###################################################### # Author : Simona Flavoni for NEMO # Contact : sflod@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NEMO/SETTE , NEMO Consortium (2010) # Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Some scripts called by sette.sh # all_functions.sh : all functions used by sette.sh ###################################################### #set -x #set -o posix #set -u #set -e #+ # # ================ # all_functions.sh # ================ # # ---------------------------------------------- # Set of functions used by sette.sh (NEMO tests) # ---------------------------------------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # :: # # $ ./set_namelist INPUT_NAMELIST VARIABLE VALUE # $ post_test_tidyup # # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # function superegrep # input variable value # # function set_namelist # input namelist_name variable value # output namelist # # function post_test_tidyup # creates nemo_validation tree, and save output & debug files # this function creates tree of validation in NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR as follows : # # NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR/WCONFIG_NAME/WCOMPILER_NAME/REVISION_NUMBER(or DATE)/TEST_NAME # # NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR : is choosen in param.cfg # # WCONFIG_NAME : set by makenemo at the moment of compilation # # WCOMPILER_NAME : set by makenemo at the moment of compilation # # REVISION_NUMBER(or DATE) : revision number by svn info, if problems with svn date is taken # # TEST_NAME : set in sette.sh for each configuration to be tested (directory TEST_NAME is created under ${NEW_CONF} directory ) # # EXAMPLES # ======== # # :: # # $ ./set_namelist namelist nn_itend 75 # $ ./set_namelist namelist_ice cn_icerst_in \"00101231_restart_ice\" # $ post_test_tidyup # # # TODO # ==== # # option debug # # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id: all_functions.sh 14981 2021-06-11 13:47:19Z acc $ # # * creation #- # function to find namelists parameters supergrep () { grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" } usage=" Usage : set_namelist input_namelist variable_name value" usage=" if value is a string ths is neede syntax : ./set_namelist namelist_name var_name \"new_value\" " # sync MYSRC files (input CFG and CFG_STg; where g is an optional, single, alphanumeric character) sync_config() { if [ ${SYNC_CONFIGS} == "yes" ]; then lREF=$3/$1 # reference lCFG=$3/$2 # target echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' SOURCE AND CONFIG FILES SYNCHRONISATION ' echo '' echo "configuration $lCFG/MY_SRC will be synchronised with $lREF/MY_SRC" echo '' # synchronise MY_SRC if $lCFG directory exist if [ -d $lREF/MY_SRC ] && [ -d $lCFG ] ; then if [ -d $lCFG/MY_SRC ] ; then # Manage case number of file in MY_SRC changes # find number of file only in $lCFG/MY_SRC FCFG=`diff -r $lREF/MY_SRC $lCFG/MY_SRC | grep "Only in $lCFG/MY_SRC" | awk '{print $4}'` # if more than 0, trigger a cleaning as Makenemo do not properly manage this case. if [ ! -z "$FCFG" ]; then echo '' echo "$lCFG contains a different file list than $lREF :" diff -r $lREF/MY_SRC $lCFG/MY_SRC | grep "Only in $lCFG/MY_SRC" | awk '{print $4}' echo "Synchronisation is not enough because Makenemo does not handle well case where a file in MY_SRC is removed" echo "Therefore, we need to clean $lCFG before starting runing it" echo '' CLEAN_CONFIGS="yes" fi fi # synchronisation $lREF/MY_SRC directory (and delete file in target location if needed) rsync -a --delete $lREF/MY_SRC/ $lCFG/MY_SRC # rsync keep preserve the modification time stamp. # To avoid case where a file in MY_SRC is replace by an older file, we touch the file touch --no-create $lCFG/MY_SRC/* fi echo '' echo "configuration $lCFG/EXP00 will be synchronised with $lREF/EXPREF" echo "(links are skipped)" echo '' # synchronize EXPREF if [ -d $lREF/EXPREF ] && [ -d $lCFG/EXP00 ] ; then rsync -a --no-links $lREF/EXPREF/ $lCFG/EXP00/. fi echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' fi } # clean _STg config (input CFG CFG_STg TYPE (test or ref)) clean_config() { if [ ${CLEAN_CONFIGS} == "yes" ]; then lREF=$1 lCFG=$2 lTYP=$3 echo '' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' CLEANING CONFIGURATION ' echo '' echo "./makenemo -n $lCFG -a/-r $lREF clean" echo '' if [ ${lTYP} == 'tests' ]; then ./makenemo -n $lCFG -a $lREF clean elif [ ${lTYP} == 'cfgs' ]; then ./makenemo -n $lCFG -r $lREF clean else echo 'ERROR in the cleaning process'; exit 42 fi echo '' echo "$lCFG configuration has been cleaned" echo '' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' fi } # define validation dir set_valid_dir () { REVISION_NB=`git rev-list --abbrev-commit origin | head -1l` REV_DATE0="`git log -1 | grep Date | sed -e 's/.*Date: *//' -e's/ +.