From 0bc40a9286a89b162682ea13b0a82057f66779c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aimie Moulin <am13420@login2.juno.cmcc.scc>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 16:23:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add the descripiton of the MFS bulk+ new references

 latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex | 40 +++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib b/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
index fd9e628..a6ef088 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
+++ b/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
@@ -245,6 +245,17 @@
   issn          = "1520-0442",
   doi           = "10.1175/jcli3319.1"
+@article{         bignami_JGR95,
+  title         = " Longwave radiation budget in the mediterranean sea",
+  pages         = "2501–2514",
+  journal     = "Journal of Geophysical Research",
+  volume        = "100",
+  author        = "F. Bignami and S. Marullo and R. Santoleri and M. E. Schiano",
+  year          = "1995",
+  doi           = "10.1029/94JC02496"
 @article{         blanke.delecluse_JPO93,
   title         = "Variability of the tropical Atlantic Ocean simulated by a
@@ -532,6 +543,16 @@
   publisher     = "American Meteorological Society",
   issn          = "1520-0485",
   doi           = "10.1175/1520-0485(2001)031<1413:otpiop>;2"
+@article{         castellari_JMS98,
+  title         = " A model study of air-sea interactions in the mediterranean sea",
+  pages         = "89-114",
+  journal       = " Journal of Marine System",
+  volume        = "18",
+  author        = "S. Castellari and N. Pinardi and K. Leaman",
+  year          = "1998",
+  doi           = "10.1016/S0924-7963(98)90007-0"
 @techreport{      chanut_trpt05,
@@ -576,6 +597,19 @@
    url          = "<1550:AIMFTT>2.0.CO;2",
    year         = "2002"
+AUTHOR = {Ciliberti, Stefania A. and Jansen, Eric and Coppini, Giovanni and Peneva, Elisaveta and Azevedo, Diana and Causio, Salvatore and Stefanizzi, Laura and Creti’, Sergio and Lecci, Rita and Lima, Leonardo and Ilicak, Mehmet and Pinardi, Nadia and Palazov, Atanas},
+TITLE = {The Black Sea Physics Analysis and Forecasting System within the Framework of the Copernicus Marine Service},
+JOURNAL = {Journal of Marine Science and Engineering},
+VOLUME = {10},
+YEAR = {2022},
+NUMBER = {1},
+ISSN = {2077-1312},
+DOI = {10.3390/jmse10010048}
 @article{        couvelard_2020,
   author        = "X. Couvelard and F. Lemari{\'e} and G. Samson and J.-L. Redelsperger and F. Ardhuin and R. Benshila and G. Madec",
@@ -1409,6 +1443,16 @@ year            = {1997}
   publisher     = "Springer Nature",
   issn          = "0920-8542",
   doi           = "10.1023/a:1008153532043"
+@article{         hellerman_JPO83,
+  title         = " Normal Monthly Wind Stress Over the World Ocean with Error Estimates",
+  pages         = "1093-1104",
+  journal       = " Journal of Physical Oceanography",
+  volume        = "13",
+  author        = "S. Hellerman and M. Rosenstein",
+  year          = "1983",
+  doi           = "10.1175/1520-0485(1983)013<1093:NMWSOT>2.0.CO;2"
 @article{         hirt.amsden.ea_JCP74,
@@ -1701,6 +1745,17 @@ DOI = {10.5194/gmd-15-1567-2022}
   volume        = "6",
   author        = "A. N. Kolmogorov",
   year          = "1942"
+@article{         kondo_BLM75,
+  title         = " Air-sea bulk transfer coefficients in diabatic conditions",
+  pages         = "91-112",
+  journal       = " Boundary-Layer Meteorology ",
+  volume        = "9",
+  author        = "J. Kondo",
+  year          = "1975",
+  doi           = "10.1007/BF00232256"
 @article{         kraus.businger_QJRMS96,
@@ -2557,6 +2612,18 @@ abstract = "Recent increase in Antarctic freshwater release to the Southern Ocea
   issn          = "0021-9991",
   doi           = "10.1006/jcph.1996.0136"
+@article{         oddo_OS09,
+  title         = "A nested atlantic-mediterranean sea general circulation model for operational
+  pages         = "1-13",
+  journal       = "Ocean Sciences",
+  volume        = "5",
+  author        = "P. Oddo and M. Adani and N. Pinardi and C. Fratianni and M. Tonani and and D. Pettenuzzo",
+  year          = "2009",
+  doi           = "10.5194/os-5-461-2009"
 @article{         oey_OM06,
   title         = "An {OGCM} with movable land-sea boundaries",
@@ -2630,6 +2697,16 @@ abstract = "Recent increase in Antarctic freshwater release to the Southern Ocea
   issn          = "1520-0485",
   doi           = "10.1175/1520-0485(1977)007<0952:imituo>;2"
+@article{         payne_JAS72,
+  title         = "Albedo of the sea surface",
+  pages         = "959-970",
+  journal       = "Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences",
+  volume        = "29",
+  author        = "R. E. Payne",
+  year          = "1972",
+  doi           = "10.1175/1520-0469(1972)029<0959:AOTSS>2.0.CO;2"
 @article{         penduff.le-sommer.ea_OS07,
   title         = "Influence of numerical schemes on current-topography
@@ -2691,6 +2768,16 @@ abstract = "Recent increase in Antarctic freshwater release to the Southern Ocea
   issn          = "1520-0485",
   doi           = "10.1175/1520-0485(1982)012<1154:oimbcr>;2"
+@article{         reed_JPO77,
+  title         = " On estimating insolation over the ocean",
+  pages         = "874-971",
+  journal       = "Journal of Physical Oceanography",
+  volume        = "1",
+  author        = "R. K. Reed",
+  year          = "1977",
+  doi           = "10.1175/1520-0485(1977)007<0482:OEIOTO>2.0.CO;2"
 @article{         reffray.bourdalle-badie.ea_GMD15,
   title         = "Modelling turbulent vertical mixing sensitivity using a
diff --git a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex
index f6ff6ff..5373bd8 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex
+++ b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Five different ways are available to provide these fields to the ocean. They are
 namelist \nam{sbc}{sbc} variables:
-\item a bulk formulation (\np[=.true.]{ln_blk}{ln\_blk}), featuring a selection of four bulk parameterization algorithms,
+\item a bulk formulation (\np[=.true.]{ln_blk}{ln\_blk}), featuring a selection of five bulk parameterization algorithms,
 \item an atmospheric boundary layer model (\np[=.true.]{ln_abl}{ln\_abl}) associated with the bulk formulation,
 \item a flux formulation (\np[=.true.]{ln_flx}{ln\_flx}),
 \item a coupled or mixed forced/coupled formulation (exchanges with a atmospheric model via the OASIS coupler),
@@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ hereafter SST).
