duplicate definition of sbcssm variables in field_def_nemo files
sbcssm variables are defined twice, in field_def_nemo-ice.xml
and in field_def_nemo-oce.xml
- I am not sure it is needed or not (for example when running SAS?)
- However there is a clear issue with the grid_ref definition:
- in
, we have
<field id="sst_m" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="sss_m" unit="psu" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="ssu_m" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="ssv_m" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="ssh_m" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="e3t_m" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
<field id="frq_m" unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" />
- whereas in
, we have
<field_group id="SBC_2D" grid_ref="grid_T_2D_inner" >
<!-- sbcssm variables -->
<field id="sst_m" unit="degC" />
<field id="sss_m" unit="psu" />
<field id="ssu_m" unit="m/s" />
<field id="ssv_m" unit="m/s" />
<field id="ssh_m" unit="m" />
<field id="e3t_m" unit="m" />
<field id="frq_m" unit="-" />
in sbc_oce.F90
, we have
ALLOCATE( fr_i(jpi,jpj) , &
& ssu_m (jpi,jpj) , sst_m(jpi,jpj) , frq_m(jpi,jpj) , &
& ssv_m (jpi,jpj) , sss_m(jpi,jpj) , ssh_m(jpi,jpj) , e3t_m(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(4) )
Which suggests that we should get rid of the field_def_nemo-ice.xml