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Commits on Source (121)
with 1653 additions and 151 deletions
.. contents::
.. _`Former web platform forge`:
.. _`NEMO users' guide`:
.. _`Migration Guide`:
.. _`Change list`:
.. _`Test case repository`:
.. _`How to cite`:
.. _`NEMO forums`:
.. _`NEMO newsletter`:
.. _`NEMO publications`:
.. _`NEMO projects`:
.. _`Special Issue`:
.. _`NEMO System Team wiki`:
.. _`NEMO ocean engine`:
.. _`NEMO Tracers engine` :
.. _`NEMO Sea Ice engine`:
**Welcome to NEMO home page!**
NEMO (*Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean*) is a state-of-the-art modelling
*Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean* (NEMO) is a state-of-the-art modelling
framework for research activities and forecasting services in ocean and climate sciences,
developed in a sustainable way by the NEMO European consortium since 2008.
This page intends to help you to get started using the NEMO platform and to introduce you
to the different levels of information available. It starts here with NEMO release 4.2.0.
Reminder: Our `Former web platform forge`_ (SVN+Trac) contains the previous documentation
and releases made available from the beginning of the project up to of NEMO 4.0.
Getting started
Getting your hands on NEMO: the first steps are described in detail in the
`NEMO users' guide`_ . This explains how to download the code, build the environment,
create the executable, and perform a first integration.
If you are already using a previous release of NEMO, please refer to the
`Migration Guide`_ which aims to help you to make the move to 4.2.0.
The above users guides cover in detail what is available from gitlab and supported by NEMO
System Team. Aside from this web platform, a set of test cases is also available from the
`Test case repository`_ . These test cases can be useful for students, outreach, and
exploring specific aspects of NEMO with light configurations. The web page also allows you
to submit test cases you have developed and want to share with the community. Feel free to
Project documentation
Reference manuals fully describing NEMO for the three main component
* |OCE| models the ocean {thermo}dynamics and solves the primitive equations (`./src/OCE <./src/OCE>`_)
* |ICE| simulates sea-ice {thermo}dynamics, brine inclusions and subgrid-scale thickness
variations (`./src/ICE <./src/ICE>`_)
* |MBG| models the {on,off}line oceanic tracers transport
(`./src/TOP <./src/TOP>`_) and PISCES biogeochemical processes
are available from Zenodo:
============ ======================== =====
Component Reference Manual DOI
============ ======================== =====
|NEMO-OCE| `NEMO ocean engine`_ .. image::
|NEMO-ICE| `NEMO Sea Ice engine`_ .. image::
|NEMO-MBG| `NEMO Tracers engine`_ .. image::
============ ======================== =====
These reference manuals are the publications that should be cited in your own
publications. Please visit `How to cite`_? for details.
New features of 4.2.0 release are described in the `Change list`_ section of the `NEMO users' guide`_
Asking questions, and exchanging information
- Register once for all and use the `NEMO forums`_ on discourse to share and discuss with the NEMO community.
- Register once for all and receive by mail the `NEMO newsletter`_ : recommended for all
users to receive the major announcements from the project (new releases, open meetings and
main informations). Low traffic: about ten messages a year.
Contributing to NEMO visibility: projects and publications
Please help us justifying the NEMO development efforts by
- Adding your publications using NEMO and its outputs to the `NEMO publications`_ page
- Describing your project using NEMO on the `NEMO projects`_ page
NEMO also has a `Special Issue`_ in the open-access journal
Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) from the European Geosciences Union
The main scope is to collect relevant manuscripts covering various topics and
to provide a single portal to assess the model potential and evolution.
Contributing to NEMO development
For all information please refer to the `NEMO wiki <>`_
NEMO strives to be written in a way which allows the easy incorporation of developments.
You are welcome to contribute to the development of the NEMO Shared reference. NEMO
development is driven by NEMO Consortium planning and producing NEMO's sustainable
development in order to keep a reliable evolving framework. Development is organised and
scheduled through a five years development strategy, Working groups and the activities of
the development team (named NEMO System Team) in a yearly workplan. More information is
available on the `NEMO System Team wiki`_
How to cite
To acknowledge the sustainable development efforts of the NEMO Consortium, please quote `these references <>`_ in your publications and presentations using NEMO.
module purge
module load intel-2021.6.0/cmake/3.25.1-7wfsx
module load oneapi-2022.1.0/compiler-rt/2022.1.0
module load intel-2021.6.0/2021.6.0
module load impi-2021.6.0/2021.6.0
module load intel-2021.6.0/impi-2021.6.0/hdf5-threadsafe/1.13.3-zbgha
module load intel-2021.6.0/impi-2021.6.0/netcdf-c-threadsafe/4.9.0-wpe4t
module load intel-2021.6.0/impi-2021.6.0/netcdf-fortran-threadsafe/4.6.0-75oow
module load intel-2021.6.0/impi-2021.6.0/parallel-netcdf/1.12.3-eshb5
module load intel-2021.6.0/perl/5.36.0-jj4hw
module load intel-2021.6.0/perl-uri/1.72-6at2i
module load intel-2021.6.0/impi-2021.6.0/xios/2.5-36kwn
# set linker path to 64-bit libraries
# mpi ifort compiler options for ZEUS cluster + XIOS
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# CPP Pre-processor
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make (usually GNU make)
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# Environment variables are set automatically when loading modules on JUNO cluster (see arch-X64_JUNO.env)
%NCDF_INC -I${NETCDF_FORTRAN}/include -I${NETCDF_C}/include -I${PARALLEL_NETCDF}/include
%NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF_FORTRAN}/lib -lnetcdff -L${NETCDF_C}/lib -lnetcdf -L${PARALLEL_NETCDF}/lib -lpnetcdf
%HDF5_INC -I${HDF5}/include
%HDF5_LIB -L${HDF5}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS}/lib -lxios
%FC mpiifort
%FCFLAGS -r8 -O3 -fp-model source -traceback -qmkl=cluster -march=icelake-client -mtune=icelake-client -qopt-zmm-usage=low -no-fma
%CC mpiicc
%LD mpiifort
%LDFLAGS -lstdc++ -lgpfs
%AR ar
%CPP icc
%FPPFLAGS -E -P -traditional
%MK gmake
\ No newline at end of file
# mpi ifort compiler options for ZEUS cluster + XIOS
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# CPP Pre-processor
