!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &namdyn_rdgrft ! Ice ridging/rafting !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- ice_rdgrft_strength -- ! ln_str_H79 = .true. ! ice strength param.: Hibler_79 => P = pstar*<h>*exp(-c_rhg*A) rn_pstar = 2.0e+04 ! ice strength thickness parameter [N/m2] rn_crhg = 20.0 ! ice strength conc. parameter (-) ln_str_R75 = .false. ! ice strength param.: Rothrock_75 => P = fn of potential energy rn_pe_rdg = 17.0 ! coef accouting for frictional dissipation ln_str_CST = .false. ! ice strength param.: Constant rn_str = 0.0 ! ice strength value ln_str_smooth = .true. ! spatial smoothing of the ice strength ! -- ice_rdgrft -- ! ln_distf_lin = .true. ! redistribution function of ridged ice: linear (Hibler 1980) ln_distf_exp = .false. ! redistribution function of ridged ice: exponential => not coded yet rn_murdg = 3.0 ! e-folding scale of ridged ice (m**.5) rn_csrdg = 0.5 ! fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging ! -- ice_rdgrft_prep -- ! ln_partf_lin = .false. ! Linear ridging participation function (Thorndike et al, 1975) rn_gstar = 0.15 ! fractional area of thin ice being ridged ln_partf_exp = .true. ! Exponential ridging participation function (Lipscomb, 2007) rn_astar = 0.03 ! exponential measure of ridging ice fraction [set to 0.05 if hstar=100] ln_ridging = .true. ! ridging activated (T) or not (F) rn_hstar = 25.0 ! determines the maximum thickness of ridged ice [m] (Hibler, 1980) rn_porordg = 0.3 ! porosity of newly ridged ice (Lepparanta et al., 1995) rn_fsnwrdg = 0.5 ! snow volume fraction that survives in ridging rn_fpndrdg = 1.0 ! pond fraction that survives in ridging (small a priori) ln_rafting = .true. ! rafting activated (T) or not (F) rn_hraft = 0.75 ! threshold thickness for rafting [m] rn_craft = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient used in the rafting function rn_fsnwrft = 0.5 ! snow volume fraction that survives in rafting rn_fpndrft = 1.0 ! pond fraction that survives in rafting (0.5 a priori) /