*$//'`" REV_DATE=`${DATE_CONV}"${REV_DATE0}" +"%y%j"` REVISION_NB=${REV_DATE}_${REVISION_NB} if [ ${#REVISION_NB} -eq 0 ] then echo "some problems with git rev-list command" echo "some problems with git rev-list command" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette REVISION_NB=`date +%Y%m%d` echo "put in ${REVISION_NB} date" echo "put in ${REVISION_NB} date" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette else echo "value of revision number of NEMOGCM: ${REVISION_NB}" fi localchanges=`git status --short -uno | wc -l` if [ $localchanges > 0 ] ; then REVISION_NB=${REVISION_NB}+ fi # remove last _ST followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters NEW_CONF1=$( echo $NEW_CONF | sed -e 's/_ST\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\)$//' ) export NEMO_VALID=${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/${CMP_NAM}/${REVISION_NB}/${NEW_CONF1}/${TEST_NAME} } # clean valid dir (move old ocean_output/run.stat and tracer to avoid checking them in case something wrong happen. clean_valid_dir () { # set_valid_dir # already done in sette_ref/sette_test echo "validation directory is : $NEMO_VALID" if [ -d $NEMO_VALID ] ; then [ -f ${NEMO_VALID}/ocean.output ] && mv ${NEMO_VALID}/ocean.output ${NEMO_VALID}/ocean.output_old [ -f ${NEMO_VALID}/run.stat ] && mv ${NEMO_VALID}/run.stat ${NEMO_VALID}/run.stat_old [ -f ${NEMO_VALID}/tracer.stat ] && mv ${NEMO_VALID}/tracer.stat ${NEMO_VALID}/tracer.stat_old fi } # set_namelist_opt: function to set namelists parameters based on a yes/no selection # Mandatory arguments are, in order: # 1. namelist to be edited # 2. variable to be set # 3. yes or no switch setting # 4. value to set variable to if switch is yes # 5. value to set variable to if switch is no set_namelist_opt () { minargcount=5 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_namelist_opt" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "Usage: set_namelist_opt namelist varname yes_or_no value_if_yes value_if_no" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ $3 != 'yes' ] && [ $3 != 'no' ] ; then echo 'option switch must be "yes" or "no"' >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "${usage}" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi if [ $3 == 'yes' ] ; then set_namelist $1 $2 $4 else set_namelist $1 $2 $5 fi } # set_namelist: function to set namelists parameters set_namelist () { minargcount=3 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_namelist" echo "${usage}" exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ ! -f ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette ] ; then touch ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi echo "executing script : set_namelist $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "################" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette VAR_NAME=$( supergrep $2 ${EXE_DIR}/$1 ) if [ ${#VAR_NAME} -eq 0 ] then echo "doing \"set_namelist $@\". " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "variable: \"$2\" not found in \"${EXE_DIR}/$1\" " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette NAMREF=$( basename $1 _cfg )_ref echo "doing more : search in ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette VAR_NAME=$( supergrep $2 ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF ) if [ ${#VAR_NAME} -eq 0 ] then echo " variable $VAR_NAME not found in ${EXE_DIR}/$1 nor in ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF " echo " check your variable name " echo "exit" echo "error in executing script : set_namelist $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "....." >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi LINEVAR=$( grep -s -n "$VAR_NAME" ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF | awk -F: '{ { print $1} }' ) echo " $VAR_NAME found in ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF at line $LINEVAR " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette # search for namelist group name NAMGRP=$( head -n$LINEVAR ${EXE_DIR}/$NAMREF | grep --line-buffered "^&nam" | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{ { print $1} }' ) echo " variable $VAR_NAME will be added in $NAMGRP namelist-group of namelist file ${EXE_DIR}/$1 " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette # check if namelist group present in namelist_cfg # if missing group is added at the end of namelist_cfg NGRP=$(grep ${NAMGRP} ${EXE_DIR}/$1 | wc -l ) if [ ${NGRP} -eq 0 ]; then echo '' >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "+++++ Group ${NAMGRP} containing ${2} is missing in ${EXE_DIR}/$1 +++++ " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "+++++ Group ${NAMGRP} is added in ${EXE_DIR}/$1 +++++ " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo '' >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "${NAMGRP}" >> ${EXE_DIR}/$1 echo "/" >> ${EXE_DIR}/$1 fi # Add $VARNAME in namelist file ${EXE_DIR}/$1 in namelist group $NAMGRP # on mac osx, replace sed --posix by gsed (available with mac port) sed --posix "/${NAMGRP} /a\ ${VAR_NAME} " ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp || gsed --posix "/${NAMGRP} /a\ ${VAR_NAME} " ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp # if file not empty replace ${EXE_DIR}/$1 if [ -s ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ] ; then mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 else echo "file ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp is empty. sed command went wrong "; exit 200 fi fi ARGS_LST="${@:3}" sed -e "s;${VAR_NAME}.