      [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out  )           ::   ptf    ! freezing temperature [Celsius]
+      !!
+      CALL eos_fzp_3d_t( psal, ptf, is_tile(ptf), pdep )
+   END SUBROUTINE eos_fzp_3d
+   SUBROUTINE  eos_fzp_3d_t( psal, ptf, kttf, pdep )
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!                 ***  ROUTINE eos_fzp  ***
+      !!
+      !! ** Purpose :   Compute the freezing point temperature [Celsius]
+      !!
+      !! ** Method  :   UNESCO freezing point (ptf) in Celsius is given by
+      !!       ptf(t,z) = (-.0575+1.710523e-3*sqrt(abs(s))-2.154996e-4*s)*s - 7.53e-4*z
+      !!       checkvalue: tf=-2.588567 Celsius for s=40psu, z=500m
+      !!
+      !! Reference  :   UNESCO tech. papers in the marine science no. 28. 1978
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      INTEGER                   , INTENT(in   )           ::   kttf
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   )           ::   psal   ! salinity   [psu]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in   ), OPTIONAL ::   pdep   ! depth      [m]
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out  )           ::   ptf    ! freezing temperature [Celsius]
+      !
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk          ! dummy loop indices
+      REAL(wp) ::   zt, zs, z1_S0       ! local scalars
+      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, iisht, ijsht   ! dimensions and shift indices
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !
+      ipi = SIZE(psal,1)   ! 1st dimension
+      ipj = SIZE(psal,2)   ! 2nd dimension
+      !
+      iisht = ( jpi - ipi ) / 2
+      ijsht = ( jpj - ipj ) / 2   ! should be the same as iisht...
+      !
+      SELECT CASE ( neos )
+      !
+      CASE ( np_teos10, np_seos )      !==  CT,SA (TEOS-10 and S-EOS formulations) ==!
+         !
+         z1_S0 = 1._wp / 35.16504_wp
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpk )
+            zs= SQRT( ABS( psal(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) ) * z1_S0 )           ! square root salinity
+            ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) = ((((1.46873e-03_wp*zs-9.64972e-03_wp)*zs+2.28348e-02_wp)*zs &
+               &                      - 3.12775e-02_wp)*zs+2.07679e-02_wp)*zs-5.87701e-02_wp
+            ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) = ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) * psal(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk)
+         END_3D
+         !
+         IF( PRESENT( pdep ) ) THEN
+            DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpk )
+               ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) = ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) - 7.53e-4 * pdep(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk)
+            END_3D
+         ENDIF
+         !
+      CASE ( np_eos80 )                !==  PT,SP (UNESCO formulation)  ==!
+         !
+         DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpk )
+            ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) = ( - 0.0575_wp + 1.710523e-3_wp * SQRT( psal(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) )   &
+               &                          - 2.154996e-4_wp * psal(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) ) * psal(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk)
+         END_3D
+         !
+         IF( PRESENT( pdep ) ) THEN
+            DO_3D( nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-iisht, nn_hls-ijsht, nn_hls-ijsht, 1, jpk )
+               ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) = ptf(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk) - 7.53e-4 * pdep(ji-iisht,jj-ijsht,jk)
+            END_3D
+         ENDIF
+         !
+         WRITE(ctmp1,*) '          bad flag value for neos = ', neos
+         CALL ctl_stop( 'eos_fzp_3d:', ctmp1 )
+         !
+      !
+  END SUBROUTINE eos_fzp_3d_t
    SUBROUTINE eos_fzp_2d( psal, ptf, pdep )
diff --git a/src/OCE/TRA/traisf.F90 b/src/OCE/TRA/traisf.F90
index 610f9064fbc521e687d705142b872881426350cb..d97faba3b36203f55a82b1dc2c15551f90f36522 100644
--- a/src/OCE/TRA/traisf.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/TRA/traisf.F90
@@ -60,16 +60,20 @@ CONTAINS
 #if defined key_RK3
       ! cavity case (RK3)
-      IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, risf_cav_tsc, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs))
+      IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt( misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, &
+         &                                                        risf_cav_tsc, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs) )
       ! parametrisation case (RK3)
-      IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, risf_par_tsc, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs))
+      IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt( misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, &
+         &                                                        risf_par_tsc, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs) )
       ! cavity case (MLF)
-      IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt(misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, risf_cav_tsc, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs), risf_cav_tsc_b)
+      IF ( ln_isfcav_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt( misfkt_cav, misfkb_cav, rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav, &
+         &                                                        risf_cav_tsc, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs), risf_cav_tsc_b )
       ! parametrisation case (MLF)
-      IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt(misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, risf_par_tsc, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs), risf_par_tsc_b)
+      IF ( ln_isfpar_mlt ) CALL isf_mlt( misfkt_par, misfkb_par, rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par, &
+         &                                                        risf_par_tsc, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs), risf_par_tsc_b )
       ! ice sheet coupling case
@@ -81,11 +85,11 @@ CONTAINS
          ! half of it at nit000+1 (leap frog time step).