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make (usually GNU make)
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# Environment variables are set automatically when loading modules on JUNO cluster (see arch-X64_JUNO.env)
%NCDF_INC -I${NETCDF_FORTRAN}/include -I${NETCDF_C}/include -I${PARALLEL_NETCDF}/include
%NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF_FORTRAN}/lib -lnetcdff -L${NETCDF_C}/lib -lnetcdf -L${PARALLEL_NETCDF}/lib -lpnetcdf
%HDF5_INC -I${HDF5}/include
%HDF5_LIB -L${HDF5}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS}/lib -lxios
%FC mpiifort
%FCFLAGS -r8 -g -O0 -check all -fp-model source -traceback -qmkl=cluster -march=icelake-client -mtune=icelake-client -qopt-zmm-usage=low -no-fma
%CC mpiicc
%LD mpiifort
%LDFLAGS -lstdc++ -lgpfs
%AR ar
%CPP icc
%FPPFLAGS -E -P -traditional
%MK gmake
......@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@
%CC cc
%CC icc
......@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@
%CC cc
%CC icc
# compiler options for AA (using GCC compiler)
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# OASIS_INC oasis include file (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# OASIS_LIB oasis library (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
# variables by the load of modules
%NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF4_DIR}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L${HDF5_DIR}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lm
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
%OASIS_INC -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/mct -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
%OASIS_LIB -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
%CPP cpp -Dkey_nosignedzero
%FC mpif90 -c -cpp
# O3 breaks reproduci/restartabi-lity with gcc/12.2.0
%FCFLAGS -fdefault-real-8 -O2 -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fallow-argument-mismatch -Wno-missing-include-dirs
%LD mpif90
%LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath,${HDF5_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${NETCDF4_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${XIOS_DIR}/lib
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%AR ar
%MK make
%CC gcc
%CFLAGS -O0 -fcommon
# compiler options for AA (using GCC compiler)
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# OASIS_INC oasis include file (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# OASIS_LIB oasis library (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
# variables by the load of modules
%NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF4_DIR}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L${HDF5_DIR}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lm
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
%OASIS_INC -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/mct -I${OASIS_DIR}/build/lib/psmile.MPI1
%OASIS_LIB -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
%CPP cpp -Dkey_nosignedzero
%FC mpif90 -c -cpp
%FCFLAGS -fdefault-real-8 -Og -g -fbacktrace -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fcheck=all,no-array-temps -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -ffpe-summary=invalid,zero,overflow -fallow-argument-mismatch -Wno-missing-include-dirs
%LD mpif90
%LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath,${HDF5_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${NETCDF4_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${XIOS_DIR}/lib
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%AR ar
%MK make
%CC gcc
%CFLAGS -O0 -fcommon
# compiler options for AA (using INTEL compiler & OpenMPI)
# module purge
# module use /home/ar0s/modules
# module load prgenv/intel intel/2021.4.0 openmpi/ hdf5-parallel/1.10.6 netcdf4-parallel/4.7.4 xios/trunk/rev2320-nmpi
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# OASIS_INC oasis include file (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# OASIS_LIB oasis library (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
# variables by the load of modules
%NCDF_LIB ${NETCDF4_LIB} -L${HDF5_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath,${HDF5_DIR}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
%OASIS_LIB -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
%CPP cpp
%FC mpifort -c -cpp
%FCFLAGS -march=core-avx2 -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -fno-alias -align array64byte
%LD mpifort
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%AR ar
%MK gmake
%CC mpicc
# compiler options for AA (using INTEL compiler & OpenMPI)
# module purge
# module use /home/ar0s/modules
# module load prgenv/intel intel/2021.4.0 openmpi/ hdf5-parallel/1.10.6 netcdf4-parallel/4.7.4 xios/trunk/rev2320-nmpi
# NCDF_INC netcdf4 include file
# NCDF_LIB netcdf4 library
# XIOS_INC xios include file (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# XIOS_LIB xios library (taken into accound only if key_xios is activated)
# OASIS_INC oasis include file (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# OASIS_LIB oasis library (taken into accound only if key_oasis3 is activated)
# FC Fortran compiler command
# FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
# FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags
# LD linker
# LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries
# FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags
# AR assembler
# ARFLAGS assembler flags
# MK make
# USER_INC complete list of include files
# USER_LIB complete list of libraries to pass to the linker
# CC C compiler used to compile conv for AGRIF
# CFLAGS compiler flags used with CC
# Note that:
# - unix variables "$..." are accpeted and will be evaluated before calling fcm.
# - fcm variables are starting with a % (and not a $)
# All NETCDF and HDF paths are empty as they are automatically defined through environment
# variables by the load of modules
%NCDF_LIB ${NETCDF4_LIB} -L${HDF5_DIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath,${HDF5_DIR}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz
%XIOS_LIB -L${XIOS_LIB} -lxios -lstdc++
%OASIS_LIB -L${OASIS_DIR}/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip
%CPP cpp
%FC mpifort -c -cpp
%FCFLAGS -march=core-avx2 -i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge
%LD mpifort
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%AR ar
%MK gmake
%CC mpicc
set -u
#- Choice of the options ---
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case $( echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ) in
-h|--help) cat <<'EOF'
./ should automatically find all necessary information by itself...