 The SSST differs from the SST due to the contributions of two effects of
 opposite sign, the \emph{cool skin} and \emph{warm layer} (hereafter CS and WL,
 respectively, see \autoref{subsec:SBC_skin}).
-Technically, when the ECMWF or COARE* bulk parametrizations are selected
-(\np[=.true.]{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF} or \np[=.true.]{ln_COARE*}{ln\_COARE\*}),
+Technically, when the ECMWF or COARE* or MFS bulk parametrizations are selected
+(\np[=.true.]{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF} or \np[=.true.]{ln_COARE*}{ln\_COARE\*} or \np[=.true.]{ln_MFS}{ln\_MFS}),
 $T_s$ is the SSST, as opposed to the NCAR bulk parametrization
 (\np[=.true.]{ln_NCAR}{ln\_NCAR}) for which $T_s$ is the bulk SST (\ie~temperature
 at first T-point level).
@@ -624,13 +624,14 @@ parametrization} algorithm. When relevant, these algorithms also perform the
 height adjustment of humidity and temperature to the wind reference measurement
 height (from \np{rn_zqt}{rn\_zqt} to \np{rn_zu}{rn\_zu}).
-For the open ocean, four bulk parametrization algorithms are available in NEMO:
+For the open ocean, five bulk parametrization algorithms are available in NEMO:
 \item NCAR, formerly known as CORE, \citep{large.yeager_trpt04,large.yeager_CD09}
 \item COARE 3.0 \citep{fairall.bradley.ea_JC03}
 \item COARE 3.6 \citep{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13}
-\item ECMWF (IFS documentation, cy45)
+\item ECMWF (IFS documentation, cy45)
+\item MFS \citep{castellari_JMS98}
 With respect to version 3, the principal advances in version 3.6 of the COARE
@@ -751,6 +752,35 @@ respectively (found in \textit{sbcblk\_skin\_coare.F90}).
 % functions of the wind speed and the near-surface stability of the atmospheric
 % surface layer (hereafter ASL), and hence, depend on $U_B$, $T_s$, $T_z$, $q_s$
 % and $q_z$.
+The MFS bulk formulae have been developed by \cite{castellari_JMS98}. 
+They have been designed to handle ECMWF operational data for the Mediterranean \citep{oddo_OS09} and Black Sea \citep{ciliberti_JMSE22} Monitoring Forecasting Centre. 
+The bulk transfer coefficients $C_H$ and $C_E$ are computing using an empiric formula by \cite{kondo_BLM75} whereas the drag coefficient $C_D$  is computed according to \cite{hellerman_JPO83}. 
+In this bulk parametrization the net solar radiation depends on the cloud cover and 
+is computed by means of an astronomical formula \citep{reed_JPO77}. 
+Albedo monthly values are from \cite{payne_JAS72} as means of the values at 40\textdegree N and 30\textdegree N 
+for the Atlantic Ocean (hence the same latitudinal band of the Mediterranean Sea). 
+The net long-wave radiation flux are computed as a function of 
+2m air temperature, sea-surface temperature, cloud cover and 2m dew point humidity  \citep{Bignami_JGR95}. 
+This parametrization required as input fields the total cloud cover in \%.
+The following namelist parameters must be set:
+  ...
+  ln_MFS    = .true.
+  ...
+  rn_zqt     = 2.     ! Air temperature & humidity reference height (m)
+  rn_zu      = 10.   ! Wind vector reference height (m)
+  ...
+  ln_skin_cs = .false. ! use the cool-skin parameterization
+  ln_skin_wl = .false. ! use the warm-layer parameterization
+  ...
+  ln_humi_dpt = .true. ! humidity "sn_humi" is dew point Temperature  [kg/kg]
 %% =================================================================================================
 \subsection{Ice-Atmosphere Bulk formulae}