diff --git a/src/ICE/icethd.F90 b/src/ICE/icethd.F90
index 218c628271c1368e199de9034744053ce311d222..448ae5aa9177444c6e73320eeae3a134211db853 100644
--- a/src/ICE/icethd.F90
+++ b/src/ICE/icethd.F90
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ CONTAINS
       !!                - call ice_thd_zdf  for vertical heat diffusion
       !!                - call ice_thd_dh   for vertical ice growth and melt
       !!                - call ice_thd_pnd  for melt ponds
-      !!                - call ice_thd_ent  for enthalpy remapping
       !!                - call ice_thd_sal  for ice desalination
       !!                - call ice_thd_temp to  retrieve temperature from ice enthalpy
       !!                - call ice_thd_mono for extra lateral ice melt if active virtual thickness distribution
diff --git a/src/ICE/icethd_dh.F90 b/src/ICE/icethd_dh.F90
index 6e51cdc54ac1e203553fa575317677827f0c1c1a..dc3c420181805bfd8e6d5c09eb8c4fe3b832ef4b 100644
--- a/src/ICE/icethd_dh.F90
+++ b/src/ICE/icethd_dh.F90
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ MODULE icethd_dh
    USE ice            ! sea-ice: variables
    USE ice1D          ! sea-ice: thermodynamics variables
    USE icethd_sal     ! sea-ice: salinity profiles
-   USE icethd_ent     ! sea-ice: enthalpy redistribution
    USE icevar         ! for CALL ice_var_snwblow
    USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
@@ -91,11 +90,11 @@ CONTAINS
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zsnw        ! distribution of snow after wind blowing
       INTEGER , DIMENSION(nlay_i)     ::   icount    ! number of layers vanishing by melting
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_i+1) ::   zh_i      ! ice layer thickness (m)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s  ) ::   zh_s      ! snw layer thickness (m)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s  ) ::   ze_s      ! snw layer enthalpy (J.m-3)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_i+1) ::   zh_i_old  ! old thickness
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_i+1) ::   ze_i_old  ! old enthalpy
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1) ::   zh_i      ! ice layer thickness (m)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s  ) ::   zh_s      ! snw layer thickness (m)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s  ) ::   ze_s      ! snw layer enthalpy (J.m-3)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1) ::   zh_i_old  ! old thickness
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1) ::   ze_i_old  ! old enthalpy
       REAL(wp) ::   zswitch_sal
@@ -108,27 +107,6 @@ CONTAINS
          CASE( 2 )       ;   zswitch_sal = 1._wp   ! varying salinity profile
-      ! initialize ice layer thicknesses and enthalpies
-      ze_i_old(1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
-      zh_i_old(1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
-      zh_i    (1:npti,0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
-      DO jk = 1, nlay_i
-         DO ji = 1, npti
-            ze_i_old(ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
-            zh_i_old(ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i
-            zh_i    (ji,jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i
-         END DO
-      END DO
-      !
-      ! initialize snw layer thicknesses and enthalpies
-      zh_s(1:npti,0) = 0._wp
-      ze_s(1:npti,0) = 0._wp
-      DO jk = 1, nlay_s
-         DO ji = 1, npti
-            zh_s(ji,jk) = h_s_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_s
-            ze_s(ji,jk) = e_s_1d(ji,jk)
-         END DO
-      END DO
       !                       ! ============================================== !
       !                       ! Available heat for surface and bottom ablation !
@@ -166,6 +144,24 @@ CONTAINS
       DO ji = 1, npti
+         ! initialize ice layer thicknesses and enthalpies
+         ze_i_old(0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
+         zh_i_old(0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
+         zh_i    (   0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
+         DO jk = 1, nlay_i
+            ze_i_old(jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
+            zh_i_old(jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i
+            zh_i    (   jk) = h_i_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_i
+         END DO
+         !
+         ! initialize snw layer thicknesses and enthalpies
+         zh_s(0) = 0._wp
+         ze_s(0) = 0._wp
+         DO jk = 1, nlay_s
+            zh_s(jk) = h_s_1d(ji) * r1_nlay_s
+            ze_s(jk) = e_s_1d(ji,jk)
+         END DO
+         !
          !                       ! ============ !
          !                       !     Snow     !
          !                       ! ============ !
