From c07196b92928bcac181293acb2dc02f3bf2456c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: accowa <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:32:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] All changes to reference manual for GEOMETRIC
 parameterisation (includes updates to namelists submodule to point to
 previously committed changes to namelists)

 latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 namelists                        |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib b/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
index d7a61a5..c9723ad 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
+++ b/latex/NEMO/main/bibliography.bib
@@ -972,6 +972,22 @@
   doi           = {10.5194/gmd-12-2255-2019}
+@article{         ferreira.marshall.ea_JPO05,
+  title         = "Estimating eddy stresses by fitting dynamics to observations
+                  using a residual-mean ocean circulation model and its
+                  adjoint",
+  pages         = "1891--1910",
+  journal       = "Journal of Physical Oceanography",
+  volume        = "35",
+  number        = "10",
+  author        = "D. Ferreira and J. Marshall and P. Heimbach",
+  year          = "2005",
+  month         = "oct",
+  publisher     = "American Meteorological Society",
+  issn          = "1520-0485",
+  doi           = "10.1175/JPO2785.1"
 @article{         flather_JPO94,
   title         = "A storm surge prediction model for the northern Bay of
                   Bengal with application to the cyclone disaster in April
@@ -2250,6 +2266,37 @@ DOI = {10.5194/gmd-15-1567-2022}
   doi           = "10.1029/1998jc900013"
+@article{         mak.marshall.ea_GRL22,
+  title         = "Acute sensitivity of global ocean circulation and heat
+                  content to eddy energy dissipation timescale",
+  pages         = "e2021GL097259",
+  journal       = "Geophysical Research Letters",
+  volume        = "49",
+  number        = "8",
+  author        = "J. Mak and D. P. Marshall and G. Madec and J. R. Maddison",
+  year          = "2022",
+  month         = "apr",
+  publisher     = "American Geophysical Union (AGU)",
+  issn          = "0094-8276",
+  doi           = "10.1029/2021GL097259"
+@article{         mak.avdis.ea_JAMES22,
+  title         = "On constraining the mesoscale eddy energy dissipation
+                  time-scale",
+  pages         = "e2022MS003223",
+  journal       = "Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems",
+  volume        = "14",
+  number        = "11",
+  author        = "J. Mak and A. Avdis and T. W. David and H. S. Lee and Y. Na
+                  and Y. Wang and F. E. Yan",
+  year          = "2022",
+  month         = "nov",
+  publisher     = "American Geophysical Union (AGU)",
+  issn          = "1942-2466",
+  doi           = "10.1029/2022MS003223"
 @article{         marchesiello.mcwilliams.ea_OM01,
   title         = "Open boundary conditions for long-term integration of
                   regional oceanic models",
diff --git a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex
index 4d1381c..6c5663a 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex
+++ b/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex
@@ -522,9 +522,53 @@ paramount importance.
 At the surface, lateral and bottom boundaries, the eddy induced velocity,
 and thus the advective eddy fluxes of heat and salt, are set to zero.
-The value of the eddy induced mixing coefficient and its space variation is controlled in a similar way as for lateral mixing coefficient described in the preceding subsection (\np{nn_aei_ijk_t}{nn\_aei\_ijk\_t}, \np{rn_Ue}{rn\_Ue}, \np{rn_Le}{rn\_Le} namelist parameters).
+The value of the eddy induced mixing coefficient and its space variation is controlled
+in a similar way as for lateral mixing coefficient described in the preceding subsection
+(\np{nn_aei_ijk_t}{nn\_aei\_ijk\_t}, \np{rn_Ue}{rn\_Ue}, \np{rn_Le}{rn\_Le} namelist
 \colorbox{yellow}{CASE \np{nn_aei_ijk_t}{nn\_aei\_ijk\_t} = 21 to be added}
+In the case of \np{nn_aei_ijk_t}{nn\_aei\_ijk\_t} = 32, the GEOMETRIC scaling for the
+eddy induced velocity coefficient from \citet{mak.marshall.ea_GRL22}
+  \label{eq:ldf_eke_aeiv}
+    A^{eiv} = \alpha\frac{\hat{E}}{\int sN \; \Gamma(z) \; \mathrm{d}z} \Gamma(z),
+is used, where $\alpha$ (\np{rn_geom}{rn\_geom}) is a non-dimensional factor bounded in
+magnitude by 1, $\Gamma(z) = N^2 / N^2_{ref}$ (controlled by \np{rn_SFmin}{rn\_SFmin} and
+\np{rn_SFmax}{rn\_SFmax}, switch off by setting them equal to 1) is a vertical structure
+function based on \citet{ferreira.marshall.ea_JPO05}, and $s$ is the isopycnal slope
+($s^2 = r_{1w}^2 + r_{2w}^2$). The parameterized depth-integrated eddy energy $\hat{E}$
+is calculated from
+  \label{eq:ldf_eke_ene}
+    \frac{\mathrm{d}\hat{E}}{\mathrm{d}t}
+    + \underbrace{\nabla_H \cdot \left( \left(\widetilde{u}^z - c\right) \hat{E} \right)}_\textnormal{advection}
+   = \underbrace{\int A^{eiv} s^2N^2\; \mathrm{d}z}_\textnormal{source}
+    - \underbrace{\lambda (\hat{E} - \hat{E}_0)}_\textnormal{dissipation} 
+    + \underbrace{\eta_E\nabla^2_H  \hat{E}}_\textnormal{diffusion},
+where $\nabla_H$ is the horiziontal gradient operator, $\tilde{u}^z$ is the
+depth-averaged velocity in the $1,2$ direction, $c$ is the long Rossby phase velocity
+pointing into the $i$ direction with speed $|c| = \pi^{-1}\int |N|\; \mathrm{d}z$
+via a WKB-type approximation, $\lambda$ (\np{rn_eke_dis}{rn\_eke\_dis}) is a linear
+dissipation time-scale in units of days (converted to per second in NEMO), $\hat{E}_0$
+(\np{rn_eke_min}{rn\_eke\_min}) is a stabilizer for oscillations in $\hat{E}$, and
+$\eta_E$ (\np{rn_eke_lap}{rn\_eke\_lap}) is a diffusion coefficient. Various options
+controlling the calculation of $A^{eiv}$ or $\hat{E}$ may be made through namelist
+parameters in \nam{ldf_eke}{ldf\_eke}.
+An option is provided to read in a bespoke spatially varying but constant in
+time $\lambda^{-1}$ in units of days (\np{rn_eke_dis}{rn\_eke\_dis} = -20). See
+\citet{mak.avdis.ea_JAMES22} and associated data repository for an estimate and some
+scripts to regenerate the estimates and/or sample this on various ORCA grids.
+  \nlst{namldf_eke}
+  \caption{\forcode{&namldf_eke}}
+  \label{lst:namldf_eke}
 In case of setting \np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_triad}{ln\_traldf\_triad}, a skew form of the eddy induced advective fluxes is used, which is described in \autoref{apdx:TRIADS}.
 %% =================================================================================================
diff --git a/namelists b/namelists
index 835213c..62d162f 160000
--- a/namelists
+++ b/namelists
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 835213cd38ff66d60cf8c2b11a7665e7c4f68a75
+Subproject commit 62d162f9d27dfae37835d6f1a0e73690a65b84b0