&nammpp        !   Massively Parallel Processing
   ln_listonly =  .false.  !  do nothing else than listing the best domain decompositions (with land domains suppression)
   !                       !  if T: the largest number of cores tested is defined by max(mppsize, jpni*jpnj)
   ln_nnogather =  .true.  !  activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold
   jpni        =   0       !  number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1), see also ln_listonly = T
   jpnj        =   0       !  number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1), see also ln_listonly = T
   nn_hls      =   1       !  halo width (applies to both rows and columns)
   nn_comm     =   1       !  comm choice