Minor corrections in namelist_top_cfg and in field_def_nemo_pisces.xml
In namelist_top_cfg from ORCA2_OFF_PISCES and ORCA2_ICE_PISCES ref configurations, there is an inconsistency between the comment and the value given at this line:
rn_trsfac(5) = 3.774194e-02 ! ( 1E-3 / 31. * 117 )
I suggest this:
rn_trsfac(5) = 3.774194e-03 ! ( 1E-3 / 31. * 117 )
In field_def_nemo_pisces.xml, the unit of pdust is wrong. It should be kg.m-3 instead of g.m-3 .
<field id="pdust" long_name="dust concentration" unit="kg/m3" />
Edited by Coralie Perruche