!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namobs_dta ! observation and model comparison - external data (see: namobs) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cn_groupname = '' ! Name of obs group (output file will be cn_groupname//'fb_????.nc') ln_enabled = .true. ! Logical switch for group being processed not ignored ln_prof = .false. ! Logical switch for profile data ln_surf = .false. ! Logical switch for surface data cn_obsfiles = '' ! Observation file names cn_obstypes = '' ! Observation types to read from files ln_nea = .false. ! Logical switch for rejecting observations near land ln_bound_reject = .false. ! Logical switch for rejecting obs near the boundary ln_ignmis = .true. ! Logical switch for ignoring missing files nn_2dint = 0 ! Type of horizontal interpolation method ! Relevant if ln_prof = .true.: nn_1dint = 0 ! Type of vertical interpolation method nn_profdavtypes = -1 ! Profile data types representing a daily average ln_all_at_all = .false. ! Logical switch for computing all model variables at all obs points ! Relevant if ln_surf = .true.: ln_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres rn_avglamscl = 0. ! E/W diameter of observation footprint (metres/degrees) rn_avgphiscl = 0. ! N/S diameter of observation footprint (metres/degrees) ln_night = .false. ! Logical switch for calculating night-time average for obs ln_time_mean_bkg = .false. ! Logical switch for applying time mean of background (e.g. to remove tidal signal) rn_time_mean_period = 24.8333 ! Meaning period in hours if ln_time_mean_bkg (default is AMM tidal period) ln_obsbias = .false. ! Logical switch for bias correction cn_obsbiasfiles = '' ! Bias input file names cn_type_to_biascorrect = '' ! Observation type to bias correct cn_obsbiasfile_varname = '' ! Bias variable name in input file ! Relevant if 'SLA' in cn_obstypes: ln_altbias = .false. ! Logical switch for altimeter bias correction cn_altbiasfile = '' ! Altimeter bias input file name nn_msshc = 0 ! MSSH correction scheme rn_mdtcorr = 1.61 ! MDT correction rn_mdtcutoff = 65.0 ! MDT cutoff for computed correction ! Relevant if 'POTM', 'PSAL', 'SST', or 'SSS' in cn_obstypes: ln_output_clim = .false. ! Logical switch to output climatological temperature/salinity (if ln_tradmp) ! Relevant if 'FBD' in cn_obstypes: rn_radar_snow_penetr = 1.0 ! Snow depth penetration factor for radar ice freeboard conversion /