However the following environment variables or their corresponding optional arguments can be used
to force the default and automatic definition of the variables used by
Environment variables that can be defined
NETCDF_C_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-C library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_C_PREFIX/include)
- set it to "no" if you don't want to use NetCDF library
- if not defined : we use "nc-config --prefix"
Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_C_prefix
NETCDF_F_prefix : prefix of the NetCDF-Fortran library ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib) and include ($NCDF_F_PREFIX/include)
- if not defined : we use "nf-config --prefix"
- if nf-config not found : we use "nc-config --flibs" to find it
- not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no"
Can also be specified with the optional argument --NETCDF_F_prefix
HDF5_prefix : prefix of the HFD5 library ($HDF5_PREFIX/lib)
- if not defined : we use "nc-config --cflags" and "h5pcc -showconfig" to find it
- not used if NETCDF_C_prefix="no"
Can also be specified with the optional argument --HDF5_prefix
XIOS_prefix : prefix of the XIOS library ($XIOS_PREFIX/lib) and include ($XIOS_PREFIX/inc)
Can also be specified with the optional argument --XIOS_prefix
OASIS_prefix : prefix of the OASIS library ($OASIS_PREFIX/lib) and
include ($OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct and $OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1)
Can also be specified with the optional argument --OASIS_prefix
LIBMpath : path of the m library (standard C library of basic mathematical functions)
Can also be specified with the optional argument --LIBMpath
CURLpath : path of the curl library
Can also be specified with the optional argument --CURLpath
ZLIBpath : path of the z library
Can also be specified with the optional argument --ZLIBpath
FCnemo : fortran compiler
Can also be specified with the optional argument --FCnemo
CCnemo : C compiler (used only for AGRIF conv)
Can also be specified with the optional argument --CCnemo
CPPnemo : cpp compiler
Can also be specified with the optional argument --CPPnemo
MKnemo : make
Can also be specified with the optional argument --MKnemo
ARnemo : archiver
Can also be specified with the optional argument --ARnemo
exit 0 ;;
--netcdf_c_prefix) NETCDF_C_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
--netcdf_f_prefix) NETCDF_F_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
--hdf5_prefix) HDF5_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
--xios_prefix) XIOS_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
--oasis_prefix) OASIS_prefix=${2} ; shift ;;
--libmpath) LIBMpath=${2} ; shift ;;
--curlpath) CURLpath=${2} ; shift ;;
--zlibpath) ZLIBpath=${2} ; shift ;;
--fcnemo) FCnemo=${2} ; shift ;;
--ccnemo) CCnemo=${2} ; shift ;;
--cppnemo) CPPnemo=${2} ; shift ;;
--mknemo) MKnemo=${2} ; shift ;;
--arnemo) ARnemo=${2} ; shift ;;
*) echo -e "\033[0;31m\nERROR: \"$1\" BAD OPTION\033[0m\n"
exit 2 ;;
echo_red () {
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;31m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
echo_green () {
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
echo_orange () {
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -e "\033[0;33m$1\033[0m" ; shift ; done
# check the exit status of which
err_which () { which ${1} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? ; }
# call err_which and print and error message
chk_which () {
if [ $( err_which ${!1} ) -ne 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: ${2^} ${!1} not found." \
" please define your ${2,} path with 'export $1=...'"
exit 1
# find fortran wrapper
find_fortran_wrapper () {
if [ $( err_which mpiifort ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpiifort
elif [ $( err_which mpif90 ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=mpif90
elif [ $( err_which ftn ) -eq 0 ] ; then FCnemo=ftn
echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"mpiifort\" nor \"mpif90\" nor \"ftn\"." \
" please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'"
exit 1
# find the fortran compiler associated with the fortran wrapper $FCnemo
find_fortran_compiler () {
if [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci "\(gcc\|gnu\)" ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="gnu"
elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci "ifort" ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="intel"
elif [ $( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ci "Cray Fortran" ) -eq 1 ] ; then ftncomp="cray"
echo_red "ERROR: the fortran wrapper $FCnemo does not correspond to the gnu, the intel or the cray compiler" \
" please use one of these compilers or add your compiler in $0"
exit 1
# NetCDF
if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ]
echo_orange "WARNING: You chose to compile without any NetCDF Library" \
" 1) You must use --nonetcdf when calling makenemo" \
" 2) You won't be able to read/write any input/output file when running nemo" \
" -> You can run only the BENCH test" \
" 3) You can neither use XIOS nor OASIS" \
# find NETCDF_C_prefix and NC_CONFIG
if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "notdef" ] # use nc-config to define NETCDF_C_prefix
if [ $( err_which nc-config ) -ne 0 ] # nc-config not found in $PATH
echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found." \
" please define either your path to the NetCDF-C library with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=...'" \
" or specify you don't want to use NetCDF with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=no'" \
exit 2
NETCDF_C_prefix=$( $NC_CONFIG --prefix )
else # use NETCDF_C_prefix to define NC_CONFIG
NC_CONFIG=$NETCDF_C_prefix/bin/nc-config # assume that nc-config is in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin
nbok=$( ls $NC_CONFIG 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) # check if we have nc-config
if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: nc-config not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/bin" ; exit 2
# find NETCDF_F_prefix and NF_CONFIG
if [ "$NETCDF_F_prefix" == "notdef" ] # use nf-config to define NETCDF_F_prefix
if [ $( err_which nf-config ) -ne 0 ] # nf-config not found in $PATH
NF_CONFIG=${NC_CONFIG/nc-config/nf-config} # try to find nf-config at the same place than nc-config
if [ $( err_which $NF_CONFIG ) -ne 0 ] # nf-config not located at the same place than nc-config
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --all | grep -c "has-fortran" )" -gt 0 ] # we can use nc-config instead of nf-config?
# do we have NetCDF-Fortran?
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-fortran )" != "yes" ]
echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran " ; exit 2
NF_CONFIG=$NC_CONFIG # use nc-config instead of nf-config
# define NETCDF_F_prefix with nc-config
NETCDF_F_prefix=$( $NF_CONFIG --flibs | sed -e "s/.*\(-L\|-rpath,\)\([^ ]*\)\/lib *-lnetcdff.*/\2/" )
[ -z $NETCDF_F_prefix ] && NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix # empty -> we try NETCDF_C_prefix
echo_red "ERROR: nf-config not found." \
" please define either your path to the NetCDF-Fortran library with 'export NETCDF_F_prefix=...'" \
" or specify you don't want to use NetCDF with 'export NETCDF_C_prefix=no'" \
exit 2
NETCDF_F_prefix=$( $NF_CONFIG --prefix ) # use nf-config to define NETCDF_F_prefix
NETCDF_F_prefix=$( $NF_CONFIG --prefix ) # use nf-config to define NETCDF_F_prefix
NF_CONFIG=$NETCDF_F_prefix/bin/nf-config # assume that nf-config is in $NETCDF_F_prefix/bin
nbok=$( ls $NF_CONFIG 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) # check if we have nf-config
if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: nf-config not found in $NETCDF_F_prefix/bin" ; exit 2
# do we have the proper path to the netcdf library?
nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libnetcdf* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: netcdf library not found in $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
echo_green "NETCDF_C_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix"
# do we have NetCDF-F90 interface?
if [ "$( $NF_CONFIG --has-f03 )" != "yes" ]
if [ "$( $NF_CONFIG --has-f90 )" != "yes" ]
echo_red "ERROR: no netcdf-fortran F90 interface" ; exit 2
# do we have the proper path to the netcdff library?
nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib/libnetcdff* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: netcdff library not found in $NETCDF_F_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
echo_green "NETCDF_F_prefix=$NETCDF_F_prefix"
# do we have nc4?
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-nc4 )" != "yes" ]
echo_red "ERROR: no nc4 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2
# do we have hdf5?
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-hdf5 )" != "yes" ]
echo_red "ERROR: no hdf5 interface in your netcdf library" ; exit 2
if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ]
# look for libhdf5 in the paths found in nc-config --cflags
for dd in $( $NC_CONFIG --cflags | sed -e "s/-I//g" )
nbok=$( ls $dd/../lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
[ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$( dirname $dd )
if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # not found any libhdf5 file... try "h5pcc -showconfig"
if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ] # do we have h5pcc?