          ! in accordance to this, the heat content flux due to injected water need to be added in the temperature and salt trend
          ! at time step nit000 and nit000+1
-         IF ( kt == nit000  ) CALL isf_cpl(Kmm, risfcpl_tsc       , pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs))
-         IF ( kt == nit000+1) CALL isf_cpl(Kmm, risfcpl_tsc*0.5_wp, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs))
+         IF ( kt == nit000  ) CALL isf_cpl( Kmm, risfcpl_tsc       , pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs) )
+         IF ( kt == nit000+1) CALL isf_cpl( Kmm, risfcpl_tsc*0.5_wp, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs) )
          ! ensure 0 trend due to unconservation of the ice shelf coupling
-         IF ( ln_isfcpl_cons ) CALL isf_cpl(Kmm, risfcpl_cons_tsc, pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs))
+         IF ( ln_isfcpl_cons ) CALL isf_cpl( Kmm, risfcpl_cons_tsc, pts(A2D(0),:,:,Krhs) )
       END IF
@@ -113,39 +117,34 @@ CONTAINS
       !! *** Action :: Update pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs) with the surface boundary condition trend
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts)          , INTENT(inout) ::   pts
-      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktop , kbot
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   phtbl, pfrac
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpts)              , INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:)           , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc_b
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk,jpts)          , INTENT(inout) ::   pts
+      INTEGER , DIMENSION(A2D(0))                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   ktop , kbot
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0))                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   phtbl, pfrac
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts)              , INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpts)    , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc_b
-      INTEGER ::   ji,jj,jk   ! dummy loop index
-      INTEGER ::   ikt, ikb   ! top and bottom level of the tbl
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(nn_hls)) ::   ztc   ! total ice shelf tracer trend
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk   ! dummy loop index
+      INTEGER  ::   ikt, ikb     ! top and bottom level of the tbl
+      REAL(wp) ::   ztc          ! total ice shelf tracer trend
-      ! compute 2d total trend due to isf
+      ! update pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs)
       DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         !
 #if defined key_RK3
-         ztc(ji,jj) = ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) / phtbl(ji,jj)
+         ztc = ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) / phtbl(ji,jj)
-         ztc(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) + ptsc_b(ji,jj,jp_tem) ) / phtbl(ji,jj)
+         ztc = 0.5_wp * ( ptsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) + ptsc_b(ji,jj,jp_tem) ) / phtbl(ji,jj)
-      END_2D
-      !
-      ! update pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs)
-      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-         !
+         ! level fully include in the ice shelf boundary layer
          ikt = ktop(ji,jj)
          ikb = kbot(ji,jj)
-         !
