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Commit b5683d3d authored by Nicolas Martin's avatar Nicolas Martin :speech_balloon:
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Update of namelist blocks in preparation to 4.2 release

parent fff940c9
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with 147 additions and 139 deletions
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bresp = 0.033 ! Basal respiration rate
chlcnm = 0.033 ! Maximum Chl/C in nanophytoplankton
chlcdm = 0.05 ! Maximum Chl/C in diatoms
chlcmin = 0.004 ! Minimum Chl/c in phytoplankton
fecnm = 40E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in nanophytoplankton
fecdm = 40E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in diatoms
grosip = 0.159 ! mean Si/C ratio
chlcmin = 0.003 ! Minimum Chl/c in phytoplankton
fecnm = 60E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in nanophytoplankton
fecdm = 60E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in diatoms
grosip = 0.13 ! mean Si/C ratio
&namp4zzoo ! parameters for microzooplankton for PISCES std - ln_p4z
part = 0.5 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo guts
grazrat = 3.0 ! maximal zoo grazing rate
resrat = 0.03 ! exsudation rate of zooplankton
mzrat = 0.004 ! zooplankton mortality rate
xprefc = 0.1 ! Microzoo preference for POM
part = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo guts
grazrat = 2.0 ! maximal zoo grazing rate
resrat = 0.02 ! Linear mortality rate of zooplankton
mzrat = 0.005 ! zooplankton mortality rate
xprefc = 0.15 ! Microzoo preference for POM
xprefn = 1. ! Microzoo preference for Nanophyto
xprefd = 0.6 ! Microzoo preference for Diatoms
xprefd = 0.8 ! Microzoo preference for Diatoms
xthreshdia = 1.E-8 ! Diatoms feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshphy = 1.E-8 ! Nanophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshpoc = 1.E-8 ! POC feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthresh = 3.E-7 ! Food threshold for feeding
xkgraz = 20.E-6 ! half sturation constant for grazing
epsher = 0.3 ! Efficiency of microzoo growth
epshermin = 0.3 ! Minimum efficiency of microzoo growth
epsher = 0.4 ! Efficiency of microzoo growth
epshermin = 0.4 ! Minimum efficiency of microzoo growth
sigma1 = 0.6 ! Fraction of microzoo excretion as DOM
unass = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of phyto by zoo
xsigma = 0.5 ! Predation window size
xsigmadel = 1.0 ! Predation window size scaling
&namp5zlim ! parameters for nutrient limitations PISCES QUOTA - ln_p5z
concnno3 = 3e-6 ! Nitrate half saturation of nanophytoplankton
concpno3 = 1e-6
concdno3 = 4E-6 ! Phosphate half saturation for diatoms
concnnh4 = 1.5E-6 ! NH4 half saturation for phyto
concpnh4 = 4E-7
concdnh4 = 2E-6 ! NH4 half saturation for diatoms
concnpo4 = 3E-6 ! PO4 half saturation for phyto
concppo4 = 1.5E-6
concdpo4 = 4E-6 ! PO4 half saturation for diatoms
concnfer = 3E-9 ! Iron half saturation for phyto
concpfer = 1.5E-9
concdfer = 4E-9 ! Iron half saturation for diatoms
concbfe = 1.E-11 ! Half-saturation for Fe limitation of Bacteria
concbnh4 = 1.E-7 ! NH4 half saturation for phyto
concbno3 = 5.E-7 ! Phosphate half saturation for diatoms
concbpo4 = 1E-7 ! Phosphate half saturation for bacteria
concnno3 = 2e-6 ! Nitrate half saturation of nanophytoplankton
concpno3 = 7e-7 ! Nitrate half saturation of picophytoplankton
concdno3 = 3E-6 ! Phosphate half saturation for diatoms
concnnh4 = 2E-6 ! NH4 half saturation for phyto
concpnh4 = 7E-7 ! NH4 half saturation for picophytoplankton
concdnh4 = 3E-6 ! NH4 half saturation for diatoms
concnpo4 = 2E-6 ! PO4 half saturation for phyto
concppo4 = 7E-7 ! PO4 half saturation for picophytoplankton
concdpo4 = 3E-6 ! PO4 half saturation for diatoms
concnfer = 3E-9 ! Iron half saturation for phyto
concpfer = 1E-9 ! Iron half saturation for picophytoplankton
concdfer = 4.5E-9 ! Iron half saturation for diatoms
concbfe = 3E-11 ! Half-saturation for Fe limitation of Bacteria