HDF5_prefix=$( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Installation point" | sed -e "s/.*: //" )
[ -z $HDF5_prefix ] && HDF5_prefix=notdef # empty -> back to "notdef"
if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # still not found any libhdf5 file... try $NETCDF_C_prefix
nbok=$( ls $NETCDF_C_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
[ $nbok -gt 0 ] && HDF5_prefix=$NETCDF_C_prefix
if [ "$HDF5_prefix" == "notdef" ] # still not found any libhdf5 file...
echo_red "ERROR: HDF5_prefix not found." \
" please define it with 'export HDF5_prefix=...'" ; exit 2
# do we have the proper path to the hdf5 library?
nbok=$( ls $HDF5_prefix/lib/libhdf5* 2>/dev/null | wc -l )
if [ $nbok -eq 0 ]
echo_red "ERROR: hdf5 library not found in $HDF5_prefix/lib" ; exit 2
echo_green "HDF5_prefix=$HDF5_prefix"
# do we have netcdf parallel?
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --has-parallel )" != "yes" ]
echo_orange "WARNING: your netcdf library cannot write in parallel" \
" you can use only 'the one_file' mode in XOS"
if [ $( err_which h5pcc ) -eq 0 ]
if [ $( h5pcc -showconfig | grep "Parallel HDF5" | grep -c yes ) -ne 1 ]
echo_orange "WARNING: your hdf5 library was configured without --enable-parallel" \
" you cannot use only the 'one_file' mode in XOS"
# curl
if [ "$( $NC_CONFIG --dap )" == "yes" ]
if [ "$CURLpath" == "notdef" ]
if [ $( err_which curl ) -eq 0 ]
CURLpath="-L$( dirname $( ls -1 $( dirname $( dirname $( which curl ) ) )/*/libcurl* | head -n 1 ) )"
echo_green "CURLpath=$CURLpath"
CURLlib="${CURLpath:-""} -lcurl"
# Zlib: compression library
Zlib="${ZLIBpath:-""} -lz"
# libM: standard C library of basic mathematical functions
libM="${LIBMpath:-""} -lm"
#NCDF_LIB="-L%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdff -L%NCDF_C_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdf -Wl,-rpath=%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -L%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 $CURLlib $Zlib $libM -Wl,-rpath=%HDF5_PREFIX/lib"
NCDF_LIB="-L%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdff -L%NCDF_C_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdf -L%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 $CURLlib $Zlib $libM"
# fortran Compileur
nompi=0 # default
if [ "$FCnemo" == "notdef" ]
if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" == "no" ]
FCnemo=$( $NC_CONFIG --fc ) # use nc-config to find the fortran compiler
[ -z $FCnemo ] && find_fortran_wrapper # if $FCnemo is empty try to find it...
chk_which FCnemo "fortran compiler"
# does the fortran compiler start with the 3 letters mpi or ftn
ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' )
if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ]
echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler provided by $( basename $NF_CONFIG ), \"$FCnemo\", is not starting with \"mpi\" or \"ftn\"." \
" we look for mpiifort, mpif90 or ftn..."
if [ "$ftncomp" != "$ftncomp_org" ]
echo_red "ERROR: \"$FCnemo\" and \"$FCnemo_org\" are refering to different compilers: \"$ftncomp\" and \"$ftncomp_org\"" \
" please define your fortran compiler path with 'export FCnemo=...'"
exit 1
ismpi=$( basename $FCnemo | cut -c 1-3 | grep -Ec 'mpi|ftn' ) # the fortran compiler does not start with mpi or ftn...
if [ $ismpi -eq 0 ]
echo_orange "WARNING: the fortran compiler you provided does not start with mpi or ftn." \
" you must compile nemo with key_mpi_off and you cannot run nemo in parallel"
echo_green "FCnemo=$FCnemo"
# C Compileur (not critical, needed only for the conv of AGRIF)
# first guess
case "$ftncomp" in
intel) guess=${CCnemo:-icc} ;;
gnu) guess=${CCnemo:-gcc} ;;
cray) guess=${CCnemo:-cc} ;;
*) guess=${CCnemo:-""} ;;
listcc="$guess gcc cc icc" # try $guess and other usuals C compilers...
for ii in $listcc
[ $( err_which $ii ) -eq 0 ] && [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ] && CCnemo=$ii
if [ "$CCnemo" == "notfound" ]
echo_red "ERROR: we found neither \"gcc\" nor \"icc\" nor \"cc\"." \
" please define your C compiler with 'export CCnemo=...'"
exit 1
chk_which CPPnemo "pre-compiler"
echo_green "CPPnemo=$CPPnemo"
[ "$ftncomp" == "gnu" ] || [ "$ftncomp" == "cray" ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_nosignedzero"
[ $nompi -eq 1 ] && CPPnemo="$CPPnemo -Dkey_mpi_off"
case "$ftncomp" in
PROD_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -xHost -fno-alias"
DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge"
echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \
" If it is not the case, replace -xHost by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS"
PROD_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -O3 -march=native -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none"
DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-fdefault-real-8 -Og -g -fbacktrace -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fcheck=all -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -ffpe-summary=invalid,zero,overflow"
rev=$( $FCnemo --version | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/.* \([0-9]*\).*/\1/" )
# if gfortran version >= 10 : add -fallow-argument-mismatch
if [ $rev -ge 10 ]
PROD_FCFLAGS="$PROD_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch"
DEBUG_FCFLAGS="$DEBUG_FCFLAGS -fallow-argument-mismatch"
echo_orange "WARNING: We assume you will execute NEMO on the same machine you compiled it. " \
" If it is not the case, replace -march=native by the appropiate option in PROD_FCFLAGS"
PROD_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -O2 -hflex_mp=intolerant"
DEBUG_FCFLAGS="-s real64 -s integer32 -Ovector0 -hfp0 -O0 -hflex_mp=intolerant -e mCI -G0 -m2 -rl -Rcdsp -N1023"
echo_red "ERROR: compilation options for $ftncomp are not defined..."
exit 1
case "${ftncomp}" in
PROD_CFLAGS="-O0 -fcommon"
if [ "$NETCDF_C_prefix" != "no" ]
if [ "$XIOS_prefix" == "notdef" ]
echo_orange "WARNING: XIOS_prefix not specified" \
" either define it with 'export XIOS_prefix=...'" \
" or don't use key_xios when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to use XIOS)."
