!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &nampar ! Generic parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jpl = 5 ! number of ice categories nlay_i = 2 ! number of ice layers nlay_s = 2 ! number of snow layers ln_virtual_itd = .false. ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterization (jpl=1 only) ! i.e. enhanced thermal conductivity & virtual thin ice melting ln_icedyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or not (F) ln_icethd = .true. ! ice thermo (T) or not (F) rn_amax_n = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration NH rn_amax_s = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration SH cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) cn_icerst_indir = "." ! directory to read input ice restarts cn_icerst_outdir = "." ! directory to write output ice restarts /