From d1571b02c8b39f8af0e7492eff3e8dd87c00c42c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Katherine Hutchinson <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 12:46:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] changes_to_preamble_intro_from_overleaf

 latex/NEMO/main/abstract.tex |  2 +-
 latex/global/info_page.tex   | 65 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/latex/NEMO/main/abstract.tex b/latex/NEMO/main/abstract.tex
index 952b136..5b67c64 100644
--- a/latex/NEMO/main/abstract.tex
+++ b/latex/NEMO/main/abstract.tex
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ in the vertical direction, a full or partial step $z$-coordinate, or $s$-coordin
 a mixture of the two.
 The distribution of variables is a three-dimensional Arakawa C-type grid.
 Various physical choices are available to describe ocean physics,
-so as various HPC functionalities to improve performances.
\ No newline at end of file
+along with various HPC functionalities to improve performances.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/latex/global/info_page.tex b/latex/global/info_page.tex
index 012a6f6..1c997f6 100644
--- a/latex/global/info_page.tex
+++ b/latex/global/info_page.tex
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
 Like all components of the modelling framework,
-the \eng\ core engine is developed under the \href{}{CECILL license},
+the \NEMO core engine is developed under the \href{}{CECILL license},
 which is a French adaptation of the GNU GPL (\textbf{G}eneral \textbf{P}ublic \textbf{L}icense).
 Anyone may use it freely for research purposes, and is encouraged to
-communicate back to the development team its own developments and improvements.
+communicate back to the development team their developments and improvements.
 The model and the present document have been made available as a service to the community.
 We cannot certify that the code and its manual are free of errors.
 Bugs are inevitable and some have undoubtedly survived the testing phase.
-Users are encouraged to bring them to our attention.
+Users are encouraged to bring them to our attention using the \href{}{Discourse platform} or by opening an issue on the \href{}{NEMO Forge}.
 The authors assume no responsibility for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of \NEMO.
@@ -29,20 +29,13 @@ The authors assume no responsibility for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of
 Additional information can be found on:
-   \item \faWordpress\ the \href{}{website} of the project detailing
-      several associated applications and an exhaustive users bibliography
+   \item \faWordpress\ the \href{}{website} of the project
    \item \faCodeFork\ the \href{}{development platform} of
-      the model with the code repository for the shared reference and some main resources
-      (wiki, ticket system, forums, \ldots) \\
-      \faGithub\ the \href{}
-      {repository of the demonstration cases} for research or training
-   \item \faCloudDownload\ the \href{}{online archive}
-      delivering the publications issued by the consortium (manuals, reports, datasets, \ldots)
-   \item \faEnvelope\ two mailing lists:
-      the \href{}{newsletter} for
-      top-down communications from the project (announcements, calls, job opportunities, \ldots)
-      and the \href{}{forge updates}
-      (commits, tickets and forums)
+      the model with the code repository for the shared reference and the last stable release (suggested download for users)
+   \item \faCloudDownload\ the \href{}{Zenodo archive}
+      delivering the publications issued by the consortium and the \href{}{NEMO Open Collection} of reports, datasets and demonstrators. 
+   \item \faEnvelope\ The \href{}{newsletter} for
+      announcements and calls from the project
 %% Citation
@@ -50,30 +43,28 @@ Additional information can be found on:
-Reference for papers and other publications is as follows:
+Please reference this document as follows:
-   ``{\bfseries \hdg}\ifdef{\shdg}{ -- \shdg}{}'',
-   {\em Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center}, \textbf{\ipsl} --- ISSN 1288-1619,
-   Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL),
-   \href{\zid}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.\zid}
+   Madec, G. and the NEMO System Team, 2024. NEMO Ocean Engine Reference Manual, Zenodo 
+   \href{}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.1464816}
-   \begin{minipage}[c]{0.7\textwidth}
-      \small
-      \ttfamily{
-         Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center \\
-         ISSN 1288-1619                               \\
-         Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL)
-      }
-   \end{minipage}
-   \hfill %% Don't insert void line between `minipage` envs
-   \begin{minipage}[c]{0.25\textwidth}
-      \href{}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{IPSL_master}}
-   \end{minipage}
+%   \begin{minipage}[c]{0.7\textwidth}
+%      \small
+%      \ttfamily{
+%         Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center \\
+%         ISSN 1288-1619                               \\
+%         Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL)
+%      }
+%   \end{minipage}
+%   \hfill %% Don't insert void line between `minipage` envs
+%   \begin{minipage}[c]{0.25\textwidth}
+%      \href{}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{IPSL_master}}
+%   \end{minipage}