-         ! level fully include in the ice shelf boundary layer
          DO jk = ikt, ikb - 1
-            pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) + ztc(ji,jj)
+            pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) + ztc
          END DO
          ! level partially include in ice shelf boundary layer
-         pts(ji,jj,ikb,jp_tem) = pts(ji,jj,ikb,jp_tem) + ztc(ji,jj) * pfrac(ji,jj)
+         pts(ji,jj,ikb,jp_tem) = pts(ji,jj,ikb,jp_tem) + ztc * pfrac(ji,jj)
@@ -159,9 +158,9 @@ CONTAINS
       !! *** Action :: Update pts(:,:,:,:,Krhs) with the ice shelf coupling trend
-      INTEGER                              , INTENT(in   ) ::   Kmm   ! ocean time-level index
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts), INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts), INTENT(inout) ::   ptsa
+      INTEGER                             , INTENT(in   ) ::   Kmm   ! ocean time-level index
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk,jpts), INTENT(in   ) ::   ptsc
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpk,jpts), INTENT(inout) ::   ptsa
       INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk   ! dummy loop index
diff --git a/src/OCE/step.F90 b/src/OCE/step.F90
index d7036efb32e5173bfb9e8495dac631af18c45301..10629ea20d7ab1344a9fcbcbe5a12bbac16e6269 100644
--- a/src/OCE/step.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/step.F90
@@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_bdy     )   CALL bdy_dta ( kstp, Nnn )                   ! update dynamic & tracer data at open boundaries
       IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp ( kstp, Nnn )
                          CALL sbc     ( kstp, Nbb, Nnn )              ! Sea Boundary Condition (including sea-ice)
+!!$      IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp ( kstp, Nnn )
+                         !clem: problem with isf and cpl: sbcfwb needs isf but isf needs fwf from sbccpl
       ! Update stochastic parameters and random T/S fluctuations
diff --git a/src/OCE/stpmlf.F90 b/src/OCE/stpmlf.F90
index 2afa912fc64cc016f25a1d32619eed38a9ad42d2..c8119ef2f9939c6221f7e9cb10d55cc683c06dfc 100644
--- a/src/OCE/stpmlf.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/stpmlf.F90
@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_bdy     )   CALL bdy_dta ( kstp, Nnn )                   ! update dynamic & tracer data at open boundaries
       IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp ( kstp, Nnn )
                          CALL sbc     ( kstp, Nbb, Nnn )              ! Sea Boundary Condition (including sea-ice)
+!!$      IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp ( kstp, Nnn )
+                         !clem: problem with isf and cpl: sbcfwb needs isf but isf needs fwf from sbccpl
       ! Update stochastic parameters and random T/S fluctuations
diff --git a/src/OCE/stprk3.F90 b/src/OCE/stprk3.F90
index 337b55f62beb10f4c27aa80a4aa551ced1d860f7..51ad96fca1923c92aa20aafe839dd2a3b530351f 100644
--- a/src/OCE/stprk3.F90
+++ b/src/OCE/stprk3.F90
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( ln_bdy     )   CALL bdy_dta    ( kstp, Nbb )                     ! update dynamic & tracer data at open boundaries
       IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp    ( kstp, Nbb )                     ! update iceshelf geometry
                          CALL sbc        ( kstp, Nbb, Nbb )                ! Sea Boundary Condition (including sea-ice)
+!!$      IF( ln_isf     )   CALL isf_stp    ( kstp, Nbb )                     ! update iceshelf geometry
+                         !clem: problem with isf and cpl: sbcfwb needs isf but isf needs fwf from sbccpl
       ! Update stochastic parameters and random T/S fluctuations
diff --git a/src/OFF/dtadyn.F90 b/src/OFF/dtadyn.F90
index 3a68e3128e1e596f150662a3e74f17d1e957059d..a5649b3b1d8d58f5cd3f004fbb8ca468c5addd74 100644
--- a/src/OFF/dtadyn.F90
+++ b/src/OFF/dtadyn.F90
@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ CONTAINS
       IF( l_ldfslp .AND. .NOT.ln_c1d )   CALL  dta_dyn_slp( kt, Kbb, Kmm )    ! Computation of slopes
-      ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm) = sf_dyn(jf_tem)%fnow(:,:,:)  * tmask(:,:,:)    ! temperature
-      ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm) = sf_dyn(jf_sal)%fnow(:,:,:)  * tmask(:,:,:)    ! salinity
-      wndm(:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_wnd)%fnow(:,:,1)  * tmask(:,:,1)    ! wind speed - needed for gas exchange
-      fmmflx(:,:)          = sf_dyn(jf_fmf)%fnow(:,:,1)  * tmask(:,:,1)    ! downward salt flux (v3.5+)
-      fr_i(:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_ice)%fnow(:,:,1)  * tmask(:,:,1)    ! Sea-ice fraction
-      qsr (:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_qsr)%fnow(:,:,1)  * tmask(:,:,1)    ! solar radiation
-      emp (:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_emp)%fnow(:,:,1)  * tmask(:,:,1)    ! E-P
+      ts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Kmm) = sf_dyn(jf_tem)%fnow(:,:,:)     * tmask (:,:,:)  ! temperature
+      ts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Kmm) = sf_dyn(jf_sal)%fnow(:,:,:)     * tmask (:,:,:)  ! salinity
+      wndm(:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_wnd)%fnow(A2D(0),1)  * smask0(:,:)    ! wind speed - needed for gas exchange