#XIOS_LIB="-L%XIOS_PREFIX/lib -lxios -lstdc++ -Wl,-rpath=%XIOS_PREFIX/lib"
XIOS_LIB="-L%XIOS_PREFIX/lib -lxios -lstdc++"
if [ "$OASIS_prefix" == "notdef" ]
echo_orange "WARNING: OASIS_prefix not specified" \
" either define it with 'export OASIS_prefix=...'" \
" or don't use key_oasis3 when compiling nemo (-> you will not be able to run coupled simulations)."
OASIS_INC="-I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/mct -I%OASIS_PREFIX/build/lib/psmile.MPI1"
OASIS_LIB="-L%OASIS_PREFIX/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip"
# make
mkerr=$( err_which make )
gmkerr=$( err_which gmake )
if [ $( err_which $MKnemo ) -ne 0 ] # no make found
if [ $mkerr -eq 0 ] # make found
echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to make"
if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ] # gmake found
echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo not found, we switch to gmake"
echo_red "ERROR: gnu make not found, please define its path with 'export MKnemo=...'"
exit 1
isgnu=$( $MKnemo --version | head -n 1 | grep -ic gnu ) # make is gmake
if [ $isgnu -ne 1 ]
if [ $gmkerr -ne 0 ] # gmake found
echo_orange "WARNING: $MKnemo is not gnu make, we switch to gmake"
echo_red "ERROR: $MKnemo is not gnu make and gmake not found." \
" please define gnu make path with 'export MKnemo=...'"
exit 1
echo_green "MKnemo=$MKnemo"
# ar command
chk_which ARnemo "archiver"
echo_green "ARnemo=$ARnemo"
# write arch file
cat > $archname << EOF
# This arch file was automatically created by $0
# $( date )
%HDF5_PREFIX $HDF5_prefix
%CPP $CPPnemo
%FC $FCnemo
### comment out the following line if you want to use the debugging compilation options
%LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath=%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -Wl,-rpath=%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -Wl,-rpath=%XIOS_PREFIX/lib
%FPPFLAGS -P -traditional
%AR $ARnemo
%MK $MKnemo
%CC $CCnemo
# Additional module search command for Cray Fortran to enable successful parallel builds
if [ $ftncomp == "cray" ] ; then
echo "bld::tool::fc_modsearch -J" >> $archname
echo "Content of the created $archname:"
echo "-------------------------------------"
cat $archname
NEMO context
<context id="nemo">
<!-- $id$ -->
<!-- Fields definition -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> --> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
<!-- Files definition -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce-BASIC.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-ice-BASIC.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> --> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
= grid definition = = DO NOT CHANGE =
<axis id="deptht" long_name="Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="deptht300" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin="0" n="35" />
<axis id="depthu" long_name="Vertical U levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthv" long_name="Vertical V levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthw" long_name="Vertical W levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="nfloat" long_name="Float number" unit="-" />
<axis id="icbcla" long_name="Iceberg class" unit="1" />
<axis id="ncatice" long_name="Ice category" unit="1" />
<axis id="iax_20C" long_name="20 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<axis id="iax_28C" long_name="28 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<axis id="deptht_surface" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin=" 0 " n=" 1 " />
<domain_definition src="./domain_def_nemo.xml"/>
<grid_definition src="./grid_def_nemo.xml"/>
NEMO context
<context id="nemo">
<!-- $id$ -->
<!-- Fields definition -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
<!-- Files definition -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce-CMIP6.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-ice-CMIP6.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
= grid definition = = DO NOT CHANGE =
<axis id="deptht" long_name="Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="deptht300" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin="0" n="35" />
<axis id="depthu" long_name="Vertical U levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthv" long_name="Vertical V levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthw" long_name="Vertical W levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="nfloat" long_name="Float number" unit="-" />
<axis id="icbcla" long_name="Iceberg class" unit="1" />
<axis id="ncatice" long_name="Ice category" unit="1" />
<axis id="iax_20C" long_name="20 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<axis id="iax_28C" long_name="28 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<axis id="deptht_surface" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin=" 0 " n=" 1 " />
<domain_definition src="./domain_def_nemo.xml"/>
<grid_definition src="./grid_def_nemo.xml"/>
......@@ -6,12 +6,15 @@
<context id="nemo">
<!-- $id$ -->
<!-- Fields definition -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO sea-ice model -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <field_definition src="./field_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
<!-- Files definition -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO sea-ice model -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-oce.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean dynamics -->
<file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-ice.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean sea ice -->
<!-- <file_definition src="./file_def_nemo-bgc.xml"/> <!-- NEMO ocean biogeochemistry with PISCES -->
= grid definition = = DO NOT CHANGE =
......@@ -20,22 +23,24 @@
<axis id="deptht" long_name="Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="deptht300" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin="0" n="35" />
<axis id="depthu" long_name="Vertical U levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthv" long_name="Vertical V levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="depthw" long_name="Vertical W levels" unit="m" positive="down" />
<axis id="profsed" long_name="Vertical S levels" unit="cm" positive="down" />
<axis id="nfloat" long_name="Float number" unit="-" />
<axis id="icbcla" long_name="Iceberg class" unit="1" />
<axis id="ncatice" long_name="Ice category" unit="1" />
<axis id="iax_20C" long_name="20 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<axis id="iax_28C" long_name="28 degC isotherm" unit="degC" />
<!-- ABL vertical axis definition -->
<axis id="ght_abl" long_name="ABL Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive="up" />
<axis id="ghw_abl" long_name="ABL Vertical W levels" unit="m" positive="up" />
<axis id="deptht_surface" axis_ref="deptht" >
<zoom_axis begin=" 0 " n=" 1 " />
<domain_definition src="./domain_def_nemo.xml"/>
<grid_definition src="./grid_def_nemo.xml"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $id$ -->
= output files definition =
= Define your own files for sea ice =
= put the variables you want... =
<file_definition type="one_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="1mo" min_digits="4">
<file_group id="10d" output_freq="10d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 10d files -->
<file id="file21" name_suffix="_icemod" description="ice variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- ice mask -->
<field field_ref="icemask" name="simsk" />
<field field_ref="icemask05" name="simsk05" />
<field field_ref="icemask15" name="simsk15" />
<!-- general -->
<field field_ref="snwvolu" name="snvolu" />
<field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic" />
<field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" />
<field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" />
<field field_ref="icesalt" name="sisali" />
<field field_ref="iceapnd" name="siapnd" />
<field field_ref="icevpnd" name="sivpnd" />
<field field_ref="iceepnd" name="siepnd" />
<field field_ref="icevlid" name="sivlid" />
<!-- sst_m is always the potential temperature even when using teos10 -->
<field field_ref="sst_m_pot" name="sst_m_pot" />
<field field_ref="sss_m_abs" name="sss_m_abs" />
<!-- heat -->
<field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" />
<field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" />
<field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" />
<field field_ref="icetsni" name="sitsni" />