@@ -175,13 +171,13 @@ CONTAINS
          ! IF snow temperature is above freezing point, THEN snow melts (should not happen but sometimes it does)
          DO jk = 1, nlay_s
             IF( t_s_1d(ji,jk) > rt0 ) THEN
-               hfx_res_1d    (ji) = hfx_res_1d    (ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
-               wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) + rhos        * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! mass flux
+               hfx_res_1d    (ji) = hfx_res_1d    (ji) - ze_s(jk) * zh_s(jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
+               wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) + rhos        * zh_s(jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! mass flux
                ! updates
-               dh_s_mlt(ji)    =             dh_s_mlt(ji) - zh_s(ji,jk)
-               h_s_1d  (ji)    = MAX( 0._wp, h_s_1d  (ji) - zh_s(ji,jk) )
-               zh_s    (ji,jk) = 0._wp
-               ze_s    (ji,jk) = 0._wp
+               dh_s_mlt(ji)    =             dh_s_mlt(ji) - zh_s(jk)
+               h_s_1d  (ji)    = MAX( 0._wp, h_s_1d  (ji) - zh_s(jk) )
+               zh_s    (jk) = 0._wp
+               ze_s    (jk) = 0._wp
             END IF
          END DO
@@ -189,14 +185,14 @@ CONTAINS
          IF( sprecip_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
-            zh_s(ji,0) = zsnw(ji) * sprecip_1d(ji) * rDt_ice * r1_rhos / at_i_1d(ji)   ! thickness of precip
-            ze_s(ji,0) = MAX( 0._wp, - qprec_ice_1d(ji) )                              ! enthalpy of the precip (>0, J.m-3)
+            zh_s(0) = zsnw(ji) * sprecip_1d(ji) * rDt_ice * r1_rhos / at_i_1d(ji)   ! thickness of precip
+            ze_s(0) = MAX( 0._wp, - qprec_ice_1d(ji) )                              ! enthalpy of the precip (>0, J.m-3)
-            hfx_spr_1d(ji) = hfx_spr_1d(ji) + ze_s(ji,0) * zh_s(ji,0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat flux from snow precip (>0, W.m-2)
-            wfx_spr_1d(ji) = wfx_spr_1d(ji) - rhos       * zh_s(ji,0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! mass flux, <0
+            hfx_spr_1d(ji) = hfx_spr_1d(ji) + ze_s(0) * zh_s(0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat flux from snow precip (>0, W.m-2)
+            wfx_spr_1d(ji) = wfx_spr_1d(ji) - rhos       * zh_s(0) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! mass flux, <0
             ! update thickness
-            h_s_1d(ji) = h_s_1d(ji) + zh_s(ji,0)
+            h_s_1d(ji) = h_s_1d(ji) + zh_s(0)
          ! Snow melting
@@ -204,21 +200,21 @@ CONTAINS
          ! If heat still available (zq_top > 0)
          ! then all snw precip has been melted and we need to melt more snow
          DO jk = 0, nlay_s
-            IF( zh_s(ji,jk) > 0._wp .AND. zq_top(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
+            IF( zh_s(jk) > 0._wp .AND. zq_top(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
-               rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , ze_s(ji,jk) - epsi20 ) )
-               zdum    = - rswitch * zq_top(ji) / MAX( ze_s(ji,jk), epsi20 )   ! thickness change
-               zdum    = MAX( zdum , - zh_s(ji,jk) )                           ! bound melting
+               rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , ze_s(jk) - epsi20 ) )
+               zdum    = - rswitch * zq_top(ji) / MAX( ze_s(jk), epsi20 )   ! thickness change
+               zdum    = MAX( zdum , - zh_s(jk) )                           ! bound melting
-               hfx_snw_1d    (ji) = hfx_snw_1d    (ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat used to melt snow(W.m-2, >0)
+               hfx_snw_1d    (ji) = hfx_snw_1d    (ji) - ze_s(jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! heat used to melt snow(W.m-2, >0)
                wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sum_1d(ji) - rhos        * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! snow melting only = water into the ocean
                ! updates available heat + thickness
                dh_s_mlt(ji)    =              dh_s_mlt(ji)    + zdum
-               zq_top  (ji)    = MAX( 0._wp , zq_top  (ji)    + zdum * ze_s(ji,jk) )
+               zq_top  (ji)    = MAX( 0._wp , zq_top  (ji)    + zdum * ze_s(jk) )
                h_s_1d  (ji)    = MAX( 0._wp , h_s_1d  (ji)    + zdum )
-               zh_s    (ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s    (ji,jk) + zdum )
-!!$               IF( zh_s(ji,jk) == 0._wp )   ze_s(ji,jk) = 0._wp
+               zh_s    (jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s    (jk) + zdum )
+!!$               IF( zh_s(jk) == 0._wp )   ze_s(jk) = 0._wp
          END DO
@@ -231,15 +227,15 @@ CONTAINS
          zevap_rema = evap_ice_1d(ji) * rDt_ice + zdeltah * rhos               ! remaining evap in kg.m-2 (used for ice sublimation later on)
          DO jk = 0, nlay_s
-            zdum = MAX( -zh_s(ji,jk), zdeltah ) ! snow layer thickness that sublimates, < 0
+            zdum = MAX( -zh_s(jk), zdeltah ) ! snow layer thickness that sublimates, < 0
-            hfx_sub_1d    (ji) = hfx_sub_1d    (ji) + ze_s(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! Heat flux of snw that sublimates [W.m-2], < 0
+            hfx_sub_1d    (ji) = hfx_sub_1d    (ji) + ze_s(jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! Heat flux of snw that sublimates [W.m-2], < 0
             wfx_snw_sub_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sub_1d(ji) - rhos        * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! Mass flux by sublimation
             ! update thickness
             h_s_1d(ji)    = MAX( 0._wp , h_s_1d(ji)    + zdum )
-            zh_s  (ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s  (ji,jk) + zdum )
-!!$            IF( zh_s(ji,jk) == 0._wp )   ze_s(ji,jk) = 0._wp
+            zh_s  (jk) = MAX( 0._wp , zh_s  (jk) + zdum )
