From 57af827dc159fd14577ca1629eefe93337b7d346 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 13:48:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Resolve "Update with list of bug fixes for 4.2.1 release" (2)

 source/changes.rst | 21 +++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/changes.rst b/source/changes.rst
index adcd6b4..fdfc7e3 100644
--- a/source/changes.rst
+++ b/source/changes.rst
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@ List of the main bugfixes in the new 4.2.1 release - May 2023
-- FCT was not monotonic with non-linear free surface (:mergereq:`191`) 
 - Fix emp initial value if salinity relaxation is not used (:mergereq:`221`)
-- TKE boundary condition in GLS was wrong with iceshelves cavities (:mergereq:`215`)
+- TKE boundary condition in GLS was wrong with iceshelves cavities (:gitlab:`/commit/bad665bd`)
 - Model initialization in coupled configurations fixed (:mergereq:`151`)
 - ABL model was not working with waves options (:mergereq:`144`)
-- Spitz 12 configuration namelists have been updated (`!175`)
-- Bugfix and new diagnostics in OSMOSIS vertical mixing scheme (:mergereq:`172`, :mergereq:`168`)
+- Spitz 12 configuration namelists have been updated (:mergereq:`!175`)
+- Bugfixes in the OSMOSIS vertical mixing scheme and the associated diagnostics (:mergereq:`172`, :mergereq:`168`)
 - CPL_OASIS test case has been updated (:mergereq:`111`)
 **Sea-ice SI3**
@@ -22,21 +21,20 @@ List of the main bugfixes in the new 4.2.1 release - May 2023
 **High Performance Computing (HPC)**
-- Enable NEMO compilation using single-precision variable (:mergereq:`204`) 
-- Fix NEMO compilation when using MPI2 option (:mergereq:`97`)
-- Demonstration of mixed-precision compilation using key_single (ORCA2 only) (:mergereq:`210`)
+- Enable NEMO compilation using single-precision variable (:mergereq:`171`)
+- Fix NEMO compilation when using MPI2 option (:mergereq:`97`) and bugfix in configurations without MPI use (:mergereq:`167`)
+- Demonstration of mixed-precision compilation using key_single (ORCA2 only) (:mergereq:`261`)
 **AGRIF zooms**
 - Correct freshwater budget computation when using  AGRIF zooms (:mergereq:`162`)
-- Fixed issue with sea surface height (ssh) offset with sea-ice and AGRIF (:mergereq:`128`)
+- Fixed issue with sea surface height (ssh) offset with sea-ice and AGRIF (:mergereq:`120`, :mergereq:`128`, :mergereq:`149`)
 **Tracers and biogeochemistry TOP**
 - PISCES consolidation and robustness (reproducibility, bugfix corrections, memory optimisation)
-- Revised TOP restart file creation and fix time index when Euler forward time integration is used (:mergereq:`96`)
-- Create a common routine to handle bottom boundary layer conditions (trabbl) for both active and passive tracers (:mergereq:`187`) 
-- Bugfix on Offline transport in TOP when using  linear surface option (:mergereq:`141`)
+- Extension of passive-tracer conservation to the Euler-forward time-stepping option (:mergereq:`187`) and generic accuracy of the restart mechanism for configurations with Euler-forward time integration (:mergereq:`96`) 
+- Bugfix on offline transport in TOP when using  linear surface option (:mergereq:`141`)
 - Boundary conditions were missing in 1D configurations with TOP (:mergereq:`103`)
 - Improve the use of multiple BDY segments and tracer inputs fields within TOP (:mergereq:`231`)
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ List of the main bugfixes in the new 4.2.1 release - May 2023
-- 26/28 isotherm depth calculation fixed (:mergereq:`255`)
 - Some dia_ar5_hst outputs were wrong (:mergereq:`140`)