<!-- ponds -->
<field field_ref="dvpn_mlt" name="dvpn_mlt" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_lid" name="dvpn_lid" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_rnf" name="dvpn_rnf" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_drn" name="dvpn_drn" />
<!-- momentum -->
<field field_ref="uice" name="sivelu" />
<field field_ref="vice" name="sivelv" />
<field field_ref="icevel" name="sivelo" />
<field field_ref="utau_ai" name="utau_ai" />
<field field_ref="vtau_ai" name="vtau_ai" />
<field field_ref="utau_oi" name="utau_oi" />
<field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="vtau_oi" />
<!-- rheology -->
<field field_ref="icediv" name="sidive" />
<field field_ref="iceshe" name="sishea" />
<field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" />
<field field_ref="normstr" name="normstr" />
<field field_ref="sheastr" name="sheastr" />
<field field_ref="isig1" name="isig1" />
<field field_ref="isig2" name="isig2" />
<field field_ref="isig3" name="isig3" />
<!-- heat fluxes -->
<field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" />
<field field_ref="qt_atm_oi" name="qt_atm_oi" />
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_top" name="qtr_ice_top"/>
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_bot" name="qtr_ice_bot"/>
<field field_ref="qt_ice" name="qt_ice" />
<field field_ref="qsr_ice" name="qsr_ice" />
<field field_ref="qns_ice" name="qns_ice" />
<field field_ref="qemp_ice" name="qemp_ice" />
<field field_ref="albedo" name="albedo" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="hfxcndtop" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="hfxcndbot" />
<field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="hfxsensib" />
<!-- salt fluxes -->
<field field_ref="sfxice" name="sfxice" />
<!-- mass fluxes -->
<field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" />
<field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" />
<!-- categories -->
<field field_ref="icemask_cat" name="simskcat"/>
<field field_ref="snwthic_cat" name="snthicat"/>
<field field_ref="iceconc_cat" name="siconcat"/>
<field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat"/>
<field field_ref="icesalt_cat" name="sisalcat"/>
<field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat"/>
<field field_ref="iceapnd_cat" name="siapncat"/>
<field field_ref="icevpnd_cat" name="sivpncat"/>
<field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat"/>
<!-- mass balance -->
<field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" />
<field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" />
<field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" />
<field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" />
<field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" />
<field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" />
<field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" />
<field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" />
<field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" />
<field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" />
<field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" />
<field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" />
<file id="file22" name_suffix="_SBC_scalar" description="scalar variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- global contents -->
<field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" />
<!-- global drifts (conservation checks) -->
<field field_ref="ibgvolume" name="ibgvolume" />
<field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatfx" name="ibgheatfx" />
<!-- global forcings -->
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" name="ibgfrcvoltop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" name="ibgfrcvolbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" name="ibgfrctemtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" name="ibgfrctembot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" name="ibgfrcsal" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" name="ibgfrchfxtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" name="ibgfrchfxbot" />
<file_group id="1ts" output_freq="1ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1 time step files -->
<file_group id="1h" output_freq="1h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1h files -->
<file_group id="2h" output_freq="2h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 2h files -->
<file_group id="3h" output_freq="3h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 3h files -->
<file_group id="4h" output_freq="4h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 4h files -->
<file_group id="6h" output_freq="6h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 6h files -->
<file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real monthly files -->
<file_group id="2m" output_freq="2mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2m files -->
<file_group id="3m" output_freq="3mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 3m files -->
<file_group id="4m" output_freq="4mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 4m files -->
<file_group id="6m" output_freq="6mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 6m files -->
<file_group id="1y" output_freq="1y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real yearly files -->
<file_group id="2y" output_freq="2y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2y files -->
<file_group id="5y" output_freq="5y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 5y files -->
<file_group id="10y" output_freq="10y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 10y files -->
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<file_definition type="one_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="1mo" min_digits="4">
<file_group id="5d" output_freq="5d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 5d files -->
<file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1m files -->
<file id="file21" name_suffix="_icemod" description="ice variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- ice mask -->
......@@ -27,15 +27,23 @@
<field field_ref="icesalt" name="sisali" />
<field field_ref="iceapnd" name="siapnd" />
<field field_ref="icevpnd" name="sivpnd" />
<field field_ref="sst_m" name="sst_m" />
<field field_ref="sss_m" name="sss_m" />
<field field_ref="iceepnd" name="siepnd" />
<field field_ref="icevlid" name="sivlid" />
<!-- sst_m is always the potential temperature even when using teos10 -->
<field field_ref="sst_m_pot" name="sst_m_pot" />
<field field_ref="sss_m_abs" name="sss_m_abs" />
<!-- heat -->
<field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" />
<field field_ref="snwtemp" name="sntemp" />
<field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" />
<field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" />
<field field_ref="icetsni" name="sitsni" />
<!-- ponds -->
<field field_ref="dvpn_mlt" name="dvpn_mlt" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_lid" name="dvpn_lid" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_rnf" name="dvpn_rnf" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_drn" name="dvpn_drn" />
<!-- momentum -->
<field field_ref="uice" name="sivelu" />
......@@ -52,8 +60,8 @@
<field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" />
<field field_ref="normstr" name="normstr" />
<field field_ref="sheastr" name="sheastr" />
<field field_ref="sig1_pnorm" name="sig1_pnorm"/>
<field field_ref="sig2_pnorm" name="sig2_pnorm"/>
<field field_ref="sig1_pnorm" name="isig1" />
<field field_ref="sig2_pnorm" name="isig2" />
<!-- heat fluxes -->
<field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" />
......@@ -84,34 +92,51 @@
<field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat"/>
<field field_ref="icesalt_cat" name="sisalcat"/>
<field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat"/>
<field field_ref="iceapnd_cat" name="siapncat"/>
<field field_ref="icevpnd_cat" name="sivpncat"/>
<field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat"/>
<field field_ref="icettop_cat" name="sitopcat"/>
<!-- mass balance -->
<field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" />
<field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" />
<field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" />
<field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" />