*;${VAR_NAME};" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 sed -e "s;${VAR_NAME};$2=${ARGS_LST};" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 echo "finished script : set_namelist $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "++++++++++++++++" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette } # function to tidy up after each test and populate the NEMO_VALIDATION store post_test_tidyup () { # Save current exit status of caller script RUN_STATUS=$? echo "Exit status: ${RUN_STATUS}" # # requires the following variables defined and exported from the calling script: # SETTE_DIR # INPUT_DIR # EXE_DIR # CONFIG_DIR # NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR # NEW_CONF # CMP_NAM # TEST_NAME echo "SETTE directory is : ${SETTE_DIR}" echo "INPUT directory is : ${INPUT_DIR}" echo "EXECUTION directory is : ${EXE_DIR}" echo "CONFIG directory is : ${CONFIG_DIR}" echo "VALIDATION directory is : ${NEMO_VALID}" echo "NEW CONFIGURATION is : ${NEW_CONF}" echo "COMPILER is : ${CMP_NAM}" echo "TEST is : ${TEST_NAME}" echo "TOOLS directory is : ${TOOLS_DIR}" ################################################################ # SMALL DEBUG EXIT_STATUS=${RUN_STATUS} if [ ! -r ${EXE_DIR}/ocean.output ] then grep "E R R O R" ${EXE_DIR}/ocean.output && echo "Some ERRORS at execution time, see ${EXE_DIR}/ocean.output" EXIT_STATUS=2 # exit 2 Error now catch in the report fi if [ ! -r ${EXE_DIR}/time.step ] then echo "file time.step does not exist" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "some problems during execution of model" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette EXIT_STATUS=1 # exit 1 Error now catch in the report else echo "file time.step exists" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "execution of model time step loop started" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi ################################################################ ################################################################ # # Creation of NEMO_VALIDATION tree # set_valid_dir already done in sette_reference_config mkdir -p ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} if [ -d ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} ] ; then echo "created ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette else echo "problems in creating ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "EXIT," exit 1 fi # # Exit before populating validation directory if the model run has # returned a non-zero exit status # On CRAY NEMO exit is not the expected 999 or 123456 (let this bloc in case useful later on). # case ${EXIT_STATUS} in # 0|123456|999) echo " NEMO finished with exit code $EXIT_STATUS " ; post_test_tidyup ;; # *) echo " NEMO abort on an unexpected error (segmentation fault or whatever) $EXIT_STATUS " # esac [ ${EXIT_STATUS} -ne 0 ] && exit ${EXIT_STATUS} # # Save output & debug files in NEMO_VALIDATION tree echo "saving ocean & ice output, run.stat, tracer.stat files ...." >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/ocean.output ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*ocean.output ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/run.stat ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*run.stat ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/output.namelist.dyn ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*output.nam* ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/namelist_cfg ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*nam*_cfg ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/tracer.stat ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*tracer.stat ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/timing.output ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/*timing.output ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/sette_config ] && cp ${EXE_DIR}/sette_config ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/. if [ -n "$(ls ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/*run*)" ] ; then echo "moved run.stat in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "moved run.stat in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" else echo "problem in looking for run.stat file in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "run.stat IS NOT in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" fi if [ -n "$(ls ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/*ocean.output*)" ] ; then echo "moved ocean.output in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "moved ocean.output in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" else echo "problem in looking for ocean.output file in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "ocean.output IS NOT in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" fi if [ -n "$(ls ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR}/*tracer.stat*)" ] ; then echo "moved tracer.stat in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "moved tracer.stat in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" else echo "problem in looking for tracer.stat file in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "tracer.stat IS NOT in ${NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR} directory" fi } ############################################################# # extra functions to manipulate settings in the iodef.xml file # # Examples: # set_xio_file_type iodef.xml one_file # set_xio_using_server iodef.xml true # set_xio_buffer_size iodef.xml 50000000 # set_xio_field_defs iodef.xml # ############################################################# usage2=" Usage : set_xio_file_type input_iodef.xml one_file||multiple_file" usage3=" Usage : set_xio_using_server input_iodef.xml true||false" usage4=" Usage : set_xio_buffer_size input_iodef.xml int_buffer_size" usage5=" Usage : set_xio_field_defs input_iodef.xml" set_xio_file_type () { minargcount=2 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_xio_file_type" echo "${usage2}" exit 1 fi if [ $2 != "one_file" ] && [ $2 != "multiple_file" ] then echo "unrecognised argument for set_xio_file_type" echo "${usage2}" echo $2 exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ ! -f ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette ] ; then touch ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi echo "executing script : set_xio_file_type $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "################" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette VAR_NAME=$( grep "^.