# docker packages image: registry.gitlab.com/islandoftex/images/texlive:TL2021-historic workflow: # avoid to trigger pipeline for each commit # pipeline should be triggered using https://forge.nemo-ocean.eu/nemo/doc/manuals/-/pipelines/new rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'web' - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule' - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE =~ /(?i).*\[ci\].*/ variables: MANUALS: description: "Manual(s) to be built" value: "all" options: - "all" - "NEMO" - "SI3" - "TOP" # input version for release (available only when pipeline is run manually) DRAFT_MODE: description: "Enable/disable latex draft mode (faster rendering without figures)" value: "yes" options: - "yes" - "no" DEBUG_MODE: description: "Print or not latex compilation details in log file for debugging" value: "no" options: - "yes" - "no" VERSION: value: "" description: "Set version release number for manuals" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive before_script: - if [[ ${DRAFT_MODE} == "no" ]]; then BUILD_OPT="-p"; fi - if [[ ${DEBUG_MODE} == "yes" ]]; then BASH_OPT="-x"; fi NEMO manual: tags: - docker stage: build rules: - if: ($MANUALS == "NEMO" || $MANUALS == "all") script: - bash ${BASH_OPT} manual_build.sh ${BUILD_OPT} -r ${VERSION:-CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} NEMO artifacts: when: always paths: - NEMO_manual.pdf - latex/NEMO/build/NEMO_manual.log expire_in: 15 mins SI3 manual: tags: - docker stage: build rules: - if: ($MANUALS == "SI3" || $MANUALS == "all") script: - bash ${BASH_OPT} manual_build.sh ${BUILD_OPT} -r ${VERSION:-CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} SI3 artifacts: when: always paths: - SI3_manual.pdf expire_in: 15 mins TOP manual: tags: - docker stage: build rules: - if: ($MANUALS == "TOP" || $MANUALS == "all") script: - bash ${BASH_OPT} manual_build.sh ${BUILD_OPT} -r ${VERSION:-CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} TOP artifacts: when: always paths: - TOP_manual.pdf expire_in: 15 mins # generic job (needs to be parallelized) .build_manual: tags: - docker stage: build script: - bash ${BASH_OPT} manual_build.sh ${BUILD_OPT} -r ${VERSION:-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} ${MANUALS} artifacts: when: always paths: - ./*_manual.pdf expire_in: 15 mins