The way to deal with the empmr budget in closed seas is not always conservative. If the closed seas masks are ill-defined, then one can have an empmr budget that has been removed from the source area but does not end up in the target area. In sbc_csupdate (from sbcclo.F90) I propose to add:
IF( zsurftrg > 0. ) THEN ! target area /=0
!! 3. Subtract residuals from source points
!! 4. Add residuals to target points
Also, there is no reason to put the following variables as public:
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: rsurfsrcg, rsurftrgg !: closed sea source/target glo surface areas
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: rsurfsrcr, rsurftrgr !: closed sea source/target rnf surface areas
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: rsurfsrce, rsurftrge !: closed sea source/target emp surface areas
INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: mcsgrpg, mcsgrpr, mcsgrpe !: closed sea group for glo, rnf and emp