*<.*file_definition.*type.*=" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" ) if [ ${#VAR_NAME} -eq 0 ] then echo "doing \"set_xio_file_type $@\". " echo "xml_tag: file_definition with variable: type is empty" echo "confirm that an appropriate file_definition is in \"${EXE_DIR}/$1\" " echo "exit" echo "error in executing script : set_xio_file_type $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "....." >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi if [ $2 == "one_file" ] then sed -e "s:multiple_file:one_file:" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp else sed -e "s:one_file:multiple_file:" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp fi mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 echo "finished script : set_xio_file_type $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "++++++++++++++++" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette } set_xio_using_server () { minargcount=2 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_xio_using_server" echo "${usage2}" exit 1 fi inarg=$2 if [ ${inarg} == "yes" ] ; then inarg="true" ; fi if [ ${inarg} == "no" ] ; then inarg="false" ; fi if [ ${inarg} != "true" ] && [ ${inarg} != "false" ] then echo "unrecognised argument for set_xio_using_server" echo "${usage2}" echo ${inarg} exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ ! -f ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette ] ; then touch ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi echo "executing script : set_xio_using_server $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "################" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette VAR_NAME=$( grep "^.*<.*variable id.*=.*using_server.*=.*bool" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" ) if [ ${#VAR_NAME} -eq 0 ] then echo "doing \"set_xio_using_server $@\". " echo "xml_tag: "variable id=using_server" with variable: bool is empty" echo "confirm that an appropriate variable id is in \"${EXE_DIR}/$1\" " echo "exit" echo "error in executing script : set_xio_using_server $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "....." >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi if [ ${inarg} == "false" ] then sed -e "/using_server/s:true:false:" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp export USING_MPMD=no else sed -e "/using_server/s:false:true:" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp export USING_MPMD=yes fi mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 echo "finished script : set_xio_using_server $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "++++++++++++++++" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette } set_xio_buffer_size () { minargcount=2 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_xio_buffer_size" echo "${usage4}" exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ ! -f ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette ] ; then touch ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi echo "executing script : set_xio_buffer_size $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "################" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette VAR_NAME=$( grep "^.*<.*variable id.*=.*buffer_size.*=.*integer" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" ) if [ ${#VAR_NAME} -eq 0 ] then echo "doing \"set_xio_buffer_size $@\". " echo "xml_tag: "variable id=buffer_size" with variable: integer is empty" echo "confirm that an appropriate variable id is in \"${EXE_DIR}/$1\" " echo "exit" echo "error in executing script : set_xio_buffer_size $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "....." >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette exit 1 fi sed -e "/buffer_size/s:>.*<:>$2<:" ${EXE_DIR}/$1 > ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp mv ${EXE_DIR}/$1.tmp ${EXE_DIR}/$1 echo "finished script : set_xio_buffer_size $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "++++++++++++++++" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette } set_xio_field_defs () { minargcount=1 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "not enough arguments for set_xio_field_defs" echo "${usage5}" exit 1 fi unset minargcount if [ ! -f ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette ] ; then touch ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette fi echo "executing script : set_xio_field_defs $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "################" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/field_def_nemo-oce.xml ] || sed -i '/field_def_nemo-oce/d' $1 [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/field_def_nemo-ice.xml ] || sed -i '/field_def_nemo-ice/d' $1 [ -f ${EXE_DIR}/field_def_nemo-pisces.xml ] || sed -i '/field_def_nemo-pisces/d' $1 echo "finished script : set_xio_field_defs $@" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo "++++++++++++++++" >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette echo " " >> ${SETTE_DIR}/output.sette }