#!/bin/bash #set -x # Available manuals manuals='NEMO SI3 TOP' # Initialization of the options x_c='' ; x_p='' ; x_r='' # Choice of the options --- while getopts chpr: option; do case $option in ('h') cat <<EOF Usage: ------ ./manual_build.sh [-c] [-p] [-r version ] manual Mandatory Chose one model manual among ${manuals} or all (if not provided compile "NEMO") Optional -c Clean up previous builds of the manual(s) -p Produce manual with figures and disable draft watermark -r Specify the release version number of the manual(s) instead of the branch name EOF exit 0 ;; ('c') x_c=0 ;; ('p') x_p=0 ;; ('r') x_r=${OPTARG} ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )); CLEAN=${x_c} DRAFT=${x_p} VER_NUM=${x_r} CMP_NAM=$1 # Default case for Linux sed, just use "-i" sedi=(-i) case "$(uname)" in # For macOS, use two parameters Darwin*) sedi=(-i "") esac ## Initialisation ##--------------- # Model if [ "${CMP_NAM}" == 'all' ] ; then models="$manuals" elif [ "${CMP_NAM}" == '' ]; then models='NEMO' elif [[ "${manuals}" == *"${CMP_NAM}"* ]] ; then models="${CMP_NAM}" else echo "No entry for manual ${CMP_NAM}" exit fi # Version version=`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match || echo "orphan"` if [ "x${VER_NUM}" != 'x' ] ; then version=${VER_NUM} fi # Draft mode ifdraft=1 ; draft_opt="using draft mode" if [ "x${DRAFT}" != 'x' ] ; then ifdraft=0 ; draft_opt="" fi echo "Compiling ${models} manual(s) at version ${version} ${draft_opt} \n" # Set version version=`echo $version | sed -e 's;_;\\\\\\\_;g'` prefile="latex/global/preamble.tex" sed "${sedi[@]}" -e "s;\\\def\\\ver.*;\\\def\\\ver{$version};" ${prefile} # Set draft mode docfile="latex/global/document.tex" pkgfile="latex/global/packages.tex" draft_opt=`grep draft $docfile` pkg_dft=`grep draftwatermark $pkgfile | sed -e "s;%;;g"` if [ $ifdraft == 1 ] && [ "x$draft_opt" == "x" ] ; then sed "${sedi[@]}" -e "s;,abstract;,abstract,draft;" $docfile sed "${sedi[@]}" -e "s;.*draftwatermark.*;\\$pkg_dft;" $pkgfile elif [ $ifdraft == 0 ] && [ "x$draft_opt" != "x" ] ; then sed "${sedi[@]}" -e "s;abstract,draft;abstract;" $docfile sed "${sedi[@]}" -e "s;.*draftwatermark.*;%\\$pkg_dft;" $pkgfile fi # Echo current font path fontawesome=`grep defaultfontfeatures latex/global/packages.tex | sed -e 's/.*=\(.*\)}/\1/'` echo "Fontawesome path is $fontawesome \n" # Source shared functions . tools/shr_func.sh ## Check dependancies ##------------------- ## LaTeX installation, find latexmk should be enough [ -z "$( which latexmk )" ] && { echo 'latexmk not installed => QUIT'; exit 2; } ## Pygments package for syntax highlighting of source code (namelists & snippets) [ -n "$( ./tools/check_pkg.py pygments )" ] && { echo 'Python pygments is missing => QUIT'; exit 2; } ## Loop on the models ##------------------- for model in $models; do echo "Start compiling manual for $model" if [ "x${CLEAN}" != 'x' ] ; then clean $model ; fi build $model printf "\t¤ End of building run\n" echo done exit 0