+      fmmflx(:,:)          = sf_dyn(jf_fmf)%fnow(A2D(0),1)  * smask0(:,:)    ! downward salt flux (v3.5+)
+      fr_i(:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_ice)%fnow(:,:,1)     * ssmask(:,:)    ! Sea-ice fraction
+      qsr (:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_qsr)%fnow(A2D(0),1)  * smask0(:,:)    ! solar radiation
+      emp (:,:)            = sf_dyn(jf_emp)%fnow(:,:,1)     * ssmask(:,:)    ! E-P
       IF( ln_dynrnf ) THEN 
-         rnf (:,:)         = sf_dyn(jf_rnf)%fnow(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1)    ! E-P
+         rnf (:,:)         = sf_dyn(jf_rnf)%fnow(:,:,1) * ssmask(:,:)    ! E-P
          IF( ln_dynrnf_depth .AND. .NOT. ln_linssh )    CALL  dta_dyn_rnf( Kmm )
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ CONTAINS
       rn2b(:,:,:) = rn2(:,:,:)         ! needed for zdfmxl
       CALL zdf_mxl( kt, Kmm )          ! In any case, we need mxl
-      hmld(:,:)       = sf_dyn(jf_mld)%fnow(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1)    ! mixed layer depht
-      avt(:,:,:)      = sf_dyn(jf_avt)%fnow(:,:,:) * tmask(:,:,:)    ! vertical diffusive coefficient 
+      hmld(:,:)       = sf_dyn(jf_mld)%fnow(A2D(0),1) * smask0(:,:)     ! mixed layer depht
+      avt(:,:,:)      = sf_dyn(jf_avt)%fnow(:,:,:)    * tmask(:,:,:)    ! vertical diffusive coefficient 
       avs(:,:,:)      = avt(:,:,:)
       IF( ln_trabbl .AND. .NOT.ln_c1d ) THEN       ! diffusive Bottom boundary layer param 
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ CONTAINS
          CALL iom_close( inum )                                        ! close file
          nk_rnf(:,:) = 0                               ! set the number of level over which river runoffs are applied
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             IF( h_rnf(ji,jj) > 0._wp ) THEN
                jk = 2
                DO WHILE ( jk /= mbkt(ji,jj) .AND. gdept_0(ji,jj,jk) < h_rnf(ji,jj) ) ;  jk = jk + 1
@@ -521,15 +521,17 @@ CONTAINS
          ! set the associated depth
-         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
             h_rnf(ji,jj) = 0._wp
             DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)
                h_rnf(ji,jj) = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
             END DO
       ELSE                                       ! runoffs applied at the surface
-         nk_rnf(:,:) = 1
-         h_rnf (:,:) = e3t(:,:,1,Kmm)
+         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+            nk_rnf(ji,jj) = 1
+            h_rnf (ji,jj) = e3t(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
+         END_2D
       nkrnf_max = MAXVAL( nk_rnf(:,:) )
       hrnf_max = MAXVAL( h_rnf(:,:) )
@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@ CONTAINS
       !  update the depth over which runoffs are distributed
-      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
+      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
          h_rnf(ji,jj) = 0._wp
          DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj)                           ! recalculates h_rnf to be the depth in metres
              h_rnf(ji,jj) = h_rnf(ji,jj) + e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)   ! to the bottom of the relevant grid box
diff --git a/tests/ISOMIP+/MY_SRC/isf_oce.F90 b/tests/ISOMIP+/MY_SRC/isf_oce.F90
index 01aab242c9c1306e5e4bff649c9def654ddd9792..e013cddb91be27bd7cfdf09ba922aa41ce3af1e6 100644
--- a/tests/ISOMIP+/MY_SRC/isf_oce.F90
+++ b/tests/ISOMIP+/MY_SRC/isf_oce.F90
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ MODULE isf_oce
    !!   isf          : define and allocate ice shelf variables
-   USE par_oce       , ONLY: jpi, jpj, jpk
-   USE in_out_manager, ONLY: wp, jpts ! I/O manager
+   USE par_oce
    USE lib_mpp       , ONLY: ctl_stop, mpp_sum      ! MPP library
    USE fldread        ! read input fields
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ MODULE isf_oce
-   PUBLIC   isf_alloc, isf_alloc_par, isf_alloc_cav, isf_alloc_cpl, isf_dealloc_cpl
+   PUBLIC   isf_alloc, isf_alloc_par, isf_alloc_cav, isf_alloc_cpl
    ! 0 :              namelist parameter
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ MODULE isf_oce
    REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rLfusisf = 0.334e6_wp    !: latent heat of fusion of ice shelf     [J/kg]
    REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rcpisf = 2000.0_wp       !: specific heat of ice shelf             [J/kg/K]
-   REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rkappa = 0._wp           !: ISOMIP: no heat diffusivity            [m2/s]
+   REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rkappa =   0._wp         !: ISOMIP: no heat diffusivity through the ice-shelf [m2/s]
    REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rhoisf = 920.0_wp        !: volumic mass of ice shelf              [kg/m3]
    REAL(wp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: rtsurf = -20.0           !: surface temperature                    [C]
@@ -79,33 +78,35 @@ MODULE isf_oce
    REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)    ::   fwfisf_oasis
    ! 2.2 -------- ice shelf cavity melt namelist parameter -------------
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: mskisf_cav                    !:
