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......@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ CONTAINS
CALL logtab2Dto1D(mask,grid1_mask)
! Write(*,*) ,'grid1_mask = ',grid1_mask
! degrees to radian
......@@ -529,6 +528,7 @@ CONTAINS
! bilinear weights for four corners
REAL*8, DIMENSION(4) :: wgts
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: wmax !!clem nearest
REAL*8 :: &
plat, plon, & ! lat/lon coords of destination point
......@@ -653,6 +653,11 @@ CONTAINS
wgts(3) = iguess*jguess
wgts(4) = (one-iguess)*jguess
!!clem nearest
!wmax=MAX( 1, MAXLOC( wgts(1:4), MASK = (grid1_mask(src_add(1:4)) == .TRUE.) ) )
CALL store_link_bilin(dst_add, src_add, wgts, nmap)
......@@ -669,7 +674,7 @@ CONTAINS
!*** search for bilinear failed - use a distance-weighted
!*** average instead (this is typically near the pole)
ELSE IF (src_add(1) < 0) THEN
ELSE IF (src_add(1) <= 0) THEN
src_add = ABS(src_add)
icount = 0
......@@ -693,6 +698,11 @@ CONTAINS
wgts(3) = src_lats(3)/sum_wgts
wgts(4) = src_lats(4)/sum_wgts
!!clem nearest
!wmax=MAX( 1, MAXLOC( wgts(1:4), MASK = (grid1_mask(src_add(1:4)) == .TRUE.) ) )
grid2_frac(dst_add) = one
CALL store_link_bilin(dst_add, src_add, wgts, nmap)
......@@ -1603,4 +1603,53 @@ CONTAINS
END FUNCTION Dims_Existence
LOGICAL FUNCTION Vars_Existence( varname , filename )
CHARACTER(*),INTENT(in) :: varname,filename
INTEGER :: status,ncid,varid
status = nf90_open(TRIM(filename),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)
IF (status/=nf90_noerr) THEN
WRITE(*,*)"unable to open netcdf file : ",TRIM(filename)
status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid,TRIM(varname),varid)
IF (status/=nf90_noerr) THEN
Vars_Existence = .FALSE.
Vars_Existence = .TRUE.
END FUNCTION Vars_Existence
LOGICAL FUNCTION DimUnlimited_Var( varname , filename )
CHARACTER(*),INTENT(in) :: varname,filename
INTEGER :: ji, ncid, varid, status, numDims, unlimDimID
INTEGER, DIMENSION(nf90_max_var_dims) :: VarDimIds
status = nf90_open(TRIM(filename),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)
IF (status/=nf90_noerr) THEN
WRITE(*,*)"unable to open netcdf file : ",TRIM(filename)
status = nf90_inquire(ncid, unlimiteddimid = unlimdimid)
status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid,TRIM(varname),varid)
status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid , ndims = numdims)
status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid , dimids = vardimids(:numdims))
DimUnlimited_Var = .FALSE.
DO ji = 1, numdims
IF( vardimids(ji) == unlimdimid ) DimUnlimited_Var = .TRUE.
END FUNCTION DimUnlimited_Var
END MODULE io_netcdf
.. todo::
The 'Tools' chapter needs to be enriched
.. contents::
:depth: 1
A set of tools is provided with NEMO to setup user own configuration and (pre|post)process data.
How to compile a tool
The tool can be compiled using the maketools script in the tools directory as follows:
.. code-block:: console
$ ./maketools -m 'my_arch' -n '<TOOL_NAME>'
where ``my_arch`` can be selected among available architecture files or providing a user defined one.
List of tools
It contains the utility *bdy_reorder* used to reorder old BDY data files used with
previous versions of the model (before 3.4) to make them compatible with NEMO 3.4.
Used to create a netcdf file called :file:`` containing
restoration coefficients for use with the :file:`tra_dmp` module in NEMO
(see :download:`DMP_TOOLS README <../../../tools/DMP_TOOLS/README>`).
A toolbox allowing the creation of regional configurations from curvilinear grid
(see :download:`DOMAINcfg README <../../../tools/DOMAINcfg/README.rst>`).
This tool allows the creation of a domain configuration file (````) containing
the ocean domain information required to define an ocean configuration from scratch.
(see :download:`GRIDGEN documentation <../../../tools/GRIDGEN/doc_cfg_tools.pdf>`).
The tool allows to create alternative configurations to the community without
having to rely on system team sponsorship and support.
This tool provides the user with information to choose the best domain decomposition.
The tool computes the number of water processors for all possible decompositions,
up to a maximum number of processors
(see :download:`MPP_PREP documentation <../../../tools/MPP_PREP/mpp_nc.pdf>` and
:download:`MPP_PREP archive <../../../tools/MPP_PREP/mpp_prep-1.0.tar.gz>`).
AGRIF nesting tool allows for the seamless two-way coupling of nested sub-models within
the NEMO framework as long as these are defined on subsets of the original root grid.
It allows to create the grid coordinates, the surface forcing and the initial conditions required by
each sub-model when running a NEMO/AGRIF embedded mode
(see :download:`NESTING README <../../../tools/NESTING/README>`).
A series of Fortran utilities which are helpful in handling observation files and
the feedback file output from the NEMO observation operator.
Further info are available in the :doc:`Nemo manual <cite>`.
REBUILD_NEMO is a tool to rebuild NEMO output files from multiple processors
(mesh_mask, restart or XIOS output files) into one file
(see :download:`REBUILD_NEMO README <../../../tools/REBUILD_NEMO/README.rst>`).
It contains the old version of REBUILD_NEMO tool based on the IOIPSL code.
Offline tool to generate a vertical coordinates input file for use with S coordinates.
This has been carried out by copying the model code to an offline tool and then
modifying it to suppress the use of 3D arrays (to reduce memory usage).
The tool has been created in preparation for the removal of the vertical grid definition from
the code.
The output file should contain all variables that are necessary to restart the model.
When the Transport across sections diagnostic is activated (``key_diadct``),
this tool is used to build the binary file containing the pathways between
the extremities of each section.
Further info are available in the :doc:`Nemo manual <cite>`.
SIREN is a configuration management tool to set up regional configurations with NEMO
(see :download:`SIREN README <../../../tools/SIREN/README>`).
This directory contains software for generating and manipulating interpolation weights for use with
the Interpolation On the Fly (IOF) option in NEMO v3 onwards
(see :download:`WEIGHTS README <../../../tools/WEIGHTS/README>`).
This directory contains a simplified model that send/receive atmospheric fields to/from NEMO, for use in the CPL_OASIS sed to test case of the NEMO-OASIS coupling interface.
This toy requires OASIS3-MCT to be installed and properly defined in the arch file.
(see :download:`CPL_OASIS README <../../../tests/CPL_OASIS/>`).
3 steps to generate atmospheric forcings from ECMWF products for ABL1d model with NEMO:
- main_uvg_hpg (optional): geostrophic wind or horizontal pressure gradient computation on ECMWF eta-levels (to force ABL dynamics)
- main_vinterp: vertical interpolation from ECWMF vertical eta-levels to ABL Z-levels
- main_hdrown: 3D-fields horizontal drowning (extrapolation over land totally inspired from SOSIE by L. Brodeau)
(more details available in Lemarie et al. 2020 GMD)