diff --git a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DOM.tex b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DOM.tex
index ab62d7f93f3ce71c93e4cb2cfb88ba3caec65d0c..97ba989c7c17e7debbbdfd22a64a54513ddd92f1 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DOM.tex
+++ b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DOM.tex
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Where $r3t(i,j,t) = \frac{\eta(i,j,t)}{\mathrm{ht\_0}(i,j)}$,
 the ratio of sea surface height to reference water column height,
 is updated at every time step by \rou{domqco\_r3c} and where
 \forcode{e3t_0}, \forcode{ht_0} and \forcode{tmask} are the $T$-point variants of the reference vertical scale
-factor, the reference water height, and the land-sea mask, respectively.
+factor, the reference water column height, and the land-sea mask, respectively.
 Similar expressions are applied to the scale factors at $u$/$v$/$f$-points using appropriate interpolation of $\eta$.
 In the expressions for the scale factors at $w$-levels, grid point depths and water heights,
 the ratio is instead unmasked.
@@ -594,6 +594,7 @@ Unlike in the previous approach, the height of the $T$-points remains unchanged.
 This representation is described in \citep{kevlahan_GMD15}, it is
 based on Brinkman penalization where a control parameter \ie\ the porosity modifies fluxes though penalized lateral surfaces. 
 This parameter is encapsulated within vertical scale factors ($e3t^0$, $e3u^0$, $e3v^0$) as illustrated in \autoref{fig:DOM_partial_step_scheme}.
+In case of ocean cavities, partial cells are also applied at the top interface using the same method as for the bottom interface but upside-down.
@@ -639,8 +640,8 @@ Based on variables \forcode{top_level} and \forcode{bottom_level}, the mask vari
 Note that, without ice shelves cavities,
 masks at $T$- and $w$-points are identical with the numerical indexing used
 (see \autoref{subsec:DOM_Num_Index}).
-$wmask$ are required with ocean cavities to deal with the top boundary (ice shelf/ocean interface)
+Nevertheless, with ocean cavities,
+$wmask$ are required to deal with the top boundary (ice shelf/ocean interface)
 in exactly the same way as for the bottom boundary.
 %% The specification of closed lateral boundaries requires that at least