How to cite

.. todo::

   :title:`NEMO ocean engine`,
   NEMO System Team,
   Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center, 27,
   ISSN 1288-1619 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL),

.. literalinclude:: refs.bib
   :language: bibtex
   :lines:    1-9
   :caption:  BibTeX source for NEMO manual

   :title:`Sea Ice modelling Integrated Initiative (SI`\ :sup:`3`\ :title:`) --
   The NEMO sea ice engine`,
   NEMO Sea Ice Working Group,
   Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center, 31,
   ISSN 1288-1619 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL),

.. literalinclude:: refs.bib
   :language: bibtex
   :lines:    13-21
   :caption:  BibTeX source for SI\ :sup:`3` manual

   :title:`Tracer in Ocean Paradigm (TOP) -- The NEMO passive tracer engine`,
   NEMO TOP Working Group,
   Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center, 28,
   ISSN 1288-1619 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL),

.. literalinclude:: refs.bib
   :language: bibtex
   :lines:    25-33
   :caption:  BibTeX source for TOP manual

   :title: `Biogeochemical model`,
   `PISCES documentation <https://www.pisces-community.org/index.php/model-description/>`