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: misfkt_cav   , misfkb_cav     !: shallowest and deepest level of the ice shelf
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav  !: thickness and fraction of deepest cell affected by the ice shelf
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: fwfisf_cav   , fwfisf_cav_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: risf_cav_tsc , risf_cav_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
-   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     :: sf_isfcav_fwf                 !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   mskisf_cav                    !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   misfkt_cav   , misfkb_cav     !: shallowest and deepest level of the ice shelf
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf_tbl_cav, rfrac_tbl_cav  !: thickness and fraction of deepest cell affected by the ice shelf
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   fwfisf_cav   , fwfisf_cav_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   risf_cav_tsc , risf_cav_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
+   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   sf_isfcav_fwf                 !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC                                      :: risf_lamb1, risf_lamb2, risf_lamb3  ! freezing point linearization coeficient
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC                                      ::   risf_lamb1, risf_lamb2, risf_lamb3  !: freezing point linearization coeficient
    ! 2.3 -------- ice shelf param. melt namelist parameter -------------
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: mskisf_par                    !:
-   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: misfkt_par   , misfkb_par     !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par  !: 
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: fwfisf_par   , fwfisf_par_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: risf_par_tsc , risf_par_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
-   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     :: sf_isfpar_fwf                 !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   mskisf_par                    !:
+   INTEGER  , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   misfkt_par   , misfkb_par     !:
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf_tbl_par, rfrac_tbl_par  !: 
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   fwfisf_par   , fwfisf_par_b   !: before and now net fwf from the ice shelf        [kg/m2/s]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   risf_par_tsc , risf_par_tsc_b !: before and now T & S isf contents [K.m/s & PSU.m/s]  
+   TYPE(FLD), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   sf_isfpar_fwf                 !:
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: rhisf0_tbl_par                !: thickness of tbl (initial value)  [m]
-   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: risfLeff                      !:
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   rhisf0_tbl_par                !: thickness of tbl (initial value)  [m]
+   REAL(wp) , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   risfLeff                      !:
    ! 2.4 -------- coupling namelist parameter -------------
    INTEGER , PUBLIC                                        ::   nstp_iscpl   !:
    REAL(wp), PUBLIC                                        ::   rdt_iscpl    !: 
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)     ::   risfcpl_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh_b               !:
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)   ::   risfcpl_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol_b  !:
-   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) ::   risfcpl_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc_b  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)     ::   risfcpl_ssh, risfcpl_cons_ssh  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)   ::   risfcpl_vol, risfcpl_cons_vol  !:
+   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) ::   risfcpl_tsc, risfcpl_cons_tsc  !:
+   !! * Substitutions
+#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
    !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
    !! $Id: sbcisf.F90 10536 2019-01-16 19:21:09Z mathiot $
@@ -125,20 +126,12 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(risfLeff(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(misfkt_par(jpi,jpj), misfkb_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rfrac_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rhisf_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), rhisf0_tbl_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( mskisf_par(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( misfkt_par  (A2D(0)) , misfkb_par    (A2D(0)) , rfrac_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , &
+         &     rhisf_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , rhisf0_tbl_par(A2D(0)) , &
+         &     risfLeff     (A2D(0)) , mskisf_par    (A2D(0)) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
@@ -159,14 +152,10 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      !
