&nampisbio     !   biological parameters
   nrdttrc     =  1       ! time step frequency for biology
   wsbio       =  2.      ! POC sinking speed
   xkmort      =  1.E-7   ! half saturation constant for mortality
   feratz      =  10.E-6  ! Fe/C in zooplankton 
   feratm      =  15.E-6  ! Fe/C in mesozooplankton
   wsbio2      =  50.     ! Big particles sinking speed
   wsbio2max   =  50.     ! Big particles maximum sinking speed
   wsbio2scale =  5000.   ! Big particles length scale of sinking
!                         !  ln_ligand enabled
   ldocp       =  1.E-4   ! Phyto ligand production per unit doc 
   ldocz       =  1.E-4   ! Zoo ligand production per unit doc 
   lthet       =  1.0     ! Proportional loss of ligands due to Fe uptake 
!                         !  ln_p5z enabled
   no3rat3     =  0.151   ! N/C ratio in zooplankton
   po4rat3     =  0.00943 ! P/C ratio in zooplankton