diff --git a/latex/global/nemo.tex b/latex/global/nemo.tex
index dd214efd6e9c2e437b98d7d4a0acb6d0ad87947e..b15f69d8c5b94c3ddbab4661952f17814a1622c9 100644
--- a/latex/global/nemo.tex
+++ b/latex/global/nemo.tex
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ``Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean'' as \NEMO\ is a state-of-the-art modelling framework of
 ocean-related engines for research activities and forecasting services in oceanography and climatology,
 developed in a sustainable way since 2008 by a European consortium of 5 institutes
-(\CMCC{CMCC} | \CNRS{CNRS} | \MOI{Mercator Océan} | \UKMO{Met Office} | \NOC{NOC} TEST).
+(\CMCC{CMCC} | \CNRS{CNRS} | \MOI{Mercator Océan} | \UKMO{Met Office} | \NOC{NOC}).
 It is intended to be a flexible tool for studying the physical and biogeochemical phenomena in
 the ocean circulation, as well as its interactions with the components of the Earth climate system,
 over a wide range of space and time scales.