+!!$            IF( zh_s(jk) == 0._wp )   ze_s(jk) = 0._wp
             ! update sublimation left
             zdeltah = MIN( zdeltah - zdum, 0._wp )
@@ -260,7 +256,7 @@ CONTAINS
                zEi            = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi             ! Specific enthalpy of layer k [J/kg, <0]
                zdE            =   0._wp                               ! Specific enthalpy difference (J/kg, <0)
                !                                                          set up at 0 since no energy is needed to melt water...(it is already melted)
-               zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) )          ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing
+               zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(jk) )          ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing
                !                                                          this should normally not happen, but sometimes, heat diffusion leads to this
                zfmdt          = - zdum * rhoi                         ! Recompute mass flux [kg/m2, >0]
@@ -281,7 +277,7 @@ CONTAINS
                zdum           = - zfmdt * r1_rhoi                     ! Melt of layer jk [m, <0]
-               zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) )    ! Melt of layer jk cannot exceed the layer thickness [m, <0]
+               zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum , - zh_i(jk) ) )    ! Melt of layer jk cannot exceed the layer thickness [m, <0]
                zq_top(ji)     = MAX( 0._wp , zq_top(ji) - zdum * rhoi * zdE ) ! update available heat
@@ -298,17 +294,17 @@ CONTAINS
                !                                                                                          using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok)
             END IF
             ! update thickness
-            zh_i(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum )
+            zh_i(jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(jk) + zdum )
             h_i_1d(ji)  = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji)  + zdum )
             ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness
-            ze_i_old(ji,jk) = ze_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
-            zh_i_old(ji,jk) = zh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum
+            ze_i_old(jk) = ze_i_old(jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
+            zh_i_old(jk) = zh_i_old(jk) + zdum
             ! Ice sublimation
             ! ---------------
-            zdum               = MAX( - zh_i(ji,jk) , - zevap_rema * r1_rhoi )
+            zdum               = MAX( - zh_i(jk) , - zevap_rema * r1_rhoi )
             hfx_sub_1d(ji)     = hfx_sub_1d(ji)     + e_i_1d(ji,jk) * zdum              * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Heat flux [W.m-2], < 0
             wfx_ice_sub_1d(ji) = wfx_ice_sub_1d(ji) - rhoi          * zdum              * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice ! Mass flux > 0
@@ -318,18 +314,18 @@ CONTAINS
             !                                                                                                            if all ice is melted. => must be corrected
             ! update remaining mass flux and thickness
             zevap_rema = zevap_rema + zdum * rhoi
-            zh_i(ji,jk)    = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum )
+            zh_i(jk)    = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(jk) + zdum )
             h_i_1d(ji)     = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji)  + zdum )
             dh_i_sub(ji)   = dh_i_sub(ji) + zdum
             ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness
-            ze_i_old(ji,jk) = ze_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
-            zh_i_old(ji,jk) = zh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum
+            ze_i_old(jk) = ze_i_old(jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
+            zh_i_old(jk) = zh_i_old(jk) + zdum
             ! record which layers have disappeared (for bottom melting)
             !    => icount=0 : no layer has vanished
             !    => icount=5 : 5 layers have vanished
-            rswitch    = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) ) )
+            rswitch    = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , - zh_i(jk) ) )
             icount(jk) = NINT( rswitch )
          END DO
@@ -391,12 +387,12 @@ CONTAINS
             sfx_bog_1d(ji) = sfx_bog_1d(ji) - rhoi * dh_i_bog(ji) * s_i_new(ji) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice   ! Salt flux, <0
             ! update thickness
-            zh_i(ji,nlay_i+1) = zh_i(ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji)
+            zh_i(nlay_i+1) = zh_i(nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji)
             h_i_1d(ji)        = h_i_1d(ji)        + dh_i_bog(ji)
             ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness
-            ze_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) = ze_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji) * (-zEi * rhoi)
-            zh_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) = zh_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji)
+            ze_i_old(nlay_i+1) = ze_i_old(nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji) * (-zEi * rhoi)
+            zh_i_old(nlay_i+1) = zh_i_old(nlay_i+1) + dh_i_bog(ji)
@@ -413,7 +409,7 @@ CONTAINS
                   zEi            = - e_i_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhoi     ! Specific enthalpy of melting ice (J/kg, <0)
                   zdE            = 0._wp                         ! Specific enthalpy difference   (J/kg, <0)
                   !                                                  set up at 0 since no energy is needed to melt water...(it is already melted)
