Minor PISCES Improvements
- pzmicro / pzmeso : changed to simplify the calculation of size and size-related preferences. In p*zmeso, addition of the size to harmonize between micro and meso.
- p*zlim : size ranges revised and for P5Z, the N/P quota calculation slightly revised for picophyto to make the transition between cyano and picoeukaryotes (size-dependent).
- p*zprod : daylength effect revised so that 0 not when there is no more daylight but for a photoperiod of 1h for diatoms and 2h for nano/picoplankton. p5zprod revised to correct instability concerns, plus a bug on nutrient uptake when the photoperiod becomes very short.
- p*zmort : modified to have a background mortality in case of complete dark and to solve problems at high latitudes and in the mesopelic zone (background of 0.01/d).
- p4zdiaz : addition of a small source of PO4 when it becomes and extended to the quota model while reducing it in both cases. Necessary because otherwise, due to the hyper strong ndepo the Atlantic becomes too low in PO4.
- p5zint : reduction of the silica 1/2 saturation constant when there's a lot of Si.
- p4zrem : 1) production of particules to mirror what done on iron. 2) correction of a historical problem with bacteria profiles on the decrease in bacterial production with depth.