concbnh4 = 4.E-7 ! NH4 half saturation for phyto
concbno3 = 4.E-7 ! Phosphate half saturation for diatoms
concbpo4 = 4.E-7 ! Phosphate half saturation for bacteria
xsizedia = 1.E-6 ! Minimum size criteria for diatoms
xsizephy = 1.E-6 ! Minimum size criteria for phyto
xsizepic = 1.E-6
xsizern = 1.0 ! Size ratio for nanophytoplankton
xsizerp = 1.0
xsizepic = 5.E-7 ! Minimum size criteria for picophyto
xsizern = 3.0 ! Size ratio for nanophytoplankton
xsizerp = 2.0 ! Size ratio for picophytoplankton
xsizerd = 4.0 ! Size ratio for diatoms
xksi1 = 2.E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si uptake
xksi2 = 20E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si/C
xksi1 = 8.E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si uptake
xksi2 = 20E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si/C
xkdoc = 417.E-6 ! half-saturation constant of DOC remineralization
caco3r = 0.35 ! mean rain ratio
caco3r = 0.3 ! mean rain ratio
oxymin = 1.E-6 ! Half-saturation constant for anoxia
&namp5zmes ! parameters for mesozooplankton
part2 = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in mesozoo guts
grazrat2 = 0.85 ! maximal mesozoo grazing rate
bmetexc2 = .true. ! Metabolic use of excess carbon
resrat2 = 0.005 ! exsudation rate of mesozooplankton
mzrat2 = 0.02 ! mesozooplankton mortality rate
xpref2d = 1. ! zoo preference for phyto
xpref2p = 1. ! zoo preference for POC
xpref2z = 1. ! zoo preference for zoo
xpref2m = 0.2 ! meso preference for zoo
xpref2c = 0.3 ! zoo preference for poc
xthresh2zoo = 1E-8 ! zoo feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2dia = 1E-8 ! diatoms feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2phy = 1E-8 ! nanophyto feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2mes = 1E-8 ! meso feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2poc = 1E-8 ! poc feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
part2 = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in mesozoo guts
grazrat2 = 0.5 ! maximal mesozoo grazing rate
bmetexc2 = .true. ! Metabolic use of excess carbon
resrat2 = 0.005 ! exsudation rate of mesozooplankton
mzrat2 = 0.01 ! mesozooplankton mortality rate
xpref2d = 1. ! meso preference for diatoms
xpref2n = 0.3 ! meso preference for nano
xpref2z = 1. ! meso preference for zoo
xpref2m = 0. ! meso preference for zoo
xpref2c = 0.3 ! meso preference for poc
xthresh2zoo = 1E-8 ! zoo feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2dia = 1E-8 ! diatoms feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2phy = 1E-8 ! nanophyto feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2mes = 1E-8 ! meso feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2poc = 1E-8 ! poc feeding threshold for mesozooplankton
xthresh2 = 3E-7 ! Food threshold for grazing
xkgraz2 = 20.E-6 ! half sturation constant for meso grazing
epsher2 = 0.5 ! Efficicency of Mesozoo growth
epsher2min = 0.2 ! Minimum efficiency of mesozoo growth
ssigma2 = 0.5 ! Fraction excreted as semi-labile DOM
srespir2 = 0.2 ! Active respiration
unass2c = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of P by mesozoo
unass2n = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of N by mesozoo
unass2p = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of P by mesozoo
grazflux = 3.e3 ! flux-feeding rate
epsher2min = 0.5 ! Minimum efficiency of mesozoo growth
ssigma2 = 0.5 ! Fraction excreted as semi-labile DOM
srespir2 = 0.2 ! Active respiration
unass2c = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of C by mesozoo
unass2n = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of N by mesozoo
unass2p = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of P by mesozoo
xsigma2 = 0.5 ! Predation window size
xsigma2del = 1.0 ! Predation window size scaling
grazflux = 3.e3 ! flux-feeding rate
ln_dvm_meso = .false. ! Activates DVM for mesozooplankton
xfracmig = 0.25 ! Fraction of mesozooplankton performing DVM
