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Coriolis force computed twice without momentum advection (ln_dynadv_OFF = T) and mixed enstrophy/energy conserving scheme (ln_dynvor_mix = T)

Jérôme Chanut requested to merge cherry-pick-fd0edfc6 into branch_5.0

Merge branch '538-coriolis-force-computed-twice-without-momentum-advection-ln_dynadv_off-t-and-mixed-enstrophy' into 'main'

Resolve "Coriolis force computed twice without momentum advection (ln_dynadv_OFF = T) and mixed enstrophy/energy conserving scheme (ln_dynvor_mix = T)"

Closes #538 (closed)

See merge request !693 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit fd0edfc6)

0ce497e5 No call to vor_ens if ln_dynvor_mix=T and no adv

Merge request reports