<field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" />
<field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" />
<field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" />
<field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" />
<field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" />
<field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" />
<field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" />
<field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" />
<file id="file22" name_suffix="_SBC_scalar" description="scalar variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- global contents -->
<field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" />
<!-- global drifts (conservation checks) -->
<field field_ref="ibgvolume" name="ibgvolume" />
<field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatfx" name="ibgheatfx" />
<field field_ref="ibgvolume" name="ibgvolume" />
<field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatfx" name="ibgheatfx" />
<!-- global forcings -->
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" name="ibgfrcvoltop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" name="ibgfrcvolbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" name="ibgfrctemtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" name="ibgfrctembot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" name="ibgfrcsal" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" name="ibgfrchfxtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" name="ibgfrchfxbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" name="ibgfrcvoltop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" name="ibgfrcvolbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" name="ibgfrctemtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" name="ibgfrctembot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" name="ibgfrcsal" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" name="ibgfrchfxtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" name="ibgfrchfxbot" />
You can't use the standard diagnostic options with the current cycling period.
Choose the "Custom" option, copy the file_def*.xml files that
you want to use into the Rose app and adjust the meaning period
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $id$ -->
= output files definition =
= Define your own files for sea ice =
= put the variables you want... =
<file_definition type="one_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="1mo" min_digits="4">
<file_group id="10d" output_freq="10d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 10d files -->
<file id="file21" name_suffix="_icemod" description="ice variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- ice mask -->
<field field_ref="icemask" name="simsk" />
<field field_ref="icemask05" name="simsk05" />
<field field_ref="icemask15" name="simsk15" />
<!-- general -->
<field field_ref="snwvolu" name="snvolu" />
<field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic" />
<field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" />
<field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" />
<field field_ref="icesalt" name="sisali" />
<field field_ref="iceapnd" name="siapnd" />
<field field_ref="icevpnd" name="sivpnd" />
<field field_ref="iceepnd" name="siepnd" />
<field field_ref="icevlid" name="sivlid" />
<!-- sst_m is always the potential temperature even when using teos10 -->
<field field_ref="sst_m_pot" name="sst_m_pot" />
<field field_ref="sss_m_abs" name="sss_m_abs" />
<!-- heat -->
<field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" />
<field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" />
<field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" />
<field field_ref="icetsni" name="sitsni" />
<!-- ponds -->
<field field_ref="dvpn_mlt" name="dvpn_mlt" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_lid" name="dvpn_lid" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_rnf" name="dvpn_rnf" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_drn" name="dvpn_drn" />
<!-- momentum -->
<field field_ref="uice" name="sivelu" />
<field field_ref="vice" name="sivelv" />
<field field_ref="icevel" name="sivelo" />
<field field_ref="utau_ai" name="utau_ai" />
<field field_ref="vtau_ai" name="vtau_ai" />
<field field_ref="utau_oi" name="utau_oi" />
<field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="vtau_oi" />
<!-- rheology -->
<field field_ref="icediv" name="sidive" />
<field field_ref="iceshe" name="sishea" />
<field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" />
<field field_ref="normstr" name="normstr" />
<field field_ref="sheastr" name="sheastr" />
<field field_ref="isig1" name="isig1" />
<field field_ref="isig2" name="isig2" />
<field field_ref="isig3" name="isig3" />
<!-- heat fluxes -->
<field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" />
<field field_ref="qt_atm_oi" name="qt_atm_oi" />
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_top" name="qtr_ice_top"/>
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_bot" name="qtr_ice_bot"/>
<field field_ref="qt_ice" name="qt_ice" />
<field field_ref="qsr_ice" name="qsr_ice" />
<field field_ref="qns_ice" name="qns_ice" />
<field field_ref="qemp_ice" name="qemp_ice" />
<field field_ref="albedo" name="albedo" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="hfxcndtop" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="hfxcndbot" />
<field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="hfxsensib" />
<!-- salt fluxes -->
<field field_ref="sfxice" name="sfxice" />
<!-- mass fluxes -->
<field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" />
<field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" />
<!-- categories -->
<field field_ref="icemask_cat" name="simskcat"/>
<field field_ref="snwthic_cat" name="snthicat"/>
<field field_ref="iceconc_cat" name="siconcat"/>
<field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat"/>
<field field_ref="icesalt_cat" name="sisalcat"/>
<field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat"/>
<field field_ref="iceapnd_cat" name="siapncat"/>
<field field_ref="icevpnd_cat" name="sivpncat"/>
<field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat"/>
<!-- mass balance -->
<field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" />
<field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" />
<field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" />
<field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" />
<field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" />
<field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" />
<field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" />
<field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" />
<field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" />
<field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" />
<field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" />
<field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" />
<file id="file22" name_suffix="_SBC_scalar" description="scalar variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- global contents -->
<field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" />
<!-- global drifts (conservation checks) -->
<field field_ref="ibgvolume" name="ibgvolume" />
<field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatfx" name="ibgheatfx" />
<!-- global forcings -->
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" name="ibgfrcvoltop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" name="ibgfrcvolbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" name="ibgfrctemtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" name="ibgfrctembot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" name="ibgfrcsal" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" name="ibgfrchfxtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" name="ibgfrchfxbot" />
<file_group id="1ts" output_freq="1ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1 time step files -->
<file_group id="1h" output_freq="1h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1h files -->
<file_group id="2h" output_freq="2h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 2h files -->
<file_group id="3h" output_freq="3h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 3h files -->
<file_group id="4h" output_freq="4h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 4h files -->