......@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
wchln = 0.01 ! quadratic mortality of nanophytoplankton
wchlp = 0.01 ! quadratic mortality of picophytoplankton
wchld = 0.01 ! maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms
wchldm = 0.02 ! maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms
wchld = 0.03 ! maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms
mpratn = 0.01 ! nanophytoplankton mortality rate
mpratp = 0.01 ! picophytoplankton mortality rate
mprat2 = 0.01 ! Diatoms mortality rate
mpratd = 0.01 ! Diatoms mortality rate
&namp5zprod ! parameters for phytoplankton growth for PISCES quota- ln_p5z
pislopen = 3. ! P-I slope
pislopep = 3. ! P-I slope for picophytoplankton
pisloped = 3. ! P-I slope for diatoms
pislopen = 5 ! P-I slope of nanophytoplankton
pislopep = 5 ! P-I slope for picophytoplankton
pisloped = 5 ! P-I slope for diatoms
excretn = 0.05 ! excretion ratio of phytoplankton
excretp = 0.05 ! excretion ratio of picophytoplankton
excretd = 0.05 ! excretion ratio of diatoms
xadap = 0. ! Adaptation factor to low light
bresp = 0.02 ! Basal respiration rate
thetannm = 0.25 ! Maximum Chl/N in nanophytoplankton
thetanpm = 0.25 ! Maximum Chl/N in picophytoplankton
thetandm = 0.3 ! Maximum Chl/N in diatoms
chlcmin = 0.004 ! Minimum Chl/c in phytoplankton
grosip = 0.131 ! mean Si/C ratio
thetannm = 0.3 ! Maximum Chl/N in nanophytoplankton
thetanpm = 0.3 ! Maximum Chl/N in picophytoplankton
thetandm = 0.4 ! Maximum Chl/N in diatoms
chlcmin = 0.003 ! Minimum Chl/c in phytoplankton
grosip = 0.12 ! mean Si/C ratio
&namp5zquota ! parameters for nutrient limitations PISCES quota - ln_p5z
qfnopt = 7.E-6 ! Optimal Fe quota of nanophyto
qfpopt = 7.E-6 ! Optimal Fe quota of picophyto
qfdopt = 7.E-6 ! Optimal quota of diatoms
qnnmin = 0.29 ! Minimal N quota for nano
qnnmax = 1.39 ! Maximal N quota for nano
qpnmin = 0.28 ! Minimal P quota for nano
qpnmax = 1.06 ! Maximal P quota for nano
qnpmin = 0.42 ! Minimal N quota for pico
qfnopt = 12.E-6 ! Optimal Fe quota of nanophyto
qfpopt = 12.E-6 ! Optimal Fe quota of picophyto
qfdopt = 12.E-6 ! Optimal quota of diatoms
qnnmin = 0.61 ! Minimal N quota for nano
qnnmax = 1.25 ! Maximal N quota for nano
qpnmin = 0.24 ! Minimal P quota for nano
qpnmax = 1.35 ! Maximal P quota for nano
qnpmin = 1.02 ! Minimal N quota for pico
qnpmax = 1.39 ! Maximal N quota for pico
qppmin = 0.25 ! Minimal P quota for pico
qppmax = 0.7 ! Maximal P quota for pico
qndmin = 0.25 ! Minimal N quota for diatoms
qndmax = 1.39 ! Maximal N quota for diatoms
qpdmin = 0.29 ! Minimal P quota for diatoms
qpdmax = 1.32 ! Maximal P quota for diatoms
qfnmax = 40E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for nano
qfpmax = 40E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for pico
qfdmax = 40E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for diatoms
qppmin = 0.19 ! Minimal P quota for pico
qppmax = 1.15 ! Maximal P quota for pico
qndmin = 0.51 ! Minimal N quota for diatoms
qndmax = 1.25 ! Maximal N quota for diatoms
qpdmin = 0.24 ! Minimal P quota for diatoms
qpdmax = 1.525 ! Maximal P quota for diatoms
qfnmax = 60E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for nano
qfpmax = 60E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for pico
qfdmax = 60E-6 ! Maximal Fe quota for diatoms
&namp5zzoo ! parameters for microzooplankton
part = 0.5 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo gutsa
grazrat = 2.75 ! maximal zoo grazing rate
part = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo gutsa
grazrat = 2.0 ! maximal zoo grazing rate
bmetexc = .true. ! Metabolic use of excess carbon
resrat = 0.03 ! exsudation rate of zooplankton
resrat = 0.02 ! exsudation rate of zooplankton
mzrat = 0.005 ! zooplankton mortality rate
xprefc = 0.1 ! Microzoo preference for POM
xprefn = 1. ! Microzoo preference for Nanophyto
xprefp = 1.6 ! Microzoo preference for picophyto
xprefc = 0.15 ! Microzoo preference for POM