-                  zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(ji,jk) )  ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing
+                  zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , - zh_i(jk) )  ! internal melting occurs when the internal temperature is above freezing
                   !                                                  this should normally not happen, but sometimes, heat diffusion leads to this
                   dh_i_itm (ji)  = dh_i_itm(ji) + zdum
@@ -434,7 +430,7 @@ CONTAINS
                   zdum           = - zfmdt * r1_rhoi                               ! Gross thickness change
-                  zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum, - zh_i(ji,jk) ) )       ! bound thickness change
+                  zdum           = MIN( 0._wp , MAX( zdum, - zh_i(jk) ) )       ! bound thickness change
                   zq_bot(ji)     = MAX( 0._wp , zq_bot(ji) - zdum * rhoi * zdE )   ! update available heat. MAX is necessary for roundup errors
@@ -451,29 +447,29 @@ CONTAINS
                   !                                                                                         using s_i_1d and not sz_i_1d(jk) is ok
                ! update thickness
-               zh_i(ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(ji,jk) + zdum )
+               zh_i(jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_i(jk) + zdum )
                h_i_1d(ji)  = MAX( 0._wp, h_i_1d(ji)  + zdum )
                ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness
-               ze_i_old(ji,jk) = ze_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
-               zh_i_old(ji,jk) = zh_i_old(ji,jk) + zdum
+               ze_i_old(jk) = ze_i_old(jk) + zdum * e_i_1d(ji,jk)
+               zh_i_old(jk) = zh_i_old(jk) + zdum
          END DO
          ! Remove snow if ice has melted entirely
          ! --------------------------------------
-         DO jk = 0, nlay_s
-            IF( h_i_1d(ji) == 0._wp ) THEN
+         IF( h_i_1d(ji) == 0._wp ) THEN
+            DO jk = 0, nlay_s
                ! mass & energy loss to the ocean
-               hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
-               wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) + rhos        * zh_s(ji,jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! mass flux
+               hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) - ze_s(jk) * zh_s(jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
+               wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) + rhos        * zh_s(jk) * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! mass flux
                ! update thickness and energy
                h_s_1d(ji)    = 0._wp
-               ze_s  (ji,jk) = 0._wp
-               zh_s  (ji,jk) = 0._wp
-            ENDIF
-         END DO
+               ze_s  (jk) = 0._wp
+               zh_s  (jk) = 0._wp
+            END DO
+         ENDIF
          ! Snow load on ice
          ! -----------------
@@ -484,13 +480,13 @@ CONTAINS
          DO jk = 0, nlay_s
             IF( zdeltah > 0._wp .AND. sst_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
                ! snow layer thickness that falls into the ocean
-               zdum = MIN( zdeltah , zh_s(ji,jk) )
+               zdum = MIN( zdeltah , zh_s(jk) )
                ! mass & energy loss to the ocean
-               hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) - ze_s(ji,jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
+               hfx_res_1d(ji) = hfx_res_1d(ji) - ze_s(jk) * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! heat flux to the ocean [W.m-2], < 0
                wfx_res_1d(ji) = wfx_res_1d(ji) + rhos        * zdum * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice  ! mass flux
                ! update thickness and energy
                h_s_1d(ji)    = MAX( 0._wp, h_s_1d(ji)  - zdum )
-               zh_s  (ji,jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_s(ji,jk) - zdum )
+               zh_s  (jk) = MAX( 0._wp, zh_s(jk) - zdum )
                ! update snow thickness that still has to fall
                zdeltah   = MAX( 0._wp, zdeltah - zdum )
@@ -525,18 +521,18 @@ CONTAINS
          wfx_snw_sni_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_sni_1d(ji) + dh_snowice(ji) * rhos * a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice
          ! update thickness
-         zh_i(ji,0)  = zh_i(ji,0) + dh_snowice(ji)
+         zh_i(0)  = zh_i(0) + dh_snowice(ji)
          zdeltah =              dh_snowice(ji)
          ! update heat content (J.m-2) and layer thickness
-         zh_i_old(ji,0) = zh_i_old(ji,0) + dh_snowice(ji)
-         ze_i_old(ji,0) = ze_i_old(ji,0) + zfmdt * zEw           ! 1st part (sea water enthalpy)
+         zh_i_old(0) = zh_i_old(0) + dh_snowice(ji)
+         ze_i_old(0) = ze_i_old(0) + zfmdt * zEw           ! 1st part (sea water enthalpy)
          DO jk = nlay_s, 0, -1   ! flooding of snow starts from the base
-            zdum           = MIN( zdeltah, zh_s(ji,jk) )     ! amount of snw that floods, > 0
-            zh_s(ji,jk)    = MAX( 0._wp, zh_s(ji,jk) - zdum )    ! remove some snow thickness
-            ze_i_old(ji,0) = ze_i_old(ji,0) + zdum * ze_s(ji,jk) ! 2nd part (snow enthalpy)
+            zdum           = MIN( zdeltah, zh_s(jk) )     ! amount of snw that floods, > 0
+            zh_s(jk)    = MAX( 0._wp, zh_s(jk) - zdum )    ! remove some snow thickness
+            ze_i_old(0) = ze_i_old(0) + zdum * ze_s(jk) ! 2nd part (snow enthalpy)
             ! update dh_snowice
             zdeltah    = MAX( 0._wp, zdeltah - zdum )
          END DO
@@ -548,26 +544,28 @@ CONTAINS
 !!$         dh_s_tot(ji) = dh_s_tot(ji) + dh_s_mlt(ji) + zdeltah + zdh_s_sub(ji) - dh_snowice(ji)
 !!$      END DO
-      END DO ! npti
-      !
