********************** NEMO Quick Start Guide ********************** | The NEMO guide is made up of several files written in `ReStructuredText <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>`_ (`.rst` extension), a WYSIWYG markup language used in the Python community, and scattered all over the NEMO sources. | You can view them one by one in plain text from `./source` folder, or export all to a user-friendly guide under `./build` (only HTML format at the moment, PDF expected later). Build and export the guide in HTML ================================== 1. Install Sphinx documentation generator, its BibTeX extension and "Read The Docs" theme thanks to `pip` packages tool .. code-block:: console $ pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib.bibtex sphinx_rtd_theme 2. Build the HTML export with `make` in `./build/html` .. code-block:: console $ make html 3. Finally browse the guide by opening `./build/html/NEMO_guide.html` Edit the sources and check the output in real time ================================================== | To facilitate the update of the guide, editors can install a useful package that will automatically trigger a new build and the reload of the HTML page for every recorded change in the sources. | So the reviewer saves time by controlling on-line their modifications almost as it types and also by avoiding repeated interactive rebuilds. Install `sphinx-autobuild` package .. code-block:: console $ pip install sphinx-autobuild Launch a local web server hosting a draft export of the guide (build this time in `./build/livehtml`) .. code-block:: console $ make livehtml | Open in the same time the 2 formats of the content to review: the source file and the web page by browsing from the new guide hosted by your local server on `<>`_. | Start the update, save your changes and verify instantly the HTML export in your browser. .. warning:: | Your modifications are not taken into account? | For symlink file, you will have to close it to update the HTML export. Otherwise look at the log of the Sphinx build, you probably made a typo! .. hint:: Are there broken links? Fix "Page not found" errors by running `make linkcheck`