xprefn = 1.0 ! Microzoo preference for Nanophyto
xprefp = 1.0 ! Microzoo preference for picophyto
xprefd = 1.0 ! Microzoo preference for Diatoms
xprefz = 0.3 ! Microzoo preference for microzooplankton
xprefz = 0. ! Microzoo preference for microzooplankton
xthreshdia = 1.E-8 ! Diatoms feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshphy = 1.E-8 ! Nanophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshpic = 1.E-8
xthreshzoo = 1.E-8 ! Nanophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshpic = 1.E-8 ! Picophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshzoo = 1.E-8 ! Microzoo feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshpoc = 1.E-8 ! POC feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthresh = 3.E-7 ! Food threshold for feeding
xkgraz = 20.E-6 ! half sturation constant for grazing
xkgraz = 20.E-6 ! half saturation constant for grazing
epsher = 0.5 ! Efficiency of microzoo growth
epshermin = 0.2 ! Minimum efficiency of microzoo growth
epshermin = 0.5 ! Minimum efficiency of microzoo growth
ssigma = 0.5 ! Fraction excreted as semi-labile DOM
srespir = 0.2 ! Active respiration
unassc = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of C by zoo
unassn = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of C by zoo
unassp = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of C by zoo
unassn = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of N by zoo
unassp = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of P by zoo
xsigma = 0.5 ! Predation window size
xsigmadel = 1.0 ! Predation window size scaling
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
jpl = 5 ! number of ice categories
nlay_i = 2 ! number of ice layers
nlay_s = 1 ! number of snow layers (only 1 is working)
nlay_s = 2 ! number of snow layers
ln_virtual_itd = .false. ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterization (jpl=1 only)
! i.e. enhanced thermal conductivity & virtual thin ice melting
ln_icedyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or not (F)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask !
! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename !
sn_patm = 'presatm' , -1. , 'patm' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''
sn_patm = 'presatm.orca2' , 24. , 'presatm' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''
sn_atmco2 = 'presatmco2' , -1. , 'xco2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''
cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the dynamical files
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
sedfeinput = 2.e-9 ! Coastal release of Iron
distcoast = 5.e3 ! Distance off the coast for Iron from sediments
mfrac = 0.035 ! Fe mineral fraction of dust
wdust = 2.0 ! Dust sinking speed
wdust = 2.0 ! Dust sinking speed
icefeinput = 15.e-9 ! Iron concentration in sea ice
hratio = 1.e+7 ! Fe to 3He ratio assumed for vent iron supply
hratio = 1.e+7 ! Fe to 3He ratio assumed for vent iron supply
! ! ln_ligand
lgw_rath = 0.5 ! Weak ligand ratio from sed hydro sources
lgw_rath = 0.2 ! Weak ligand ratio from sed hydro sources
&nampisbio ! biological parameters
nrdttrc = 1 ! time step frequency for biology
wsbio = 2. ! POC sinking speed
xkmort = 2.E-7 ! half saturation constant for mortality
ferat3 = 10.E-6 ! Fe/C in zooplankton
wsbio2 = 50. ! Big particles sinking speed
wsbio2max = 50. ! Big particles maximum sinking speed
wsbio2scale = 5000. ! Big particles length scale of sinking
nrdttrc = 1 ! time step frequency for biology
wsbio = 2. ! POC sinking speed
xkmort = 1.E-7 ! half saturation constant for mortality
feratz = 10.E-6 ! Fe/C in zooplankton
feratm = 15.E-6 ! Fe/C in mesozooplankton
wsbio2 = 50. ! Big particles sinking speed
wsbio2max = 50. ! Big particles maximum sinking speed
wsbio2scale = 5000. ! Big particles length scale of sinking
! ! ln_ligand enabled
ldocp = 1.E-4 ! Phyto ligand production per unit doc
ldocz = 1.E-4 ! Zoo ligand production per unit doc