-      ! Remapping of snw enthalpy on a regular grid
-      !--------------------------------------------
-      CALL snw_ent( zh_s, ze_s, e_s_1d )
-      ! recalculate t_s_1d from e_s_1d
-      DO jk = 1, nlay_s
-         DO ji = 1,npti
-            IF( h_s_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
+         ! Remapping of snw enthalpy on a regular grid
+         !--------------------------------------------
+         e_s_1d(ji,:) = snw_ent( zh_s(:), ze_s(:) )
+         ! recalculate t_s_1d from e_s_1d
+         IF( h_s_1d(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
+            DO jk = 1, nlay_s
                t_s_1d(ji,jk) = rt0 + ( - e_s_1d(ji,jk) * r1_rhos * r1_rcpi + rLfus * r1_rcpi )
-            ELSE
+            END DO
+         ELSE
+            DO jk = 1, nlay_s
                t_s_1d(ji,jk) = rt0
-            ENDIF
-         END DO
-      END DO
+            END DO
+         ENDIF
+         ! Remapping of ice enthalpy on a regular grid
+         !--------------------------------------------
+         e_i_1d(ji,:) = ice_ent( zh_i_old(:), ze_i_old(:) )
-      ! Remapping of ice enthalpy on a regular grid
-      !--------------------------------------------
-      CALL ice_thd_ent( zh_i_old, ze_i_old, e_i_1d(1:npti,:) )
+      END DO ! npti
       ! --- ensure that a_i = 0 & h_s = 0 where h_i = 0 ---
       WHERE( h_i_1d(1:npti) == 0._wp )
@@ -578,7 +576,7 @@ CONTAINS
    END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_dh
-   SUBROUTINE snw_ent( ph_old, pe_old, pe_new )
+   PURE FUNCTION snw_ent( ph_old, pe_old )
       !!               ***   ROUTINE snw_ent  ***
@@ -603,66 +601,152 @@ CONTAINS
       !! References : Bitz & Lipscomb, JGR 99; Vancoppenolle et al., GRL, 2005
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s), INTENT(in   ) ::   ph_old             ! old thicknesses (m)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_s), INTENT(in   ) ::   pe_old             ! old enthlapies (J.m-3)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,1:nlay_s), INTENT(inout) ::   pe_new             ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s), INTENT(in) ::   ph_old             ! old thicknesses (m)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s), INTENT(in) ::   pe_old             ! old enthlapies (J.m-3)
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:nlay_s)             ::   snw_ent            ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped)
       INTEGER  :: ji         !  dummy loop indices
       INTEGER  :: jk0, jk1   !  old/new layer indices
+      REAL(wp) :: zswitch
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s+1) ::   zeh_cum0, zh_cum0   ! old cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_s)   ::   zeh_cum1, zh_cum1   ! new cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
       REAL(wp)                        ::   zhnew               ! new layers thicknesses
-      DO ji = 1, npti
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         !  1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-         zeh_cum0(0) = 0._wp
-         zh_cum0 (0) = 0._wp
-         DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1
-            zeh_cum0(jk0) = zeh_cum0(jk0-1) + pe_old(ji,jk0-1) * ph_old(ji,jk0-1)
-            zh_cum0 (jk0) = zh_cum0 (jk0-1) + ph_old(ji,jk0-1)
-         END DO
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      zeh_cum0(0) = 0._wp
+      zh_cum0 (0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1
+         zeh_cum0(jk0) = zeh_cum0(jk0-1) + pe_old(jk0-1) * ph_old(jk0-1)
+         zh_cum0 (jk0) = zh_cum0 (jk0-1) + ph_old(jk0-1)
+      END DO
-         !------------------------------------
-         !  2) Interpolation on the new layers
-         !------------------------------------
-         ! new layer thickesses
-         zhnew = SUM( ph_old(ji,0:nlay_s) ) * r1_nlay_s
+      !------------------------------------
+      !  2) Interpolation on the new layers
+      !------------------------------------
+      ! new layer thickesses
+      zhnew = SUM( ph_old(0:nlay_s) ) * r1_nlay_s
-         ! new layers interfaces
-         zh_cum1(0) = 0._wp
-         DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s
-            zh_cum1(jk1) = zh_cum1(jk1-1) + zhnew
-         END DO
+      ! new layers interfaces
+      zh_cum1(0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s
+         zh_cum1(jk1) = zh_cum1(jk1-1) + zhnew
+      END DO
-         zeh_cum1(0:nlay_s) = 0._wp
-         ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation
-         DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1
-            DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s-1
-               IF( zh_cum1(jk1) <= zh_cum0(jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(jk1) > zh_cum0(jk0-1) )   THEN
-                  zeh_cum1(jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum1(jk1  ) ) +  &
-                     &              zeh_cum0(jk0  ) * ( zh_cum1(jk1) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) ) )  &
-                     &            / ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) )
-               ENDIF
-            END DO
+      zeh_cum1(0:nlay_s) = 0._wp
+      ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_s+1
+         DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s-1
+            IF( zh_cum1(jk1) <= zh_cum0(jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(jk1) > zh_cum0(jk0-1) )   THEN
+               zeh_cum1(jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum1(jk1  ) ) +  &
+                  &              zeh_cum0(jk0  ) * ( zh_cum1(jk1) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) ) )  &
+                  &            / ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) )
+            ENDIF
          END DO
-         ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set:
-         zeh_cum1(nlay_s) = zeh_cum0(nlay_s+1)
+      END DO
+      ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set:
+      zeh_cum1(nlay_s) = zeh_cum0(nlay_s+1)
+      ! new enthalpies
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s
+         zswitch         = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew - epsi20 ) )
+         snw_ent(jk1) = zswitch * ( zeh_cum1(jk1) - zeh_cum1(jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew, epsi20 )
+      END DO
-         ! new enthalpies
-         DO jk1 = 1, nlay_s
-            rswitch     = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew - epsi20 ) )
-            pe_new(ji,jk1) = rswitch * ( zeh_cum1(jk1) - zeh_cum1(jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew, epsi20 )
-         END DO
+   END FUNCTION snw_ent
+   PURE FUNCTION ice_ent( ph_old, pe_old )
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!               ***   ROUTINE ice_ent  ***
+      !!