-      ALLOCATE(misfkt_cav(jpi,jpj), misfkb_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rfrac_tbl_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( rhisf_tbl_cav(jpi,jpj), STAT=ialloc)
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( misfkt_cav(A2D(0)), misfkb_cav(A2D(0)), rfrac_tbl_cav(A2D(0)) , rhisf_tbl_cav(A2D(0)) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
@@ -185,46 +174,25 @@ CONTAINS
       INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
       ierr = 0
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh(jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) , risfcpl_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ! == FULL ARRAYS == !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh     (jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_vol     (jpi,jpj,jpk) , &
+         &      risfcpl_cons_ssh(jpi,jpj) , risfcpl_cons_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ierr = ierr + ialloc
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( risfcpl_tsc     (A2D(0),jpk,jpts) , &
+         &      risfcpl_cons_tsc(A2D(0),jpk,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = 0._wp
-      IF ( ln_isfcpl_cons ) THEN
-         ALLOCATE( risfcpl_cons_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) , risfcpl_cons_vol(jpi,jpj,jpk) , risfcpl_cons_ssh(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
-         ierr = ierr + ialloc
-         !
-         risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = 0._wp
-         !
-      END IF
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
       IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop('STOP','isfcpl: failed to allocate arrays.')
    END SUBROUTINE isf_alloc_cpl
-   SUBROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl()
-      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl  ***
-      !!
-      !! ** Purpose : de-allocate useless public 3d array used for ice sheet coupling
-      !!
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      INTEGER :: ierr, ialloc
-      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ierr = 0
-      !
-      DEALLOCATE( risfcpl_ssh , risfcpl_tsc , risfcpl_vol , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
-      IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop('STOP','isfcpl: failed to deallocate arrays.')
-      !
-   END SUBROUTINE isf_dealloc_cpl
    SUBROUTINE isf_alloc()
       !!                  ***  ROUTINE isf_alloc  ***
@@ -237,52 +205,29 @@ CONTAINS
       ierr = 0       ! set to zero if no array to be allocated
-      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par  (jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav  (jpi,jpj) ,     &
-         &      fwfisf_oasis(jpi,jpj)                         , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_par_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_cav_tsc(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ! == FULL ARRAYS == !
+      ! ----------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par  (jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav  (jpi,jpj) , risfload(jpi,jpj) , &
 #if ! defined key_RK3
-      ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
-      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_par_b(jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav_b(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_par_tsc_b(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risf_cav_tsc_b(jpi,jpj,jpts) , STAT=ialloc )
-      ierr = ierr + ialloc
+         &      fwfisf_par_b(jpi,jpj) , fwfisf_cav_b(jpi,jpj) , &   ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
-      !
-      ALLOCATE( risfload(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
+         &                                                      STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
-      ALLOCATE( mskisf_cav(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ialloc )
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ! == REDUCED ARRAYS == !
+      ! -------------------- !
+      ALLOCATE( fwfisf_oasis(A2D(0)) , risf_par_tsc  (A2D(0),jpts) , risf_cav_tsc  (A2D(0),jpts) , mskisf_cav(A2D(0)) , &
+#if ! defined key_RK3
+         &                             risf_par_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) , risf_cav_tsc_b(A2D(0),jpts) , &  ! MLF : need to allocate before arrays
+         &                                                                  STAT=ialloc )
       ierr = ierr + ialloc
       CALL mpp_sum ( 'isf', ierr )
       IF( ierr /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'isf: failed to allocate arrays.' )
-      ! initalisation of fwf and tsc array to 0
-      risfload    (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_oasis(:,:)   = 0._wp
-#if defined key_RK3
-      fwfisf_par  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_cav  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      risf_cav_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      risf_par_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_par  (:,:)   = 0._wp   ;   fwfisf_par_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      fwfisf_cav  (:,:)   = 0._wp   ;   fwfisf_cav_b  (:,:)   = 0._wp
-      risf_cav_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp   ;   risf_cav_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      risf_par_tsc(:,:,:) = 0._wp   ;   risf_par_tsc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp
-      !
    END SUBROUTINE isf_alloc