lthet = 1.0 ! Proportional loss of ligands due to Fe uptake
ldocp = 1.E-4 ! Phyto ligand production per unit doc
ldocz = 1.E-4 ! Zoo ligand production per unit doc
lthet = 1.0 ! Proportional loss of ligands due to Fe uptake
! ! ln_p5z enabled
no3rat3 = 0.182 ! N/C ratio in zooplankton
po4rat3 = 0.0094 ! P/C ratio in zooplankton
no3rat3 = 0.151 ! N/C ratio in zooplankton
po4rat3 = 0.00943 ! P/C ratio in zooplankton
&nampiscal ! parameters for Calcite chemistry
kdca = 6. ! calcite dissolution rate constant (1/time)
nca = 1. ! order of dissolution reaction (dimensionless)
kdca = 100. ! calcite dissolution rate constant (1/time)
nca = 4.7 ! order of dissolution reaction (dimensionless)
&nampisfer ! parameters for iron chemistry
ln_ligvar = .false. ! variable ligand concentration
xlam1 = 0.005 ! scavenging rate of Iron
xlamdust = 150.0 ! Scavenging rate of dust
ligand = 0.7E-9 ! Ligands concentration
ln_ligvar = .false. ! variable ligand concentration
xlam1 = 0.02 ! scavenging rate of Iron by biogenic particles
xlamdust = 150.0 ! Scavenging rate of Iron by dust
ligand = 1E-9 ! Ligands concentration
kfep = 0.01 ! Nanoparticle formation rate constant
scaveff = 1.0 ! Fraction of scavenged Fe that goes to POFe
&nampislig ! Namelist parameters for ligands, nampislig
rlgw = 100. ! Lifetime (years) of weak ligands
rlgw = 300. ! Lifetime (years) of weak ligands
rlig = 1.E-4 ! Remin ligand production per unit C
prlgw = 1.E-4 ! Photolysis of weak ligand
prlgw = 3.E-4 ! Photolysis of weak ligand
rlgs = 1. ! Lifetime (years) of strong ligands
xklig = 1.E-9 ! 1/2 saturation constant of photolysis
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
&nampismod ! Model used
ln_p2z = .false. ! LOBSTER model used
ln_p4z = .true. ! PISCES model used
ln_p5z = .false. ! PISCES QUOTA model used
ln_p4z = .true. ! PISCES model used
ln_p5z = .false. ! PISCES QUOTA model used
ln_ligand = .false. ! Enable organic ligands
ln_sediment = .false. ! Enable sediment module
......@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the dynamical files
ln_varpar = .true. ! boolean for PAR variable
parlux = 0.43 ! Fraction of shortwave as PAR
ln_p4z_dcyc = .false. ! Diurnal cycle in PISCES
&nampispoc ! parameters for organic particles
xremip = 0.035 ! remineralisation rate of PON
xremip = 0.035 ! remineralisation rate of POC
jcpoc = 15 ! Number of lability classes
rshape = 1.0 ! Shape of the gamma function
! ! ln_p5z
xremipc = 0.02 ! remineralisation rate of POC
xremipn = 0.025 ! remineralisation rate of PON
xremipp = 0.03 ! remineralisation rate of POP
xremipc = 0.028 ! remineralisation rate of POC
xremipn = 0.03 ! remineralisation rate of PON
xremipp = 0.035 ! remineralisation rate of POP
&nampisrem ! parameters for remineralization
xremik = 0.3 ! remineralization rate of DOC
nitrif = 0.05 ! NH4 nitrification rate
xsirem = 0.003 ! remineralization rate of Si
xsiremlab = 0.03 ! fast remineralization rate of Si
xsilab = 0.5 ! Fraction of labile biogenic silica
feratb = 10.E-6 ! Fe/C quota in bacteria
xkferb = 3E-10 ! Half-saturation constant for bacteria Fe/C
feratb = 60.E-6 ! Fe/C quota in bacteria
xkferb = 4E-10 ! Half-saturation constant for bacteria Fe/C
! ! ln_p5z
xremikc = 0.25 ! remineralization rate of DOC
xremikn = 0.35 ! remineralization rate of DON
xremikp = 0.4 ! remineralization rate of DOP
! feratb = 20E-6 ! Bacterial Fe/C ratio
! xkferb = 3E-10 ! Half-saturation constant for bact. Fe/C
xremikc = 0.4 ! remineralization rate of DOC
xremikn = 0.4 ! remineralization rate of DON
xremikp = 0.5 ! remineralization rate of DOP
&nampissed ! parameters for sediments mobilization
&nampissed ! Namelist parameters for sediment mobilisation
nitrfix = 1.e-7 ! Nitrogen fixation rate
diazolight = 50. ! Diazotrophs sensitivity to light (W/m2)
nitrfix = 2.e-7 ! Nitrogen fixation rate
diazolight = 30. ! Diazotrophs sensitivity to light (W/m2)
concfediaz = 1.e-10 ! Diazotrophs half-saturation Cste for Iron
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