<file_group id="6h" output_freq="6h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 6h files -->
<file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real monthly files -->
<file_group id="2m" output_freq="2mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2m files -->
<file_group id="3m" output_freq="3mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 3m files -->
<file_group id="4m" output_freq="4mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 4m files -->
<file_group id="6m" output_freq="6mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 6m files -->
<file_group id="1y" output_freq="1y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real yearly files -->
<file_group id="2y" output_freq="2y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2y files -->
<file_group id="5y" output_freq="5y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 5y files -->
<file_group id="10y" output_freq="10y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 10y files -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $id$ -->
= output files definition =
= Define your own files for sea ice =
= put the variables you want... =
<file_definition type="one_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="1mo" min_digits="4">
<file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1m files -->
<file id="file21" name_suffix="_icemod" description="ice variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- ice mask -->
<field field_ref="icemask" name="simsk" />
<field field_ref="icemask05" name="simsk05" />
<field field_ref="icemask15" name="simsk15" />
<!-- general -->
<field field_ref="snwvolu" name="snvolu" />
<field field_ref="icethic" name="sithic" />
<field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" />
<field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" />
<field field_ref="icesalt" name="sisali" />
<field field_ref="iceapnd" name="siapnd" />
<field field_ref="icevpnd" name="sivpnd" />
<field field_ref="iceepnd" name="siepnd" />
<field field_ref="icevlid" name="sivlid" />
<!-- sst_m is always the potential temperature even when using teos10 -->
<field field_ref="sst_m_pot" name="sst_m_pot" />
<field field_ref="sss_m_abs" name="sss_m_abs" />
<!-- heat -->
<field field_ref="icetemp" name="sitemp" />
<field field_ref="icettop" name="sittop" />
<field field_ref="icetbot" name="sitbot" />
<field field_ref="icetsni" name="sitsni" />
<!-- ponds -->
<field field_ref="dvpn_mlt" name="dvpn_mlt" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_lid" name="dvpn_lid" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_rnf" name="dvpn_rnf" />
<field field_ref="dvpn_drn" name="dvpn_drn" />
<!-- momentum -->
<field field_ref="uice" name="sivelu" />
<field field_ref="vice" name="sivelv" />
<field field_ref="icevel" name="sivelo" />
<field field_ref="utau_ai" name="utau_ai" />
<field field_ref="vtau_ai" name="vtau_ai" />
<field field_ref="utau_oi" name="utau_oi" />
<field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="vtau_oi" />
<!-- rheology -->
<field field_ref="icediv" name="sidive" />
<field field_ref="iceshe" name="sishea" />
<field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" />
<field field_ref="normstr" name="normstr" />
<field field_ref="sheastr" name="sheastr" />
<field field_ref="isig1" name="isig1" />
<field field_ref="isig2" name="isig2" />
<field field_ref="isig3" name="isig3" />
<!-- heat fluxes -->
<field field_ref="qt_oce_ai" name="qt_oce_ai" />
<field field_ref="qt_atm_oi" name="qt_atm_oi" />
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_top" name="qtr_ice_top"/>
<field field_ref="qtr_ice_bot" name="qtr_ice_bot"/>
<field field_ref="qt_ice" name="qt_ice" />
<field field_ref="qsr_ice" name="qsr_ice" />
<field field_ref="qns_ice" name="qns_ice" />
<field field_ref="qemp_ice" name="qemp_ice" />
<field field_ref="albedo" name="albedo" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndtop" name="hfxcndtop" />
<field field_ref="hfxcndbot" name="hfxcndbot" />
<field field_ref="hfxsensib" name="hfxsensib" />
<!-- salt fluxes -->
<field field_ref="sfxice" name="sfxice" />
<!-- mass fluxes -->
<field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" />
<field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" />
<!-- categories -->
<field field_ref="icemask_cat" name="simskcat"/>
<field field_ref="snwthic_cat" name="snthicat"/>
<field field_ref="iceconc_cat" name="siconcat"/>
<field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat"/>
<field field_ref="icesalt_cat" name="sisalcat"/>
<field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat"/>
<field field_ref="iceapnd_cat" name="siapncat"/>
<field field_ref="icevpnd_cat" name="sivpncat"/>
<field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat"/>
<!-- mass balance -->
<field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" />
<field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" />
<field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" />
<field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" />
<field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" />
<field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" />
<field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" />
<field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" />
<field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" />
<field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" />
<field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" />
<field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" />
<field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" />
<file id="file22" name_suffix="_SBC_scalar" description="scalar variables" enabled=".true." >
<!-- global contents -->
<field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" name="ibgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" name="sbgvol_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" name="ibgarea_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" name="ibgsalt_tot" />
<field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" name="ibgheat_tot" />
<field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" name="sbgheat_tot" />
<!-- global drifts (conservation checks) -->
<field field_ref="ibgvolume" name="ibgvolume" />
<field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />
<field field_ref="ibgheatfx" name="ibgheatfx" />
<!-- global forcings -->
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" name="ibgfrcvoltop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" name="ibgfrcvolbot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" name="ibgfrctemtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" name="ibgfrctembot" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" name="ibgfrcsal" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" name="ibgfrchfxtop" />
<field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" name="ibgfrchfxbot" />
<file_group id="1ts" output_freq="1ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1 time step files -->
<file_group id="1h" output_freq="1h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1h files -->
<file_group id="2h" output_freq="2h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 2h files -->
<file_group id="3h" output_freq="3h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 3h files -->
<file_group id="4h" output_freq="4h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 4h files -->
<file_group id="6h" output_freq="6h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 6h files -->
<file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real monthly files -->
<file_group id="2m" output_freq="2mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2m files -->
<file_group id="3m" output_freq="3mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 3m files -->
<file_group id="4m" output_freq="4mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 4m files -->
<file_group id="6m" output_freq="6mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 6m files -->
<file_group id="1y" output_freq="1y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real yearly files -->
<file_group id="2y" output_freq="2y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2y files -->
<file_group id="5y" output_freq="5y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 5y files -->
<file_group id="10y" output_freq="10y" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 10y files -->