#! /bin/sh # # usage for NEMO doc to create an update of the Namelists directory : # 1- delete the existing directory (You can also choose to save it somewhere) # rm -rf Namelists # 2- create the updated Namelists directory from the SHARED/namelist_ref : # ./namelist_split.sh -i ../NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_ref -o Namelists # # .. _namelist_split.sh: # # ================= # namelist_split.sh # ================= # # ---------------- # split a namelist # ---------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # .. code-block:: bash # # namelist_split.sh -i namelist -o dirout [-n] # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # Split a namelist file (NEMO convention syntax) given in parameter # into files in a given output directory. # # .. option:: -i <input file (namelist)> # .. option:: -o <output directory> # .. option:: -n <numbered output files> # # Each file of the output directory is named after the *block* it contains. # # We assume here that the input file is written with this pattern of block: # # .. parsed-literal:: # # !--------------- # &nameblock # !--------------- # var1 = val1 # ... # varn = valn # / # # If ``-n`` option is used, files in the directory output are named after # the number of the block it contains and the name of this block. This might # be useful to recombine blocks in the same order. # # EXAMPLES # ======== # # To split the namelist NEMO ORCA2_LIM experiment 00 if you are in NEMO # working space : # # .. code-block:: bash # # namelist_split.sh -i CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist -o /tmp/EXP00_namelist_split/ # # To split the namelist under data directory with numbered files: # # .. code-block:: bash # # namelist_split.sh -i ./data/namelist -o /tmp/EXP00_namelist_split/ -n # # Check can be made by concatenation of files in output directory if ``-n`` # option have been used and comparison with original file : # # .. code-block:: bash # # cat /tmp/EXP00_namelist_split/b???_* > /tmp/EXP00_namelist_rebuild # sdiff -w80 ./data/namelist /tmp/EXP00_namelist_rebuild # # Output contains lines which are before the first block, after the last # block and lines between blocks. # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id$ # # - fplod 2008-08-11T08:56:44Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # # * commentaires dans ce fichier en reStructuredText # cf. reStructuredText_ and Docutils_ # # .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html # .. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ # # - fplod 2008-07-22T12:41:04Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # # * creation with test on # http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/browser/trunk/CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist revision 1151 #- # system=$(uname) case "${system}" in AIX|IRIX64) echo " www : no specific posix checking" ;; *) #set -o posix ;; esac unset system # command=$(basename ${0}) log_date=$(date -u +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") # usage=" Usage : ${command} -i namelist -o dirout [-n]" # # default blocknum=0 # minargcount=4 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] then echo "eee : not enough arguments" echo "${usage}" exit 1 fi # while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] do case ${1} in -i) filein=${2} shift ;; -o) dirout=${2} shift ;; -h) echo "${usage}" exit 0 ;; -n) blocknum=1 ;; *) # anything else echo "eee : unknown option ${1}" echo "eee : ${usage}" exit 1 ;; esac # next flag shift done unset usage # set -u # # check for filein if [ ! -r ${filein} ] then echo "eee : ${filein} not accessible" exit 1 fi # # check for dirout # the idea is to prevent unwanted overwrite if [ -d ${dirout} ] then echo "eee : ${dirout} already exist" exit 1 else mkdir -p ${dirout} if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : cannot create ${dirout}" exit 1 fi fi # # loop on each line of ${filein} ie the namelist to be split fileout=/dev/null begin=0 if [ ${blocknum} -eq 1 ] then iblock=0 fi nbline=$(wc -l ${filein} | awk '{print $1}') il=1 while [ ${il} -le ${nbline} ] do line=$(sed -ne "${il},${il}p" ${filein}) # if current line start with "&", we can establish the name of output file echo ${line} | grep -q "^&" if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] then begin=1 # the form of this line is "&block !" block=${line#&} block=${block%% *} echo "iii : detection of the beginning of ${block}" if [ ${blocknum} -eq 1 ] then iblock=$(( ${iblock} + 1)) fileout=${dirout}/b$(echo ${iblock} | awk '{printf "%3.3d", $1}')_${block} else fileout="${dirout}/${block}" fi # check for ${fileout} if [ -f ${fileout} ] then echo "eee : ${fileout} already exists" exit 1 fi # write the previous line and the current line echo "${memoline}" > ${fileout} echo "${line}" >> ${fileout} fi # if current line contains "/" there will be no more lines to put in fileout echo ${line} | grep -q "^/$" if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] then echo "iii : detection of the end of ${block}" echo "${line}" >> ${fileout} fileout="/dev/null" fi # if current line is between "&" and "/", it should be written in fileout # if current line is before the first &, it won't be written if [ "${fileout}" != "/dev/null" ] then if [ ${begin} -eq 0 ] then echo "${line}" >> ${fileout} fi fi # keep memory of this current line to use it if the next one is the # beginning of a block memoline=${line} begin=0 # next line il=$(( ${il} + 1 )) done # echo "iii : ${filein} is split in ${dirout}" # # end exit 0