+      !! ** Purpose :
+      !!           This routine computes new vertical grids in the ice, 
+      !!           and consistently redistributes temperatures. 
+      !!           Redistribution is made so as to ensure to energy conservation
+      !!
+      !!
+      !! ** Method  : linear conservative remapping
+      !!           
+      !! ** Steps : 1) cumulative integrals of old enthalpies/thicknesses
+      !!            2) linear remapping on the new layers
+      !!
+      !! ------------ cum0(0)                        ------------- cum1(0)
+      !!                                    NEW      -------------
+      !! ------------ cum0(1)               ==>      -------------
+      !!     ...                                     -------------
+      !! ------------                                -------------
+      !! ------------ cum0(nlay_i+2)                 ------------- cum1(nlay_i)
+      !!
+      !!
+      !! References : Bitz & Lipscomb, JGR 99; Vancoppenolle et al., GRL, 2005
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1), INTENT(in) ::   ph_old, pe_old  ! old tickness and enthlapy
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:nlay_i)               ::   ice_ent         ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped)
+      !
+      INTEGER  :: ji         !  dummy loop indices
+      INTEGER  :: jk0, jk1   !  old/new layer indices
+      REAL(wp) :: zswitch
+      !
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+2) ::   zeh_cum0, zh_cum0   ! old cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i)   ::   zeh_cum1, zh_cum1   ! new cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
+      REAL(wp)                        ::   zhnew               ! new layers thicknesses
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      zeh_cum0(0) = 0._wp 
+      zh_cum0 (0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+2
+         zeh_cum0(jk0) = zeh_cum0(jk0-1) + pe_old(jk0-1)
+         zh_cum0 (jk0) = zh_cum0 (jk0-1) + ph_old(jk0-1)
       END DO
-   END SUBROUTINE snw_ent
+      !------------------------------------
+      !  2) Interpolation on the new layers
+      !------------------------------------
+      ! new layer thickesses
+      zhnew = SUM( ph_old(0:nlay_i+1) ) * r1_nlay_i  
+      ! new layers interfaces
+      zh_cum1(0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i
+         zh_cum1(jk1) = zh_cum1(jk1-1) + zhnew
+      END DO
+      zeh_cum1(0:nlay_i) = 0._wp 
+      ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+2
+         DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i-1
+            IF( zh_cum1(jk1) <= zh_cum0(jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(jk1) > zh_cum0(jk0-1) )   THEN
+               zeh_cum1(jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum1(jk1  ) ) +  &
+                  &              zeh_cum0(jk0  ) * ( zh_cum1(jk1) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) ) )  &
+                  &            / ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) )
+            ENDIF
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set:
+      zeh_cum1(nlay_i) = zeh_cum0(nlay_i+2) 
+      ! new enthalpies
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i
+         zswitch        = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew - epsi20 ) ) 
+         ice_ent(jk1) = zswitch * MAX( 0._wp, zeh_cum1(jk1) - zeh_cum1(jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew, epsi20 ) ! max for roundoff error
+      END DO
+      ! --- diag error on heat remapping --- !
