%% ================================================================================================= %% Authors %% ================================================================================================= \vspace{-1\baselineskip} \hspace{-36pt} Authors of the version-5.0 release:\\ \orcid{0000-0002-6447-4198} Gurvan Madec \\ \orcid{0000-0003-1530-6371} Mike Bell \\ \orcid{0000-0001-5454-0131} Adam Blaker \\ \orcid{0000-0003-3677-414X} Cl\'{e}ment Bricaud \\ \orcid{0000-0001-5114-693X} Diego Bruciaferri \\ Daley Calvert \\ Davi Carneiro \\ J\'{e}r\^{o}me Chanut \\ \orcid{0000-0002-0456-129X} Andrew Coward \\ \orcid{0000-0001-9267-7390} Casimir de Lavergne \\ \orcid{0000-0002-6408-1335} Italo Epicoco \\ \orcid{0000-0003-1815-377X} Christian \'{E}th\'{e} \\ Emma Fiedler \\ \orcid{0000-0002-3484-7619} David Ford \\ Jonas Ganderton \\ \orcid{0000-0002-9377-7542} James Harle \\ \orcid{0000-0002-3472-8273} Katherine Hutchinson \\ \orcid{0000-0001-5132-7255} Doroteaciro Iovino \\ Robert King \\ Dan Lea \\ Eric Maisonnave \\ \orcid{0000-0001-5862-6469} Julian Mak \\ \hspace{-24pt} Juan Manuel Castillo Sanchez\\ Matt Martin \\ Diana Martins \\ \orcid{0000-0002-1694-8117} S\'{e}bastien Masson \\ \orcid{0000-0002-2001-0762} Pierre Mathiot \\ \orcid{0000-0002-3665-0078} Francesca Mele \\ \orcid{0000-0002-9489-0985} Aimie Moulin \\ Simon M\"{u}ller \\ \orcid{0000-0001-8653-9258} George Nurser \\ Mathieu Peltier \\ \orcid{0000-0001-7559-2993} Renaud Person \\ \orcid{0000-0002-9722-3969} Cl\'{e}ment Rousset \\ David Schroeder \\ \orcid{0000-0001-7481-6369} Guillaume Samson \\ Sibylle T\'{e}chen\'{e} \\ \hspace{-24pt}List of historic co-authors can be found on the next page. \\ \vspace{-1\baselineskip} %% Don't forget the last break for the right alignment