+      ! comment: if input h_old and eh_old are already multiplied by a_i (as in icethd_do), 
+      ! then we should not (* a_i) again but not important since this is just to check that remap error is ~0
+      !   hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) = hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) + a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice *  &
+      !      &               ( SUM( pe_new(ji,1:nlay_i) ) * zhnew(ji) - SUM( eh_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1) ) ) 
+   END FUNCTION ice_ent
    !!   Default option                                NO SI3 sea-ice model
diff --git a/src/ICE/icethd_do.F90 b/src/ICE/icethd_do.F90
index 358e59ea2dfcbbbe28d2a8a51c23fcbaff75fbe3..6867b76a3aa22550c12f601cad9335117d8aa1ce 100644
--- a/src/ICE/icethd_do.F90
+++ b/src/ICE/icethd_do.F90
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ MODULE icethd_do
    USE ice            ! sea-ice: variables
    USE icetab         ! sea-ice: 2D <==> 1D
    USE icectl         ! sea-ice: conservation
-   USE icethd_ent     ! sea-ice: thermodynamics, enthalpy
    USE icevar         ! sea-ice: operations
    USE icethd_sal     ! sea-ice: salinity profiles
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ CONTAINS
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zh_newice     ! thickness of accreted ice
       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zfraz_frac_1d ! relative ice / frazil velocity (1D vector)
-      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,0:nlay_i+1,jpl) ::   zh_i_old, ze_i_old
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1) ::   zh_i_old, ze_i_old
       IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons_hsm( 0, 'icethd_do', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft )
@@ -254,11 +253,11 @@ CONTAINS
             DO jl = 1, jpl
                ! for remapping
-               zh_i_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1,jl) = 0._wp
-               ze_i_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1,jl) = 0._wp
+               zh_i_old(0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
+               ze_i_old(0:nlay_i+1) = 0._wp
                DO jk = 1, nlay_i
-                  zh_i_old(ji,jk,jl) = v_i_2d(ji,jl) * r1_nlay_i
-                  ze_i_old(ji,jk,jl) = e_i_2d(ji,jk,jl) * v_i_2d(ji,jl) * r1_nlay_i
+                  zh_i_old(jk) = v_i_2d(ji,jl) * r1_nlay_i
+                  ze_i_old(jk) = e_i_2d(ji,jk,jl) * v_i_2d(ji,jl) * r1_nlay_i
                END DO
                ! new volumes including lateral/bottom accretion + residual
@@ -267,21 +266,18 @@ CONTAINS
                a_i_2d(ji,jl) = rswitch * a_i_2d(ji,jl)               
                v_i_2d(ji,jl) = v_i_2d(ji,jl) + zv_newfra
                ! for remapping
-               zh_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1,jl) = zv_newfra
-               ze_i_old(ji,nlay_i+1,jl) = ze_newice * zv_newfra
-            END DO
+               zh_i_old(nlay_i+1) = zv_newfra
+               ze_i_old(nlay_i+1) = ze_newice * zv_newfra
-            ! --- Update salinity --- !
-            DO jl = 1, jpl
+               ! --- Update salinity --- !
                sv_i_2d(ji,jl) = sv_i_2d(ji,jl) + zs_newice(ji) * ( v_i_2d(ji,jl) - zv_b(jl) )
+               ! --- Ice enthalpy remapping --- !
+               e_i_2d(ji,:,jl) = ice_ent( zh_i_old(:), ze_i_old(:) ) 
             END DO
          END DO ! npti
-         ! --- Ice enthalpy remapping --- !
-         DO jl = 1, jpl
-            CALL ice_thd_ent( zh_i_old(:,:,jl), ze_i_old(:,:,jl), e_i_2d(1:npti,:,jl) ) 
-         END DO
          ! Change units for e_i
          DO jl = 1, jpl
@@ -397,6 +393,94 @@ CONTAINS
    END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_frazil
+   PURE FUNCTION ice_ent( ph_old, pe_old )
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!               ***   ROUTINE ice_ent  ***
+      !!
+      !! ** Purpose :
+      !!           This routine computes new vertical grids in the ice, 
+      !!           and consistently redistributes temperatures. 
+      !!           Redistribution is made so as to ensure to energy conservation
+      !!
+      !!
+      !! ** Method  : linear conservative remapping
+      !!           
+      !! ** Steps : 1) cumulative integrals of old enthalpies/thicknesses
+      !!            2) linear remapping on the new layers
+      !!
+      !! ------------ cum0(0)                        ------------- cum1(0)
+      !!                                    NEW      -------------
+      !! ------------ cum0(1)               ==>      -------------
+      !!     ...                                     -------------
+      !! ------------                                -------------
+      !! ------------ cum0(nlay_i+2)                 ------------- cum1(nlay_i)
+      !!
+      !!
+      !! References : Bitz & Lipscomb, JGR 99; Vancoppenolle et al., GRL, 2005
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+1), INTENT(in) ::   ph_old, pe_old  ! old tickness and enthlapy
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:nlay_i)               ::   ice_ent         ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped)
+      !
+      INTEGER  :: ji         !  dummy loop indices
+      INTEGER  :: jk0, jk1   !  old/new layer indices
+      REAL(wp) :: zswitch
+      !
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i+2) ::   zeh_cum0, zh_cum0   ! old cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:nlay_i)   ::   zeh_cum1, zh_cum1   ! new cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces
+      REAL(wp)                        ::   zhnew               ! new layers thicknesses
+      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      zeh_cum0(0) = 0._wp 
+      zh_cum0 (0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+2
+         zeh_cum0(jk0) = zeh_cum0(jk0-1) + pe_old(jk0-1)
+         zh_cum0 (jk0) = zh_cum0 (jk0-1) + ph_old(jk0-1)
+      END DO
+      !------------------------------------
+      !  2) Interpolation on the new layers
+      !------------------------------------
+      ! new layer thickesses
+      zhnew = SUM( ph_old(0:nlay_i+1) ) * r1_nlay_i  
+      ! new layers interfaces
+      zh_cum1(0) = 0._wp
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i
+         zh_cum1(jk1) = zh_cum1(jk1-1) + zhnew
+      END DO
+      zeh_cum1(0:nlay_i) = 0._wp 
+      ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation
+      DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+2
+         DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i-1
+            IF( zh_cum1(jk1) <= zh_cum0(jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(jk1) > zh_cum0(jk0-1) )   THEN
+               zeh_cum1(jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum1(jk1  ) ) +  &
+                  &              zeh_cum0(jk0  ) * ( zh_cum1(jk1) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) ) )  &
+                  &            / ( zh_cum0(jk0) - zh_cum0(jk0-1) )
+            ENDIF
+         END DO
+      END DO
+      ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set:
+      zeh_cum1(nlay_i) = zeh_cum0(nlay_i+2) 
+      ! new enthalpies
+      DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i
+         zswitch        = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew - epsi20 ) ) 
+         ice_ent(jk1) = zswitch * MAX( 0._wp, zeh_cum1(jk1) - zeh_cum1(jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew, epsi20 ) ! max for roundoff error
+      END DO
+      ! --- diag error on heat remapping --- !
+      ! comment: if input h_old and eh_old are already multiplied by a_i (as in icethd_do), 
+      ! then we should not (* a_i) again but not important since this is just to check that remap error is ~0
+      !   hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) = hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) + a_i_1d(ji) * r1_Dt_ice *  &
+      !      &               ( SUM( pe_new(ji,1:nlay_i) ) * zhnew(ji) - SUM( eh_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1) ) ) 
+   END FUNCTION ice_ent
    SUBROUTINE ice_thd_do_init
diff --git a/src/ICE/iceupdate.F90 b/src/ICE/iceupdate.F90
index aac48c07cdb3eab6d8f77af8674db3215083f107..8efb5c2d0b2f2eb2c7c6d5e2f00afaa15264bcd5 100644
--- a/src/ICE/iceupdate.F90
+++ b/src/ICE/iceupdate.F90
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ CONTAINS
       !!             ***  ROUTINE ice_update_alloc ***
-      ALLOCATE( utau_oce(A2D(0)), vtau_oce(A2D(0)), tmod_io(A2D(1)), STAT=ice_update_alloc )
+      ALLOCATE( utau_oce(A2D(0)), vtau_oce(A2D(0)), tmod_io(jpi,jpj), STAT=ice_update_alloc )
       CALL mpp_sum( 'iceupdate', ice_update_alloc )
       IF( ice_update_alloc /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'ice_update_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' )
diff --git a/src/ICE/icevar.F90 b/src/ICE/icevar.F90
index 935198289d2a3ca8728d494c873bf84a335a6938..89f5c1859a33566a59e8f4ebef4b4af49b858953 100644
--- a/src/ICE/icevar.F90
+++ b/src/ICE/icevar.F90
@@ -138,10 +138,8 @@ CONTAINS
          st_i(ji,jj) =       SUM( sv_i(ji,jj,:)     )
          et_s(ji,jj)  = SUM( SUM( e_s (ji,jj,:,:), dim=2 ) )
          et_i(ji,jj)  = SUM( SUM( e_i (ji,jj,:,:), dim=2 ) )
-      END_2D
-      !
-      !!GS: tm_su always needed by ABL over sea-ice
-      DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+         !
+         !!GS: tm_su always needed by ABL over sea-ice
          IF( at_i(ji,jj) <= epsi20 ) THEN
             z1_at_i(ji,jj) = 0._wp
             tm_su  (ji,jj) = rt0
@@ -284,20 +282,24 @@ CONTAINS
       zlay_i   = REAL( nlay_i , wp )    ! number of layers
       DO jl = 1, jpl
-         DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, nlay_i )
+         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
             IF ( v_i(ji,jj,jl) > epsi20 ) THEN     !--- icy area
-               !
-               ze_i             =   e_i (ji,jj,jk,jl) * z1_v_i(ji,jj,jl) * zlay_i             ! Energy of melting e(S,T) [J.m-3]
-               ztmelts          = - sz_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) * rTmlt                                 ! Ice layer melt temperature [C]
-               ! Conversion q(S,T) -> T (second order equation)
-               zbbb             = ( rcp - rcpi ) * ztmelts + ze_i * r1_rhoi - rLfus
-               zccc             = SQRT( MAX( zbbb * zbbb - 4._wp * rcpi * rLfus * ztmelts , 0._wp) )
-               t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = MAX( -100._wp , MIN( -( zbbb + zccc ) * 0.5_wp * r1_rcpi , ztmelts ) ) + rt0   ! [K] with bounds: -100 < t_i < ztmelts
-               !
+               DO jk = 1, nlay_i
+                  !
+                  ze_i             =   e_i (ji,jj,jk,jl) * z1_v_i(ji,jj,jl) * zlay_i             ! Energy of melting e(S,T) [J.m-3]
+                  ztmelts          = - sz_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) * rTmlt                                 ! Ice layer melt temperature [C]
+                  ! Conversion q(S,T) -> T (second order equation)
+                  zbbb             = ( rcp - rcpi ) * ztmelts + ze_i * r1_rhoi - rLfus
+                  zccc             = SQRT( MAX( zbbb * zbbb - 4._wp * rcpi * rLfus * ztmelts , 0._wp) )
+                  t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = MAX( -100._wp , MIN( -( zbbb + zccc ) * 0.5_wp * r1_rcpi , ztmelts ) ) + rt0   ! [K] with bounds: -100 < t_i < ztmelts
+                  !
+               END DO
             ELSE                                   !--- no ice
-               t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = rt0
+               DO jk = 1, nlay_i
+                  t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = rt0
+               END DO
-         END_3D
+         END_2D
       END DO